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Peter Pan & Wendy (2023)

Posted: 04/28/23 13:27
by bunniefuu
JOHN: Avast, you hornswoggler.

MICHAEL: Avast yourself.
(GRUNTS) I'll run you through.

I'll tear you limb from limb.




Your time is running out, Peter Pan.

MICHAEL: Peter Pan
doesn't care about time.

Watch out for the crocodile.

JOHN: You watch out for the crocodile.

MARY: And, Wendy, please don't wait
to the last minute to pack.

I won't, Mother.

-The train is at o'clock sharp tomorrow.
-Mother, I heard you.

I'll be ready.

JOHN: Out of the way, Mother.
Where's that treasure?

Where is it? (GRUNTS) Aha!

MICHAEL: No, give it back!

John, give it back.


MICHAEL: I've got it!

I've got the treasure.

-I've got the treasure.

I've got the treasure.


JOHN: Got you.


Where is it?

MICHAEL: Captain Hook,
I'm getting a little tired.

Maybe we can take a break?

JOHN: (GRUNTS) Are you forfeiting?
Are you giving up? (LAUGHS)


(LAUGHS) I've got you cornered, Peter.
Your Lost Boys are nowhere to be seen.

No one will save you now!

You're not forgetting about me, are you?
Michael, give me your treasure.

Now leave Hook to me.

Make way, Captain, lest I run you through!


Go, Wendy!

-Come on, Wendy.


MICHAEL: Go, Wendy.


MICHAEL: Don't hurt him!

-You giving up, Captain?
-JOHN: No.


-No, you're just...

GEORGE: What was that?

Not again.

Who's responsible for this?

-John, you tattletale!

-I didn't say anything.
-It wasn't my fault!

-It was their silly game!
-Now, now.

-And they started it, it wasn't me!


Sword, hats.


Father, can't she just stay
for a little while?

No, she cannot.

Honestly, Wendy, is this how you want
to spend your last night at home?

-It was just a bit of fun.

You are too old for this
to be the type of fun that you are having.

Nana. Come on.

Wendy, why did you say that?

Why did you say it was our fault?

You're a pirate, aren't you?
It's every man for himself.

They suit you, Wendy.

You should take them with you.

I'd rather not.

MARY: Come along, boys, into bed.

-It wasn't my fault.
-I know, John.

Mother, why does Captain Hook
hate Peter Pan?

MARY: That's a very good question,
one that we will have to ponder,



May I come in?

You really must set a better example
for your brothers.

They look up to you so much.

That's what they have you for.

They need me to be their mother

and your father to be their father.

But they need you to be their big sister.

You give them something
that neither of us can.

They will follow your lead,
so you must be a good leader.

How am I supposed to do that
if I'm off at boarding school, Mother?

By going with your head held high

to start with.

If a young lady is lucky enough,
at a certain age, she goes off to school.

To get ready for the life ahead of her.

What if I don't want that life?

It's what I did when I was your age.

What if I don't want your life?

What is it that you're afraid of, my love?

I want things to stay the way they are.

MARY: The way they are?

Wendy, look, you scarcely fit in your bed.

You're growing up.

Perhaps, I don't want to grow up.

You can't stop time, Wendy.

It'll march on whether you like it or not.

Just imagine all the things
you would miss out on,

if you didn't see where it took you.

And all the things the world would miss

if you weren't there to do them.


It's time to drift away, my loves

And dream of cooing turtle doves

For when I turn to switch the light

I know you'll grow up overnight

Fly off into the cloudless skies

Where twinkling stars will fill your eyes

I'll miss you dearly
My brave little ones

All grown up now in the morning sun




-JOHN: Gotcha!


(PANTS) I can't... What was happening?

Was I dreaming?

You were flying.


A little bug did it.



I don't think that's a bug.

JOHN: Well, it's a... It's a...

PETER: She is a fairy.

And if I know one thing about fairies,

it's they don't take kindly
to being called bugs.

-JOHN: Are you...
-Peter Pan?

Were you expecting someone else?

We weren't expecting anyone at all.

They always act so surprised.

I always envisioned you as being...

