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03x29 - Inherit the Wind

Posted: 04/28/23 06:55
by bunniefuu



MAN: Gotta do something.

♫ No rocket's gonna fly
that high

♫ There's no escapin'
The enemy is you and I

♫ Poisoned up the water
Chokin' on the air

♫ Let's stop before it gets too
late, or is it already too late?

♫ Is it already too late
for the victims of comfort?

♫ No one else to blame

♫ Oh, I'm just a victim
of comfort

♫ Connoisseur of pain

♫ It's a technological

♫ Dangerous illusions
buried under the ground

♫ Everyone likes to party,
but no one wants to please

♫ I'd like to see a change somehow,
but I'm a little busy right now

♫ Just a little busy right now

♫ Just a victim of comfort

♫ No one else to blame

♫ Oh, I'm just a victim
of comfort

♫ It's a cryin' shame

♫ What do we got to lose?

♫ Everything

♫ What do we stand to gain?

♫ Everything,
so let's try together

♫ Before we have to cry together

♫ It's too soon to die together

♫ Whoa, I'm just
a victim of comfort

♫ Yes, I am

♫ No one else to blame

♫ Oh, I'm just
a victim of comfort

♫ It's a cryin' shame ♫

♫ When you walk down the road

♫ Heavy burden, heavy load

♫ I will rise
and I will walk with you

♫ I'll walk with you till
the sun don't even shine

♫ Walk with you, every time

♫ I tell you I'll walk with you

♫ Walk with you

♫ Believe me
I'll walk with you ♫

What am I going
to do with him, George?

Oh, I don't know, sir.

He's too old for a spanking

and too young to give
up on completely.

Ring if you need me, sir.

George, thank you.

The party's downstairs.

I'm not a party guest,
Mr. Greeley.

I'm an angel.

My name is Andrew,

and I've been sent here
by God to take you to him.

The Angel of Death?


Well, I'm not afraid.

I've lived my life, I'm ready.

God is very pleased with you,
Mr. Greeley.

He wants to give you
a very special gift.

He wants you to know that you
have one hour left on earth.

Well, I don't need it.

I've made my peace with God.

Yes, you have,

but you have some unfinished
business with your son.


Well, I've given him everything.

Everything except the one
thing that he needs the most,

and you have only one hour

to make sure that he gets it.

And there's also a problem
with Joseph Wells.


Are you all right, sir?

Sign these for me, George,
and mail them right away.

Very well, sir. Where's Kevin?

I put him in his bed, sir.


Kevin? Yeah?

It's your father.

Okay, thanks.

Now I know we haven't been
close for a long time.

You know why, and so do I. There's no
sense in rehashing all of that now.


Remember when I gave
you this guitar?


Well, I'm not so sure
you've been happy since.

I'm going to die tonight, Kevin.


Which is fine. It's my time.

I've done more than I
thought I ever would do.

But before I go
I just wanna say that...

I love you, Son.

I tried to be a good father,

and maybe I still can be.

Okay. I'll see you
in the morning.

How much time?

About a minute or two.

Good morning, Master Kevin.

At your soiree last evening,

someone carved the words.

"This party is da b*mb"
on the baby grand piano.

It was a great party.
What's for breakfast?

This is your father's breakfast.

Come on, he won't mind.
No, no, no, no, but I will.


Da b*mb.

GEORGE: Mr. Greeley?
Mr. Greeley?

GEORGE: It was a great
shock to all of us.

He was the finest man
I ever knew.

I don't understand this.

It's perfectly legal,
but it doesn't make sense.

When did he do it?

You'll have to ask
the new attorney.

What new attorney?

This new attorney, gentlemen.

Why does a man

change his will 30 minutes before
he dies of natural causes?

How do you explain that?

Well, some people have a
sense of change coming on.

And some people don't.

Ah, sorry I'm late, everyone.
Shall we start this?

Yes. If you'll all
just be seated,

we will read the last will and
testament of Mr. Greeley.

As you may know...
Nice day, huh?

Mr. Greeley prepared a codicil for
his will just before he died,

and he divided his estate
into three parts.


To George Taylor,
my faithful employee

for twenty-two years,

I leave one million dollars
in cash.

One million dollars?

And my Bentley.

"Now you can drive it without me in the back
telling you how you should be driving."

I don't deserve it. Any of it.

Yeah, you can say that again.

Will you cut to the part
about me?

Not yet, little boy.

