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02x22 - Lady in Blue

Posted: 04/29/23 10:57
by bunniefuu
Cash register's right in front.

We take it, then we grab as
many pieces as we could carry.

Look, I don't know,

I don't feel good
about this one.

Listen, I got news
for you, cousin.

You ain't never gonna
play with count basie,

And that sister of yours,

She ain't never gonna
have that operation,

You lose your nerve now.

All right, let's do it.

I can't believe you, hooker.

You really do your own taxes.

Pull out form 45-62, will you?

Instructions on
amortization and depreciation.

Nobody does their
own taxes anymore,

Not when you can get
professional advice.

Professional advice?

Sidney zuckerman and associates.

Oh, sidney zuckerman
and associates.

Yes, I've seen their t.v.
Commercials, hooker.

You know, they're the ones
who say if you're audited,

They'll personally
drive you to jail.

Hey, I'm just trying to help.

If you wanna stumble
along on your own,

Partner, ok, fine.

Let's go get some steamed clams.

I'm not exactly a pro, hooker,

But I do have a handy
little pocket calculator

You could borrow.

Cuts down on pencil sharpening.

Why not? I was never
very good at math.

Couldn't tell it from
your academy classes.

I'm your biggest fan.

I've got a whole book
of hooker homilies.

"Act, don't react."

"Be a mover and a shaker."

"Passive might get you dead."

And don't you forget it.

On your knees!

Oh, please. Oh, please. Please.

Yeah, I had trouble getting
into the dating scene

After my divorce, too.

But people need people.

And I've learned
you have to get past

All those awkward stages
and just get right to it.

So how about saturday night?

Saturday night?


Yeah, we can see a
movie, grab a pizza,

Work on your tax return.

I'll bring my calculator.

Uh, well.


Come on, hooker. He's
just a little backward,

Not used to dealing
with modern women.

You're on the spot, hooker.


Saturday night, huh?

You're on.

And so are you.

All units in the
vicinity, 5th and stanley.

Lamar's g*n shop.
Possible 2-11 in progress.

Suspects wearing ski masks.

4-Adam-30, handle code 3.

That sounds like the
same m.o. As last week.

Maybe the same guys.

Great. Let's hit it.

Let's go!

It's the cops.

Come on, we need the girl.

Oh, no! Oh, please. No!

Come on! Come on!

Come on! Let's make tracks.

Take cover.

You cops move, she's dead!

Get away from that lady.

Shut up!

You take her and we take you!

Stay with me, man. Stay with me.

Give it up. There's no way out.

Come on, come on.

You better listen to
what I'm saying, I'm tellin' ya.

Stay with me.

I'm telling ya, cops.

You're gonna have
her blood on your head!

Please, don't let them hurt me!

Karen, are you all right?


I just... I can't feel
anything in my leg.

Get out a broadcast.
Is it all right?

Call an ambulance fast.

Is everything all right?

Take it easy, take it easy.

Is everything all right?

Yes, yes. It's ok.

g*nsh*t victim, she's in shock,


Hooker, we heard the
emergency radio call.

Thought it might've been vince.

It's karen hall.

I don't know what happened,

But, uh, you can't hold
yourself responsible.

That's right, you don't
know what happened,

So spare me the
bedside manner, will you?

Dr. Klein, telephone,
please. Dr. Klein,

I trained her.

She was out in the streets,

What, 2, 3 weeks,
less than a month?

I was too aggressive
in a situation

Where I should've
been laid back.

And, before I knew it,
she was right beside me,

Following my example.

A bad example.

I checked with dispatch.

They found the
suspects' car, dumped.

Wiped clean of prints.

And the maggots
who were driving it?


♪ Who is this witch? ♪

♪ Who does she think she is? ♪

♪ Who is this witch? ♪

♪ She's messin' with my mind ♪

♪ She's messin' with my mind ♪

♪ Who is this witch? ♪

♪ I'm tired of trying ♪

♪ I'm tired of trying ♪

♪ Who is this witch? ♪

♪ Can't be ♪

♪ Who is this witch? ♪

♪ Don't have no time ♪

♪ No time, I have ♪

♪ Who is this witch? ♪

♪ Who does she think she is? ♪

♪ Who does she think she is? ♪

♪ Who is this witch? ♪

News on the radio said

One of them cops is
in critical condition.

The chick.

She dies, that means
we're facin' a m*rder rap.

So she dies.

That's one less blue suit.

What about the car?
They got a description.

Look, I already wiped
it clean and ditched it.

If we need another
one, we just rip one off.

You have the goods?

