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04x08 - My Dinner with Andrew

Posted: 04/29/23 06:13
by bunniefuu
Hello. You're
looking lovely today.

It is nice to see someone
else who's wondering

what they're doing here.

It's a very tony
crowd, don't you think?

Actually, to be honest with you,

I'm feeling a wee
bit underdressed.

No, you, you look
magnificent in those feathers.

You put everybody
to shame. You do.

Look how gorgeous you are, huh?

Come here.

Do you mind if I ask you, how
long have you been waiting?

Five years.

Very funny.

You should see your face.

You know, you'd be
talking to birds, too,

if you'd been waiting
for over an hour.

An hour? Where's Andrew?

Well, I thought he was with you.

I do not like these
last-minute things.

I do not.

There's no time to
do your homework.

You're sh**ting from the hip

and something is bound
to fall through the cracks.

Oh, here he is now.


Well, whatever it is, you
sure are dressed for it.

Well, thanks. What is it?

What is what?

The assignment.

Oh, for heaven's sakes.

What's going on here, Andrew?

I don't know. Is
something going on?

I was told you needed help.

So was I.

No, I don't need any
help, as far as I know.

I was just told to come here
and wait. Now that's funny.

I usually know something
about a case before it's...


Yes, ma'am?

I've seen you before, haven't I?

Um, I'm not, not sure.

Oh, I know I know
you from somewhere.

Did you ever work with my
husband maybe, Harvey Cysse?

Cysse Petroleum?

Harvey... Cysse.

Yes, Harvey. Yes, of course.

Oh, you did work with him.

No, I didn't work with him.

I, I knew him very,
very late in life.

Oh, of course, the hospital.

You were at the hospital,

very near the end.

A doctor.


A doctor.

Oh, that is so
perfect.. Oh, no, no.

I never forget a face, but
that is absolutely perfect.

Doctor, what is your name again?

Andrew, but I'm a
friend. I'm not a...

Dr. Andrew Friend,

and, Andrew, you're
not married, are you?


Oh, good, good, good,

and you don't have any

strange inclinations,
no criminal record?

I bet you don't, do you?

No, of course you don't.

Listen, Doctor,
can I call you Andy?

Well... Come with me, honey.
You're about to save my life.

Excuse me, ladies.

Angel Boy needs some help, baby.

♪ When you walk down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden, heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise and I
will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell
you I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

Ah, the Books 'N Bachelors
Luncheon. Again, already.

I tell you, I can't, I
just absolutely cannot

be the chairman of
this thing every year.

This is the last, and
I mean it this time.

I say that every
year, but I'm serious.

Oh, Elaine.

Gorgeous Chanel.

Anyway, I had my bachelor
all set up, and what happens?

He gets paged.

He gets paged and he takes
off to save somebody's life,

and what am I supposed to do?

Well, thank God you showed up.

Um, um, just excuse me a second.

Books and, and Bachelors?

Oh, yes.

Well, I mean,
this is the league's

biggest fund raiser of the year.

Oh, surely you're not a doctor
and, and you don't know about

the Books 'N Bachelors Luncheon

for the Nichols
Bio Tech Institute?

Rachel, Rachel, I got one.

Don't go away.

Excuse me.

What's a Books and
Bachelors Luncheon?

They eat lunch, they buy books,

they auction off men.

They raise a lot of money.

They auction off men?

Just for the night.

Oh, is that legal?

I'm afraid so.

Do you know what this is?

I know who you
are, Bachelor Boy.

No, no way.

I'm not gonna do this.

Why not? It's humiliating.

Oh, it's for a good
cause, Andrew. Isn't it?

This institute does fine work.

Tess, this can't be the
reason that I'm here.

How did I get into this?

I don't know, but we
were all sent here,

and this is what happened.

So, I would say you go

with the flow till
you know, baby.

Oh, Andy, there you are.

Come along. It's time.
We're getting started.

She got him again.


Oh, I'm so... sorry.

That's okay.


I never figured you for the
charity auction type, Beth.

Everybody has to eat lunch.

Well, if you think you
can afford the time.

I don't see you
at the lab today.

Well, I figured if anybody
has any serious questions

about the Institute, there ought to be
somebody here who could answer them.

Ladies... and gentlemen,
of course, good news.

Our book sale has just sold out.

