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02x07 - The Survival Syndrome

Posted: 04/29/23 10:40
by bunniefuu
Gettin' nervous?

I'm ok.

Besides, I need the bread.


Hey, what are you doing?

Hey! What are you doing?

Somebody help!

Somebody stop him!

He just took my car.

Not bad for your first
time out, you know?

Any problems?

No. No problems.

Pay him, blaine.

So where can we
drop you off, kid, huh?

Dave's waiting on fairview.

About 4 blocks away.


Well, then look at
it this way, hooker.

There's a shortage of nurses.

Fran's doin' a good thing
besides being employed.

No, she doesn't have
to go back to work now.

The kids are too young.

Not that young. They're in
school most of the day. Well...

Time marches on, hooker.

Situations change,
people change,

And you're among them.

I am?

It's a process called aging.

How do you know
so much about it?


Anyway, I'm not giving in to it.

I've got too many
things to take care of

Before I get old.

Papaya oil would help.

I'm almost afraid to ask.

The oil of papaya holds
the secret of youth.




Oh, listen i...

I haven't had a
glass of papaya juice

In a long time.

No, no, not papaya
juice, papaya oil.

You rub it all over your body.

No way.

Come on, it's...

I'm not gonna rub fruit
oil all over my body.

Ok, fine.

Someone put a
cork in that bottle.

Oh, terrific.

Hey! Hey, hey!

Just what do you
think you're doin'?

Watching a mustang
cross the road.

Oh, man, what if
those cops make us?

Come on, officer.
Give me a break.

It isn't easy being a chicken.

Especially when you're fried.

Get traffic moving, will you?

Units in the vicinity
and 4-adam-43,

A g.t.a. Occurred 5 minutes
ago at the supermarket,

Rio mesa shopping mall.

A 1982 ford bronco,
brown in color, was taken.

Suspect is a male caucasian...

Everybody keeps making
dumb chicken jokes.

Kids pluck my feathers out.

One kid... One kid...
One kid gave me an egg,

Told me to sit on it.

Let's go. Let's clear
this up right now.

Back it up right here.
Let's go, come on.

You bring it right through here.

Bring it right through there.

Come on, honey. There you go

Come on, right through there,
bring it right through there

Step out of the car, please.

Get back here!

Don't sh**t! Don't
sh**t! Don't sh**t!

Get out of the way.
Get out of the way.

Somebody get an ambulance, go!

Get an ambulance.

Somebody please help him!

Hang in there, partner.

Hang in there.

Get in position.

Move him, move him!

Dr. Caro, surgery please.

Dr. Caro.

Dr. Warner, wanted
in radiology, please.

Dr. Warner.

Fran, I thought you were
working the fifth floor.

Oh, hooker,

I heard the call.
4-Adam-30, officer down.

I thought it was
happening all over again.

It has happened again,

Only this time it's vince.



It just come in.

The way you ordered it.

Right, exactly, right
down to the pinstripe.

Not bad for one day's work, huh?

How can you do it?

How can you act
like nothin' happened?

Hey, listen to me,

The only thing that happened

Is we filled an
order in one day.

So now you can take
out my baby sister

To a decent meal
for a change, right?

What if the kid talks?

He's never been to the garage.

He don't even know our names.

Who knows, he might
even be dead by now.

Hooker, 6 o'clock news.

Get a load of what
the d.a.'S stirring up.


Vincent romano is reported
to be under treatment

For a head wound
at memorial hospital.

Our nightwatch news
team was on the scene

To get these pictures
of the actual sh**ting

Of the unarmed teenager.

Don't sh**t! Don't sh**t!

The hospital has confirmed

That the boy was
shot in the back.

The district attorney has
appointed a special investigator

To deal with this latest in
a rash of police sh**t.

The focus of the investigation,

Sergeant t.j. Hooker.

It wasn't my b*llet
that hit the kid.

Ballistics will show that the minute
the surgeons retrieve the slug.

You don't have to
convince me, hooker,

I know how good a
shot you are, but them.

They should worry more
about a cop who's still in i.c.u.

Do they know yet who the boy is?

Yeah, the detectives have i.d.'D
him as greg marshall, 18, no priors.

