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05x07 - I Do

Posted: 04/30/23 09:34
by bunniefuu
Tess, what do you believe
to be the greatest gift

God has given to humans?


I think it's a tie
between sunset

and jelly donuts.


I was thinking it's marriage.

The wedding of a
man and a woman,

joined together as
one in the sight of God.

Oh, wait a minute, baby.

There's a lot of difference

between a wedding
and a marriage.

A marriage is between
two people, that's right.

But a wedding is a convertible
of an entirely different color.

Well, little brother,
you've done it again.

Hurry up. We've just got
to get in and out of there

before she gets home.

I can't believe
you forgot the tie.

We're gonna miss the plane.

- No we won't.
- I'll just run in.

Be right back.

- Hurry.
- Yeah.

Stephanie will make
a beautiful bride.

Yes, she will.

But, remember Angel Girl,

wherever there's a will,

there's usually
somebody in the way.

Who's this now?

The reason they're
eloping in the first place.


Mrs. Williams... h-hello.

You taking a trip?

A trip?

Uh... MICHAEL: Mom?

We thought you
were at garden club.

That's Mondays. It's
always been Mondays.

Is that your
father's wedding tie?

What is going on around here?

Oh, uh, uh, didn't
we tell you? We're,

we're all, uh, we're
going on a, a cruise.

Now, if you told me
you were taking one

of your cocktail
waitresses to Las Vegas,

- I would have believed you...
- Mom.

Stephanie and I
are getting married.


Oh no.

Oh no!

There will be no eloping.

You are going to
have a real wedding.

I told you I would pay for it.

Mom, Stephanie
and I want to do this.

It's okay for Stephanie
to run off and get married.

She doesn't have any family.

But you do.

Stephanie, honey.

I would have expected
something like this from you.

But not you.

Stephanie, I just want you

to go about this
in the right way.

You see, my Norm and I,

we never had a real wedding

and we always felt
that we missed out.

Please, let me do this for you.


Maybe we should
have a real wedding.

Since when?

Michael, I love you.

But all I want is
to be your wife.

Your mom wants a wedding.

Either way, I get what I want.

So why don't we
just make her happy?

All right.

What just happened here, Tess?

Three people had a plan

and then one woman came
along and changed everything.

Well, some families
are a democracy

and some are a dictatorship.

This one's not a democracy?

No, it's not.

But there's a
revolution in the air.

And the battle for
control of this family

is about to begin.

And the casualties could
be very heavy, baby.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

My, don't you look
like something!

Thank you.

If I had had more time, I
would have made one myself,

but this isn't so bad, is it?

You're a dress designer?

Well, someday.

Well, you just hold
on to that someday.

It could turn into today
before you know it.

You sound like my Michael.

I like him already.

Oh, I'm sorry I'm late.


Welcome to Tess's Dresses.

What happened to Milly?

Uh, Milly moved. She
said to say good-bye.

I'm Tess. May I help you?

That bow has to go.

- I like the bow.
- I think it's adorable.

I'm afraid it is.

I have the invoice.

It doesn't say
anything about a bow.

Is she having a bad day

or are they all bad?

She's not that bad.

Once we get married,
it'll all be different.


It says... a bow.

Isn't that interesting?

Then I guess we got a bow, huh?

Well, would you show
me the veils, please?

I'll show you the veil that
Stephanie has chosen,

and is going to get.

I'm showing, not negotiating.

Uh... here.

Hey, hey, shh.

Is this why you brought me here?


Just because
you're wearing a tux

doesn't mean you
can't wear Dad's tie.

I just had it a little altered.

- Old man would be proud of you.
- Shh.

Ed... Ah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, come on, Mike.

Enough mush, huh?

Come on,

let me beat you
at a game of darts.

That's funny.

I assumed I'd be
covering the bride,

not the groom.

Oh, you're not
covering either one.

It's the brother
you're responsible for.

He will be the
key to everything.


He doesn't seem like he
could be a key to anything.

Well, unfortunately,
there's some truth in that.

Eddie is gonna have
to change his life,

which is why God
sent him an angel.

But, um, you're gonna
have to get his attention first.

And how am I
supposed to do that?


Bachelor party. Yes!

Hey, this is great.

Oh, man.


Down goes Eddie and
Michael picks him up.

