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02x05 - Big Foot

Posted: 04/29/23 10:38
by bunniefuu

And that's a wrap

On a new piece by the lunatics.

Tell us what you think

And give us a call
here at k-h-a-r-t.

That's k-hart, the
station with heart.

I'm joe dancer and
you're listening to

Dancer in the morning.

The number to call is...



Excuse me?

I said your tan's beautiful.

Sorry, I'm just here
for the exercise.

Jelly donut.

Want something?

No, thank you, I had breakfast.

A bowl of granola,
fresh-squeezed juice,

Cup of herb tea,

All after my run this morning.

You know, that
donut is equivalent

To 4 spoonfuls of sugar.

You just added
more to your coffee.

You finally got that date

With the girl from
the health club.

Hooker, you're not
getting enough fiber.

Fiber? Fiber.

Romano, did anybody
bug you this morning

When you brewed your herb tea

And crunched your granola?

You are what you eat.

As a policeman, I have
very few rights left,

But one of them is the right

To eat my jelly donut in peace.

So go get off your granola

And do some
push-ups or somethin'.

Too much sugar, man.

See what it's already done
to your blood pressure?

Units in the vicinity
and 4-adam-30.

A possible attack in progress,

At the athletic field,

4-0-4 North cypress.

4-Adam-30, your call is code 3.

Tell 'em they found us.

4-Adam-30, roger.

Stop! Stop!

Down there.

Check the bushes for the victim.

Hey, what are you...

4-Adam-30, requesting
ambulance at our call code 3.

Hey, hey, hey, you!
Wait, that's my car.

4-Adam-30 now
westbound on ellendale.

You all right in the car?

You in the truck?

4-Adam-30, requesting
traffic unit,

Heavy duty tow and
street maintenance

At carlsbad and crowley.

Pursuit terminated.

Big foot again.

3Rd r*pe we've had this month,

And we're just 1 precinct.

What is happening out here?

The rapists are
out on bail, romano.

The juries are locked up.

Rapists aren't found
guilty anymore,

They're found disturbed.

Then we spend
thousands of dollars

Trying to cure 'em,

And we forget the
names of the victims.

The detectives will
do the best they can

To find the man
who assaulted you.

And I'll be here anytime
you want a woman to talk to.

Ok, michele?

Sgt. Conrad, I've told her

You'll be the case detective

And I've covered the
pro-social checklist

With her.

At least she's been
told what to expect

In terms of post-event
depression or psycho-trauma.

But I'd go easy.

She's really been through it.

Ok, officer, put
it in your report.

The new rules
have been followed.

There's good reason
for those rules, sergeant.

Stacy, he's been through
the same training as you.

It just didn't take...

I'll take care of him.

Ok, miss, now I've
been here before.

I know it's a tough go,

But we gotta get
to the bottom line.

The more time that goes by,

The harder it's going
to be to nail this guy

That att*cked you.

I wish it wouldn't always take
a week to get 'em to open up.

Stacy had the right approach.

Why don't you try it?

You try it.

I've got better use for my time.

I expect all the
reports on my desk

By 1:00 this afternoon.

It's hard to believe
that my father

Thinks conrad is at the
top of the detective heap.

Your dad runs
the precinct, stacy,

And I respect his opinion,

But there are heaps
and then there are heaps.

And right now you're thinking

Nothing could happen to you

That's worse than what
you've just been through.

I know it's been rough.

I know it must've
been a nightmare.

I know that you
might not be ready

For thoughts of consolation.

But, michele,

You've got to hold on to
the fact that you're alive.

You've got a... A full
life ahead of you.

I know you're a fighter.

So don't quit
now. Don't give up.


I was born right
here in this hospital.

What am I going
to tell my mother?

We'll contact your mother

And we'll talk to her.

We'll bring her here.

You know, I'm 22 years old.

And for 22 years,

I've waited for the
right man to come along.

It's not very
fashionable, you know?

