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04x17 - Flights of Angels

Posted: 04/29/23 06:34
by bunniefuu
♪ Oh... sad, sad day ♪

♪ Since my baby,
she went away... ♪

Yeah, I agree, William.
It's not quite right.

Oh, you've got to go?

Hey, boys, time for bed.



Can I have a doughnut?

No, no doughnuts.

No water, George.

It's time for bed, sweetheart.

Here's Chester.

Sleep tight, darling.

Don't let the bed bugs bite.

I'm scared of the bed bugs.

Oh, don't worry.

I vacuumed today.

Night, night, darling.

Night, night.

Mom? Shh... Shh... Yeah?

Is Dad coming in
to say good night?

I don't know, sweetheart.

He's, uh, he's in his studio.

Can't you go out and get him?

No. He's working.

Night-night, darling.


♪ Oh, sad, sad day ♪

♪ My baby, she
don't love me... ♪

There you go, boy.

You got to go.

Hold up, boy. Hold up.


Oh, God.

Oh, please.

If you're up there, I need help.

I'm running out of time.

How much time is left?

I don't know, baby,

but God is the maker of time

and His timing
is perfect, so He...

He'll probably give you
as much time as you need.

What has to be done here?

I want you to work with,
uh, Sally and the boys.

And who's going to
be Richard's angel?

I will.

This is not a man who
will go gently, Andrew.

Oh, Tess, I never knew
a great artist who did.

This is not about saving a life,

and this is not about
making great art.

This is about
saving a great family

and teaching them
how to say good-bye.

Saying good-bye can be
the hardest thing in the world.

No, dying without saying
good-bye, that's worse.

♪ When you walk down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden, heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise and I
will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell
you I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

These are full-time jobs.

Well, more than full-time.

And the pay isn't great.

Our insurance won't
cover for an art assistant.

I... I understand.

Our agency specializes
in difficult cases.

Oh, well, the children
won't be difficult.

I mean, they're
really very sweet.

Well, they'll be in very
good hands with Monica.



Just don't let George
talk you into doughnuts.

If you let him,
that's all he'll eat.

So, uh, when can I meet Richard?

Well, there are
a couple of things

I want to tell you
about him first.

There are two reasons why
we need an assistant right now.

One is that he has
an exhibit coming up,

and the closer we
get to these shows,

the harder it always is for
him to finish the paintings.

And we also need
an assistant now

because... I'm afraid
that without help,

he won't finish the
paintings at all...

because he's dying.

We were told he has
Lou Gehrig's disease.

I am sorry.

Richard's been told, too,
but, uh... he doesn't believe it.

The disease is already
affecting his legs,

and pretty soon it'll start

to work its way
up his body until...


Has your doctor told
you how long he has?

No, but I see him
losing ground every day.

I see it, but he
can't or... he won't.

So, you see, these days
are very precious to us.

It's just a temporary job, okay?

Just till I get back
on my feet, okay?


Never tell you
everything is fine; they...

they want to run tests,
and they run more tests.

They want to pay for all
that expensive equipment.

Meanwhile, they're holding
you hostage with a bunch

of scary possibilities
that will never happen.

I'm telling you, stay
away from them.

So, do you want me to, um,
mix some... some fresh paint or...

No. Thanks.

You want me to stretch a canvas?

Don't bother.

Do you want me to...

You know, I never had
a... an assistant before.

I never wanted one.

I-I'm not exactly sure
what you're supposed to do.

Richard, I'm just here to help.

That's all.

You know, Sally said you
had this deadline coming up

and that... That I...

have trouble completing things?


Best work is never really done.

God keep me from
ever completing anything.

George, what have
you gotten into?

Let me just wipe that off.

Hey, Dad, can I open that?


Okay, good enough, George.

Moby d*ck.

Yeah. I want to
copy a chapter of that

into your dream
book, John Henry.

I'll read it to you when we go
whale watching in the spring,

only we won't use harpoons.

