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02x10 - Thieves' Highway

Posted: 04/29/23 10:43
by bunniefuu
Come on, venus. Wind it down.

Wind it down.

Oh, god! Not again!

Dad, it's ruined!

The whole load is ruined!

Dad, who could've done this?

Tough break, zack.

You sabotaged my load, tanner!

For the last time!

Zack, don't!

Oh, now we've got a real
excuse. Get the shotgun.

No, don't!



sh*ts fired in produce
market at six star trucking,

210 Market street.
Handle code 3.

4-Adam-30, roger.

Dad, don't!



Call the paramedics!

It was self-defense. I
shot in self-defense.

Why did you run?

I was scared.

Yeah. The little feller got
scared of the big bad policeman.

Let me have him for a second.

You got lucky, zack.

I should've run my rig
right over 'em thieves.

What's this all about?

It's all about him. Tanner.

You sabotaged a
load of my lettuce.

2 Weeks ago, his hired
hand slashed my tires.

I'm gonna bury you
before this is over!

You're arresting the wrong man,
sergeant. Pappas here tried to k*ll us.

Now, I want you
to put him in jail.

You're a liar, tanner. You
sabotaged our compressor.

And you're making wild accu...

All right, all right.

Wild accusations. I got
witnesses all around here.

Now, I want you to put
that crazy man in jail.

I'll handle the
investigation, tanner.

And I'll decide who goes
to jail and who doesn't.

Now, I suggest you
get back to your office

Until I decide that
it's time for us to talk.

You're makin' a big
mistake, sergeant.

Zack, I've been seeing these

All over the market.


You're organizing the
independent truckers.

Is that what this is all about?

Slashed tires, dirt in diesel,

Rotten lettuce.

I'm not the first independent
he's sicced his dogs on,

But I sure as hell
am gonna be the last.

Well, I've got better answers

Than organizing a
vigilante committee

Or trying to drive
a truck over tanner.

Now, get your tail to the
hospital. We'll talk later.


Looks like we walked into the
trouble that's been brewing down here.

Trouble for the
independent truckers.

They're part of the backbone
of this country, junior.

And we're gonna make damn sure

That the trouble
stops right here.

Hooker, it's been alleged

That you refused to
arrest a homicidal trucker

Down at the produce
market this morning.

This homicidal trucker
was on foot and unarmed

When he was shotgunned
by a neanderthal

Named don morgan,
who I booked for a.d.w.

Yes, we have a complaint
about that, too,

From a police commissioner.

The wrong person going to jail.

Just who is the
commissioner's source

For these alleged
miscarriages of justice.

Well, they got a call from
a respected businessman.

Allen tanner.

Captain, I think we got a pot
boiling in the produce market,

And I think tanner is the
fire underneath the pot.

Well, he sure lit one
under my seat, hooker.

Now, just what do you suggest we
do to get this flame turned down?

Well, morgan's in jail,

And I'm sure that tanner
has already shuttled

His high-priced
lawyers down here.

Meanwhile, I've got
stacy and romano

Putting tanner and company
into the information mill

To find out what
we can about them.

You-you're investigating tanner?

Captain, we got a group
of independent truckers

Who are about to
become vigilantes

Because they think we can't,
or won't investigate tanner.

Now, I think you have a choice.

A little heat from downtown,

Or a bloodbath in
the produce market.

I am impressed with your
legal connections, mr. Tanner.

I was out before they
got the cell door locked.

I should've let
you rot in there,

But instead, I'm bringing
back my old help

To get done what isn't
getting done with your methods.

You mean that guy
out of chicago?

The one who wasted
the owner of this place?

Vic keller.

We need a man with ice in his
blood, and keller fills the bill.

Flight 64 out of chicago.
- 00. Pick him up.

And then you're in a
position for the cuffing.

But let me remind you

That the police commission
has jumped on the bandwagon

And prohibited the
use of the chokehold.

