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02x04 - Blind Justice

Posted: 04/29/23 10:36
by bunniefuu

♪ Well, east coast
girls are hip ♪

♪ I really dig those
styles they wear ♪

♪ And the southern girls
with the way they talk ♪

♪ They knock me out
when I'm down there ♪

♪ The midwest
farmers' daughters ♪

♪ Well, they all make
me feel all right ♪

♪ And the northern girls
with the way they kiss ♪

♪ They keep their
boyfriends warm at night ♪

♪ I wish they all
could be california ♪

♪ I wish they all
could be california ♪

♪ I wish they all
could be california ♪

♪ Girls ♪

♪ The west coast
has the sunshine ♪

Like jell-o on springs, hooker.

Romano, please.

I mean, there is something
about california girls.

A music cue if I ever heard one.

Oh, come on now,
I'm serious here.

I have never seen such
beautiful creatures in all my life.

Checkin' out girls I like,
but are you gonna spend

The rest of our
lunch hour shopping?

What I'm gonna do,
hooker, is take the plunge.

The plunge?

Hooker, the streets of
south philly are behind me.

I'm gonna become
a total californian.

Think I'll even buy a surfboard.

You been watching those late
night beach blanket movies again?

Yeah, well, they're
classics, you know.

Right up there with
casablanca and citizen kane.

You know they sell
you on this stuff.

Sand, sun, surfboards.


That's it, hooker.
I'm a convert.

South philly's
gonna be in mourning.

Romano. Romano.


If you wanna buy a board, you
ought to take a long hard look

At one of these.

A tanker?

My research says time has
passed this one by, hooker.

Oh, it's a pioneer board.

You buy one of these, you
catch a curl, stand tall, hang 10

Before that triple thruster
there gets off the tide.

How do you know so
much about this stuff?

Oh, a cop picks up things.

Here and there. Come on.

♪ I wish they all
could be california ♪

♪ I wish they all
could be california ♪

♪ Girls ♪

Ok, just keep still
like a good little girl.

Just take the money.
Don't hurt me, please.

Open the box.
Now, come on, move!

That your grocery list?

I'm making a list of all the
beach boy albums I'm gonna buy.

And hey, I just found out, the
beach boys are doing a concert

At the amphitheatre next week.

I've got a flash for you.
The concert's sold out.

What? It can't be.

It's part of my education.

There's just some things you're
not gonna get a degree in, kid.

I gotta get a ticket.
And I will, believe it.

All units and 4-adam-30,

A 2-11 silent at the theater
box office, 810 broadmore.

4-Adam-30, handle code 3.

Sounds like a box office heist.


4-Adam-30, roger.

Get the money in
the sack. Move it!

All right, come on. Get it done!

I want it all.

Get the money and get out.

Come on, come on,
move, move, move, move.

Now you just stay
right there, sweetheart,

Or I'll blow your damn head off.

All right, we got it. Let's go.

You just had to
do it, didn't you?

You just had to do it.

Move it, move it!

4-Adam-30 in pursuit,
eastbound on center street

From placer avenue, 2-11
suspects driving a blue ford van,

License 2-1-7

All units, all
frequencies, stand by.

4-Adam-30 is in pursuit.

This guy's got a death wish.

Well, we can kiss them goodbye.

For now.

I was passing, uh, on
my way into the precinct.

The cashier, she took a b*llet.

They're not sure
how bad she is yet.

Any witnesses?

Well, the, uh,
assistant manager,

But they thumped him from
behind. He didn't see a thing.

Any count on the take, captain?

Well, they hit it just right.
Peak holiday season, $8,000,

And we're left with
nothing for suspects.

What about that young lady?

That's miss perry. Ann perry.

Nobody's, uh, had a
chance to question her yet.

The attendants are treating her.

She, uh, caught some concrete
when a slug hit the wall near her head.

I'll give it a try.

Miss perry, I'm sergeant hooker.

Are the robbers in
custody, sergeant?

I'm afraid not. We
lost them in traffic.

You mean, you have
no idea who they are?

All we've got is a lot
of vague descriptions.

