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05x12 - Fool for Love

Posted: 04/30/23 09:39
by bunniefuu
- Jack.
- Jack, Sarah Parker.

Hey, Sarah.

You got those
fingerprints for me?

Let me see if I can
track them down.

Trial is Tuesday, Jack.

Yeah, I know.

Could you hold on?

Yes, I'll hold.

Got a hot one for you.

- Ah, tell me it's the hit and run.
- No, better.

That armed robbery last week

that we linked to the
three in Michigan?

They pulled a guy over
this morning for missing tags.

Matches the description,
g*ns in the backseat.

- Oh, he's mine.
- Hello, Sarah, I found them.

You got 'em... oh, good.

Send 'em to Downtown Research.

Thanks, Jack.

Elimination prints.

I thought I'd take one more
look at 'em before the trial.

You never know.


Now, who's this guy?

Guy's a career small-timer,

grand theft auto, in
and out for burglary.

Petty stuff, you know?

Yeah, I know the
type, I'll handle this.

What is this thing
girls have for bad boys?

This is, uh, James Allen,
also known as John Arnold,

also known as Jerry Andreas,
also known as Jesse Archer,

et cetera, et cetera.



You know this guy?

I-I can't do this right now.

W-What's the problem?

I-I need, um, I need
to study the file first,

so let-let-let's do this later.

Well, I-I can't
hold him too long.

Just do it.

We still on for lunch?



God, please help me.

You sent me an angel once.

I need another one now.

God, please.

I wondered what it would
take to get her to this point.

It looks like it took Jesse.

That's the problem, baby,

and that's always been
the problem... Jesse.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

Where is that waitress?

I got to get going.

Oh, don't worry about
it, I-I'll take care of it.

Well, aren't you coming?

I'll meet you
back at the office.

I want to go over this file one
more time before I meet the guy.

Okay, thanks.

I'll, uh, treat tomorrow.

Did you enjoy your lunch?

Yes, thanks.

Could you add a
piece of cake to that?

Sure, what kind of
cake would you like?

Doesn't matter.

No, do you have chocolate?

Chocolate, coming up.

- Chocolate, huh?
- Uh-huh.

Where's Chuck?

Uh, Chuck's on a break.

Oh, well, give me
another double.

It's 2:00 in the afternoon.

Don't you have someplace to be?

Doesn't matter now.

I haven't sold
anything for so long,

I might as well
go on a break, too,

a really long one.

What you got in there?


Small mementos of days gone by.

A traveling antique salesman?

Isn't that unusual?

They weren't antiques
when I started.


One chocolate cake.


Keep the change.

Would you like a candle?

Comes with the job.

I can always spot
a birthday girl.

Why not?

Now I just have
to find 17 candles.

You know, I always
thought I'd be prettier by now.

Oh, don't be silly.

You're a beautiful girl, Sarah.

At least Jesse thinks so.

Everybody thinks so.

Mom, did you ever have
somebody that makes you feel,

I don't know, prettier than
you know you really are?


Jesse makes me feel that way.


I mean, w-when you
were 17, I just wondered,

did you ever feel...?

Feel what, honey?

What are you doing?


At what?

Most beautiful
girl I've ever seen.


Mmm, babe, mmm.


My mom's in there.

Well, as long as
she's not out here.

You never listen to me.

I hate you.

No, you don't.

You love me.


I do.

I love you.


I love you, too.

- Jess...
- Happy birthday.

Are you ready to party?


It-It's just...

We set a place for you
at the dinner table, Jesse.

Chuck roast, mashed potatoes,
biscuits, chocolate cake...

All Sarah's favorites.

Best chocolate cake in town.

Isn't that right, Sarah?

Well, I got to tell you, Mrs.
Parker, I really do envy you.

You've been able to spend
17 birthdays here with Sarah.

This time I was kind of
hoping that I could do it for her.

I got the whole night planned.

I didn't know.

Jess just kind of
surprised me, Mom.

Tell you what, though,

I will take you up on
that chocolate cake.

I've heard great
things about it.

Yes, ma'am.

Come on, baby.

