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05x13 - The Medium and the Message

Posted: 04/30/23 09:40
by bunniefuu

(car horn beeping)

(Monica sighs)

MONICA: Mmm...

Oh, dear.


Do you remember when
there was no television?

I'm trying.

Families used to
sit in front of the fire

and they would tell stories

and they would keep
warm by the hearth,

and now they sit
around the television

and then they stare at the
tube, instead of the flames,

and nobody's any
warmer when it's over.

Keep your eyes
off that television.

Could cause permanent damage.

It's too late.

I just watched America's
Funniest Surgeries.

Is this my assignment, Tess,

to do something
about television?

Television's not an assignment.

Souls are your assignment.

And believe it or not,

the president of
this network has one.

He just forgot where he put it.

So you're gonna talk to
him a few minutes today.

A few minutes?
Is that all I have?

Well, every once in a while,

we send an angel
in there to say hello

and to remind him
to follow his dreams.

What is his dream?

Well, you don't
have to know that.

He knows that, and this is
a one-minute assignment

for a man who won't
listen any longer than that.

- There you go.
- Thank you.

Come on! Your ratings last week

were lower than the
Weather Channel,

- and you want a raise?
- Yeah.

Here's my answer.

TESS: His name is T.K. McKenna.

Mr. McKenna
doesn't like to lose.

He'd do anything to see that
his network is number one.

Is that his dream?

No. He just wants
to be first now,

but there was a time when
he wanted to be the best.

What could I possibly
say in 60 seconds

that could make a difference?

Oh, sometimes, it only takes
a minute to change everything.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

MAN: The dialogue
here is all wrong.

Martians don't talk like that.

Cowboy Martians do.

WOMAN: All that show
needs is better actors,

better writers, a new
time slot, and boom, big hit.

WOMAN 2: I'm sorry,
sir, Mr. McKenna

never sees anyone
without an appointment,

especially people
who bring their laundry.

MAN: But I have here a
thousand letters complaining

about last week's
episode of Explosions, Etc.

Okay, just come with me here.

McKENNA: You see
last night's show? Huh?


(laughs) The bus
expl*si*n was my idea.

Big, better,
absolutely shocking...

That's the NNT way.

Yeah, get back to me.
I'll be here all day gloating.




MONICA: Hello.

Who are you?

I'm Monica.

Hope I didn't startle you.

No, not really.

Every six months or so,

I turn around to
find a total stranger

sitting across from my desk.

Nobody sees them come
in, no one sees them leave.

They hit me with a
platitude like "God loves you"

or "Follow your dream,"
and then they leave.

Did you see the show last night?

- Explosions, Etc?
- You like the bus going up?

Ka-boom! (laughs)

Number three in its time
period, thank you very much.

And with 64
channels, that ain't bad.

You could do better.

Yeah, well, we're up
against Stripper Detectives.

That's tough competition.

I don't mean ratings.

You could do
better, just better.

You want better?

Fine. Pitch me.


Pitch me. Try to
sell me a story.

People do it all the time.

The valet at my
favorite restaurant

pitches me stories
every day at lunch.

When I say no, he
steals my change.

Go on.

I don't know how to.

Well, they say, "Write
about what you know."

What do you know?

I know about angels.

Angels... well, I got
to stop you there.

Let's see.

We talking about
domestic angels?

Angels in the workplace?

Angel angels, you
know, from Heaven,

that God has sent to Earth

to help people in
their hour of need.

How about their
half hour of need?

That's all we have open.

Well, that's up to you.

Okay. What would a show
about angels look like?


TESS: ♪ Mm, I am ♪

♪ Thankful for
this beautiful day ♪

♪ Oh, yeah, I'm thankful ♪

♪ For this beautiful day, oh ♪

♪ Yes, I'm thankful ♪

♪ For this beautiful day. ♪

You're sounding
great today, Tess.

Singing the sun up,
Monica, singing the sun up.

Eh, the sun's been up for hours.

Do you want to argue with me

- or do you want to hear the news?
- What news?

You've been taken off
of search and rescue.


Well, I guess you did a
pretty good job with that 747,

'cause somebody... I
do mean somebody...