Hey, yeah, got a whole
stack of 'em for you, jason.

Uh, but the price is
gonna start to go up,

As of today.

You don't set the price,
tate. I set the price.

Bring the merchandise
to my office,

Through the rear entrance.

What are you trying
to do, get us k*lled?

It don't hurt to ask.

Come on, let's go unload.

Thank you for your help.

Dr. Stanford, telephone,
please. Dr. Stanford.

Any word?

Karen's ex-husband lives
somewhere out of state,

And her son and her mother

Are on their way
by bus to seattle.

They left last night,
sometime before the sh**ting.

A visit for the boy
with his grandparents.

We've notified the
highway patrol.

They're trying to
track the bus now.

Could be an hour, maybe longer.

No, that's too long.

Look, the arteries in
her right leg are severed.

She's losing a lot of blood.

What about transfusions, doctor?

We've got a whole precinct

That'd line up to give blood.

If we don't operate immediately.


I mean, usually we
consult with the family,

But in this case, if we can't
reach anyone for consent...

Would there be any other way

Besides amputation?

I'm afraid it could be a matter

Of her leg or her life.

Her legs are her life.

We'll take the
responsibility for the family.

You do what you have to, doctor.

That should've been me in there.

Now look, hooker,

If you're gonna try
to take the blame

For what happened,

It's not gonna do
any of us any good,

Least of all officer hall.

I can use a cup of coffee.

How many pieces do you have?

We got 28 in the first bag,

30 In the 2nd.

Smiths, colts, 45s, 38s.

You got 9-mm automatics.

Hmm, 12-gauge
winchester, nice, clean.

Yeah, I could use a
few more of these.

Couple of dozen sten
g*ns while you're at it.

I ain't never seen nobody
eat g*ns like you, jason.

What are you gonna
do, start your own w*r?

Your job is to deliver
the goods, smart-mouth.

Where they go and
what I do with them

Is my business.

Mickey mouse is
gettin' on my nerves.

If I get nervous, you
better get nervous.

Dr. Campbell, to x-ray, please.

Dr. Campbell.

Any news?

Anything on karen?

Not yet.

Hooker was right about the m.o.

It matches something
robbery was working on.

It's the 2nd time
they pulled this off.

Any solid suspects
with the same m.o.?


There's one more thing, captain.

A w*apon dropped by one of
the suspects during the getaway.

I recovered it at the scene.

It's being checked for
prints and ballistics, romano.

What about you, hooker?

I know they had masks on,

But did you get a close
enough look at them

To try to work on a composite?

No faces.

But the guy who
pulled the trigger,

I'll never forget his voice.

Eastern accent,
probably new york.

And the other
one, I saw his hands.

He was black.

Dr. White, telephone, please.

It'll be a couple of hours

Before she fully
comes out of it.

We did everything
possible to save her leg.

Hooker, I know how you feel.

Do you? I don't
think so, junior.

I don't think you
know what's in my gut.

That scum who pulled the trigger

Is gonna wish he
never saw a cop.

I'm gonna find him,
and I'm gonna bury him!

Swing down through 12th street.

You're looking to
check out g*ng activity?

g*ng activity, g*n activity.

There's been a
steady stream of g*ns

Turning up into the
hands of street punks.

Which may tie to
the g*n-shop heists.

It's worth shaking a few trees.

What about the
a*t*matic we recovered?

Any report on that?

Army issue. Brand new.

Serial number checks
with an out-of-state heist,

A shipment of military weapons.


A set of partials.

Robbery's running them
through the computer.

They'll let us know
if anything pops.

Junior, hold it!

Try and head 'em off.

Hands behind your head.

You got a permit for
this cannon, punk?

It's not mine! I found it!

Where'd you find it?

And skip the cha-cha 'cause I'm
not in the mood for fairytales.

I found it!

Let's just book him for practice

And let him think
long and hard about it.

What about it, morales? Huh?

I book you for possession? Huh?

And let you go cold turkey

From that horse
habit of yours? Huh?

Let you climb the
cell walls, hype?

The public defender
forgets who you are

Because he's got a
caseload 4 miles long?

No, man, please. I
couldn't take that, man.

You couldn't take it.
You couldn't take it, huh?

Couldn't take it.

Where'd you get the
45? Where'd you get it?

My cousin, man. Your cousin.

He knows some dudes.
He knows some dudes.

Who does he know?

I... I don't know
any names, man.

You don't know any
names. Could you find out?

I don't know. You don't know?

I guess so. Oh, you guess so.

Look here, I know so. I know so!

All right, morales,
I'm gonna book you,

But I'm gonna let
you walk on an o.r.

