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04x07 - Sandcastles

Posted: 04/29/23 06:12
by bunniefuu

Oh, it's just beautiful, Rafael.

Yeah, hanging in the city,

I forget this is all out here.

I ought to let Tess
plan all my days off.

If she's going to
decide how I look,

she might as well
decide how I relax.

I think you look adorable
without that little beard.

Please, I look like I'm 12.

But Tess said, "I don't
like angels with dirty faces."

I love the sound of His voice.

Yeah, it's too bad people
only hear the ocean.

It takes a lot of faith
for people to hear God.

If they haven't seen
him like you or I,

they don't know what
they're looking for,

or what to listen for.

You have to be patient.

Yeah, I guess at heart,
I'm just "the bottom line,

here's-the-deal" kind of angel.

It's how we had to do it
over in Crisis Management.

Man, we didn't have
time for patience.

"A" plus "B" had to equal
"C" or else... kaboom.

You can't force
people to believe.

How are they gonna recognize God

when they can't
even tell the difference

between paradise
and a garbage can?

Try it again, Angel Boy.

Are you sure it's not
gonna bother you, Tess?

Not as bad as all that
lurchin' and bangin'

my baby was doing
on the way out here.


Go ahead.

You done k*lled my car!

What did you do!

I don't know! I... there
was a black plastic thing.

I jiggled it.

Did I tell you to do that?

No. I did not.

I told you to check
the carburetor.

Now you done jiggled and what?

I-I don't know.

Now we got a dead battery.

You doing batteries
now, too, Andrew?

I thought it had something
to do with the spark plugs.

I even mentioned
the timing chain,

the distributor cap,

and the ignition
coil as possibilities,

but some angels
think they know better.

Now I got to get
my hands all greasy.

It's funny how different angels

see things so differently.

The good Lord
made different angels

to handle different situations,

and some of them can fix
cars, and some of them can't.

What's in that bottle?

Oh, it just washed up on a wave.

I was gonna throw it away.

That's not what I asked you.

Oh, look, that's a
message in a bottle.

I-I didn't even know
kids still did that.

Maybe it was some dude
shipwrecked on a desert island.

Or a lonely sailor.

Why don't you just
open it and find out?

Oh, man.


This is way bigger
than a dead battery.

♪ When you walk down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden, heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise, and I
will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell
you I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

"Dear God.

"I really need you.

"My mommy says
she's going to die.

"Can you help me?

"I can't throw this letter
high enough to get to heaven,

"but my mommy says
you're in everything,

"so I know you'll
find it in the ocean.

"Your friend, Scooter
Fisher, age six.


If you are too busy, maybe
you could send an angel."

You know anything
about this, Andrew?

No, it's not part of
my caseload... yet.

Tess, I-I'd love to be
the angel for this little boy.

Oh, Monica, I can do it.

Just kick back and
enjoy the water.

You deserve a day off.

I know, but I-I love taking
care of the wee ones,

and you've spent so much
time in the city, Rafael.

You should stay here.

Well, here's what I have to say.

God gave you both a day off to
do whatever you wanted to do,

and if you want to be angels,

I don't think He'll object,

not to mention that out of all
these people on this beach,

that bottle floated
up in front of you two.

You didn't have to
say that you'd do it,

but I suppose He
knew you would...

and I'm proud of you.

What about you, Andrew?

You going with them?

No, I think I'm gonna
stay here with you.

Good answer.

Two angels are
enough for any little boy.

So where do we find him, Tess?

Well, baby,

the answer's right
in front of you.

Made in Pacific Falls, for
the people of Pacific Falls.

Cast your bottle upon the water

and it shall be
returned unto you.

And, you know, there's
not much current out there,

so probably that's only been
floating around a few days.

So, where do we start?

Well, now, that's the beach,

and this is the
rest of the world.

Any questions?

I don't think so.

So what now?

We go door to door
looking for Scooter Fisher?

Fisher's Cafe?

Hey, Teresa, more coffee.

Here you go.

You want cream with that?

Was there cream
in the first cup?

All right, already.

Geez, take a pill.

Need a menu?

I'd love a mocha latte.

How about coffee and a
side of chocolate syrup?

I'll just have a cup of coffee.

Ah, what kind of pies you got?

No pie today. Just cake.

But your sign says that...