We were hoping you could
come up with something.

No, I'm sorry. I can't.

Well, miss perry, you were
within 20 feet of that van.

They must've run right past you.

Yes, and they shot at me.

Please, try to remember.

I don't have anything to
remember. I didn't see anything.

You must have seen something.

I didn't see anything,
sergeant. I'm blind.

Now, if you'll please excuse me.

I'm really sorry.

I didn't notice.


And I was so sure
we had a witness.

I'm not so sure we don't.

♪ I don't know
what I've been told ♪

♪ 3-8-2 Is good as gold ♪

♪ Gold is gold ♪

♪ Gold is gold ♪


All right, hands
behind your back.

Hand-to-hand combat.

It's ok if you're doing
a martial arts movie,

If you know your
stuff, it works.

If you don't,

And there are 3 suspects, I'd suggest
you consider taking a step back,

And drawing your revolver.

All right, tomorrow
we'll work on

Escalation, de-escalation
decision-making based on

Your new-found physical
skills. That's it. Hit the showers.

Come on, move it.

Wait till they find out
the job's 90% paperwork.

Speaking of which, anything
come in on that 2-11 van yet?

It's been reported stolen from a
church group an hour after the robbery.

Not turned up yet.

What about the cashier?

Her name's lori weber. She
just got out of surgery.

She's traumatized and can't
remember one thing about the robbery.

Then all we've got
left is ann perry.


Remember how you were talking about the
beach boys coming to town the other day?

Oh yes, I love them.

You know, it is amazing how
you and I enjoy the same things.

Are you going to
the concert, too?

Well, I was, but,
uh, they sold out.

See, the 2 tickets I ordered got
fouled up in some kind of mail mix-up.

Oh, that's too bad. My tickets
are there waiting for me.

Yeah. I could've k*lled
them for those foul-ups.

You know, stacy, uh,

I was planning on inviting
you to go along with me.

Well, I'm flattered, but
like I said, I have my tickets.

Oh, well, uh, I'd be
happy to buy your tickets

And take the 2 of us.

Well, thank you, but I
already have a commitment.

You do?



Well, let's just say,

A very special man in my life.

I thought I was special.

It's ok. Forget it,
stacy. Really, it's ok.

I read your report, hooker. You have
some, uh, concerns about the blind witness?

I think she's holding
something back.


I checked her out.

She teaches sensory
awareness to blind kids.

Well, that doesn't necessarily
mean she can tell us anything.

My gut says she can.

Well, uh, tread easy. We don't
need those kind of complaints.

We also don't need anymore
young girls catching .45 slugs.

I think ann perry needs a push.

All right.

See what you can find out,
but between calls, hooker.

I wouldn't have
it any other way.

I don't know why I ever worked
for a tight cr*cker like you, megan.

There's the $50, and,
uh, $5 for the suds.

Now, why don't you just
take it and crawl in the corner

And croak or
something, all right? Huh?



I've been listening to the news

And I've been checking
all the newspapers.

The cops haven't put
out a description on us.

Ah, that's just their way
of protecting the witness.

I mean, she saw us all right.


First job out here
and we get eyeballed.

She's all that's between
us and the slammer.

Bobbie joe, we've got
to get out of here.

No. No way. Yes.

That box office
idea is too good.

We're going nowhere till
we take off the big one.

The concert this saturday.

What about the lady?

We're gonna find her.

We're gonna find her
before the cops find us.

Then there won't be nothing
for us to worry about. Will there?

♪ He's got the whole
world in his hands ♪

♪ He's got the
whole wide world ♪

♪ In his hands ♪

♪ He's got the whole
world in his hands ♪

♪ He's got the whole
world in his hands ♪

♪ He's got the whole
world in his hands ♪

♪ He's got the whole
wide world in his hands ♪

♪ He's got the whole
world in his hands ♪

♪ He's got the whole
world in his hands ♪

♪ He's got the whole
world in his hands ♪

♪ He's got the whole
wide world in his hands ♪

♪ He's got the whole
world in his hands ♪

Now let's decide a few things.