♪ Mama told her baby
girl, "Take it real slow" ♪

♪ Girl told her mama,
"Hey, I really gotta go..." ♪


♪ "He's waiting in the car" ♪

♪ Mama said, "Girl,
you won't get far" ♪

♪ That fate's got cards ♪

♪ That it don't wanna show ♪

- Jesse.
- ♪ And that boy ♪

- ♪ Is just a walkaway Joe ♪
- I never could say no to you.

- ♪ Born to be a leaver... ♪
- Pardon me?

Oh, nothing, I-I was
just thinking out loud.

You told me to keep the change,

but I think you left a
50 instead of a five.



Got a lot on your mind, huh?

Usually do.

Don't you wish you
could just stick your brain

through the dishwasher?

Interesting concept.

The next best thing
is a good listener...

A discreet, nonjudgmental,

yet utterly
sympathetic third party.

Who said there
was a second party?

You did.

You whispered his name... Jesse.


Have you ever been in love,
you know, so hard that it made

everything seem right even
though you knew it was wrong?

I've never been in love at all.

That's not possible.

I-I've been very
busy with my work.

Okay, I've used that one.

You know the old saying

"It's better to have
loved and lost..."

"Than never to
have loved at all."

It's not true.

You sound as if you've lost.


Problem is, I never
quite lost it completely.


Dad went to bed.

I made chamomile tea.


Do you know how
worried I've been?

Mom, you knew I was with Jesse.

Yes, that much I knew.

Why do you have
it in for him so bad?

He treats me real good, he's
always real respectful to you,

he says all the right things.

He says all the right things.

Why do you hate him so much?

You don't even know him.

I know his type.

Oh, here it comes... The
"I was 17 once" speech.

"He'll love you and leave
you, just like your dad left me

"with a baby and no future.

If it wasn't for your stepfather
to come along and..."

Just because you heard it
before doesn't mean it's not true.

And being 17, sweetheart,
doesn't make you too old

to learn from your
mother's mistakes.

I've learned.

I'm not gonna waste my life on
a dumpy farm in West Virginia.

I don't expect you will.

Your grandma gave
this to me when I was 18.

To remind me that no
matter how grown up I felt,

I would always
be her little girl.

And it made me so angry
because I wanted her

to stop treating me like a
kid and see me as an adult.

But I'll tell you a secret.

There were plenty of nights when
I was 18 and 20 and even 30...

when I held on to this doll
and found comfort in knowing

that no matter how old I
got or how hard life seemed...

I was always
somebody's little girl.

I was gonna give this to
you when you turned 18.

But I think now might
be the right time.

You know how her
heart says "I love you"?

Well, I added something.

Happy birthday.

It's funny about being 17.

No matter how much
love your parents give you,

you just can't give them the
satisfaction of accepting it.

I felt sorry for my
mom and stepdad.

They just couldn't
compete with Jesse.

We'll be able to
sleep on the beach

underneath the stars.

It's gonna be like paradise.

It sounds incredible.

So, what do you say, huh?

I got the car all packed up.

We could leave in the morning.

- Leave where?
- Jesse's got a friend in California.

He says he can get
him in the movies.

- Really?
- He wants me to go with him.

Absolutely not.

I'm 17.

Right now you're
behaving like you're seven.

You've got school,
for one thing,

and for another, I'm not
gonna let a daughter of mine

take off across
country with some...

Some what?!

I will not discuss this
until your father gets back

from Norfolk tomorrow.

- I'm leaving tomorrow.
- Jesse, I think

you could leave right now.

- I hate you!
- Sarah!

Uh, Mrs. Parker,
listen, I'm sorry.

I didn't, uh, mean to
cause any problems.

Jesse, you know
exactly what you're doing.

And I know exactly
what you're doing.

Don't you care about her at all?

I love her, ma'am.

Then leave her alone
and let her grow up.

Well, she's done a lot
of growing up already.

- Let's go.
- Sarah, no!

I'm going to California, Mom,

- whether you like it or not.
- Sarah Joan Parker,

you walk out of that door
now, you don't ever come back.

California, here we come!

I did it! I did it!

Hey, let's get some
road music going, huh?

Jess... you have a g*n.

Yeah, sure. I mean, you go
out on the open road these days,

you got to have protection.

Got to protect the
woman that I love.

♪ Be beside you ♪

♪ If only for ♪

- ♪ A while... ♪
- A g*n?