We also got a door. It's
under that sign that says "Exit."

Coffee's fine, thanks.

Ah, we're looking
for a Scooter Fisher.


There are Fishers
all over this town,

but I never heard of a Scooter.

Well, could you tell us

where we might
find some of them?

It'd be under "F."

We got one... two...

three pages of Fishers.

Shouldn't take us
more than a week.

Uh, excuse me?

Would you mind if we, uh...

I think it's terrible
the way some parents

fill their kids with a bunch of
fantasy malarkey about God.

Like He's really gonna

swoop in and save
that kid's mother.

God is not a fantasy, Teresa.

Right, and I suppose you think

you're the angels
the kid asked for?

Look, we don't do
God much around here.

We don't think about Him,

and He obviously
doesn't think about us.

No, but He does think
about you all the time.

God loves you.

Every Monday I get one of these.

You see, she wasn't
ready to hear that.

But she's thinking about it.

Maybe some of these
other people know Scooter.

Worth a shot.

Don't know the kid,
but I have seen God.

Yes, indeed.

He's my ex-wife's new lawyer.

Thinks he can squeeze
blood from a turnip.

God can do much more than that.

Oh, yeah, if he wants to, maybe.

But He isn't gonna bother
with that kid's mother

any more than he
bothered to save my wife.

It must've been very
difficult for you losing her.


You just don't get it, do you?

I lost Louise, and I
lost everything else.

You think anybody cares
if they take away the house

that you spent 40
years together in?

Larry even mortgaged
his own house

to try to help me through
this, but it wasn't enough,

and Larry's wife, Lorraine,

ends up leaving him

because he gave
away their security.

Which turned out actually
to be a very good thing.

The point is, Angel,

I'm gonna put my
faith into Larry here,

who's been my friend
for over 50 years,

and who's been there
for me every time.

You can keep your
mysterious God.

I wish there was something
we could do to help these people.

These people
don't want our help,

and we got a little
boy who does.

That's our assignment. I know,

but I-I hate to leave them
the way we found them.

Well, if we're
gonna do something,

we don't have time
to be subtle about it.

"A" plus "B" must
equal "C," huh?

Always worked for me.

Excuse me. Shh.

Stay away from me.

Hey, man, I just wanted
to ask you a question.

I said stay away from me.

It's cool, man.

There's no need for
a g*n here, Dennis.

How do you know my name?

I guess I just needed to.

You don't know me.

I know that you lost your job

and you're worried about how
you're gonna feed your family,

but this is not the
answer, Dennis.


Somebody, stop him!


What happened?

Benjamin Parker,
Channel 9 News in Portland.

How did you do that?

Now what? We still
got to find that kid.

I'll keep looking.
You clean up here.

He's an angel, sent by God
to give you the bottom line.

An angel?


Let me see that b*llet.

Let me see that.

Look at that.

Shouldn't somebody
call the cops?

Yeah, what about
the b*llet, son?

Start rollin',

and don't stop
until I tell you, okay?

Excuse me?

Excuse me?

Now, do you really
expect these people

to believe that you're an angel?


Don't you believe in angels?

Have any of you ever
seen this kid before?

No. BENJAMIN: Or the lady?

No. Uh uh.

It's a classic set-up.

Who's gonna suspect
an innocent kid

like this hidin' behind God?

You and the gunman
staged a phony sh**ting

while the little lady
robs the cash register.

Nobody's watchin'
her, and you two

are outta here before
anybody notices.

The money's still here.


Mr. Fisher?

In the back.

We're here at Fisher's Cafe

and Billiards Diner

where we have just witnessed

what may be a
robbery gone wrong,

but that's not what
the people of this diner

have been asked to believe.

According to this boy,

angels have just
descended on Pacific Falls.

Excuse me?

Mr. Fisher?

Hey, what can I do you for?

I'm-I'm lookin'
for a little boy.

There are no little boys here.

Just one big boy,
if you're interested.

It's-it's very important
that I find him.

Well, don't know any
kid called Scooter,

and this ain't that big a town.

I'd say you're wastin'
your time lookin' for him

in Pacific Falls.

I'll give it my best shot,

and a few prayers usually help.

Oh, well, if you
plan to start prayin',

you might as well
give up now, lady.

God doesn't live here anymore.

God is everywhere.

No, greed is everywhere.