Yeah, well, some
things never change.

What you need?

Booze. Whichever
bottle's closest.

Yes, sir.

Weddings can be tough sometimes.


Oh, yeah, tell me about it.

It's supposed to be a
time of great happiness,

but sometimes it can be a
time of great sadness, as well.

Well, there's a
lot of expectation.

And where there's
expectation, there's pressure.

I don't do pressure.

Pressure isn't
always a bad thing.

For example, I mean, when
coal is under enough pressure,

it can become a diamond.


Don't girls think about anything
else, besides getting married?

Oh, I'm not thinking
about getting married.

You're not?

Heavens, no. I'm
not the marrying type.

You busy tomorrow?

I'm very glad you could make it.

- Congratulations.
- Welcome.

Hi, I'm Nancy Williams.

Hello, I'm Monica. Eddie's date.

Oh, that's impossible.

You're not chewing gum.

- Do you have a job?
- Yes.

A very good job.

You might say I'm
in public relations.

I get to travel a lot.


Well, uh, Eddie is,
uh, bringing his brother

from the hotel... last night
was the bachelor party.

They should be here any minute.

- Okay.
- You're sure...

you're Eddie Williams' date?


You are beautiful.

- Simply beautiful.
- Thank you.

Oh, yes you are.

All right - Oh.

You about ready?


Is Michael nervous?

They're not even here yet.

Well, Eddie promised he'd
get Michael here on time.

Eddie promised?

Now, there are two words

that should never be
in the same sentence.

- Hello?
- Is this Mrs. Williams?

- Yes, it is.
- Do you have two sons?

Yes, I do.

Could you come
down to the hospital?

What happened?

Your sons have been in an...

Oh, my God... Oh, my God.

There's been an accident.

My sons are here. Williams.

Right over here.



Where's Michael?

They won't tell me anything.

- Oh, no.
- Now, calm yourself, baby.

Calm yourself.

Mom... What happened, Edward?

W-Well, we were on
our way to the house...

- Who was driving?
- And there was this stop sign

- but...
- Who was driving?

There were all these bushes
and you couldn't see it, so...

Who was driving?!

I was.

Course you were.

I want to know what's happening
with my other son, Michael.

They're trying to stabilize
him right now, ma'am.

I don't want them to try.

I want them to do it.

They're doing
everything that they can.

Why don't you take a seat?

I don't want a seat.

I want the best
doctor in the hospital.



I can't even remember the
last conversation we had.

I don't even know if I
told him that I loved him.

Oh, baby. You've said
it a thousand times.

That boy is surrounded
with love now.

Dr. Evans, please
report to the emergency.

Dr. Evans, please
report to the emergency.


I promised to help you
get through this day.

I'd like to keep my promise.

I wasn't even supposed to drive,

but Mike said he was nervous.

He said he couldn't
concentrate on the road.

He said to me, "The
last thing I need is

to get into an accident on
the way to my own wedding."

He didn't want to crush his tux,

so he didn't wear a seat belt.

It was a ten-minute drive.

What can happen in ten minutes?

And it's all my fault.

You can't blame yourself, Eddie.

Yeah, that's right.

That's my
mother's job, isn't it?

Only problem is, I don't
know what else to do, as usual.

I think the best thing to do
at times like this is to pray.

Why would anybody listen to me?

What do we got?

Uh, he appears to have an
open wound into the peritoneum,

he's shocky and has rebound.

I think we're looking
at a surgical abdomen.

- I'll find the family.
- All right.

We need to prep for
abdominal surgery, stat.

Michael, they're gonna
take you into surgery now,

and I'm gonna go with you.

I'm an angel, Michael,

and I know that's
a lot to take in now,

on top of everything else,

so just know, you're
in God's hands,

and that is the very
best place to be.

Can I have the
Williams consent form?

Where are they?

Right over here.


Mrs. Williams?

Michael has a severely
lacerated abdomen.

He's lost a lot of blood and
we need to get him into surgery,

so I need someone to
sign the consent form.

I'm his mother.

We'll keep you posted.

Nice going, Mom.


I thought we could've
at least discussed it.

There's nothing to discuss.

Michael needs an operation,
I'm the closest relative.

Case closed.

See, that's how things
happen in this family, Steph.