I should've gotten out
of the car right then.

But you didn't.

Something's wrong here.

Would you like to discuss it?

It doesn't taste like a martini.

What does it taste like?

Water! Olive water.

I can't even taste the vodka.

Have another olive on the house.

You were saying?

I-I was saying, uh... Oh, yeah.

It's a jungle out
there, you know?

And I've been through it all.

Antique glass, antique lace,

antique spoons, antique buttons.

Threw my back out during
that antique horseshoe craze.

I don't know what I'm doing

sitting here telling
you my sad story.

Everybody's got one.

Perhaps, but yours
is the only one

I'm interested in
hearing right now.

Soon as I saw the g*n, something
inside me knew what was coming.

I just didn't want
to think about it.

I was with Jesse.

That was all that mattered.

Jesse wanted to make
the trip more like a vacation.

So we took all the back roads

and visited all the
silly tourist attractions.

I wanted to drive straight
through to California,

but everything
was going so well.

I just didn't want to spoil it.

I think those first few days
were the best days of my life.

I'm coming.

Okay, I am gonna buy you
steak and eggs for breakfast

to make up for dragging you
to that Eisenhower Memorial.

We can't afford steak.

Oh, come on, we're loaded.

We're not gonna be for
long if we keep eating steak.

Stop worrying about it, okay?
We have plenty of money.

And-and if we need to, we
could stop off along the way

and take odd jobs to
make more money, okay?

Baby, this is freedom. Live it.

What we need to do, Jess,
is go to a grocery store,

get some bread and
some peanut butter

and stop wasting so much money.

It's irresponsible.

No, it's not. It's fun!

Come on.

You're having steak and
eggs. Now, get in here.

So, what do you say

we head up to Chicago next?

'Cause I've never been up there.

We're not on vacation, Jess.

Besides, Chicago's in
the opposite direction

of California.

We can't do it all.

How much... exactly, do we have?

Exactly enough.

How much, Jess?


you know, you are
really starting to scare me.

You're sounding like your mom.


Well, I'm sorry, but my mom
is really good with money.

She really taught me
how to stretch a buck.

I mean, we don't
waste anything at home.

We had... stuff.

I mean, nice stuff, but...


Baby, what? Look...

Okay, look, if-if it
upsets you this much

to eat in places like
this, then... we just won't.

All right?

I'm fine.

It's just... You're
homesick, huh?

Sarah... I'm your family now.

Don't-don't you know that?

And we're gonna get
married, I promise you.

And we are gonna
have a great life together.

Us... a hundred years from now.

J-Jess, I got to
tell you something.

Jess... Oh, no.

I'm pregnant.

Jess, you know I'm sorry.

Four months?

I wasn't sure at first.

It's pretty sure now, isn't it?

Now it's too late.

For what?

Oh... Damn it!

Is it bad?

What is it?

A hose. Just get
back in the car.

Can you fix it?


For now.

Wh-What do you mean, "for now"?

I mean, for now. I have
some tape in here somewhere.

I can hold the tube together

until we get to the
next town, okay?

Do you have to
question everything?

But then what?

Then we find a magic hose tree.

What do you think!

Hey, I was just asking.

Just get in the car.

Come on, Jess, I can
help. I'm only trying...

Nag, nag, nag!

"Don't spend any money, Jesse."

"Wait till we get to
California, Jesse."

"You knocked me up, Jesse."

I never said that.

I know what you said.

Come on, Jess,
you're scaring me.

Then get in the car
before I really get mad.

We made it to the next town

and spent our last dime
getting the car repaired.

We were flat broke

and over a thousand
miles outside of California.

Jesse was losing patience...

and I was losing Jesse.

Oh, my! I love this!

This is beautiful.

I've always loved these.

I can give it to you at cost.

No, 'cause I don't
have any place to put it.

What, don't you
have a favorite nook?

No. No nooks.

No crannies.

So, you were broke?


Pregnant, broke... scared.

Believe it or
not, still in love.

Keep the car running;
I'll be back in a second.

Jess... Shut up.
Stay in the car.

You're not gonna
go in there, are you?

Do you know why
I shouldn't, Sarah?

How do you know my name?