"My house, its furnishings,
my automobiles, stocks,

"bonds, et cetera, et cetera,

"are to be liquidated,"

"and I leave the proceeds"

"to the children
of Joseph Wells."


"And lastly, to my son, Kevin,"

"I leave all his
personal possessions,"

"including clothing
and effects."

That's it?
I get to keep my clothes?

Do you wanna hear the rest,
or do you just wanna carry on?

"There is more to Kevin's

"To receive it, he needs
to go to Joseph Wells."

Who is Joseph Wells?

"Furthermore, if Kevin fails
to locate Joseph Wells,

"and fails to make a formal claim
to authorized bank trustees

"by the twenty-seventh
of this month,

"he will forfeit
said inheritance"

"to the children
of Joseph Wells,"

"secondary beneficiaries."


who knows who this
Joseph Wells guy is,

and why is my father leaving
my money to his kids?

No one? Well, then
get out of here.

All of you. I'll find
Joseph Wells myself.

Looks like he has everything.

Well, one thing he has missing, he
hasn't got his priorities straight.

Is that what money does
to people, Tess?

TESS: Not to all people, and there's
nothin' wrong with havin' money,

but if you've got a lot
and you're not careful,

sometimes it can cost you
more than it can buy you.

Is he ready for me?

TESS: I would say so.

He can't go around payin' people
to live his life for him.

He's got to do that for himself,

and if it takes us
a whole army of angels

to make it happen,
then that's what we gonna do.


Hello, Kevin.


It's you. Ow.

Are you all right?


Who are you?

My name is Monica.

I'm here to help you
find Joseph Wells.

So you're saying that a
dozen private investigators

can't find Joseph Wells,
but you can?

Your father told me
where to look.

Oh, you knew my father?

I'll answer all your questions
when we leave in the morning.

Good night.

A weekend excursion,
Master Kevin?

Actually, I have to find this
Joseph Wells guy to get my money.

Master Kevin,

I haven't had the opportunity to truly
convey my deepest sympathies and condolences

regarding your late father.

Your parents are dead,
aren't they, George?

Oh, long gone, yes.

And you get over it, right?

No, you don't get over it.

You just get on with it.


Yes, quite.

Okay, so, tell me, George,

what does a valet do
with a million dollars, huh?

Anything he wants to, I suppose.

Oh, well, I guess you'll have
to buy your own house now.

Good luck finding anything
decent for a million dollars.

Oh, I'm sure I'll be just fine.

Your father took
good care of me.

That makes one of us.

Time to go.


Put the bags in the car.

I don't do bags.


In accordance with your father's
wishes, I'm here to guide you,

to give you some direction,
and the rest is up to you.

Uh-huh, fine. Let's just get
this packed and let's go.

No, no. I... No, I think
you're missing the point here.

These cars don't
belong to you anymore.

You have to take this trip without
your father's help or influence.

You have to make it on your own.

On my own?

Well, just how on my own
are we talking about?

Completely, with just the clothes on
your back and your wits about you.

Oh, man,
he must've been losing it.

Okay, a few bad days
and then I cash in, right?

I can handle that.

I'm sure it's hard for you
to understand right now,

but there's a road
you need to travel,

and you don't need to know
exactly where you're going yet,

though I promise you, it will
lead you to Joseph Wells.

It's that way,
as far as you can go.


♫ I hear a voice

♫ And I hear the sound

♫ The sound of my shoes

♫ Shufflin' on out of town

♫ Too many people

♫ Too many cars

♫ Take me to Memphis

♫ Mercury, or Mars

(MAN LAUGHING) Forget it.

♫ 'Cause I wanna go

♫ Where the buffalo roam

♫ I'm just a city boy

♫ Lookin' for a home

♫ Well, just a city boy

♫ Lookin' for a home

♫ Well, just a city boy ♫

Get in. I'm wastin' gas.

Oh, thank you so much
for stopping.

I tell you, nobody wants
to give a guy a break.

Seat belt.

Oh, sure.


I'm Ruth.

You're dangerous.

I'm Kevin Greeley.

Who's that?

That's my best friend


Actually, it's my only friend.

Oh, that's kind of pathetic.

Well, thanks for your opinion.

Did you say Greeley?


You Ed Greeley's boy?

Yes, I am. Oh...

Well, I was. He recently...

Died, I know. Oh, good for him.

Pardon me?

Oh, he's got a reserved seat in heaven,
and I'd say the man was a saint,

but I've known some saints and
they're not exactly saintly,

if you know what I mean.

