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02x06 - Terror at the Academy

Posted: 04/29/23 10:39
by bunniefuu
4-Adam-16, 4-adam-16,
possible 459,

There now at 125, east rossmore.

Your p.r. Is at 122,
east rossmore,

Handle code 2.

X-ray 42, roger.

4-Adam-20, that's
362, mason avenue.

Meet the officers,
a family dispute.

Easy, fran? What makes
you think it's gonna be easy?

I don't know how to get
something like this done.

Hooker, you said you
wanted to get more involved

In the children's activities.

Why don't you just
talk to chrissie?

Uh, no, no... No.
Just... Just wait a...

Hi, daddy.

Hiya, pumpkin.

You know, i... Daddy
was just telling mommy

How terrific it's
gonna be that...

That you're gonna
be in the school play.

The play's in 3 days, dad.

Are you going to have my
costume ready like mom said?

Well, sweetheart,
don't you worry.

Old dad's on the job.

You're gonna have the
best costume of anybody.

Oh great, I can
hardly wait to see it.

Neither can i.

Sweetheart, let me
speak to your mommy again.

4-Lincoln-9, 4-lincoln-9.

See the woman, a 484 report.

1182, Kellmore street,
9, handle the call, code 2.

4-Adam-6, see the woman,
possible 459 activity,

210, Brighton
drive, apartment 116.

Fran digging you about
alimony again, hooker?

Worse, she stuck me
with getting chrissie

A costume for her school play.

The frog prince.

Uh, don't tell me. Chrissie's...

The frog.

Sure, laugh.

Where the heck am I gonna get

A... A costume like that?

Why couldn't she
have been the princess?

Ah, yes, she who kissed the frog

And turned him into a prince.

Romano, you don't know
your grimm's fairy tales.

The princess
didn't kiss the frog

To turn him into a prince.

She didn't?

No. She threw him
against the wall.

Ha! No kidding?

What a lousy way to
start off a love affair.

Yeah. It's a little
off the wall.

4-Adam-30, 4-adam-30.

A possible code
zebra in progress.

Citizen reports
officers down in a vehicle.

Lincoln freeway,
access road westbound,

One quarter mile west
of sanford street on ramp.

Officers involved.
Handle code 3.

4-Adam-30, roger.

4-Adam-30, roger.

An ambulance is en route.


Can you spot the source?

I don't see any flashes.

You go for coleman.
I'll go for marsh.


C'mon eddie, let's go.

It's gotta be him.

I'll put out a code zebra.

Forget code zebra.
He's long gone.

2, 3, 4.

Uh, that's part of the class
you're taking over tomorrow

For its final training phase.


Some say it's the best class
to come down the pike in years.

They sure look solid physically.

Yeah, yeah.

Especially the one on the end.

Her name is kate nichols,

And I am going to find a
way to get to know her.

Sure wish I had that problem,

Instead of a frog costume.



Let your fingers do the walking.

The yellow pages.

Ever hear of
theatrical costumers?

They have everything.

Yeah? Yeah.

I swear, hooker.
You're so helpless.

What would you do without me?

More police work?

Funny guy.

Hooker, romano.

The captain's waiting for you.

I hear it was pretty
hairy out there.

Hairy? It was a nightmare.

Listen, stacy,

Pull recruit, uh, nichols' background
package for me, will you? Thanks.

Background package?

Is this official, romano?

Well, of course it is.

I'm assisting sgt.
Hooker with his class.

Well, just what is it you
want from nichols' package?

Special interests,
hobbies, that sort of thing.

I must know our students
so as to afford them

Maximum assistance, you know?

I'm sure glad this desk is a
couple feet off the floor.

It must be awfully deep
where you're standing.

Not deep, officer sheridan.

Filled with opportunity.

I've doubled the detective
manpower on this.

3 Patrol cars
sniped at in 2 weeks.

Now we're lucky
no one was k*lled.

I don't think luck had
anything to do with it, captain.

You have some facts,
hooker? Get to them. Ok.

The sn*per's primary targets
were the black and whites

From the academy precinct.

If he were really
after the officers,

He'd have nailed the
drivers or the gas tanks.

Romano and I were dead meat

If the sn*per were
on a real hunt.

The number of rounds he fired,

It took an expert to miss us.