Sarah... I'm here to help you.

You have got to get away, now,

away from Jesse,
before it's too late.

My mom sent you, didn't she?

Are you planning on following
us all the way to California,

or did you just have this
one creepy visit in mind?

Look what's happening.

Is this the life that you
imagined for yourself?

Yes. Because it's mine.

And you can tell my
mom that she was wrong,

that she was wrong
about everything.

Get in the car!

Oh, my God. What did you do?

Oh, now, come on.
Don't act so surprised.

You knew what I was
going in there to do.

Jesse, I didn't think you'd
really go through with it.

Baby, we got no choice.

Look, nobody got hurt, okay?

And I promise you,
when we get to California,

I'll send the man his
money back, all right?

I swear.

So just like that, the
dream was back on track.

Only, it wasn't a dream anymore.

It was a nightmare.

Chamomile tea.

It's very soothing.

You know what
this reminds me of?

Peter Rabbit.

It was my, uh, favorite
bedtime story when I was a kid.

Peter Rabbit runs away from
home and gets into trouble,

comes back with a tummy ache.

His mom tucks him into bed
with a cup of chamomile tea.


She forgives him.

Just a fairy tale, Monica.

Life doesn't work that way.

When Abby was born, we
wanted to go to a hospital,

but we were afraid that
they would spot the car.

So we checked into a motel.

We didn't know anything
about having a baby.

There was a moment...

a moment when I thought
Abby and I were gonna die.

Why didn't you just go home?

Well, at first, it was pride.

Pure teenage
rebellion, you know?

I was never a rebellious
teenager, I'm afraid.

Why did I know that?

Anyway, for me, it was pride.

And then shame.

No mother could love me now.

Not after what I've done.

It can't be that bad.

Oh, yeah.

It was bad.

I never would have
gotten through it, if it...

if it weren't for Sam.


Sam was the closest thing
to an angel I'd ever met.


Jesse, can you help
me with the door?


Jesse, Jesse.


Look, look how she squints up
her little eyes when she sleeps.

Yeah, well, I wouldn't know
much about sleep anymore.


Shh. Don't wake her.

It's hard enough
for her as it is,

riding around in the
car day and night.

I don't have any
money, I told you.

Yeah, that's 'cause you
spent it all on baby stuff.

Look, Jess, we don't
have to stay here, okay?

We can sleep in
the car, until we get...

Look, we're staying here.

How are we gonna pay for it?

If you don't really want to
know the answer, don't ask.

Don't start crying, all right?

I am warning you.

Howdy, folks.

Welcome to the Vista Grande.

Everybody here
just calls me Sam.

Show us your cheapest room.

Okay, so if you need anything,
like extra pillows or blankets,

just let me know.

Thanks, Sam.

Where's the, uh, phone?

Oh, the pay phone's down
by the registration desk.

What kind of a dump doesn't
have phones in the room?

The kind that don't
require payment up front.

I got to get out of
here for a while.

Jesse, I thought
tonight we could...

stay together.

Is there anything that I can do?

It's just been kind of hard, you
know, with the new baby and all.

We're trying to
make it to California.

Looks like you
got your hands full.

She's the most beautiful thing
that's ever happened to me.

Except Jesse, I mean.

We're a family, you know?

That's the important thing.

Oh, yeah, family's
very important.

Now, if you need to make a
phone call, you just let me know.

She doesn't need
to use the phone.

Do you, Sarah?

I mean, who would you call?

I'm glad you came back.

I was just about to invite the
three of you over for dinner.

Now, I'm not fixing
anything fancy or nothing,

just chuck roast, mashed
potatoes and biscuits.

You're all welcome.

Thanks, but no thanks.

I thought you were going out.

What'd you do with it?


You know what.

It was in the glove compartment.

Now, what'd you do with it?

- Jesse, you don't...
- Give it to me!

Shut up. Shut up!

Oh, Abby.


It's okay.

Come on, hush, hush.

That's okay.



How did you...?

Jesse, what did you do?

I didn't.

May I have this dance?

What's going on?


I know I've been
acting like a cretin lately.


Did you just say "cretin"?

Yeah. It's what my mom
always used to call my dad.

Well, whatever works.

Give me these.

Let's dance.

