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05x09 - Psalm 151

Posted: 04/30/23 09:35
by bunniefuu
98, 99...



Are you absolutely
sure about this?

This is what she wanted.

Coffee ice cream,

coffee cake, coffee cookies,

chocolate-covered coffee beans,

and mocha latte
with whipped cream

and cinnamon sprinkles.

Well, it is her party.

I've been an angel of God
from the beginning of time.

I've seen ugliness and pain,

treachery and vengeance.

I've seen hope
die in hundreds...

No, thousands of faces,

only to see it live again
at the sound of the words:

"God loves you."

I have seen the glory
of the heavenly hosts.

I have served in
Search and Rescue,

delivered messages
for annunciations,

- Mm-hmm.
- I've sung in the choir...


But... being a caseworker
for the Almighty

has been my greatest joy.

A journey.

A privilege.

A blessing.

And, so, as we embark on this,

my hundredth case...

The, uh, icing is melting.

I-I'd like to think of it
as a spiritual milestone.

Uh, would you
like one dip or two?


All right, I just

want to say... I love you.

We love you, too, baby.

Mm... mwa!

Now, blow.


Oh, well, now, let's
get down to business.

I wish I could say,
baby, that, this,

your hundredth assignment

would be a piece of cake, but...

it's the hardest thing

that an angel ever has to do.

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

- ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪
- That's Peter.

Everybody calls him Petey.

♪ Happy birthday, dear Petey ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you. ♪


Now, make a wish.

Okay. Here goes.

His mother has
the gift of music,

but that sweet baby
has the gift of love.

Okay. Okay.

It's okay.

It's not gonna last long,
sweetheart. It's okay.

We're gonna get through this.

It's okay.

Want me to blow them out?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

Petey has a wish
for every candle

on that cake.

But they're so
deep in his heart,

that only God
knows what they are.

But we will know soon enough.

And then we won't have much time

to make them come true.

♪ When you walk down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden, heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell
you I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

Hello. Excuse me.

Hi. Can I help you?

Yes, I'm looking for 3472.

You just walked right past it.

The "2" fell off a
couple years ago.

Oh. Thank you.


Hey, what kind
of accent is that?

My very own.

Cornelia, you're not finished.

Daddy, my name is Celine now,

and I'll be right back.

I promise.

Five minutes.

So you changed your name
from Cornelia to Celine, huh?

Wouldn't you?

Do you speak any French?

Only in France.

They speak French in
Canada, too, you know.

Celine Dion is from Canada.

She speaks French sometimes.

A music lover, huh?

So you gonna rent the room?

Well, I'm not sure yet.

They won't hear you.

Petey's taking a nap,

and Audrey's probably
got her headphones on.

Let's just go right in.

Come on.

It's okay.

I practically live here.

- ♪ Wherever you are going ♪
- Hello.

♪ Red Farmer
Ford will get you... ♪

No. No.

Excuse me.

♪ Wherever you are going ♪

♪ There... ♪

Hi. I hope you don't mind.

Celine said I
could just walk in.

My name is Monica.

You're here to see the room?

It's lovely.

Just what I need.

Now, I want to make sure
the noise won't bother you.

Oh, I love all kinds of music.

Well, it's not exactly

music. It's commercial jingles,

and sometimes I have to
stay up all night and write,

but it pays the rent.


Don't worry about me.

Oh, uh, he's awake,
and he wants to meet you.

- Hi.
- Hi.

There's something
else you need to know.

You can't get cystic
fibrosis from germs,

or kissing people.

You have to be born with it.

And you see his mom?

She has to do that twice a day

or else all the mucus
and stuff in his lungs

gets really thick and
then he can't breathe.

And he has to take
lots of medicine.

And he's been to
the hospital 22 times.

23 times.

Remember, I was born there.

And someday,

he's gonna get
a lung transplant,

and then it'll be okay.

Okay, done.

So you still want to live here?


- Good morning.
- Good morning.

How did you sleep?

Not so good.

I had unusual dreams

about primary numbers
dancing on a pool table.

You, too?

♪ My only sunshine ♪

♪ You make me happy
when skies are gray ♪

♪ You'll never know dear
how much I love you ♪

♪ Please don't take
my sunshine away... ♪


Be right out.

- Works every time.
- You have

a lovely singing voice.