Now we are pleased

to have with us this afternoon

some of those
dedicated physicians

whose research will
be directly benefited

by the tax-free donations
you're making today,

so I'd like to take
this opportunity

to introduce them to you.

Let's see.

Dr. Katherine Calder.

Thank you.

Dr. Beth Popik.

And, of course, Dr. Hugh Brooks.

Now Dr. Hugh has volunteered

to be our very first
bachelor this afternoon.

I know this is what
you've all been waiting for,

so let the bidding begin.

Dr. Hugh, come on up here.

I have $300

for Assistant District
Attorney Peter Carpenter.

Do I hear $350?


Ladies, $350

for a night with
one of the city's

most eligible
bachelors, come on.


Ah, in the back, I have $350.

Thank you very much.

Going once, going
twice... sold for $350.

Thank you.

Have a wonderful time.

And now I'm
delighted to introduce

our last bachelor,
Dr. Andrew Friend.

Now Andy has been
a friend of our family

for many years.

He's, well,

I have to say, I love him
like my own younger brother.

Andy's a dedicated physician,

who, by the way, just happens
to dance a pretty mean rumba.

Ladies, believe me,
after a date with Andy,

your life will
never be the same.

Well, that's one
thing that's true.

Do I have an
opening bid of $200?



I have $250, ladies.

Do I hear three?

What are you doing?

I don't want him to feel cheap.




Well, I have $350.
Now, do I have four?




Well, I have $500

for the terribly desirable
Dr. Andrew Friend.

Do I have $550?


$600 for Dr. Andrew Friend.

Going once, going
twice, sold for $600.

Thank you very much.

Ladies, that's the end

of this year's Books "'
Bachelors Luncheon.

Thank you all for coming.

We'll see you again next year.

Thank you.


I'm Andrew.

I know practically
every doc in this town

and I never heard of you.

Yeah, I guess that's
something that I'm going to have

to explain when we go to dinner.

Look, it's nothing personal,

but I'm not
interested in a date.

The money's going
toward a good cause.

Let's just forget it.

I, I don't understand.

If, if you don't want
to go out with me,

then why not just
make a donation?

Why did you bid for me?

I wasn't bidding for you.

I was bidding against her.

And I won.

So that's it?

You, you went through
all that for nothing?

Well, I did get the highest
price of any guy up there,

and it's for a good cause.

I feel it was for
more than we know.

I am so sorry. Adam?

Monica, you're looking lovely.

Am I too late?

Well, that depends. What
are you talking about?

I had a passing in
Duluth. Lovely lady.

Had all her affairs
in order, 92 years old,

and could not wait to go home.

I was all set

to take her, too, and then poof,

Wheel of Fortune comes on

and she will not go until
after the Bonus Round.

Then I was sent here
to cover for you, right?

Yeah. Thanks.

So did you stand here and get
randomly selected as a bachelor?


And did the doctor bid on you?

Yeah. 600 bucks.

Wow, impressive.

So the date is on?

No, no. She blew me off.

No. No, no, no, no, no.

You have to take her
on that date tonight.

I don't think that she likes me.

Maybe you should go.

No, no, you're the angel
assigned to the case now

so you should follow through.

Here. This is the restaurant
you should take her to,

and I get the feeling you're
gonna need some back-up.

Are you referring to us?

Yeah, we don't know what it
is we're supposed to do, Adam.

Ah, when you see
the restaurant, you will.

Mmm... Oh, I've got
a scuba diving crisis

in about three minutes.

I may be awhile, 'cause
it could go either way.

I'll meet you at the
restaurant later and fill you in.

Just make sure
you get her there.

Okay, you're all set.

Just type in your
password... I won't look...

And that'll lock this baby
up tighter than Fort Knox.

Dr. Jonas, you have
a call on line one.

Dr. Jonas, line one.

That's pretty tight security.

It's a shame that
you think you need it.

Well, at least I have
something to protect.

What if somebody
tries to break in?

Somebody starts
guessing the code,

punches in the wrong numbers,

the whole system
freezes up for 12 hours.

Even you can't get in till then.

So what do you got in there?

Some kind of a deadly virus

that kills people

in three minutes or something?

Thank you for your help.


Wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait.

Now, I know that you
said to forget about dinner,

but it just doesn't seem fair.

Think about what you're missing.

You've got to be kidding.

No. Not... No. Not
me. No, no, no.

