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04x19 - God and Country

Posted: 04/29/23 06:36
by bunniefuu
One... Two... Three... Four...

Five... About... face.

Double time.

About... face.

Left... face.

Right... face.

Parade... rest.

Shoulders back... Eyes forward.

Don't look at me.
Look through me.

Now try it again.

Yeah, that's
right. That's better.

Did I tell you to put that down?

Up, up, up, up.

When you salute
a superior officer,

you don't let go until you're
saluted back, Miss Wings.

What is a salute anyway, Tess?

Oh, it's a lot of things.

It's a sign of respect.

It says, "I know who you are,

and I am a soldier
honoring my leader."

It also says, "I'm a leader
acknowledging those I command."

It's a military tradition,

but it's also a regulation,

so you better
try to get it right.

At ease, Angel Girl.

You got your orders?

Yes, ma'am.

Parade... rest.

Take a look over
there, Angel Girl.

That's him.

His name is Colonel Walls.

He's the base commander.

What's the matter?

Why won't he salute
back at that soldier?

What did I tell
you about salutes?

They're a sign of respect.

It's recognizing
people for who they are,

and Colonel Walls has
a big problem with that.

He's forgotten
about the tradition,

and he only lives
for the regulations.

It may be peacetime,

but there's a w*r going
on in that man's heart.

That soldier is very brave

to stand up to him like that.

That's not bravery.
That's anger.

And I've got just the angel
for a young, angry hothead.


A young, happy hothead.

Did you tell him about the hair?

Not yet.

♪ When you walk down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden, heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise and I
will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell
you I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

At least she
didn't cut it all off.

Tess had to cut it
for this assignment.

Yeah, I know she had to cut it,

but she didn't have
to enjoy it so much.

You sure you're going
to be okay, Rafael?

I know you have a wee bit
of a problem with, you know.

With what?

You got an invisible
friend there, Private?

Being crazy isn't going to get
you out of the Army, you know.

I don't want out. I
just transferred in.

Where from?


Way up there.

What army base is
more north than this?

Uh, it's kind of classified.

Yeah, what isn't?

Name's Landau.


Buds call me Chug.

Chicano, huh?

Just like the CO.

Believe me, that ain't going to
get you anything around here.

You want to stay out of trouble,
you keep away from that one.

Paredes's been
bounced off more posts

than you'll ever see.

Thinks he's better
than the rest of us.

Truth is, he can't handle it.

Get off my bunk, Landau.

Hey... I'm Rafael.


So, I hear you've been around.


And hopefully in a few days,

this place will be
a memory, too.

Garrison commander's
a piece of work.


At ease.

"At ease.

To assume the
parade rest position."

If he had wanted you to relax,

he would have
said, "As you were."

What are you doing?

He said at ease.

Welcome to Fort
McCracken, soldier.

My name is Colonel Walls
and I'm the garrison commander.

Hi. I'm...

The United States of America

is the best country
in the world.

We have never been invaded

because of the
strength of our military.

I know that many of you
have had fathers and uncles

who have been in combat.

And every day I do two things:

I pray that our country

will never have to
fight another day.

I prepare men like
yourselves for combat

because I know
very damn well that A

is just a fantasy, a dream
that will never come true.


Yes, sir!

Did you write a letter
to Army headquarters?

Yes, sir!

Requesting transfer?

Yes, sir!

Request denied.

Back in line.

He's a tough customer, isn't he?


Shh, shh.

Do you need medical
assistance, soldier?

No, sir. Thank you, sir.


Then report to KP.

And you will peel
me 500 potatoes

and then come to my office.

And if you don't know
where my office is,

then you ask your
friend Paredes.

He's spent plenty of time there.

Do me a favor, and eat this.

Is there any news?


Try to eat something.

You're going to need
your strength, okay?

Gracias, Corazon.

You're welcome.

Can't you speak
Spanish even at home?

Why don't you speak it anymore?

Because this isn't Mexico.

That doesn't mean

you leave your heritage behind.

Is everything all
right at the base?

Fine. Eat.

Same attitude problem
with Private Paredes.

Another transfer request?

I try to make him
into a good soldier,

but he doesn't want to learn.

His only concern is to keep
his Chicano pride intact.

That can be a strong thing.

Be patient.