It doesn't matter
what should happen.

All that counts is what
Mother wants to have happen.

We've closed a lot of cases
that way, haven't we, Mom?

Be quiet, Eddie.

You know, if Michael dies,
how you gonna close this case?

Same way you closed Dad's?

Dr. Arrow, you're
wanted in O.R. three

for consultation.

Dr. Arrow, to the O.R.
three for consultation.

What about your dad?

Didn't Michael tell
you how he died?

Yes, um, a brain embolism.

Oh. Yeah.

A, uh, 32-caliber
brain embolism.

So your father
committed su1c1de?

Mike and I found him.

He was barely breathing.

I froze.

Mike called 911.

That was the last day that
we were considered equals.

After that, he was the good
son and I was, oh, just Eddie.

But you were just a child.


It was a turning point.

My dad was dying and I
couldn't do anything about it.

I've felt pretty
useless ever since.

Wonder why Michael
never told me?

After the funeral, she said,

"Today we buried your father,

and we buried the
past along with him.

We will never
discuss this again."

And we never have.


Well, that explains it.


Why the three of you never
seem to talk much about anything.

Tess, why do people
take their own lives?

Because today seems so dark,

they can't even
imagine tomorrow.

It must be a terrible feeling,

being the ones left
behind in tomorrow.


Can I talk to you
for a minute, please?

I know that I've only
known Michael for a year,

and that you've
known him forever,

and I am sure that it is
hard for you to imagine

that anybody could love
him as much as you do...


But Michael would like me
to be a part of any decision

that affects the
rest of his life.

Well, we never know how long

the rest of anybody's
life is, do we?

Eddie told me
about your husband.

I knew he would.

If there's anything I
can count on him for,

it's that I can't count on him.

I don't expect
you to understand,

but right now, Michael
needs someone strong

making decisions for him.

I'm sorry.

Neither of you fits
that description.

Dr. Franklin to Room 442.

Dr. Franklin to Room 442.

Come on, baby, let's
go downstairs to the store

and get you a dress and
save this wedding gown.

I don't get it.

Why are you still here?

I don't want to leave
someone alone and in trouble.

Michael's not alone.

I was talking about you.

Push that blood faster.

15 more units set up.
We're gonna need it.


Michael, I want you
to listen to my voice

and don't be afraid.

We're going someplace
else while they do this.

I know this place.

My dad used to bring me here.

What kind of dream is this?

Oh, you're not dreaming.

Oh, yeah?

I'm really in a forest with
an angel named Andrew.

The most important part of
you is here with me, yeah.

Am I dead?

No, but you're close.

I can't die. Everybody needs me.

Michael, if you live,

you-you-you can't
live out of obligation.

You-you live
because of the joy of it.

And even after something
like this happens,

you can still live a very
full, very productive life.

You mean I could
come out of this

handicapped or something?

It was a very serious accident,

and the surgery
is not going well.

I could be a
vegetable, is that it?

We don't know that.

I can't do that, Andrew.

That's not a life.

That's a life sentence
for me and my family.

Michael, they love you.

You love them.

Yes, and I love them so much

that I would rather die
than put them through that.

Tell God to let me die.

I can't do that.

That'll be 50 cents.

Haven't you heard?

I'm the ne'er-do-well brother.

Just being myself.

There's a story in
there you should read.

It's on page six, at the top.

Studies show prayer
makes difference.

You're not gonna
get off this, are you?

It says that people
who are prayed for

recover faster from
illness and injury

than those who
are not prayed for.

I'm not the praying type.

Have you ever tried?

Do you know how?

What's there to know? You
just ask for what you want.

A prayer is not a
letter to Santa Claus.

Hey, wait, this is the
first paper of the day.

How'd you know this was...

Dr. Earhart, please
call extension 223.

Dr. Earhart, call extension 223.

I'm afraid I have bad news.


Michael's heart stopped in
the middle of the operation.

We performed CPR,

but his brain may have gone two
or three minutes without oxygen.

I'm sorry to say, Michael's
prognosis is not good,

but he's young, and no one
here has given up on him.

Why would God listen to me?

I don't go to church.

And I'm not out there doing
the right thing all the time.

I screw up everything I touch.

You're one of His children.

He'll always be there for you.

