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04x18 - Breaking Bread

Posted: 04/29/23 06:35
by bunniefuu
You lose.


Hey, Matt?


Mind if I take off?


Just drop this off

in the night deposit
for me, will you?

Good day, huh?

Anytime Mrs. Winston
doesn't complain

about the pumpernickel,
it's a great day.

Good night.

Take it easy.


I see him.

Want some of this,
man? No, no, no, hey.

Want some of this, huh?



Oh, my God.

Who did this to you?

Help him.

Go, man. Go!

Get him!


Call 911.

Yeah, okay.

Emergency assistance,
may I help you?

Hello, hello, there's
been an accident.

I mean, there's been
some people hurt here.

What address?

I'm at 8963 Gaylord.

You'd better send an
ambulance over here.

There's a guy
outside and he's been

beaten up really bad,
and so has my friend here.

There's two people
hurt? Yes, there's two.

How bad are they?

One of them's breathing.

I don't know about
the guy outside.

Please stay on the line.

Yeah, well, why would
I... why would I hang up?

Sir, units are on the way.

Are you ready for this?

Prepared, yes.


I don't know that I
could ever be ready

for an assignment like this.

That's him?

Matt Colletti.

A prophet of God.

Sir, can you tell
me what happened?

I don't know what happened.

I didn't see anything.

I didn't see anything at all.

♪ When you walk down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden, heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise and I
will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell
you I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

An upstate New York man
remains in a coma today

following a severe beating
on an Evansville street.

Steven Evalgia, a
25-year-old law student,

was transferred by
helicopter early this morning

to Albany County General.

Evalgia, an African American,

was reportedly coming to the aid

of another African-American man

when the attackers
turned on him.

Local authorities
have no suspects

and will not comment

on a possible
motive for the att*cks.

Meanwhile, closer
to home, the time...

That was some
racket last night, hmm?

The police, the sirens.

Used to be you could
walk down these streets.

You got cream?

Hey, Matt.



This guy's from the
State Attorney's office.

Hi. Andrew.

He's on some kind of task force

in Albany or something.

Politicians love task forces.

Buy some cream.

Yeah, yeah, Gary.

Take care, Matt. See you, Gary.

I'd like to ask you

a few questions
about last night.

Oh, you can ask
anything you want.

I've already told
Dutch here everything.

So you didn't see anyone

beating Steven Evalgia,
or, um, running away?

Nope. You should ask
Jeffery. He was there.

Well, all Jeffery remembers
is that the men were white,

and that he thinks that
he saw a car passing by

just before the attack.

Did you see a car?

Cars are outside. I was inside.

I can't help you.

What's the State Attorney
interested in this for anyway?

We're trying to determine if,
uh, if this was a hate crime.

Well, it wasn't any
love fest, I'll tell you that.

Look, I'm sure you're just

trying to do your duty, Andrew,

but, uh, I think
it's pretty clear

that this was an
attempted robbery.

Oh, before I forget.

You might want to count it

and see if it's all there.

We found this on the ground.

I think a couple of guys

cased the bakery
last night and then, uh,

jumped Jeffery on
the way to the bank.

Looks good.

This isn't about
black and white.

It's about green.

Honey, it's a quarter to 10:00.

We're going to
be late for church.

I got two ties here, pick one.

Hey, Dutch.

Hey, Carrie. How you doing?

Carrie, this gentleman

is from the Attorney
General's office.

He's asking questions about

what happened last night.

He was just leaving.

As some of you know,

Reverend Evalgia
left this morning

for Albany to be
with his wife Mary

at the bedside of their
beloved son, Steven.

I've been informed

that Steven's
condition is perilous.

That his life hangs
today by a thread.

Well, I want you to know that

that little thread

is a lifeline held
by God Almighty.

When did they start
yelling in church?


In the arms of the
shepherd today,

as we open our own
arms to welcome back

another lamb into the flock.

Mr. Matt Colletti.

Come on up here, Matt.

Um... I'm not very
good at this whole, uh,

public speaking thing.


25 years ago, uh,
my best buddy and me

were taking turns driving
Reverend Benabal crazy,

and throwing rocks at
the side of the church.