So, unless you are scratching
the limits of survival out there,

Using any form of chokehold

Will bring the police commission

Down right on top of you.

In my opinion,

They've taken an invaluable
tool away from us.

Now, instead of being able to
use discretion in an altercation,

Cause some drugged-out
crazy who can't feel any pain

To momentarily
lose consciousness,

We basically end up having
to escalate our use of force

From verbal to the firearm.

All right, that's it. Tomorrow
we'll practice baton techniques.

Run a lap, hit the
showers. Dismissed.

Sergeant hooker.


Commissioner cooke.

Yes. I read about
your appointment

To the board of police
commissioners. Congratulations.

Thank you.

The other commissioners
asked that I do a survey

On your academy training
program and personnel.

Well, if there's anything I
can do to help you, let me know.

Well, I didn't intend on
coming down until next week.

But the commission received
a telephone call this morning

Concerning a businessman
by the name of al tanner.

According to mr. Tanner,

You've arrested
the wrong person.

Well, that's not
the way I saw it,

But if you care
to get the facts,

It's in my report.

Well, I'd like an explanation.

Why did you choose right now

To undermine the
commission's ruling

On the chokehold with
those young recruits.

In a few weeks
those young recruits

Are gonna be out on the
streets, putting it all on the line.

I didn't undermine a thing.

I just gave them the
cold hard facts of life.

Those chokeholds
cause needless deaths.

The commission examined
every case very carefully

Before they made their decision.

Did you tell them
that, sergeant?

Oh, they got it all.

Not with the, uh,
flags and the yelling

And the screaming that went
on in the commission hearings,

But I also went over each one of
those needless deaths carefully,

And, you know, when
I put it all together,

I still see that the only
thing the commission did

Was bring us a giant step closer
to the one thing we all wish to avoid.

The use of absolute
deadly force: g*ns.

You're dealing with
a very complex issue

In a very simplistic way.

Commissioner, I can
only speak for myself,

A cop with almost 20
years on the streets.

And I won't argue that
accidents sometimes happen

And force is misused,

But when I'm out there

Trying to get the job
done as best I know how,

I'd rather have the discretion to use
what my experience tells me is right.

Sergeant hooker.

I've heard a great deal about
you and your philosophy.

But I must say, after
observing you firsthand,

That you do live
up to your notices.

So do you, commissioner.


Right on time, mr. Tanner.

When you need expert work done,

You call vic keller
the expert, right?

That's what I want, vic.

The way you disposed
of mr. Schwartz

Will do very nicely
for zack pappas.

What's the matter,

Ripping this trucking
outfit off from schwartz

Is not enough for you, al?

When I control every truck that
rolls in and out of this market,

Maybe that'll be enough for me.

But right now, zack
pappas is in my way.

Now, the other
truckers follow his lead.

As long as he holds
out, I got problems.

So we get rid of zack pappas.

No zack pappas,

No independent truckers
protective association.

No trouble, right?

What do you say, lou?

Stacy, what'd you turn?

Al tanner doesn't
have a criminal record.

But l.e.i.u. Intelligence files

Are crammed with entries on him as a
close associate of chicago mobsters,

Who are into jukeboxes,
vending machines, loan sharking.

That sort of thing.

What about that punk

Who just got released... The
one with the g*n... Morgan?

A little more solid on him.

He has a flock of
misdemeanors, 5 a.d.w.'S,

And he's done time twice
behind commercial burglaries.

Stacy, ask intelligence

If they'll dig a little deeper

Into tanner's
activities in the market.

He hasn't been around that long.

I'd like to know how he got started
in the market in the first place.


Junior, zack's been
released from the hospital.

Let's go enlist his
help and cooperation,

And start to work putting
these dirtbags into jail.

I'm right behind you, partner.



Going to do a little hunting?

Could be.

Come off it. You and I both know

You're gonna start your
own vigilante committee.

With what I'm up against,
you got a better idea?


Tell me everything you know
about tanner and six star.

