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05x01 - Miles to Go Before I Sleep

Posted: 04/30/23 09:24
by bunniefuu
Dr. Royer to Cardiac
Intensive Care.

Dr. Royer to Cardiac
Intensive Care, please.

Mr. Richards?

Mr. Richards?

ICU Ward. May I help you?

How long has Mr. Richards got?

Check my crystal ball.

Candy, we can't
predict the future.

All we can tell is if the sand
is getting low in the hourglass.

Well, maybe I
should go sit with him.

- He shouldn't be alone.
- He won't even know

that you're there.

Let the man die in peace.

That was the way he wanted it.

Oh, no, when my
grandfather died,

we were all there,
singing hymns to him.

That's probably what k*lled him.

Hey, Jo. What do you need?

Oh, yeah. I wish you'd stand by,

because it looks like
Mr. Richards is on his way out.

He's almost out of sand.

I thought he was doing better.

Yeah, but he started to
go downhill this morning.

Mr. Richards?

I knew it.

I knew you'd come.

What took you so long?

Well... Henry, God's
timing is not our timing.

Oh, "to everything
there is a season," huh?

And you know what?

I'm looking forward to this one.

You know what?

People like you make
this job a whole lot easier.

Yeah, but Dr. Charles
said he thought

that Mr. Richards
was rebounding.

Well, you know the
way it goes around here.

I'm gonna go be with him.

Oh, Candy, looks
like you missed him.

Diane, page Dr. Charles
and have him call it.

Arthur, come with me.

Yeah. Sure.

You're very good
at this, you know?

Thank you. Thank you.

I've had a lot of practice.

Uh... I've been in here...

for quite some time.


I've prayed a lot of prayers.

I know.

It's, uh... it's
rough to be the...

last one to go.

- Yeah.
- But...

maybe there'll be a bigger
welcoming committee.


Right. Right.

The, uh... Oh, wait.

I forgot my Bible.

Henry... it's time.

But there's somebody
here who needs help.


Promise me you'll come
back and get my Bible.

It's all in there.

You'll know what to do with it.

There's a perfectly healthy
person here who's dying.

Promise me you'll
come back and help.

I-I promise.

Go on. We'll wait right here
for you till you come back.

Who is it, Tess?

Who's he talking about?

God only knows, baby.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

He looked so peaceful.

Arthur, get a gurney.

And, Diane, get the pulse
ox machine out of there

and take it to 302.

And, Candy... stop crying.

Yes, ma'am.

Andrew shouldn't take too long.

No, he shouldn't.

Oh, here he comes now. I
see you kept your promise.

That was strange, wasn't it?

Yeah. I've never
gotten an assignment

from an assignment before.

And you still haven't.

We take our orders
from the Father,

not from human beings, I
don't care how nice they are.

Then what are you doing here?

Are you listening to me?

The Father sent us here.

Not Mr. Richards.

And our assignment is
to minister to the people

on the third floor
of this hospital.

- And so here we are.
- But what about

Mr. Richards' Bible?

And the healthy
person who's dying?

Did he tell you who it was?

Well, he started
to, but then once...

well, once we got
there... uh, you know.

- Mm.
- Are you listening?

To me at all?

Mr. Richards is not omnipotent,

and he is not omnipresent.

What Mr. Richards is, is dead.

Now, maybe something is
going on here, and Mr. Richards

thought the way to handle
it was to help one person,

but God says there are
a bunch of people up here

who need help.

Anyway, this is
just what I believe.

I just believe this.

If we listen to the living God,

instead of the
dead Mr. Richards,

everything's just
gonna work out fine.

How does that sound to you, huh?

But, um... on the
other hand, now,

you did make a promise, Andrew,

and you have got to keep it.


go on in there and...
and get the Bible,

and we'll see what's in it.

Come on, Tess...

aren't you just a
wee bit curious?

Absolutely not.

I'm thorough.

It's gone.

The Bible's gone.

- Ow!
- I'm not in the mood

- for this, Rita.
- Neither am I.

It's fine. Will you
just leave it alone?

It's fine when I say it's fine.

Well, you all were sure
making a lot of racket

out there a minute ago.

