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02x01 - Second Chance

Posted: 04/29/23 10:33
by bunniefuu
I really think he's
gonna get you some work.

Anyway, this was just fantastic.

So, mr. Manelli, you didn't
actually see who did it?

Well, I was inside
helpin' a customer,

But the windows were clean
and, psst, they're all red.

What's happening to this
neighborhood, huh, hooker?

In the old days, when a cop
walked a beat around here,

We had nothing like this.

That was a family
neighborhood then, gino.

Parents believed in discipline.

You know, for 35 years,
before I opened this store,

I used to fight
the sharks, storms,

Sometimes even other
fishermen just to make a living.

Now I gotta call you
for help with kids.

Yeah. Better you should call us

Than try to handle it yourself.

Speaking of kids, how
are your grandchildren?


They are beautiful.


Hey, they're gonna come
and visit me next month.

No kidding? Listen, mr. Manelli,

How do your grandchildren
feel about cats?

What are you talking, cats?

I got one. The cutest
little guy you ever saw.

I'm trying to find
a home for him.

You know, hooker, you
got a partner who's crazy.

I got a fish store here

And he's trying
to give me a cat.

Oh, mr. Manelli, come on.

You are crazy.

Hey, guys...

All units and 4-adam-30,

An a.d.w. Just occurred
in the parking lot

To the rear of
1813 pacific avenue.

The suspect is described
as an unknown male

Riding a black and red striped
motorcycle, unknown make.

4-Adam-30, handle code 3.

4-Adam-30, that's a
roger. We gotta roll.

Gino, we'll be back
and finish the report.


Take care, paisan. Let me know

If you change your
mind about that cat.

A cat, romano?

It's a very interesting story.

I'll just bet it is.

Keep your eyes open, junior.

Pacific's only 2 blocks ahead.

That could be our guy.


We are in pursuit, of possible
as*ault with deadly w*apon suspect,

Riding a black motorcycle,
traveling east in alley

Between 50 and bergin.

He's headed for the freeway.

Hang on, romano.


They do have a way of
sneaking through traffic.

Another trashed car, hooker.

Sheridan is gonna
go for our throats.

Well, it did have more
than 1000 miles on it.

4-Adam-30, pursuit terminated.

Request a police tow
and motor transport

For a black and
white replacement.

Roger, 4-adam-30

Looks like we lost more
than an a.d.w. Suspect.

She was dead before we got here.

You guys get any
kind of a description

Before you lost him?

No, he was wearing
a visor helmet.

We didn't get close
enough to get a license.

She an actress?

Dancer. Joan gillens, 24,

According to her
driver's license.

Be careful,

You're about to step on
some of your evidence.

It's probably nothing.

I'll have forensic check it out.


Does she have
multiple s*ab wounds?

Yeah, other than that

We're holding on
to a bag of nothing

Except maybe for your oil spot.

You know her, hooker?

In a way I do.

Garcia, did you notice her hair?

What about it?

A lock has been cut off.

I know this guy. And
I know his victims.

1, 2, 3, 4.1, 2, 3, 4.

It was 8 years ago, but
when I heard "dancer,"

I knew what I was going
to find under that blanket.

How many women did he k*ll?

4. Missed the 5th by inches.

He thought she was dead, he was
gonna cut a lock of her hair off,

Interrupted by a neighbor.
They called him the barber.

The barber? I'll bet the press
had a field day with that one.

Wait till they
find out he's back.

Who is that doll?

Come here, I'll
introduce you. Stacy...

I'll handle it, hooker.

You are beautiful.

I'd better introduce
you, romano.

I'd like to introduce
you to stacy.


And you're vince romano.

You've heard of me?

I replaced vicki taylor, romano.

You've definitely heard of me.

Yes, huh.


Oh, yes, rodney.

Vicki passed your problem to me

Along with the rest
of her desk duties.

Hiya, rodney. Ah, wait,

See, there's... There's been
a slight change of plans.

You see det. Warner was
gonna take rodney home with him

But he had a fight with his wife

And now she won't
let him have him.

Romano, the only
reason I let vicki talk me

Into keeping this cat in the
barracks last night was because

She said you swore warner
would take him tonight.

Don't worry about a thing, doll.

I'm planning on having
another customer real soon.



Look at that cute
little bundle of fur.

That's the biggest cat I've
ever seen. That's not little...