Oh, I'm not that great.

But my mom likes to have
someone to sing with her.

It cheers her up.

You want to meet Fluffy?

Ah, you have a cat.

So this is Fluffy.

Celine named him.

She has a great sense of irony,

only she doesn't know it.

You want to hear something?


♪ All the colors
of the rainbow ♪

♪ All the voices of the wind ♪

♪ Every dream that reaches out ♪

♪ That reaches out ♪

♪ To find where love begins ♪

♪ Every word of every story ♪

♪ Every star in every sky ♪

♪ Every corner of creation... ♪

That's lovely.

Where's the rest of it?

That's all there is.

My mom wrote it when I was
born and she never finished it.

Why not?

It's beautiful.

I don't know.

She's never written anything
longer than 30 seconds.

I think she's blocked.

That's better, isn't it?

A little fresh air will put
some color back in your gills.

What are you doing, angel girl?

Hello, Tess.

This is Fluffy.

Would you like to sit down?

No, I just came
by for an update.

And I'll stand right here.

I can hear you
just fine from here.

Petey's doing great.

He's really very bright.

He kind of seems grown-up.

Well, disease does
that to children, baby.

It takes away their dreams

and gives them wisdom.



Hurry, Petey's in trouble!

He's going to be okay.


My dad and I waited in line

for two hours last week.

- But she was already sold out.
- Wow.

Yeah, it happens a lot.

She recorded her first song
when she was 12 years old.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

And she has 13
brothers and sisters.

And she's the youngest
one in her family.

And so am I.

You're the only
kid in your family.

C'est la vie.

Celine, you're gonna k*ll me

before my disease does.

You're not going to die.

I might live till I'm 30,

- if I'm lucky.
- 30?!

Who wants to live to
be that old, anyway?

Physical Therapy
to Pediatrics... Hey.

So who's ready to go home?

I bet you're ready.

Oh, I forgot my notebook.

We'll be right back.

I'll get the car.

I'll stay with Petey.

It's amazing how fast
that kid bounces back.

That kid's running out of lives.

I thought he was
on the transplant list.

Yeah, but he's
something like number 50.

He's not gonna
hold out that long.

Next time Petey comes in here,

he won't be coming out.

What's this?

It's mine.

♪ And when we find ourselves
in the place just right ♪

♪ We will be in the
valley of love and delight ♪



- Mom?
- Mm-hmm?

Who's gonna sing with
you when I'm gone?

Well, you're not going
anywhere, are you?

Yeah, I'm gonna die.

Not for a long, long time.

Mom, I think it's gonna be soon.

What makes you
think you're gonna die?

Well, I can't
explain it exactly.

It's like...

Well, it's like I'm
divided in two.

There's a "me" part
and there's a "sick" part.

And the "me" part
used to be a lot stronger.

But now it's like the
"sick" part is winning.

Well, then we
have to fight harder.

Okay, but will you
promise me something?


When I die, can I do it here

in my room with you
and Celine and Fluffy?

I mean, it's not like I'm
scared or anything. I just...

I just don't want to die alone
with the nurses in the hospital.

Well, honey, I would
never ever let that happen.

Well, what if you go to
the cafeteria or something?

Petey, this is ridiculous.

No, it's not, Mom.

When I die, I want to die here.

Well, there's something
called an insurance company,

and they usually
make those decisions.

And usually, the answer is "no."

Well, can you at
least ask tomorrow?


Night, Mom.

Good night, honey.

Aren't you going to school?

No, I, uh... got to
stay home and rest.

Those nurses are stupid.

Yeah, they were stupid.

Hey, are you getting on the bus?

You're not gonna
die today, are you?

- No, I don't think so.
- Okay.

- See ya.
- See ya.

Good morning.


- What's this?
- Nothing.

I was just making a list.

And checking it twice?

It's, um, it's a list of things
I've got to do before I die.

Everybody should
have one of these.

No, it's stupid.

I don't think so.

Do you mind if I take a look?

Let's see.

Number one: "Learn
to play the piano."

That's an excellent,

perfectly achievable goal.

Number two: "Find a
good home for Fluffy."

Celine's mom would
never let her keep him.

Number three: "Find someone
else to sing with Mom."

That's very thoughtful, Petey.

