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03x27 - Full Moon

Posted: 04/28/23 06:53
by bunniefuu
Some people call it a fruit, and
some people call it a vegetable.

But the way I look at it, a tomato by
any other name would taste as sweet.

Why do they need
all this protection?

Well, a tomato is very much
like a human soul.

It takes a long time to ripen,
and it bruises real easy.

Feast your buds, baby.
Sarah won't mind.

See, Mommy?

Wow, look at those scary flames.

And who's the fireman
on the ladder?

Daddy. He's a hero.

Sarah, help?

Daddy? Hmm?

If our house was on fire,
would you save us?

Oh, you bet I would, baby. You'll
always be safe when I'm around.

Okay, Lorrin, let's scoot.
Come on.

Where's Pinkie?
I can't go without Pinkie.

She's too old
for that security blanket.

Oh, there's nothing wrong
with a little security.

You look nice. Thanks.

Do you think it's too...

No, I think you're gonna be the
most beautiful woman in that room.

LORRIN: I can't find it.

I'll handle this. I'll
meet you outside. Okay.

Lovely life, lovely
family, lovely garden.

I don't see a problem.

TESS: Well, you have
to dig deeper, baby.

There's a weed in Sarah's life

and she can't get rid of it
no matter what she does.

The roots are just
down too deep.

LORRIN: We found it! Oh, good.

Anything interesting?

Uh, just my seed catalogue.
Come on.

What is Sarah hiding, Tess?
More than that letter.

Sarah has looked
into the face of evil

and it's getting ready
to look back.

♫ When you walk down the road

♫ Heavy burden, heavy load

♫ I will rise
and I will walk with you

♫ I'll walk with you
till the sun don't even shine

♫ Walk with you, every time

♫ I tell you I'll walk with you

♫ Walk with you

♫ Believe me
I'll walk with you ♫

The Medal of Valor is the highest
honor a fire fighter can receive.

Now Ed Bingham here
will be the first to tell you

that saving lives
is just part of the job.

But this is the first guy
on the truck when we go out,

he's the last guy
to give up on a rescue.

Of course,
he is kind of a hot head.


Ed gets a little mad when people are in
trouble. When he thinks people are...

Lorrin, I'm gonna go out for
a moment, okay? No, Mommy.

It's okay, sweetie. Daddy's right there.
I'll be right back.

We're called to a four alarm, fully
involved house fire. There's Ed, first guy,

in his running shorts.


Oh, God, no.

Mommy, what's wrong?

Nothing, sweetie.

You could put the soft part
on your cheek if you want.

That always
makes me feel better.


TESS: Good morning.
How may I help you?

Hi. My name is Sarah Bingham.
I was here six years ago.

I'm not sure who I spoke with, but...
What is this place, Mommy?

And what is your name, precious?

She's very shy. She doesn't
talk to strangers.

Lorrin. What's yours?

Tess, and I'm very pleased
to meet you, Lorrin.

I had a goldfish named Tess,
but she died

and went down the toilet to heaven.


That's all right, baby. There are
lot of ways to get to heaven.

Now it just so happens

that I can get you
an appointment

with one of our
best counselors right away.

Hello, Sarah. My name is Monica.

Would you like to set that down?

No, thank you. I, uh...

I'm worried
about my little girl.

She, she gets frightened when
I'm not around. I'm just...

Oh, don't be.

She'll be just fine
with Tess. I promise.




You can't be too careful as a
mother these days. Of course.

I don't know what I'd do
if anything happened to her.


I'm sorry.
I think I've made a mistake.

I really shouldn't have come.

I'm not ready
to talk about this.

I can tell that you're
afraid, but really,

this is a very safe place.

I don't think
there's any such place.

I used to think there was.
I had a beautiful home

and a husband and a baby, and...

Six years ago...

Six years ago... Please don't.

I'm sorry.

I just, I... It's like...

I feel very alone.

Well, what about your husband?

I can't talk to him about this.

He just... He can't handle...

What can't he handle? I'm sorry.


My, my,
what a cute little blanket.

My Mommy made it for me.
It keeps me safe.

Oh, sweetheart, you don't need
a blanket to keep you safe.

God is watching over you. He
watches over you all the time.

And even though you can't
see him, he's right here

and you can speak to him
whenever you want to.

My Mommy doesn't like me
talking to strangers.

Oh, God isn't a stranger.

He's the best friend
you've ever had.

Thank you for watching her for me.
No problem.

Come on, sweetie, let's go.
Don't forget Daddy's medal.

I hear your husband is a hero.

He saves people.

Sarah, if there's anything I can
do to help, anything at all...