Tomorrow. Bright and early.

I'm gonna be right
back in your face,

'Cause I want chapter and verse.

I don't want any g*n sales
goin' down in my precinct,

You got that?

You got that?

Yeah. I got it.

You got it. Good.

Because there's
some hardcore scum

On the streets nowadays

That make you look
like prince charles.

Salt-and-pepper team.

They heist g*n shops.

A white guy, he's from the east,

Maybe new york.

You help me nail them,

And I might suddenly
get amnesia about you.

That's a good boy.

Karen, it's hooker.

I need to talk to you.

How about some light,
so we can see each other?

No lights.

Just get out.

I know how you must feel.

Who asked you to
come here and pity me?

I-i-i can't tell you how I feel.

I just want you to
know that I care.

And I don't want you to
get down on yourself.

Right, hooker.

When was the last
time that you saw

A one-legged female cop?

You'll walk again.
There are ways.

You know, when I was shot,

I couldn't feel anything
from my waist down.

I was so afraid I was gonna die.

Really afraid.

Funny, huh?

Now I'm afraid I'm gonna live.

Karen, give yourself some time.

Things have happened so fast.

Too fast.

Give your head time
to get it all straight.

What's the matter, hooker?

You feeling guilty?

Yes, I am.

Maybe I didn't train
you well enough.

Maybe too well. Whatever.

I just want you to know

That I'm concerned about you.

And I wanna help.

Don't worry about it, pal.

Everything's under control.

Your little boy
needs to see you.

And your mother, too.

Don't shut them out
the way you have.

You keep them away from me.

You keep them out of here!

You understand?

You keep them both away!

You understand?

Keep them both away!

Get out!

Get out! Get out!

Leave me alone!

Leave me alone!

Get out!

You know, hooker,
I'm finding out

That being a cop is more
than just wearing a g*n.

Mrs. Hall?



This is officer romano.

Hello, mrs. Hall. How do you do?

How's danny doing?

As well as can be
expected, I guess.

I'll go say hi to him.

Danny's so confused.

He just wants to see his mother.

Karen needs time to
make an adjustment

To what's happened to her.

Maybe a lot of time.

I know it's not just
the loss of her leg.

Part of it's that
she won't be able

To be a police officer anymore.

We talked about that a lot.

I always wanted her to go
to law school, be a lawyer.

No, karen felt that being a cop

Was what she wanted to do.

That's what she thought

She could do better than
anything else in the world.

Well, you know, if it comes down

To whether we need more
good cops or more lawyers,

You know how I feel, the
same way karen has always felt.

When do you think

That karen will be ready
to accept things as they are?

In amputee cases

The initial shock takes
a while to wear off.

So, until karen's
ready mentally,

She's... She's taking a beating.

But when she
comes swingin' back,

Things'll happen fast,

And that's when she'll
need you, mrs. Hall,

Need all of us.

Excuse me.

That sure is a neat schooner

You got there, danny.

I sure like that boat.

Hey, danny.

Danny, your mom

Wouldn't like you
sulking around like this.

Why doesn't she wanna see me?

Well, it's not that she
doesn't wanna see you.

It's just that she's
gotta spend a few days

In the hospital
talking to the doctors.

About what?

They're gonna give your
mom an artificial leg.

Do you know what that means?

Something in place
of the one she lost?

That's right.

And then when she's
fitted with that leg

And she learns how to use it,

She's gonna be
able to walk again,

But she's still
gonna need your help.

You're gonna have to
be the man in the family,

Until your mom gets well
enough to come back home.

Every day after school

We always play ball together.

Will she be able to
play ball with me?

Well, not the way she did.

Maybe not at all.

Are you going to see her soon?

As soon as I can.

Tell her for me,

I don't care about playing ball.

I just want her to come home

And be my mom.

I don't like
another hit so soon.

And I don't like we
take all the risks

And jason makes
most of the profit.

Well, he's the one
with all the contacts.

Look, we haven't
been doing so bad.

I figure a couple of more jobs

And I quit.

More pieces we deliver,
more bread we make.

More cash you got to take care

Of that wacko sister of yours.

She's not wacko.

All right, everybody
freeze where you are!

And open those cases! Fast!

Move it! Come on, come on.

Fill the bag with all
the dough. Come on.

Fill that bag with
everything it can hold.

r*fles. I want r*fles. r*fles!

Move it! Move it! Move it!

Come on!

If I had more, hooker,
you see, I'd tell you.

I mean, there's g*ns to be
had in full supply, you see.

But my cousin don't
give me no names, see.