Are we going to spend
the rest of the day here

Or head back to the institute?

Here. Here.


Well, then I think
we ought to have

Our sensory awareness
lesson right here

And spend the rest of the day
playing beach games. What do you think?



Glen, may I have the
conch shell, please?

Now, as glen passes this
shell around and you feel it,

I'm going to be asking
you some questions.

Paco, does this conch
feel like your new kitten?

No, my kitty's soft.

That's right. Her fur is soft
and thick to keep her cool

During the day
and warm at night,

Just as the conch has
a strong thick shell

To keep it safe at the bottom
of the ocean where it lives.

Sarah, does this conch
have long or short wings?

No wings. That's right.

No wings.

It does not have wings.

No wings, but the gulls
we hear flying above us do.

Now, just as these animals depend
upon their fur and their wings

And their shells to help
them live where they do,

We depend upon our
feet and our hands

And our ears and our noses
to help us live where we do.

So that means...

Now glen is going to
hand out some buckets

And we're going to
go on a shell hunt.

Sergeant hooker.

You recognized me?

I remembered your
cologne from the other day,

And you're not alone.

No, I brought my
partner with me.

I'm vince romano. Pleased
to meet you, miss perry.

Oh, it's ann.

And you're from south
philadelphia, aren't you?

Yeah, yeah, how could you tell?

I went to school
outside philadelphia.

And here I've been
working on my accent

Ever since I've been out here.

Linguistics was my
passion in college.

And now it's children.


Could I impose upon the
2 of you to meet them?

I've got a better idea. What about
romano taking over the class

For a lecture on law
enforcement in action.

Oh, that would be great.

Absolutely. I could talk
about my job for hours.

10 Minutes will do, I'm sure. And you
and I can talk about crime in the streets.

You detected my cologne,

You pinpointed
romano's home town,

You teach those kids to feel,

Sense things, and
be aware of so much.

I just can't accept
that answer from you.

You're so sure of
yourself, aren't you?

So tuned into everything.

Yeah, I feel things.

And my senses are tuned in.

From experience.

I feel for that young
girl who got shot.

That's why I can't let up on
you, ann. Don't you understand?

No, you don't understand.

What it's like to be blind?

I can look at the
sun and see its fire,

The power of the surf,

Sea gulls flying overhead,

And I can tell you about it
from one perception, mine.

If you add that with
your perceptions,

You'd have a whole lot more
and that more is what I need.

What we're talking
about has nothing at all

To do with the beauty
of interpreting nature.

It has to do with those
animals at the theater.

Hooker, last week a friend drove
me to a conference downtown.

She went to park the car
and I went into the building


She was delayed and I was late,

And so I asked somebody to assist me into
the elevator and push the floor button.

I'm riding up alone, I think,

When suddenly somebody
whispers something filthy in my ear.

And touches me.

A simple trip for you,
but a nightmare for me.

And that's what being
blind can be like, too.

Yeah, but I'm not a stranger.

I'm only asking you to
give me what you can.

An, uh, an accent, a speech
impediment, anything, anything at all.

Hooker, please don't.

You're frightened.

I want you to help
me. I'll help you.

No. You'll go on
with another crime,

And I'll be back
in the elevator.

Now please, sergeant, I really
must get back to my children.

Ann, somewhere,

Somewhere between us
there's got to be a compromise.


Auto theft called. They found the
stolen van dumped in a used car lot.

Got one partial print,
but nothing they can i.d.

Anything from ann perry?

No, nothing.

Hmm. Just have to try harder.

Well, what do you think?

A costume party.

You're going as a malibu reject.

Frankie avalon lives.

Ha, ha. Very funny.
You guys are a riot.

Since none of my good
friends will extend themselves

To help me get into
the beach boys concert,

This attire, which
neither of you appreciate,

Is going to attract
a ticket to me.

How does that work?


I hang around the
amphitheater tonight,

Ticket scalpers come flocking.

You'd pay a scalper's
price to get in?

To see and hear the beach boys?

You got it, sweetheart. I'd
pay double the face value.

Like, stay cool,
fools, you know?

Hubba, hubba.