I know.

22 Years for this.

Hup, 2, 3, 4.

Hup, 2, 3, 4.

Hup, 2, 3, 4.

Nice, hooker, real nice.

So what is it now, hooker?

3 Black and whites
you've trashed

Since they let you
back out on the street?


The high price
of fighting crime.

Well, back to the wars.

You know, hooker,
this psychology class

We took on r*pe victims helped,

But this is my first
real experience.

I learned a lot.

Then we all benefited, stacy.


Would you like to know

How long I've been
waiting? Would you?

It's nice to see
you, mr. Hatfield.

You guys ever on time?

55 Minutes to get to my place

When I first reported
my car stolen

And now I wait one hour,

Exactly one hour, for you
two to come in off your watch.

Well, some things
came up, mr. Hatfield.

Any news on your car?

You're asking me that?

That's the reason
I came here today,

To ask you that.

Well, we've had a busy day,

But we filed the
report this morning

And auto theft will
take it from there.

Brand-new mercedes.

38,000 Delivered. Gone.

Just gone,

Right from my doorstep.

I pay enough taxes

To support a
platoon of you people,

And I have not
seen one patrol car

On my block in over 6 months.

No wonder crime is rampant.

Well, it might have
helped, mr. Hatfield,

If your car was locked and
the keys weren't left in it.

What's that got to
do with anything?

I want action!

I want this thief put
away for 20 years.

Yes, sir. Auto theft
is just down the hall.

3Rd door on your left.

Over here?

Yes, yes, sir.

Be another hour.

I wonder if I locked
my car this morning?

Believe me, hooker,
it wouldn't matter.

I've seen your car.

Pardon me, officer.

The, uh, officer
outside sent me in here.

How can I help you, sir?

Someone's been following me.


Ok, that's detective hanson.
He handles followings.

Why don't you have a seat
down the hall and I'll see if he's in.

We turned that 4 block area

Including the jogging
track inside out

And nothing.

King kong footprint,
mirrored sunglasses.

Any doubt this is big foot?

You got a description from her.

And a week early, conrad.

This guy's in great
shape, I'll say that for him.

He ran out of there
like a bolt of lightening.

Probably eats a lot of fiber.

"Male, caucasian,
30s, "6-2, 190,

"Brown hair,
mirrored sunglasses,

White sleeveless
t-shirt, blue shorts."

Fits all the other
assaults, like you said,

Right down to the
mirrored shades,

Which is why none
of the other victims

Have been able to give us

Anything more than
a vague description.

The suspect att*cked the victim
from behind while she was jogging.

Overpowered her,

Dragged her into the bushes.

Witnesses found her radio
headphones on the track,

Heard the sounds of struggle.

It's big foot, all right.

Every r*pe has occurred
between 7 and 9 a.m.

Whoever this guy is, he's sharp.

We're not dealing
with an amateur.

There's got to be a
pattern building somewhere.

I wouldn't be too
sure of that, hooker.

This case is a
little more complex

Than the ones you run
into in that blue suit.

Oh, you think so, huh?

I know so.

I've run every possible
m.o. Through the computer.

I've never heard of a
computer making an arrest.

Have you?

Let me worry about how I
handle my case. Ok, hooker?

Be nice if you picked
up the pace a little.

Your board's
getting a little full.

Are you sticking your nose in
where it doesn't belong again, hooker?

Well, that's a matter
of opinion, captain.

Well, the next
watch is comin' on.

Talk to them.

I want an f.i. On every jogger
that owns a pair of sneakers.

In the works, captain.

You and, uh, conrad
don't seem to be

Best of friends, hooker.

He's got 2 degrees

And the ambition to make
lieutenant in 6 years or less.

Well, that's not
necessarily bad.

Well, it is if it's
your priority.

Well, I like conrad.

He's a touch over-zealous,
a little high-strung,

But I think he's a good cop.

And I like ambition.

