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02x08 - Return/The Toughest Man Alive

Posted: 04/29/23 18:48
by bunniefuu


The plane! The plane!

Good morning, boss.

Good morning, tattoo. Are
you ready to meet our guests?

Boss! Boss! What is it?

My car! It's been stolen!

Stolen? Yes, I
left it right there.

Oh, surely you must be mistaken.

I mean, who would steal
a car on fantasy island,

Especially of that size.

No, you must have
parked it somewhere else.

No, boss. I parked
it right there.

Tattoo, please. We mustn't
keep our guests waiting.

I'm sure your car will turn up.

Come on, let's go.


Smiles, everyone, smiles.


[Mr. Roarke] mrs. Helena
marsh and her son jamie,

All the way from new york city.

[Tattoo] there must
be some mistake.

This lady was here before,
and you never let anyone

Come back twice
on fantasy island.

Oh, there are exceptions
to every rule, my friend,

Especially when one's fantasy
wasn't completed the first time around.

Not completed?

We had the fashion show, with all
those designers from all over the world.

She won the first
prize, didn't she?

Oh, she did indeed, and it's led

To great success in the
fashion industry ever since.

Then how come her
fantasy was not completed?

Because while she was here the
first time, she met a man and fell in love,

A love she never
revealed to anyone.

Now, four years later, she's asked
us to make everything as it was then.

You mean, we're
gonna have another

Fashion show, with
all those pretty girls?

Well, naturally. Pretty girls are an
essential part of such activities, tattoo.

Do you recognize
that man, tattoo?

No. Why should i?

Is he some kind of vip?

Not at all, and
that's the point.

Mr. Tony emerson is the kind of
person who gets lost in a crowd.

To himself and to the
world... He's a nobody.

He wants to become somebody?

Oh, he does indeed, tattoo; a
very special kind of somebody.

For this weekend,
mr. Emerson wants to be

A hero.

A hero? What kind of a hero?

The kind that are his favorites

In the movies: john wayne,
charles bronson, clint eastwood.

That guy? Oh, boss, why don't
you forget the whole thing?

Your faith could
move a mole hill.

Believe me, for this weekend,

Mr. Emerson will become

The toughest man alive.

My dear guests, I am
mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to fantasy island.



Hello jamie, mrs. Marsh.

It's nice having you back
on fantasy island again.

It's nice being back.

Darling, why don't you go and find
a table and I'll join you in a minute?


He's certainly grown to be
a big and handsome lad, uh?

Yes, hasn't he.

Jamie doesn't know
why we're here,

Apart from the fashion
show and a small vacation.

I understand. Oh, I'm sure
he'll have a good time.

I suppose you think that
I'm rather foolish for...

For being in love? No.

Never, mrs. Marsh.

In my country, it's
a national pastime.

Even when you don't tell the
one that you're in love with?

Oh, I assure you, mrs. Marsh.

The world is filled
with secret loves.

Were you really able
to make things exactly

The same as they
were last four years?

As much as possible.

But many things have, of
course, changed, you, for instance

Me? Oh, most definitely.

The last time you arrived,
your husband had just died

Three months before and you were
busy picking up the pieces of your life

And the fashion career you
abandoned when you married.

And financially,

Running a hospital school
in the slums of calcutta

Hadn't made you an
exactly prosperous woman.


Well, I suppose some
things have changed.

I remember I had $48
and 10 cents to my name

When I stepped off that plane

The first time.

And now, you are
quite a success.

But as for the rest
of your fantasy.

Um, as it was four years ago,

The fantasy island festival of
fashions is once again being held,

And among the
designers and newsman

And spectators

Are the same three
very eligible bachelors

Who were here the first time.

For instance...

Count rafael
delgado. Dear rafael.

The famous french designer,

Jean montaine. He never changes.

And, of course, the
american fashion critic,

Mr. Edwin summers.

You are amazing.

We try to please.

Uh... Enjoy your lunch,

And I'll see you this afternoon.

This afternoon?

Yes, the first round
of the fashion festival.

Oh, of course.

Now, if you'll
excuse me. Tattoo?

Guess I'm having second
thoughts, mr. Roarke.