One of us got a little out of
hand, and all of a sudden,

that window was falling
down in little pieces.

I don't know which rock did it.

By all rights, you should be

paying for half of this, Dutch.


Anyway, I promised my
mother that we would, uh...

that I would...

do the right thing by the church

and replace that window.


So, here it is.

In memory of my
mother, Maria Colletti.

Thank you, Matt.

I'm sure your parents are proud

of the man that you've become.

Someone who's not
afraid to stand up.

Now I want you to listen to
me and understand me clearly.

This tragedy is
not an act of God.

This is an act of hate.

It was.

It was a hate crime.

They came after us
because we were black.

You don't know that, Jeffery.

You weren't there.

Now just wait a minute.

Two black guys

try to rob a white
guy and it's a robbery,

but two white guys
rob a black guy

and all of a sudden
it's a hate crime?

Now, I'm sorry, if you want

to be treated equal, it's
got to work both ways.

Stop it.

Sit down. Now.

Every crime is a hate crime.

But God raises warriors

to fight evil when evil comes.

Now, beautiful
windows are lovely,

but they're no good if they
don't let the light shine in.

You've got to find the truth,

whatever that is,

and shine the light on it.

Now I am very confident

that you will do
the right thing.

Please, join me in
hymn number 42.

I can't believe this.

That lady preacher's
asking for trouble.

Who do you really think did it?

We're never going to find out.

Steven's the only
one who saw them

and he's in a coma.

We don't even know
if they were white.

I mean, Jeffery
just says they were.

For all we know,
it could have been

drug deal gone
bad and Jeffrey's just

trying to cover his butt.

Jeffery and dr*gs?
Steven Evalgia?

He's a law student.

Nothing's impossible.

So then just forget about it?

Yeah, forget about it.

It's time for you to learn
the Colletti family secret

for baking bread.

I'm very excited.

I never actually
baked anything before.

Well, no big whoop...
That's why I hired you.

I don't want anybody
around here telling me

I'm doing it wrong.

Hello there.

Um, how can I help you?

Yeah, you got any of those
fruit bar things with the icing?

I'm sure that we do.

How many would you like?


They're right there.

Uh, bags are over there,

and pick them up
with the wax paper.

Excuse me.

Heard somebody got
beat up here the other day.

Oh, uh, not here.

Across the street and
down the way a bit.

So you didn't see
anything, then, huh?

No, I-I didn't see
anything at all.

That's what I told the cops.

I was in here working.

Yeah, I don't blame you.

That's what I'd say,
too, if I'd been a witness.

I wasn't a witness.

That'll be three bucks.

Who are you staring at?


What's it to you?

Maybe you saw something.

Leave her alone.

This isn't any of your business.

I'm making it my business.

Why don't you two
get the hell out of here.

Hey, hey, guys, take it easy.

Take it easy. I don't want
any trouble here, okay?

Here, here, here's your change.

Hey, thanks.

Derek, huh?

Hey, you're the new
kid over at the auto shop.

Uh, you know what, John
was telling me about you.

He said you do good work.

Well, I like cars.
You're the guy

with the window
in church, right?

Yesterday, you were there? Yeah.

I always like to check out
the neighborhood church

in a new place... Sort
of gives me an idea

of what's going on.

Sounds like a lot going on, huh?

Uh, no big whoop.

So, uh, what can we get you?

Mm, loaf of rye.

First one's on the
house, right, Matt?

That's right.

Welcome to the neighborhood.

Hey, thanks. Appreciate it.

Thank you. See you.

Hello? Colletti Bakery.

Hi. Is Matt there?

Yeah. Just hold on, please.


This is Tim at the church.

Someone has broken the window.


Man, oh, man, you know
how much this thing costs.

I-I can't replace that.

No one is asking
you to, Mr. Colletti.

I'm sure that God would rather

have you back in this
church than another window.

I-I'm not a church guy.

I don't do the
whole Sunday thing.

I... Things aren't
like they used to be.

Well, what did it used
to be like, exactly?


there were more...
people I knew, I guess.

People who were... White?