Give me something I
can get my teeth into.

Then I'll put the law to work,
that's what we're all about.

All right.

Start with sam schwartz.

He owned the outfit
before tanner did.

Six star?

Yeah. Sam was my boss.
More like my father.

A couple of years ago, sam
ran into a cash flow problem.

Tanner showed up
with a big bundle.

Sam signed some
papers, got his money.

Let me guess what happened next.

Tanner was associated with a loan
sharking operation out of chicago.

Well, he imported
it here, hooker.

Well, suddenly sam's
business went to hell.

Trucks broke down, drivers quit.

All our regular customers
went somewhere else.

Sam couldn't pay, so he
was out, tanner was in.

That's when the trouble
stopped for six star

And started with us
independent truckers.

Didn't you do anything about it?

Sam did the same thing
that you're asking me to do.

He went to the d.a.

A couple of days later,
he had an accident.

His truck went off the
grapevine below gorman,

He couldn't get out of it.

Are you telling me
it wasn't an accident?

But I can't prove it.

And the cops won't even try.

You say, "the law
is the best way."

I tell you, "baloney."

Where did you get venus anyway?

We were supposed to
deliver her to a guy in spokane.

Nobody home.

The guy who shipped her split.

So she was ours.

She's part of the family now.

I can see that.

You know, my partner isn't
getting anywhere with your dad.

Well, he's pretty bitter.

He has a right to be.

Why don't you talk to
him? He'll listen to you.

Get him to help us.

I did.

Dad says you cops just
go through the motions.


I've started an investigation.

You started.

Everybody starts,
nothing happens!

Don't tell me that!

Come on, mary.

We're due at that
insurance office.

Gotta sign the
papers for the new rig.

After that last claim
for the rotten lettuce,

They're trying to drop us.

You can thank tanner
for that one, too.

Zack, give me some
time to get some proof

Behind the things you
told me about sam schwartz.

Time. The d.a. Had time.

I can't deposit any
of that in the bank

Or the insurance company.

He's mad as hell.
I don't blame him.

But we gotta stop him.

I think maybe we
have 2 allies, hooker.

Venus and mary.

Oh, sergeant.

I just reviewed that intelligence
report that you got on mr. Tanner.

It is filled with unsupported
allegations and innuendo.

Oh, I'll get hard
evidence on mr. Tanner.

The intelligence report
gives me a place to start.

Mr. Tanner runs a
legitimate business

And he's a responsible contributing
member of the community.

Now, that's the appearance.

The intelligence report
suggests that there's smoke

That clouds the
contributing citizen image.

You're telling me you're
going to try to destroy a man

With information you
know won't hold up in court?

Look, commissioner, we're
talking street crime here.

Not private schools and sweet
contributions to the music center.

Street crime and
the victims of crime.

I'm just trying to stop it.

Let's get something
straight, hooker.

I may be from a rich family
and the right side of the tracks.

But I've worked my tail off to
get the attention of the mayor,

And the appointment
to that commission.

I got there because
of what I believe in.

Now, I'm not going to stand here

And watch you harass a man
those facts say is innocent.

Will you listen for once?

The intelligence
files are just one tool,

Just like the control
holds, the firearms,

And I need that tool
to start on tanner.

If I can prove something, he
goes to jail. Not until then.

But don't handcuff me.

And take away the
tools of my trade.

I tried.

Where's ernie?

He's got the flu.


Now, what can I do for you?

You can check the tires,
top it up with number 2 diesel.

The tab is under
pappas. Zack pappas.




Zacharia, let's talk.

Would you please listen to them?

Please. All right.

Come on, zack.
Just make it quick.

I got a load to pick up, we gotta
get lunch and get out of here.

I'm glad you have a haul.

Yeah, yeah. I've got a lot
of things in the hopper, zack.

I want to make
you a proposition.


Hey, you wanna come up? All
right. Come on, let me help you up.

All right. There you go, venus.

Ha, what a classy lady you are.