-No, smaller actually.

Oh, no, I'm sorry,
that's not what I meant.

I'm... Well... I... How are you real?

I thought you were just a bedtime story.

Why can't I be both?

I like hearing stories about myself.

And your mother's very good
at telling them.

Now, let's see here.

Excuse me, you can't just
go through all our stuff.

PETER: Where are you hiding?

JOHN: Oh please, be careful.

This is very delicate.

What are you doing here?

One, we've to get you out of here.

And, two...


My shadow.

JOHN: Your shadow?

It's trying to get away,
and I've only got one.

You're making this harder
than it has to be.

-JOHN: Oh.


There you are.



JOHN: Got it.

Lights out, shadow.


MICHAEL: Get it, Peter, get it.

Oh, almost got it!

-There it is.

Your hat! I've got your hat!

Go, go, go!

PETER: Ha! Got you!

When will you learn you can't get
anywhere without me, old friend.

No, that time doesn't count.

-Hold still.
-WENDY: Maybe I could help you with that.

Here. Let me see.


It's okay, Tink. Wendy wouldn't hurt me.

-Can't she speak?
-Of course, she can.

You just haven't learnt to hear her right.

Well, you're very small, Tinker Bell.


-What's she saying?
-She says "All fairies are small.

-"That's what makes them fairies."

How'd you know my name, Peter Pan?

I heard your mother call you.

-"Wendy, time to wake up," she says.
-Time to wake up.

-"Wendy, time for school."
-Wendy, time for school.

-"Wendy, bedtime."
-Wendy, bedtime.

But you never want to go.

You've been watching me?


Because I've been waiting
for you to say it.

-Say what?
-Same thing I said, once upon a time.

I don't want to grow... Ow!

-Ow! Ow!
-I was only...

You stabbed me.
You stabbed me in the heart.

Your heart is in your foot?

PETER: Isn't yours?

When Mr. Bear gets hurt,
Mama gives him a kiss to make it better.

What's a kiss?

You don't know what a kiss is?

No, but I think I need one.

Well, I...



This is a kiss.

I like it. I like it very much.

Now, do you feel better?

Yes. Good as new.

-What's she saying?

PETER: That it's high time we go.
WENDY: Go where?

To one place in the entire universe
where you can really be yourself.

Where there are no rules, no schools,
no bedtimes, no mothers and fathers,

-and most of all...
-No growing up.

That most of all.

Oh, you are you talking about Neverland?

Surely, we couldn't there though?

-Of course, you could.
-But how do you get there?

That's... the fun part.


This suddenly seems like a terrible idea.

I've always dreamed of flying.

It's the easiest thing in the world.

All you have to do, is fill your head
with happy thoughts.

JOHN: That's it?


Oh, right. And a little pixie dust.

What is it?

What are you saying?


You want me to close my eyes?

All right.

PETER: What are you thinking of?

Of when I was little.

When I was happy.

About how things used to be.

PETER: Now, open your eyes.



No, no. I'm not ready yet.
I still... (YELPS)

JOHN: Are you certain this is safe?
PETER: Of course it is.

I haven't fallen yet.

I can fly?

JOHN: I think I'm gonna be sick.

WENDY: (SHOUTING) I can fly!



MICHAEL: Goodbye, Nana!




JOHN: Yay!

I'm flying!


PETER: There it is!

Second star to the right
and straight on 'til morning.


I see it!

-Is that...

MICHAEL: Wait for us, Wendy!

PETER: Is this everything
you've dreamed of?

WENDY: I could never have dreamed of this!

PETER: Come on, there's more!

SKYLIGHT: Oh. Oh, no!

Oh, no!


He's back!


Get your eyes to the sky!
The boy! He's back!


HOOK: Yes, what?

Uh, it's the boy, Captain.
It's Peter Pa...




his name.

(GROANING) Sorry, Captain.

HOOK: Mr. Smee.


make a note. My cabin needs a new door.

A new door. Yes. Uh, right.

Might I say, Captain, uh,
that will be your third door this month.

And it won't be the last.

Where's my telescope?

Telescope! Smee.

Telescope at hand, Captain.