Uh, don't get me wrong, I...

I don't dislike black people.

It's just...

we don't have
anything in common.

I mean, I came in here
the other day, and people

were yelling and screaming
"amen" out loud and stuff.

That's not who I am.

Well, let me see if I
understand you correctly.

You would come to
church and worship God

if there were more quiet
white people in here?

Let me ask you something.

Do you believe in God?

Sure I do.

Good. Because God
has a message for you.

Excuse me?

God... has a message for you.

And He asked
you to pass it along.

Yes, He did.

Uh, He's chosen
you to be a prophet.


Is that all?


I-I'm sorry, this...
this is very weird.

I don't even know what to say.

Good. Then just listen.

Being a prophet

doesn't involve psychic powers,

and it's not predicting the
future from your own intuition.

It's an act of obedience.

It's letting God use you

to tell the truth to the people.

It's shining His light smack-dab
in the middle of darkness.

Evil has invaded
this town, Mr. Colletti,

and God expects you to stand up

and expose it and
send it on its way.

Now, you'll either
do this or you won't.

I don't know what
you're talking about, lady.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute!

Who do you think threw
this rock through that?

Some kid fooling around.

This is the symbol
of the Aryan Patriots.

It's a white supremacy group.

God is counting
on you, Mr. Colletti.

You tell Him He's
got the wrong guy.

Mm-hmm. That's funny.

That's the same thing Jonah said

before he got
swallowed by a whale.

Steven Evalgia, the
upstate New York law student

who was brutally
beaten last Saturday

when he came to the
aid of a robbery victim,

remains in a coma
in an Albany hospital.

Police still have no
leads in the attack.

Garbage workers...

It wasn't a robbery.

It must be very
difficult for you,

knowing that a man is
now fighting for his life

because he fought for yours.

Yeah, but I can't help thinking

that no black man was
safe on that street that night.

Just happened that
they found me first.

This is great.

Well, Carrie, thank
you for your time.

I'm just sorry I
couldn't be more help.

Well, actually, um...

I'm organizing a neighborhood
meeting tonight at the church.

It's gonna be sort of an update

to, uh, let everyone
know... Here you go...

About what we know about
what happened the other night,

and also to inform
people about...

about hate groups,
and what to do

when they come into an area.

You really think this
was a hate crime?

I know it was.

And I also think

that somebody on this street
saw what happened that night

and possibly scared them away.

And what makes you think that?

Because they didn't stay
around to finish the job.

What are you doing here?

I... was asking your
wife some questions.

You stay away from my wife.

She didn't see anything.

I didn't see anything.

And I'm getting
sick of you people

coming into our town
and stirring things up.

Matt, what is this?
Some kid threw it

through the new
window at the church.

Your window?

Oh, Matt!

Can I see that, please?

What are you gonna
do, dust it for prints?

It's a rock!

Mr. Colletti, this symbol is...

I know what the symbol is,

and believe me, some
pimply faced teenaged geek

is probably laughing
over his cereal,

thinking he's pulling
something over on us.

Okay, of all the
windows in the church,

why would someone throw
a rock, with this symbol on it,

through the one window
with your name on it,

which is the same
name of the man

who called the
police that night?

You know, you're
really reaching here, pal.

Excuse me, I have things to do.


Did you see them?

Were you the one
that scared them away?

How could you ask
me something like that?

Mr. Colletti...

I really hope you can make
it to the meeting tonight.

Matt's not a liar, Jeffrey.

If he'd seen
something, he'd tell us.


Hey, pop the hood.

Steven, guess
you're wondering...

what I'm doing here.

What... what was that?

I'd stay in a coma, too,
if I could, after I saw that.

I mean, I don't
mean any disrespect,

it's just that I don't...

I've never seen
anything like that...

that-that thing,
that horrible...

A lot of people think that I saw

more than what I'm telling,

and the funny thing
is, if I did tell them,

they'd never believe me.

I've never seen
anything like that...

that-that thing,
that horrible...

Oh, God, help me.

Please, help me.