I'm making each
of the boys books.

I started them
when they were born.

They're full of
places we've been,

all the things I love
most in the world and...

places that we're
going to travel to.

For instance...
this represents...

Wrigley Field.

Yeah. And then
we're going to... Paris.

And then we'll travel to...

The doughnut store?


Every Sunday morning.


Put that down.

What's it for?

Nothing. Your mother
just likes to keep it in here.

You know, this is one
of my favorite books.

"God keep me from
ever completing anything.

"This whole book is but a
draft, nay, but the draft of a draft.

Oh, time, strength,
cash, and patience."

An educated assistant.


Excuse me, gentlemen,

but there's a powdered doughnut
missing from the box. Andrew?

Anything you want to say?

Oh, if I were you,

I would round up
the usual suspects.

Hey, Dad, want to play?

Yeah. Me and George
against you and Ray.

Help me, George.

I want plenty of room
underneath the hoop.

Here, Dad, you're up.


Just warming up.

Here, do over.


You know, guys, uh...

I got to finish this painting.

Why don't you go in the house
and-and play with Monica, okay?

You know how he works, Ted.

He never finishes
one painting at a time.

He does them in
twos and threes...

He's already got ten going
right now, all in various stages.


Oh... they're incredible.

His best yet.

Oh, listen, let me,
uh, come by the gallery

and work out a time
schedule for his next exhibit.

You do have exhibit space
opening up, don't you?


That soon.

Yeah. Sure.

Uh, how's tomorrow?



I'm just putting some
things in very loosely.

I kind of evolve
things, you know.

Could you hand me
that sander, please?


You taking something out?


I've noticed you like to, uh...

just sort build things up
and then you take them out.

It's like, it's like

you're having a
fight with the canvas.

Paintings that don't
show much struggle

aren't very interesting to me.

So art mirrors life, huh?

Except it leaves
out the boring part.

Richard, oh, Richard, I
have such wonderful news.

I'm going to go
see Ted tomorrow.

I told him you were almost
done with your new series.


Oh, I just, uh, heard
the word "done"

and my arm cramped up.

Just give them
something to sell.

Finish your paintings.


Just tired.

Andrew why don't
you... why don't you go.

You want to come in,

say good night to the kids?


You sure?

Yes, I'm sure.

I'm sorry.

I'm... tired.

How many bills
equal one painting?

One inch? Two inches?

Oh, Daddy drew a picture
of me when I was a baby.

I see your diaper.

Okay, gentlemen,
you've had your snack,

you've had your story,
now it's time for bed.

Just a little more?

Dad promised to come in
and play airplane with us.

I don't remember
him saying that.

He said it to me, he did.

Anyway, it's time
to go upstairs.

He did, he did.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

She means it... upstairs.

But Dad's a liar.

John Henry, you
know that isn't true.

Now upstairs, on the double.

I'll get them ready for bed.

Thanks, Monica.

Sally, have you
given much thought

about what's going to
happen to you and the boys?

These bills are
just the beginning.

All I really think
about these days

is how many days we
have left with Richard.

♪ We lived our little drama ♪

♪ We kissed in
a field of white ♪

♪ And stars fell on
Alabama last night... ♪

♪ I can't forget
the glamour... ♪

♪ Your eyes held
a tender light... ♪

Oh, gets worse.

Come on, come on, boy.

Look out now.

Go on, Wayne.

Oh! Oh!

Oh, my God...

Sally... Help!



Oh, Sally!

Oh, God.

Help me up.

Oh, my God.

Can you hold on to me?

I'll try. Try to...
Come on. I got you.

There we go.

There we go.

Oh, baby... Oh,
oh... Are you all right?

It's okay.

Oh, God, it's true.

It's really true, I'm dying.

I'm really... I'm
really going to die.

Here he comes!

The boys have been
waiting all morning

to share their surprise.