Would you...

Would you meet me on Friday
at 2:00, here?

I'd be glad to.

Okay. Thank you.

Come on, sweetie. Bye, baby.

The State Prison.

Tess, what is Sarah hiding?
Did she do something wrong?

No, baby, she didn't do
anything wrong.


Thank you so much
for coming, Monica.

Sarah, I still don't understand.

Oh, God.

Carl Atwater? Yes, sir.

PAROLE OFFICER: The Parole Board
has received your fitness report

as well as your ID 44 endorsement
from your Section Warden.

According to your
supervising psychiatrist,

your progress
has been exemplary.

Taking into account your activities
on the Prison Worship Committee

and the six years you've already
served, he recommends parole.

Praise God.

Do you regret your crime?

Oh, I do. Yes, sir, I do.

Every minute

of every day.

I know how much pain
I've caused.

If released, will you be
able to live your life

in accordance with the
laws of this state

and the statutes of this county?

Oh, yes, sir.

Do you consider yourself
ready to re-enter society?

Yes, sir, I do.

Oh, the Lord
is my strength and song

and He has become my salvation.




I really do love you, you know.

(WHISPERING) Sweet dreams, Lorrin.


Not another sound,
or I'll k*ll them all.


No, please don't let him out.

Rapists don't reform.

They get out of prison and they
r*pe again and again and again.

Don't you know what he did to me?
Didn't you see the pictures?

The bruises on my throat.
He tore my hair out.

He cut me with a knife here
and here and here. Please.

Mrs. Bingham, we understand
how difficult this must be.

Mr. Atwater has served his time,

and we have every reason
to believe he's a changed man.

I promise he'll be under the strict
supervision of the Parole Board.

Carl Atwater, according to
Penal Code 9.94 A,

you must report to your parole
office within 24 hours of release.

Yes, sir.

I'm so sorry, Sarah.

How could they fall
for that act?

Monica, he has no right to believe in God.
He has no right.

If anyone needs to believe in
God, it's a man like that.

ANDREW: Carl Atwater? Yes, sir.

Hi. My name is Andrew.

How do you do? Very well. I
will be your parole officer.

Okay, let's start by going over
the conditions of your parole.

Firstly, the parolee
must register with

the County Sheriff's Office
within five days.

The parolee may not travel outside of a 50
mile radius without written permission.

You may have no access
to any firearm, amm*nit*on,

or any item
resembling a firearm.

And most importantly, you may have
no contact at all with your victim.

Any questions? No, sir.

Okay, good.

Now according to your
psychological evaluation

you attended some anger management
classes while in prison.

Mmm-hmm, mmm-hmm,
and they helped me some,

but not as much
as finding the Lord.

I'm glad to hear that.

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet"

"and a light unto thy path."

Oh, I got the Lord in my heart.
Got an angel on my shoulder.

It's gonna take
more than a tattoo, Carl.

First thing you need to do is find
a job, then find a place to live.

When you do that,
report back here to me.

In the meantime, I have
your release funds. $100.

Thank you very much.
You're very welcome.


(SARAH GASPING) Don't be afraid.
I won't hurt you.

What do you want?

I need your forgiveness.

I know that's a hard thing
to ask of you.


No, please, I won't hurt you.

I just... Let me read to
you from the Bible here.

"I repent"

"me of the evil
I have done onto you."

Jeremiah, Chapter 42,
Verse 10. See.

So help me God, ma'am,
I will not hurt you.

I just want you to know
how sorry I am.

I hope you can find it
in your heart to forgive me.

"Blessed is he whose
transgression is forgiven."

Psalms, Chapter 52.


Now you,
you don't wanna do that.

Get out of here. Go away.
Please, just...

Go away. Go away!



Well, maybe we can call
the Parole Board.

You know, this is a direct
violation of Carl's parole.

We'll call them right now.
No, no.

What's wrong, Sarah?

I don't want to call
the Parole Board.

They're the ones that let
him out in the first place.

Yes, and they're the ones that
can put him right back in again.

But before that would
ever happen,

Ed would find out

and I didn't tell him
about the parole hearing.

Sarah, he's your husband. He should
be helping you through this.

Yes, he's my husband.
He's my best friend.

He's trying so hard to be a good man.
This, this...

This thing has been so...


The night that it happened,
we had had a fight.

It was something stupid.
I don't even remember what.

And Ed lost his temper

and he ended up
sleeping on the couch.

He blames himself.

He's a fireman. It's his
job to rescue people.

But he couldn't rescue you.

And when he saw what had
happened to me he was so angry,

he wanted to go out
and k*ll the guy.