I believe that what happened
to Steven was a hate crime,

and I believe it was carried out

by a member or members

of a hate group, and if a new

r*cist organization

is establishing itself right
now in this neighborhood,

there are things
that you need to do.

You mean, like, a community
militia or something?

Look, I got to interject here

and say that we have
absolutely no proof

that race had anything
to do with the other night.

Yes, sir.

Well, I-I can't say
one way or the other

whether what happened to Steven

was a hate crime.

I think I can prove

that there's a hate
group in our town.

I'm Stan.

I've got the copy

and office supply shop
right here on Gaylord.

I didn't see who it was,

but I found this
in the wastebasket

last night.


"white men and
women of Evansville.


"We are the Aryan Patriots.

"We are warriors in
a struggle to preserve

"the white race.

"Does a nonwhite

have a job in this town
that should be yours?"

I can't... I'll take it.

"The government no longer

"represents the white race.

"Don't wait for someone to
come forward and protect you.

"It is every white man's duty

"to insure the
survival of his people

and continue the
ongoing work of God..."

I assure you,

God has nothing to do with this.

My name is Monica.

I'd like to volunteer
to help organize

a community group
to fight against this.

I'll help.

And you can count me in.

You can use my
place to print posters

or flyers or whatever you need.

Is there anybody else?

Oh, good, good.

This is good.

Now, I've got a clipboard here

where you can sign your
name and your phone number

and we can get this thing going.

Excuse me.

I don't know about
everybody else,

but I'm a little concerned about

putting my name on a list
that somebody might find.

I mean, that's how we
found out about them,

from a piece of paper.

What happens if
somebody leaves that list

lying around somewhere?

Look, I think that everyone here

is responsible.

I know everybody means well,

but, sh**t, I
heard they stock up

g*ns and expl*sives and stuff.

Maybe we ought
to leave them alone,

and alls they'll do

is write crazy stuff like that

and make copies of it.

But if we hassle them,

they will definitely fight back.

I grew up on a farm.

I know what happens when
you back a rat into a corner.

Maybe we ought to let the police

try and work this out first.

Wait, wait a minute.

The idea here is to
support the police.

I think the kid's got a point.

I think maybe we should all
go home and sleep on this.

Uh, Mr. Colletti,

don't you have
something else to say?


Well, my offer is still open
if anyone is interested.

That's exactly what it is.

A sign from God.

It's getting harder

and harder to say
no to Him, isn't it?

Look, you want a prophet?

There's your man.

Right there.

Oh, God, I'm going crazy.


Reverend Evalgia just
called from the hospital.

Steven died a
couple of minutes ago.

Did anybody see
anything last night?

Nobody saw anything.

And nobody's going
to see anything.

And at this rate,

I guess nobody's going
to say anything either.

That's how it starts.

Nobody says anything
because it's not their problem.

Until one day it
happens to them.

And by then it's too late.

There's nobody left to speak up.

It's funny, isn't it?

Stan reads the letter
last night at the meeting,

and then his place gets trashed.

So what's your point?

Maybe somebody
tipped these guys off.

What, you think there was

a spy at the church?

Oh, come on, that's crazy.

We all know each other here.

Do we?

You were in a pretty big hurry

to end that meeting last night.

And the police didn't seem

particularly worried, either.

What do you mean by that?

Go ahead, tell me there aren't

any r*cist cops, Dutch.

Oh, come on,
everybody, that's enough.

Look, Steven Evalgia
died on our street,

and where were the police?

Where were you, Matt?

And what were you
doing out there, Jeff?

Was it a robbery, huh?

Or a drug deal gone bad?

Wait a minute.

Why is it that every time

there's a black man involved,

there's got to be a drug deal?

Do you see what's happening?

Do you see what
the silence does?

Tell them what you saw.

Who are you?

Who are you?

And who will you become

if you harden your
heart to God's word now?

Stop it.

Stop it!

I saw.

I saw what happened to Steven.

I am the witness.

I saw everything.

What did you see?

The night Steven got beaten up,

Jeffrey came into
the store and...

You were right.

I did scare them off.

I ran outside to see
what was going on,

and they saw me.

There were two men and
they were beating on Steven.