Don't you know there
are people dying in here?

Yes. Mr. Richards
beat you to it.

Lucky you.

What do you think happened
to Mr. Richards' Bible?

I don't know.

But I know a few chapters
that nurse ought to read.

Special delivery
for Mrs. Rita Lasky.

Morning, Rita.

Well, today we have
an excellent porridge.

It's not too hot,
not too cold...

just right.

Oh, yech!

And, uh,

also, I, uh, I got
you something else.

Robert Frost.

Candy said he's
your favorite poet.

Although, um, she referred
to him as "Jack" Frost.

Yeah, well, Candy's an idiot,

and you are too pushy.

Well, you know, as,
uh, Mr. Frost said,

- "Freedom lies in being bold."
- He also said,

"Good fences make
good neighbors."

So I'll tell you what, why
don't you do me a favor,

you stay on your
side of the fence,

and I will stay on mine, okay?

See you later.

That's sad to see people who
don't have family and friends

to share their last days with.

Well, because they're not here

doesn't mean she
doesn't have any.

She has family? Where?

On the other side of the fence.

I don't know what they
told you downstairs,

but on this floor most of
our patients are terminal,

so we don't worry too much
up here about the rules.

Visiting hours, uh, how
many visitors, that kind of thing.

That's very kind of you.

Whatever. We get a pretty
big turnover on this floor.

Um, I was going
through my reports,

and I noticed that
a Mr. Richards

died today in 374.

I was wondering should
I do some follow-up,

you know, notify family
or collect personal effects.

No family. No stuff to return.

- Ah. No stuff.
- No, he had a Bible.

Maybe Candy put it
on her cart. Candy?

- Hm?
- What happened to Mr. Richards' Bible?

Gosh, I don't know.

Did he have a Bible?

Can you read if
you're in a coma?

First patient's Rita Lasky, 376.

"And miles to go
before I sleep."

Hello, Rita.

My name is Monica.

I work with Social Services
here at the hospital.

I-It says here
you're a truck driver.

What kind of rig do you have?

18-wheeler with an anteater?

Double axle with
a cab over Pete.

An anteater.

Yeah, my-my husband and
I used to do the long haul

from Miami to Fresno every week.

I never meet a truck driver
who read Robert Frost.

Yeah, well, I never met

a prissy little social worker
who knew from big rigs.

I did some homework.

What do you want?

The hospital thought I
might be able to help you

take care of some
pending matters

that need attention.

"Pending matters"?

You mean like, stuff I
got to do before I die?

Got to clean up
all the loose ends?

Well, I could get you some help

if you... wanted
to make out a will,

or I could contact
family members.

The only thing
I've got to my name

is a 20-year-old
semi collecting dust

in an impound yard in Fresno.

The government can
have that, for all I care.

And I don't have any family,

so you can keep your dime.

Well, it says here
that you have a sister,

a nephew and two nieces.

That doesn't make them family.


I told you that I don't
need your services, Monica.


Now, that wasn't so bad, was it?

It's no worse than
the rest of them.

Looks like you're
getting used to it, huh?

Getting used to it?

Getting tired of it.

All these brain scans
seem pretty pointless to me.

I don't know what
else they expect to find.

Maybe they're looking
for signs of intelligent life.

Just a little joke.

I'm trying to lighten
the mood, okay?

Yeah. That's what
everybody tries to do.

Keep it light so
you don't remind me

about the golf ball
sitting on my brain.

I know what I have, Andrew.

You don't have to be
afraid to talk about it.

I wish somebody would.


Well... the, um...

The tumor is not
shrinking with the steroids,

so what they're thinking...

Tumor? What tumor?


Just keeping the mood light.

Yeah, just don't, uh, go so
hard on me my first day, all right?

Are you gonna be comfortable
hanging around a dying person?

I think I can handle it.

Housekeeping needed in Room 211.

They said my odds were only
so-so of surviving the surgery,

but they never said

I might not survive all
the pre-surgery tests.

Uh, you know, I think

that you're gonna
do just fine on both.

Oh, thanks.

I know I am.

I'll tell you something, John.

You, my friend, have
got one great attitude.

