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05x05 - Lady of the Lake

Posted: 04/30/23 09:32
by bunniefuu
♪ There's a brand new
morning about to break ♪

♪ God's gonna sing a
new song to this lake ♪

♪ And it will shine ♪

♪ Yes, it will, it will shine ♪

♪ Lord knows, the lakes
gonna shine, shine, shine... ♪

It's all in the wrist.


There; just pop it out there.

Try again.

Oh, you got to get the
right spin on it, baby.

Get a good angle
on it and go with it

like that man over there.

Doesn't exactly
look at home here.

No, he's not.

He'd rather be any place in
the world except Lake Paradise.

He's got work to finish here.

And so do we.

Did you see how
that itty-bitty stone

made great ripples as
it plopped in the water?

Well, that's what
you're going to do

to this town.

I'm going to plop?

Well, let's face it, angel girl,

if you want to ripple,
you're gonna have to plop.

But there's a problem.

This lake is dying.


Yeah, haven't you noticed?

No birds singing,
no butterflies flying,

no frogs... frogging.

You mean croaking.

I try not to use that word.

Well, it seems too beautiful
to give up without a fight.

I'm glad you feel
that way about it

because sometimes it
takes a fight to save a life.

So, where do I start?

A bait and tackle store?

That's right, baby.

What the... That is not

supposed to be there.

This is the battleground.

And let me give
you a little advice.

It's the early bird
that catches the worm.



- Ick.
- Worms.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

Absolutely not.

Don't worry.

I won't let anything
happen to you.

Monica, this is just a-a
part of the great circle of life.

The wolf eats the raccoon,

and then the
raccoon eats the fish,

and then the fish eat... Shh.

Not in front of the W-O-R-M-S.

Hello, a customer.

How lovely.


Um, how long have you been open?

About 12 minutes.

I'm Monica.

Are you here for some
bait or some tackle?

Um, neither, actually.

Ah, ah, Meshach.

No, no, no.

Don't crawl out.

It's a long way down.

Aren't they cute?

That's Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abednego.

And that's Wee Bob.

Ah, the apocryphal Bob.

Monica, I think you're
getting attached,

and I don't think
that's a good idea.


It's Blake.

Yeah, we got a problem.

A bait and tackle shop.

It's a problem because
we don't own it.

I don't know how we missed it.

But the county map shows
a 50 by 50 foot square

that isn't Mayforth property.

Of course it's real.

I'm standing in it.


All right.

Yeah, I'll talk to you later.

You're not gonna

catch any fish in that lake.

Thanks, but, um,
it's not the fish.

It's the fishing I like.

I can see you have,
uh, a special relationship

with your bait.


You must be a very
sensitive person, Monica.

I try to be.

Sensitive to the
world around you,

to your neighbors.

They're good people here,

people who work
with their hands,

straight sh**t.

My kind of people.

I thought so, and you see,

they've all put their
heads together,

and decided to give themselves
a second chance at life.

So, they're selling their
property to Mayforth.

It's the company I work for.

I'm only really here to, uh,

give these people some
checks and sign off on the deal,

so they can start
on their new life.

That sounds like a lovely job.

It is, and I'm sure

we can work
something out for you.

I mean, uh, what would you say

is a fair price?

Uh, stocks included, of course.

I wouldn't want to see little
Bob or Abednego homeless.

But I just got here.

I can't sell.

We'd make it worth your while,

and, uh, think of it as a
good deed for your neighbors.

Another customer.

My first big rush.

You see, I couldn't
possibly leave now,

Well, don't feel like you have
to decide right this second.

You know, we can
talk about it a little later.

- Hey.
- Hello.

What did you do to my fort?

Your fort?


You must be Jeremy.

How did you know?

Your stuff tipped me off.

Oh, Jeremy.


Where in the blazes
did this come from?

Hey, grandpa, isn't this cool?

Monica just moved in.

- Hello.
- Hello, name's Gray, Earl Gray.

Like the tea, only more bitter.

I'm Monica.

It's hard to imagine
anyone being bitter

in a place like this.

Well, you ever been through
a Maine winter, Monica?

No, but I'm sure it's lovely
all covered with snow.

Well, yeah.

I've seen a lot of pretty things

in my 68 years.

But it's not like it
used to be anymore.