Well, the ballistics h**ker's talking
about may be a long time coming.

The boy is still critical
and the b*llet's lodged

Between his 3rd
and 4th vertebrae.

The surgeons say it's too
dangerous to try to remove it.

Uh, fran, check on
vince again, will you?

Please. All right.

Any word on the 4-wheel drive?

It was the same vehicle that was
stolen from the rio mesa shopping mall.

The description the woman
gave fits greg marshall,

But she says he was alone.

Then before he hit that
intersection he picked up 2 friends.

One of them shot him, not me.

Wish we could prove that a lot
faster than we're gonna be able to.

There were witnesses
there. They'll turn it around.

There was also a lot
happening there, hooker.

I mean, confusion, and some
of those witnesses are saying

That you shot the boy.

I'm sorry I wasn't
there, partner.

I'm sorry I didn't invite you.

b*llet graze to the
upper left forehead

Causing a mild concussion.

Well, lucky that
b*llet hit you in the head

And not one of
your vital organs.

Funny guy.

Dr. Caro, surgery please.

Dr. Caro.

Did you see anything?

I remember walking
up to the bronco,

Then nothing.

You wanna know what I remember?

Papaya oil.

Darn near get my head blown off
and it's papaya oil rather than suspects.

You always were strange.

What is this with
you and papaya oil?

I'm planning this
demonstration party

Over at sherry's bar,
so daphne can explain

Her papaya oil
personal care products.

I should have figured that you had
daphne at the bottom of your body rub.

Get some rest. I'll see
you tomorrow. Yeah.


I know you weren't close
enough to get a description.

I'm sorry I can't remember
anything about the suspects.

No sweat.

It'll come back to you.

Telephone for you, dr. Klein.

Are you satisfied that
your partner is ok?

Physically, he's top-notch.

We'll just have to wait
and see how he handles

The survival syndrome.

Did the other t.v.
Channels pick it up?

And the chronicle,
evening edition, front page.


Anything on that
hot 4-wheel drive?

Not yet.


Listen, do me a favor, will you?

Run that, uh,

Greg marshall kid through
the field interview file.

Maybe he hasn't been arrested,

But I can't believe
he hasn't come close.

The good don't go bad overnight.

Done. How's vince this morning?

Oh, fine.

When I saw him an hour ago he was
inviting 3 nurses to sherry's on friday.

3 More?

I knew I shouldn't
have let him talk me into

Hostessing that oil thing.

But being a g*nsh*t
victim and all...

He can work every advantage.


It's coming down like I said.

There's a lawyer here from the
d.a.'S office waiting to talk to you.

And 3 years ago your
partner was shot.

He died.

Naturally it was tough for you,

You second-guessed yourself.

You evaluated it
over and... And over,

And you made some decisions
about how you wished

You would have dealt with it.

That's called self-critique.
It's a healthy process.

You guys ought to try it when you
lose those open-and-shut cases in court.

Personality studies show
that what you call self-critique

Sometimes builds in a
preconditioned response

For the next time, sergeant.

There's a preconditioned response
working its way up from my gut.

My family, I don't want
them hurt, any of them.

They went through this
kind of smear once before.

Suddenly their
friends stopped calling,

Little signs labeling
their daddy a k*ller

Got scrawled on
chalkboards at school.

Strange voices on the
phone uttered nasty words.

None of them slept too well.

All because people
shot their mouths off

Playing a guessing game
called informed speculation

Before the facts were in.

The facts initiated this
investigation, sergeant.

You have been involved in a
number of other sh**t.

Hey, you know that happens
when you're a working street cop.

I mean, the bad guy
gets shot sometimes, too,

As well as the cop.

But it wasn't a bad guy you shot
in the back yesterday, hooker.

It was an unarmed juvenile!

You know, I'm getting
tired of saying this.

The t.v. Camera didn't
show the guy in the truck.

He shot the boy. Not me.

It's not just the t.v. Tape,
we talked to the witnesses.

Now wait a minute.
You know yourself,

There was a lot of confusion
among the witnesses.

Fortunately for hooker,
there was confusion.

Some of the witnesses
don't think you shot the boy.

But then, they didn't
have a clear view.

Be it ever so
humble, this is it.