I'm tired of being patient.

Now eat.

Come on. Come here.

Let's eat.


What's this?

It's four weeks today.

I know.

I pray God will bring him home.

He's a trained soldier.

He'll bring himself home.

Let's eat.

Private Rafael
reporting as ordered, sir.

At ease.

How'd you find KP?

Pruney, sir.


What's your first name, soldier?

Rafael, sir.

Your name is Rafael Rafael?

Yes, sir.

That is the name my
father gave me, sir.

Interesting family.

What color are
you, Rafael Rafael?

I guess I would be brown, sir.


You were brown.

Now you're Army green

just like every other
soldier on this base.

And don't make
any mistake thinking

you're going to get a break

just because we both
happen to be Latino.

No special treatment.

No special
treatment needed, sir.


Step over here.

You know what this is?

It's a very old w*apon, sir.

It's an 1874 Colt, I believe.

It is.

One must admire
something that's made so well

that it stands the test of time.

Something well done is
something to be proud of.

I want to show
you something else.

Medal of Honor, sir?


I got that for saving the
lives of six men in 'Nam.

I was a scared kid
when I went over there.

I knew nothing, just like you.

Thank you, sir.

That's what the
Army can do for you.

Give you a home, give you
a future, and teach you how...

To be all I can be, sir?

Now listen, this is Wisconsin,

and you stick out
like a sore thumb

with a name like Rafael.

You're asking for trouble
just like your friend Paredes.

What would you suggest, sir?

Rafael is a good
name, but sometimes

you have to do things
you have to do to get along.

I suggest you
consider using "Ralph."

Ralph, sir.


Well, he is the CO.


So you're gonna change
your name to Ralph

and turn your back
on your heritage?

I don't turn my back on anybody.

Where I'm from,
color doesn't matter.

This just happens
to be the body I'm in.

You're a coward.

Uh, whoa, whoa,
now, don't do that.

Why don't you stay
out of this, Landau?

It's all right,
Chuck. I got this.

You know...

I'm sick and tired of
your attitude, Paredes.

Where I come from, we
take care of people like you.

Cut it out!

Cut it out!


Oh, man.

At ease.

Get them out of my sight.

Let's go, soldier.

Well, don't this beat all.

Tess, all right, let me
tell you what happened.

I know what happened.

You just became the first angel
in the history of the universe

to hit his assignment...
That's what happened.

I'm sorry.

I know you are.

How's your head?

It's fine.

Good, 'cause
you're gonna need it.

You know, I don't get you.

What is your problem?

You want the whole list, Rafael?

You, Landau, the Army...

and here's the numero
uno: Colonel Victor Walls.

All right, so he's a hard case.

So what? Why do
you let him get to you?

I can't help it. He's my father.



I'm Monica, SJA.

I don't need a lawyer.

I heard about the
trouble you caused.

Maybe you could use
one right about now.

Where are the others?

They were sprung an hour ago.

Why not you?

Why don't you ask the
garrison commander?

I intend to.

I can't think why your father

would want to keep... Shh!

I don't want anyone
to know. Not so loud.

But they won't.

You have different last names.

He changed his when he enlisted.

Of course.

"Paredes" means
"walls" in Spanish.


He said changing his
name would make life easier.

Your 201 says you
enlisted two years ago.

Yet you've spent the
last year and a half

trying to get kicked out.

Two arrests, four reprimands.

What seems to be the problem?

I'm trying to help you here.

I can't do it alone.

It also says you have a
brother in the Army... Paul.

He's MIA.

What's it like coming
from a military family?

It's great... if you're
the military type.

And if you're not?

You enlist anyway.

So where is Paul now?

Well, if I knew that,
he wouldn't be missing,

now, would he? Huh?

You take a good
look at me, soldier...

and please note that I bear

absolutely no
resemblance to your father.

Neither am I the entire
United States Army,

past or present,

with all the abuses,
real and imagined,

that you feel it has
heaped upon you.

I am one individual... one...

Perhaps the only individual

who is trying to help
you at this moment,

and I deserve your respect.

Paul went to Bosnia six
months ago as a peacekeeper.

Last month he walked
out of his installation...

and he never came back.

They tell us they
haven't found him yet.

After a month?

Details are under investigation.