There was a time this lake

was so full of fish you could
walk across the top of them

clear to the other side

and not get your feet wet.

And there were beautiful birds.

Loons, they were.

Used to migrate
here every summer.

Fill the sky, fill the lake.

Made a darn fool
mess of everything.

Grandpa misses
the birds especially.

Well, there was a
reason they called

this Lake Paradise.

But... that was a long time ago.

I was born on this lake, Monica.

Now, I'm dying along with it.

He thinks the lady

is gonna come and get him soon.

The lady?

Yeah, the lady of the lake.

He says he saw
her a long time ago.

Monica's not
interested in our stories.

Come on, Jeremy.

Let's leave the lady alone.

I'll bring you some worms, okay?


I don't know you, and
you don't know me.

So before we get started,
let's lay out the rules.

Number one, I'm Laurel.

Not hey, you,

not excuse me waitress,
and not yoo-hoo.

Number two, I do have
a hearing impairment,

but I might just
be ignoring you.

And number three, no refills.

Now, what can I get you?

Hello, I'm Monica.

I can hear you.

I'm not deaf.

Don't take it
personally, Monica.

Laurel's personality
broke a few years ago,

and she hasn't had the
money to get it fixed yet.

Where are you from?

God's country.

Oh, you're from Vegas, too.

I thought I
recognized that accent.

Las Vegas?

We used to open
for Steve and Edie.

We were the Fred and Ethel

to their Lucy and Ricky.

We were the Norton and
Trixie to their Ralph and Alice.

Their routine never changes.

Now, don't let them
scare you away.

We need all the
newcomers we can find.

Got that right.

The sign out front should
read, "Occupancy more

than three people is a miracle."

You'll have to
excuse my daughter.

I can't imagine where
she got that attitude from.

Hey, if Grandpa is bitter,

and you're more bitter, Mom,

that makes me, like,
third generation bitter.

You won't have to
be bitter, Jeremy.

Mayforth is going to
bring this town back to life.

What do you think they're
gonna do with our property?

They'll probably make
it into a luxury resort.

You got one of
these, didn't you?

These people got quite
a history of revitalizing

places like this.

Excuse me, could I
take a look at that?

A resort needs headliners.

And a place to feed tourists
eight-dollar hamburgers.

Uh, this paragraph here says,

"other commercial pursuits."

Don't let the lingo scare you.

Commercial means commerce,
and that's okay with me.

Lion-hunting season already?

I'm looking for the loons.

Well, you came
to the right place.

And a place to hang
my helmet for a few days.

Oh, might I recommend one
of the finest accommodations

this side of the Atlantic?

The coziest little nest

with easy access off I-95.

Eb and Flo's Bed and Breakfast,

"where the rubber
leaves the road."

Please, join us.

They used to be
performers in Las Vegas.

No kidding.

You want to tell her
the rules, or should I?

Hello, Laurel.

- Well, if the dead haven't risen.
- Who's that?

Blake Chapman,
as I live and breathe.

- Hey, Kyle.
- Hey.

Where the Sam
Hill have you been?

Oh, just back on
business for Mayforth.

No kidding.

You a New York boy now?

Yeah, company wants to make
sure everybody's comfortable

with this deal,

so they figured they'd
send in a hometown boy.

Hometown boy?

Must have been before our time.

Yeah, this guy was the
pride of Lake Paradise.

Regular hometown hero,
best hockey player in Maine.

And we sure used to have some
good times, didn't we, buddy?

And now look at you.

Turned you into
some kind of suit.

Yeah. Well, plans change.

It was great to see you.

Yeah, it's good to see you.

Especially if you're bringing us

- money.
- Well,
there is a problem.

- A problem.
- Should have known there'd be

a hitch with you in the mix.

It's not me, Earl.

It's the bait and tackle
shop down by the lake.

There is no bait
and tackle shop.

You mean, uh, Monica's
Bait and Tackle Shop?

I explained to her

what the people of this
town are trying to do.

We made her a
very generous offer.

Told her to name her price.

So what's the problem?

There is no problem.

There's no sale.

You don't understand

the way people do things
in Lake Paradise, Monica.

It's all for one
and one for all.

- Since when?
- Believe me,

I'm doing this for everyone.