Come on, push it up,
baby. Push it up. Push it up.

Push it up. Push it up.

Come on, give me another
one, mama. Push it up.

Come on, one more.

Good work.

All right. They got a
half-decent box office

To hold us till the
concert opening matinee.

I thought we were gonna take
off the lady who eyeballed us first.

We are.

The way I figure we find her is,

We go back to that, uh, theater

About the same time of day
we took off the box office.

And just wait for the bus.

Yeah, then we follow her home.

How's about 3:00.

We hit here at noon.

Then we do the lady.

All right, gimme the money. Now!

Let it rest, hooker.

Ann perry either has
something to give or she doesn't.

We've done our best.

No, we haven't.
We've done our best

When we've broken through, got
the evidence and nail those scum.

I should be so determined
about my rock concert tickets.

What's the matter?

Didn't the scalpers flock?

Oh, they flocked all right.

The price was more
than my paycheck.

Those scalpers should
spend a session or 2 with me

And those kids
from the institute.

That's a place where honesty can
hit you right between the horns.

Kids got to you, huh?

I tell you, hooker,

Those are the first blind kids I
ever really got even that close to.

They're really something.


And ann, she's, how
can I say, she's terrific.

You know, thanks to ann,
those kids from the institute

Go to school everyday
with sighted kids.


Who've come to see them as

Not that different
rather than handicapped.

At ann's classes, they
learn to adapt, fit in better,

Feel good about themselves.

Who knows? Maybe
in a generation or 2,

Handicapped won't be
a word we use anymore.

4-Adam-30, 4-adam-30,

sh*ts fired at the roller dome,

214 South beechwood,
handle code 3.

4-Adam-30, roger.

No leads, no witnesses,

But there's no doubt in
my mind who's responsible.

There's a pattern now, hooker.

Box offices and our friends
just graduated to the "a" list.


Let's go. I want to
talk to ann perry again.

She gets off her
bus in 10 minutes.



How would you
like a police escort?

That's the best
offer I've had all day.

I'm late and a friend's
going to take me downtown.

I've got to talk to
the committee again

About integrating blind
children into the sighted world.


You're gonna get me
there so much faster.

Oh, I always try to be
of service somehow.

Thank you.

Well now, ain't she
cozy with the cops.

So long, ann.

Bye-bye and thank you.

Well, here I am again, ann,

Asking for help, only
this time a man is dead.

Hooker, why do you
insist on believing

That I have the courage
to be involved in this?

Because I'm impressed,

Amazed, really, at the way you
handle the kids at the institute.

The way you live your
life so independently.

If I were in your place,

I don't think I could handle
the things that you do.

You just won't take any kind
of "no" I give you, will you?

Ann, 2 animals are out there.

More and more of them are
getting the idea that they're immune,

Free to take whatever they want.

I need some kind of a lead, some kind
of evidence, to do something about them.

Because if I stop trying, the
community belongs to them.

Not to you, not
to me, but to them.

All right, hooker,
but just this much.

There were 2 of them.
One black, one white.

How do you know?

I'm a linguist, remember?

There's my ride.
Oh boy, are we late.

I'll be right there, mrs.
Johnson. I am really late.

Ann, please.

What else did you hear?

What about a regional accent?

The white one, I'm pretty
sure is from the southwest.

Probably oklahoma,

And his friend is from
the south, maybe louisiana.

You're terrific. What else?

Think hard. There must be more.

Hooker, I am not
involved and I am late.

Ann, please,

This is important. You
must tell me everything.

Hooker, where I am
going is important, too.

This meeting
tonight is the result

Of a 2 year uphill battle
for those children.

If I am 10 minutes late, they'll
scratch me from the agenda

And it'll take me at least
3 months to get back on.

What time will you be back?

You are pushy. By 8:00.

I'll be here.

With a bottle of
champagne to celebrate

Yeah. After I've
picked your brain.

I'd like that.

A lot.

Now we know where she lives.

And we'll be back after dark.

Did you get ann's
information into the mill?


Stacy and I got on the horn, coordinated
oklahoma and louisiana state police

To begin a search

With that partial print the
lab got out of that stolen van.

