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04x14 - The Trigger

Posted: 04/29/23 06:19
by bunniefuu
Flick it. Flick it.

That's it. That's it.


This is a bad idea.

Come on, Tess.

Skating is fun.

I don't have the ankles for it.

Shoulders I have, elbows I have.

Ankles I ain't got.

Snap your wrist, okay?

Snap it. Good.

All right! Way to go!

I knew you could do it.

Let's go.

You see that one, Dad?

Yes, I sure did!
You keep that up,

you're going to be the
only 11-year-old in the NHL.

That'd be cool!

Is that them?

Yeah, that's the Craigs.

They seem like a
perfectly happy family.

Yeah, they do, don't they?

They're not?

No. As a matter of fact,

the Craigs are skating
on thin ice these days.

Can we go home yet?

Not yet.

Come on, Michelle.

I thought you were
our number-one fan.

I want to see Aunt Holly.

It's my sister.

She's coming in today.

That's right. That's great.

Holly's going to be a lawyer.

Oh, man!

Is that the hospital?

It's the hospital.

Got to go.

All right, great job. Bye, hon.


Uh... uh... oh!

Not a word.

Not one word!


It's so weird to
ring the doorbell

of the place where we grew up.

I'm so happy to see you.

It finally feels like home.

Come in. Come in.

I know I'm late.

You're not going
to sue me, are you?

I could. I know how.

Your hands are freezing.

Where are your gloves?

Listen to you,
living in the house.

You're starting to
sound like Mom.

Aunt Holly?

She's here, Michelle.

Hi, Michelle!

I don't want you coming down

until you finish your bath.

She's been dying to see you.

Where's Ray?

He's at the hospital.

He'll be here before dinner.

Really? That's a first.

Must be a slow night.

Oh, this place
looks great, Linda.

You have the touch.

I don't think I have the touch.

You don't need the
touch. You have tenure.

True, but you can't
curl up with tenure.

Don't pretend you don't love it.

You're half the reason
I went back to school.


I deserve the credit.

You are half the reason,
you get half the credit.

Come on. Let me show you around.

What's Linda hiding, Tess?

Well, it's something bigger
than what's in that closet.

♪ When you walk down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden, heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise and I
will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell
you I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

I fixed up my old room for Alex.

And I've got your
old room, Aunt Holly.

Mommy said you
can sleep with me.

Oh, that sounds like fun.

Hey, right there.

So what on earth made
you buy this house back?

It came back on the market.

I walked through it last year

during an open house
and it still felt like home.

Some of my best
memories are here.

Here's a crazy idea.

For once in our lives,
I'll wash and you dry.

I want to see how
the other half lives.

Well, I welcome a night away

from pruney fingers, please.

Can I help, too?

Sure, honey. Come on.

Uh, Michelle's got her hands
full here with geography.

Geography already?

Yep. Got to start early
now to stay competitive.

These two are going to do better

than a state college.

You did well enough to
get into medical school.

Right. I got in despite
what they taught me,

not because of it.

I don't care where you
went to school, Ray.

Some people are just
born to do what they do.

There's probably
not a better ER doctor

in the county.



So, how many law firms
have you applied to?

Linda's not jumping
into anything.

Linda, is that true?

It's taken me seven
years to get this far.

I haven't even thought about
what comes after graduation.


First you graduate,

and then I'll help you write
the world's greatest resumé.



Linda, maybe you and I
should be discussing this.

Fine. You two talk.

I'm going to run upstairs
and get your graduation gift.

Be right back.

You haven't told her.

You told me not to.

Since when does that
make any difference?

You tell her everything.

Not everything.

Okay, come on.

Oh, "Future home of
Linda's law degree."

That's cool, Mom.

That's real cool.


Here's where it goes.

Now... you're equal.

Thank you.

That's great.

I'll get it.

Hi. Good evening, folks.

I am the walking lost and found.

My gloves!

Thanks, coach, I owe you one.

It's no problem.

Oh, there's a problem all right.

If you can't keep track
of your equipment...

Give me that... I'm going
to take it away from you.

You're grounded from
practice this weekend.

But, Dad, that's not fair.