This isn't attitude.
This is faith.

Dr. DeLine wanted
in O.R. Four...

Well... faith is, uh...

pretty hard to beat.

With faith, you can
get through anything.

Faith's not gonna
get me through this.

Faith is gonna
get me around this.

What does that mean?

I can't explain it exactly,

but I just have this feeling

that there's gonna be a miracle,

and I'm gonna be fine.

You know, John, I-I
believe in miracles.

I've seen miracles.

But sometimes
miracles don't look

the way we-we expect them to.

I'll know mine when I see it.

Besides, miracles are
happening to me all the time.


Hey, baby.

How are you?

- I'm great.
- Yeah?

I missed you, though.

Mm. Say hello to my
new chauffeur Andrew.

- Hi.
- This is miracle

number one, and this
is miracle number two.

Wait! Wait! Come back here!

- Excuse me.
- Please don't go.

Come back!

Hey! Hey!


Diane, check her PRN order.

Please don't go!

- Calm down.
- Please, not yet! -Hey!

- Please.
- Calm down.

- Take it easy.
- Oh, did you see him?

Relax. Rita, calm down.

Everything's okay.

Did you see him?

We didn't see anybody.

He was here. He was right here.

- Who?
- Oh.

The angel.

The Angel of Death
was right here.

- Rita?
- Huh?

What did you mean,
"The Angel of Death"?

The Angel of Death came for me,

but... with a message.

A message from God.

It's the morphine.

Relax. Rita, let the
medication take effect.

We can talk about
the angel later.

God's plan for me.

Do you ever notice when
dying people hallucinate,

they-they never see
elephants or basketball players.

It's angels. It's always angels.

Except for snakes. We...

We get a lot of snakes, too.

Please call Operator 22.

Nurse Monaco,
please call Operator 22.

You'll get used to this.

This is getting
really interesting.

I'd say it's getting - crowded.
- Tess.

Did Rita really see an angel?

I don't know, baby, but

if she did, nobody told
me anything about it.

Dr. Barton, please
call extension 34.

Dr. Barton, please
call extension 34.


- Bye-bye.
- Bye.

So, what was all that about?

That was... just a little
excitement in the neighborhood.

Hey, this a good time?

Yeah, it's over there.

I have a hard time holding
onto things these days.

Oh, we'll get this
cleaned up in no time.

Poor lady sounded pretty wild.

Mrs. Lasky?

- She saw an angel.
- Oh, yeah?


But you know, she's, um...

She's been under
a lot of sedation.

I wouldn't mind seeing an angel.

What's she taking?

Hey, she didn't make it up.

- It's real.
- What makes you

- think so?
- Because

there's an angel on the floor.

Yup, the Angel of Death

visits everybody
sooner or later.

They're all upset, depressed,
nervous, and the angel comes.

They're happier,
peaceful, more accepting.

Did you see the angel?

No. I've just, uh...
just heard the stories.

Maybe that's how it'll come.


My miracle.

Maybe an angel will bring it.

Surgery's getting pretty close.


Are you feeling better now?

Nurse and counselors to...

The angel. What?

That was quite an episode.

Sometimes dr*gs can have
an unusual effect on people.

That wasn't dr*gs.

That was real.

There was an angel
here, a real angel with...

the most amazing wings and...

and-and feathers
like... like clouds.

Did you hear a voice?

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, he told me

that my suffering
was part of God's plan.

This cancer came into my body

so that a little
child could grow up

and become a great humanitarian.

Or a leader.

Or... at least a better
person than I was.

- No. Rita, no.
- And he said

that my reward was that I get
to spend eternity with Jimmy.

My husband.

And he's waiting
for me right now.

And he wants me to hurry.

He wants me to hurry up and die.

No, Rita. God would never,
ever trade you for someone else.

God didn't give you this cancer.

He's not asking you to die
because someone else deserves

to live more than you do.

God loves all his children,

and when they suffer, he weeps.

You do believe me, don't you?

You do believe in angels?

I believe there are angels.

I don't believe in the angels.

I believe in God.

And when an angel says
something that's not from God,

then... it's not an angel.

But this angel did come
from God, believe me.