We both know that's Army jargon

for "We're not about
to tell you the truth."

This whole thing
stinks if you ask me.


Colonel Walls,
Captain Monica, SJA.

Please be seated, Captain.

I didn't ask for a
staff judge advocate,

so how can I help you?

I understand there was
an incident in the barracks

with three soldiers
under your command, sir.

That's correct.

They were in
violation of Article 1

of the Uniform Code
of Military Justice,

and I detained
them under the Rules

of Court-Martial 304, Article 4.

As a direct threat to the
safety of the community?

That's correct, Captain.

Isn't that a wee bit severe
for a common fistfight, sir?

Privates Rafael and
Landau have been released,

and Private Paredes,
the instigator,

will spend a week in confinement
thinking about what he's done.

Everything's under
control here, Captain.

Begging your pardon, sir,

you only have 72
hours to justify the order.

Private Paredes is
your son, is he not?

That is correct.

So what you're saying,
sir, is that he's grounded.

That'll be all, Captain.


Does he know you came?

Oh, I don't tell your
father everything.

That's how we've
stayed married so long.

I have to report to
my barracks, Mama.

Hey, I made you something.

Something to keep you
warm when you're off duty.

Come to dinner tonight.

I'm not speaking to him anymore.

He needs you.

He doesn't need me.

He only cares about Paul.

Paul's always been the
one that made him happy.

You are his son, too,

Tomás... and when are
you gonna stop acting

like this is all his fault?

When he stops being a jerk.

Hey! What you think of
your father is up to you,

but you may not speak
of my husband that way.

I'll eat at the mess hall.

Well, if you'd rather have

Jell-O covered with
gravy than my posole, fine.

I've said many prayers that
this family will find its way.

Someday... my prayers
will be answered.



I have to know something.

I already told you why
I'm changing my name.

No. I don't care about that.

The truth is, what
really bothers me

is that he encouraged you, too.

Like he encouraged
my brother, but...

he never mentioned it to me.

Well, maybe he wanted somebody

to carry on the family name.


I'm not the one he wants
to carry on anything.

He only tries to change
people he cares about.

What did you want to know?

You like posole?

You gotta ask?

This is wonderful, Mrs. Walls.

Thank you.

I'm glad you decided to
come to dinner, Tomás,

and that you brought a friend.

No, I didn't bring a friend.

I brought a shield.

I'm looking for a new
administrative assistant.

Be interested?

What is wrong with you?

Why him? 'Cause he'll
change his name for you?

Well, should it be you?

You won't even talk to me.

You don't even want
to be in the Army.

Why did you have me
transferred to this post?

No Army talk.

Tonight, somos familia.

Because I wanted to
keep an eye on you.

If you're in this man's Army,

I want to make
sure you don't bring

any dishonor to this family.

Do you understand?

You're not going to get
transferred out of here.

I'm not in this family.

I can't change enough
to be in this family.

Maybe Paul could 'cause
Paul could do anything.


If you don't like me and
you don't like the Army,

why did you enlist?

Man, you are blind.

Good evening.

May, uh, may I speak

with Colonel and-and
Mrs. Walls, please?

Colonel, what can we do for you?

Good evening.

My name is Andrew,

and I'm the casualty
assistance officer.

Oh, no.


Ma'am, the secretary of the Army

has asked me to
express to you...

his deep regret that
your son Paul was k*lled

in service to his country.


And the secretary also
asked me to convey to you

his deepest sympathy to you
and your family on your tragic loss.

Oh, no.

Paul was k*lled when his unit

was recovering
UN helicopter pilots.

Oh, no.

The enemy secured
the area, and that's why

this has all taken
so long to verify.

Thank you, Colonel.


Were you there when Paul died?

Yeah. He was a very brave man.

Mi hijo. Mi hijo.

Soldiers don't cry.

Oh, God.

Don't soldiers have hearts?

You are a cold son of a...!




Colonel Walls?

Colonel Walls? Sir?

Excuse me. I'm sorry

to disturb you, but that call

that you placed to Sarajevo...

I finally got the
CEO on the line.

It's a bad connection, though.

Put him through.



Can you hear me?


Is it clear now?

Yes, that's better.

There's static here.

Thank you, yes.

This is Colonel Victor Walls.

Did you say
Colonel Victor Walls?