Has decided to
give you a promotion.

Hallelujah! I'm a caseworker!

Tess, I'm sorry I'm
late... I thought if I

took a taxi, it would put me

in the mood for this assignment,

but first we got stuck
in the Holland Tunnel,

then I got caught in a
traffic jam, rush hour...

Here, have a pretzel.

It'll put you in the mood
for your assignment.

God told us there'd
be days like this, too.

Days when humans behave
so badly to one another,

it's all an angel can
do to keep loving them.

But the good news is,
that's all we have to do.

How long you been
a caseworker, baby?

- Two years.
- Got to get

a couple of centuries

under your belt, Miss Wings,

before you can develop a
perspective on the human race.

I know that man
has a good heart.

It's like a diamond
hidden in the ashes.

It's going to take
some work to find it.

Well, there's a lot

of work to be done here.

Work that could
change many lives.

(echoing): Mr. Carpenter,

your time is at hand.

It's gonna be a long night,

but you have got the best angels
in the business working on this.

And I promise you, God
has heard your prayers,

and we'll have this

all cleaned up real
good before you go.

- Tube in! Breath sounds?
- Yes.

Get that neurologist
down here, stat.

- Mm, mm, mm.
- Did you know this was going to happen?

Of course not... these things
are never part of the plan.

But our work was over;
our assignment was finished.

Nothing is ever over,
and God is never finished.

Humans see to that.

I can't believe it.

One moment, one little thing,

one tiny decision,
everything changes.

No. A lot of little
things led up to this.

That's the problem.

It's like ripples on the water.

People cannot
always see the ripples

before they cast a
stone into the universe.

Okay. Not bad.

- (snaps fingers)
- What about martial arts angels?



- (McKenna laughing)
- I don't think so.

You know, I was only
going to stay for a minute.

- (knocking)
- Ah, there she is.

Come to eat crow, Irene?

It's not on my diet.

Irene here didn't want
to see the bus explode.

Thought it would be too mean.

- The world is mean, Irene.
- He wanted it to be

a school bus, with the kids
being burned alive in the fire.

We could have been number one.

Excuse me.

Who are you?

I'm Monica.

Just another one of
those ones who...?

Irene is my executive assistant.

And his conscience.

Monica here was just

pitching me a
series about angels.

Oh. Now I'm listening.

Oh, let's talk about
the important stuff.

Do they at least
wear sexy clothes?

They wear all sorts of
different things, you see,

because you don't always know
right away that they are angels.

Ah. Undercover angels.


Colonel Boyles,
Captain Monica, SJA.

- Good morning.
- I'm looking for Bud Glazer. FBI.

- Come in.
- In five,

- three...
- So, what do I do?

Wing it.

Wedding invitations,
tax refunds...

And look at this...
Carolyn Sellers

may have already
won $10 million.

Well, happy mail aside, there
is a lot to like about springtime.

- Next case, please.
- Case number 96-20664CFA.

People v. Melina Karen.

Excuse me?


What does CFG mean?

Oh, it's the perfect
chord progression

in a classic rock tune.
It's our private shorthand

- for "I love you."
- Ah.

You can never go
wrong saying that.

I'm a Lamaze teacher.

Oh, really? Oh,
that-that's so funny.

I just started
looking for a class.

Well, as it so happens,

we're starting a new
class in the morning.

The courses are free, and
you don't have to wear shoes.

Prowler, possible burglary.

223 Wall Avenue, third floor.

- Are you ready?
- Yeah. -You two go ahead.

- I'll catch up with you later.
- Aw, come on, Tess.

- I don't think so.
- (Monica laughs)

- You've never done this before, have you?
- No.

You taught everyone else,
but you never did it yourself.


Andrew is where
he is supposed to be.

You are where you
are supposed to be.

He's a camera guy;
you're the weather girl.

- Is that clear?
- Yes.

And I don't mean to be contrary.

I just want to be where
I can do the most good.

Oh, don't kid yourself, Monica.

Predicting the weather
is not as easy as it looks.