We never saw the
flash from his w*apon.

He must be using a
flash suppressor.

Add that to the fact
that he's using an m14,

It means we're up
against a sn*per

That could only have
been trained in one place.

'Nam, captain.

The m14 was the sn*per's baby.

All right. What does he want?

What is he after?

Could be he hates cops,
just cops from this precinct.

No, romano, he's not
crazy, he's too careful.

Even his escape route
was carefully planned.

I like your analysis.
I'll pass it along.

Get 'em looking at
the military angle.

Now, uh, regarding the
notice about the mayor's visit,

That's been posted on the
activity board for the past week?

So, the mayor is concerned
about the female washout rate.

What else is new?

What else is new
is that in 3 days,

He'll be here for his
own personal look-see,

And in 3 days, hooker,

I want that class
of yours to shine.

And you don't want me to lean
too hard on the women, right?

Now you are the last
training officer on earth

That I would ever ask
to ease up on anybody.

I think that was a compliment.

I think it's the
captain's way of saying

That we should be
especially careful

In documenting female washouts.

Or his way of suggesting

That the training officers'
assistant should make sure

That the women
are not distracted.

Jeff, I heard a news
flash on the radio.

Yeah, I had to pick off
another patrol car.

Why, why did you
have to do that?

Well, I had to see how
the academy precinct

Responds in an emergency.

You see, they set up this plan
they're calling code zebra.

They set it up after
the first 2 snipings.

But the men in
the car, are they...

They're alive and will
live to tell the tale.

I told you no one
was gonna get k*lled.

The important thing
is this code zebra

Didn't even get implemented
and that's good news.

Now, I want you to go down
to the 5th street bus station.

I want you to go
where the lockers are,

And I want you to
open this locker.

Ok? Inside there's some
electronic equipment

And there's a set of lock picks.

You take the electronic
equipment over to your house

And you bring me
the lock picks. Ok?

Lock picks? What for?

To get me the last piece
of information I need.

All the planning
is about to pay off.

The academy precinct
is the perfect target.

My firebase in the park
is just about set up,

And his honor, the mayor

Visits on friday.

You know how much I love you.

I've stayed with you
through so much,

But, jeff, please,

You're going too far this time.

You give me 5
minutes in that room,

And I'll know where they're weak

And where they're strong,

And where I have
the best advantage.

So you get me those lock picks.

12 sh*ts. Speedy load.

Fire at will.

The recruit firing at number 2,

Is his target as
good as his form?

6 Rounds, dead
center. What's his name?

Turner. Jeff turner.

Believe me, hooker,

Out there somewhere
there is a frog for chrissie.

Yeah? Well, I'm open for ideas.

I'll tell you what,

I'll get the frog
costume for you.



What's the catch?

Well, I have heard that, uh,
you have warner's boat on loan

For next weekend and...
And I was wondering...

I heard that you checked
out nichols' hobbies.

Boating, water
skiing, that among 'em?

I'll take the boat
saturday night.

You can have it back by sunday.

Look at my mouth.
Read my lips. I see.

You focused very clearly?

You got your beady eyes on my little
mouth, huh? No problem. Right there.

No way. No way. Ok.

I've been planning
this one weekend

By myself with a fishing
pole for 6 months.

Ok, fine, forget it.

It's over, finished.

Poor chrissie. Ok.

She's gonna be so
disappointed... Ok, ok.

I mean, I can just
see her little eyes.

Will you stop it?
I'm starting my kick.

You drop back. Push nichols.

Don't risk a boating invitation

Until chrissie has frog in hand.

That's the bottom line, romano.

Never fear, the
frog prince is here.

All right, pick it up.

Let's push it.

All right, lift 'em up. Come
on, we're gonna kick now.

Come on, lift 'em up.

Come on, nichols, tough it out.

Try to stay with me, come on.

Don't do me any favors.

I'm used to running
against the clock.

You'll be chasing
bad dudes, not clocks.

Your partner's gonna
be depending on you.

Come on, let's see...
Let's see you go for it.

Come on, no pain, no gain.

Let's go, let's go.

Let's go, turner.

Come on, turner.
Come on, turner.

Let's go, turner.

Good race, turner.

Not good enough, sir.


Mind if I take a minute, sir?

Take... 2. Thank you, sir.