Come on, he'd be a
great companion for you.

Ok, maybe not. How
about your family?

You want a moment of
truth? Look into my eyes.

Ok. No.

Ok, fine.

Now what, romano?

Why don't we talk about
it over dinner tonight?

I think I should introduce
you. This is stacy sheridan.


As in captain, capt. Sheridan.

Run a short d.m.v.
For me, will you, stacy?

Sure, sergeant.

While I go talk to your father.

Your... He's your...

On 2nd thought,

Maybe I'll just, uh, get to work on
trying to find a home for rodney.

See ya, rodney.

Good thinking,
romano. Good thinking.

All dancers. All from
the beach district.

All with multiple s*ab
wounds with a matching w*apon.

All with a lock of hair cut off.

I've seen 4 other bodies
that looked like joan gillens'.

8 Years ago, hooker.

8 Years, nothing?
Then, all of a sudden

He's alive and well and
working the beach district again?

Maybe we got ourselves
a copycat k*ller, captain.

I don't think we can
risk maybes here.

This guy could've been in
jail for some other crime.

A mental hospital.

None of which you
know for certain, hooker.

In my gut, captain,
I feel it in my gut.

Captain, I know this
case better than anybody.

Sure you do, hooker.

You were a hotshot
homicide detective

On a sensational case,
lots of media coverage.

You know the answer to
that one. The case is still open

Because we never had anything
more than a rough composite

From lynne hartmann, the
one girl who wasn't k*lled.

Then the murders stopped.
There were no more witnesses,

No leads. The suspect
dropped from sight.

And the m.o. Never
turned up again. Until now.

8 Years later? That's
a long time, hooker.

Now, until we know better,
it's a different homicide.

Captain, I'm not asking
to come out of the car.

I just want to help.

We have a potentially
sensitive case here,

Which promises to draw
attention to this precinct,

And the last thing I need is
a blue suit moving through

The background
of the investigation.

Now if garcia needs any help,
he knows where to find you.

In the meantime, you
have a class to teach,

And I have a briefing to attend.

Captain, lynne
hartmann is the only one

Who can identify the
barber, and he knows it.

He could go after
her at any time.

That's why she's got to
be covered, starting now.

I'm sorry, hooker,
but like you said,

We can't deal in maybes.
And after one k*lling,

I can't use a maybe to
justify the manpower.

Now the issue's
closed, all right?

Oh, no.

A cold, captain?

No, it's an old allergy.

One of you must've been
around a cat recently.

One more reason why

You've got to get rodney
out of here, romano.

Rear punch. Forward punch.

Weak side, strong side.

Weak side, power
stroke, power stroke.

The r-24, a baton,

One tool in a range of tools.

But always remember, your
head is the best tool you have.

All right, sergeant,
take 'em over.

All right, double arm
distance, move it out.

Phase 2 recruits are
coming along, aren't they?

Yeah, they're right
behind you, romano.

You better stay sharp. Stacy
give you that d.m.v. For me?

I couldn't help reading
the name on there.

Lynne anne hartmann,
the lady who survived?

Stacy's also running a check
for you on the unsolveds

For the barber killings.

I'm particularly interested
in getting that s.i.d. Info

And the original
composite on that k*ller.

Right, except, hooker,

Didn't capt. Sheridan
tell you to back off?

Well, yeah, but when
we're out on patrol,

Nobody makes any rules
where we take our breaks, right?

You got it, partner.

You're making a
big mistake, hooker.

Rodney is so special.

Probably has a pedigree.

I know you're desperate,
romano, and I'd be, too,

If I let a stewardess con
me into driving 20 miles,

Twice a day, to feed her cat
'cause she was out of town.

Only till I find him a new home.

40 Miles a day, at
$1.50 a gallon. Hmm.

A bargain, if you saw judith.

Hooker, don't be so hasty.

Denying your kids
the love and affection

Of that furry little creature...

2 Parrots, 2 dogs, a
hamster, a turtle, and a rat

Is as much of a zoo as
my ex is willing to feed.

Forget it, romano. Forget it.

Don't say I didn't ask you.

You asked and you was told.

Hooker, was this lady special?

She could've been. I
was married at the time.

I'll see you in a
few minutes, ok?

Right. I'll hit the market
across the street,

Pick up some chow for rodney.