Maybe you should get
yourself a pound of it, hooker.

It's my birthday next month,

Why don't you surprise me.

You just, stay out of
conrad's hair, mister, all right?

Now he's got enough
media pressure on him

With big foot
working our precinct.

Now you got it?

Yes, sir. Anything
for the corps, sir.

I think sheridan's
starting to like you.

He's got good taste.


What may I ask, is this?

Dancercise, sergeant.


This, may I remind you,
is a police academy,

And you are not the rockettes.

What's a rockette?

It's been approved on
an experimental basis.

I don't think you want to ask

Who approved it, hooker.

Listen, don't knock.
It's not so bad.

You might want to join in,

Get that old bod you've
been destroying firmed up.

The world is on
the brink of falling

Into the hands of criminals

And the new cops
are doing dancercise.

Remember, you heard it here...

Carry on, sheridan.

Big foot, the r*pist,
has struck again

And once again,
eluded the police.

Come on, you guys in blue,

There are ladies
in danger out there.

Let's get it together.

He may have a point.

Increase in sex crimes,
increase in r*pes.

What's causing this, ladies?

My producer says
you're looking too foxy.

Too provocative.

Sexy dress, sexy
ways, new morality.

Is he right? Let's
talk it over, girls.

Hello, k-hart, joe dancer show,

Let's talk.


And, uh, your age?

Are you single?

Do you live alone?

You have a very
sexy voice, lady.

Uh-huh. You're welcome.

Man, today's roll call

Was like walking
barefoot on razor blades.

With the brass and media heat

That sheridan's taking
because of big foot,

Safety valve had
to pop sometime.

Only today he let the
whole boiler go on us.

Just the fact that
an animal like big foot

Can feel free to
roam the streets

And do what he's done,

I just hope when he's nailed,

The same heat goes
all the way up the line

To the judges who feel
his kind need understanding

Instead of being put in a cage.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

You said you were
going to talk to michele.

Uh, how's she doing?

Well, I tried to get her
a few times last night,

Twice this morning. No answer.

Well, maybe she
went out of town.

Yeah. Maybe she's not
answering her phone.

Now there's a place

We might get some
big foot answers.

Hey, arnie!

Just the man I'm looking for.

How's business, arnie?

My business ain't none
of your business, hooker.

Well, that's where
you're wrong, mister.

We're very interested
in your sleazy business.

Hey, we've been through
all this before, you guys,

And I'm protected here
by a city ordinance.

You know, arnie, my
ex-wife drives by here

On the way to the
market every day.

And my 12 year old,

She walks past here
on the way to school.

My little girl,

She rides by on the school bus

Along with all the
other 8 year olds,

And me, I drive by here

At least 8 times
a day on patrol.

And when I think of my kids

And my ex-wife
looking at this filth

As part of their
lives, I get very angry.

When miserable scum like you

Can invade a decent
community and dirty it

And attract all the other grime

That grovel into
your little sex shop.

Look, hooker,

Just tell me what you want, huh?

I want to close you down, arnie.

But you're protected.

So, I'll take the next best,

The scum that visit you.
The sex offenders, like you.

Hey, I don't do that stuff.

Sex offenders like you, arnie.

I'm after one.

He's 6 foot 4.

He wears mirrored sunglasses.

He's got feet that
you can waddle in.

He's a r*pist and I want him.

I want you to help me find him.

And if you don't,

I won't just drive
by here anymore,

I'll park right outside.

And I'll eat my
lunch in the car.

And I'll smile at all
the sex offenders

And I'll check the registration

Of all the scum
that come in and visit.


You're harassing me, hooker.

No, I'm not.

Not yet anyway.

Look, hooker...

Ok, hooker.

All right, give me
a break, will ya?

I'll... I'll keep my eyes open.

Thanks, arnie.

Every little bit helps.

Hatfield's got
his mercedes back.

How about this, fellas?

I found her right in the
driveway this morning.

With this. Look at this.