It took me that long to
walk here from the studio.

Next time I'm going
to take the bus.

Okay, cover Daddy's eyes.



Here we come!

Is that the horn?

Here we go.

Hard right, hard right.

Now stop!


Surprise! Surprise!


I saw an ad in the classifieds

and... thought, why not?

This thing is used?

Did you pay Blue Book value?

Oh, no, no, no. This
is previously owned.

Dad, why do you need this?

Uh... Come here, guys.

All right now, don't be afraid

'cause there's nothing
to be afraid of, okay?

But, uh, I have something
called a disease.

Who knows what a disease is?

It's when you get sick.

That's right.

And this disease
makes my legs weak.

Which is why I
fell down last night.

So, it's like... a
germ in your body?

Yeah, kind of.

Is the doctor going
to do an operation?

No, no, they can't.

It doesn't work that way.

Dad... you're not
going to die, are you?

No, no.

No, John Henry.

Not for a long, long time.

You know, I'm in the
mood for a doughnut.

Who wants to get me one?

Me! Me! I do!



We're going to have
to tell them the truth.

I did.

Well... not the whole truth.

Richard, we're
running out of time.

You know that, don't you?

I couldn't.

They're not ready
to hear it, not yet.

Maybe you're
not ready to say it.

You know I love Richard's work,

and the reviews on his
first show here were great.

It's the best work
he's ever done.

But he's only finished two.

Oh, he's, he's
working on the others.

Sally, I... I have
to fill this gallery.

I need a dozen paintings.

I can't set aside a month
for an artist with two.

And in his condition, how
many more can he do?

Excuse me, did he
exhibit here two years ago,

big monumental canvases
of planes and trains?

Yes, that's him.

I love his work.

I've been trying
to find it ever since.

I have a friend at
the Whitney I think

would flip over his paintings.

Uh, my name is Tess.

Does he have representation?

No, he hasn't needed it before.

Well, maybe he does now.

When can I come over?

"Lux perpetua."

Hmm. What?

"Lux perpetua."

It's here on the candle.

"Light eternal."


Another candle burns away.

Most people diagnosed with ALS

last three, maybe four years.

This thumb is going funny on me.

I have to hold
the brush different.

What about... um...

like that?


Not bad.

You breathing hard?


When Matisse was an old man,

his arthritis was so bad

that he couldn't hold
the brush anymore,

and so his assistants
had to tie one on.

And... he said
it didn't matter...

because you don't
paint with your hands.

You paint with your heart.

Hmm. That's you, Sally.

You're all my heart.

This is Tess.

She loves your work

and wants to
represent you. Yes, I do.

Nice to meet you, Tess.

Oh, the pleasure is all mine.

I feel like I just walked
into van Gogh's studio.


I was right about him, too.

I met Tess at the gallery,

and I'm afraid Ted
had some bad news.

When I told him

only two paintings were done...

He didn't want to
commit to the show

because he was afraid I'd
die before I could finish it.

And, if you've only got two

paintings to sell,

believe me, I
will get them sold.

Two paintings barely
cover today's bills.

Richard, maybe it's
time for the respirator.

No. No respirator.

As we're approaching Paris...

Oh, no! Turbulence!

We're crashing into
the Eiffel Tower! Oh, no!

John Henry, keep it down.

Daddy needs his rest.

If he's not that sick,

why does he need
to rest so much?

Just lazy, I guess.

Uh, John Henry, why
don't we take a walk

to the doughnut store?

Great! Let's get going.

Richard, you need anything else?

I want my sons to see Paris.

Two paintings will
never get them there.

But if I could
finish all 12, then...

Richard, 12 paintings...

it's a lot of work.

It's a lot of time.

I'm going to do it.

It will take
everything you have.

Then that's what I'll give.

Then I am ready to help
you every step of the way.