Little guy eats like he's twins.

Plie. That's it,
michelle, very good.

Think tall, girls,
come on. Pull up.

That's right.

Relax your arm, huh.

There we go.

Eleve. Turn.

Very good, shannon.
That's it, girls, ok.

Ok, ladies, that's it for
today. You all were terrific.


I always had an idea we'd run
into each other sometime, hooker,

Casually, in a restaurant maybe.

I'd be with someone else,
you'd be with your wife.

We'd smile, maybe
pass the time of day

And that would be the end of it.

How about you?

I tried never to think about it.

I didn't think we'd ever
see each other again.

You know, I was surprised
to see you still there.

What happened
to the... The dream?


You were working so
hard to make it come true.

Funny. I forgot I
ever had that dream.

You know, after that night,

The horror of the attack, i...

All of a sudden I realized it...

It wasn't the fame or
the money I really wanted.

It was dancing I was high on.

That was the joy
I wanted to share.

Corny, huh?

No, no.

I'll bet when you see those
kids' faces looking up at yours,

You know every day you
made the right choice.

They're wonderful,
hooker. They give everything.

How're your kids? Your wife?

Oh, they're fine.

They're not mine in
the same way anymore.

A divorce took care of that.

I'm sorry, hooker.


cop-in-the-radio-car story.

Oh, I read the newspaper stories

A couple of years ago about...

Hmm, what'd they call it,

A bad sh**ting?

Is that why you're in uniform?

Well, that's what
some people think.

I did k*ll a man
in self-defense.

The scum who k*lled my partner.

But I wasn't put
down into blues.

I asked for the streets again.

Under that tweed jacket and tie,

You always were a street cop.

You know, I guess I
feel a little guilty.

During the 2 weeks
you spent making sure

The barber wasn't coming
back to finish the job on me,

I couldn't help but fantasize

How different things might be

If you weren't attached.

Then maybe we both
ought to feel guilty.

I watched your every
move for 2 weeks.

It was my job.

But it was my pleasure.
You were so different,

So exciting.

Everything about you.

But you never said
anything. Not a word.

How could i? I was married.


I know how difficult

All that was for you,

But I've got to ask you
to remember it again.

Again? But, hooker, why?

I'm here to tell
you to be careful.

I mean, really careful.

Another woman was
k*lled this morning.

And the m.o. Was
similar in every detail

To that of the barber case.

Oh, no.


You were the only one there?

Another one?

Coroner says it looks like it
happened early this morning.

Bartender found her
when he came in to open up.

Looks like she almost made it
to the car when he nailed her.

Same wounds and hair?

And she was a dancer, of sorts.

Hey, your theory
is official, hooker.

Yeah, well, I'm not
jumping through hoops

Because I was the
first one to call it.

Garcia, why don't we be careful

About what we tell our
friends in the media, huh?

Maybe some hot press will
push him into making a mistake.

Well, if anybody's gonna
push him, it ought to be us.

You know, there's
a woman out there

Who went through
plenty 8 years ago,

And if the press does
its usual st. Vitus dance,

She's gonna be re-exposed
to that crazy man.

I don't want that to happen.

Look, why don't you
lighten up, uh, hooker?

No thanks, pal.

You're laid back
enough for both of us.

And I was just gonna
ask him if he wanted a cat.

Well, that's a
motorcycle skid mark.

Looks like he was in a hurry,

So he probably didn't
bother with the kick stand

And just leaned it
against the railing. There.

That's very good, sherlock.

Would you say that he
leaned it a little hard this time?

Looks like it came off of
the end of a hand brake lever.

Used to happen
to me all the time.

One step closer.

Soon, lynne hartmann,

Very soon.

Hey, gino. Gino, what happened?

Ah, I was stacking
some canned tomatoes.

I heard ping-ping, the
whole window explodes.

Did you see anybody?

No, just some ladies shopping.

They wouldn't do
something like this.

All right, here's
what went ping-ping

On your olive
oil cans, a pellet.

You mean, like in a shotgun?

No. Like an air g*n fire.

Ah, don't worry
about it, mr. Manelli.

I'll give you our report number,

You phone it in to your insurance
company and they'll fix the window.

Insurance is for rich
people. For 35 years I fish,

I don't have it, I
don't have it now.

Hey, gino, I need your help.

Give me those cat
scans, will you, romano?