This was on the windshield.

"Dear sir,

"I was on my way to the hospital

"With my pregnant wife.

"It was to be our first-born.

"My car broke down.

"I was desperate,
so I took yours.

"I've filled the t*nk
and had it washed.

"Please accept these
2 box seat tickets

To the rams 49ers game."

Hold on, there's
more. "P.s. It's a boy."

You can't get tickets for
that game. It's a sellout.

But, I got 'em.

Kinda restores your faith in
your fellow man, doesn't it?

Yes, sir, it sure does.

We'll cancel the stolen report.

Well, maybe we better
still talk to the detectives.

Oh, no, nonsense.

There's nothin' to talk about.

And listen, guys,
when it comes time

To sell tickets to the
policeman's ball, right,

Chester hatfield is your man.

Well, thank you, sir.

You can be first
on his dance card.

How much do you
get for referrals

To your health club?

Hooker. What?

You are not taking me seriously.

Come on.

I mean, hey, it's
your life. How much?

It's your body.
Fiber, hooker. Fiber...

How much do you
get for referrals?

I don't know. $15, $20.

You don't know?

You're hustling me
to get a membership

To your health club so
you can get a discount,

And you don't know?

Hey, you want to pork out?
You want to fall apart? Go ahead.

What are you talkin'
about, fall apart?

I'm the same weight I
was when I was a rookie.

Same belt size.

Well, maybe a notch or 2
more, but, I mean, that's...

Sure, you look fine,
but it's how you feel.

I... I... I feel like a
jelly doughnut.

Oh, hooker.

There's a great place
right around the corner.


Do you see what I see?

I sure do.

Looks like our man.

I haven't done anything. I
didn't r*pe those women.

Are you sure about that?

I'm not saying anything
till I talk to a lawyer.

Shut up and we'll
get to that real fast.

You have the right
to remain silent.

If you give up the
right to remain silent,

Anything you say can...

And will be held

Against you in a court of law.

Do you wish to give up the right

To remain silent, mr. Stevens?

No, uh, uh, I don't want
to remain silent anymore.

I got it on my
conscience, you know?

What you did to those girls?

I didn't mean to hurt them.

You have consulted
with mr. Jackson here,

Of the public defender's office,

And you are aware
of your rights?


But, I want to
talk about it now,

About what I did
to all those women.

All right, mr. Stevens,

Then let's start with yesterday.

I can't remember
the exact address.

I was jogging and I saw her.

She was pretty.

Very pretty.

I jogged around
the track behind her.

She had a... A headphone.

A... A radio, I think.

I came up from behind,

Dragged her into
the nearby brush.

I've seen enough.

Excellent observation
arrest, romano.

Proves the effectiveness
of alert patrol work.

Thanks, captain,

But sergeant hooker
is just as responsible.

Oh, of course he was.

Would you get me chief grant
and alert the press room.

Looks like we may have
something to announce.

Good work, romano.

Something's wrong.

You could say that.

You could definitely say that.

There you go, hooker.

All the field interview
cards in the name of stevens.

What are you looking for?

Tip of an iceberg.

Listen to this.

"Suspect observed loitering
at scene of fatal accident.

"Suspect observed
near police garage.

"Suspect confesses
to a child kidnapping,

"Then retracts statement

After child and real
kidnapper are found."

Let's pull the stevens' package.

So what, hooker?
I've seen these.

They don't mean a thing.

The most significant
thing about stevens's life

Is his 3 years in the navy
and that was 18 years ago.

He doesn't even have
a permanent address.

So? The man's a classic case.

This is his one shot at fame,

And he doesn't
care what it costs.

Everything about
that man fits, hooker,

Including the signed confession.

What is with you, conrad?
What's driving you?

Me? What's eating you?

The fact that your
partner spotted him?

Don't worry, hooker, I'll make sure
your name gets in the papers, too.

That's a cheap shot.

We have another problem here?