Dinner time.

No, thanks.

I don't need to eat anymore.



I've heard of you.


I'll come get it.

- Good morning.
- Morning.

I'll be down at the pharmacy.

Dr. Kaplan to O.R.
Five, observation.

Dr. Kaplan to O.R. Five.

Yup, they're all still here.


I know your morning ritual.

Before you even get yourself
a cup of coffee, you come and

check the board to see who
made it through the night.

You're an old softie.

Get a life, Arthur.

Hi, Candy.

Hey. Where's Diane? I
got her that magazine.

She went to the pharmacy.

It looks like Dr. Charles has
to up John Minori's pain meds.

That's too bad.

Yeah. It looks like
he had a bad night.

X-ray tech to ER Two.

X-ray tech to ER Two.

Good morning.

Morning. You might
check on Peterson in 380,

and, uh, Rita Lasky has
refused her last two meals.

Why don't you see
what that's about?

Of course.

I was wondering
about Mr. Richards.

What about him?

Did he ever mention
seeing the angel?

Yeah. Funny, though.

He did not like the angel.

Right up until the end,
told everybody to ignore it.

"The angel of death is a fraud."

Funny old guy.

Dr. Zaffens to Pediatrics.

You really must eat, Rita.

No, I mustn't.

I was hoping you'd
have something

to say to your sister.

Oh, that doesn't matter now.

Well, maybe

she has something to say to you.

Monica, forgive me,
but you're interfering

with God's plan, so, um...

I'm gonna have
to ask you to leave.

Hey, nice fish, Andrew.

Oh, yeah, I, uh... I
got it for John Minori.

Thought it might
keep him company.

Oh, somebody's already
been doing that today.

Oh, yeah?

The angel visited him.

Please, Andrew.

I know what you're trying to do,

but you didn't see
the angel. I did.

I heard what he said.

John, you were out of it.

Not much.

I saw an angel.

It had wings and
feathers and bright light.

Angels don't have wings, buddy.

How do you know?

I... Y-You were hallucinating.

I wish I was.

But it was real.

Nurse Hurly to
Volunteer Services.

Nurse Hurly to
Volunteer Services.

It told me the truth.

It was hard to
hear, but I heard it.

I'm gonna die, Andrew.

God's going to take me home.

And the sooner I realize that

and stop waiting
for a miracle...

the sooner I can
prepare myself...

to say good-bye...

to my wife... and my baby.

Well, one thing
we know for sure.

Hallucinations don't
lose their feathers.

But who would pretend to be an
angel when they're really human?

Maybe someone who's dying
when they're perfectly healthy.

That's got to be who
Mr. Richards was talking about.

Jo said that he saw the angel
and he knew it was a fraud.

Then we have to find the Bible.

He said it was all in there,

so maybe there's a,
a name or, or a note.

Well, I never had a question
it didn't have an answer for.

We've got to find that pretender

before any more damage is done.

Nurse Hanson, please
call the medical library.

Nurse Hanson, please
call the medical library.

Can I help you?

Actually, I thought there
was a lost and found here,

and I was hoping to find
Mr. Richards' Bible in it.

What is the big deal with
Mr. Richards' Bible, Monica?

Rita Lasky is not eating and
John Minori has lost his spark.

Frankly he's not going to
make it through surgery this way.

If you feel some urgent
need to find something,

then why don't
you find the angel?

Because this angel of death

is k*lling our
patients' will to live.

I thought you thought
they were hallucinations.

I did.

Found this in John
Minori's room last night.

I thought you were the angel.

Oh, right, I work
a 12-hour shift.

I start I.V.'s and I change
meds and I take vitals,

and then at the end of my
day I rush to the linen closet

and put on a feather costume,

sneak into people's rooms,
and tell 'em to hurry up and die.

Right, you sure got me figured.

I know it's ridiculous.

The problem is, that's
exactly what someone is doing.

I got your message.

John... what do
you need this for?

I've wasted too
much time, Andrew.

I've got no more to waste.

Is this about the angel?

Just turn it on, please.


Financial advisor to Admitting.

Financial advisor to Admitting.