Do you know how hard
it is for a guy like me

to believe in a father
that doesn't leave?

Why don't you give Him a chance?

Three nights ago, you
were jumping out of a cake,

and now you got me praying.

Crazy world.

All right.

So, God...

if you help my
brother Mike get better,

I'm gonna change
my whole life around.

Really. I'm gonna...
I'm gonna work harder,

and I'm gonna try
and be nicer to people.

I promise.


How was that?

You can't make
bargains with God, Eddie.

Prayer is not a negotiation.

You're right.

What have I got to offer anyway?


I've been thinking
about what you said.

I'll go get some coffee.

When the boys were little,

my Norm was in
this very hospital.

I sat right here while
they tried to keep him alive.

He was on life support
for three months.

And I waited for a miracle.

I guess they were out of season.

The good news was
keeping him alive

gave me hope.

The bad news was keeping
him alive gave me hope.

It took three months,
but he died anyway.

Michael is not going to die.

He's already gone.

There's a machine
breathing for him.

What's lying there is just...

an empty shell.

I'm sorry, but I
don't believe that.

It's true.


I should never have
put Norm through that.

He was in a coma,
he was brain-dead,

but I let them keep him alive.

Not for him, for me.

And that's wrong.

I don't want you to
make the same mistake.

Your life begins
again when his ends.

Michael, honey.

I don't want you to suffer.

And if you have to
go... I understand.

I really do.

But first, honey,
I have to do this.

I, Stephanie,

take you, Michael,
to be my husband.

To love and to honor
from this day forward.

For richer or poorer,

in sickness and
in health, till...


You're right, Andrew.

I can't leave her.

I've changed my mind.

I want to live.

I do.


Oh, my God!

Somebody, help me please!


He moved.

Michael moved!

He grabbed my
pinky, see? Like this.

This is what we used
to do. This is our sign!

Don't you see?

He understands.

He's in there.

He's gonna be okay.

No, he's not.

The doctor said they make
involuntary movements.

What are you doing?

Michael's life support.

But why?

Because I asked him to.

I'm letting him go.


He's-he's in here.
He wants to live.



I know you're in there, Michael.

Please, stay with me, Michael.

Please, hold on.

Don't go, Michael.

It's only a matter of time now.

Once the life support is off,
it's usually only a few hours.

How could you be so cruel?

Now, I am sorry, Mrs. Williams,
that you lost your husband.

But I am not going to
lose mine just because

you don't have the
guts to save him.

I'll stop you!

I'll get a lawyer!

You can't fight her, Stephanie.

Trust me.

A lawyer would
just make it worse.

For once in your life,
would you do something?

Where are you going?

God... if I could
speak to Thou...

I mean, if I could tell Thee...

Just be yourself.

He knows your not perfect.

He made you.

Monica, I don't know
what it is about you.

It's like you're some kind of
angel that was sent from Heaven

to help me get through this.

That's exactly what I am.

An angel, sent by God.

He's very proud of you, Eddie.


Because you keep
trying to find him.

Because, deep in your heart,

you know that, no matter
what happens to Michael now,

you want God to be part of it.

Because the real Eddie,

the one who keeps
hiding behind the girls

and the parties and
the rounds of beer,

desperately wants to know that
God loves him and forgives him.

And he does, Eddie.

He loves you so very much.

And he really wants
to hear your prayer.

God sent me an angel in a cake.

Do you see how
well he knows you?



My brother...

My brother is dying, and
my family is falling apart.

And I want to pray for a
miracle, but I'm afraid to,

because what if I don't get it?

God will perform
a miracle, Eddie.

But you must leave it to him

to decide what
that miracle will be.

Good-bye, Michael.

I will always love you.

What are you doing?

His mother took
him off life support.

She took him off life
support created by man,

but that's not the life support.

That comes from God.

That's who you've
got to trust now.

I'm not very spiritual, Tess.

If you would get
down on your knees

and talk to the Creator
from the bottom of your soul,

you would be surprised just
how spiritual you really are.

But he is going to die.

Maybe so and maybe not.

But God wants you
to fight for your man.

Prayers are going up
for Michael right now,

and it's time you
added your voice.


I'm not through with you yet.

You cannot go to God
with all that hate in you.

You've got to
get rid of that first.