I have no idea what you mean.

Your father, he was a peach,
the best, a class act,

a mensch, a stand-up guy,

a quality human being.

Yep, fine individual.

Stop me when you get a clue.

Okay, please, I understand that
a lot of people liked him.

He and I didn't
get along that well.

Well, that's too bad.
What's wrong with you?


Who says it's my fault?

Well, it's not my fault.

I just met you.





No, thank you.

So where you headed, Kev?



I'm trying to find a needle in
a haystack named Joseph Wells.

Joseph Wells? No kidding?

You know Joseph Wells? Sure do.

Yeah, well, my father left a ton of money
to Wells' kids and I'm gonna find out why.

Then I'm gonna get
my inheritance.

Then I'm gonna turn around,
I'm gonna sue everybody.

Gee, I'd like to see that.


Yeah, but I'm not headed
that way right now.

If you wanna find Joseph Wells, just
keep going straight down this road.

You'll be fine.


Kevin, you're on
a great journey.

One that'll bring you much joy.

Some sorrow, some frustration,
maybe a headache,

some lower back pain,
but mostly joy.

Just remember two things.

One, you are never alone,

and two...

there's no such thing
as a free lunch.

What does that mean?

You'll find out.


♫ You gonna leave me

♫ I've been down on my... ♫


You waitin' for somethin'?

Well, yes.

A table?

They got legs,
but they can't walk.


Yes, well, perhaps
I should seat myself.

Would you mind? It's the
maitre d's day off.


Are your Fruit Loops fresh?


Let's go for it.


Hey, you're in luck.
The milk's still good.

Well, I guess I'm just having
that kind of day, huh?

Here's your check.

I'll take that
whenever you're ready.

Thanks. Why don't I eat first?

We got a little
house policy here.

See, strangers pay first,
eat second.

No such thing as a free lunch.


This is kind of funny. I, um...

Everything is gone.

So, you know what we do to
people who don't wanna pay us?

No, I...


I don't know how to wash dishes!

You just put some soap on a plate
and rinse it off, that's all.

I don't belong here.

Oh, are you implying that I do?


That means hinting at something

without actually saying it.

Yes, I know what it means.
I'm just very surprised.

Surprised that
I know what it means?

So I make a living washing dishes, I don't
know how to speak English? Is that it?

Look, I didn't say that.

Yeah, but you implied it.


Why don't you just show me what to
do so we can get this over with?

All right. Come here. Soak...



And stack.

That's it.

Oh, my name is Sam, by the way.

Hi, Sam. Kevin Greeley.

Greeley. Are you... Are
you Ed Greeley's boy?

You knew my father? Oh, sh**t.

Everybody knew Ed.

He gave people jobs
when they really needed it.

I didn't know that.

Did you also know that his first
job was right here in this kitchen

in front of that sink?

My father didn't wash dishes.

Oh, yes, he did. He washed
dishes, took out the garbage,

swept up, whatever
was needed, he did.

Hey, wait. Let me see that.

What? It's clean.

Would you eat off this pan?


No? Why should somebody else?

Oh, I don't know, maybe 'cause
it's just a crummy diner?

Kevin, you know, there's like
two kinds of cholesterol.

There's a good cholesterol
and a bad cholesterol.

Well, there's also
two kinds of pride.

There's a good pride,
which you need,

and there's a bad pride,
which you already got.

Oh, is that so?

Yes, Kevin, it is.

You think you're too good
to wash dishes.

See, that's the
bad pride talking,

but if you wash this pan

you'll feel the good pride.

What's the difference if I wash the pan
correctly or not? Who's gonna know?

He will.



Hi, Kev. Get in.



Wait'll I get buckled.

What happened to your car?

Oh, this is what
I drive to work.

What are you, a plumber?

(LAUGHING) No, no.

This... This truck was donated
to the orphanage where I work.

Or worked. It burned down.

Somebody just gave you
a perfectly good truck?

It's called charity.

Ever hear of it?

Yeah, it was my father's
favourite sport.

Pretty good at it, though.

You a professional
musician, Kevin?

No, nah.

Oh, well, what do you do?

I'm rich.

It's good to work.

Good for the soul.

What do you do for a living?

Well, I used to push papers,
but now I... I push people.

You know, help 'em
with their problems.

Sort of like a counselor?

Yeah, sort of.

I thought your orphanage
burned down?

Oh, it did.