♪ I am cooking ♪

♪ What a blessing,
what a blessing ♪

♪ For everyone... ♪


My name is Monica.

And lucky for you,

I've had lots of experience
in search and rescue.


Welcome to Heaven On a Bun.


Wh-What do you recommend?

These lovely beverages
should keep you on track.

Got a bit faint there, eh?

Yes, thank you.

You all right?

Colonel, you're a
perfect gentlemen.

(laughing) I'm just
doing my duty, ma'am.


Monica, Monica,
that's it, Monica.

No wings?

No wings.

Monica, I don't see it.

But thank you for breaking in.

Thank you, for your time.

I thought it was great.

Knock, knock.

- Trend reports?
- Oh, good.

Let's see what's
hot and what's not.

Oh, people are eating
hamburgers again.

The color blue is
making a comeback.

76% of all Americans
say they believe in angels.

- The flat TV looks like...
- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

What did you say about angels?

Um, 76% of the U.S. population

believes in angels.

That's more than own cars.

TESS: You pitched him?

I don't know what
happened exactly.

Well, I do. You
yielded to temptation.

You tried to change
television instead of the man.

And the only way you're
gonna change this network

is to change the heart
of the man that runs it.


Come back.

I've got some people
I'd like you to meet.

Come on.

Good afternoon, everybody.

I'd like to introduce
you to Monica.

Monica here has an idea.

It's not an idea
really, but a concept.

More of an area than a
concept, call it a thought.

No, it's more

than a thought,
it's-it's an idea.

Okay, it was an idea after all.

Listen to it and come back
with something that works.

Hello, um...

My idea is for a
series about angels.

- Angels?
- Great idea.

Now does it have
to be about angels?

Angels are out.

- Too soft.
- Can they be devils?

Yeah, devils are edgy.

Excuse me, they're angels,

and they have to be real angels.

Not edgy enough.

I'll have you know,
angels can be very edgy.

- Mason.
- (g*nsh*t)

Come on, get out of my way!

Hey, who told you
you could drive,

you stupid idiot?

(horn honks)

No, I haven't had enough!

(rapid g*nshots)

Look out! Get down!

Keep your hands above your head.

- Hold still!
- (gasps)

MAN: I don't know who she is.

I haven't done anything, man.

OFFICER: Just shut up.

Okay, lady, you
are under arrest.


I won't listen to this, I won't.

If you have done
things in your life

that you are not
proud of, I am sorry.

And if you don't believe
that you can walk away

from all of that right
now, then I am sorrier still.

But for you to twist

your guilt and your
superstitions and your fables

into a life sentence
for that little child,

that makes me very angry.


(g*nsh*t, screaming)

Get out of here, man.

MAN: All right,
forget I said anything.

No, I'm serious.

Get out of here; me and her,

we're gonna negotiate
this ourselves.

Look, I think I changed my mind.

Hey, don't worry about it;
he's waiting right outside.

I'm gonna make sure you
get home okay and everything.

Really, never mind.

Hey, hold on.

(bird shrieks)

I wouldn't waste any energy

trying to figure out
what just happened

because you're gonna need
all of it to find your way home.


So what does Heaven look like?

Ah, Heaven is like every
beautiful day you've ever seen,

every beautiful flower
you've ever smelled,

every kiss you've ever had.

We're gonna need a
lot of special effects.

How about this?

Heaven is a junkyard.

Or a bowling alley?

Heaven is a bowling alley,

and God is the guy who
rents you your shoes.

Excuse me, you're
missing the point here.

This is about real angels.

I don't get it.

Um, if it's real, then you need,

well, real things.

Well, all right then,

let me tell you about
the Angel of Death.

Okay, that sounds promising.


Now death is edgy.

(doorbell rings)

Trick or treat.


Okay, pal, who do
you think you are?

I'm Death.

Oh, really?

You gonna give me my candy?

Yeah, yeah, you'll
get your candy.

But, first,

I think you and I need
to have a little chat.

(sirens wailing)

Fish, it's time to go home.

Hello, Abraham.

My name's Andrew.

I'm Andrew.

You're the Angel of Death?

- You're so young.
- (laughs)

Ooh, I'm older than you think.