I meant, wouldn't you
like the satisfaction

of coming to work
after, like, a $600 date,

and having everyone around
here go just a little bit crazy

wondering if it was worth
it or not? And it will be!

But you don't have
to tell them that.

Just keep them guessing.

Which is something I
suspect you like to do anyway.

Nice vault, by the way.

It's got to be a nice place.

Very nice.

I get there myself,
I go home alone.

Of course.

Okay. It's 508 Madison.

It's the top floor.




Can you really rumba?

I will by 7:00.

What is this?

This is not a restaurant.

That's what this is.

Tess, she's coming
here in three hours.

Yes, and we have a problem.

We have a problem, Monica?!

We don't... we
don't have chairs!

First things first.

Tess was thinking
Italian, but my feeling

is for Pacific Rim.

What do you think, Andrew?

Oh... I think...

I think it's going
to be a long night.

What are you so nervous about?

This is his first date.

This is not a date.

It's an assignment.

And my assignment is a date.

Tess, look at this place!

I can't bring her here!

But this is where you
were told to bring her.

It's what is called
controlled environment.

Scientists love
this kind of thing.

Monica, I promised her
it's going to be a nice place.

God does not do cheap.

And, as I recall, we were
assigned to back you up,

so if you will just
relax and hush up,

you will be backed up.

You got the picture?

In the meantime,
work, for the night

is coming, baby.

Good evening.


Dr. Calder?


Your table is waiting.

Right this way, please.


Well, hi.

Oh... Please.

Would you like me to
pour the champagne?

No, thank you.

I got it.

Strange place.

I never heard of it before.

It's pretty new.

So, now, is this okay or...
or you want something else?

No, that's fine.

As a matter of fact,
it's one of my favorites.

I have a bottle of it
sitting in my refrigerator.

Really? What are
you saving it for?

So, are you or are
you not a doctor?

I'm not.

And you didn't treat Jackie
Cysse's husband Harvey?

No, but I do know him.

I did know him before he died.

What do you do?

I'm sort of a... a counselor.

I help people die.

Ah. So, when science fails them,

you come in to clean up, right?

Yeah. I guess that's
one way to look at it.

What do you tell these
people without hope?

Oh, I tell them
that there is hope.

I tell them about God.


Uh... there's something
you need to know before

we go on with this.

I don't believe in God.

I believe in science.

Okay. Well, uh... Do
you believe in dinner?

I do.

Then I think we should
make the first toast to...

to common ground.


Welcome to Chez Tess.

Uh, we have a
fixed menu tonight.

This is what our
chef will be serving.


should you have any
substitution requests,

please don't hesitate to ask.

I'd like veal instead
of the pheasant,

no sage in the lemon reduction,

and tea instead of coffee.

Certainly. I'll share
that with the chef.

Make it two.

Good evening,
sir. May I help you?

Is this a restaurant? Well...

Do people sit at table
and order food and eat

and then get up and leave?

Oh, yes. That's the plan, but...

Well, then it is a restaurant,
and I demand to be served.

Do you have a reservation?

Do you have a reservation list?


I'll take one of those
tables over there.

Right this way.

We have a fixed menu.

This is what our chef will
be serving this evening.

May I interest you
in something to drink?

I'd like to see the wine list.

The wine list.

Yes, of course.

♪ I'm cooking ♪

♪ What a blessing ♪

♪ What a blessing for everyone ♪

♪ I'm... ♪

How's it going out there?

Good. Going good. Um...

There have been a couple
of substitution requests.

Well, who said that
substitutions were allowed?

In the spirit of
hospitality, I did.

Well, just how hospitable
are we going to be?

Uh... veal instead of pheasant,

no sage in the lemon reduction,

tea instead of coffee. Twice.

No pheasant?!

No pheasant.

At least not on table one.

Table one?

It's the hot topic
in medicine now.

Every doctor wants
to discover one.

A susceptibility gene?

Sure. Imagine being
able to take a test

and find out you've got a
gene in your chromosomes

that says you've got a really

good chance of getting
breast cancer or Alzheimer's

or Lou Gehrig's Disease.

What if science could tell
you how you're going to die?

So tell me, what kind of
disease are you looking for?

That's not how it works.

All the major medical centers
have divided up the chromosomes.

We're studying chromosome 12.

We examine everything
we can about that one

chromosome, trying
to find a pattern.

We call it a gene sequence.