All right, nichols, all right.

Nice finish, 6.5 seconds
off your best time.

I can't believe it, I forgot
all about the clock.

You got the lock picks?

Good girl.

You did good. Go on.

This was the final position
of the police vehicle.

Both officers in the roadway,

Both officers disarmed.

Both officers
dead. Lights please.

The officers you just saw

Didn't talk vehicle
approach tactics.

So the driver officer
was suddenly staring down

The barrel of
suspect's .45 auto.

The passenger officer was
told to give up his w*apon

By the suspect or
watch his partner die.

So he gave up his g*n.

His partner died anyway.

So did he.

Bottom line.

Officer survival begins with


Any questions?

All right, I'll see
you at hand-to-hand

Later this afternoon.
Class dismissed.

Uh, kate, this may sound
like a dumb question,

But, uh, do you sew?

Sure, why?

Well, I need your help.

It might be to our
mutual benefit.

Our mutual benefit, huh?


Talk about it at lunch?

How can I say no?

I mean after you gave me the tip

On how to breathe when I sh**t?

My range score's up 8 points.

Really? Yeah.


Look, how I'm breathing already.

Oh, that's terrific. Just, uh,



No, no, thank you.

May I ask you a...
A question, sir?

What is it, turner?

I... I don't have any argument

With the communications advice,

But... But I recall
reading in, uh,

One of the tactical bulletins

And in the training manual,

That an officer should
never give up his w*apon,

I mean, under no circumstances.

I don't recall that material
being issued to the class yet.

I like to read ahead,
sir. It's a habit of mine.

But I was wondering why you didn't
share that policy with the class, sir?

You'll find a difference
between the field

And the tactical manual, turner.

It's easy to write
absolute in a book.

But it's never the same
out on the streets.

There's nothing
certain out there,

And I won't tell a cop

There's a strict policy to follow
when he's making his own decision

About his survival.

Well, now, sir, uh,

Does that come from
here or, uh, down here?

Little of both.

Ok. Yeah. Well, thank you.

Yes, sir. Yes, sir.


You've got to admit
the guy is sharp.

Do i?


Well, how do you like it?

It's great, it's terrific. It's
a pattern, not a costume.

Yeah, well, you were right,

There is not a frog costume
to be found anywhere.

Romano, the play starts
tomorrow night at 6:00.

Fran expects the costume
there an hour early,

And I know you don't sew.

Not to worry, I've
mobilized the troops.

What troops?

Who else?

The lady who's gonna enjoy
the day with me on the boat.

She's gonna sew the bottom half.

Romano, there's no boat yet.

Who else?

Well, I'm still mobilizing,

But not to worry, hooker.

All right, turner.

Good strategy.

Offense is the best defense.

The results stink,
your partner's dead.

I guess I blew it.

I guess?

All right, get up.

Your partner can't
read your mind.

So, if you're gonna
make the first move,

You've got to take
on both adversaries.

Give your partner time to react.

Any questions?

All right,

Break into groups
of 4 and get it on.

You all right, nichols?

You were a little hard
on, uh, turner, weren't you?

He was hard on his partner.

Well, maybe, but he certainly
knows his hand-to-hand.

Any break in the
sn*per investigation?

No, zero.

What are the detectives
doing? Sitting on their hands?

Well, I guess they're
just not as fast

As you used to be when you were
flashing a gold shield, hooker.

Take care.


Hooker, look, I hate
to side with the brass,

But turner is better than that.

Well, you're judging

I'm rating attitude.

Break 'em loose, end of watch.

Ok, end of watch. Hit it.

Looking good, kate.

Thanks, vince.

That work we did on quick moves

Instead of strength
in hand-to-hand,

It works great.


Well, I have a few other ideas
that we can work on today.


It's a combination
of aikido and karate.

I can't, vince.

Why not?

Not if I'm gonna
get the bottom half

Of that costume done in time.


Maybe we'll do it
some other time, ok?


Still makin' those phony moves
on the new fish, huh, romano?

What'd you mean phony?

Hey, I'm your regular,

Sincere, up-front kinda guy.

Listen, stacy, uh, you said you
were gonna give me an answer

About doin' some work on the
top half of that frog costume?

Well, if I have
time after smitty.