Ah, a young fellow comes for me.

Hey, you know something?

What's that?

You're in collections, too.

Sure, we're both
in the junk business.


That's a good one.

Is that how it's gonna happen?

I don't know how,
and I don't know when,

but I do know this.

When it happens, I'll be there.

Kate, I don't want to scare you,

but I know that if
I've been sent here

to show you the way
home, there's a reason.

And usually that
reason is death.

Hey, what is this?

What's going on?

I'm an angel, Scott.

- (chuckles)
- And I've been sent

by God to help you.


you lawyers sure think
highly of yourselves.

I miss my mommy and daddy.

I know you do, honey.

And they really miss you, too.

And, someday,

you'll all be together
again in a new home.

But you get to go there first.

Here we go.

Now, the Angel of
Death needs a cool name.

Oh, he has one.

It's Andrew.

Cooler. Trevor.



And he laughs maniacally

when he kills someone.
(laughs manically)

No, that's now how it goes.

Wait, I've got it.

He's a zombie.

He's not dead,
but he's not alive.

(murmurs of agreement)

(overlapping chatter)

- Be sort of like a, uh, -
Give him some chaps,

- uh, half vampire,
- motorcycle...

- half angel.
- Do angels smoke?

- He lives in the Bronx.
- Oh, mm-hmm.

He lives in the Bronx,
'cause the Bronx is edgy.

- Yeah, rough, edgy.
- Bronx...

- (knocks)
- Oh, hello.


You just missed him.

Got a 4:00 director's meeting,

5:00 casting meeting,
6:00 dinner meeting,

then he's back here doing
paperwork until he falls asleep.

So, he won't be back until late?

Nope, which is why
I'm leaving early.

Good for you.

I hope you sell your show,

but McKenna's not a
man to stick his neck out.

This is not exactly
the home of the brave.

We do need shows
about real people,

but unfortunately, Mr. McKenna
doesn't understand that.

Not anymore.

Why is that?

Well, he stopped
being a real person.

He doesn't live a real life.

If his car breaks down,

some guy rushes
out to have it towed

and another to get him a rental.

My car breaks
down, as it did today,

I have to get my
neighbor, Helen,

to give me a ride to work,

and who knows how
I'm gonna get home.

So, he's a wee bit out of touch?

He didn't used to be.

When I first met him,

he was a real go-getter.

He had a script in one hand
and a dream in the other.

A script?

He was a writer back
then, a good one.

But one day he decided

that writer's didn't
have enough power,

so he gave it all up and
went after a job that did.

And what was his dream?

Oh, you're not
going to believe this.

- He wanted to...
- (phone rings)

Excuse me.

Mr. McKenna's office.

Well, hi there.

Budgets, got them right here.

I'll be right down.

He forgot these.

I can drop them
off on my way out.

I'll have to finish
my story tomorrow.

Can I give you a ride home?

Thanks, but I got it covered.

Good night, Monica.

Good night.

TESS: What are you doing?

While I was waiting
for Mr. McKenna, uh,

I was working on some
ideas for the angel show.

It's not going very well.

And neither is this assignment.

He's in his office,
and he needs you.


As far as we can tell, this is

- an exact copy of something that aired...
- (knocking)

on NNT last night on
their series Explosions, Etc.

Remember our big
episode from last night?

Yeah, your idea
to blow up the bus.


An hour ago some psycho
h*jacked a city bus full of people...

and blew it up.

Oh, no.

And that's all we know for now.

Back to you in the studio.


ANCHOR (over TV):
Thank you, Anne.

Now, to recap,
at least ten people

are known dead at this
hour with another 16 injured,

some of them critically.

Police expect the death toll

from the copycat
bombing to rise overnight.

- Get Legal on this.
- (over phone): Why?

There's no proof those
psychopaths were influenced

by our show.

(over phone): Well,
they're calling a meeting.

Why are they calling
a meeting? I just said...

(over phone): T.K., just
make sure you're there, okay?

Fine, I'll tell them the
same thing I just told you.

(over phone): Just make
sure you get it straight.