Yeah, well, it beats
a hospital room.

Give me 15 minutes to suit up.

Whoa, whoa, take it easy.

Tomorrow will be soon enough.

And I've got a class
this afternoon.

Besides, you've
got an interview.

For what? The sh**ting team
talked to me in the hospital.

We're way past
the sh**ting team.

This one belongs to
the d.a.'S office now.


What about the kid? He
can tell them it wasn't you.

No, he can't.

Greg marshall died an hour ago.

Look at this.

Look at what?

"Youth wounded in
police sh**t dies."


"The district attorney's office

"Is awaiting autopsy results

"To confirm suspicions

That greg marshall was
struck by a police b*llet."

But we know the
cops didn't do it.

Yeah, but they don't.


Anything on the stolen bronco?

No, sir.

But I did get the computer
run you asked for

On the stolen
4-wheel drives. Good.

Hooker, I do have the
detectives all over this case.

I can use any help I can get.

That slick in there with romano

Isn't gonna waste his time looking for car
thieves or my b*llet, cause he believes.

The stolen 4-wheel
drive is the key,

And I assure you, hooker,
everybody's looking for it.

If it hasn't shown by now,

It's because it's been changed.

A chop-shop job?

Why not? We know
it isn't just kids.

There were 2 adults
in that vehicle.

If they're pros,

That bronco won't look
anything like it did before.

Could be.

Oh, uh, stacy, get out a
special statewide m.o. Bulletin

On altered broncos,
new paint jobs,

Anything that remotely
smells of a chop shop.

I want it tossed.

Yes, sir.

You sound like a
committed cop, captain.

I sound like you, hooker.

How is it working
with an older partner?


I don't think of him
as an older partner.

I didn't mean physically
older as much as mentally.

There is a generation
separating the 2 of you.

Well, according to hooker,

It gives us a wider
base of experience.

Well, my boss and a few other
important people in this city

Think that maybe h**ker's experience
is working against a safe community.

Is that what you think, too?

Or are you just doing your job?

Early in his career, sergeant
h**ker's partner was shot.

He died.

Well, if you'll
examine the records,

You'll find that that
partner made a tactical error,

Like I did.

It wasn't h**ker's
fault then, or now.

You were shot, romano.

Down on the streets.

Shot by someone in that vehicle.

The marshall boy came running
from that vehicle, unarmed.

Maybe hooker was
getting even, for you.

No way.

For his other partner,
the one that died?


Are you sure, vince?

Are you absolutely sure?


David, this is blaine.

I'm sorry to hear about greg.

Lousy cops.

He didn't have a
g*n or anything.

His hands were in the air.

Hey, david, calm down.

Let them take care of their own.

Listen, I need a couple
more 4-wheel drives.

Do you think you
can handle that?

There's an orchard
full of them out there,

Just name the make and model.

Sounds good. Thanks.

All right. So, push forward,
grab his wrist real tight.

Bring him around. That's it.

Take over, sergeant trout.

Bad news.

Ballistics report,
inconclusive, I know.

Bone damage to the slug.

They couldn't make a clear-cut
comparison one way or the other.

That report just came in to
the office. How'd you find out?

Hey, when you've been around as
long as I have, you get plugged in.

I still have a few
friends around here.

I was counting on
that ballistics report

To put an end to
the d.a.'S witch hunt

So things could
get back to normal.

There's gotta be
something we can do, hooker.

Well, according to
the computer there is,

And we'll get to it
tomorrow morning.

Gotta lead on the
stolen 4-wheel drive?

Indirectly. It's gonna
take a lot of work.

I wanna circle search the
pattern that's been built up

Behind the last dozen
4-wheel drive thefts.

Hey, I'm rested,

Dying to hit the street.

And I'm dying to unload
those barracudas.

Yesterday put 2 more
notches in the pattern.

One 4-wheel drive from the
rio mesa shopping center.

Another one 5 blocks away
from the studio center complex.

You're talking about
a possible chop shop.

It doesn't figure for pros to
be going back to the same areas.

No, I don't think greg
marshall was a pro.

I think he was working for one.

I think his replacement
fits the same pattern.

Lazy and looking
for easy pickings.


You all recovered now?