It could indicate a
tendency toward a disease,

but we don't know what
disease we're looking for,

and we don't know where to look.

Where in the world
did you get this?

This is an 1870
Lafite Rothschild.

I... I know. I'm
sorry. It's terribly old,

but I'm afraid it's all

we could come up with.

We're still working
on the wine list.

This isn't old. This is extinct.

This is impossible.

Well, the owner
of this restaurant

specializes in the impossible.

Bon appetit.

I don't understand.

It seems to me that
the more information

that scientists share
with one another,

the sooner they
discover cures for things.

Medicine is competitive

because medicine is a
business, just like everything else.

If you don't get there first,

then you don't get the jobs

or the grants or the fame
or whatever else you want.

So what do you want?


So why is that so
important to you?

Because I'm dying.

I've got cancer.

It's... it's a form of leukemia.

It's going to k*ll me someday,

but I'm still here... Thanks
to science, by the way.

So I understand the value

of knowing what
you're going to die of.

How long?

Five or six years, maybe.

I know you think I'm
some pushy broad

who just has to be first in line

and win the auction
and beat the other kids

and keep all my
secrets to myself,

but discovering a
new gene, Andrew,

that could change the world...

Doing that on my own,
making a name for myself...

That's all I have to live for.

And it's the only thing that
will be left when I'm gone...

The difference that
I made in this world.

Excuse me.

There's a call for
you at the front.


Yeah. I'm sorry.

Excuse me.

How's it going?

Well, I'm finally getting a clue
as to what we're doing here.

She's dying.


But she doesn't

need me. I mean, you
know, not yet anyway.

She needs a caseworker.

Someone like you,
Monica. This woman

really has to get
her priorities straight

in the next five years.

Five years?


No, she's not going to
die in five years, Andrew.

She's going to die tonight.

What do you mean she's
going to die tonight, Adam?

She looks so normal.

Well, she has a disease...

and it's fatal, but it's slow.

She... she said that
she had five years.

Well, then she's not
gonna die of that tonight.

It'll be something else.

Car accident,

a stroke, a chandelier
could fall on her head.

How? I don't know how.

I was just supposed to be there

when it happens...
Standard procedure.

So now... I'm the one
who has to be there.

Out of all the men
at that auction,

why did she bid on an angel?

Well, sometimes when
death is near, people sense it.

And I suppose God knew

that given a chance, she'd like
to have an angel with her today,

whether she knew
why or not. Mmm,

I don't know, Tess.

This lady just doesn't
seem like the angel type.

Well, maybe she knows that,

and maybe deep down
inside, she'd like to change it

before it's too late.

Well, it's later
than she thinks.

A lot later.

You may want to serve dessert

with the entree.

You never change,
do you know that?

I'm really sorry,
Andrew... It ought to be

me out there instead of you.

If there's anything I can do...

Put this on and stir.

You know, if I believed
in God... which I don't...

I'd say this place is the closest
thing to Heaven that I'm gonna get.

Play along with me
here for a minute.

Oh, Lordy, I feel a sermon
coming on. No. No, no, no.

No, I promise. Promise.

But think about what
you just said, okay?

You said, people
live, people die.

So what happens after that?




Hopefully, a plaque
somewhere with my name on it.

That's it, Andrew.

The rest is wishful thinking.

I mean, what, you die and
then what, go to Heaven?

It's been done before. Okay.

All right, let's assume that
I die and I go to Heaven.

Then what?

I... float around

like some blissful
amoeba with no food,

no champagne, no cable?

I mean, let's face it,

who wants to live
forever like that?

Nobody. Nobody.

And God wouldn't want you to.

So, how many cable
channels has he got?


you are... I don't know,
you're really something.


Imagine, um...

imagine that you are
locked in a closet...

for years.

That's my laboratory.
Okay, okay.

Now, uh, during
this incarceration,

you have a baby...
This is getting

very weird. No, stick with me
here. Stick with me here, okay?

Now, you hope to get out,
right, but you don't know.

So you start drawing
pictures of, uh...

birds and, um, trees
and dogs, you know,

to show this baby of yours,

who has never
seen what... life is like

out in the real world.

Okay. Okay?

So, imagine that, uh, one
day this baby comes and says,

"You know, uh, gee, houses
and-and birds and trees and dogs

are all pretty... small
and, um, flat, aren't they?

And you realize

that no matter how hard
you try to draw these pictures,

you can never get
this baby of yours to...

even imagine what
reality looks like.