If Monica won't sell, how
can Mayforth move forth?

Well, our deal
is still on, right?

Well, sure, but what
good will that do you?

Your financial futures are tied

to the revitalization
of this area.

I've seen it before.

One greedy person stops

an entire community's
economic progress.

But all it takes
is your signatures

and getting that bait and
tackle shop out of the way.

Then you'll have
your pot of gold.

It's always

the outsiders
that cause trouble.

We can't afford
to let her do this.

We won't let her do this.

It's time to kick a little
bait and tackle booty.

Two eggs over easy.

Four burnt bacon strips.

And a side of biscuits and
gravy, heavy on the gravy.

Some things you don't forget.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Some things you don't forget.

That kid today.

- His name is Jeremy.
- So,

you're married?

- No.
- His father?

He lives in New York.

Hey, Earl.

If you want that
Monica woman to sell,

you should save
your jawing for her.

The sooner your business
with this town is over, the better.

I'd sign anything he wants

to get him away from you.

Let's hope Monica will, too.

You don't know
this town like I do.

You do not want to be
the one to let them down.


Monica, look what I dug up.

There's got to be a
million of them in there.

Well, I don't know
about a million, but...

But is it enough

for some lemonade? Mom
and I are going on a picnic, but

we forgot the lemonade.

- I think I can arrange a barter.
- Cool.

Do you want to
come on our picnic?

Mom's lousy at
catching Frisbees.

I'd love to, but I
promised the worms

I'd make them something
special for lunch.

Perhaps Mr. Chapman
is a good Frisbeer.

You play Frisbee?

Uh, not with my knee.

What happened to it?

Let's go, Jeremy. Come on.

Um, you know, I
might give it a try.

Actually. Your mother

makes a great fried
chicken if I remember.

Okay. You can just stand
there if you want, then,

and I'll throw right to you.

The chicken, or the Frisbee?

Jeremy, what if Mr. Chapman...?

Children have a wonderful

way of bringing people
together, don't they?

I always knew you'd
make a great mom.


I mean, look at you.

- Nothing stops you.
- Hey, Mom!

What stopped you, Blake?

What happened to
you after that night?

You just disappeared
off of the face of the earth.

Well, you know, um...

I was in the
hospital a long time.

Yeah, but then, one day,
you weren't there anymore.

I looked for you.
I tried to find you.

I wrote you 100
letters over the years.

But I didn't know
where to mail them.

You could give 'em to me now.

Doesn't matter anymore.

Yeah, well, that's too bad.

I remember when
everything mattered.

I saw you out here before.

How come you keep
fishing when there's no fish?

'Cause with a little faith
and a lot of patience,

you can catch
something really special.

You mean like the
lady of the lake?

Maybe even the lady of the lake.

My grandpa says that
if she's still out there,

the lake's not really dead.

You know something?

I think your grandpa just
might be onto something.

Want to try it?


Hey, I got something. Hey!

Hey, Blake, I caught something.

See, the lake's not dead.

Let's see what you got.

Just a stupid old shoe.

Let's go.


Just be glad when
this is all over.

You were never

good on long good-byes, Daddy.

It's the hellos I'm
worried about just now.

I saw you down by
the water with Blake.

It's not what you think.

Good. 'Cause he's just
here to give us our money.

Nothing else.

Excuse me, everybody.

I've got good news.

Mayforth has decided
to proceed immediately

with or without Monica.

- Yeah, all right.
- All right!


I have a feeling

Monica's not gonna
take this quietly.

I got a feeling you're
right about that, baby.

You know, the bulldozers
are on their way.

Hello, Laurel.

Yes, I know.

When did you learn to sign?

I'm not sure, actually,

but I always have what
I need when I need it.

Must be nice.

I learned the old-fashioned way.

Most people with a hearing
impairment don't sign,

but my mother...
Bless her heart...

She thought it'd be a good idea.

So I learned to sign
while I learned to talk.

Funny, though.

Nobody in this town ever
learned sign language.

Except for Blake.

Look, you got to give this up.

I can't.

This lake can't
fight for itself.

Someone has to fight for it.

Mayforth can try
and change the lake,

but it can't heal it.

Only God can do that.

God let this lake
die a long time ago.

I want you to
listen to something.

- Are you making fun of me?
- No, I'm not making fun of you.