Oh, you missed me, huh?

Romano, I think it's love.

Well, uh, she really
moves fast, doesn't she?

Well, venus does know

We're leaving her here
with irene at the restaurant.

So she can get her
sh*ts in the morning.

I think maybe she
sees you as protection

Against that terrible fate.

So we got the c.h.p.

They're gonna reexamine
the wreck of sam's truck.

Then the d.a. Is gonna start the
process of subpoenaing tanner's records.

That's more than we got done.

So you do something for me.

Call off that meeting that's
scheduled for tomorrow night.

Not on your life.

I need more than words, hooker.

Words won't stop tanner from
putting us truckers out of business.

You show me he's in jail.

Then I'll call off the meeting.

Here, why don't I
take this from you.

Now, you be good
for irene, venus.

Here you go, venus.

Now that's better, venus.

Do me one thing, will you?

Check in with me
when you get back,

And see where we are with
the tanner investigation.

All right, hooker, I guess I
owe you at least that much.

But if it's zip,
the way I suspect,

I am not gonna call
off that meeting.

I bet she is not gonna
like being left behind.

Romano finally got himself
a girlfriend I approve of.

Ha, ha, funny.

Something's bothering her.

What's the matter, doll-face?


Oh, ernie!

You all right?


Spit it out.

You think I should do
what hooker asks, is that it?

I think you should
give him a chance.

All right, we'll check
it out when we get back.

Maybe this is what
the guy was up to.

This is a discharge valve
out of a truck brake system.

Could it have come
from zack's truck?

It's gotta be.

Dad, the brakes.

What's wrong with the brakes?

We're losing pressure.

Keep pumping it.

They're not working.

Keep pumping it, mary.

It's getting worse.

Hang on. Straighten her out.

I've lost the brakes!

Hang on to it.

It's getting worse.

Come on, honey.

I've lost the brakes!

I'm losing control!

Hang on!

Zack. Dad. Dad.

Get the fire
extinguisher. And the jack!

Get her outta here.
Give me your hand, mary.

Romano, douse that fire.

Zack, turn your
head! Turn your head!

Romano, get that fire
out before she blows.

I can't put it out.
It's spreading.

The door is jammed.
Give me a hand!

Yank on that thing.

Let's get him out
of here, fast. Fast.

Romano, quick, over here.

Don't lean on
me, al. I did my job.

If the cops hadn't come along,
pappas and the girl would both be dead.

I didn't bring you all the
way out here from chicago

For excuses, vic.

I've got morgan here for that.

The bottom line is
pappas is still alive.

He might not make it.

He sure isn't gonna
be holding any meeting.

Oh, no? You're not very
well tuned into the word

On the street, vic.

Pappas' daughter is pushing
for an organizing meeting tonight!

I do not want another
pappas in my way!

I want a void! Do you
understand? Void!


Are you guys going end of watch?

About an hour ago.

What're you still doing here?

Waiting for this.
The lab sent it over,

And I knew you'd
been waiting for it.

The replacement part stuck
to zack and mary's brake system.

Modified to fail under
heavy downgrade pressure.

It took a real pro to rig this.

Did they get a
trace on this part?

It's from an international
tractor, 1978.

From a local junkyard.

We'll check that out
first thing in the morning.

Man, if only mary had
given us something

More than a vague description
of the guy at the station,

We'd have something to go on.

I don't think we
should give up on mary.

I like the way
you think, junior.

Oh, sergeant.

I've been reading your file.

It explains a lot.

4 sh**t, a
dozen altercations,

And 3 complaints about
the excessive use of force.

Investigated and exonerated.

Street police work does
get you into that kind of thing.

It's not the result.
It's the total.

This file tells me
that you're a man

Quick to use v*olence.

It also tells me that
you're the wrong man

To be shaping the minds
of impressionable recruits.


You're not gonna
get any real answers

Out of that file
or behind that desk.