Not until he
sees it for himself.

So in the meantime...

you tell this child
that you love him...

and you ask him to trust you.

So Heaven is the
ultimate reality, huh?

Is that what you tell
your dying patients?


That's what I share with them.

I've never met anybody like you.

You really believe this,

but you're not one of
those angry, pushy types.

You remind me
of... I don't know...

This isn't gonna come out right.

You look like... love.

Now I'm embarrassed.


That is the most wonderful thing

that anybody has
ever said to me.

What is it with that boy?

You, keep stirring!

Excuse me, sir?

If you don't mind
my saying so, sir,

you really shouldn't
eat so quickly.

Mm... You know, there's plenty
more where that came from, really.

I can't help it.

This isn't food...
This is life itself.

I mean, the texture, the aroma,

the indescribable
fluidity of flavors.

Uh, what else have
you got back there?

♪ What are you doing ♪

♪ The rest of your life? ♪

♪ North and south and east ♪

♪ And west of your life? ♪

♪ I have only one request ♪

♪ Of your life ♪

♪ That you spend it all ♪

♪ With me ♪

Can you keep a secret?

Try me.

I've done it.

I've found a gene sequence.

I've finally found one.

So y-you mean you've discovered
a-a gene for a disease, right?

Almost. It's like finding a map.

All I have left to do now is
let it lead me to the treasure.

Oh. It's just a
matter of time...

but I'm there.

So how much... time do you need?

Oh, a few weeks. Months, maybe.

That's why I'm so big
on security these days.

If anybody got hold
of those notes now,

it wouldn't take somebody
like Beth much time at all

to use my work to
identify the gene and...

take all the credit for herself.

So how much time
would you need if...

if you two worked together?

You still don't get it, do you?

If we work together,
we'd share the credit.

And I'm sorry, Andrew, I know it
doesn't sound very religious or heavenly,

but I want the credit.

I've worked for it, I
deserve it, it's mine.

I wish I'd never told you.

You know, Kate, I
have a secret, too.

- You're married.
- No, no.

You'd be surprised... that's
usually the secret I hear.

Kate, I know this is
gonna sound crazy,

but there's a
reason that you bid

as hard as you did
at that auction today.

Yeah, I know, it
was silly and petty,

but it was some way of
proving to Beth and to myself

that I was always
going to win, and I am.

Kate, I know that you
don't believe in God,

but He believes in you.

Oh, come on! And He sent me

to be with you when you die.

And if Heaven

is where you want to go, I will
be there to help you get there.

I'm an angel, Kate.

And you are facing death.

But it's not in five years.

It's tonight.

You're crazy.

And I'm getting out of here.

Kate... Mr. Delmonico?

Mr. Delmonico?

Can you breathe?

I saw this coming a mile off.

You know anything about this?

No, but I'm ready.

Come on, come on.


Thank God.

Okay... just take
slow, deep breaths.

Can we have some water here?

I'm so sorry.

Man, that was close,
that was very, very close.

I know.

I could feel myself dying.

Don't laugh, I can't explain it,

but I thought I saw
the Angel of Death

standing right... You!

It's you!

Yes, sir, but, uh,
you're fine now.

You don't need me.

You really ought

to take smaller
bites, Mr. Delmonico.

♪ Chew, chew, chew. ♪

That's why God
invented incisors.

I-I don't know what's
going on here, but...

I'd like to leave now.

I think that's a
good idea, baby.

And the dinner is on the house.

My goodness.

Kate... The restaurant business

can be very exciting.
Kate, we still have to talk.

No. No, we don't.

Kate? TESS: Let her go, baby.

She's not ready to hear you.

Taxi! Taxi!

Mr. Delmonico! Wait!

Are... a-are you one of them?

No, no, I'm... No,
no, please, tell me,

what did you see, what happened?

But you were there.

I-I almost died.

You saved my life.

But he... he was waiting for me.

Andrew? Yes.

The man in the tuxedo? Yes.

But he wasn't
wearing that anymore.

He was wearing, uh...

I don't know how to explain it.

Clothes, but more real.

I mean, he had hands
and hair and a face, but...

they were... more.

It's as if I've been looking
at reflections of the world

my whole life, and
then suddenly, I saw.

The ultimate reality.

Yes. Tell me, please, what
were you two talking about?

What did the angel tell you?