There's a big difference
between listening and hearing.

I want you to listen...

to the lake waters
lapping against the shore.

The buzzing of the insects.

The wind whispering
through the trees.

The celebration of
a late summer sky.

God has a song that
he's singing to you

and to all the
people of this town,

but everyone has
stopped listening.

Some sounds are
very painful to listen to.

This lake means a
lot to you, doesn't it?

I learned to fish in this lake.

Swim and skate.

Every picnic we ever
had was by this lake.

I got my first
kiss by this lake.

Blake proposed
to me by this lake.

But you're not married.

He just got called up for
one of the big pro teams.

He was gonna put
a ring on my finger,

and put this town
on the map, but...

I heard about the accident.

One day, I walked
into the hospital.

He just checked out.

I never saw him
again until yesterday.

Why do you suppose he can't see?

See what?

That Jeremy is his son.

How do you know that?

I'm not judging you, Laurel.

I know that the last 12 years

must have been
very difficult for you,

and I think you've
done a marvelous job

raising your little
boy all by yourself.

I didn't bring it up so
you would regret the past,

but you and I now both
have to set things right.

I have to do the right thing.

You have to do
the right thing, too.

This had better be good.

I'm taking a stand, Tess.

No matter what the cost.
Isn't that what you said?

Will you look around?

Do you see any of
those little humans

we call assignments
chained to a tree?

No, not yet, but you said

God wanted me
on the battle ground.

But the front line
is down there.

I know, but

I thought this would
get their attention.

I'm bringing the
mountain to Mohammad.

Well, I sure hope you know
what you're doing, Miss Wings,

'cause here comes your mountain.

Hold up.

All righty.

Hold up.

All right, here we go.

Why the holdup?

Are you insane?!

I don't mean to cause
you any trouble, Blake.

I just want to make sure
the people of this town

know what they're doing.

They know what they're doing.

Why can't you
just let them do it?

They don't know
everything, do they?

You are illegally trespassing
on Mayforth property.

You know what I'm
talking about, Blake,

and it's time to
do the right thing.

It's time we all
did the right thing.

You're right.

I'm going to go get Kyle

and if you're still here
when we get back,

I'm going to have you arrested.

I want to tell him,
but it's too late.

He's a different person now.

Maybe because he
never heard the truth.

Hey, Jeremy. What's up?

How come you're not down
at the tree like everybody else?

What tree are you talking about?

Mom said that Monica
chained herself to a tree

to make Mr. Chapman mad.

I bet it worked.

You going to arrest her?

Well, we'll see.

Maybe it will resolve itself.

- See you, Jeremy.
- See you around.

So, you're still here.


Did you find the sheriff?

They're looking for him.

That guy disappears
into thin air

whenever there's a problem.

Well, I'm sure he'll turn up.

Anybody want to say
anything while we're waiting?


Blake, there is something
I need to talk to you about.

There is?

I'd leave you two alone,

but, um, I'm
chained to this tree.

Blake, we both know
the past is the past.

But we meant a lot to each other

and that doesn't
go away overnight.

I know, I... I owe
you an apology.

I need to get this out.

That night... that night...

something else
happened, remember?

There she is.

What are you doing?!

Ending this once and for all.

This is our future,
we're talking about.

Yes, I know,
that's why I'm here.

I'm sure you mean well,

but frankly, it's starting
to get on our nerves.

What's going on
with these things?

I'll tell you the truth, Monica.

I can't stand Blake Chapman,

but he's right about this.

Mayforth is going to
make this place better.

And the sooner you
get out of this tree,

the sooner Blake is on his way

and that's going to
make this place better.

You can't fix the past, Earl,
by bulldozing over the future.

Where is Kyle?

I swear, he's the
only sheriff in the world

who doesn't want
to arrest anybody.

Blake, since we're
all gathered here,

maybe you could tell us

what Mayforth really has
planned for this place?

Well, they're making
a resort, aren't they?

Look at these pictures...
Fishermen, boaters, swimmers.

And hopefully hungry.

Tired after a long day.

With lots of money to spend.

What does Mayforth really
mean by commercial purposes?

We're building an outlet mall.

- A what?
- It's going to be great.

There's going to be 30
different brand-name stores.

How is that going
to help the lake?