We're starting to rebuild.

We've set up some rough office space in
a storefront to organize everything.

Why don't you lie back, Kevin?

Close your eyes
and take a little nap.

I might just do that
for a few minutes.

Hey, look what I got.

I still got a dollar left.
I thought I was broke.

Never thought I'd be so happy
to see one lousy dollar.

Looks like things are
lookin' up for you, Kevin.


Good timing. We just got here.

We just got where?

Well, this is the place.

This is just a hick town.

Hick towns are in
the eye of the beholder.

Look, I've had just about enough of this.
Now you tell me, where is he?

Where do I find Joseph Wells?

You already have.

This is Joseph Wells?



Yep, your father grew up
in this town.

Yeah, and I can see why he left.

Okay, so Joseph Wells
isn't a guy,

it's a place, and not much
of a place, I might add.

So which way is the bank?

They do have a bank here,
don't they?

This way.

♫ Every morning

♫ And every evening

♫ Every day I

♫ I think of you

♫ The way you love me

♫ Through and through

♫ When I'm with you

♫ Feels like heaven

♫ You're an angel

♫ Holdin' me

♫ Your sweet, sweet lovin'

♫ It sets me free ♫

You're so wonderful.

Well, thank you kindly,
sweet lady.

Give him something.

You really are great.

Have I heard you sing
somewhere before?

Oh, I get around.

It's a nice guitar.

You wanna play?

No, no, no, I gotta...
I gotta get to the bank.

You know, music's worth
more than money.

Well, this is a lot of money.


Thank you kindly.

Much obliged, sir.

A buck doesn't buy much anyway.

Oh, it just bought you a lot.

Hey, you!

Yeah, you with the guitar,
come here.

You're the one with the guitar.

Bank's down there.

I need to get to work.

Bye, Kevin.

Come here.

Step inside.

This is a great place.

Thank you.

Thanks. You're Kevin Greeley.

I knew your father.

Oh, you, too?

Yeah, I was with him
the night he died.

Well, you must be crazy,
because my father died alone.

No one lives alone,
and no one dies alone.

So, do you play?


Blues are my life. That's good.

Where do you play?

My room.

Well, did you ever think
about playing in a club?

Actually that was a dream of mine,
but there's no money in that.

Music is worth
a lot more than money.

Let's see what you got.

Whoa! Oh, it's beautiful.


I'll give you $800 for it.

No, thanks.

A thousand.

I wouldn't take
a million for it.

You know, usually guitars like that
are played, not just hauled around.

I gotta go.

Well, thanks for stopping by.

Let me know if you
change your mind.

Thanks. I won't.

Hello, Kevin.


Hello, Kevin, I'm Tess.
We met the other day.

You probably don't remember me.
Come this way.

Come to daddy.

It's a book.

It's a Bible.

Are you looking for something?

Yes. My inheritance.

You're holding it.

Oh, so this is like one of
those Gutenberg Bibles, right?

Worth, like, $50 million?

Riches can't always be
measured in dollars. Oh, yeah?

want me riches measured in dollars.

Your father was a self-made man,

and he saw money as a way
to make your life beautiful,

but it didn't work.

What's going on here?

I mean, who are you?

We're angels,
and we've been sent here

to tell you that if you're searching
for something in your life,

you should start by finding God,

and then he will make sure you get
everything else that you need.

I had everything I needed
when I started,

and now, thanks to
God, I've lost it all.

All I got is a stinking book.

Kevin, God sent us here
to help your father and you

achieve your precious
dreams through God's love.

Oh, God loves me, huh?

Yes. Yeah?

Well, let me tell you something.
I don't love God.

I hate God.

The hell with my father, the hell
with God, and the hell with you.

Now don't you go
blaming yourself.

You did a very good job,

but Kevin is angry at God,
and that's not our territory.

It's not?

No. It's his.

Did somebody call me?

I don't know. Did somebody
say Angel with an Attitude?

What, are you describing me
or yourself?

How are you, Tess?
Oh, glad to see you, baby.

And you must be Monica.

Oh, hello, Mr. Attitude.

Yes, well, some of my colleagues
call me Angel with an Attitude,

and then others just call me
by my given name, Phil.

Oh, well, it's nice
to meet you, Phil.

Phil is the
Angel of Restoration.

He helps people who are angry
with God restore their faith.

Yeah, well,
that's on a good day,

but on a bad day,
all they do is just yell.

Well, my assignment's
name is Kevin.