My grandpa started this business

workin' on machines
for the cranberry bogs.

Then my dad expanded it and
turned it into a moneymaker.

Now I'm about to lose it all
thanks to them chain outfits.

Nobody thinks twice
about the little guy.

You know, it makes you
kinda proud to be an American.

You know, maybe I oughta
throw a bottle in the ocean

and ask God to send me an angel.

And what if He did send you one?

I'd ask Him to get
me more customers.

How did you do that?

Well, I-I used to be
in Search and Rescue.

Search and Rescue?

Is that like the Girl
Scouts or something?

God did send you an angel, Lee.

You're kidding?

You're an angel?


Well, you came just
in time, didn't you?

You don't think
a bunch of tricks

are gonna convince me
that you're an angel, do you?

No, man, usually all
it takes is the truth.

I am an angel,

sent by God to tell
you that He's here.

He's always been here,

and He wonders why you
all turned away from Him

at the times you
needed Him most.

Hey, an angel just
saved Lee Fisher's life

over at the Brake and Clutch.

I'm not gonna
find a six year old

at a tool and die shop.

What am I doing here?

Whoa, hey!

Are you okay?

Where's Mark?

I thought he was
right behind us.



I'm gonna get you outta here.

Who are you?

Come on, pal.

I just.. Come on.

I'll tell ya on the way out.

We were on our
way to investigate

yet another lead in the alleged
angel invasion of Pacific Falls

when the blast occurred.

One man is still missing and
presumed dead. Wait. Hey...

He has been tentatively
identified as Mark Fisher...

Mr. Fisher, how did you get out?


An angel showed me the way out.

Thank you, Mr. Fisher.

Cut it.

Angel showed him out.

I want to know who
these people are.

That girl is probably still
at the Brake and Clutch.

It's just around the corner.

Let's go angel hunting.

Lee, I have to keep
lookin' for this wee boy,

but I hope you'll take advantage

of the opportunity
God has given you.

Well, it isn't exactly
what I asked for,

but I can't say
I'm not grateful.

God sometimes
gives us what we need,

not what we want.

Oh, believe me, Monica,

I'm not lookin' a gift
horse in the mouth here.

I just think I have a lot
more to think about like,

you know, maybe I'm
giving up too easily.

Hello? Anybody home?

In the back.

Hi, are you Lee Fisher?

Yeah, that's me.

You're the fellow
with the angel story?

It was the most amazing
thing I ever experienced.


You know, I happened
to notice on the way in

that you're goin'
out of business.

I don't know now.

Exactly, that's
what I was thinkin'.

What are you
getting at? Come on.

A minute ago you're
goin' out of business.

The next minute you got angels
dancin' around in your garage.

You heard about the
angel thing over at the diner

this mornin', and you're
gonna cash in on it.

This is a publicity
stunt, isn't it?

It's not a stunt.
She saved my life.

She lifted this
car right off me.

You mind if I check this out?

Suit yourself.

Hold this, will you, Lee?

This guy's a real pain.

How's he manage to
be everywhere we are?

He's determined to prove
that we're not angels.

I've seen a lot of people
who don't believe in us,

but deep down
inside they want to,

and this guy wants to, real bad.

Hello, Tess.

Where's Andrew?

On an errand.

Oh, not Scooter's mother?

Oh, no, baby.

I sent him to get some parts.

You know, we're
having a bit of trouble

findin' this kid, Tess.

And everywhere we go,
something terrible happens.

Somebody shot at Rafael,

a building exploded,

and a man I was talkin'
to had a car fall on him,

and no one seems to know
who the wee boy is, Tess.

Well, I got news
for you, Miss Wings.

I don't know if you'll
ever find little Scooter,

or if that's even the point

of this wonderful adventure.

But I do know this:

because of the search,

you two have been
in the right place

at the right time
to do God's work.

So we're not supposed
to find this kid?

I didn't say that.

Learn something.

Sometimes the journey is just
as important as the destination.

The hydraulics gave out.

The car was coming down.

Yeah, sure.

I'm not lying, I swear.

She was this beautiful angel.

She had some kind of accent.

About this high,
dark hair, pretty eyes?

Yeah, that's her.

She's a con artist.

Her and her partners have
been workin' all over town.

I don't know when you
people are gonna get it.