There's not going
to be a lake anymore.

They're going to fill it in
and make it a parking lot.

No resorts? No hotels?

I've got your checks.

You've all been paid top
dollar for your property.

Now, once she comes
down out of there,

it's a done deal.

You lied to us!

I never said anything
about a resort.

Well, you sure weren't
rushing to tell us the truth.

What good is this place
to any of you, anyway?

You're the ones who
let it die in the first place.

Well, it's about time.

What's all the
fuss about, Blake?

That woman is trespassing
on Mayforth property.

And I want her
arrested immediately.

And he's a thieving liar.

What are you going
to do about him?

You going to do your
duty, or not, Kyle?

I'm sorry, Monica.

I've got to follow the law.

You're under arrest.


The bulldozers can get
back to work tomorrow.

Hey. Hey, hey.

Wait a minute.

Shoppers don't spend the
night, but they do get hungry.

And I promise, I will get
you a great spot in the mall

for a new place.

Now... was there something
you wanted to tell me?


Go to hell!

I mean, it's not
really a lake anymore.

Just a big polluted puddle.

Oh, no, Kyle,
the lake is a gift.

A slice of heaven

that was our responsibility
to save and care for.

And now, it's our responsibility
to nurture it back to life.

Starting tomorrow,

that lake is going to die a
quick and painless death,

and there's nothing
more to be done about it.


Now, don't get me wrong,

I admire an angel
with initiative,

but let's just take a
moment and examine a few

of the critical
miscalculations, shall we?

Tess, some of
the greatest people

in the world have
been imprisoned

for civil disobedience.

Henry David Thoreau, Gandhi.

- But they're different, baby.
- How?

Don't change the subject on me.

The point is, an angel in
jail is of no use to anybody.

Do you know why
God wants a living,

thriving, great big pretty
pond of water out there?

Because He doesn't like
to see beautiful things die.

Well, He doesn't like
to see anything die,

especially beautiful things

like lakes and souls and dreams.

God has given us beauty
to fill the people's souls.

But the soul has to be
healthy enough to accept it.

They got to be ready for it.

Now you get your little
angel butt out of this jail

and get to work.

Judge signed the
restraining order.

If she makes bail, she's
prohibited from protesting

within 500 yards of
the construction site.

And you better stay on
top of it this time, Kyle.

Does that prohibit me

from praying for the lake?

Does that stop me from
praying for you, Blake?

From asking God
to open your eyes

to the beauty you're
about to destroy?

Not as long as you
do it 500 yards away.

Why are you doing this?

You used to love that lake.

You don't understand
what I've been through.

That lake... ruined my life.

No, you ruined your life.

The worst thing
you lost on that lake

was not your career,
or even Laurel,

it was your soul.

Blake, I'm going to have
to start charging you.

You don't know
anything about me.

How dare you walk into this town
and turn everything upside down.

Why did you come
back here, Blake?

I don't mean just now.

But why did you come
back to Lake Paradise?

You could've said no,
and sent someone else

to do this dirty
work, but you came.

I think I know why.

You knew your soul was dying
and you couldn't figure out why,

so you came back
to the last place

where you had love, and hope...

and dreams... and pain.

What happened that night, Blake?

I took her out on the lake.

I had the ring in my pocket,

I'd practiced exactly
what I was going to say.

It was so cold

and there was something about

walking on the ice at night

and watching every word we
said to each other turn into clouds.

It was perfect.

There was a moon,
I remember that.

That lake was our place.

We met there, we'd spent a
lot of days and nights there,

so it seemed like
the only place to, uh...

Anyway, I got down on my knees,

I signed, will you marry me?

If it was so cold,
why did the ice break?

I mean, it seemed
almost funny at first.

I-I couldn't even
believe it was happening.

I shattered my kneecap
on the ice, as I went down.

And then I was in the water,
and then she was in the water,

and... and I lost her for
a second under the ice,

and I was thinking to
myself, we're going to die

and... they're not even
going to find us until spring.

But Laurel got out somehow
and-and went for help.

Next thing I knew, I...

woke up in the hospital
and they were telling me

I'd never play hockey again.

How did you get
out of the water?

I don't know.

I must've pulled
myself out somehow.

The lady of the lake.

I don't believe that garbage.