♪ Oh, my baby ♪

- ♪ Oh, my... ♪
- Jesse.

What? What?

I'm glad to see you
in such a good mood,

but when you left, you
didn't have any money.

But when I came back,
we had hit the mother lode.

We are on our way again, Sarah.

Our lives are about
to change, big-time.

You know that pool hall
we passed on the way in?

I met a guy there tonight.

He's, uh... he's
kind of like a broker.

Like a stockbroker?

No, no.

More like, uh... a baby broker.

I've never heard
of a baby broker.

Well, um... he buys
and sells babies

from people who can't
afford to keep them

and-and then sells
them to families who can.

Oh, my God, Jesse,
what did you do?

Ten grand, Sarah.


He gave me a little in advance.

Jesse, she's your daughter.

I know.

But, I mean, look-look
around, Sarah.

You know, we cannot
afford to keep her.

She deserves better than this.

We deserve better than this.

Jesse, we could stop running.

We could get jobs,
we could be a family.

Yeah, we will, we will,
we will, someday, okay?

But we're not ready to
raise a kid, not like this.

We can't be selfish, we got
to do what's best for Abby.

Jesse, she's your child.

Don't you have any
feeling for her at all?

I can't afford to.

Well, I love her
and I won't do it.

Well, it's done.

We're meeting him
tomorrow morning at 9:00.

It's gonna be okay.

Everything's gonna
be the way it used to be.

We'll be kids with a future,

instead of worrying
about somebody else's.

It's the right thing to do.

Boy, I do love this
time of the morning.

The beginning of a new day,
everything so fresh and clean.

Me, too.

Completely unfettered by
the problems of the world.

It's a wonderful reminder

of the restorative
power of our Creator.

You know, His mercy is
brand-new every morning, Sarah.

It's good to wake up

and remember things
like that, you know?

Every morning, a new start.

I wish I believed that.

All you have to do is believe,

and the sun will come up.

Now, come and watch the
sunrise with me, please, Sarah.

I can't.


Do you know where a
church is around here?

Yeah, there's one
right down the street.



You know, His mercy is
brand-new every morning, Sarah.

All you have to do it believe
and the sun will come up.

Oh, God, no.

Oh, God, please, no.


Somebody, please.

Did somebody take my baby?

I only turned my back.

I walked a few steps.

Nobody knew anything,
nobody saw anything.

I searched every
inch of that church.

And so Abby disappeared?

You must be asking yourself,

what kind of woman
would abandon her baby?

For every thousand mothers,

there's a thousand reasons.

But not an excuse.

All I can do when I go to
bed at night is tell myself,

"At least I didn't
allow her to be sold."

What did Jesse do?

Jesse did exactly what
my mother said he would.

♪ Mama told her baby
girl, take it real slow ♪

♪ The girl told her mama,
hey, I really gotta go ♪

♪ He's waiting in the car ♪

♪ Mama said, girl,
you won't get far ♪

♪ Thus are the dreams
of an average Jane... ♪


♪ 90 miles an hour
down a lovers lane ♪

♪ On a t*nk of dreams ♪

♪ Oh, if she
could've only seen ♪

♪ That fate's got cards
that it don't wanna show ♪

♪ And that boy's just
a walkaway Joe... ♪

Sam gave me a job at the motel

and a place to live,

even though he never
had any customers.

He took a lot of business
trips for a guy who owned

a cheap, little motel in
the middle of nowhere.

I never would've become a lawyer

if it hadn't been for him.

I don't think I would
have survived at all.

I know it sounds crazy,
but sometimes I think...

I think Sam was an angel.

A stranger who
comes out of nowhere

right when you
need him the most.

Angels do that.

Uh, Harry, you know
what you're missing?

You're just trying
to get me to buy

your antique beer
steins, aren't you?

No, uh, I just want
you to look at them.

If you think they're worth
anything, you can have them.

But you have to
see them in the back,

in their original dust.

Come on.

So it's your birthday,

and you're
feeling a little blue.

Well, let's see.

I'm 27 years old,
and I live alone.

I haven't spoken to
my mom in a decade.

I don't know if she's alive.

I have a daughter
out there somewhere

that I've never known.

And back at my office,
sitting in a jail cell,

is Jesse.