Well, rules are rules.

Right, like you've
never made a mistake.

Okay, now you're
grounded from everything!

You don't go out of
the house till Monday!

Ray, don't you think
you're being a little harsh?

It's about time he learned

if you don't take care
of things, you lose them.

We'll discuss this later.

I'm late for my shift.

Okay, you finished
with your schoolwork?

Thank you. Sorry.

I'm sorry about that.

Holly, this is Andrew,
Alex's hockey coach.

Andrew, my sister Holly.


Ray's had a hard day.

I hope Alex's missing
practice this weekend

doesn't hurt the team.

No. We'll miss
him, but we'll get by.

I don't want this
to be something

that gets in the way.

Don't forget, Alex...

Alex has a lot of potential.

What the...?

He's very dedicated to his game.

You have a g*n in
the house around kids?

Holly, the kids
don't know it's there.

Ray thinks it's good protection.

And what do you think, Linda?

Have you read the
statistics on home invasions?

They're terrifying.

Look, I'm not the only
one who's read about them.

I'm sure Andrew has
as well. Haven't you?

Yes, yes, I have.

But personally,

I'm not very comfortable
with g*ns in the house

because I... I've seen
what can happen.

We'll discuss this later.

Um, excuse me.

It's nice to meet you and I
hope that you have a nice visit.

Thank you.

And please tell Alex that,

that we'll see him next week.

I can't believe this.

You swore you'd never
have a g*n in your home.

Look, Holly, I can't
discuss this now.

I have to help the children
with their homework.

Ray, I said I was sorry!

I don't care.

I don't care about your sister!

Can I sleep with
you, Aunt Holly?


Mommy and Daddy
are having a discussion.

A discussion?

Stay here, okay?

Stay right here.

What happened?

She fell.

I was going up the stairs
and I lost my balance.

Oh, Linda.

Oh, my God, Ray, she's bleeding.


Put some pressure on it.

I'll get the first aid kit.

Oh, God.

It's all my fault.
It's all my fault.

It's nobody's fault.

It was an accident.

What are you doing
down here so late?

Ray wanted to talk.

Don't. I'll open it.

Good evening.
Hi. May I help you?

We received a
domestic disturbance call.

Oh, you did? From who?

It was anonymous.
They usually are.

People don't like
to get involved

in other people's problems.

Well, there's no
problem here, Officer.

I mean, my wife and I
were having a discussion,

but I hardly think that
needs a police referee.

Are you new to the force?
I don't recognize you.

I'm Dr. Ray Craig.
County General Hospital.

Nice to meet you, Dr. Craig.

Do you mind if I come in?

I'd like to make sure
everybody's all right.

Are you okay?

I'm fine. You're not fine.

My wife hit her
head on the wall.

I thought you fell.

I did. I, uh... I fell
against the wall.

Yeah. So, I'm sorry you're
out here for nothing, Officer.

I think we should take a
trip to the hospital anyway.

I find it's better to
be overly cautious.

Don't you, Doctor?

No. Of course.

I'll get your coat.

Don't worry, Doctor,

I'll make sure they
get there safely.

Linda, it's probably
none of my business,

but I need to ask it anyway.

Look, couples fight,
okay? It's not a crime.

It is, if somebody gets hurt.

Holly, did you call the police?

No. Well, if you did,
Ray's gonna... What?

What will he do, Linda?

Linda, it's me.

Tell me. What is going on?

Promise me you won't
say anything, okay?

To anyone.

You can trust me,
you know you can.

There have been some, um...

some changes at the hospital,

and they've been a
little rough on Ray, and...

And he hit you?

Sometimes he just gets so angry.


You mean he's hit you before?

Oh, my God.

Second floor nursing
manager to Admitting.

Second floor nursing
manager to Admitting, please.

This is ridiculous.

We've been here an hour.

Ray runs this place...
Can't you say something?

Look, I don't want to
ask for any favors, okay?



your husband is chief
of the emergency room,

and you can't get in.

He's not in charge
anymore, Holly.


He made a mistake
in the emergency room

a couple of months ago.