Thanks to medical science

And an incredibly
resilient body.

Oh, good.

Now you can hustle
your incredible body

Over to sherry's.

You know how many people
are coming to your soiree?

The more the merrier.

Chips and dips and
crackers and pretzels.

I am getting phone
calls for reservations.

Plus, those personal
care products

Are being shipped here.

I cannot keep up with all of it.

Hang in there, stacy.
You can handle it.

I just gave up, romano.

Hey, come on.

You're not a quitter, are you?

Oh, uh, we gotta get going.

Just... Just sign my name
on the statement, ok?

You will be rewarded, stacy.

I like beer nuts,
very little salt.

16 4-Wheel drive stops

And 3 hours of circle-searching.

Who said police
work was glamorous?

I don't know. Who?

There's one more
for the computer.

Tell them we're code 6-adam.
Give them our location.



Tell 'em we're code 6-adam.

Code 6, right.

4-Adam-30, code 6 at

Riverdale and union way.

Put your hands behind your head.

The ignition was punched out.

The kid must've
just picked it up.

Stupid kid. He
could've been k*lled.

And we could've lost him.

You weren't too
quick on the radio.

Yeah, well, uh,

I'm sorry. I've got this
roaring headache, you know?


Physical wounds heal fast.

The emotional after-effects...


You see, at the hospital they
mentioned something about

Delayed reaction.

You know, like... Like the
guys who came back from 'nam.

I know.

It was a while after I got shot.

I began to have thoughts.


Hooker, who said
anything about thoughts?

I'm getting headaches,
that's all, just headaches.

Relax, romano.

It's normal to feel unsure
when you've come so close.

I'm not unsure.

I'm not.

But my problem is physical.


So let's drop it, ok?

It's dropped.


I've got something for
you from that computer run

On the field interview cards.

Greg marshall?

I ran his name, d.o.b.
And driver's license.

We scored on a cross-reference

Under primary associates.

"Marshall, gregory c.,

"In the company
of david harmond.

Observed loitering near
square deal used car lot."

Look a few lines down.

"Harmond, david, joyriding,

Possession of stolen property."

I think I'm gonna have a
little talk with david harmond.

You know where he is?

We bagged him on a g.t.a.

I want to know
where you were going

And who you were
planning on seeing.

And when I tell you nothing,
what are you gonna do?

g*n me down, like you
gunned down greg?

Sit down.

You have it all figured
out, haven't you?

Joyriding bust, easy hit,

Stick it to the cop
who shot your friend.

Walk out of here with
a smile on your face.

You got it, big daddy.

No, you got it, sunshine.

You gotta point, cop? Make it.

Put the tape on record.

The cop here didn't
sh**t your friend.

Now I know you don't
choose to believe that

Anymore than you choose
to believe that the iceman

Was in the car with
your friend greg.

The dude who pays the bills?

I don't know what
you're talkin' about.

Of course, not.

Just keep the recorder on.

The b*llet I squeezed
off is somewhere inside

A chopped bronco.

I'm looking for it,

'Cause if you don't take me to
the people who shot your friend,

That 4-wheel drive will.

You're so full of it.

I saw you in full living color

On the 6 o'clock news, cop.

You did it.

You m*rder*d greg.

Just keep it going

'Cause one day you'll
rewind and put it on playback.

Your friend greg got nervous.

He ran.

They pulled the plug
on him. They did it.

The same ones who put a
b*llet in my partner's face.

I want 'em, sunshine.

I want 'em and
I'm gonna get 'em.

With or without your help.

They're gonna fall.

And I mean hard.

Your bail's come through so this
time I don't get you off the streets.

But maybe this time, they will,


'Cause you don't believe.

Hooker, I'm sorry about today.

Headache under control, is it?

Yeah... Oh!

I guess the papaya
oil has been delivered.

That's a lifetime supply
for orson welles.

You didn't buy
all that, did you?

No, I just laid out the
money till daphne gets here.

She'll sell it all at the
personal care demo party.

You know this daphne long enough
to know she's good for the money?


She's a local stew',
flies in and out of town.

She does this demonstration rub,

You have to see
it to believe it.

This stuff will
sell, believe me.