Speak not to me of hands, Smee.

Oh, I see your point. Uh...

HOOK: Where is he, then?
PIRATE: Over there, Captain.

HOOK: There you are.

Footloose and flying free.

But not for long.

What'd you have us do, Captain?

Why, let's invite him down
for a spot of tea.

Tea. Excellent idea.

Hear that boys? Put the kettle on.

It's tea time!



There. Look.


What was that?

Pirates. Come on.

Come on, Michael!

It's Hook!

Captain Hook?

Who else would try to k*ll me
this early in the morning?



Follow me.

Now, listen close.

I'll lead the charge,
you three take up the rear

and we'll storm them, fore to aft.

They'll never see us coming.


Remember, all pirates are fair game,
but leave Hook...

to me.


Did I hit him?

Well, you hit someone, Captain.


Oh, no.





Tinker Bell? Can you hear me?





NIBS: Look!

She has his hat!

What have you done with Peter?

I haven't done anything with Peter.

Where did you all...


Not another move!




(IN ENGLISH) Are you the Wendy?

Well, I'm a Wendy.

The Wendy Peter went to find?

The Wendy who knows the bedtime stories?

'Cause if you don't know stories
then you're an imposter.

And you know what we do with imposters.


Stop doing that!


Are you...

Are you Tiger Lily?


Which means you must be...

-Lost Boys.
-Every last one of us.

-But you're not all boys.

Well, I guess it doesn't really matter.

What matters is,
what you've done with Peter.

Give me that.

I haven't done anything with him.

He came and collected me and my brothers.


Peter didn't say anything about brothers!

WENDY: That's what I've been trying
to tell you all.

We were flying, and then,
we were att*cked.


-By pirates!
-TOOTLES: I knew it.

-I knew it was a bad day to fly.
-CURLY: No, you didn't.

-Bellweather, telescope.
-TOOTLES: At all? I didn't say it at all?

-I didn't say it?
-NIBS: You did not say it.

TOOTLES: I said it when Peter asked us
to look for... whoever this is... I win.

NIBS: You never said it. No.

These brothers of yours,
what do they look like?

Well, John's this tall
and Michael's this tall

and John, he has a hat. He has a top hat.

-Ooh, a hat!
-Yes, but I don't know if he's wearing it.

So, he might be this tall. And...

Does one of them have a bear?

Mr. Bear, yes, that's Michael.

There's definitely pirates, all right.

Well, I don't see anything.

-I don't trust...
-She's too grown up, isn't she?

BIRDIE: Yep, too old.
CURLY: Isn't she?

You're just looking the wrong way.

WENDY: Oh, I see it! There's John
and Michael and a pirate ship!

And pirates.

Oh, dear!

Come along, lads.

Don't fancy yourselves the first
half-pints to be found afloating.

Well, I rescued the Captain from the sea

when he was scarcely taller
than yourselves.

Of course he weren't captain then.

He didn't have a hook.
He was just a little lost child,

desperate to make it back
to these fine shores

before he got too old to enjoy them.

All right, make some rooms for our guests.
Come on, come on.

Ooh, a fresh catch from the sea.

Hey. That's a fine bear you got there.
Did you k*ll that yourself?

Don't you touch Mr. Bear!

ALL: Ooh!

Mr. Bear.


Leave him alone!


HOOK: What do you have for me, Mr. Smee?

Good tidings, I hope.

No, not today,

but... but we fished these little fellas
out of the drink.

One of them is in possession of a small,
but possibly dangerous, bear.

And all three of them may be compatriots
of you-know-who.


HOOK: Shh.

What's that?


Do you hear what I hear?

-I don't think so.


There it is again.




Oh, that's it. (INHALES SHARPLY)

HOOK: Mr. Smee.

Yes, Captain?

What are the rules on my ship?

(SIGHS) As they be tattooed on me heart.

One, each pirate upon first embarking
shall be entitled...

Start at .

Yes, quite right. Rule ,

no one shall say the boy's name.

Rule , no whistling.

Rule ...



That's it.

HOOK: Now,

tell me.

How did you come to Neverland?