♪ Tomorrow's a new day ♪

♪ Never forget ♪

♪ You'll reach a bit further ♪

♪ And take one more step ♪

♪ Until you will leave me ♪

♪ That's the way it must be ♪

♪ Follow your dreams, babe ♪

♪ Wherever they lead ♪

♪ Look for the
highest mountain ♪

♪ That you can climb ♪

♪ Look for the wings
that help you fly, fly, fly ♪

♪ The day will come ♪

♪ When I close my eyes ♪

♪ And I ask it to save me ♪

♪ This lullaby ♪

♪ Promise me this ♪

♪ When I'm finally asleep ♪

♪ You'll follow your
dreams, babe ♪

♪ Wherever they lead ♪

♪ Follow your dreams ♪

♪ Wherever they lead. ♪

Richard, tell me something.

What is it about all
these tall buildings

and these immense ships
that attract you so much?

I just kind of like the idea

of people making gigantic,
seemingly impossible things.

The... the ambition to
make something so grand.

The sheer dedication
makes me admire a man.

God... I understand...
He could do anything.

But the things human beings
can do are overwhelming.

Yes, my friend, some human
beings are overwhelming.

Richard! Hey, Andrew.

I just got off the
phone with Tess,

and she convinced
Ted that you could do it,

and the gallery is
set for next month.


There's a happy end to the day.

That's great,
Sally. That's great.

Well, um... you get some rest.

I will.

See you in the morning.

No! No! No!


Andrew. Thank God!

Come on. Let's go! Let's go!

Let's go, Richard! Come on!

Forget me!

Save the paintings!

Let's go!

Why won't you
save the paintings?

Because a human life
comes first, Richard.

My life is worth nothing now.

No! Richard!

Oh, no!

It's all gone.

Oh... It's okay.



What is it?

One escaped.


It was up against this table.

John Henry moved the table.

And I only have escaped.


You're back in business.

I never really believed

there would be a last painting,

but there it is.

That's got to count for so much.

You know something, Richard?

I'm very proud
to be your friend.

I'm just praying

that will keep a roof
over my family's head.

Hey, where's my doughnut?

George, that was mine!

It's okay.

We'll get some more tomorrow.

There's never enough for me!

John Henry. Not of anything!

Dad's always working.

He's taking over
the living room now.

We never get to play anymore.

He gets tired all the time.

I hate paintings.

I hate doughnuts.

I hate the stupid disease.

I hate it. I hate it.

Oh, darling, I...
Me, too. Me, too.

It's okay to cry.

We're all crying with you.

Is Daddy gonna die?


Not today, but yes,
he's going to die.

Why would God want
to take the best daddy?

Well, um... Well...

There's a time for
everybody's daddy

to go and be with God,

and soon it's going to
be your daddy's time.

Is there baseball in heaven?

Yeah, yeah, there is.

Are you gonna get
the disease, too, Mom?


No, it doesn't work like that.

I'm going to stay right here.

Dad's gonna die
and go to heaven.

Then he won't hurt anymore.

He'll be able to
walk okay again.

Your daddy's going
to run in heaven.



I'll get the kids.

John Henry!

We gotta get up, sweetheart.

We gotta take
Daddy to the hospital.

He's having a hard time
breathing, sweetheart.

We're just gonna take
him to the hospital.

John Henry, get up on the bed.

I don't know what
to do. What do I do?

Help me lift him.

I can't, he's too heavy.

Just lift. Mommy... is
Daddy gonna die now?

No, not now.

Well, if he isn't going to die,

can we stop for doughnuts?

An artist draws a line
and it moves and it...

soars and it grows
and it... it ends.

It takes a journey.

Each line has... has a life.

Father, please...

please tell me when the line

that you've drawn
for Richard will end.

Hi, Andrew.


How are you feeling?


Pretty big scare last night.

Yeah, I heard.

Turned out okay.

On the way home, we even
stopped for some doughnuts.


That light?

Oh, God.

It's radiant.

What is it? What...?

Where is it coming from?

From God.