And one of them had a
baseball bat or something

and there was a car.

It was a-a maroon '73 or
'74 four-door Buick sedan.

I've seen that car.

Those guys always
looked like trouble to me.

I know them.

I-I think it was the short one

that came in here the other day.

He must have been the
one that left the paper.

Look, these people are cowards.

And they're usually
very, very easily led by...

by someone.

Matt... was there someone else?

Excuse me, I...

I don't know who you are,

but can you tell me
if I'm losing my mind?

Your mind is yours to
keep or to lose, Matthew.

There are voices and
visions in your head

fighting for your mind.

And some of them are of God

and some are not.

But there is a battle going on,

and it's not a battle

for the flesh and
blood of this town.

It's a spiritual fight

against the rulers of
darkness in this world.

Now, you want to know who I am?

I'm an angel sent by God.

If you want to believe
that or not, it's okay.

Ask God to tell you what's true,

and then speak it.

A moment ago you
were a good citizen.

This is where you
become a prophet.

There was someone else.

I saw someone.

Some... thing.

And it was watching everything.

And I knew I was
looking at... at pure evil.

And it looked at me...

I knew I was
looking at the devil.

You, you mean the
third person was, uh...

was frightening
like a devil, hmm?


It was the devil.

It was Satan.

I don't know how I
knew it, but I knew it.

Hmm, sure, he saw Satan.

Matt, I think, uh

we all agree there's
evil in the world,

but, uh, nobody believes
there's a real Satan.

You see what a
good job he's doing?

I'm sorry.

But this is one lousy insult to
the memory of Steven Evalgia.

I quit, Matt.

I hate to bring this up,

but I'm afraid Matt made a
mistake about the car, too.

What does that mean?

Well, that car he described.

It was in my shop the night
Steven Evalgia got beat up.

No, that's not true.

I remember.

It was the dirtiest
engine I ever saw.

I swear it!

Come on, Matt.

Let's go.

First, you swear you
didn't see anything,

then you say you did
and that it was the devil.

My God, Matt, what
am I supposed to do?

Believe me.

Either you will or you won't.

I can't.

Then get out.


Get out! Go get Faith.

Go to your mother's.

You don't want to live
with a crazy anyway, right?

Right?! Right?!

What are you looking at?

I believe you, Mr. Colletti.

I believe you saw the devil.

Oh, yeah?


Because I've seen him.

And I've seen how he works.

It's not with fire
and brimstone,

but with lies and deceit.

Everyone's looking
for some fellow

sneaking in the back door

with horns
and-and-and a long tail

while he walks right
through the front door

wearing a suit or
a pair of blue jeans.

He can come in many forms.

And I don't know what
form he's taken this time,

but sometimes someone can
see right through his disguise

and recognize him
for who he really is.

I believe that you
did that, Mr. Colletti.

And I believe that those
men were riding around

with the devil that night.

They don't know it, but you do.



Let's get out of here.

I don't know who did this, Matt,

but I promise
you, we'll find him.

I already told you who did it.


look, Matt, maybe
after this is all over

you should think about
getting some counseling, hmm.

It's over, Dutch.

It's all over.

No, no, no.

Look, I understand.

I understand.

I may not believe in the devil,

but I'll tell you,

after today I
believe in miracles.

You know why?

'Cause you shouldn't
even be here.

Mr. Colletti?

Leave me alone.

I can't do that.

Look at me. Look at me.

Oh, my God.

I'm an angel sent by God.

You really are an angel?

I told you that, but
what you don't know

is that Monica and
Andrew are angels, too.

God has sent you a lot of help.


Are you kidding me?

You've ruined my life!

God has ruined my life!

I've lost my family,

my friends, my
business, my reputation.

A prophet is without

honor in his own
country, Mr. Colletti.

God did not say
that this will be easy.




Why me?

God chose David to
bring down Goliath.

Let me tell you
something about David.

He was the least
of his brothers.

He was the smallest
and the weakest.

But sometimes God uses the weak

to show how strong He can be.

That's right.

You're vulnerable like everybody

to the things that
weaken the soul:

fear, prejudice, confusion.