We've got a couple of
x-rays here of s*ab wounds,

And we're trying to connect
the m*rder w*apon to them.


Marlinspike I thought at first.

Yeah. That looks like
a marlinspike to me.

Sounds pretty exotic.

No, it's just a
fisherman's tool.

It's used to splice rope.

You wouldn't catch a
good sailor without one.

Yeah, but it has a
much larger curve

Than one I've ever
seen before, gino.

Well, let's see.

Yeah. Yeah, I guess
you're right, hooker.


You know, years ago,
there was a greek fella,

He fished with me
for one whole season.

He used to carry a tool
curved like that one,

Because in his country they
used a different hemp rope.

He... He... No, wait a
minute, he wasn't greek.

A turk. Yeah, a turk.

Now it's all coming
together. A foreigner.

That answers some questions.

A foreign seaman, who hasn't
been back here in 8 years maybe?

Keep thinking, junior.
We're getting hot.

I want to keep it on a roll.

4-Adam-30 to 4-w-90, on tac 2.

Go ahead, 4-adam-30.

We have a new lead
which suggests

That our 187 suspect
may be a foreign national.

Have the, uh, detectives

Get all our information
requests and fingerprints

At c.i.i. And n.c.i.c.,

Checked out through interpol.

That's a roger,

And 4-adam-30, is officer
romano with you?

Uh, 4-w-90, he is. Can
I pass on a message?

You tell him to...

Just tell him to get his
blue suit in here to see me

At the end of watch.

Gesundheit, daddy, I
mean, capt. Sheridan.

So what are you gonna do
about this window, mr. Manelli?

Uh, for today, I'll
just board it up

And then we'll see
about a new one.

You order the plywood,
we'll help you put it up.


Now, let's talk about something
else that's important, gino.

I mean, your scungelli,

Your calamari, and
your zuppa di pesche.

Hey, now you are
talking, hooker.

I want an order of
each and anything else

That you think might make
a really special lunch for 2.

All right.

And you better order what
you're having for lunch, romano,

Because you're not
the one I'm eating with.

Uh, the fruit anglaise.

Fruit anglaise? I
love fruit anglaise.

5, 6, 7, 8.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Ready and...

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

1, 2, 3, 4...

Bye, see you tomorrow.

I... I didn't hear you come in.

You're not lynne hartmann.

No, she's out to lunch. Um,

Can I help you with something?

I'll come back.

I know you want the
whole thing to stay

In the past,
lynne, but it won't.

Don't remind me, hooker, please.

It was a nightmare.

A nightmare that took me a
long, painful time to forget.

I don't care what's
happening now.

I just don't want
to get involved.

I'm afraid you don't
have any choice.

Lynne, you are involved.

You're the only
person to see this guy

And be alive to talk about it.

I want you to force
yourself to think about our...

Our friend, the creep.

Try to remember anything you
can about that night 8 years ago.

His description, his
clothes, his words.

Anything that can
help us take him down.

What do you think, hooker?
Is rodney gonna love this?

He's gonna love it,
romano. He's gonna love it.



It's a long, boring story.
Take my word for it.

Not if you like cats.
Do you like cats?

I'm sorry, officer,
it was an accident.

Just a minute, fella. Come here.

It was an accident.

I understand that, but what
about what's been happening

Down at gino's store
on sea-view avenue?

Those, accidents, too?

What about it, guys? Anybody
know anything about that?

No, no.

You got a pocket
full of these? Hmm?

For your air g*n?
Now listen, son,

The truth is
difficult sometimes,

But it's the best way.

I don't have any air
g*n. I have a sling shot.

I didn't mean to
break the window.

And the paint yesterday?
What about that?

Did you mean to do that?

Yes, sir.

What's your name
and address, son?

Stevie. Stephan
pine. 726 Cliff avenue.

Why did you do those
things to gino's store, stevie?


Friday, he pushed me
around. Said I was stealin'.

I wasn't. I don't
steal. Honest, I don't.

All right, son, here's
what I want you to do.

I want you to go home,

Tell your folks the whole story

And have them call me

At this number here
around 6:00 in the evening, ok?

That's my number.

Ok, you got that?
You guys got that?

Yeah. All right. Go on.

Always the cop,
aren't you, hooker?

Never off the job.

It's what I do.

Lynne! He was at the studio.