-We came with Pe...
-Please don't break the rules!

Do not say his name.

We don't care about your rules.
We came with Peter Pan.


And he's gonna rescue us.

He said his name.

Dibs on the bear after he executes them.

He's going to rescue you?

Well... Probably.


HOOK: Hope.

Most days, I hate that word.

But on this occasion...

I wonder.

Mr. Smee.

MR. SMEE: Yes, Cap?

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

-The plank.
-He's gonna make them walk the plank.

-That a cup of tea'd be nice right now.

HOOK: Rouse yourselves, lads.

Set a course

for Skull Rock.



Heave ho, Heave ho

-Heave ho
-Dark and quiet are the devils in the deep

So slow and silent
So you're swallowed in your sleep

With a tail and a tooth
And I'm telling you the truth

You'll be boiling in the belly
Of a behemoth

SLIGHTLY: They're headed to Skull Rock.

Just as I feared.

Wonder why they call it...


Oh, my...

BIRDIE: There's only one reason
pirates go to Skull Rock.

An execution is nigh.

An execution?

Then what are we waiting for?
Let's go rescue them.


Dark and quiet are the devils in the deep

So slow and silent
So you're swallowed in your sleep

With a tail and a tooth
And I'm telling you the truth

You'll be boiling in the belly
Of a behemoth


...your sights abroad

And suddenly the suction of a cephalopod

Has you thinking twice take my advice

A mutineer should also fear a firing squad



(SIGHS) (IN ENGLISH) You can get anywhere
in Neverland down here.

If you know the way.

It's particularly useful
when you wanna hide from pirates.

Which is my preference.

Why is Captain Hook so hateful?

TOOTLES: Because he grew up.
BOTH: And grew up wrong.

-But he's still the best swordsman.
-Which also makes him...

-The worst.
-Which is why we leave him to Peter.

Who he hates
because Peter cut off his hand.

Fed it to the crocodile.
Well, along with his watch.

-You know about the crocodile?
-That's how the story goes.

Wait, you mean I'm in a story?


Don't look at that.


Poor Robert.

WENDY: Oh, look, there they are.

For goodness sakes, Michael can't swim.



Tide's rising.

Poor little cast aways.

Tell me.

What will you hold on to?

Your hope?

Or your breath?

You can't k*ll us.

-We've done nothing wrong.
-Oh, yes you have.

You're doing it right now.

I've found you guilty of being a child,

and we can't have children...

in Neverland.

Rule , no children in Neverland.

BILL: No children in Neverland

PIRATE: No children in Neverland

ALL: (CHANTING) No children in Neverland

No children in Neverland

No children in Neverland

No children in Neverland

No children in Neverland

No children in Neverland

PETER: No one but children in Neverland

No one but children in Neverland

No one but children in Neverland

No one but children in Neverland

No one but children in Neverland

No one but children in Neverland

Quiet! Neverland


What is your name?

How long have you served on my ship?

Hey. Answer your captain.


Fake beard.


I've got to say,
it's not half bad being a pirate.


It's far better being me.


Mr. Bear!


Oh, he's just showing off.

Oh, he's not showing off yet.




Now he's showing off.

Captain Hook.

You're looking a little worse for wear,
old man.

You sure you won't be happier
back in your sick-bed?

Not today, boy.

I woke this morning
with a tune in my heart.

Do you know what the refrain was?

(SINGING) Yo ho, yo hey

Oh, brother. Hook's singing again.

Peter Pan shall perish today

Dark and sinister man.
Prepare to meet thy doom.

Proud and insolent youth.

Have at me!


Come with me.

Trust me.

-PETER: Oh, good morning, Mr. Smee.




Oh, the fairy.




(WHISPERING) John. Michael.

-BOTH: Wendy!

Look what they did to Mr. Bear.

Oh, my...


Yes! Get his hat!


Bad form!


Oh, Tinker Bell. Thank goodness.

Can you help us?



Oh, Wendy.

You're still alive!

WENDY: Yes, I am and so are you.

I thought that maybe you had...

PETER: Died? Perished?

-Been blown to bits?
-WENDY: Yes!