Get out into the streets

And take a taste
before you judge me,

Or judge any of the
issues, commissioner.

I'm quite satisfied
with what's in this file.

Don't be. We're fighting
a w*r on crime out there.

You can't quarterback
it from an ivory tower.

You're gonna turn
out cops so worried

About being second guessed,
they're gonna drive past trouble.

The result will be more
crime and more victims of crime.

Sergeant, I am not satisfied that
you're the right influence around here.

The question of your
tenure at the police academy

Will be on the agenda of the
next meeting of the commission.

That's fine with me.

If I'm not the kind
of cop you want,

Or expect me to turn out, you're
welcome to my badge and my job.

Because neither
will be worth having.

Look, mary, we've been
goin' on like this for hours.

I mean, some of us have wives
and kids to think about, you know.

But that's what it's all about.

All of us have every nickel
we've made invested in our rigs.

We have to protect what
we've worked for, don't we?


But, mary, we can't go on
fighting tanner and six star.

We'll lose everything.

Me and mac are gonna try
to make a deal with tanner

While we still got
something to deal for.

You've got $100,000 rig
that's burned out junk.

Zack is touch-and-go
in the hospital.

Now, if he can't cut it,

Well, we sure can't.

Look, mary.

It's either time we got into
bed with tanner, or moved on.

I mean, the cops
just stand around

With their thumbs
stuck in their ears.

Tell zack we're
pullin' for him, mary.

It's nothin' personal.

Can I drive you home?

Good for you, romano.

All right, mary.

Now, just try to remember
what he looks like.

All you have to do
is draw. Something.

Try it. I know you
can do it, mary.

Close your eyes.

Now, it's not hypnosis, it's
just a relaxation technique.

Let your mind float, back. Back.

Think about what happened.

See it.

You're getting out of the truck.

There. In front of you,
the man at the gas station.

Just draw anything.
Start a face.

Close your eyes again. Come on.

Look at his face.

Remember his eyes.

Just rough it out.

Don't force it,
just let it happen.

That's great.

That's great.

It's him, vince. It's him.

I knew you could do it.
Look at that. That is terrific.

You're terrific, you know that?


Wonderfully, terrific.

The wire copy of mary's
drawings paid off, hooker.

Chicago recognized him and
made him on the fingerprints

You guys found
on the brake part.

His name is vic keller.

And he connects as an
associate of guess who?

Al tanner.

What do we know about
mr. Keller's background?

Felony criminal record,
assaults, loanshark muscle,

And he's a truck mechanic.

That kind of explains the expertise
needed to sabotage zack's truck,

Doesn't it?

You got it, stacy.

Well, junior, let's get
to the wrecking yard

And show mr. Keller's
pictures around.

I never seen it before.

What about this guy?
Have you seen him before?

Nope. What about these 2?

No, neither one of 'em.

The devil's gonna
get you for lying.

What do you want? I'm
givin' it to you straight.

Now, you listen to me. This brake
part came from that truck over there.

And it's in your junkyard.

Now, I wanna know
who you sold it to.

You've got 2 seconds
to lay it on me.

Or I'll have every pound of junk in
this yard checked against the stolen file.

You wanna try that
and terminal island,

Or you wanna take
another look at these?

This guy here.

I sold him a part like
this, uh, about a year ago.

And this one here, last week.

2 Down.

And number one
to go: mr. Tanner.

Thanks, guys. Have a good trip.

Drive carefully.

Mary had to break
your lunch date, romano.

She got a rush
call to haul a load

For the bassett
brothers in pasadena.

She said to say sorry.

Oh, me, too.

But I am glad she got the work.
They really need the money.

She said she'd call you
the minute she got back.


Say, I hear you guys really
stirred things up over at tanner's.

We've been showing mug sh*ts
of keller all over the street.

With special
emphasis at tanner's.

Maybe we can
flush out a rat or 2.

Nail 'em, hooker. For all of us.

It's catching on.