A nurse told him that a
patient had an allergy...

to a drug, and he didn't listen.

Or maybe he
forgot, I don't know.

Anyway, um... the
patient almost died.

And they fired him?

No. No, no.

They... they made him step down.

They reassigned him
to the dialysis clinic.

Fewer hours, less pressure.

Less prestige.

Yeah. And a lot less excitement.

That's what made him
so good, you know?

The more exciting it
was, the better he was.

But now when that
beeper goes off, it's...

you know it's not a six-car
pileup on the freeway

or a... a g*ng sh**t-out.

It's just a clinic.

Well, no wonder he's so angry...

He doesn't get to
play God anymore.

That explains a lot,
but it doesn't excuse it.

Linda Craig?

D-Do I know you?

Uh, your husband just phoned.

He's found a baby-sitter,
and he's coming right over.

- Okay, thank you.
- Uh, it's not okay.

Can you excuse us?

Well, I could,

but if I did, I wouldn't
be doing my job.

My name is Tess, and
I'm from Family Services.

And, Linda,

your chart shows
that you've been seen

five times in one year.


It's funny, I... I
have two kids...

I'm always tripping
over their toys.

Linda... tell her the truth.

Tell her what
Ray's doing to you.


there are people
who can help you...

and Ray.

Look, we're fine.

Okay? We don't need
anybody's help, thank you.

What about your children?

Ray never touches our children.

Oh, that's nice... just you.

There you are.

Have they kept you
waiting all this time?

I swear, this place
is falling apart.

Well, I'm here now, baby...

Everything's gonna be
okay. Thank you, Ray.

All right. I'm so
sorry you're hurt.

Let's get you in
there, all right?

I'll stitch you up myself.

Everything's gonna...
everything's gonna be great.

- I don't think so.
- Look,

tomorrow's her big day...
Let's just get through this

so she can go home
and rest, all right?

She's tired. We're all tired.

You're just full of reasons

not to look this
thing in the face!

Uh, excuse me, but this
is a family matter. I don't...

Well, good, 'cause I'm
from Family Services.

Well, right now my wife is hurt,
and I think that takes priority.

I think so, too,
but somebody else

is gonna stitch her up, sweetie.

Come on, baby.

Mommy, mommy, mommy,

- you're back!
- Hi, honey. Everything's okay.

See? I'm fine.

Alex, aren't you gonna

say hello to your mother?

Hi, Mom.

Hi, honey.

Hey! Aren't you supposed

to be at hockey practice today?

- But I thought you said...
- Uh!

Look, let's forget
about last night, okay?

It was a bad night, all right?

- Yeah.
- Let's just wipe it away,

clean the slate, okay?

All right?

'Cause your Aunt Holly
will take you to practice.

'Cause your mother
needs her rest.

It's a big day today.

'Kay? Oh, hey, Alex,
do you know what?


You know those skates
you were asking about?

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

What do you say tomorrow we
go and get you those puppies?

- Do you really mean it?
- Yeah.

- Thanks, Dad.
- There you go.

What do you say we go and...

I'll fix you up a shake?

- How's that?
- Okay.

All right, let's go.

Oh, no! You, too?

Oh, he's being so sweet.

You're gonna let him
off the hook just like that?

He said he was sorry.

Didn't you see how sorry he was?

I see how sorry he is now...

but what about the next time?

There's not gonna
be a next time.

He promised.

Okay, defensemen over here now.

Let's go, let's go, let's go!





I've just discovered them.

They're kind of ugly, but
they have a certain zip.

Uh, no, thank you.

Can I talk to you
about your sister?

Linda doesn't really want
me talking to strangers about...

uh, their problem.

Hiding a problem
doesn't make it go away.

As a matter of fact,

keeping an ugly
problem in the dark

just makes it bigger and uglier.

Like mushrooms.

Linda and I used to talk
about guys all the time,

what we would and
wouldn't take from them.

If they didn't call when
they said they would call,

they were history.

How could she have
let this go so far?

This isn't a date that she's on.

She's married to Ray.

He's the father of her children.

It's very hard for a woman

to ask for protection
from her own husband.

What she needs now is
to have you beside her,

believing her, in her corner.