No real problem, captain.

Hooker just seems to think

That stevens isn't big foot.

He only isn't big
foot, he's nobody.

He has a history of trying
to confess to other crimes.

Now look, stevens
is the only one

With inside
knowledge on big foot.

We never gave out any
information on the m.o.

But he knew about
the headphones,

The 2 joggers who
were witnesses,

And the 4 locations.

He knew it all, hooker.

There could've been a leak,

Some other way that
stevens got the information.

I told you once and I'll
tell you again, hooker,

You just leave the conclusions
to the detectives. Ok?

The reporters are waiting.

Now the matter is... The
matter is closed, mister.


We're live here at
the academy precinct

Where captain dennis sheridan

And the case investigator
det. Sgt. Wayne conrad

Are about to make a
statement. Let's listen.

Ladies and gentlemen,

We're pleased to announce
the arrest today of a suspect

In the big foot r*pist case.

Now, sergeant
conrad who's handling

The case will sum it up for you.


Yes. Uh, we'll be
taking the suspect

Into arraignment tomorrow.

The women of the city
who have lived in fear

Over the past several months

Can finally breathe
a sigh of relief.

We have big foot
in custody. It's over.

The victim make a statement?

She was sitting on
the floor of her closet

Crying when we came in.

The paramedics think
her jaw has been broken.

How'd he get in?

Sliding glass door.

And there's a very large
footprint out there.

A lot of rapists
have big feet, romano.

Not all of them are big foot.

You sure about that?

He's never hit
this late in the day.

Hooker, be a good blue suit

And shake the area
for any witnesses.

Already been done, conrad.

An old man tending his garden

Saw the suspect and the car.

Cougar, brown and tan.

Last 3 numbers of
the license plate, 352.

Anything else

The good blue suits
can do for you, conrad?

22 Blocks from the last r*pe.

Where's the pattern?

How is big foot
picking these girls?

I don't know, but there's
got to be a link somewhere.

Well, maybe with the a.p.b. Out,
somebody'll spot the cougar.

You better get it in gear.

You're gonna be late for tammy.

You're right. I'm meeting
her at the health club.

You go to a health
club on a date?

Yeah. We exercise
a little there,

Then go to her place and, uh...

Exercise a little there.

You know, hooker, maybe
that's why your ex divorced you.

Not enough exercise.

That wasn't the reason, junior.

Conrad, burning
the midnight oil?

I find it more beneficial

Than warming a stool at the
neighborhood tavern, hooker.

Then I suspect you don't
want me to save you a place?

Conrad, hey, come on,

You know stevens isn't big foot.

When are you going
to release him?

We have a signed confession

And we're continuing
to build a case.

I finally got through to
michele forrest, hooker.

She didn't sound too up yet,

But she said she'd
like to talk to you.

You want me to come along?

And have tammy
start without you?

Thanks, stacy.


Exercise instructor.

Who is... Who is it?

Sgt. Hooker.

How you doing, michele?

How does it look?

I've been trying to get you at
work for the last couple of days.

What's happening?

I'm taking my vacation.


There are about 50
referral services

In this city that
can be a lot of help.

Here's a number of a hotline

That's run by
ladies just like you.

They've been through
what you're experiencing.

And they're gonna tell you

That what you're
feeling is normal.

They want to help
you and they can.

Will they be there

When... When big foot's
defense attorney

Asks me how many
men I've slept with?

Or when they ask me
whether or not I enjoyed it?

They can't ask you that.

Not any more.

That's one law that's
been changed for the good.

But he'll still get
reasonable bail

And a dozen
continuances, won't he?

He might.

But if he does,
I'll be right there

Helping you raise hell about it.

I want you to help yourself.

I want you to call that number.

And if you're not at
work tomorrow morning,

I'm gonna come here and
I'm gonna find out why.


I... I know you're right.

I'll... I'll get my
act together.

I promise.

That's a girl.