Yes, I... I know that.
I'm... I'm an angel.


Look, I don't...
Where did he go?

I thought you were an angel.

And you, too.

Well, see, I've lost
my sense of direction,

and this body form
is just driving me loony.

What direction did he go in?

He went north, Phil, north.

North, okay. TESS: North.

Thank you. Phil.

Huh? Yes? Phil? Phil?

He went north, baby, north.
Of course.


Isn't he something?

Hey, there! Excuse me.

Kevin, God sent me...

Why don't you get lost, buddy?

Well, I was. That's why
I got here so late.

What I wanted to tell you...
And what do you want?

Ah, well, see, I heard that
you're angry with God.

That's why I'm here.

Who are you?
Ah, my name is Phil.

I'm an angel.

Really? Yes.

Well, Fred, why don't
you do me a favour...

No, Kevin, my name is Phil.

Why don't you head back to heaven...

Or wherever it is you come from,

and tell your boss that I don't care what
he's gotta say, because he's not fair.

Yeah, okay, look, now just let
me help you out right there.

See, God is fair.

Oh, really? Yes.

Then where's my money?

Life, however, often is not.

Now God does not promise life
without bad times,

but God does promise that if you
wanna work your way through it,

you can.

That is the most pathetic
cop-out I've ever heard.



Well, listen to me,
I understand it's pathetic,

but look at the
good things in life.

What good things?
Look at the good things.

Look around. You got the
sunset, you got babies,

you... you got a
three-day weekend.

Oh, a three-day weekend, huh?

That's a big one. Big.

See now, the bad
things that you see,

they're someone else's work.

We don't talk about him because
he's not worth talking about.

None of this is worth talking about.
None of it.

Kevin, uh...

I'm an angel,
and I don't believe you are.

I know things you don't
and I have seen pain.

Like mine.

Yeah. Uh...

But I'm talking about real pain.

I'm not talking about the pain.

"My father didn't give me any
money when he died in his will."

I'm talking about...

Disease that is so devastating

that not only does it
devastate the person with it,

but the entire family.

I'm talking about a mother

seeing her child,

her life just snatched
away from her.

That pain.

These people hurt
and they blame God,

because God has all this power,

so God must have
okayed it, right?

Right. Wrong.

It doesn't work that way.

God doesn't cause pain,
God heals.

God doesn't hate, God loves.

God doesn't wanna see
bad things happen,

but they just... they happen.

I'm telling you now,

I wouldn't blame God for the
things that I didn't get.

I would thank God for
the things that I have,

and, Kevin, if I were
you, I wouldn't get upset

because my father
didn't leave me any money.

I'd get upset
because my father died.

You have a nice day.

Hello, Kevin.


That Phil guy work with you?

Yes, he does. Did
he help you at all?

No. Ah, yes.

I don't know.

I mean, you know, I'm... I'm
clear on the God part.

I know that I can't blame
him for any of this,

which leaves me
right back at the beginning.

Why did my father do this to me?

Why did he leave me
with nothing?


You still see this
as a punishment?

You still think
he left you nothing?

Well, I have news
for you, Kevin Greeley.

He left you everything, and it's
time you got it. Come with me.

♫ We didn't understand the truth

♫ We were blinded
by the eyes of youth

♫ Time kept on movin'

♫ And a change has come

♫ And you think
that I don't know

♫ Where you're coming from ♫

What? What is this?
Or what was this?

MONICA: The town orphanage.

It burned down,
but the children were saved.

The children of Joseph Wells.

Your father's money
will restore it.

Yeah, well, so what?

I mean, my father was always
doing stuff like that.

Why did I have to come here?

And what does this stupid town
have to do with me anyway?

Because this is where
your father grew up,

and this is where
you're going to grow up, too.

In the same town, the same
street, the same block,

the same address.

No, my father didn't live here.

This was an orphanage.

Yes, it was.

My father was an orphan?

No, but he was abandoned
at the side of the road

with just a blanket and a Bible.

When he started out in this
world, that was all he had,

and it saw him through it all.

That's why he wanted you
to have it now, but...

But I blew it.

Of all the things
I've lost this week,

that's the only thing I want
back and I don't know why.

Because that's your inheritance.

That's what he left you.

Just because you lost the book

doesn't mean that you have to
lose the truth inside of it.

You loved your father
very much, didn't you?


He loved you, too.

He loved you so much that he wanted you
to have everything that he never had,

all the stuff that a little boy in
an orphanage can only dream about.