We've got this end of watch
workout program we're into.



The gym's over there.

Who said anything about a gym?

Not me.

Mmm, fantastic, fran.

Uncle vince,

Daddy said you were
helping with my costume.

Well, I thought you
deserved some credit

For all your help, romano.


Is it gonna be ready
in time, uncle vince?

Is it gonna be ready
in time, uncle vince?

Don't you worry about
a thing, chrissie, darling.

I... It-it-it-it's... It's gonna
be ready in no time at all.

And speaking of the frog prince,

You have to practice
your lines, chrissie.

Ok. Guess I better be
good with all the trouble

Getting a costume.

I guess so.

I mean, come on.

Good night, daddy.

Good night, sweetheart.

I can't wait to see the
costume, uncle vince.

Well, it'll be terrific.

You can count on it.

See you all at the play.

Good night, sweetie.

Good night.

Is something bothering
you tonight, hooker?

What's with something
bothering me?

I mean, I'm eating my cake.

Like a recruit named turner?

He crossed my mind.

Marginal, one you
might have to terminate?

Romano doesn't seem to think so.

We looked at his
military record together.

I learned that turner
and I were in 'nam

At the same time.

Well, he'd won the bronze star.

You pay the price before
they pin that on you.

Oh, how I know
that, in so many ways.

Turner's military record
showed that he barely qualified

On the army r*fle range.

Now he's a distinguished expert.

I guess that's what
set hooker off.

Hooker, are you
worried that the w*r made

This turner into
something or somebody

Who shouldn't be
a police officer?

When you've shared the
trenches and the jungles

And the firefights,
you get to know

What it's done and what
it hasn't done to vets.

I know the streets
in the same way, fran.

And this guy turner,

He's not a soldier,
he's not a cop.

In hand-to-hand this afternoon,

His first reflex
was to save himself.

He even used his
partner to do it.

But it was in a
classroom situation

Where... Where you're
allowed to make mistakes

And learn from them.

But I think I just
heard hooker say

That he was selfish, vince.

And I don't think that I
would want a selfish partner

Out there in that
jungle you 2 play in.

It's a game of life and death,

And it's my
responsibility to decide

Whether turner is worthy

To be another cop's partner.

You've got to believe
what I'm saying to you.

I'm telling you,
we're gonna make it.

We're gonna be rich.

You gotta trust me.

Jeff, please.

I'm frightened for you.

Try to understand, baby.

I get out of 'nam,

I beat 40 years in
an army stockade

'Cause I take on the
identity of a dead man.

But all those cities.

One pain after another
that didn't work out.

You were always running
from some kind of trouble.

Yeah, that's what happens
when you depend on other people,

A lot of idiots who
can't handle nothin'.

It's not gonna happen
again. I learned my lesson,

And this time it's me, just me.

Then why did you have
to join the police force?

Ok. Gen. Patton
read rommel's book

On t*nk warfare, see,
and he beats the guy.

Well, I'm gonna
do the same thing.

I'm gonna beat 'em
at their own game.

Oh god, jeff.

It's gonna make my
escape from the firebase

That much easier.

Like the v.c. Pullin'
out of ho ding gorge.

That was w*r.

This isn't.

Yes, it's a w*r.

It's a w*r.

My w*r.

And I've been fightin' it
since I was 11 years old,

Since some cops
got me in an alley,

And beat up on me


For stealin' a bicycle.

And it's been that
way ever since,

Cops here, cops there,
shakin' me down the street.

M.p.s hassling me in vietnam.

You're attacking
a police station

Because you hate cops?

Yeah, you got it.

It's my way,

And it's brilliant.

Because those cops aren't
prepared for their own

To be the target.

Sgt. Hooker, his
honor was wondering

If you'd give us a
sh**ting exhibition.

I saw you win the championship
last year, sergeant.

Remarkable performance.

Thank you. I seem to
recall I had a strong wind

And weak competition
in my favor.

It might be valuable if
you gave these recruits

A standard to try for.

I'll give it a try.

Your honor.

Ready, lou?

Anytime, hooker.


Police, open up!

Time, 34 seconds.
Score, perfect.

Thank you.

All right, turner, I
know your classmates

Are waiting for
the big sh**t.

Let's not keep 'em in suspense.

Yes, sir.