Yeah. I think you put
yourself out on a limb, partner.

No problem.

No problem?

Heavy date last night?


Oh, no.

I just didn't get much sleep.

Well, I guess I'd be worried too if I
had all that papaya oil on my hands.


What's this remedial training
you've got set up for me anyway?

Here it is, junior.

A new situation I
want you to try on.

You get away from me.

Come on, put the knife down.
Nobody wants to hurt you.

Just put the knife down.

I won't.

Why don't you go
ahead and sh**t me?

I-i'm no good anyway.

Go ahead, sh**t me.

Nobody wants to hurt
you. Just put the knife down.

They're trying to throw me
out of my house, so perhaps I will.

Nobody cut your furniture.

Everybody's ok. Just
put the knife down.

I don't wanna put
the knife down.

sh**t me, go ahead, sh**t me.

We're not gonna sh**t
you. Just put the knife down.

Nobody wants to hurt
you, just put the knife down.

They're trying to throw me
out of my house, perhaps I will.

Nobody cut your furniture.

Come on, put the knife down. Nobody
wants to hurt you. Just put the knife down.

That's good. Just put it down.

All right, partner, come
on in and pick up that knife.

You're dead, romano.

Your partner's dead.

Some film.

Caught me off guard, I guess.

That's twice.


You froze.

You're not dealing with it.

Dealing with what?

Yourself. Your fear.

It was a simulated
incident, hooker.

I'm just fine. Get
off my back, ok?


I can't do that.

I need a partner
who can function.

You were a better cop when
you had 2 weeks on the job.

If you don't think
I cut it, hooker,

Maybe you should be
working with another partner.

Maybe I should.


Nothing I can't
handle. What's up?

Ah, good news.

The c.h.p. Just informed us they've
recovered the 4-wheeler up in newhall.


The v.i.n. Number's been altered, a new
paint job. Should get it by afternoon.

There's a b*llet in that set of
wheels that should turn the heat off.

Well, I hope so, hooker,
because the d.a. Just informed us

That he's gonna put
you on public display

In spite of the
inconclusive evidence.

A coroner's jury?

Yep, with all the trappings.


It's just what I need.

Just what my family needs.

The lab should
be here in an hour

To start going over it.

How about we take our
own look for my b*llet?

I sure hope it's there, hooker.

The pressure around this place
is getting heavier by the minute.

Part of the job, stacy.

Just remember, if you're right,

Nobody can change it.

Tell that to romano.

You should have heard the
way he was talking today.

He's really bad-mouthing
the department,

The system, everything.

Yeah, but I think
that's temporary.

He's hitting at
the wrong target.

The way he was
talking at lunch today,

I don't think he'll be around
much longer to hit anything.

He's talking resignation?

In a dozen different ways.

It's about 90 percent of
what's on his mind, if you ask me.

I didn't think it had
gotten that far.

The garage is this way, hooker.

You just changed my priorities.

Ready again?

I've had it, romano.

You've been taking incredible
hulk pills or something.

Hey, you want another partner?



I hear you're having doubts
about carrying your badge.

You're under the knife.

What about your doubts?

Nobody out there cares
what kind of job we do.

You didn't sign on to take bows.

Stop looking for
excuses to quit, junior.

Dig out the real
reason, deal with it.

You just might find you
don't want to quit at all.

You're going through
the survival syndrome.

I know.

It happened to me.

You come close to buying it.

And then every time you roll,

You think it's
gonna happen again,

Only this time, they won't miss.

All right. I'm afraid to die!

2, 3...

If guys like you and me

Aren't out there cleaning the
sleaze and slime off the streets,

Everybody'd have to stay
locked up in their homes.

Those vermin multiply.

They feed on decent
people. And cops, good cops,

Keep them in their holes,
and you're a good cop, romano

I'd personally like to see
you hold on to that badge.

The d.a. Has nothing conclusive,

So he's holding a coroner's
jury to hear my case tomorrow.

Figures to get a lot of press.

Why don't you hang in
there with me for the circus.

Who knows, you might just
get your picture in the paper.

I don't know how
I'll handle myself

On the street when it comes.

You called it right
in the simulator.

Hey, romano, right now
I know you can handle it.