But he realized too late

that he hadn't given you the one
thing that really mattered,

his faith.

Because once you have that you understand
that nothing else is that important,

and that's why we're here now.

To help you find it
before it's too late.

But too late for what?


For him.

Hi there.

Hello. Social Services, please.


I wanna keep him.

You? Yeah, me.

You... You can't even
peel your own fruit.

Look, Kevin, you have no idea that
taking on this type of responsibility

is beyond your wildest dreams.

Besides, how would you
support this child?

You stay right there.

I'll be right back.


So is there anything
I can do for you?


This is yours, Kevin.

Tess asked me
to give it back to you.

You know Tess.
Then you must be...

An angel, and so is Sam,
and so is Andrew.

We're all sent by God to help
you get to know somebody.

My father.


Your father turned to the
Bible in his final moments.

Would you like to know
the last words he read?

"Behold, children are
a heritage from the Lord,"

"and the fruit of the womb
is his reward."

What's this?

I sold my guitar.

Well, I thought that guitar meant
more to you than anything.

Well, it did when I was a kid.

This baby is not
for sale, Kevin.

I know that. That's just
money to tie him over

until I can figure out
the rest of it.

The rest of it?

Well, until I can get a job, my own
place, get... get my own life started.

I mean, that's what this
was all about, wasn't it?

My father's life ended
and I had to find my own,

and I did find it just in time
to make a life for somebody else

and... and... and I wanna do it.

I... I... I need to do it.

How'd you...

You're a...


Hi there.

I know that you and I just met,
but somehow I get the feeling

that we were supposed to meet.

You know,
I don't have any more family,

and I know you don't have
any family,

so maybe you and I
can be a family, huh?

What do you think of that?

And I'll take care of you,

and you can take care of me.

God will take care
of both of us.

Does that sound
like a plan to you?

You realize I can't just
give you this baby.

I... I know.

But I can put in a good word
with the man upstairs.

A really good word.

Thanks. Thanks a lot.

Found you a job.

You did? Where?


You can have mine.

Now I need to move on.
But you won't make much money.

It'll keep a roof over your head,
and you'll be free nights,

which is going
to become important.

Well, come on, let's go.
You'll be late.

Late for what?

The party. Come on.

♫ Well, there's more
than one home

♫ Ain't no right way

♫ Ain't no wrong

♫ Whatever road
you might be on ♫

So, you're going to be a new father soon.
How does it feel?

Well, let me just
put it this way.

I think that I started
believing in God just in time.


Thank you kindly, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you very much.

Tess, you wanna come on up here?

I thought you was
never gonna ask me.

Well, come on up.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a very
special guest in the house this evening

appearing for the first time

Would you please welcome to the stage Mr.
Kevin Greeley?

No, no, no, no. I... I can't.

You'd better.

You're gonna have
a little baby to support.

This is for my father,
and hopefully my son.

Amen. Let's go.

♫ If your problem, won't go away

♫ Won't go away

♫ And you're worried
♫ And you're worried

♫ Night and day ♫ Night and day

♫ Hand it over ♫ Hand it over

♫ Get on your knees and pray

♫ Get on your knees and pray

♫ If you're sick
♫ If you're sick

♫ Feelin' low ♫ Feelin' low

♫ Got no money
got nowhere to go ♫

♫ Got nowhere to go

♫ Just hand it over
♫ Hand it over

♫ Get on your knees...

♫ Get down on your
knees and pray

♫ Just hand it over

♫ Hand it over ♫ Hand it over

♫ Hand it over

♫ Give it up ♫ Give it up

♫ Give it over ♫ Give it over

♫ Hand it over ♫ Hand it over

♫ Get on your knees and pray

♫ Get down on your knees
and pray

♫ Well, ain't no mountain

♫ Ain't no mountain

♫ You can't climb
♫ You can't climb

♫ No answer ♫ No answer

♫ You can't find
♫ You cannot find

♫ All you need ♫ All you need

♫ Is a hand to hold
♫ Hand to hold

♫ It'll heal your body
♫ It'll heal your body

♫ Feed your soul
♫ It'll feed your soul

♫ If the road is dark
♫ If the road is dark

♫ Can't find your way
♫ Can't find your way

♫ Let the spirit
♫ Let the spirit

♫ Light the way ♫ Light the way

♫ And hand it over
♫ Hand it over

♫ Get on your knees and pray
♫ Get down... ♫