- Yeah.
- (dial tone)

MONICA: Hello.

I am not responsible for this.

It's a TV show.

They come after the
producers of The Wizard of Oz

every time there was a tornado?

So you're being blamed?

Of course I'm being blamed.

The board of directors
called a meeting for 5:00.

They want to know what
I'm gonna do about all this.

Irene, are you in yet?

Great, all hell breaks loose,

and she takes the morning off.

She mentioned she was
having trouble with her car.

Maybe she's having a
problem getting a ride.

Did you know that 76% of
the people believe in angels?

The percentage
is actually higher,

but most people are too
embarrassed to admit it.


If we did a show about angels,

we could be NNT,
the network that cares.

(sighs) God, I hate that,
but the board might buy it.

Pitch me.

And now ask yourself, would
I have the same courage

to stand up when it counts?

Well, this is your
chance to find out,

this is your chance
to make a difference.

I don't want to
make a difference.

I just want to make a profit.


What does it profit a man

if he gains the whole
world and loses his soul?

'Cause something tells
me I'm just not made

to live in this world.

Well, whatever that something
is, don't listen to it, Jason.

It's a lie.

For the truth is that
God put you in this world

to make it better,
and you've done that.

And God is so proud of you.

Why didn't you answer these?

You shouldn't have opened them.

Well, somebody had to.

It was obvious you
didn't want to read them

because you know what's inside.

A little girl is in trouble
and she's counting on you.

To do what?

She's waiting for
someone to save her life.

I don't want to get involved.

You already are involved.

You answered the first letter.

All I told her is what I tell
everyone... that there is no God.

If she can't handle that...

Well, she didn't believe you

because she's got the true
faith of an innocent child.

Luther may spend the
rest of his life on death row,

but he doesn't have
to be there alone,

and Samuel has the chance
to live a long life of his own

instead of dying on the
streets, but it starts with you.

It starts with truth.

God loves you, Willis, and He
wants to give you this chance

to do something with
your life before you lose it.

If God loved me,
He'd save my life.

What do you think He's doing?

Reach out to your son
and tell him who you are,

and be the kind of father you
so desperately wanted to be

when you first held
Luther in your arms.

God doesn't want
you to spend this night

working on a painting.

He wants you to
spend these last hours

finishing the work
that matters the most.

The painting, Richard,
is... It's beautiful,

but it's just a painting.

Finish these for those boys.

Give them a
scrapbook of your heart,

a remembrance of all the things

that their father
loved on this earth.

Monica, it's sweet, it's
adorable, it's inspiring.

That's bad.

My advertisers want shows
for men who buy carburetors.

Do you buy carburetors?

No, I have people
do that for me,

but don't change the subject.

Angels aren't tough,
they're not gritty,

they don't have attitude.

Well, I haven't told
you about Tess yet.

Don't you dare
roll up that window.

Uh-oh, you're in
trouble now, Dad.

Get out of the car, Nathaniel.

You better do what she says.

Hey, lady, wait a minute.

You have come to the
end of your road, mister.

It's okay, she's an angel.

I ordered one.

Are you telling me
that you're an angel?

Yes, sir, and you're
looking at a very angry angel.

What David needs is his mother,

and all of a sudden my
instincts were kicking in and...

Wait, wait, wait,
wait just a minute.

Let me see if I
understand you correctly.

You want me to go back to
the Creator of the Universe,

the Alpha, the Omega,
the Great I Am, and explain

that the words of the
Almighty were disobeyed

because Monica's
instincts kicked in?

When was the last time
you said no to your little girl?


I don't understand.


No, you cannot have that toy.

No, you cannot watch
television as long as you want to.

No, you cannot stay out
as late as you want to.

No, I will not tolerate
your drug habit.

No, no.

You stole my car.

You stole it and
then you k*lled it.

Will you look at this...

The Angel of Death
that k*lled my car?

That car was spotless.

And it will be
again, too, I promise.

- Ooh, ooh!
- I promise.

I wish you hadn't
brought that boy in here.

He was not in the plan, no, sir.

Well, maybe the
plan should change.

Well, who do you think
you are, Miss Wings?