You just have to
prove it to yourself.

The b*llet?

Nothing so far and
they've been all over it.

I missed the gunman,
but not by much.

That b*llet is in the vehicle,

Probably in the seat.

Not these. Look at 'em.

Custom, brand new.


It does look like a
complete overhaul.

First class, too.

Spring lock handles.

Look at these chrome wheels.

Nickel-plated, pinstripe,

A webber 411 chrome bumper.

I've never seen a
bumper like this before.

That's because there
aren't many around.

Webber's one of those
old line companies,

Limited custom production.

A beginning.

Stacy, check the
local distributors

Of custom auto parts.

See who handles the webber
411 bumper for 4-wheel drives.


It's a slim beginning,

Especially with the d.a.'S show
and tell starting tomorrow.

It's all we've got.

I'm running with it.


Blaine, are you here?

What are you doing here?

How'd you find this place?

I was curious where
you take the cars.

I followed you
one day. It was easy.

Well, what do you
want? Make it quick.

Aren't you gonna introduce me?

Oh, yeah.

This is david harmond,
he's one of the kids who...

Oh, of course.

Any problems, david?

Yeah, there's a problem.

The cops picked me up.

Oh, we heard.

That was quite stupid
of you to let that happen.


But I'm looking at
a joyriding charge

Which is gonna bring
down some heavy legal fees.

How heavy are we talking?

I don't know.

A couple of thousand maybe.

Oh, that seems like a
reasonable request.

Would you mind if we
stepped in the office

And discussed the amount, david?


Come on. Excuse us.

Hey, I'm sorry about that.

Get rid of him.

Sure I will.

You want me to get some
money from the safe?

I mean permanently.

Anything yet?

I talked to the local
webber distributor.

There are only 3 shops
near the rio mesa mall

That carry their 411 bumper.

Oh, romano,

I have a message
for you from daphne.


She just got a job with
an international airline.

She'll be flying
to rome and paris.

Oh, that's great.

She said she'll call you when
she gets back to the states,

Sometime next year.

Oh no, what am I gonna do?

Don't worry. She's got
a replacement for you.

Her cousin.


I wonder what her
cousin looks like.

Romano, why don't you
look on the bright side,

If any of these cockeyed
schemes of yours ever work out,

And you make enough money to
buy a house with a swimming pool,

You can always fill
it with papaya oil.


Yeah, get me the police quick.

This is david harmond.
Is sgt. Hooker there?

It's for you, hooker.
David harmond.


You were right. They
did it. They shot greg.

And they're gonna sh**t me.

I'm at the gear box
transmission shop,

500 South sherwood street.

You see what I told you?


What is it?

sh*ts fired.

Sounds like he's
in real trouble.

Where is he.

The gear box transmission
shop on sherwood street.

Let's hit it.

He went over that way. That way.

He's down there.

He's back there. Go that way.

You ok?


I'm ok.

All right.

Come on.

Nice try, david.

Come on!

I'm sorry. It's gotta be done.

Open up!


Out the back. Take
him out the back!

Hold it!

The skylight!

The office!

Freeze! Don't sh**t!

Hands on your head.


He's wounded. We'll
need an ambulance.

They did it. They shot greg.

The recorder's on playback.

This car seat here has
got a b*llet hole in it.

Oh, by the way,

Welcome back, partner.

Coming through.

Thank you.

Step right up.

That'll be 5 dollars please.

Look, pal, you gotta
buy a bottle of...


Hi, sergeant.

Sorry, I didn't know it was you.

You see, I got this
deal with sherry.

I'm taking over the bar
for today. It's great, huh?

Papaya oil must be a hot item.

That's not all that's
hot around here.

You see, daphne's cousin
zelda showed up to do

The body rub demonstration.


Uh, you-you've gotta
buy a bottle of oil

Before you can go in. 5 Dollars.

But for you, my buddy,
my pal, my partner,


I'm just kidding.

Uh... Uh... Uh, st-stacy,
take it over, will you?

Watch this. Take a gander.



Zelda brought her
brother herbie along.

I was wondering why
all the ladies were here.

All right, romano.
You sure lucked out.


And this is only the beginning.

Zelda does this incredible
thing with extract of guava.