You're learning, vince. Well,

It's a long shot and skimpy.

Heck of a lot better
than we had before.

You know, I was critical
of you pushing ann.

I was wrong. I can see that now.

No apologies necessary.

An hour on the rack will do.

See you in the a.m.

Are you still working
on those concert tickets?


And this time, I am gonna score.

I got me a hot lead in the
form of a righteous policeman.

Well, just be sure the
hot lead doesn't burn you.

No way. I'm a californian.


Awesome, totally awesome.


Special delivery, ma'am.



Might as well come on out, now.

It don't matter, baby.

A matter of fact, it just
might make it a little more fun.

Hey, look at this.

A blind cane.

Hell, this lady
can't do us no harm.

She's blind.

Ann? It's hooker.
Are you in there?

Ann, where are you?



I'm glad you're here.
Those men tried to k*ll me.

I think that's them.
Stay right here.

It's all right. Stay
right here. Let me go.

Hooker, 18 years ago my
father's drugstore was burned

Because he refused to
pay protection money.

We lived above the store

And the stairs collapsed

While my parents were trying
to carry me out of the fire.

You don't have to
tell me any of this.

My mother. She died
in that fire, hooker,

And I suffered
optic nerve trauma.

Those flames were the
last thing that I ever saw.

Before the fire, my father told
the police everything that he knew,

Names and descriptions,

But nobody was ever arrested.

Then he died 2 years later.

And on his deathbed,

He said to me,

That he should have
paid the protection money.

I'm... I'm really sorry I
pushed you as hard as I did.

I should have stayed and I
should have told you everything.

Everything that I knew.

And you heard
only one name used?

It was bobbie joe. That
was the caucasian's name.

Nothing on the other guy?

Except the odor.

I recognized the smell
from the theater robbery.

It was liniment,
like athletes use.

Anything else?


The small caucasian wore
high-heeled boots, probably western.

I'll get this on the wire.

It's gonna be all right, ann.

I've arranged for a room for you and a
24-hour guard until we nail these guys.

But when they
discovered I was blind,

I heard them say that I
couldn't be a threat to them.

Well, you are.

You can put the 2 of
them at the theater.

Ballistics can tie the b*llet
from lori weber's wound

To the roller dome k*lling.

You're the key to
their conviction.

4-W-90 on tac one to 4-adam-30.

Go, stacy.

Telex just in from
oklahoma, romano.

They have one of the suspects
i.d.'D behind the partial print.

Bobbie joe nash, 2-time loser,

Bartender by trade,
affects western attire.

Stacy, have they
telephotoed a mug shot of him?

Should be here within an hour.

Thanks, stacy, that's a roger.

We're starting to cook, junior.

Next stop, bartender's union.

You the owner of
the bar, terry megan?

I've got a picture here I'd
like you to take a look at.

The union tells
me he works here.

Now listen, megan,
without even looking,

I know that girl in the
corner there is under age.

And I'll bet there are a
couple of whiskey bottles

In the trash that
haven't been broken

So you can do some
whiskey watering.

I'd just guess the alcoholic
beverage control boys

Could add that to
assorted other offenses

And come up with
a 3 month closure.

Name's bobbie joe nash.

I know that. Where
can I find him?

I don't know. He stopped working
for me a couple of weeks ago.

Where does he live?

I don't know. Gypsy.

He's got a partner.
Tell me about him.

Black guy. One of
those muscle freaks.

Bodybuilder. Ann
smelled liniment.

Yeah. Does he have a name?

Luther something I
don't... I don't remember.

Where can I find him?

This boomerangs, I'm
dead. You know that.

Come on, megan, where?

He works at the weight
pen down at muscle beach.

There's a lot of
people in the box office.


This'll get them out and us in.


Put this on after
I do the damage.

Oh, it's them all right.

Momentos of their crimes.

Question is, what's
their next hit?

The beach boys concert.

Next performance
began 10 minutes ago.

Y'all going to sing
with us on this one tune?

You'll know this
one. Sing along.

1, 2, 3!