I've always believed in her.

I've always been in her corner.

What hurts right now is that
she didn't tell me before this.

Well, she has now,

and she needs you beside her

to help her take the next step.

Yeah, well... as far
as I'm concerned,

the next step is to k*ll him.

You can't mean that.

No. But I'm so angry.

Anger is responsible
for all of this.

It doesn't solve anything.

Facing the truth...
and getting help,

that's what your
sister needs to do now.

But if she won't listen,
there's nothing I can do.

There's always
something you can do.

You just have to
wait for the right time.


Just hope it's not too late.

Ray has turned into
a very scary person.






Alex, that's enough.

That's enough.

Get off the ice.


Looks like there's more than
one angry man in your family.


Close your eyes.

Come on, close 'em, close 'em.

All right, they're
closed, they're closed.

What are you doing?

Ray, they're beautiful.

Enjoy them.

You're my princess.

I mean it.

Come, come.

Now, Your Highness...
What are you doing?

Your wish is my command.

Oh, really?



I was thinking, you
know, that woman

we met last night in
the hospital, Tess?

Maybe she has a point.

Yeah, what did she tell you?

You know, honey,

this has been a
hard year on all of us

and maybe talking to
somebody would help.


I don't need any help.

It couldn't hurt.

Doesn't matter now.

I promised you it's never
gonna happen again.

But... But what? But what?

You don't trust me either?


He started a fight at practice.

- Alex?
- Yeah,

the other boy's very
lucky Andrew broke it up.

Alex could've...
Alex, go upstairs,

get dressed. We
leave in 15 minutes.

Somebody needs to
talk to him about this.

He was totally out of control.

You just don't

understand hockey;
it's part of the game.

What I don't understand is you.

Couldn't this wait till
after the graduation?

You can't put
something like this off.

Stay out of this, Holly.

I can't, he's my nephew.
He could've hurt somebody.

Can't you see it?

He's acting out like the father.

This whole family
needs counseling.

I said it's part of the game!

Now shut up!

Shut up!

Shut the...!

We got to get out of here.

Shut up! You son of a...!

Who's side are you on?!

I'm on your side.

That's right!

Where are you going?

What's the matter with you, huh?

Ray, please!

Forgive me!

I won't do it again!

I'm sorry!

You're not going anywhere.


There you go.

Child Services called.
The children are fine.

They're going to stay
overnight at the group home

unless, of course, you'd
like them to stay longer.

Are the kids dressed
for graduation?

We have to leave in 15 minutes.

Can you take care of Mrs. Craig?

Take her right to the ambulance.

I think she's in shock.

Come on, Mrs.
Craig, this way please.

I'm really sorry, Holly,

but I'm gonna
have to take you in.

Ray was my best
friend in high school,

do you know that?

Great guy.

We were just talking,
just standing there...

never shot a g*n in my life.

Please, don't say anything else

till you have a lawyer present.

I don't want a lawyer.
Don't need one.

I had to stop him.

I couldn't let him
hurt her again.

I'm sorry, but I'm gonna
have to handcuff you, Holly.

Sorry, my hands,
uh... won't stop shaking.

These are your rights, Holly.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say can and
will be used against you

in a court of law.

It's gonna be all
right, isn't it, Monica?

Please don't turn on the siren;

it'll wake up the kids.

Here. Finish that water, baby.

Here's another
one. Drink all of that.

Thank you.

You feeling better?


Linda, I just want you to know

I'm doing everything
I can for Ray.

We all are.

How are you doing?

How serious is it?

It's pretty serious.

It's all right to cry if
you want to, baby.

Ray doesn't like it when I cry.

Well, it seems to me,
Ray doesn't like anything.

That doesn't mean
he's always right.


How long are you gonna
try to hide this punishment?

It's nothing, okay.

And that cut on your
lip, that's nothing, too?

What matters right now is Ray.

What about you?

When are you
gonna start to count?

You're not gonna
report him, are you?

He's gone through so
much at this hospital.

How long are you going to
keep trying to protect him?

I love him, do you
understand that?

And he loves me.

What he does to
you, baby, is not love.