Back in my life.

Soon to be a convicted
felon, and the man

I just can't seem to get over.

But you haven't
seem him for ten years.

Not when I'm awake.

I know it doesn't
make any sense.

It's not love, it's
not sentimental.

He just has this bond over me

I can't break.

But you want to?

And that's why you
prayed for an angel.

How could you know that?

Because I am the
answer to that prayer.

Oh, don't leave.

Sarah, listen to me.

I'm the angel that you
asked God to send to you.

I don't believe you.

I've prayed for angels before,
and God has never sent any.

Yes, he did.

The stranger at the
market, and Sam,

and others, too.

There've been angels
all along the way,

and today, there is me.

Why would God answer my prayers?

Because He loves you.


Not after what I've done.

Do you remember the
story of the prodigal son?

It's just a story.

It's truth.

God is waiting for you.

Your mother is waiting for you.

Why don't you come home?

I'm too ashamed.

But as long as you
hold on to that shame,

you'll always be closer to Jesse
than you will be to the Father.

And you can never be the
daughter you were meant to be.

The mother you were meant to be.

The woman you were meant to be.

With every case
that you prosecute,

with every law that you enforce,

you're just making
up for your guilt.

And you'll never truly break
the bond to it until you take

your soul back from Jesse

and hand it over to the
one who really loves you.

Give it to the Father, Sarah.

Will you do that?


I will.

But I don't know how.

You just have.

Thank you.

Thank you.

I feel different already.

Is that possible?

Yes, God doesn't waste any time.

Well, what do you think?

Well, they're beautiful,

but I don't have any
room for them in the bag.

Well, make room.

There must be something
in that bag somebody needs.

Wouldn't that be the
answer to a prayer?

Oh, look at that.

Where did you get this?

In a junk shop in Indiana.

You never know
when one person's junk

is gonna be another
person's treasure,

do you, Harry?

You know what, I saw you
with that little birthday cake

a while ago.

Why don't we just make
that a birthday present?


♪ She only wanted love ♪

- ♪ Didn't bargain for this ♪
- Thank you.

♪ She can't help but love
him for the way he is ♪

♪ She's only 17... ♪

But this could be the case
to get you that promotion.

- ♪ And there ain't no
reasoning ♪ -Not this time.

- You're not walking away from this.
- ♪ She'll ride this ride ♪

- ♪ As far as it can go ♪
- Boy, am I over you.

Yes, I am.

♪ 'Cause that boy's
just a walkaway Joe ♪

♪ Born to be a leaver
tell ya from the word go ♪

♪ Destined to deceive her ♪

♪ He's the wrong
kind of paradise ♪

♪ She's gonna know
it in a matter of time ♪

♪ That boy's just
a walkway Joe ♪

♪ For the cold hard truth ♪

♪ Revealed what it had known ♪

♪ That boy's just
a walkway Joe ♪

♪ Born to be a leaver
tell ya from the word go ♪

♪ Destined to deceive her ♪

♪ He's the wrong
kind of paradise ♪

♪ But it was just
another lesson in life ♪

♪ That boy was a walkaway Joe. ♪

Welcome home, baby.

Mom, I wanted to come
home so many times.

I prayed every night

that God would bring
my little girl back home,

and I always
believed that he would.

Although, I never thought
I would see this again.

Oh, my gosh, it's almost 3:00.

Abby's gonna be here any minute.


Oh, I was just gonna
tell you about her.

About a year after you
left, a man came to the door.

He said his name was Andrew,

and he told us
about a little baby

that was found in a
church that needed a home.

I wasn't interested
at first because

we were missing you so much,

but the minute I
laid eyes on her,

she reminded me so much of you.

A church?


Her mother just left her
with a note and a blanket.

That said, "Her name's Abby,

and I loved her"?

Yes, how did you...?

What is it, Sarah?

Mom, I'll explain
it to you later.

We got all the
time in the world.

Hi, Abby.

You're so cute.

I'm Sarah.

This is for you.

Want to go inside?

I've been looking forward
to this day for a long time.

Well, some miracles
just take a little longer.

I don't think this
one's finished.

Oh, no, baby, this one's
gonna take a lifetime.

Angel Girl, get some
of that traveling music.

We out of here.