Ah, it happened so quickly,

I didn't even realize who
he was until he was gone.

And then I remembered that
the two of you went out to lunch.

Will you calm down?
Who was at the studio?

It was him. I'm
sure. The barber.

And he was looking
for you, lynne.

He was looking for you.

The lab traced the oil
to 5 makes of motorcycles

And only 185
dealers in the state.

But the broken brake lever
narrows it to 2 makes and 50 dealers,

So I put together a list
of local dealerships,

The ones that I've
circled rent, too.

That's very good, dear.

Oh, I mean, excellent
work, officer sheridan.

I'll check out the dealers
on our beat tomorrow.

It's strange, but no matter
how much he changed,

I'd never forget those eyes.

My phone hasn't stopped ringing

Since that piece on the barber
came out in the afternoon papers.


I didn't have anything
to do with it, hooker.


Now for certain, we've to
put a 24 hour guard on lynne.

She's moved since
the attack 8 years ago,

But if this guy
found her studio,

He'll find out where
she lives in no time at all.

Well, I'm shifting
things around,

But until the a.m.
Watch comes on,

The best I can do is have the
sector car roll by every few hours.

I'm off-duty. I'll stay with her

Until you can get somebody
out there full-time.

Romano's offered to help.

All right, hooker, you got it.

You say romano offered to help?

Just exactly
where is he, hooker?

I've been looking
for him all day.


Rodney. He is the most
irritable, insufferable,

animal I've ever seen.

Romano? Oh, you mean rodney.

Well, if I catch up with romano,

I'll tell him you
want an appointment.

Do that, sergeant, please.

It's all coming back, every
frightening moment of it.

His eyes, so... So intense,

So evil.

And I also remember smells,

Impressions, good memories
from out of nightmares.

Well, let's hear 'em.

Aftershave, hooker.

Strong, sweet. Yours.

And the sight of you stirring
your coffee at my old apartment,

While you thought I was
napping in the living room.

And then the killings
ended, the threat was past,

And you were gone.

No, not gone. Not there
maybe, but not gone.

For a long time after
those 2 weeks were over,

Every time I closed my eyes,

You were there.

Who's there?

Romano, sarge.

Hi, lynne. Everything all right?

Perfect. I just didn't
realize how late it was.

How's it with you?

Whatever it takes to
get this guy, I'm all for it.

Just let me know when you split,

So I can notify the a.m.
Watch when they come in.

Get used to it, fella,
I'm here all night.


Hooker, your
interpol idea paid off.

The fingerprints
are identical to those

Of a josef picardis.

I'm on my way home.

If anymore comes
in, let me know.

That was about him, wasn't it?

Well, we think he's a turk

Who escaped from
a french prison.

But you can't be
sure he's the barber.

He told a french shrink

That his mother
was a gypsy dancer

Who was punished for stealing

By having her head shaved
so she couldn't work again.

And because of that,
he's been k*lling women

Just because they're dancers?

Lynne, I've seen so many men like
this with their heads messed up.

You can't make
sense or logic of it.

Just know for a fact,
we're gonna get this guy,

And soon.

I'm as close as the phone,

And romano's just outside.

Lock up after me.

Yes, sir.


Romano, you all right?

Hooker! Hooker, help!

Hooker, please! Hooker, please!

Hooker, please!

The back door. He's in there.

Lynne, lock yourself
in the bathroom.

Go on, do it!

What about lynne?
How's she doing?

Well, last night brought
everything home to her.

She's terrified, but
she'll tough it out.



She's got fire in
her eyes, junior.

I hope I don't catch
any ricochets.

You stood me up
last night, romano.

I'm so sorry, stacy.
I... I tried to call you.

You know what happened to me
and hooker over at lynne hartmann's.

I heard and I know
you were busy,

But romano, I spent all night
trying to coax rodney out

From under the barracks.

Hi, rodney.

Now, tonight, at the end
of the watch, no excuses,

You're taking him back.

Right. Tonight.
Guaranteed, stacy.

This is 4-adam-30 to control.

We're code 6 at decker's
motorcycle shop,

Checking the last entry on
our motorcycle rental sheet.

Yeah, here it is, but
the name's not picardis,

It's paul vardik, turkish,

Merchant seaman on
the istanbul challenger.

When's the motorcycle due back?

Well, he wasn't sure
when he was sailing.