I had to make him
give me his g*n.

I hid it in the garden

under my prize tomatoes.

Sarah, has your husband ever
considered a little counseling?

No, he won't come.

I brought him here
six years ago.

Then after one session
he wouldn't come back.

He said he just wanted
to move on.

So we moved on.

I've tried so hard
to get past this thing.

Oh, if Ed finds out that Carl
is free, Monica, I'm so afraid.

Of Carl, or your husband?



Sarah, one of the reasons
that angry men turn violent

is because they feel
powerless, helpless.

So do I.

You cannot bury your anger in a vegetable
garden any more than you can bury the truth.

You must tell him, Sarah.

Carl, what's wrong?

It's not as easy as I thought.
What's that?

Being a man of God.

Well, see,

I thought if you started living by the
Good Book, things would be easier.

But, I'm just holding on here.

I'm really struggling.

I can't find a job.

The way people look at me.


You know, Carl,
there are a lot of people

who don't believe
that people can change

and there are a lot of people who
would like to see you go under.

But God has given you
the way to stay afloat.

"When you pass
through the waters,"

"I will be with you;."

"Through the rivers,"

"they shall not overflow you."

"When you walk through the fire,"

"you shall not be burned."

You remember that, Carl.

When you walk through that
fire, God will be with you.

But he never said
that there wouldn't be fire.

Yes, yes, our God
is a consuming fire.

And so is your anger, Carl.

One of them is going
to consume you,

but that choice is yours.

It says here
that you have a very,

very real problem with anger,
especially towards women.

It says that
you beat your ex-wife.

The Bible says, "Wives",

"submit yourselves unto your
husbands as unto the Lord."

My wife didn't.

You mean your ex-wife.

Carl, you beat her.

You beat her more than once.

She's got no right
to keep me from my kid.

And you've got no right
to twist the Bible around

to justify behaviour that
God has nothing to do with.

Carl, your own actions were responsible
for that restraining order.

You don't know nothing about it.

Oh, yes, I do.

She almost died one night.

Believe me, I know.


Oh, great. Homemade salsa.

Come here. Sit down next to me.

You know what I was thinking?

I was thinking that we ought
to take a weekend together.

Go out to San Juan Island. Rent
a sailboat, just you and me.

What about Lorrin?

We'll let her stay
at your Mom's, or my Mom's.

Whatever, but she'll be safe.
I promise.


Ed, I...

It's not a promise
that you can keep.

Yeah, whatever.

Ed, please.

Hey. Listen to me.

What's this?

"The above named prisoner will be
scheduled for a parole hearing"

"one week from the date
of this letter."

"If you have any questions,
please contact..."

It's too late.
He was released last week.

Why didn't you tell me
about this?

I was, I was afraid.

I was afraid of
what you would do.



LORRIN: Daddy! Daddy!

SARAH: Lorrin, what's wrong, honey?
A monster.

Oh. LORRIN: A monster.

The window's locked, sweetheart.
Look under the bed.

It's just another bad dream.

It's okay.
I'm afraid of the monster.

Hey, you look at me.

You don't have to be afraid.

I'm gonna protect you and Mommy.

I promise.

It's okay.

Hi. My husband's just getting some milk.
All right.

SARAH: I have some coupons here.

Paper or plastic, ma'am?

Sarah, I didn't know if you
wanted low-fat or non-fat or...


Mister, they shouldn't have
let you out of prison.

Bible says "He that is
slow to anger..." Shut up.

Sir, what's the problem?

Yeah, I'll tell you what the problem is.
This man is a r*pist.

Mister, I need this job.

Yeah, I'll bet you do.

I'll bet you can't wait to help
a pretty lady out to her car.


Get off me. Get off me.


Get him off me. Get him off me!

Get him off me!

SARAH: I didn't know
where else to go.

I'm really glad you're here.
Both of you.

Six years ago I came here.

Not 'cause I wanted to, but because
it was important to Sarah.

Talked to a nice young girl.

She told me to be supportive

and that's exactly
what I've been.

I tried very hard
not to upset Sarah,

not to get angry,

not to rock the boat.

I've never even brought it up.

Hiding anger
doesn't make it go away,

and it doesn't make
the fear go away, either.

I'm not afraid.

Anger is the child of fear.

Well, I didn't need help then
and I don't need it now.

Please, Ed, don't shut me out.

I don't wanna talk about this.

That's what he always says.

"I don't wanna talk about it."

That's what you said that night.

That's how you ended up
on the couch.

Don't you think I know that?

Don't you think not a day goes
by that I don't regret that?