I mean, I'm a passable engineer.

You put a drawing board in front
of me, I'm a good problem solver.

But to try and
make me into a hero,

Like the duke or clint
eastwood or charles bronson...

Have faith, mr. Emerson.

This is fantasy island.

Do you know the only

Actual difference between
you and those macho

Super heroes you just mentioned?

Well, I always thought I did.

It's that, like almost everyone,

You utilize only 10 to 15%
of your true potential.

Whereas, heroes
through all history

Have been those
able to tap and use

Tremendous power and courage.

What's this?

It is said that samson,
before facing the philistines,

Harnessed his inner
strength with a draught

Very similar to this one.

That inner strength is
yours with just one sip.

Would you like to
test it yourself?


Oh... I'm terribly sorry.

Feel kind of... Feel
kind of strange.

I feel...

I don't know how I
feel. I feel kind of...


Unbend it.

Are you kidding?
Please try, mr. Emerson.

Unbend a horse shoe? Mm-hmm.

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my gosh.

I did it. I really did it!

Mr. Roarke, what do I do now?

I suggest you return
to your bungalow.

There you will find a wardrobe

More appropriate
for your weekend.

After that, it's up to you.



What are you all dressed up for?

Come on, take off that
trick or treat costume

And let's see those pretty legs.

Sir, my sister anna does
not... Bug off, buster!

We don't need you!
What about me?


What is that, milk
your drinking?

You want some... Creep?


You see, sam? I told you.

He's the only man
who can help us.

Help you?


I'm almost afraid to tell...

Even you.

It would take the toughest
man alive to help us.

What have you got in mind?

[Tattoo] and now,
for the next entry

For the fantasy
island fashion festival,

Coming all the way
from paris, france,

Monsieur jean montaine,

With a collection
called le papillon.

[Audience applauding]

Just like your father.

Always feeding someone.

You have to be dr. Marsh's son.

How did you know that?

You look just like him.

My name is cebee singh.

I am covering the fashion show
for my newspaper in calcutta.

My name's jamie. Yes, I know.

The last time I saw you,

You were running
around in diapers.

[Laughing] did you
know my father well?

He raised me...

Along with some 200 or so
other children, of course.

Without your father, I never
would have learned to read or write.

I was very sad to
hear that he had died.

Thank you.

So, four years later,

You can imagine how happy I was to
hear that your mother would be here also.

She was much loved too.

I'm sure she'll be
happy to see you too.

[Tattoo] ladies and gentlemen,

For the last entry
of this afternoon,

Helena marsh,
moonlight in india.

[Audience applauding]

That'll be mom. I gotta go.

It was nice to see
you, again, I guess.

Yes, again.



Boss! Boss! I've
got to talk to you!

Later, tattoo, I'm
watching the show.

But, boss, it's important.

All right, tattoo, what is it?

It's about mrs. Marsh.

All afternoon I was watching her
to see which man she was in love with.


Boss, you think that's bad.

Wait till I tell you the worst.

She does not look

At any of those men.

All afternoon she's
been looking at you.


I think you're the reason she
came back to fantasy island.

You're the one
she's in love with.

Ours is a small, poor village

On the other side of the island.

Hard working
people... Pearl farmers.


Every year, just when

Our pearls are harvested,
captain fisk comes with his g*ng

And takes most of
them away from us.

And they leave us just enough
to survive until the next year.

You ever tried fighting back?

Once, a long time ago.

Then captain fisk came along
and did terrible things to us,

To our village, in retaliation.

We are divers.

We are pearl farmers.
We are not fighters.

That's why we need your
help. To fight for you?

Maybe for a while,
but more important

Is to teach us how to fight, so we can
protect ourselves even after you're gone.

g*ng of fence-cutting
poachers, huh?

Well, I guess I know what
the duke or eastwood

Would do with a bunch
of creeps like that.


Eastwood? Friends of yours?

Sort of.

Birds of a feather.

You know, kindred spirits.

Well, I guess we'd
better be moseying along.

[Anna] we are here already.

And we're too late.

Where is captain fisk?

Boat couldn't make it.

But he sent a message.

He hoped you folks had a good year,
'cause he can sure use the extra loot.