Then he is an
angel, isn't he? Yes.

It's incredible.

It's... well, it's terrifying.

It's-it's... it's wonderful.

But what did he tell you?

He told me...

that I'm going to die tonight.


Oh, no.

Open the door!




No. No!

No... Come on!

No, no.

No... Oh, God, oh, help me.

I don't want to die now, please.

Don't be afraid.

You, you are the angel
of death, aren't you?

Yes, I am.

Funny... I studied
all the textbooks...

and I always had this
strange peace in knowing

what disease I was
gonna die from and when.

I never counted on an accident.

Is that how it's gonna happen?

I don't know how,
and I don't know when,

but I do know this.

When it happens, I'll be there.

Kate, I don't want to
scare you, but I know that

if I've been sent here to
show you the way home,

there's a reason.

And usually that
reason is death.

So we wait.

We wait.

Now you know what
I was saving it for.

You know something?

Not a lot of people get
the chance to say good-bye.

I was an orphan.

I didn't have anybody
to say good-bye to.

I grew up with 32 other kids.


No wonder you
don't like to share.

I never had anything that was
new, or that was really mine.

Until now.

Your secret discovery?

Oh, Kate...

That's not even
yours, any more than

the North Pole belongs
to Admiral Perry,

or, or the sea belongs
to Jacques Cousteau.

The, the wonders
of the universe,

the, the physics,
the thermodynamics,

the, the medicines that
are found in the rain forest,

the gene sequence
in your chromosome...

those belong to God, not you.

I was starting to

believe these last
few years in God.

The more I worked in science,

the more I became awed
by the staggering complexity

of this world, and
I began to think

the odds of it all coming
together so perfectly

were harder to accept
than the possibility

that it'd all been
designed that way...

by a great designer.

You started to believe.

Too late.


It's never, never too late.

Kate, God loves you,

and He has trusted
you with something.

Now will you trust Him?

That's it, isn't it?

He wants me to do
the one thing I can't do.

I can't do it, Andrew.

You have to be willing
to share the glory.

Even if Beth and all
the others take it all,

what is locked up in that
safe is so much more important

than who found it first.

If I give the combination
of that safe to Beth

and she gets hold
of my research,

I may as well die anyway

'cause I'd have
nothing left to live for.

Just think of all the
people who will live instead.

In 12 hours from
now, you won't be here.


Where does this thing go?

Sit it down right there.

Almost finished.

Give me that one there,

just like we found it.

What are you doing?

What is that?

Leftover pheasant.

It's great stuff, Tess.

Well, there's plenty left.

Kate had veal, if you recall.

You mean Beth.

Who's Beth?

The doctor at the auction.

The one you did this all for.

Adam, Andrew had dinner with
a woman called Kate, not Beth.

Who's Kate?

The doctor from the auction.

The doctor that won the auction.

Well, so far, so good.

You okay?

As long as I don't trip
on my way to the door.




Beth, wake up.

Come on. Beth?

Oh, no.

Andrew, it's gas!

What about Bruno?

He'll be okay.

It's so scary.

All I remember is getting
really, really sleepy.

That's carbon monoxide.

You don't see it or smell it.

You just go to sleep
and you never wake up.

If you hadn't been there, I...

What were you doing at my
house at 1:00 in the morning?

I, um... I don't know.

Look, you get some sleep.

I discovered a gene
sequence, Beth.

I came to your
house to tell you.

I'm almost there.

I see.

Well, congratulations.

I was thinking
that, um, maybe if...

if we work together we
might get there sooner,

if you want to work with me.

What happened to you, Kate?

I discovered something else.

You can do wonderful things

if you don't care
who gets the credit.

It was Beth who would've
died last night, not me.

Beth was supposed to
win the auction, not you,

and I was supposed
to take her to dinner,

but I never knew her name,

so when you won I thought...

You thought it was me.

I thought it was you.

That's why she wanted
to win so badly, I guess.

She must've seen you coming,

and I, of course, as
usual, had to get there first.

I'm sorry.

Hey, God made a mistake.


No, no, no, no, no, no.

People make mistakes,

and angels sometimes
make mistakes,

but God doesn't make mistakes.

He saved two lives
last night instead of one.

Yes, I think maybe He did.

So I still have a few
more years left, huh?

Yes, you do.

And now you know
what to do with them.

And when they're over?

When they're over...

I'll see you for dinner.