You sound like my sister.

Well, then maybe it's time
you started listening to her.

Any news?

Not yet.

He's still in surgery.

Monica, what choice did I have?

He was out of control;
he was gonna k*ll her.

And so you shot him.

I'm not sorry.

Thank God you gave
me the advice you did.

What do you mean?

Told me I couldn't stand
silently by and watch.

I never meant for
you to sh**t him.

What would you have done
if there hadn't been a g*n?

Watch my sister die.

Tess... Oh, am I
glad you're here.

It's gonna be a long night.

Holly thinks she
did the right thing.

And, honestly, Tess...

I don't know that she didn't.

Well, the right thing
should've been done long ago,

long before it
became life or death.

Then we got here too late.

No, sometimes angels are
sent to help people make choices

and sometimes
we're sent to help them

live with the choices
they've already made.


Nothing yet, baby.

Linda, I know this
is difficult for you,

but I'm going to need
to take a statement

about what happened tonight.

My husband was shot.

Yes, I know.

Have you any idea why?

Tess, I need to speak with you.

What's Andrew doing here?


You were shot with
the g*n from the closet.

Do you remember?

v*olence begets v*olence.

And the v*olence began with you.

But that can all stop right now.

No, I'm not a nurse,

and I cannot heal you...

but there's someone

who can give you all
the healing that you need.

You're still alive.

And where there's
life, there's hope.

And I want to give you
that hope before it's too late,

if you want to make
things right with God.

Are you ready?

I am an angel, sent by God,

to tell you that He loves you.

Did you see her?

Is she okay?


Linda's right outside.

She's making her statement.

Thank God, she'll tell
them what happened.

Holly, I just had
a call about Ray.

He didn't make it.

Oh, my God.



I didn't mean to k*ll him.

I just wanted to stop him.

Oh, my God!

Ray's death changes everything.

Until Linda testifies that
you were defending her,

the district attorney is going
to charge you with m*rder.

I saved Linda's life.

Ask Linda. She'll tell
the D.A. what happened.

I just did.

Linda, I'm so sorry.

Thank God, you're okay.


I didn't come
here for apologies.

What are you talking about?

You m*rder*d my husband,
and you're going to pay for it.

I can't believe this.

Are you serious?


You k*lled him.

That's what you told them?

Linda, he had
Alex's hockey stick.

He was gonna k*ll you.

No, he was angry at me.

He was trying to scare me.

He never ever hit
me with anything.

Except his fists.

You never understood
our relationship.

You can't have a relationship

with somebody who's
beating you to death!

Linda, you were bleeding!

I begged him to stop,
he wouldn't listen.

You... know this!

I know exactly what happened,

and I will be
telling it to a jury.

Linda, don't walk
away from me now.

I need you.

We've always protected
each other, always.


We're in this together.

We always have been...

all the way back to...
back to the closet.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Linda, I'm your sister!

Not anymore.

You go back to
the closet, Linda!

You stand there and you
remember what happened

and then you come back here

and you tell me
what I did was wrong!

I am your sister.

I have always taken care of you.

What closet?

What are you talking about?

Is there something
hiding in the closet

that can help you?

Why won't you tell me?

Because it's a secret,

and I made a
promise... to my sister.

Hello, Linda.

May I come in?

Are you all right?

I came home and I, um...

picked up the phone.

I was gonna call the fune...

I thought this can't
be real, you know.

If I sit here long
enough, I'll wake up.

But I can't.

Um... this is a
terrible tragedy, Linda,

that no one wanted to happen...

No one... but now that it has,

we don't want it
to get any worse.

It can't get any worse.

But it can, for Holly.

I don't care about
Holly anymore.

I don't believe that.

Holly said something
that really upset you.

What was it about?

I don't know. I don't remember.

Perhaps I could help
you to remember.


By praying.


A police officer?

Every officer of the peace
knows something about praying.

Father, here we are.

We're looking for truth.

We're looking for peace.

We need your mercy right now,

and we need your wisdom.

We're filled with questions.

Only you have all the answers.

Linda has lost her husband,

and we now commend
him to your care.