PETER: Not a chance. I'm quite good
at not getting k*ll... (GRUNTS)

(LAUGHS) Got you!


-I beat you.

Don't even think about helping, Tink.

Wretched fairy.

Very bad form, Captain Hook.

All my bad form, I learnt from you.

Don't flatter yourself.

You've always been rotten.

A stinking, rotten codfish.

You've stabbed me in my heart
with your words.

For the last time.

Now, I will repay in kind with my sword.

Strike then, if you've got the courage.

And strike true.

For to die

-will be an awfully big adventure.
-An awfully big adventure.

WENDY: Hey, stop!

Who are you?

I've never seen you here before!

-Well, you see, I'm...
-She's a Wendy.

-ALL: A Wendy!
-A Wendy!

HOOK: A Wendy?

-What's a Wendy?
-I'm a Wendy.

Wendy Moira Angela Darling.

And I am from London, England
where gentlemen do not harm children!


-I am...
-Captain Hook. I know.

-And we are in...

And this child...

is no child.

Nor I a gentle man.

So, say your goodbyes, Wendy.

For you shan't be seeing him
in this world again.



HOOK: Oh, God.

-That is one big crocodile.




Avast, great beast!




No! No! No!

Oh, my!

Run! Run!


PETER: Tally ho!

Come on. Let's go.






Well, that was fun.

It was an adventure.
Isn't that what you wanted?

Yes, but I didn't think that meant
being shot out of the sky by pirates.

Or drowned.

Or dismembered.


Tinker Bell, I don't understand you.
What are you saying?

What she's saying is, I saved the day.

You sort of saved the day.

You saved part of the day.

And I did a pretty good job at it.

WENDY: And it's not like you had

-any help at all.
-No, I didn't.

I'm Peter Pan.

I don't ever need help.

You have a magical fairy
that makes you fly.

A gaggle of children to do your bidding,
a princess who cleans up after you

while you're off gallivanting
with pirates.

Do you really think that
you could beat Captain Hook on your own?

-What's a gaggle?

Of course, I could. I always beat him.

That's just how it works. Always has.

Always will.

And what happens if it doesn't?

Yes, what happens then?

That won't ever happen.

-Will it, Peter?
-PETER: Of course not.

This is Neverland.

Where nothing ever changes.

Least of all, me.


TOOTLES: It's not true
what Peter says, you know?

Some things do change.

-We're not to talk.
-We're not to talk.

What? What aren't you
supposed to talk about?

Hook wasn't always Hook.

Come along, don't dilly-dally.


What is this place?

It's home.

Come on.

Aren't you coming?


It's their home, not mine.

Not yours either, I don't think.

I don't know where my home is exactly...

Or where I want it to be.

TIGER LILY: You will.

The first time I rode out on my own,


(IN ENGLISH) my great great grandmother,

she came to me and said,

"Feel the ground beneath your feet,

"so that your eyes can find the stars.

"Hold the past in your heart,

"but know that where you go from here,
it's up to you."

Sleep tight,

Wendy Moira Angela Darling.

Then get home safe.


Hi, Wendy.

Well, how did you find this place?

Peter found it.
Just like he found all of us.

WENDY: Just like he found me.




Can you tell us a bedtime story, now?

-Yes! Bedtime stories!
-Yes! Bedtime stories!

NIBS: We've been waiting forever.

WENDY: Well, I could,

but I was thinking, perhaps,
Peter could tell us a story first.

-What about?
-WENDY: I don't know.

Maybe how you came to Neverland?

Or how you met Captain Hook.

It's a very short story
and it goes like this...

I fought Captain Hook in a duel
and I cut off his hand.

Yes. Yes. Everyone knows that.

How'd you two meet?

Why'd you start fighting
in the first place?

Because he's a pirate.

And I'm Peter Pan.

But surely, it can't be as simple as that.

Why not?

Because nothing ever is.

Where are you two from?

Where's his mother and father?

Where are yours?

Uh, that's a trick question.

This is Neverland
where there are no mothers and fathers.

Why aren't there?

I don't remember my mother.

Well, now you don't have to.