The last time I looked,

I didn't see any
bumper stickers that said

"Smile 'cause Monica loves you."

Well, Mr. Light Fingers, you
go over there and tell those kids

they're not getting
to Nashville.

Look here, woman, if I thought
that I could get them kids

to Nashville without
ending up in jail, I'd do it.

A righteous man
would do it anyway.

What did I do wrong?

You took the easy way out,

just like everybody
takes the easy way out.

You found a reason
not to get involved.

He doesn't need me.


He doesn't want to
need you or anybody else.

His self-esteem may be
shot, but he's still got his pride.

And what am I supposed
to do about that?

Don't you raise your
voice to me, Miss Wings.

You got a little pride
thing going on yourself.

Good morning.

Is this the table
for the plaintiff?

Yes, but lawyers only.

Secretaries sit
in the row behind.

Secretaries, huh?

(chuckling): That's good.

That's real good.

You can call me Officer Tess.

This is a lovely
place you have here.

Well, you people really
enjoy being smug, don't you?

Which "you people" do
you mean, Mr. Weiss?

Oh, excuse me.

The cockroaches and I didn't
get a lot of sleep last night.

We had a baby crying next door,

th-this thing is
itching me to death.

Uh-huh, well, you better
leave that thing alone

'cause it's a very
sensitive instrument,

and if you go beyond
100 feet out of this building

or if you tamper
with it in any way,

it will send an
electrical signal straight

to the police department,

where you are being
monitored by yours truly.

Any questions?

Yeah, how do I take
a bath in this thing?

If I was you, I wouldn't.

What, am I supposed
to starve to death?

You're allowed to shop
between noon and 1:00,

not one minute longer.

Any other questions?


Okay, it’s got possibility,

but I'm feeling more miniseries

or maybe a Saturday
morning cartoon with wings.

That man is impossible.

His heart, his mind,
his soul are closed like...


What's the matter, Andrew?

There's something
that you need to know.

Irene is not even
answering her pages.

She's gotten complacent.

She's been with me so long,

she thinks she can
get away with anything.

Mr. McKenna,

I know why Irene hasn't
been at work today.

Don't tell me she
got a better offer.

I pay her big money.

Her car was in
the shop yesterday,

and when she left
to go home last night,

she took the bus.

Yeah, so?

She was on the bus.


She's dead.

I can't believe she's gone.

What was she doing
on that bus anyway?

I would have given
her a ride home.

I really would have.

We were friends.


I think.

Oh, God, what am I
gonna do without her?


(door opens)

We just heard about Irene.

It's terrible... and a hell
of a PR problem, too.



Get out of here now!

I was with her all night,

and then she knew that
there wasn't a lot of time,

and she was, she
was in a lot of pain.

But she never complained.

This morning she left

with a smile and no regrets.

Well... one.


There was something that
she wanted him to have.

Irene... believed
in God, you know,


Do you think...?

I mean, you're
the expert, right?

Do you think there were
angels there when she...?

There were angels with
her when she was born,

as she lived, when she died.

There are even
angels with her now.

How does it work,
the angel thing?

Do they have different jobs?

Different responsibilities?

There are as many
different angels

as there are different
people who need them.

So, you're just gonna
walk off the case

without permission, huh?


All right.

Hi. How are you?


Baby, this is somebody
else's department.

Is this a crisis?

It is now.

Monica, is it?


I'm Al, Crisis Intervention.

How are you, Tess?

Hello, Al.

You're an angel?

I like to think of myself
as an angel's angel, yeah.

She does, too.

I'm with Internal Affairs.

I work solo,
angel-to-angel, exclusively.

Don't do people,
they're too human.


I'm confused.

Of course you are,
that's why I'm here.

We need to have a little powwow.

- So, this is where you met her?
- Mm-hmm.

And she was standing
right over there,

like that.

Hi, Clara.

Hello, Melissa.


Nice work.

Thank you.

Katie felt no pain, Adam.

At that moment,
she saw only beauty,

and she has seen
only beauty ever since.

Your name is Dottie?

You surprised?

What department are you with?


I'm here to help you
improve your manners.