And you know who
I'm talking about.

I used to think that
you didn't like me,

and I took it personally.

And Michael said it wasn't
personal, and he was right.

Will you please leave me alone?

I want you to know
that I forgive you.

It must have been terrible,

wondering how you could
have helped your husband.

And then trying to
raise two little boys.

Well, I believe that
all the tough things

that you became
was just your way

of trying to keep
from going crazy.

I couldn't understand
that before.

But now, believe
me, I understand.

Uh, I hear that
someone is praying

for all of us in the chapel,

so I think I'll go.


I heard somebody was
down here praying for us.



Dr. Vogel to the
psychiatric ward.

Dr. Vogel to the
psychiatric ward.

Need a haircut.

I'm not very good
at saying good-bye.

I guess you know that.

I remember after the funeral...

you looked up at me...

such a serious little boy...

and you promised
you'd never leave me.

Well, Michael, you
kept that promise.

You have taken very
good care of me...

and I won't hold you to
that promise any longer.

I want you to go now.

It's not up to you to decide
whether Michael lives or dies.

It's up to God.

Do you believe in God, Michael?

I prayed for your
father, you know.

I asked God to
give him back to me.

He never really belonged to you.

But I guess he never
really belonged to...

When your father was dying,

I was right here
beside him, too.

Funny, for weeks it
was just him and me

in this room...

just breathing day after day.

Then one night
there was... I sensed...

There was an awareness

that someone else
had walked in the room.

There was another
presence in the room.

Death had come.

And for a while...

we sat together,
the three of us.

I never saw another soul in
this room, but I could feel it.

Then it was over.

Death was gone.

And so was your father.

And the only one
left breathing was me.

You're here, aren't you?


Are you from God?

Yes, I am.

Oh, God!

I hate God!

No, Nancy, you don't.

Oh, yes, I do, and
you can tell Him.

Nancy, you hate what's
happened to Michael.

You hate what, what
happened to your husband,

you hate what happened

- to your life, but you don't hate God.
- No...!

God loves you.

- I hate Him!
- He is the one who will never forsake you.

- I hate Him!
- He will never leave you, He loves you.

Oh, God, I am so angry at You.

What does God want from me?

What is there left to sacrifice

to this god?

Nancy, you sacrifice to God

your broken spirit
and your broken heart.

That is all He wants from you.

He wants you to give
Him everything that hurts

and then let Him restore
you and your family

in His way.

Don't try to take Michael's
life back from God.

Just give Him yours.

I'm not a very nice
person, you know.

God loves you.

Is this a private vigil
or can anybody pray?

Uh, yeah.

Sure, Mom.

You're right, Stephanie.

I have kept good people
like you at arm's length.

To keep them from
getting too close to the pain

and the guilt.

I'm sorry.

And you... my crazy,
sweet, forgotten son.

I let that terrible day become

the basis for the
rest of our lives.

Now it's taken another
terrible day for me to discover

what a strong man you are.

It's been a long time.

I've been making
peace with my family.

I'd like to make peace with You.

I'm offering up my
son Michael to You.

Whatever happens, please...

hold him in the
palm of Your hand

and love him as much as I have.

I give You his life.

And I give You my own.


Excuse me.

If I could have your
attention for just one moment.

I know you're all here praying

for Michael Williams, and I
have an announcement to make.

Michael, do you take Stephanie

to be your beloved wife
for better or for worse...

♪ Well, a man shall
leave his mother ♪

♪ And a woman, leave her home ♪

- in sickness and in health...
- ♪ They shall travel on ♪

- ♪ To where ♪
- till death do you part?

♪ The two shall be as one ♪

♪ As it was in the beginning ♪

♪ Is now and till the end... ♪

He said, "I do."

♪ Woman draws
her life from man ♪

- Stephanie...
- ♪ And gives it back again... ♪

do you take Michael to
be your beloved husband...

♪ And there is love... ♪

for better or for
worse, in good times

- and in bad times...
- ♪ Mm-hmm, oh, oh... ♪

- for richer, for poorer...
- ♪ Yes, there is love... ♪

in sickness and in health...

- ♪ Mm-hmm... ♪
- till death do you part?

- I do.
- ♪ Oh, because there's love. ♪

I now pronounce
you man and wife.