He has such contempt for us,

He doesn't even bother
to come himself any more.

Save the violins.
Gimme the pearls!


What have we here?


Mighty nice. Who
does this belong to?

They're ours, smart guy.

They belong to the
people of the village.

We worked a whole year for them.

Well, boys, seems to be a little
difference of opinion around here.

Hand 'em over, fella, pronto,

Or you're gonna be sorry!

[Chuckling] wrong.

You're the one gonna be sorry.

Any more discussion, yo-yo?

Or do we have it all worked out?

Wait'll we tell the captain. He's gonna
be mad, and you ain't gonna like that.

None of ya! That I guarantee!

[Villagers cheering]

Here, grandfather.
Our pearls, all safe.

Safe? For how long?

An hour? A day?

Only until cruel fisk returns!

When the captain does come back,

Will you teach us how to fight
him this time? Will you lead us?

I didn't ride all the
way over here to lose.


[Villagers cheering]


I suppose what I mean is,
that I'm glad that the fashions

Have finally come to an
end, because I think that...

Boss! Boss! Where have you been?

I've been looking
all over for you.

If you must know, I've been
looking out over the ocean.

Looking out over the ocean?

Is something wrong with it?

I just had some thinking to do.

Don't worry, boss. I will have
everything under control.

I'm sure I can get mrs. Marsh

And her son on the first
plane tomorrow morning.

I may have to change
certain things,

But I think that's the best.

After all,

She can be under
a false pretence.

Do you ever foresee
changing that?

Ladies and gentlemen,
will you excuse me?

I believe this is the dance
mrs. Marsh has promised me.

Mrs. Marsh...

Uh, it was good
seeing you, cebee.

I would be most grateful

If we could talk about

The hospital school later on.

Well, right now,

I don't know where
I'd find the time.

He's not bothering you, I hope.

No, no.

It's just that that
part of my life is over.

I'm glad I lived it, but
now it's time that i...

Leave it behind?

Yes, leave it behind forever.

Is something wrong?

No, it's just that under this

Well practised facade
of calm and poise,

I feel like a teenage
boy on his first date.


Because of something
my friend tattoo suspects.

I'm almost afraid to say it.


That I could be the man you
came back to fantasy island for.

And if that's true?

Then the fantasy I've
had for four years...

Would finally come true as well.



I think you can stop
worrying about juggling

That flight out of
here tomorrow morning.

Still can't find
your car, tattoo?


I'm sure someone stole it.

I left it, last
night, right here.

Oh, come now. Who, on fantasy
island would dare do such a terrible...

[Horn honking]


Chester, come back! You thief!

Voleur! You stupid monkey!

I can see this is a much more serious
problem than I thought before.


I get you for that!

You rotten monkey!

Mr. Roarke, mr. Roarke!

You'll never believe
what's been happening.

Things beyond my wildest
dreams, and today...

There will be no today.

What do you mean
there will be no today?

Your fantasy is
over, mr. Emerson.

This cheque you
gave me. It bounced.

Bounced? Then
they've made a mistake.

Obviously, someone did.

Shall we go?

Now, wait, wait.

You just can't turn my
fantasy on and off like a faucet.

Really? Tattoo?

Then perhaps you
should try unbending this.

Mr. Roarke, look...

I mean, you can't
do this, please.

I talked these people into sticking
their necks out because of me.

They think I'm strong
enough to fight that band

Of outlaws who've
been robbing them.

Without me, believe me...

Yes, I can well imagine.

It seems you defrauded
them too, doesn't it?

I just can't leave them.
What am I gonna do?

Well, you're the man who
wanted to be a hero, mr. Emerson.

I think, perhaps, you should
figure that out. But, i...

I'm afraid I have other
business to attend to.

I must ask you that
you make up your mind.

You can either get in now,

And have a ride back
to the main house.

Or stay here.

It's a very long walk.

But I can't leave them.

So be it.

Good luck.

Boss... Don't you think

You were a little hard on him?

Mr. Emerson wanted
to be a hero, tattoo.

Now, perhaps, he's going to have a
real chance to fulfill his fantasy.