Hi, honey...

and, uh, little
guy or little girl,

whatever you turn out to be.

I'm your daddy,

and, uh, well,
tomorrow is the big day.

Doctor said I got 50-50
chance of surviving the surgery.

It's funny, I thought those
were pretty good odds.

But now I know I'm
just kidding myself.

So I want to say good-bye now.


Please don't give up.

I know what the angel said.

What kind of angel comes
and takes your hope away?

An honest one.

You thinking great thoughts?

Would you mind a little company?

A little company
would be lovely.

I only have a few minutes.

I usually go down and help
out Betty in the day care center

on my lunch break.

You would be amazed
what little kids can do

with just peanut
butter and crackers.

I'll bet that the kids love you.

Do you have any
brothers and sisters?


Hi, guys.

- Hello. -Can I sit?
- Hi... oh, yeah.

You know what? Actually I
should, I should get going.

- Here, sit here.
- Okay.

Hey, Arthur, do you remember

if Mr. Richards had a Bible?


You know, I was
thinking about that.

Now, he, he had a book.

It was a black leather book,

but it was really,
really, really old,

so I threw it away.

Well, there you go.

See you.

Candy, I'll be right back.

Well, at least we know
what happened with the Bible.

We still don't know who
the impersonator is, though.

Well, baby, we have to move on
and help those we know need us.

Now, I'm gonna go
and find that Bible,

and you work with Rita Lasky

'cause her time is running
out, sweetheart, okay?

I am not eating.

Rita, you are dying
because you have cancer,

because cancer is a
terrible and ruthless disease

in an imperfect world,

not because God has chosen
you for some kind of sacrifice.

That's not how God works.

That is not what the angel said.

That was not an angel.

That was an impersonator,

someone dressed up...
With wings perhaps...

Wh-who appeared to you
when you were heavily sedated.


I don't know, a
cruel joke perhaps,

but I suspect that it was
someone who was really trying

to help the patients
here to face death,

someone with
the right intentions

but the wrong information...

and it's hurting
people like you.

That angel was...

the only thing in my life...

besides my husband who...

who made me
feel like I mattered.

Ah, Rita,

there is someone else,
but if you starve yourself,

you'll never hear
what she has to say.

It's too late now.

I don't even know
where my sister is.

I do.

You do?

Would you like to see
what a real angel looks like?

How could I have been so stupid?

You weren't stupid.

You were just desperate to
find some meaning in your life

and there was someone
there to offer it to you.

It looked like the truth.

It sounded like the truth.

- But...
- What I saw was an angel.

What do you see this time?


Yes... and God is love,

and He loves you so much,
Rita, so much that you don't have

to do anything that
matters to get His love.

All you have to do is accept it.

It's funny how...
feeling His love...

makes me feel my own.


I want to tell my
sister that I'm sorry.


I want to tell her
that I'm proud of her.

Oh, you know, she was...

She was this really
smart college kid and...

and now she's the
vice president of a bank.

I just figured she'd be
so ashamed of me and

so I stayed out of her life,

but I really miss her.


Oh, God.

Oh, I really need her
right now, I really do,

I really do.

She's on her way, Rita.

She's looking for you, too.

Will you wait for
her, huh, will you?

Mm-hmm, yeah.

Tell me something good.

Rita's sister just walked in.

Good. Just in time.

How is John doing?

Well, surgery is tomorrow.

Well, I found it.

Mr. Richards' Bible?


Don't ask me how I found it,
but it had to do with hip boots.

Well, i-is there a letter
inside, a message, a name?

That's what we're going
to find out right now.


Why did you come back?

Think I may have found it.

Now! Want to go now!

Hey! You!

Hold it, Chicken
Little, the sky is falling.

What do you want?

Arthur, how could you do this?

God wants me to.

- No, Arthur, no, He doesn't...
- No.


You don't understand.

All right? So just
leave me alone.


No, no, no. Let
him go. Let him go.

Maybe you should
look at this first.

I'm beginning to think that

Mr. Richards was
smarter than all of us.

We were looking for the
imposter behind the angel.

And Mr. Richards,
God bless his heart,

was looking for the broken soul.

God, please, just...
just take me home.