Wendy can be our mother.

Goodness, no.

I don't even know
if I want to be a mother.

But I still have one.

So do you,

and you,

and all of you.

Somewhere out there...

she misses you.

She loves you very much.

I wouldn't mind seeing my mother again.

Yes, you would.

If you went back home,
it would be the end of all our fun.

All our adventures.

All you'd have left... is growing up.


It's never good when Peter
starts slamming doors.

I'm sorry I asked for a story, Wendy.

WENDY: Oh, it's not your fault.

How about...

How about I sing you a lullaby instead?

What's a lullaby?

It's a song that my mother sings me
and my brothers sometimes.

I believe it goes like this...


It's time to fall asleep, my friends

And dream of fun that never ends

Like swift adventures up above

And roaring fires and mother's love

For when she turns in the moonlight

She knows you're up above the night

Do you hear that?

What is that?

Fruit bats.

They come in this time of year.

No. Listen...

I believe,

I've heard something like that before.


Dear, Tinker Bell,
I wish I could understand you.


I don't think that Peter can either.

He actually doesn't listen, does he?

Well, it's his loss, not yours.

I'm sure you've
simply wonderful things to say.



Who's James?



Oh, Peter, come on.

Don't be like that.

-What's this?
-PETER: It's a kiss.

I made it for you, so we'd both have one.

I thought we'd be friends.

Instead, we're just...


Just like you and Hook.

Hook was a friend of yours, wasn't he?

He was my best friend.

And the very first Lost Boy.

And what happened?

Neverland... just wasn't good enough
for him, I guess.

He sailed away one morning without a word

and left me all alone.

When he returned, he'd changed.

He was cruel.


Was he though? Or had he just grown up?

What's the difference?

That's why you mustn't ever leave.

Who knows what you'll become if you go.

What will I become if I stay?

Nothing. Just be you. Like me.

I really thought you'd be happy here.

Yes, I did too.

But Neverland is not exactly
what I was expecting.

Peter, it's so much more real.

PETER: Of course it's real.
It's just a different real.

A better real.

-Goodnight, Wendy.

WENDY: Mr. Bear.


HOOK: Wendy Moira Angela Darling.


The little sing-song girl

of London, England.

Your voice drew me back to my old home.


Thank you.



Got you!

Where are you?

How many times did we play hide-and-seek
in these ruins?

You were always the best at hiding.

Then again...

I was always the best...

at (SWISHING) finding you!

Captain Hook?


I don't think I like this adventure.





(YELLING) What have you done?

I've done it.

WENDY: Peter!

I've k*lled Peter Pan.





HOOK: I want a word...




-I have nothing to say to you.
-Then listen.


What is that?

Yeah, it's simply...
That's just a lullaby.

Yes, but why...

does it remind me of something?

-Open this!

Where are the keys? Keys. Keys. Keys.

Where does it come from? Tell me.

-I don't know.
-Tell me!

Why does it make me feel so...

I couldn't say.

It was just something my mother sings us.

Your who?

My mother.

Yes, of course.

I know you weren't always like this,
Captain Hook.

I know you and Peter were friends.

I've heard stories.

Have you?

WENDY: You left Neverland.

And when you returned, you were...



HOOK: Hmm.

There's truth to that.

But he left out the most important part.

I didn't just leave Neverland.

Peter made you go.

There it is.

There's the sticking point.

My once and best friend banished me,

all because I missed my...

I... missed...


Your mother?

Yes, my mother.

Who sang me that very song.

Is it so terrible a thing,

to miss a mother?

(SIGHS) No, of course, it's not.

Tell that to your dearly departed friend,

for he surely thought otherwise.

And do you know, after all that,
I never did find her.

I never made it home.

I never saw my poor,
sweet mama, ever again.

I left Neverland and I was lost at sea.

I'd have surely perished,

were I not saved by this man here.

There I was, rescued
and raised by pirates.

And by-and-by, I became their Captain

and I, in-turn brought them
right back here.

But why?

Why come back at all,
if Peter hurt you so?

Because he was my friend.

I'd been happy here.

-You could be happy again.

My time for joy is lost.