I don't think that
she's blaming you.

You don't think?

She blames me.

She may not say it
but she blames me.

Well, let me tell you something.

I blame you, too.


Why didn't you scream?

Why didn't you shout?

Why didn't you make
some kind of noise?

He said he was
going to k*ll you.

I was protecting you
and the baby.

That is my job!

Ed, please, wait. Wait!

Can I help you?

Yeah, I'd like to buy a .357 Python.
I've got them.

Have to see photo ID
and your CPL.

CPL? Concealed p*stol License.
New regulation.

If you don't have one, you'll
have to fill these out.

If everything checks out, you can
pick up the g*n six days from now.


I've waited six years.
What's six more days?

Ed can't go to sleep. He's afraid something
else might happen to his family.

Everyone in this house
is afraid of something.

Sara's afraid of anger.
Lorrin's afraid of monsters.

Well, anger is the monster.

And Ed can't keep it from climbing in
the window because it's already inside

in his heart.

But he's a good man, Tess.
Yes, he is.

TESS: But it took God six
days to create the universe

and it's gonna take Ed
six days to destroy his.




WOMAN ON PA: Task Force 60,
Battalion 15.

Structure fire at 23943 Eagle
Mountain Street. Please respond.


Come on. Rock and roll, people.
Let's go, let's go!

Where's Ed?

Anybody seen Ed?

Ed, Ed, come on.

Oh, Zeke, I must've nodded off.
You're zonked.

Ah, you stay here
and watch the fort.

No! I am the best nozzle you've got.
Not today you're not.

You can't do your job
if you're asleep.





I talked to the store manager.

He said that you lied
on your application.

Who's gonna hire me
if I tell the truth?

I'm damned if I do,
I'm damned if I don't.

You have more choices
than that, Carl.


I was just doing my job, man.

All of a sudden that guy,
the husband, he's all over me.

I'll tell you what, that woman,

she's caused me
nothing but trouble.

It's always somebody
else's fault, isn't it?

Now I have been a good, faithful servant
of the Lord and where's it got me?

I've held up my end of the bargain.
What about God's?

God doesn't make bargains.
Well, you're right about that.

I thought He was gonna help me.

To show me the way,
to see the light.

He will. He, he has.

But, Carl, once you know the
way, once you see the light,

that's when
the real journey begins.

I'm in hell right now, mister!

Look, man, I just wanna
be healed, okay?

God isn't magic.

That Bible isn't magic.

Quoting it's not enough, Carl.
You gotta start living it.

You gotta start
living it here, inside.

That's where the real change begins.
That's where it takes place.

I love God.

Why don't he love me?

I'm tired of waiting. Carl.

You spend so much time,

so much time talking about God.

When's the last time
you talked to God?

When's the last time you prayed?

Why don't you pray for me?

I am, Carl.



Boy, Snickerdoodles,
my favourite.

Daddy, what are you doing home?

I came home to see my girls.

Lorrin, would you go upstairs and
do some homework please? Mommy.

Right now, please?
I wanna talk to Daddy.

Zeke called this afternoon
wondering where you were.

Said you were there this morning,
but you missed the fire.

First one in 14 years.

Where were you?


Where were you?

Tell me where you were, Ed.

Does this have anything
to do with Carl?

For God sakes, will you
please keep your voice down?

What did you do?
Just leave it alone, Sarah.

Leave it alone?


Ed, I was r*ped.

You were sleeping on the couch.

Will you stop it? Will you
just stop saying that?

You don't wanna talk about it. You
never wanna talk about it, but I do.

I wanna talk about it.
I wanna know where you were.

I was trying to protect you.
How, Ed?

You can't protect me.

You didn't protect me then,
you can't protect me now.

Oh, Sarah, I am so sorry.
I, I would never hurt you.

You know I would never hurt you.
Don't touch me.

Daddy, why is Mommy crying?

Come on, sweetheart.

Oh, God.

It's been six days.
I want my g*n.



This time you're the victim.

Turn around.

God almighty.

He's not gonna help you now.

What are you gonna do?

What I should've done
six years ago,

but first I want you to suffer.

I want you to suffer
like my wife did that night.


He was trying
to break into your house.

I can't breathe.

Well, get used to it.

Oh, no.

Don't worry.
He's not gonna hurt you,

or anybody else ever again.

You go on inside.
You don't wanna see this.

"Yea, though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death..."

Lady, he's been stalking you.

"I will fear no evil."
He was watching you

when you were in the park on Monday.
"Be thou with me."

He followed you home on Tuesday.

I've been following him.

I'm gonna call the police. No.

They'll just put him
in jail again.