Number four:

"Get somebody to
shovel the sidewalk

for Mom when it snows."

Five: "Help Mom
finish the song."

- Is that the song you played for me?
- Yeah.

I, um, I thought that
if she could just finish

one whole song, then she could

write a whole bunch
of them, you know?

And, uh, then maybe she wouldn't

have to worry about
money anymore.

Good thinking.

Number six: "Operation

- What does that mean?
- It's in code.

So that if Celine ever found it,

she wouldn't know what it meant.

What does it mean?

Before I die,

I want to do something
really nice for Celine.

And I think that, um,

I think that, uh, getting her

to meet the real
Celine Dion is probably

the most awesome
thing that I could think of.

But, um, it's impossible.

Not necessarily.

- Really?
- There's not a single

impossibility on this list.

In fact, all you
need is a little help.

What about, um, number seven?

Number seven... You
want to die at home?

Yeah, but Mom says

that the insurance
company's in charge of that.

You'd be surprised at
who's really in charge.

Number eight: A giant frog pot.


- Ah.
- I want a really

tall one to put out there.

What for?

Well, when I'm ready to die,
I, uh, I want to put up a flag

so that the angels
will be able to find me.

Uh, did I mention to
you that I was thinking

about learning the piano myself?

Look at you, baby,
you're doing it!


Go away! Scat!

What on Earth possessed him

to learn to play the piano?

Well, this is just a guess,

but I think he loved
that song you wrote.

Maybe he wants
to help you finish it.

I wrote that song
when Petey was born.

I called it "The 151st Psalm,"

'cause I looked in
the Bible and out

of the 150 Psalms, I
couldn't seem to find one

that thanked God enough
for the joy I was feeling.

But then things changed.

And I can't think
of a single reason

to finish that song now.

So are you sure you
don't mind babysitting?

I'm happy to.


I don't know why I go
to these PTA meetings.

Bye, Mom.

Okay, I've been
going over this list

and I think we're
doing pretty well.

Number one is learn
to play the piano.

Well, that's a check.

Okay, "snow shoveling."

Mr. Morgan across the
street said he'd be happy

to shovel the neige.




Well, the church
down at the corner

said that Mom could come
and sing with them anytime.

And I've got a giant
flagpole ordered.

Oh, and I'm gonna make the flag.

Just keep it in English, okay?

Well, Mom wrote a letter

to the insurance company.


Good, so that
one's still pending.

All right, that just leaves
getting Mom to finish her song.

- I'm working on that.
- Mm-hmm.

Okay. Then there's
"find a home for Fluffy."

Oh, yuck.

Let me think about that.

Okay, well that only
leaves one more.



I'll be right here
when you get back.

Back from what?

I still don't get it.

Au revoir, baby.

- Careful.
- Big step.

Little step, all right.

- You got her?
- Hold on. Yeah.

Here we go.

Hi, we have an appointment.

This is Celine Kasey,

and this is her friend, Petey.

Keep going.

Okay, this is it, Celine.

Your friend, Petey,
has a gift for you.

Andrew helped.

Go ahead, knock.

Oui, j'arrive.

No, it's impossible!

Nothing's impossible.

Oh, my God!

Ça me fait plaisir de vous
rencontrer. Vous venez?

Come on!

Hello, how are you?


So, Celine, you like my music?

She likes your everything.

Your music, your
hair, your... French.

Est-ce que tu parles
un peut de français?

You're all she ever talks about.

Oh... I want to thank you

for making the time to see us.

I know that time is precious.

Oh, well it is for everyone.

So, you know what?
Tonight, I'm going to sing

a special song but just
for the two of you, yeah.

What, which one?

Well, it's a very special one

and I want you to
listen to it very carefully.

It's about living

the very best you can
through difficult times.

Sometimes you don't get through.

Well, honey, you
always get through.

You know, sometimes,

you come through the
darkness back into the sunlight

and sometimes, you come through

into light itself.

But whatever you do,

I want you to keep your
eyes on the light, okay?

I love you and I'm
with you all the way.

So sweet.

And you, my big girl,
you're so beautiful.

I want to give you this.

Going to give
you a little present.

Watch you to keep
that... A souvenir.

All right?

And I love you, too.

Take care.