I'm an angel, Richard.

An angel?


God sent me here

to help you finish your work,

and then to bring you home.

Oh, no.

Oh, no.

No, not, not yet.

Please, not now.

I have to... finish this.

I-I wanted...

to see my sons play...
baseball in the spring.

You only have tonight left.

But I have to
finish the painting.

You know that. Tell Him.

Tell God.

I have to finish it,

or-or-or my family
will be left with nothing.

Don't put your trust
in a piece of canvas

or in the work of
your own hands.

Put your family in
the hands of God.

Richard, God loves you,

and he doesn't want you to
worry about Sally and the boys.

But I... let them down.

I could have left
them so much more.

There's only one thing,

now, for you to leave them...

and it's the most
important thing of all.

God doesn't want you to spend

this night working
on a painting.

He wants you to
spend these last hours

finishing the work
that matters the most.

The painting, Richard,
is... it's beautiful,

but it's just a painting.

Finish these for those boys.

Give them a
scrapbook of your heart,

a remembrance of all
the things their father loved

on this Earth.

I can't. There
isn't... enough time.

I'll work all night.

I'll do... I'll do the painting

and I'll finish the
boys' books, too.

There's only time
enough for one?

Which do you choose?

♪ ♪


It's done.

Is it time?

Are you taking me?

Would you like to say good-bye?



Will you put... Ray's
book under his pillow?

Oh, yeah.

Oh, little man.

So tiny.

I want to kiss him,
Andrew, but I can't.

That's why God sends angels.

I love you.

George... I give
you baseball fields...

and a great whale...

and cathedrals in-in Paris.

And... doughnuts Sunday morning.

I want to make sure George gets
his doughnuts Sunday morning.

Will you do that for me?

I think I can do that for you.


Take me to see John
Henry, will you, please?

There's not much time left.

You're gonna be...

the man of the house
now, John Henry.

Poor kid, it's gonna
be... rough on you.



When it gets rough on him,
he's gonna have this book

to remember your strength.


What's going on?

I came... I came
to say good-bye.


Are you...?


No, no, Dad. No, no,
no. Be brave, now.

Be strong. I know you are.

I'm gonna miss you, Dad.

Oh, no, no.

Don't be afraid, John
Henry, don't be afraid.

Listen, listen.

Look, there are angels.

They're here.

And God's here, too.

I'm leaving... but...
God never leaves.


I came... I came to
say good-bye, Sally.

Oh, no, Richard, no.

No, it's okay.

It's okay.

Tell her, Andrew.

Andrew's not here, Richard.

Oh, please... I gave the...

boys their books... but I...

I have nothing for you, Sally.

Oh, I don't want anything.

I just want you.

I love you.

I-I love you.

Richard... let's go.

Let's walk together.

It's all right, baby.

He's in God's hands now.

Thank you.

And I had such good news today.

I found a buyer for
Richard's painting.

Oh, Tess.

He didn't complete the painting.

But he completed his
life, and that's what counts.

I could sit with you for a while
if you want some company.

Oh, yeah, I'd like that.

Hello, Tess. Hi, baby.

The children are okay. Oh.

John Henry's looking
after his little brothers.

He's a remarkable young man.


Just take one thing at a time.


What do you do
with all the stuff?

You know, his, uh... socks,

his hairbrush, his... paints.

I'm dreaming.

This is all a dream, isn't it?

No, baby, it's very real.

We're angels, Sally.


Sent by God.

The God who loves
you and your children.

The God who gave
Richard his creative gift.

The gift has always
belonged to God,

and now it's His to give again,

and so He has.

God finishes
everything He begins,

and He finished this... for you.

It's incredible.

Well, God does good work...

Sometimes all by Himself,

and sometimes through
people like Richard.


Yes, He did.

You know, the
thing I can't stand

is that there won't be
any more paintings.

I just can't...
can't believe that.

There will be more, Sally.

Many more.