What about mrs. Marsh's fantasy?

If you must know, my friend,

Helena's the reason
I must get back.



[Crowd applauding]

[Tattoo] and now,
the fashion of spain.


Tattoo, did you
hear! Did you hear?

I didn't hear anything.

Mom and mr. Roarke.
They're gonna be married!

That's very nice.

I've been looking all
over for you. Anna.

Not that we are worried.

With you to lead us, it's
fisk who should be worried.

Your people have put
their faith in a phoney.


That man at the pool, and fisk's
man, that was all roarke's doing.

Now I'm right back
where I started from

Before I came to this island...

A guy who never stood up
to anything his whole life.

I don't believe you.

Unfortunately, it's true,

Whether you believe me or not.

I see.

I will get the horses.

It was wrong for sam
and me to bring you here.

Letting me off the
hook, huh? Just like that?

What choice do we have?

We've suffered before.

No doubt we will again.


For whatever I'm
worth, which isn't much,

I've got to stay
and do what I can.

Against such animals?


Well, that's what they
are, aren't they? Animals.

That's right, animals.

And even if I'm not the
toughest man alive any more,

There's one thing I've got even
roarke can't take away from me.

I'm a good engineer,
and I can figure out ways

To trap animals... Come on!

Oh, tattoo! There you are.

We've been looking
everywhere for you.

Is something wrong?

Nothing is wrong, boss.

I'll be out of your
way in a minute.

Out of my way?

It's not gonna take me long.

Now, wait a minute,
wait a minute.

Your ledger, your computer, your
favorite books? Even your trumpet music?

I will clean my room out
as soon as I finish here.

Tattoo, why?

Why? You don't have
to draw me a picture.

The boss is getting married.

This is gonna be your house now.

You don't want me to be around.

I see, and just where do you
plan to move to, my friend?

Don't worry, boss,
I'll find someplace.

Maybe behind a barn. I
don't need a lot of room.

[Mouthing words]

Tattoo, please don't do this.

What difference does
it make to you anyway?

You are the best friend of
the man that I'm going to marry.

I would say it makes a great
deal of difference to me.

Besides, if you leave now, it
will be like breaking up our family

Before it even begins.

It's true.

Then, how come I was the last one
to know about you getting married?

Oh... So, that's it.

Tattoo, we didn't tell you,
because we didn't have a chance.

Apparently, you took
off from the fashion show

Immediately after
talking to jamie.

You were going to be the
first person we told after jamie.

Oh, yes.

We love you, tattoo, and
we want you to go on living

Here in this house just
like you always have.

You really mean it?

With all my heart.

You too, boss?

Yes, me too.

Now, will you start unpacking
before we all start to cry?

They're here, captain
fisk and his men,

And he looks really mad.

Spread out, and flush 'em out.

[Emerson] that ain't no man.
That's a walking mountain.

Well, as they say
in the w*r movies,

"Don't fire 'til you see
the whites of their eyes."

Careful, honey, don't want
anything happening to you.

Yoo-hoo! There he is. Get him!



They're all yours, boys.

Over this way.

If you're looking
for me, that is.

Something tells me you are.



I got your girl, tough guy!

Come on out, or she'll
wind up with a broken arm.

No! No, tony, you can't!

Unhand her, you bum.

This is between you and me.

All right, punk.
Let's get this settled.



I'm gonna tear you
apart with my bare hands.

Please, grandfather, we've got
to help him. Fisk is going to k*ll him.

But he fight with two
men yesterday and he won.

But that was yesterday!
Today he is afraid as we are!

He could have left, but he
stayed. He stayed to fight our fight!

Fisk is such a terrible man.

But tony found the
courage to fight him.

Say your prayers, tough guy.

'Cause your time's
just about up.

Ahh, ahh...!

[Villagers cheering]

The islanders are giving
us a luau this evening.

Oh, what fun.

Do all the fantasies turn
out as wonderfully as mine?

Only when I wish them to.

But you must remember,

I wished for this one to come
true for four long years.

Is something wrong?

Before you go in,

Always remember,
now and forever,

I love you more than
anything in this world.

Mom! Mom! What?

You'll never guess who's here!