He'll get out again,
and he'll r*pe again.


And nobody should ever
have to go through that.

And with him, no one's ever
going to have to.

What are you gonna do?

He's gonna k*ll me.

Oh, God.

Don't do it, Ed.

Back off.

Who are you?

He's my parole officer.

And I'm a messenger from God.
I'm the Angel of Death.

Good timing,
'cause he's ready to go.

That's God's decision,
not yours.

You need more than
a counselor, Sarah.

You need some divine counsel.

I am an angel sent by God.

Ed, God doesn't want you
to do this.

Well, how come God
cares so much now?

Where was God when my
wife was being r*ped?

Where was he then?

Sarah, God gave man free will,

and when men like Carl take it
and twist it into something ugly

and use it to hurt the innocent,

then God weeps,

just like he did
on that terrible night.

But there's something
you don't know.

I was there that night.

I was in the house that night

when Carl wanted to k*ll Sarah.

But you didn't do it,
did you, Carl?

No. Something happened.

One minute
I was gonna k*ll her...


Oh, please, please don't...

Please don't k*ll me. Please.


I heard this baby crying
and I...


(CHOKING) I couldn't. I just couldn't.
I couldn't. I couldn't.

Shut up.

Go inside, now.

You asked, where was God
on the night you were r*ped.

He was right there.

He was there
in the voice of a child.

Your baby.

You see, God couldn't stop Carl,

but he could remind him

that his heart was once filled
with innocence and purity,

and the perfect love
that is every child.

My baby saved my life?

Yes, and you've been trying
to save hers ever since,

just as Ed has been trying
to save yours,

and you've both been so
worried about feeling safe

that you've forgotten
what it is to feel love.

That's why your daughter
needs her security blanket.

Oh, Sarah, you've been
through an awful ordeal.

So has your family.

You can't change
the terrible thing

that has happened in your past.

But you can change the terrible
thing that is happening now.

The decision is yours.

Will you help me?

You have the strength
to do this,

and I promise you,
you will not be alone.


No, no, sweetie, quick.
Get back inside.

Mom, I'm scared.

Christopher, is that you?

Who are you?

I'm your daddy.

My, my daddy's in heaven.

Is that what you told him?

No boy should ever grow up
with a father like you alive.

Do it. Go on, get it over with.

No, Ed.

I said, do it. Do it now!

I ain't fit to live.

Carl, you're not ready
to die yet.

And Ed, you've spent your entire
life saving peoples' lives.

Why throw away yours now?

I don't care.

Yes, you do. You care.
You totally care.

You care about your life, you
care about Sarah's life,

you care about Lorrin's life.

You care so much that you
don't know what to do next.

You just know that
you gotta do something.

But k*lling a man
or raping a woman,

doesn't happen because you care.

It happens because you're angry.

Anger is what has brought us
all here today,

and that, that is the thing
that has to die today.

And vengeance belongs
to God, not you.

Mister, are you really an angel?

Yes, I am.

Ed, listen to him, please.

Ed, you blame yourself
for what happened that night

because you think it's your
job to protect our family.

I've blamed you, too.

I have, and I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.

I need you, Ed. Please.

Please protect us now. Please,
come home with me and be our hero.


OFFICER 1: That's him,
right there.

OFFICER 2: Police.
Hold it right there.

OFFICER 3: All right.

I've got him.


Let's go.


Got it. Okay, watch your step.

Watch yourself.

This yours?


We're gonna need to ask you some
questions down at the station.

TESS: Carl Atwater?

You remember that chance
he was talking about?

What chance?

The angel.


Now, I want you to listen to me,
and listen to me real good.

You have messed up
a lot of peoples' lives,

and the only one you can fix
is your own.

I don't know.
I can't it anymore.

I can't take it.
I know my rights.

You have the right
to remain silent

and I strongly encourage
that you do.

Now, I'm an angel,
another angel,

sent to you by God to tell you

that you're gonna have to
deal with him now, and me.

You're an angry man, Carl
Atwater, but that's all right.

Everybody gets angry.

It's how you handle it
that counts.

And you don't know how to
handle it, but God does.

He's sent you three angels
and three children.

The tears of the first child kept
you from k*lling an innocent woman.

The tears from the second child
kept Ed from k*lling you.

The tears from the third child
can save your soul.

Well, what child?

That's me.

Yes, that's you,
and those are your tears.

Through the mouths and the hearts of
the children God is speaking to you.

I know it's hard
for you to remember

but you were a child once.

And in the eyes of God
you still are.

That child is lost to you
but not to God.

And God wants to help you
find him again.