The reason why I
wanted to talk to you,

Is there on the
table by the door.

When I was att*cked,

One of the joggers
who called you

Was nice enough to
get my things together.

But when they
were returned to me,

That was with them.

I saw him put it down

When he came after me.

It's his.

Big foot's.

I can't wait.

Bean sprout salad,
soybean casserole.

Don't forget the
papaya surprise.

And don't forget

Our soak in the hot
tub after dinner.

How could i?

It'll be my first
time in hot water

With the police.

Now, since you haven't
had your run today,

You take 5 and I'll get
the carrot juicer juicing.

5 Miles?

It'll be the
fastest 5 in history.

What are you doing there?

Well, there it is.

Right off the girl's
patio flower bed.

And they say,
if the shoe fits...

Don't push, hooker.

Big foot's not the
only man in town

Who wears a size 13.

Is it so hard for you to admit

That you got the
wrong man behind bars?

In your opinion, sergeant.


The bag that big
foot left behind

At michele's r*pe

Had a glass case for
prescription sunglasses.

Stevens doesn't wear
prescription glasses.

Romano's description
of the car fits

That of the old man
tending the garden, a cougar.

Brown, tan.

You got another footprint.

What are you waiting for?
Another pin on the map?

What I'm waiting for, hooker,

Is an ex-detective

Who's regressed
back to routine patrol

To get off my back.

Then stop going after headlines

And go after facts!

Well, uh, what are the results?

It'll take lab
comparisons to be positive,

But there are
certain similarities.

Do we have big foot
in jail or don't we?

There's a good
possibility we don't.

I think it's, uh, time

We reevaluated the
situation, conrad.

Are you finished here?

I haven't interviewed the girl.

Hooker and romano
can take care of that.

I'd like to see
you in my office.

I'm sorry.

I just haven't ever seen
any of these men before.

Hey, look, you tried.

I know how hard it is to
try remember somebody

You might have seen before.

To think that he
was right there.

He broke in.

If you hadn't come along,

Oh, god, I hate to think
what might have happened.

Sheila, what about
any unusual contacts

You've made with men recently?

Questions about your...
Your personal life?

Or... Or, uh, anybody at work?

Maybe just a casual remark?


I just moved down
here 6 weeks ago.

I know tammy better than
I know anyone at work.

You know,

I was listening to a
talk show the other day.

They were saying that
girls provoked these things,

It made me so mad I
actually called in.

Yeah, I heard the same show.


You know an... An arnie sharp?

Yeah, a sleaze who
runs a porno shop.

Well, he left a message for you.

"Have oversized customer
who wears mirrored sunglasses.

"Tried to sell his car
to me today at cut rate.

"Brown and tan cougar.

"No license, calls
himself donnie.

"He digs girlie mags.

Now, lay off, hooker."

Make any sense?

A great deal of sense.

Have auto theft start
checking all outlets

For used cars.

I'll get this in the computer.

4-Adam-30, 4-adam-30,

Meet 4-william-16
at 7-0-1 pinehurst.

4-Adam-30, roger.

Who's 4-william-16?

Perez, auto theft.

Perez, you found our car?

Uh, harry here claims
that he bought it

From a little old
lady for $2,000.

The title was
destroyed in a fire.

You don't believe that?

Well, I'd say I have my doubts.

Here's the v.i.n.

I'll call a tow.

You're doing sloppy work, harry.

Looking for a fast buck.

It s gonna buy you
a one-way ticket.

This car's as hot
as a barefoot arab

And you've got nothing
but chump excuses.

I had no criminal
intent, sergeant.

On my mother's grave.

Your mother's doing
1-to-2 for forgery.

You wanna join her or
you wanna cough it up?

All right, all right.

Uh, he was, uh, tall,
kinda good looking guy.

Uh, kind of blonde hair.

Uh, hiding behind those cool
hand luke mirrored shades.

He wanted to dump
the car in a hurry.

I don't know.