Commissioner cooke
wants you to meet her

At six star trucking
company immediately.

Handle code 2.


Looks like our push
is getting some action.

Maybe you had
that in mind, hooker.


Sergeant hooker.

Mr. Tanner called saying he
intended to sue the department

For your unwarranted harassment.

I thought maybe you'd
like to come down here

And help straighten things out.

That's just fine with me.

I've been down 3 times to talk
to mr. Tanner about mr. Keller

And his employee, don morgan,
who I am going to arrest.

He hasn't been
available, until now.

I told you this
was a waste of time.

I'm gonna call my lawyer.

Morgan, you're under arrest.

What the...

Commissioner. Sergeant hooker.

I have proof that you
bought the brake part

That put zack
pappas in the hospital.

Hooker, look at
the dispatch board.

Tanner does a lot of
business with bassett brothers.

The bassett brothers are
one of your best customers.

How come mary
pappas got so lucky?

I don't have to listen
to this. Stay put, tanner.


Go on. Sergeant.

We're also reexamining the
wreck of sam schwartz's truck.

Funny how the brakes
failed on that one, too.

Only this time we won't miss.

X-rays, metal stress
analysis, the whole thing.

4-Adam-30, requesting back
up at six star warehouse.

You bought the brake
part for that truck, too,

And mr. Keller here
planted them in both trucks.

Was it all your idea, morgan?

You gonna ride this one alone?

Keep your mouth shut.

Come on, morgan.

I'm not takin' the fall
for you, mr. Tanner.

I only did what
he told me to do.

Give me a break. I'll tell you
whatever you want to know.

Shut up, you fool!

Let's start with the
bassett brothers.

Tanner told me to have the bassett
brothers call mary pappas about a job.

What for?

So keller could get
to her and k*ll her.


Put it down, tanner.
You haven't got a prayer.

You'll have one
dead commissioner

If you don't get out of my way.

You gonna sh**t, tanner?

I don't think so.

You haven't got the guts
to do your own dirty work.

I'll k*ll this lady, I swear.


Watch me, tanner.
Very carefully.

This is called
police discretion,

And I'm exercising it.

If that lady is
hurt, you're dead.

If you don't put the g*n
down in 2 seconds, you're dead.

Your choice now.

Ok, get your hands on your head.

On your knees.

Take over.

We gotta get to
mary and warn her.

Hooker, how about
another taste of the street?

So I can make some
better judgment calls?

Pile in, commissioner.



Bassett brothers dispatch

Reports mary pappas 2 miles
out on the sierra highway.

Alert c.h.p. That we're on
the highway moving code 3.

Push it, junior.

Simmer her down or
she's one dead monkey.

Stay, venus, stay.

Pull over and stop.


Quit that... Get off me!

Get down!

Pull up alongside.

Let go.

Hold on to him,
baby. Hold on to him.

I don't believe it.

Well, I've gotten used to it.

I'll say one thing, romano.

You sure don't give up easy.

It goes with the territory.

Some territory.

Venus, my heroine.

I hope you like it.

It's 75 years old.

A piece of law
enforcement history.

It's what I'm studying.

And if you have some time, I'd like
to hook up with a good teacher.

You and me working together?

I think we can learn from
each other all the issues.

Who knows? It might work out.

I might even be
able to bend a little.


I'm sorry, commissioner,

There's some recruits that
are born to use the chokehold.

Venus, for example.

We just wanted to say
thank you and goodbye.

We'll be back in 6 months.

Our agent got us work
all over the country.

I'll miss you, vince.

I'll miss you, too, mary.

What's bothering venus?

I think she's insulted that
romano hasn't said goodbye to her.

Oh, venus. I'll miss you, too.

I'm not sure she
believes you mean it.

Hey, doll-face, come on.

You know how I feel. You and me.

Like fay wray and king kong.

Tarzan and cheetah?

Elliot and e.t.

Well, how about clint
eastwood and clyde?

Well, what do you
know? A happy ending.