♪ Faith ♪

♪ Trust ♪

♪ Love ♪

♪ Oh, yes ♪

♪ Love can ♪

♪ Love can move ♪

♪ Mountains ♪

Are you ready to dance with me?

I want everybody to stand
up and dance with me.

Come on, folks!

Oh, yes, I know you can do it.

All right, looking good.

You go, girl.

♪ There ain't a dream
that don't have the chance ♪

♪ To come true now ♪

♪ It just takes a
little faith, baby ♪

♪ Anything that we want to do ♪

♪ We can do now ♪

♪ There ain't nothing
in our way, baby ♪

♪ Nothing our love
couldn't rise above ♪

♪ We can get through the night ♪

♪ We can get to the light ♪

♪ Long as we got our
love to light the way ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah,
ba-ba-baby, b-b-b-baby ♪

- ♪ Just a little ♪
- ♪ Trust ♪

- ♪ If you believe in love,
love, love ♪ -♪ Love ♪

♪ Love can move mountains ♪

- ♪ Believe in your heart and ♪
- ♪ Feel ♪

- ♪ Feel it in your soul and
love, love, love ♪ -♪ Love ♪

You're looking good.

♪ Love can ♪

♪ Love can move mountains ♪

♪ You got to feel it, baby ♪

- Oh, yes!
- ♪ Love can ♪

♪ Love can move mountains ♪

♪ You got to feel it ♪

♪ You got to feel it, baby ♪

- Oh, yes.
- ♪ Love can ♪

♪ Love can move mountains ♪

♪ And love will find a way ♪

♪ And love will find a way... ♪

So, how did it go?




My life is now complete.

How did you do that anyway?

Did you have to bribe somebody?

Petey... there's a lot

of generous
people in this world.



- Petey?
- Petey.

- He's bleeding.
- Oh!

Come on, come on, come on.

Come on, Celine.


Black, thanks.

Petey knew.

The doctor says,
even if they moved him

to the top of the list,

that... the chance of a
transplant working now...

There's so much damage.

This is it, Monica.

I'm going to lose my baby.

Not yet, Audrey.

Not yet.

So, you going to
keep Fluffy or what?

I prefer "or what?"

but in this case, I'll
make an exception.


That just leaves...

two more.

This came today.

I know I shouldn't
have opened it,

but Petey's mom doesn't
even read the mail anymore.

"Your request for
in-home hospice care

"for the above
referenced patient

"does not meet
the criteria set forth

"in the managed care guidance...

"blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Lucille Hecken Lively,
assistant manager."

He's really going
to die... isn't he?

He's my best friend
in the whole world.

Yes, he is.

And he needs you now.

But he's going to die
in that stupid hospital,

just like he was afraid of.

Now, you listen to me, Cornelia.

That's right.

You can pretend to be
Celine on your own time,

but we've got work to do here,

and it's going to take
a Cornelia to do it.

Uh, I can't authorize this.

Sure, you can. Just
put your little stamp

- right there.
- No.

We cover two weeks in-home care,

and unless you can promise me

that he's gonna die
sooner than that...

Which you can't... then...

I want to see your supervisor!


He only wants to die with
some dignity, Mr. Kasey,

at home with his family,
not with strangers.

Please understand, nobody here

would like to make that
possible more than I,

but this is a managed
health care company.

We base our decisions on
how to provide health services

to the most people
at the least cost.

Medicine, it just isn't
what it used to be.


People aren't what
they used to be.

Daddy, why can't you just

do this for Petey?

Just this once.

Honey, I love Petey...
You know that...

But if I did it for him,

I would have to do
it for everybody else.

Yeah, well, maybe you should.



Hold on.

You're not going to give up.

Oh, you don't know my dad.

But I know you, and
this is not over yet.

I'm just a kid.

It's impossible.

Meeting Celine Dion was
impossible until you did it.

You'd better see this.

There you go.

Okay, get your mike.

You ready?


♪ There ain't a dream
that don't have the chance ♪

♪ To come true now ♪

♪ It just takes a
little faith, baby ♪

♪ Anything that we want to do ♪

♪ We can do now ♪

♪ There ain't nothing
in our way, baby ♪

♪ Nothing our love
couldn't rise above ♪

♪ We can get through the night ♪

♪ We can get to the light ♪

♪ Long as we got our love ♪

♪ To light the way ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ With a little faith ♪

♪ Just a little trust ♪

♪ If you believe in love ♪

♪ Love can move mountains ♪

♪ Believe in your
heart and feel ♪

♪ Feel it in your
soul and love ♪

♪ Love can ♪

♪ Love can move mountains ♪

♪ Oh, yeah. ♪

You said you love Petey.