That's correct,

and I'm calling on
some information.

What can I help
you with, Colonel?

On the death of Corporal Walls.

Maria, I just got off the phone

with headquarters in Bosnia.

Paul wasn't k*lled trying
to recover the helicopter.

He was taken prisoner.

He's alive?

No, but he helped the
injured pilots survive,

and gave cover
fire for their escape.

He helped them all get away.

The survivors told us the story.

Maria, do you know
what this means?

Yes. It means my Pablo is dead.

He's a hero.

Our son is a hero.

We should be very proud of him.

I have always been proud of him.

Of both our sons.

He could get a medal.

Could you just not
be a soldier for once?

Be a father today.


Please be seated.

He's not ready yet.

Very sorry to hear about
your son, Colonel Walls.

Under the circumstances,

I suggest that we
postpone this meeting

and I can come back another...

No. Let's just get on with this.

I've put this off for too long,

for everybody that needs
to be taught a lesson.

He made one mistake.

He lost control.

Good soldiers
don't lose control.

Paul would have never done that.

Your son Tomás
is not your son Paul.

He needs you to accept
him for who he is, please.

Don't compare
him to his brother.

Stick to your duties, Captain.

Speak to me when you have
a better defense prepared.

That'll be all.


Oh, Colonel.

Mrs. Walls.

This just arrived and I thought

you would want to have it.

It's your son's
personal effects.

Thank you.

Again, ma'am, my,
my condolences.

Thank you.

Dog tags.


Oh... A picture of
his going-away party.


It's addressed to you.

"Dear Bro.

"Welcome to beautiful
downtown Sarajevo.

"This is the life.

"Cold days, colder nights.

Rats the size of scuds."


"But the good news

is that I'm finally
gonna see some action."


"I have to get some shuteye,

"'cause tomorrow's the big day.

Can't wait. Gotta
make him proud."

He was a peacekeeper.

What else does it say?


What the hell are you
doing in this office?

You're in big trouble, soldier.

What the hell are
you doing in my...?!


Just stop.

That g*n isn't loaded.

You shouldn't keep
b*ll*ts in your desk drawer.

Explain this.

What is it?

It's from Paul.

It's the last thing
he ever wrote,

and it ends with, "I don't know
how the old man pulled it off."

What does he mean, Colonel?

I don't know.

You're a liar.

You're not gonna sh**t me.


I'm gonna sh**t myself.

Put the g*n down, Tomás.

What are you gonna give
me to put the g*n down?


Anything you want.

Just put the g*n down.

The files?


Give me the files...

and I'll give you the g*n.

Tomás, stop this.

I knew it.

What's in those files is more
important to you than I am.

That's nonsense.

Is it?

What did Paul mean?

I don't know.

You know!

Just put the g*n down. Back up!

Back up!

Turn around.

Turn around!



Tomás is through,
Captain. He's out.


I wouldn't do that, Victor.

You'll address me as
Colonel Walls, Captain.

Or is everybody throwing military
protocol in the wind tonight?

There are many kinds of duty.

Sometimes it is your duty
to be a soldier, Victor...

sometimes to be a father.

You're way out of line, Captain.

I'm the commanding
officer of this base.

You have no right to question
the authority of a superior.

Neither do you.

For I am a soldier
in God's army,

and there's no
authority higher than his.

I am an angel,
Victor, sent by God.

What are you doing here?

God always sends us
wherever we are needed.

No, Paul needed an angel.

Why didn't he get one?

He did.

He had many
angels comforting him

and helping him in
the midst of battle.

But it's not his angels
that you're worried about.

It's how he got there
in the first place, isn't it?


God is punishing me now.


God loves you.

And He wants to bring you peace.

He knows that you have
a w*r raging within you,

a w*r that will not end unless
you tell your family the truth.

I can't.

I can't tell them.

God will stand by you.

They won't understand.

A good soldier is supposed
to serve God and country.

You've done a great job
serving your country, Victor.

When are you going
to start serving God?

What happened to you?

I had a big fight with Papa.

You what?

I can't, Ma... I can't
take it anymore.

I just came to say adios.

Adios? Where are you going?

Te amo mucho.

No, Tomás, please.

I just lost one son.

I am not going to lose another.

Where's the g*n?