God doesn't really
care about Pacific Falls.

Never has.

But she didn't ask for anything.

Hand me that watch, will you?

"For Scooter, Love Mom."

Hey, that angel was lookin'
for someone named Scooter.

Scooter Fisher.

First seen at Fisher's Cafe,

then here at Fisher's
Brake and Clutch,

and then at
Fisher's Tool and Die

at the time of the explosions,

reports have it that
these alleged angels

are searching
for Scooter Fisher.

Well, angels, if you're
watching, here I am.

He's Scooter Fisher?

Do you two realize what a
panic you're causing in town?

A panic? Yes.

These people should
be havin' a party.

They got real life
angels in front of 'em.

Too much angel too fast
and people get confused.

They mistake angels
for superheroes,

not messengers of God.

I know, Tess, but
it's that reporter

who's makin' all the fuss.

Now he's tryin' to catch us,

tryin' to make us think
he's Scooter Fisher.

He is Scooter Fisher.

I just got the news myself,

and it explains a lot.

But I thought Scooter
was six years of age?

Ah, well, the bottle has
actually been drifting

in the ocean for a long time.

Well, no wonder he's so mad.

His mother's probably
long gone by now.

50 years, he never
heard back from God.

Well, that's what he thinks,

but I hope it's not
what you think.

God hears every prayer, Rafael.

The spoken prayer,
the silent prayer,

and the prayers sent
in little bitty bottles.

So, why now?

And why did God let
us think this was about

finding a little boy
whose mother is dying?

Because it is about
finding a little boy.

A little boy who's
finally coming home.

I know that you're a bottom
line kind of a guy, Rafael,

but children and mothers
need very gentle handling,

so I think I should be
the one to talk to him.

He's not a child anymore.


I'll go ahead and
talk to Benjamin.

Catch up with you later.

There's a whole bunch
of people lookin' for you.

Hey, they're
lookin' for you, too.

Yeah, but you're
the one with the g*n.

Let me have it.

You really an angel?


Come on.

I didn't mean to sh**t.

I just wanted to
be left alone so I...

I could figure things out.

That waitress came towards me,

told me you guys were a
couple of Bible-thumpers.

I-I... I just kinda snapped.

You got scared.

You thought God was
gonna judge you a failure.

I am a failure.

I can't hold onto a decent job.

My family's depending on
me and I-I can't even deliver.

What were you gonna do?

Rob a convenience store?

Is that gonna make
you more successful?

I was gonna k*ll myself.

I just thought maybe...

I could just make it
look like an accident.

And your family would be better
off with the insurance money

instead of you.

I didn't know what else to do.

I couldn't see any other way.

Now, I can't solve
your problems for you,

but I can point you
in the right direction.

Hello, Teresa.

You know I didn't
mean that stuff

about God bein' a
bunch of malarkey.

Yes, I know.

I, uh...

didn't mean to go off like
that this morning, you know?

It's all right, Leo.

God understands.

He suffers the
pain of His children,

but even in pain
there is growth.

God loves you, and
He wants you to know

that He's there for you, and
that Larry is there for you,

and that Teresa is
there for you, and...

And I should stop wallowing
in my own self-pity, right?


God knows that

I was just kidding
around this morning, right?

Yes, Larry.

God has a very
good sense of humor.

I know that you're all afraid

God sent the angels to this town

to wreak vengeance,
but... God loves you.

He just wants you to
know that He's here for you.

That was really beautiful.

You asked for an angel.

Here I am.


It is incredible.

You know, this morning I
was looking for a little boy,

and I found a grown man.

You were looking for a story,
and you found some angels.

We may not know
where we're going,

but wherever we go,
we know there is God.

You got a lotta guts, lady,

comin' back here and
stickin' to that story.

Well, of course I'd come back.

I'm lookin' for you,
Scooter Fisher.

I don't allow people
to call me Scooter,

and I don't use
"Fisher" anymore.

I know.

If you hadn't changed your name,

you'd have been easier to find.

Look, lady, I don't know
what you want with me.

You asked for an angel,

not just today on television,

but 50 years ago.


Back when I needed an angel.

Back when I actually believed
all that God and angel nonsense.

God and angels do exist.

Not in the real world, lady.

Not in my world.

I don't know where
you got this note,

or what you
expect to get from it,

but I won't be a part
of your con game.