So prove it.

I could lose my job for this.

You could lose your
daughter for this.

Excuse me.

We'll take it from here.

Here we go.


What are you doing?

♪ Reaches out... ♪

Maybe if we can think of
the next words in Mom's song,

then it will inspire
her and she'll finish it.


It's the only thing
left on the list.

I see.

So, it has to rhyme with "sky."

So, that's what the next line's

got to rhyme with.

"Every star in every sky."

"Every elephant and... fly."

No, you weirdo.

It's a Psalm.

Like out of the Bible.

They had elephants
on Noah's ark.

Let's see.

"Every corner of
creation... Every..."


- It's okay.
- Okay, I took you for a walk,

and I gave you a bath.

I guess it's time for your nap.

Hey, Fluffy.

I think Petey's
ready for his nap, too.

Yeah, I think I'll stay

and take a nap, too.

All right.

Take it easy, pal.

Okay. See you.

What do you want to
be when you grow up?

You know.

A singer like Celine.

I was going to be a doctor.

Maybe you should consider that.


How is the flag coming?


But I'm having some
trouble with the lace.

You don't put lace on a flag.

Yeah, but I want
it to be special.

You know, maybe you don't
even need a flag to call the angels.

Maybe... I don't know.

Maybe they're already here.

♪ We all want to make
our place in this world ♪

♪ We all want our
voices to be heard ♪

♪ Everyone wants a
chance to be someone ♪

♪ We all have dreams
we need to dream ♪

♪ But sweeter than
any star you can reach ♪

♪ Is when you reach and find ♪

♪ You've found someone ♪

♪ You'll hold this world's
most priceless thing ♪

♪ The greatest gift
this life can bring ♪

♪ If you can look
back and know ♪

♪ You were loved ♪

♪ You were loved by
someone, touched by someone ♪

♪ Held by someone ♪

♪ Meant something to someone ♪

♪ Loved somebody ♪

♪ Touched somebody's
heart along the way ♪

♪ You can look back and say... ♪

Oh, my God.

♪ You were loved ♪

♪ So remember to tell that one ♪

♪ You are loved ♪

♪ You. ♪

♪ Every star in every sky ♪

♪ Every corner of creation ♪

♪ Every corner of creation... ♪


I can't do this.

I can't do this.

Petey didn't think you were
ready to read this before,

but I think you are now.

You knew about it?


Well, I can't do that.

I can't write that song.

You must, Audrey.

Petey needs to know
that you'll be okay.

Then I won't be okay.

Yes, you will.

Listen to me.

There's someone else who
wants you to finish that song.

You began it as a Psalm,

a hymn of praise to God.

God wants to hear it.

All of it.

Oh, my God, what's happening?

I am an angel.


So are Tess and Andrew.

God has brought us here

to bring your Petey home.

Oh, no.

No. Please, no.

He's in so much pain, Audrey,

and he's been so
strong for so long.

He needs to rest.

He needs to be carried
to the Father's arms now

where there is no pain.

But you know, he's
such a tough little boy.

He just won't go

until everything on
this list is finished.

That's why I can't finish it.

If I finish it, he'll die.

You must finish what you began

with the best that
you have to give.

Just as Petey is
finishing the life he began

with all the love and courage
that his heart can give.

He deserves
nothing less from you.

Oh, but I... I-I...

I don't know how to start.

That's why God
gives us inspiration.

He puts into our spirit things

that could not come
out of our own minds.

God loves you, Audrey.

And he wants to help
you write this song

if you'll let him.

It'll be your gift to
Petey, yes, but...

it'll also be God's gift to you.

Because on those
nights that seem so long

and so quiet, when
your arms feel empty,

and the table is
set just for one,

and you think that
your heart can't bear

to face another day
without your little boy,

that song of praise for his life

will rise in your soul
again and again,

and you will make it
through to another morning.

Every time you sing the
words, they lift you higher.

And just as every step

that Petey took in his life
brought him closer to heaven,

he brought everyone in his
life a little bit closer to it, too.