It's just a hunch,

But sheila mentioned something

That might link
these girls together.

Well, look, suspicion and a
hunch aren't that different.

Learn to trust them, junior.


Then let's go see
michele forrest.

Michele, before the attack,

Did you talk to
anybody about r*pe?

No, not really.

I mean, my girlfriends
and I talked about it

Because it was on the news.

How about here at the
store or on the phone?


Well, the day before
when I was in the back...

No, it's not important.

Let us decide that.

Ok. I was taking inventory
and listening to the radio.

They were talking about
women who live alone.

Do you remember what station?


Michele, did you call in?

I talked to the producer,
but I didn't get on the air.

What did you talk about?

Well, he asked me my
name, if I was single,

What kind of job I had.

They wanted to talk
to young professionals.

He sounded nice.

Did he ask your address?

Yes. I... I gave it to him.

He said it was station
policy to have it,

But it wouldn't
go out on the air.

You don't think he lied?

It's a message we
try hard to get out,

Especially to young women.

Don't give any information out

About yourself unless you know

Exactly who it is
you're talking to.

I thought it was
just a coincidence.

Same station, k-hart.

We heard it at
stacy's dancercize.

They were talking about r*pe.

And the host said
the producer thought

The women provoked att*cks.


When sheila mentioned
it, I thought maybe.

But now michele.

What do you think?

I think we're gonna have

A little heart-to-heart
talk with them.

4-Adam-30, your v.i.n.
Shows a 1979 cougar,

California license 342,
paul charles edward,

Registered to pendelton,

Donald e. 21-12,
North oakmont drive.

4-Adam-30, roger.


That's the name of the talk
show producer at k-hart.

Donnie pendelton.

Arnie's customer.

Romano, call for a back-up!

4-Adam-30, officer
needs assistance.

Officer in foot pursuit.

All units, stand by.

4-Adam-30, your location?

Officer maintaining foot
pursuit of r*pe suspect,

Northbound down oakmont.

I'll cut you, cop. Stay away!

Drop the knife, pendelton.

He's mine, romano.

You're gonna have
to k*ll me to take me in.

I'm not gonna k*ll you, animal.

There's only one way to keep
your kind of scum off the street.

Public trial.

That way everyone
will know what you are.

A marathon run and then this.

You got him, hooker.

You really got him.

Yeah. I got him.

I guess he just ran out

Of fiber.

I'm telling you,
she sure... Hooker.

Mr. Hatfield, you all right?

No, as a matter of
fact, I'm not all right.

The detectives have been
at my house most of the day.

Detectives? Why? What's wrong?

You mean no one's told you?

Nobody tells us
anything, mr. Hatfield.

Well, I took my wife
to the rams game

The other night. The
gift tickets, remember?

And we were gone around 4 hours.

And when we came home,

The house was cleaned out.

Oh, no.

You mean they...
They took it all.

Couches, chairs, tables, lamps,

Curtains, rugs.
Even light bulbs.

Gone! 11 Rooms,
completely empty.

We're very sorry, mr. Hatfield.

You should be.

You should have
known it was a setup.

What do we pay you for?

You were sworn to
protect and serve.

Yes, sir, and we have some
protecting and serving to do.

I believe this man

Has a desk officer type problem.

I had a hunch he might.

It's not the end of this,
hooker. When I'm done here,

I'm calling my attorney.

You know, hooker,

I had no idea you could
run the way you did.

Running's not all
physical, junior.

Yeah, yeah, you...
You might be right.

The contest between
you and big foot

Became very primal.

It was no longer a chase

Between peace officer and felon.

It was a classic struggle
between good and evil.

That's... That's very
dramatic, romano.

Let me guess.

First it was tammy
at the health club

And now you're back to shannon,

The aspiring actress, right?

Yeah, well, I may have
bumped into her last night.

Well, good for you.

I bumped into a
pepperoni pizza last night.

Double cheese and no fiber.