Who? It's nana!

Nana shastri? Yes!

She worked for us at the hospital
school. She practically raised jamie.

Come on.


How wonderful to see you.

After the typhoon,

We pray so hard
to find you, so hard.

Now our prayers are answered.

Mom, nana says we
have to go back to india.

We have to live there.


It was all in the letters
we sent you, so many letters,

But you must not
have gotten them.

There was no reply.

I tried to talk to you before.

There was a typhoon.

It did much damage to
the hospital school.

The authorities say that
if you do not come back,

The buildings will be torn down.

But I don't understand.

What about dr. Chang and the
others? Can't he do something?

Dr. Chang is an old man now,

Sick most of the time.

The bankers say that
the hospital school

Belongs to you,
dr. Marsh's widow.

That if they are going to
loan money to fix the damage

The typhoon did,
then you must come

And take charge again.

They have confidence
in only you.

How badly is the
hospital school damaged?

Many of the children
sleep without a roof.

No roof? But the
monsoons will be there soon.

Before the monsoons, the bull dozers
will come next week if you are not there.

Mrs. Marsh, please come back.



Have you made your decision?

You are leaving, aren't you?

Is that what you want?


Every ounce of my
body wants you to stay,

Every breath of my soul...

But only if you could be happy.

How could I not be
happy here with you?

Because you're running.

You've been running
for four years, helena...

Ever since your husband died.

Tell me the truth.

The letters nana sent you.

Didn't you get any of them?

What are you saying?

I don't think you came back
to fantasy island for me.

I think, deep inside of you,

You have a need,

Maybe even a sense of
guilt, to carry on the work

You and your husband began.

But I saw it k*ll him.

18, 20 Hours a day.
It was never enough.

First there was
room for 20 children,

Then 50, 100, finally 200.

But it was never
enough... It was never,

Never enough.

Taking care of 200 children...

Is a marvelous accomplishment.

You make the same
mistake everyone else does.

It wasn't the 200

That we took care of
that k*lled my husband.

It was the 200 that we couldn't.

And not 200 a year or
a month or even a week.

200 A day.

That's how many children

Die in the streets of calcutta

Every day of every
year from lack of food

And medication.

You know what upsets
me the most is that

Jamie wants to be
just like his father.

He wants to spend his life helping
those who can't help themselves.

I could give you the money
to repair the hospital,


But that wouldn't
solve anything, would it?

You need them as
much as they need you.

But I love you.

I know.

I know.

But sometimes in life...

There are things more important
than personal considerations.

It's time for you
to go home, helena.

Come with me.

And take away the fantasies
of everyone who comes here?

You couldn't do that

Any more than I can
refuse to go back.

We live on two different
planets, don't we?

My land of fantasies,

To yours of desperate reality.

You knew this
afternoon, didn't you?

When you took me back
to the bungalow, you said,

"Always remember that
I love you more than...

[Together] anything
in this world."

But I also knew then that...

Fantasies are
very fragile things.

Like a child's bubble
floating on the air.

But it's not a fantasy.

I love you, and you
said you loved me.

That part will always be true.


Mr. Roarke.

Oh, mr. Emerson, i...

I am so sorry about our
little misunderstanding.

Your check was good all along,

But a computer error...

That happens every day.

Somehow i... I get the feeling

That you knew my check
was good all the time.

Really? Interesting thought.


Uh... By the way...

You think their might be an
extra seat on the plane today?

Of course.

Good luck, mr. Emerson.

Goodbye, tattoo.


Goodbye, mr. Roarke.
Goodbye, jamie.

Be a good boy.

Take care of your
mother for me, will you?


I wish you well, sir.

Thank you.

Twice in my life I've had to
say goodbye to the man I loved.

Goodbye, helena.

If you should ever need me...

Goodbye, tattoo.


Boss, there is something
I don't understand.

You know everything
on fantasy island.

You must have known
that the newspaperman,

Once he saw mrs.
Marsh in a fashion show,

He would call india.

They've been looking
for her for a long time.

Yes, tattoo, I knew.

If you love her so much,
why did you let that happen?

Don't you understand, my friend?

It's because I do love her
that I had to let it happen.