But we really need your
help for the people left behind

to make some
sense of all of this.

We know that
it's not your desire

to see this family
fall apart, but...

this family is breaking
piece by piece.

Please, help us to gather
the pieces that are left.

You pray as if you
expect an answer?

It's the best way to get one.

Alex where are you going?


What do you mean "out"?

Just out, okay?

No, it's not okay.

I want you to stay in today.

But Mom...!

I said no; I mean it.

Just shut up, okay?!

I think we just got our answer.

This is the kind of response

you get for your prayers?

Answers from God aren't
always easy to receive,

but they're hard to mistake.

There's a cycle of
abuse in this house...

and it didn't start
with your husband.

It's been in this
house for years.

Oh, my God.

Don't be afraid.

I am an angel, and God
has sent me here to...

No. No.

Please don't hurt me. Please.

I would never hurt you.


Oh, don't be afraid.

God would never hurt you.

Listen to me.

He loves you.

God loves you,

and he never wants
to see you hurt again.

You're an angel.


God is real?

Oh, yes, very real.

What does he want from me?

He wants you to trust him.

There's never been
a "him" worth trusting.

All the hims you've ever known

have always hurt
you, haven't they?

You know, lots and
lots of people, Linda,

have a terrible time
trying to imagine God

as a kind and loving father

because the only
fathers they've ever known

were not kind or loving at all,

and the word "father"
only means pain

or disappointment to them.

Sometimes even terror.

Were you one of those people?

Tell me about the closet.

I know that it's a secret,

but it's never been
a secret to God...

and he says it's
time now to let it go.

I can't.

Yes, you can.

You hid the g*n in the closet.

But what else is
hiding in there?

My father stood there.

He was beating my mother again.

I was, uh, six or seven, maybe,

but I started hitting
him and yelling,

"Stop it, Daddy, stop it."

And then he turned
around and he grabbed me,

and I started screaming

and my mother started screaming,

but Holly... Holly,
she ran out the door,

and I remember thinking...

maybe she'd be the lucky one.

Maybe she'd escape.

And he just kept kicking me,

and all I could think of was

at least she'd gotten away.

And then I looked up...

and she had come
back... with this rock.

And our eyes locked,
just for a second...

and I cried, "Throw it, Holly!

Just throw it!"

I'll never forget
the look in his eyes

as he wiped the
blood from his face.

He didn't say a word.

He just... he just walked out.

And Holly and I were so afraid

that the police
were going to come

and take us away
to Juvenile Hall...

that we hid the evidence.

We hid the rock
under the closet floor.

And your father?

He never came back.

We missed him, you know.

We hated him...
but we loved him.

And we missed him.

And when you got married,

you weren't about to have
another man walk out on you

no matter how he treated you.

I think that... deep inside...

I wanted... Holly to
come back and save me.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, Monica.

God forgive me.

She did.

Do you believe in angels?

I don't even believe
in you anymore.

It was still there
under the floorboards.

It's all my fault, Hol.

I should have known
something about Ray

the first time he hit me.

And I should have gotten
the g*n out of the house.

And I should have told you
what you were walking into.

I guess I bought that old
house back because I figured...

hey... if he was
going to hit me,

it should be... someplace
that I felt comfortable.

Are you okay?

I'm sorry.

Oh, so am I.

The charges have
been dropped, Holly.

I told them the truth.

And I even told
them about the rock...

and how you've always
been there to take care of me

when I couldn't.

And when I wouldn't.

You're my sister.


I am.

Are we going to
get through this?

Yeah. With the
help of God, we will.

Tell me about Tess's
last moments with Ray.

It was sad.

I'll never get over why people
wait until the last minute.

How can human beings
expect to recognize their creator

when they've spent their
lives so far away from him?

Maybe they're like Linda.

Maybe they're afraid of Him.

There's a lot of
fathers out there

giving kids a bad impression

of what the real Father is like.

I can't stop
thinking about Alex.

He was so angry that day.

Still a lot of work to be done.

That's true.

But the good news is,

we are not the
only angels in town.

I got it all cleared
off for you.

Let's see a nice throw axle now.

Come on. Make me
proud, angel babies.