Time, 42 seconds.

Score, perfect.

Hey, hooker, you
edged him by 8 seconds,

But he got an extra bad guy.

That makes it a draw.

You better talk to that cowboy
about target selection, hooker.

You might be a hostage
yourself some day.

Lou took the words
right out of my mouth.

That hostage target was
questionable with a r*fle.

A definite no-no with a p*stol.

I want to talk to you later.

About that?

Among other things.

Yes, sir.

Palmer on deck.

Nichols, you're up.

Hey, guys.

What do you think?


Stacy, you are a lifesaver.

Not yet, romano.

You need the other half before
you get the boat on saturday.

A boat?

Romano, you used my labor
to hustle yourself a boat?

Yeah, well, ah, yes.

Recruit nichols' hobbies.


Romano. Sheridan.

There's not a whole
lot of difference

Between the mask
on and the mask off.

See what I mean?

Hooker, a col. Evans of
army intelligence called.

He wants you to
meet you in an hour.

Army intelligence?


I asked him to double-check
turner's military record.


Well, it's for a
good cause, stacy.

Put it on, romano, and
I'll turn you into a prince.


No, that's ok, I know the story.

Col. Evans says we've found a
man the army thought was dead.


His real name is kevin wyman,

An army expl*sives
expert and sn*per.

Our man switched
identities with turner?

The colonel zeroed in on
the marksmanship discrepancy.

Turner's complete
201 file told him

That the man we've been training

Is kevin wyman.

Intelligence was
after wyman as part

Of a saigon drug ring in 1970.

He volunteered for sn*per duty

And disappeared into the bush

Before they could catch him.

I can understand how
wyman could switch i.d.s

With turner in 'nam,

But how'd he get the
army records switched?

The drug ring had a contact
inside the army records department.

He was weeded out,

But not before he tampered
with some of the files.

All right. We know his name.

We know he was a
criminal in the army.

But what's he up to now?

Uh, now we've already put
in the additional wing here

And it's been enclosed...

Captain, recruit
turner's on the phone.

He says he knows
the mayor's with you,

And he's gonna blow up the
station if you don't talk to him.

Ok, captain, now you
shut up and you listen.

Your whole station is
mined with plastic expl*sives.

If even so much as one
person tries to get out,

I'm gonna get
myself a blue light

And then all of you, and
that includes the mayor,

Are gonna get blown up sky-high.

You got a city,
you tell the mayor

I want $2 million.

That's not an
unreasonable request.

I'm gonna tell you how I want it

And where I want it delivered

When I'm ready.

But first, captain, somethin'
you gotta understand.

You see, the money's
more important to me

Than a whole lot of
dead police officers

Scattered all over the place.

So I'm gonna give
you one last proof

That I mean what I say.

I'm gonna perform magic, see?

So first off, I'm gonna make
the storage room disappear.

Now wait a minute. Turner.

You hold on.

That's what he's up to.

Wyman has put a lot of
planning into this, captain.

Now that he's out in the open,

He's got to go for broke.

The army confirms that he's an
anti-personnel ordinance expert.

If you let s.w.a.t.
Call the sh*ts,

You'll be pulling the plug
on everyone in the building.

Now don't sell
s.w.a.t. Short, hooker.

Testin', 1, 2, 3, 4.

Hello, capt. Sheridan.


Now, I don't want
any idle conversation.

I'm gonna talk,
you're gonna listen.

First off, everyone
in the station,

You do just what
the captain says,

'Cause your lives
are in his hands.

Now, s.w.a.t. Units,

You do not enter the park,

You do not approach the station,

I mean, for any reasons,
or your friends, you see,

Are gonna be the
consistency of grease.

Ok, capt. Sheridan, here are
your delivery instructions.

I want $2 million
in unmarked bills.

I want the money delivered
in precisely 2 hours.

You're gonna drop
it by helicopter

In the small clearing
marked with a white x.

Now, I don't want
to see anything

Unusual in that
money, 'cause if I do,

You're all gonna be dead.

And you tell those
chopper crews,

Don't get cute
'cause I've got an m67,

90 Millimeter recoilless r*fle,

And I've been
practicing. You got it?

Captain, wyman's a smart cookie.

Our only chance
to nail him maybe

When he makes a run for it.