I got a job to finish
out at the pier.

I don't even know why I
bothered gettin' involved in this.

Because more than
anything else in this world,

you hope that God
still bothers with you.

Lady, you are a certifiable nut.

Is he goin' where
I think he's goin'?

To the beach.

If you're not willing
to listen to me,

I'm still willing
to listen to you.

My mother and I
used to come here a lot

when I was a kid.

We'd drink ginger ale
and build sandcastles

and pretend there were
real, happy people livin' in 'em.

She should've never
had me write that letter.

We were goin'
through hard times,

and my father hadn't
been gone long,

so when she told
me she was dyin',

I really believed...

there would be a merciful
God there to help me out.

There was no one.

Nothin's ever really
mattered since.

God didn't desert you, Benjamin.

You ran away from Him.

You asked God for His help

when you were six years
of age and He gave it to you,

only you were too little
then and too sad to see it.

But later even, in your triumphs

and successes, you couldn't
see Him working in your life.

You wouldn't let Him
comfort your pain,

but He has been
beside you through it all,

and He is with you now.

Lady, you can spin
these tales all day long,

but I'm not buyin' it.

I was here.

He wasn't.

How long has it been since
you were here in Pacific Falls?

50 years ago,

and believe me,
I wouldn't be back

if I didn't have an
assignment to cover.

So you were sent back to
the place that you were born

after 50 years, on the very day

that a prayer in a bottle
washed up on the same beach

where you wrote it
many years before,

and God delivered
it to two angels,

the angels who were there
for the people in Fisher's Cafe,

and an angel who
is here for you now.

I will not believe in God.

The people of this
town never cared

about God, even
as much as I did.

Now you've got 'em
talkin' about God.

You got 'em believin'
in Him like He was real,

and I can't disprove it.

Because you can't
disprove the truth.

Your world is based on
the belief that you're alone,

Benjamin, but you're not.

That's not the truth.

Do you know that your mother
sent a message that day as well?




God gives us what we need to
know, when we need to know it.

It's time for you to know.

"Dear God.

"Please forgive me
for what I've done

and take care of my
son while I'm gone."

While I'm gone?

What does that mean?

It means that your
mother is still alive.

What are you talkin' about?

My mother's been
dead for almost 50 years.

Your mother wanted you to
believe that she was dead,

but the truth is, she's been
in prison all these years.

In Prison? For what?

For the death of your father.

And God wanted me to have
this information now, right? Why?

Because your mother is dying.

What is this?

Does God think that
my life is a big joke?

No. No. God loves you.

That's why he sent His angels
here to help you find the truth

you've been looking
for all your life.

The truth about God, the
truth about your mother,

but I'm afraid that
we're running out of time.

We got all the
time in the world.

My mother's been
hiding behind God

all this time, let's
let her stay there.

For more information
on the subject,

press command "I."

How could she do this?

People get k*lled
for a lot of reasons.

Why won't you people
leave me alone?

You asked for help.

Too little, too late.

I loved my mother.

I was dependent on her.

I thought she was a saint.

She destroyed my life.

Your mother did not decide
how you should live your life.

You did.

When you stopped
believing in God, you put

all of your hopes
and dreams in a bottle,

but you never cast it out.

You kept it bottled up inside.

I was six years old.

You're not six anymore.

It's time to let that scared
little child out, Benjamin.

Let him grow up.

Let him appreciate the good
stuff and work through the pain.

Life is about all of it,

and life without
feeling isn't really life,

and without God,
you can't really feel.

I was alone all my
life, I'll stay alone.

You are not getting
it, are you, man?

You are not alone.

You never have been alone.

You think your mother
forgot about you?

She didn't. She couldn't.

She's thought
about you every day.

She has prayed for you.

If my mother was so
concerned about me,

why didn't she
tell me the truth?

God gives people free will

to live their lives
the way they choose.

That doesn't mean
that He's not there

every step of the way.

Your mother had the
choice to do what she did,

and you had the choice to
live your life the way you did.

Now you had your
reasons, and she had hers.

Don't you want to know
what those reasons were?

All those wasted years.

I don't know whether
I could face her.

God will give you the
strength, Benjamin.

His hand is right
in front of you.

All you have to do is
reach out and take it.

Can't you just take
me now, Andrew?

But there's still one
thing that you have to do.