Everything I could have been
has been reduced to this.


is what growing up looks like.


This is what it looks like,
when you grow up wrong.

You find me a child
who truly knows the difference

between right and wrong.

And I'll show you a man

who can't remember
why it mattered in the first place.

Execute every last one of them.


-WENDY: No! Wait! Stop!
-Come here!


-James, don't you think that...
-Never call me that!

I am Captain Hook.

Please stop! Take me.

(CRYING) Take me instead!

They're only children, let them live.

When they grow up,
they'll be good pirates,

especially those two.

Please take me.

Your largesse is admirable.

Perhaps it'll lead to a bigger splash.

No! Wendy! No!

Wendy! No! Wendy!

John, I'm sorry.

MICHAEL: No, Wendy!


Puhkitinin kguh weechitdaan.

Where is everyone? Where's Tink?

Where are my Lost Boys?

(IN ENGLISH) They were taken.

PETER: By Hook?




(IN ENGLISH) Let me help you.




A route unravels where those who travel

Don't return from the Earth

So take a hop tiny, and bob on the briny

Seek the shore, forever more

Fair winds

And following seas

Elude alligator, confront the creator

Thine eyes shall see, the mystery

Fair winds

And following seas

And as you sink deeper
and stare at the reaper

Who waits on the tongues of leviathans

And there's a lot of 'em,
you won't touch the bottom

And as we suggested,
you're slowly digested

Fish food

And following sea

HOOK: Farewell then.

Wendy Moira Angela Darling.

Into the water, no son or daughters

Escapes the drink, they'll certainly sink

Fair winds

And following seas

Fair winds

Think happy thoughts.

Mr. Smee.

Mr. Smee.

Yes, yes, sir. Yes, sir.

-Did you hear a splash?
-Absolutely, Captain.

It was, uh...

-(PANTS) Actually...
-I didn't hear one.

Nor I.

But I'm sure one's coming.

Well, she surely must have
hit the water by now.

Unless she fell very slowly.

(YELLING) Did anyone hear a splash?

-PIRATE: Was there a splash?


Why that looks like...

-JOHN: Wendy!

You have the boy's magic.

No. This magic belongs to no boy.

We still have you outnumbered, girl.

Hand over hook over fist.

My men would lay down their lives
for their captain.


But what's a captain without his ship?



-Mr. Smee.
-Yes, Cap.

Get my ship back in the water.

-Hands on the wheel!
-Hand on the wheel!

Drop the anchor! Make it fast!


Is that?

-I think it might be.
-It couldn't be!

But it definitely is.




Miss me?

More than you'll ever know.

Well, wake me up
if one of them kills the other.


How did you do it, boy?

How did you survive?

Faith, trust and pixie dust?


No pixie dust this time.

No magic.

No tricks.

Just a little help from my friends.

You dare to speak to me of friends

when all of yours now belong to me?


and insolent youth,

raise your sword.

Sad and sinister man,

one last time.


ALL: Oh!



Get off!

Get the children!

Get the pirates!



-I've got the bear!

The bear is mine!

MICHAEL: Give me back my bear!




Give it back!

Don't touch my brother!

Or his bear!











Just like old times.

-All your times are old, Captain.




GURLEY: Upon him!




-Michael, come on.


-Almost there.

(SIGHS) Oh. That was close.

Kids, give me that wheel. (GRUNTS)




WENDY: The helm!



Right, John, Michael,
hang on to something.

Everyone, hang on!















Whoa! Whoo-hoo!





CURLY: Hang on, Peter!

Don't look down.

BIRDIE: Peter, no! No, hang on!

Don't let go.



Do you know, what really hurts

about getting old?

It's not (GROANING) the creaking bones

or the dashed dreams

(GRUNTING) or even the sense of death

drawing ever the nearer.

It's knowing your best friend
can stare you in the eyes

and not recognize you.

-You're the one who wanted to leave.
-I was a child!

PETER: Wait, stop!





Go ahead, boy.

Go ahead.

But imagine a Neverland
without the two of us.

Without our battles.

Our brawls.

I know

without you

the fire that fuels me will go out.