What's your assessment,
lieutenant lopez?

Hooker gives him
too much credit.

He's goin' nowhere with my
men surroundin' this park.


Wyman didn't plan
this whole thing

And forget that he had to get
out of the park with the money.

And out of town, maybe
out of the country.

How, with s.w.a.t.
Looking at him on all sides?

Captain, the s.w.a.t. Team
is as good as I've seen

In an urban environment.

But the park is no
city, it's a jungle.

The man we're after
is a jungle fighter

Who knows everything
about the s.w.a.t. Operations.

What do you propose, sergeant?

Romano and I go
in, alone, mr. Mayor.

We've crawled through the
same rice paddies as wyman.

I'm opposed, captain.

If they miss, there
won't be another chance.

And if you miss, lieutenant?

Then you called the best
option you had available to you.

That's a safe decision,
not an effective one.

We're running out of time.

It's your call, captain.

You're the best judge of
your own resources, captain.

Here's praying
we do it, partner.

Have to.

There's a frog costume
we have to get out of there.

Hello, capt. Sheridan.

This is a reminder that
you've got 20 minutes

To deliver the money.

I repeat, for the hard
of hearing, 20 minutes.

This is it. You've got, uh,

20 Minutes to make the drop.

Roger, captain.
We're on our way.

And if h**ker's right,

He'll, uh, take the money
and blow us up anyway.

This is his firebase, all right,

And I'm betting the storm
drain is his escape route.

He's got to be up in
the crest somewhere

Watching the academy.

That's his route in and out

But it's probably booby-trapped.

We'll have to parallel it.

Punji sticks.

I wasn't looking for this.


Don't pull your leg out.

Those shafts on the sides
will tear your leg to shreds.

You're gonna have
to cut yourself out.

The clock's tickin', hooker.

You'd better move out.

I'll be back.

Put everything down
nice and easy, turner.

Good goin', hooker.

You found me out.

Figured you would.

It's not gonna
matter in the end.

Because unlike me,

You're willin' to die
for somebody else.

So you drop that g*n or
I'm gonna blow everyone

In the station to smithereens.

Oh, hooker, now that
was against those odds

I was telling you about.

The people in the station
are gonna die anyway.

This how you k*lled
turner in 'nam?

Well, just like this.

I'm a firm believer
in flak jackets.

They cut the odds.

You lost something, partner.

You ok?


I feel better knowing
it works both ways.

You know what I like
least about this maggot?

He's gonna be big news.

The cause of another
vietnam veteran headline.

I hate that.

I hate it because
it rubs off on tens

Of thousands of decent
americans who fought in 'nam.

They shouldn't have to share
the stench of scum like you.

Come on, quickly.
Let's go, let's go.

Let's go, let's go.

Give me, give me, give
me, give me, give me.

Go, go, go.

Daddy, daddy, I knew you'd come.

I wouldn't miss your play for
the world. Look what I've got.

I am glad you're
all right, hooker.

Sorry, fran.

Both of you. Stacy was
nice enough to call to tell us

That you'd be, uh, late.

Mrs. Hooker, why don't I
help you get chrissie ready?

5 Minutes to spare.

Go get 'em, pumpkin.

Thank you very much, all of you.

Well, I guess saturday's on.

Well, i-i've got a
word of advice.

Lay it on me.

I see signs of a
guy chasing a girl

Until she catches him.

I wouldn't go on that
boat alone with her.

You wouldn't?

I wouldn't.

She's wrong for you, romano.

You think you're
in the driver's seat,

The next thing you know she's
gonna ask you if you like kids.

Uh-huh. Is that the way
smitty's talking these days?

At my age? I
wouldn't hear of it.

Well, you've both
got her all wrong.

I just love my costume, daddy.

It's so beautiful.

You look terrific.

Better hug your
costume designer.

He got it mobilized.

Thank you, uncle vince.

Yeah, you're welcome. I
never hugged a frog before.

We have to hurry, chrissie,

And I'll be right back.

Come on.

I asked one of the ladies
to save us some seats.

You did? Yeah.

I love kids, don't you?

Oh, no.

I mean, oh, yeah, I love 'em.

I think we should invite a few
to come on the boat with us.

Hooker and stacy are gonna
come along, aren't you guys?

It'll be great fun. Really. I...