I want to go home.

I just want to go home.

I want to go home.

Oh, God, please.

Just... just take me home.

I could've k*lled you, Andrew!

What are you doing here?

- I'm here to help you.
- I don't need your help.


I'm going home.

God... is taking
me back home now.

It's not your time
to go to God yet.

How do you know?

Because I'm the Angel of Death.


I don't even know
what to say to that.


If you don't want to talk,

- just listen.
- No!


Please, don't! Don't!

You can't run away, Arthur.

We're going to
settle this, right now.

First of all, are we
straight to the fact

that you are not an angel?

Of any kind?

That you were not
sent here by God?

I was...

I was just trying to do
something important.

I thought...

I thought... I thought
God would like it.



you took the
truth of God's love,

and you, and you
twisted it around.

God does not trade
one life for another life.

And yes, miracles do happen,

and we should always
be expecting them.

And people should
never hurry up and die.


you've been messing
with people's souls.

And you've been
messing with your own.

What is God gonna do to me?

God loves you.

Not the fake God that
you've made up for yourself,

the real God.

The one that
knows all about you.

And that real God wants
the real Arthur back.

God knows me?


Yes, He does.

You know something?

There's also somebody else
who managed to get a glimpse

of the real Arthur.

This is a page from
Mr. Richard's Bible.

You know, when everyone
else was seeing an angel,

Mr. Richards saw
this healthy man

with this dying soul.

And he was too sick to tell you,

but he did manage to
send you a message.

It's right here.

"For Arthur."

"For Arthur.

"I will seek that
which was lost,

"and... and bring
again that which was..."

"dri... driven away,
"and will bind up...

"that which was broken,

and will strengthen
that which was sick."

How did your soul
become so sick?

How did your heart
become so broken?

Ar-Arthur, who...

who was it that left
without saying good-bye?

Who did you lose?



Are you doing well?

Y-Yeah, I'm working
at a hospital now.

Oh, my.

I just can't keep up.

Lifeguard, security guard...

well, you always
did like to fix people.

Yeah, um... I know, um...

I never... never really
thought about before, Mother,

but, um... I think I know why.


Yeah... Yeah.

Do you...

I don't think
that I can do this.


Do you remember
that... that day that...

Toby died?

Yes. Yes, I do.

I told you that we
were walking together

and that Toby ran
ahead of me and slipped.

But that's not true.

I left him... I left
him home alone.

He was there all by himself.

I wasn't there for him.


I just want to
say that I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I tried...

but I couldn't, I couldn't
tell you the truth.

And then... and then
after a while I just,

I couldn't tell you
anything at all.


I've always... I've
always tried to be...

the kind of person
I thought Toby...

would be, you know?

I've just, I've always
tried to help people.

I've always tried to
be there for people

when they're in trouble.

But now I've just, I...

I screwed that up, too.

Please, Arthur.

I forgive you.

You need to forgive yourself.

Oh, baby.

Oh, baby, my baby.

Dr. Christopher to
Radiation Therapy, please...


John, can you hear me?

There you are.

Let's go.


John, listen to me.

I'm not an angel. I was wrong.

About everything.

This is very, uh...

this is very hard
for me to explain.

But you kept talking
about this miracle

that you were expecting.

And I didn't think that
you were going to get it.

And I didn't want to
see you waste any time,

and not get to say good-bye
to somebody you loved.

Like I did.

And John, I am sorry.

So there aren't any angels?

Oh, yes.

There are definitely angels.


I'm the real Angel of Death.

And I'm going to be
with you in surgery today.

But that doesn't mean
you're going to die.

What do I do?

You don't give up hope.

And you fight for life.

And one way or another,

God will make sure
that you receive it.

There are miracles, John.

Real miracles.

And you remember that.


Your wife is in the
waiting room, John.

Is there something
you'd like me to tell her?


Tell her I'll be back.

Thank you.

And he will, too.

Miracles are
happening every day.


How long is this gonna take?



Uh... Rita told
me all about you.

Oh, really?

You're an angel, right?

Yep. The real thing.

Fine, but, uh...

I'm not cleaning up
any more feathers.

Diane, get a gurney for 376.