That is just a stupid fable

told by a stupid old man.

But you didn't drown that night.

Your life was saved.

You survived for a reason.

Oh, yeah.

Well, I've spent 12
years trying to figure out

what that reason is, and, um,

I haven't found it yet.

Maybe that's why you're here.

So, uh, what would you do

if your dad just...

just walked back into your life?

I think that'd be great.

He's not a bad guy or anything.

He left a long time
ago, before I was born.

He really wanted to say
but he had some problems

he had to take care of.

He'll probably come back
some day and he'll be fixed.

And maybe the
lake will be fixed, too.

And then if it's winter,

we can play hockey on the lake.

That sounds good.

What would you say to him?

I'd say...

don't feel bad
about being so late.

I'm just glad you came home.




Yes, Blake.

You're the lady of the lake?

I'm an angel sent by God.

An angel?

A real angel?


So you saved Earl's
life, and Laurel's?

And yours.


God told me to.

I don't always
know God's purpose,

but there's one thing
I do know, Blake.

If He gives you
life, you must live it.

The world is getting
busier, and louder

with each passing moment and...

you get so caught
up in the frenzy of it all

that there isn't time anymore
just to sit under a tree,

or by a lake, and
listen to the still,

small voice of your creator.

But if you would do that, Blake,

if you would listen,

You would hear the
most beautiful words.

God loves you.

And He wants you to be still...

so you can see
the glorious things

that he has made.

So you can enjoy
the laughter of a child.

So you can hear the
music of the universe.

So that you can hold hands
with someone you love.

That's what beauty is for.

That's what a lake is for.

That's what family is for.

And God,

God wants you
to have all of that.

There's only one family
I ever wanted and it's...

too late to have now.

God never stops
thinking about you.

He understands
the life you chose.

But He still remembers the life

He wanted for you.

What life?

Something else happened

on the lake that night

that changed not only
your life and Laurel's,

but someone else's, too.

He cannot give you a new life

until you discover the truth.

What, what truth?

That is between
you and your creator.

Listen to Him, Blake.

Be still, and know
that He is God.



I need to talk to you.


Something died in me that night.

Or at least I thought so.

I lost myself.

After that, I was somebody else.

I felt like a loser
with no prospects.

You said you would marry me,

but you said yes

to a hockey
player with a future.

I couldn't ask you
to marry me now

that I was somebody else.

You were depressed.

You were frightened.

You were even guilty.

But you were still Blake,
and I wanted to marry you

not the hockey player.

Not the hometown hero.

I wanted to marry the man

who took sign
language one summer

so he could show
me that he loved me.

And all you had
to do was say it.

I still love you.

There's something
I need to tell you.

I know.

I have a son.

We have a son.

We did everything in the
wrong order then, Laurel.

But now I want to
put things in order.

Is he asleep?


Then we'll tell
him in the morning.

Good morning.

I don't know what
happened last night.

Blake had a change of heart.

He's dropped the
charges against you.

You're free to go.

Lovely. 'Cause there's
something I want to see.

I think you should
come along, too.


- Hey.
- Hey.

I thought this might have

something to do with you.

Just give him a chance, Daddy.

It's all right. It's true.

I am responsible

for bringing you all
out here this morning.

And I really appreciate
you coming down.

The truth is, I haven't been
entirely honest with you.

Ha. No kidding.

Tell us something we don't know.

You don't understand.

That night... the
night of the accident,

I thought my dreams
died that night.

The truth is,

I couldn't be here
because I no longer knew

who I was.

And... coming back here has

made everything
a little clearer.

I'm sorry I ran away.


I am sorry for any
pain I caused you.

There won't be any
demolition of Lake Paradise.

I have your
contracts right here...

and with your permission.

Tear away.

Shred 'em.

Fancy speech there.

I love your daughter, Earl.

I always have.

And I know I can't
make up for lost time,

but I sure would like to try.

Chances are you're going
to have to find a new job

when your fancy
bosses find out about this.

You know, maybe I could
run a bait and tackle shop.


Found something.

Let me see that.

This is my ring.

Your ring.

This is something I meant
to do a long time ago.

Jeremy, I told you
I always believed

that your daddy would
come back for you.

He has.

Don't feel bad
about being so late,

I'm just glad you came home.