I mean, he just bought the piece

From some black dude
over on marston boulevard

Who has a direct
connection to the pipeline.

I need more, morales.

I wanna know
where the pipeline is.

I wanna nail that
salt-and-pepper team.

Well, listen, I did hear

That they was workin'
in the neighborhood.

But that's all,
you see. That's it.

All units in the
vicinity, 1,200 block

On galvin boulevard,
2-11 in progress.

4-Adam-30, handle code 3.

4-Adam-30, roger.

Don't go away. We'll be back.

Come on, get on
the cash register.

Come on, come on, come on!

Hurry up!

Joe. Cops.

Go out back!

Get in there. Come on.

Get up.

Call an ambulance.

2 Men, armed. They're on foot.

Ambulance is on the way.

Looks like a piece
of pocket. And a reed.

A reed?

Yeah. Clarinet,
saxophone, maybe.

Could be one of the
guys we're looking for

Is a musician.

A musician who likes g*ns.


You think it was them?

I know it was them.

We came close. We
almost nailed them.

Close isn't good enough, hooker.

We have further
descriptions of them

And another partial
print to compare

With the g*n left behind
in the first robbery.

They've already come
up with a composite,

And robbery'll distribute it
to every g*n shop in the city.

There's gotta be something
else that we can do.

The detectives are on it.

Now you let 'em
handle it. Ok, hooker?

And you handle your street duty.

What about the reed we found?

Any guy who carries
around a special reed

Like that has to be either
a professional musician

Or a very turned-on amateur.

Ok. There could be
something in there.

Check the local music outlets

That handle that brand of reed,

Show them what we
have on the suspects.

Right now I got
something else I gotta do.

Dr. Davidson said you were here.

First time out of bed, huh?

First time.

How's it feel? How
do you think it feels?

Not exactly ready for
tap-dancing lessons.

I've always found this
is a good place to come

When you need help.

I'm not here to pray.

I'm here to ask why.

Why my leg?

Why does it have to be
my life that's screwed up?

Just when I thought I
knew where I was going.

Just when I was
learning how to live.

Now look at me.

No matter how bad
you think it is now,

You're still alive and
that's what counts.

You're still the
same person I trained,

The same kid who
came into the academy,

The green rookie
who came out a cop.

A woman.

And what I need from you now,

What your family needs,

The same grit you needed
to get through the academy.

You have to be tough on yourself

To get through this, karen.

Real tough!

You're not my drill
sergeant anymore, hooker!

You just get out of here!

I'm not quitting, and
I'm not letting you quit!

Where are your guts, karen?

I know your leg is gone,

But did they cut
out your guts, too?

Why you...

Your leg is gone, karen.

And your head and
heart have to take over.

That is if you have the
guts and the stamina to do it.

Come on, karen!

Have you?

Not exactly poetry in motion,

But a step in the
right direction.

My little boy, hooker.

I wanna see him and my mother.

I'll have them here

Before you can
catch your breath.

She's in the chapel.

She wants to see you, mrs. Hall.

You and danny.

Thank you, hooker.

That's terrific.

Listen, hooker,
stacy just called.

We finally have
something on a sax reed.

A music-store owner on 7th

Made a positive i.d.
On the black guy.

As a musician who's purchased
equipment from him before.

Any name?

First name, jerry.
No known address.

That's it?

So far, but that
might just be enough.

Stacy and corrigan
are running it down

With the buddy of mine
at the musicians' union.


We thought we'd let you know,

Before we turned it
over to the detectives,

That we came up with a name
from the musicians' union.

Jerry slaughter.

And the computer
spit out enough on him

To make him look like
a righteous suspect.


Like a dozen priors from as*ault
and r*pe to armed robbery.

He's out on parole.

Got a location?

His last known working address

Was a club on the
south side, the action.

That's over on
marston boulevard.

Dino morales told us

That's where his g*ng
was buying their g*ns.

Thank you, guys.

You can turn it over
to the detectives now.

Hooker, if you're headed
where I think you're headed,

I wanna be a part of it.

You got it, junior.

♪ Who is this witch? ♪

♪ There's no other
way to please her ♪

♪ No matter how you try ♪

♪ Who is this witch? ♪

♪ She will lie if
you believe her ♪

♪ To keep her satisfied ♪

♪ She lives in mystery ♪

♪ What she's in is
what you'll get ♪

♪ Her hand in your pocket ♪

♪ If you're helpless
she likes it ♪

♪ This girl is
driving me insane ♪

♪ Who is this witch? ♪

♪ There's no way to please her ♪

♪ No matter how you try ♪

You feel a little conspicuous?