You have a visitor.

A visitor? No.

I haven't had a
visitor in years.

It's your son, Benjamin.

No, he's not
supposed to know yet.

I don't want him to come.
Oh, please, God, no!

Jennette, listen to me.

It's very, very important

that you have this
moment together.


Do you remember...

putting the message in
that bottle 50 years ago?

You asked for two things.

You wanted God to forgive you,

and you wanted someone
to take care of Benjamin.

Well, God's forgiven you,

but you are the one

who has to take
care of Benjamin.

I can't do anything
for him. It's too late.

No, it's not.

You can give him the one thing

that he needs more
than anything in the world.

The truth.


I'm so sorry, Scooter.

I wasn't sure you
would know it was me.

We get the Portland TV stations.

I watch you every
night on the news.

You have my grandfather's hands.

It's not Pacific Falls.

They shut down 30 years ago.

I didn't even know
you were here.

That's the way I wanted it.

Why all of this? I-I
don't understand it.

Everything I did,

I did for you, Scooter,
to protect you.

Protect me from what?

Your father.

My father?

I don't remember that.

I always tried to
protect you from him

and that terrible temper.

Sometimes I'd take
you to the beach,

or send you to Mrs. Beamis,
when it got really bad.

I liked Mrs. Beamis.

She always made me brownies.

Yes, she was a very nice woman,

and she never
asked any questions.

He was getting worse,

and there wasn't
a choice anymore.

When he went
to sleep that night,

I grabbed you and
we snuck out to the car.

I was crying 'cause...

I didn't have something, right?

Yes, Mr. Binkie,
your little bear.

We were almost away.

We'd almost gotten
out, but I went back in.

You went back
for my bear for me.

I wanted you to have
something to hold onto...

but he woke up.

He shoved me into the bedroom.

He tried to lock
me into the closet,

and I grabbed his
g*n off the shelf.

I just wanted to keep him away.

I didn't stay in the car.
I came looking for you.

He grabbed at the g*n.

The g*n went off...

I stood there.

I knew he was dead,

and I knew no one
would ever believe me.

No one ever believed

I was protecting myself.

And I didn't know
how to help you.

No, there was nothing
you could've done.

And I'm sorry I
missed out on your life.

Why did you want me to
think that you were dead?

If I couldn't be a part
of your life anymore,

I didn't want you
to have to deal

with having a mother in prison.

Oh, it was the hardest
decision I ever had to make.

They promised me
they would put you

with a good family far away

where you would
never learn the truth.

They did.

They put me with a great family.

The Parkers tried very hard...

but I wouldn't let 'em in.

I couldn't.

I didn't understand.

I was all alone.

I felt like I was...
abandoned by you,

by my father, by God.

I'm sorry I couldn't
be there for you.

Can you forgive me?

Mom, I was brought
here by angels.

Angels from God.

I didn't have any
idea what I would do

when I got here,

but I knew for the
first time in a long time

that God would be here, too.

Mom, I started forgivin' you

before I even
came into this room.

Thank you.

Thank you,

for makin' me such an
important part of your life,

even if I didn't even know it.

After I'm gone,

will you go back to the beach,

back to our place,
just to remember?

Maybe you could
build a sandcastle,

just for us, one last time.

And don't forget the ginger ale.

Andrew was right.

I'm very glad...

I got the chance
to tell you the truth.

I love you, Scooter.

I love you, too, Mom.

Bye, Mom.

Bye, Mom.

That man's gonna
be just fine now.

Oh, yeah.

You know, he
brought a lot of peace

to his mother at the end.


I wish you could've
been there, Tess.

They probably
wouldn't have let me in.

What's wrong with
you, Angel Child?

I think he wants his beard back.

Do you know how
much harder it is

for people to take you seriously

when you look like
you're 12 years old?

Now how would Tess
know anything about that?

Watch it, Angel Boy,

or that hair of
yours'll be next.

Well, couldn't I have just
a little bit of a beard, Tess?

Yes, Tess. What
about a wee goatee?


Nice work, Angel Boy.

Thank you.

So what about my goatee, huh?

What did you learn on this
assignment, Angel Child?

God has perfect timing.

And what else?

Mine needs some work.

So, you still want to ask me

about that fur on your face?

I guess not.

You see?

You're gettin'
better all the time.