But you've got a good heart.

And God can use
that if you'll let him.

God loves you, Matthew.

Trust Him.

I can't.

I've seen the beast,
and I'm... I'm afraid.

Then stand up to the fear.

I don't know who it is.

I do, and it's time

I tell you... all of you.

What's going on?

It smells like bread.

Well, that's good

because Matt is baking bread.

My God, he is crazy.

Well, how's he
cooking in that oven?

It's got to be ruined.

Matt, what do you
think you're doing?

This place is unsafe.

No, it's not.

There's angels here.

He's gone off the deep end.

I mean, do something.

Um, Matt, what do you say

we take a little walk? Come on.

Officer, Matt is doing
something very important,

and it must be finished.


35 minutes.

Okay, you made your point.

Let's go. It's over.

No, it isn't, Dutch.

It's just beginning.

I know you all think

I've been losing my marbles

along with everything else.

You know what?

I think this might be the
sanest moment of my life.

The devil is out there, and
I know where I can find him,

an-and as long as
there's just one man

who's willing to stand up
against him in the name of God,

that's all it takes.

Excuse me.


Check this out.

Something going on?

Yeah. I know you
k*lled Steven Evalgia.

I saw your car there.

You got bad eyes
or something, man.

This car wasn't there.

It was in the shop that night.

The mechanic guy will tell you.

Hey, Derek!

Do you know why
Derek stood up for you?

Because he's been using you.

Just like he's been using
this, this whole town.

I've got news for you two.

I'm sure you've been
sitting in your filthy home

reading your, your,
your n*zi hate books

and your Aryan crap
on the Internet for years

and one day you go in your car

and-and something
makes you decide

to do something about it.

Well, I know something
that you don't know.

That little voice that
you heard that night,

the one that
whispered in your ear,

"Hey, let's go find a
black guy and k*ll him,"

that little voice was the devil

and he was riding in
the backseat of your car.

Weren't you, Derek?

I'm sorry.

I'm confused.

What's going on here?

I know who you are

and you know who they are.

Ever since you
came into this town,

you've been playing us
all like a pinball machine.

You know exactly where

everyone's button
is, and you know

where to push and how hard.

You are the devil himself

and you are a liar.

Be careful, Matthew.

You don't know as
much as you think you do.

Keep going, baby.

It's working.

You whisper in
their ears, "k*ll."

You whisper in
mine, "Be afraid."

You talked an entire church

full of people into
doing absolutely nothing.

I've been hearing
your voice my whole life

and I have to
confess something...

I've listened

and now... I'm a prejudiced man.

I don't know, I don't
know what it's like

to be black or-or or
Asian or-or Mexican

or anything but white

and I have to admit
there have been times

where I've thought,

"Wouldn't, wouldn't
it just be easier,

just easier to be
with my own kind?"

But you know what?

I've discovered
something about people.

There are only two
kinds on this whole Earth.

The ones who
will tolerate you...

and the ones who won't.

I won't.

Just because He
sent you some angels

doesn't mean God
cares about you, Matt.

You're the one being used here.

Look what He let happen here.

God created diversity.

God is the source
of your problem.

I have something to show you.

Soldiers make their stand
with g*ns and cannons.

Politicians make their stand
with speeches and fancy words.

All I've got

is the only thing I
know how to do best.

I'm a baker.

I just bake bread.

I feed my family
and my neighbors,

and you will not stop me.

I will not listen to
your lies anymore.

The bakery belongs to
God now, and so do I.

The angels told me the only way

to make the devil go
away is to tell him to do it.

So do it.


Take off.

We don't want you here.

Are you sure?

Yes, I am.

So am I.

I've got some changes to make,

and it starts here.

Will there be enough
bread for everyone?

Oh, yes.

You're under arrest for the
m*rder of Steven Evalgia.

You know the drill.

Get them out, get them out.

Come on, let's go.

Nice job.

See you later.

Thank you, Father.

So that's it?

That's what a prophet does?

God chose you to be His
voice in this important, dark time

and you did it.

You delivered His truth

and He is very proud of you.

Excuse me. I-I have
to go see my family.