Well, just act like you belong.

Maybe nobody'll notice.


♪ She's out to get revenge ♪

♪ She don't care
how she gets to you ♪

♪ Her whole game
is to see that ♪

♪ She'll have you believing ♪

♪ No matter what you do ♪

♪ Who is this witch? ♪

♪ There's no way to please her ♪

Are you sure you're in
the right neighborhood?

♪ Who is this witch? ♪

Oh, yeah, I come here
every saturday night.

I love this band.


Especially the sax man.

♪ Who is this witch? ♪

Jerry slaughter, right?

So? You taking a survey
for lawrence welk?

Get us 2 beers, will ya?
And skip the smart dialogue.

♪ Who is this witch? ♪


♪ Who is this witch? ♪

♪ She's messin' with my mind ♪

♪ She's messin' with my mind ♪

♪ Who is this witch? ♪

♪ Tired of tryin' ♪

♪ Tired of tryin' ♪

♪ Who is this witch? ♪

♪ Who is this witch? ♪

♪ Who does she think she is? ♪

♪ Who does she think she is? ♪

♪ Who is this witch? ♪

Hold it, slaughter! Police!

I'll call it in.

Look, they're taking slaughter
away in the ambulance.

He's alive, but he's messed up.

I take it messed up means
his mouth is shut for a while.

Yeah, long enough for us to hit the
warehouse, if that's what you mean.

But now we're a guy short.

Don't worry about it.

Bret and nick will take care
of slaughter's end on the inside.

If bret's inside, who drives?

I do.

Oh, you must want
this one real bad.

There's enough
g*ns in that building

To outfit the
marines. I want them.

The army-issue a*t*matic
that was dropped at the scene

Where karen was gunned down

Was taken from a
military shipment.

These guys don't limit
their take to small scores.

And I think this
blueprint sketch

Means they're
gonna hit again, soon.

So what'd you think? A
shipping depot? A warehouse?

Uh, just for the hell of
it, let's cruise the docks.

This looks like the floor plan

Of one of the
warehouses out there,

And we got the
pepper half of the team,

But not the salt.

Sunday morning?

That truck shouldn't be there.

Call it in.

4-Adam-16 to control.

Code 6 at supply-center

Washburn and stanton.

Request a backup.

Roger, 4-adam-16.

4-Adam-30, officer
requesting backup

At supply-center warehouse,

Washburn and
stanton. Respond code 2.

4-Adam-30, roger.

What've you got?

I don't know yet,

But it looks like
somebody unauthorized

Decided to put in
some sunday duty

Inside the warehouse.

What about the security system?

It looks like it's been cut.

And the lock on the
rear door is busted open.

Corrigan, romano.

Hold it. Police.

I'll cover the front.
You call for more backup.


Jas, the cops!

Give it up! You
haven't got a chance.

All right, all right,
hold your fire.

Throw down your g*ns!

Gome out with your hands up!

Hold it right there!

On your knees.

Get on your knees!

Put your hands behind your neck!

Behind your neck!

Hold it right there.

There will be some
difficulty at first,

Until you get used to it.

But depending on the
patient and any complications,

We can usually have
you up and about,

And walking easily with no pain,

Within an area of 3 to 4 weeks.

And if there are complications?

We don't expect any.

If you're ready to
take that first step.

I don't know, i...

I used to be able to do things.

Karen, you're still you.

You don't have to
leave the force.

Desk job, right?

Hey, there's a guy working
in vice with only one hand.

What about phil bonner?

He put in 19 years in
the force this month,

And he's been missing an
eye since he was a rookie.

That's right.

You get the feeling

These guys are trying
to tell me something?

Well, if you'd stop
being so stubborn

And open your
ears a little wider,

You might learn something.

Well, 4 o'clock. Time to roll.

Sheridan's got you guys
pulling nightwatch again?

Yeah. Just his way of
expressing his appreciation

For our getting in the
detectives way on the g*n heists.

Oh, I see.

And the federal
boys are into it now.


They've got jason and the others
on a dozen different counts.

Most of those g*ns
were being used

As trade on the
narcotics market.

Well, why not?

g*ns are better than
money, the way the economy is.

What about tate and slaughter?

Attempted m*rder
of a police officer.

They won't be seeing the
outside of those prison walls

Till you're ready

To draw your old-age
pension, maybe never.

Yeah, probably not before
I get that date with you,

Right, hooker?


Saturday night, 3 weeks,
you and I have a date.

Why 3 weeks?

'Cause I'm gonna
take you dancin'.