Tell him that.

Tell the world you
will never forget.

Be a witness to a
life lived completely

and, love... Oh,
write it, Audrey.

Write "The 151st Psalm."

♪ All the colors
of the rainbow ♪

♪ All the voices of the wind ♪

♪ Every dream that reaches out ♪

♪ That reaches out to
find where love begins ♪

♪ Every word of every story ♪

♪ Every star in every sky ♪

♪ Every corner of creation... ♪

♪ Every corner of creation... ♪

♪ Every corner of creation... ♪


That's right.






What's going on?

I found this.

I was gonna tell you.

You know what
comes now, don't you?

Cross off number five.

She did it, Petey.

She finished the song.

You did it, Mom.


Here we go.

Everybody's here, Petey.

You've got your
own personal choir.

My mom and dad, old Mrs. Morgan.

We got Mr. Jenkins,
the whole Snap family,

the choir, a bunch of
teachers, even the principal.

I've got to get the
flag for the flagpole.

Peter Patrick Carmichael,

your friends, your neighbors

and especially your mama

are proud to
present in your honor

and to the glory of God

the world premiere
of "The 151st Psalm."

♪ All the colors
of the rainbow ♪

♪ All the voices of the wind ♪

♪ Every dream that reaches out ♪

♪ That reaches out to
find where love begins ♪

♪ Every word of every story ♪

♪ Every star in every sky ♪

♪ Every corner of creation ♪

♪ Lives to testify ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ For as long as I shall live ♪

♪ I will testify to love ♪

♪ I'll be a witness
in the silences ♪

- ♪ When words are not enough ♪
- ♪ Ooh... ♪

♪ With every breath I take ♪

♪ I will give thanks
to God above ♪

♪ For as long as I shall live ♪

- I will testify to love ♪
- ♪ Ooh-ooh, ooh ♪

♪ From the mountains
to the valleys ♪

♪ From the rivers to the sea ♪

♪ Every hand that reaches out ♪

♪ Every hand that
reaches out to offer peace ♪

♪ Every simple act of mercy ♪

♪ Every step to kingdom come ♪

♪ Ooh... ♪

♪ All the hope in every heart
will speak what love has done ♪

- ♪ Speak what love has done ♪
- It's finished now.

♪ For as long as I shall live ♪

♪ I will testify to love ♪

♪ I'll be your witness
in the silences ♪

- ♪ When words are not enough ♪
- Yes.

It is finished.

♪ With every breath I take... ♪

You're coming, too?

♪ For as long I shall live ♪


♪ I will testify ♪

♪ I will testify to love ♪

♪ For as long as I shall
live, I will testify to love ♪

♪ I'll be a witness
in the silences ♪

♪ When words are not enough ♪

♪ With every breath I take ♪

♪ Will give thanks
to God above ♪

♪ For as long as I shall live ♪

♪ I will testify ♪

- ♪ As long as I shall live ♪
- ♪ Testify ♪

- ♪ I will testify to love ♪
- ♪ Testify ♪

♪ I'll be a witness
in the silences ♪

- ♪ When words are not enough ♪
- ♪ Testify ♪

- ♪ With every breath I take ♪
- ♪ Testify ♪

♪ Will give thanks
to God above ♪

- ♪ Testify ♪
- ♪ For as long as I shall live ♪

♪ I will testify ♪

♪ Testify ♪

- ♪ For as long as I shall live ♪
- ♪ Testify ♪

- ♪ I will testify to love ♪
- ♪ Testify ♪

♪ Be a witness in the silences
when words are not enough ♪

♪ Testify ♪

♪ With every breath I take ♪

- ♪ Will give thanks to
God above ♪ -♪ Testify ♪

♪ For as long as I shall
live I will testify to love ♪

- ♪ Testify ♪
- ♪ For as long as I shall live ♪

♪ Testify ♪

- ♪ I will testify to love ♪
- ♪ Testify ♪

♪ Be a witness in the silences
when words are not enough ♪

♪ Testify ♪

♪ With every breath I take ♪

♪ Will give thanks
to God above ♪

♪ For as long as I shall live ♪

♪ I will testify ♪

- ♪ Testify ♪
- ♪ For as long as I shall live ♪

♪ I will testify to love... ♪