It's in the garbage
where it belongs.

What g*n?

Victor, for God's sake.

It's all right, Maria.

I'm glad he's here.

There's something
that you must both hear.

No more of your lies.

No... Tomás.

You are going to listen to him.

For once, you are going
to be quiet and listen.

Paul was a good soldier.

Paul was perfect
in your eyes. Shh!

Paul was not perfect.

And neither am I.

I tried to change Paul.

I pushed too hard and too fast.

I made him feel he needed to go

beyond his abilities
to please me.

He was not satisfied with
his... assignment in Bosnia.

He wanted a transfer
to a scout unit,

the unit ensuring compliance of
the United Nations Peace Treaty.

Paul was in a
quartermaster unit.

How'd he get into a scout unit?

I called in a favor.

A friend I served with
in 'Nam, now a major,

he gave him the job.


You put your son
in that position?

At first, I denied his requests.

But he begged me, Maria.

He wanted to go badly.

Yeah, to make you happy.

No. To serve his country.

Yeah, and now he's dead.

Because you put him there.

What kind of a monster are you?

I just wanted him to
be... A hero like you.

I wanted to be
proud of who he is.

What, you've forgotten
who you are, Colonel Walls?

I know who I am.

Then you've just forgotten
that you're my father, too.

You want to know
why I joined the Army

when I hate it so much?

I only joined the Army
to get your attention.

I know I'm not a good soldier.

I'll never be as
good as Paul was.

But I thought...

if you didn't love me,
if I joined the military...

you might respect me.

Would you love
me if I died, too?


Say something.

Why couldn't you tell him the
one thing he needed to hear?

Why couldn't you tell
him that you love him?


I'm an angel, Tomás.

God sent me here to help you.

What's going on?

It's okay, Chuck.
Go back to sleep.


I don't... I don't
believe in angels.

That's okay.

I believe in you.

Then you're the only one.

Not true.

God believes in you, too.

If you're an angel,
tell me the truth.

If Paul was everything
my father ever wanted...

then why was I born?

You weren't born to serve
your earthly father, Tomás.

You were born to serve
your heavenly Father.

He gave you brains, a heart,

talent, imagination,
passion and emotion.

He gave you
everything that you need

to fulfill your own unique
purpose in this world.

But you never asked
him what that purpose is.

Instead, you spent your life

trying to be Victor's
idea of the perfect son,

or your own ideas of
the ultimate Chicano man.

So now you want to
know why you were born?

God created you

to be Tomás Emanuel Paredes.

Nobody else can be that.

Only you.

But the trick is,

you have to stay alive to do it.

So what's it gonna be?

All right.

All right.

What am I supposed to do?

I know it's not
easy... but it's simple.

Forgive him.

Forgive your father for
pushing Paul too hard

and not telling you why.

Forgive him for being human

and wanting you to benefit

from the things
that he's learned.

God loves you, Tomás.

And now I'll take that.

I was hoping that
Tomás would be here.

So was his mama and papa, baby.

It looks like Victor's
lost both his sons.

He'll be here.

Just got to have a little faith.

Just a couple more
minutes, please?

He's not gonna come.

Then you're giving up on Tomás?

A good soldier knows
when to withdraw.

Sometimes a good
soldier makes a mistake.

Sometimes a father does, too.

That's why I love you so much.

Because you're a real fighter.

A soldier's life
is a simple life.

He has but one duty:

to serve God and country.

Paul Walls was a soldier.

He did his duty, and
his country is grateful.

I've received a telegram
from General Portland

informing me that
he's recommended

the Distinguished Service Cross
be given to Corporal Paul Walls.

This medal says more
than I or any of us can

about the man we
are here to honor.

He was a soldier,
a patriot and a hero.

But most importantly...
he was a son.

I have forgotten many things.

I have forgotten that
the Army is not my family.

My family is my family.

But I promise, I will
never again forget

who I am.

I am... Colonel Victor Paredes.

And I will never again forget...

to express

the love that I
feel in my heart.

Te amo, Tomásito.

Te amo.

Detail, present... arms!

Firing party,
fire three volleys.


Aim. Fire.

Aim. Fire.

Ma'am, on behalf
of a grateful nation,

we present to you this flag

in appreciation of the
loss of your loved one.