Without me,

you'd have no choice but to...

-Be a real boy?

No. A real boy would have to grow.

A real boy...

Would apologize.

(LAUGHS) Apologize?

For what?

For hurting you.

For being a rotten friend.

I'm sorry I did what I did, Captain Hook.

I'm sorry I hurt you, James.

You don't get to do that.

No, that's not how this works.

I want you to fight.

-I need you to fight.
-This isn't fun anymore.

(YELLING) It's not supposed to be fun!

Oh, Captain.

Grow up.


PETER: Got you.

Don't worry, James.


Just think happy thoughts.



I haven't got any.


MICHAEL: What's wrong, Peter?

He was my friend.

We're your friends, too, Peter.

We're always on your side, Peter.


And I'm glad you are, but...

WENDY: Peter,

don't you think it's time
we get these Lost Boys home?

Where to, Peter?

Second star to the right,
straight on till morning.

Wait, wouldn't it be left?

-JOHN: The star.

-If we're going in the opposite direction.
-CURLY: Oh, yes! That's right.

NIBS: Yes. Yes, it's right.
Wait, we're going left, right?

PETER: No, no, no. People!
It has always been right, Twins?




MARY: Goodness, Wendy.

(WHISPERING) You gave me a fright.

Mother? I...

What is it?

I'm sorry.

Oh, there, there. Oh, sweet girl.

It's quite all right.

And I think I'm ready.

Ready for what?

-I'm ready to grow...


Did you hear something?

No, I didn't hear anything.

GEORGE: What on Earth?
WENDY: I think it was just a...

-What's that commotion?
-WENDY: Nothing.

-Father, I heard something, too.

WENDY: There are no intruders.

No, Father, Mother,
I have something to explain to you.

MARY: Stay out here.
WENDY: No, don't go in.

JOHN: Oh, no, be careful with that! No!

That was a present
from my Uncle John and Auntie Ang.

Please, please, please, careful. Just...


Who are all these children?

(PANTS) Mother.

Uh-uh... (CHUCKLES)

Where on Earth did you come from?

They came from Neverland, Father.




why are you crying?

You know how you asked me
where I came from?



-This was your home?
-PETER: It was, once.

My mother scolded me one night

and told me to grow up.

Instead, I climbed out of the window,

leapt over the garden wall,

and never looked back.

Except you did.

That's why you kept coming back, isn't it?

Because you miss your home.
And you miss...

My mother.

But she's long gone now.

I'm just a story.

A story told to any child who'd listen.

It never had an ending, until now.

Maybe I could still come back
to listen to it sometimes.

Or you could stay.



But you're going to leave.
Going to grow up.

You know, Peter.

After all this, I think that to grow up...

Why, it might just be
the biggest adventure of all.

Just think of all the things
that could be right around the corner

that you're missing out on.


Think of what the world is missing out on
with you not being there to do them.

I don't think I'm ready.



No, wait! Peter!

Don't go.

What sort of magic is this?

Who's that boy?

Why, that's Peter Pan.


Goodbye, Tink.


You take care of Peter (SNIFFLES)

and please don't forget about me.

(SOFTLY) I could never.

Wendy, thank you for hearing me.




Goodbye, Peter Pan.

Goodbye, Peter Pan!



Did you see me, Cap? (LAUGHS)

I'm still alive!

-I didn't drown!
-Do you hear that?

I'm floating!

-Look at us, we're floating.
-Did you hear that?

The gulls?




What then?



It's time to drift away, my loves

And dream of cooing turtle doves

For when I turn to switch the light

I know you'll grow up overnight

Fly off into the cloudless skies

Where twinkling stars will fill your eyes

I'll miss you dearly

My brave little ones

All grown up now in the morning sun


Heave ho

Heave ho

Oh oh dark and quiet
are the devils in the deep

So slow and silent
So you're swallowed in your sleep

With a tail and a tooth
And I'm telling you the truth

You'll be boiling in the belly
Of a behemoth

Set sail with your sights abroad
And suddenly the suction of a cephalopod

Has you thinking twice take my advice
A mutineer should also fear a firing squad