Said maybe tonight,
maybe monday.

It's very important
that we talk to this man,

So I'm gonna put an
unmarked unit down here

Until he brings that
motorcycle back.

Traffic tickets, right? I
tell 'em to drive careful.

I don't know what
it is about bikes.

They seem to bring out
the worst in some people.

It's not your fault, mr. Decker.

This guy had a real head start.

If you're sailing at midnight,

When is the crew
due back, captain?

No later than 2200 hours.

10:00. We'll have it
covered. Thank you, captain.

We're close, hooker
and getting closer.

With this guy,
close doesn't count.

He's using the
name of vardik now.

We're in a position to
see him if he returns

And will maintain until
relieved by an unmarked unit.

Will you relay that
to garcia, stacy?

That's a roger, 30. I'll relay.

And we've just received
a report from x-ray 32.

They found vardik's
motorcycle abandoned 2 blocks

From decker's motorcycle shop.

Why would he do that?

Maybe he made us,
or the stakeout team.


Check the computer
for any auto thefts

In that area this
afternoon, will you?

That's a roger, 30, stand by.

What are you after?

Just covering the bases, junior.

30, We've got a reported theft
on a late-model green plymouth

With utah plates,

Less than a block away
about the same time.

Physical description of the
suspect observed matches vardik.


He could walk here from
the motorcycle shop.

He's gonna use that car to
make another run at lynne.

Let's hit it.

6:00, Lynne should be
on her way home now.

4-L-16, this is
4-adam-30 on tac 2.

4-Adam-30, this is 4-l-16.

What is your location, ryan?

Proceeding northbound
on beach boulevard

Following ms. Hartmann home.

Roger. Be advised that suspect

May be driving a
late-model green plymouth

With utah license plates.


No green plymouth.

Everything looks ok here.

30, She just made a hard right

And took off west
on court street.

It doesn't make any sense.

Don't lose her, ryan.

And keep those location
directions coming.

It was hot and foul back
there, but I was patient.

And finally you came to me.

We're going west on glen cove.

I can see a 2nd person
in the car with her.

She was alone when
she left the studio.

I checked personally.

It must be vardik.

He must've slipped
into her car somehow.

We're coming up at glen cove.

Could be they're headed
for the harbor bridge.

We'll cover that base, too.

Dispatch, 4-adam-30 and 4-l-16
are in pursuit of a 187 suspect

And kidnap victim
westbound on glen cove.

Request you close off,

Repeat close off harbor
bridge northbound.

Roger, 4-adam-30.

You won't get away
with this. Let me stop.

You stop here
and you'll die here.

Take me to the
harbor, to the docks.

There they go.

They won't stop
me from k*lling you.

Because they can't stop me.

He's mine.

You want a hand, scum?

Grab it.

Come on.

It's all over, honey.

Let's go home.

The department
thrives on paperwork,

But I promise that's
the last report

You'll have to sign.

I'm not complaining.

Being with you without a m*rder*r
to worry about is quite pleasant.

About last night, it
was wonderful, hooker.

I'd like to think
there'll be more.

Let's talk about it
over dinner tonight.

You just read my mind, sergeant.

Hey, stevie. Come here.

Stevie, would you stop
looking so worried.

You're doing the right thing.

I know, sergeant.
My dad told me that.

Morning, hooker, lynne, stevie.

Stacy. You're looking
chipper, romano.

I lucked out last night.

Warner made up with his
wife, took rodney home.

Perfect timing.
Judith's back tonight.

Good morning, hooker. Romano.

Gino. Gino, this is stevie pine.

Stevie's dad is back there

With the detectives
signing some papers.

He has something he
wants to say to you.

I'm sorry about
what I did, mr. Manelli.

And I'd like to pay
for the damage

Out of my allowance.

Look, maybe I was wrong
when I say you steal

And I throw you out of my store

When I don't see you for sure.

If I'm wrong... Look, I'm sorry.

All right, listen, stevie,

I've been talking this
over with mr. Manelli,

And what about you
keeping your allowance,

And you working in his store
after school to pay the bill?

Gee, I'd like that.

Good. You start today.

We go for it together. Deal?


Something here for you, romano.

What is it?

"Romano, I recognize

"The no return
terms of our deal.

So I'll take her when
she can travel. Warner."

Her? She?

Good morning.

What's in the basket?