♪ Ba, ba, ba, ba, barbara ann ♪

♪ Ba, ba, ba, ba, barbara ann ♪

♪ Ba, ba. Ba. Ba, barbara ann ♪

♪ Oh, barbara ann ♪

♪ You've got me
rockin' and a-rollin' ♪

♪ Rockin' and
a-reelin', barbara ann ♪

♪ Ba, ba, ba, ba, barbara ann ♪

Smoke, there's smoke.

♪ Went to a dance
looking for romance ♪

♪ I saw barbara ann ♪

♪ So I thought
I'd take a chance ♪

♪ Barbara ann, take my hand ♪

You sing it.

♪ Ba, ba, ba, ba, barbara ann ♪

4-Adam-30 requesting fire
department at the amphitheater.

Possible structure fire.

Cops! Let's go!

Come on! Let's go that way.

Hold it! Police.

♪ Ba, ba, ba, ba, barbara ann ♪

♪ Ba, ba, ba, ba, barbara ann ♪

♪ Ba, ba, ba, ba, barbara ann ♪

♪ Ba, ba, ba, ba, barbara ann ♪

♪ Ba, ba, ba, ba, barbara ann ♪

♪ You've got me
rockin' and a-rollin' ♪

♪ Rockin' and
a-reelin', barbara ann ♪

♪ Ba, ba, ba, ba, barbara ann ♪

♪ Saw betty sue, my
guess is betty lou ♪

We can't let them
get into the concert.

We'll lose them in there.

♪ You've got me
rockin' and a-rollin' ♪

♪ Rockin' and
a-reelin', barbara ann ♪

♪ Barbara ann, barbara ann ♪

You ok?

What could be wrong?

Working to music like that?

That's easy for you
to say, I'm the one

Who's missing the concert.

Yeah, I've been thinking
about that, junior.

And I just might
have to pull strings

To make your california
education complete.

I guess this is what's
known as hooker magic,

Coming up with tickets
to a sold out concert.

I know, I can't believe it.
How'd you do it, hooker?

Let's just say I
called some friends.

Let's go. The concert started.

Coming through, coming through.

It doesn't end. This is the
ace section of the concert.

Hey, stacy. Well, unless
you're dating teenyboppers,

I guess you got stood up, huh?

No way, romano. I'm with my
favorite man this afternoon.

And I'm, uh, with
my favorite girl.

♪ Barbara ann, barbara ann ♪

♪ Barbara ann, barbara ann ♪

♪ Barbara ann, barbara ann ♪

♪ Barbara ann, barbara ann ♪

♪ You've got me
rockin' and a-rollin' ♪

♪ Rockin' and a reelin' ♪

♪ Barbara ann, ba,
ba, ba, barbara ann ♪

Thank you. Thank you very much.

You guys are a great audience.

The guys and I now would
like to introduce you

To an old surfing
buddy from malibu,

And now he's one of
the l.c.p.d.'S finest,

Sergeant t.j. Hooker.

And with him, his partner,
officer vince romano.

That's me.

We used to call
hooker the big kahuna.

The big kahuna?

Wax your board, get
into your wet suit,

And after the concert
I'll give you a few tips

On how to make
that thruster sing.

This one's for you, hooker.

♪ Well she got her daddy's car ♪

♪ And she cruised through
the hamburger stand now ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Seems she forgot
all about the library ♪

♪ Like she told
her old man now ♪

♪ And with the radio blasting ♪

♪ Goes cruising just as
fast as she can now, yeah ♪

♪ And she'll have
fun, fun, fun ♪

♪ 'Til her daddy
takes the t-bird away ♪

♪ Fun, fun, fun 'til her
daddy takes the t-bird away ♪

♪ Well the girls
can't stand her ♪

♪ 'Cause she walks looks
and drives like an ace now ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ She makes the indy 500 ♪

♪ Look like a roman
chariot race now ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ A lotta guys
try to catch her ♪

♪ But she leads them on
a wild goose chase now ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ And she'll have
fun, fun, fun ♪

♪ 'Til her daddy
takes the t-bird away ♪