And just what's wrong
with my manners?

I got a list in here somewhere,

but for starters,
you're supposed to be

a heavenly being,
not a holy terror.

I feel I've known you.

Well, that's not completely
out of the question.

Uh, you have met
another angel recently.

Are there anymore behind you?

Are they passing out numbers
out there in the hallway?

No, sir, I'm the
second and last angel

you'll see this Christmas.

You wouldn't listen to Andrew,

maybe you'll listen to me.

You're an angel?

Straight from God.

What does He want from me?

What do you want from Him?

God doesn't want to
take, He wants to give.

But He can't give you anything

if you're not
willing to trust Him.

My name is Phil; I'm an angel.

- Really?
- Yes.

- Well, Fred, why don't you do me a favor?
- No, Kevin,

- my name is Phil.
- Why don't you head back to Heaven,

or wherever it is you come
from, and tell your boss

that I don't care what He's
got to say 'cause He's not fair!

Yeah, okay, now, just let
me help you out right there.

See, God is fair.

- Oh, really?
- Yes.

Then where's my money?

Life, however, often is not.

Now, God does not
promise life without bad times,

but God does promise

that if you want to
work your way through it,

you can.

God created an
angel with a disability

to help people understand

that they shouldn't
never give up.

People, and
sometimes even angels,

look at me and see
only what I don't have.

But what I don't have
in body, I have in spirit.

I have truth.

There is power in truth.

You have the same power.

Ask God to help you

find the truth and who you are.

I'll give you this, Monica.

You're a nice lady
with a big imagination.

Don't you believe in
God, Mr. McKenna?

God? No.

God requires faith,
and faith means risk.

I don't take risks.

Faith always seems
like a risk at first.

What you want to
believe always requires

a leap across a great,
impossible chasm.

So, you stand at the
edge, afraid to jump,

for fear that the other
side is out of reach.

Or worse still, that there
is no other side at all.

But that's what a leap
of faith is, Mr. McKenna.

You can't cross
over to solid ground

until you believe it is there.

I need to go.

Well, I haven't
finished my pitch yet.

There's one part I
haven't mentioned.

It's the best part, really.

At least, it is for me.

It's called the
revelation scene.

I am an angel.

A messenger from God,

and I have been sent here
to help you see the truth.


Am I hallucinating?


God is not a hallucination.

He's very real.

He wants to help you.

Yes, there's pain
and sadness here,

but there are also dreams.

Dreams that you're
afraid to dream.

Lives that you're
afraid to hope for.

Prayers that
you're afraid to pray.

And it all seems
too late, but it's not.

I am an angel.

And God sent me to
be with you and Jeanne

on this very difficult...

this very long journey.

Jeanne's journey is over
now and she's at peace.

I spent many hours
talking about God

and His love for
her and for you.

God loves you very much, Edward.

Before she died, Jeanne
wanted you to know

that she cared
about you very much.

That you had a chance to
make a difference in her life

and you took that.

I loved her.

I know.

And I know that
your heart is broken,

but God will mend it, if
you trust Him with it now.

Well, you almost had me there,

but this, uh, revelation thing

is a little over the top.

Well, some people think
that God is over the top.

How can there seriously be

an intelligent Creator
of the Universe?

A loving, forgiving Father?

An almighty God who
knows your name?

There can't be.

Oh, yes, He can.

He is.

There is a God.

And He made me.

I am an angel.

Come on, Monica.

Cut the special effects.

It's true.

Look at me.


Because He loves you,
because He knows you.

He remembers who you were
before you sat behind that desk,

and He has a message for you
before you go into the meeting.

God has a message for me?


Take the risk.

What risk?

You know.

The dream you
traded for success.

It was such a worthy
dream, Terrence,

the dream to become a writer.

But you were afraid
to pursue the dream

and you followed money instead.

It was only one script.

It was pretty good, though.

It was about a family.

Nothing exciting,
just good people

trying to live right.


They wanted bounty
hunters, teen cops,

detectives in bikinis.

And what happened
to those shows?

They're all canceled.

God liked your script.

Well, it doesn't matter.

I threw that script
away a long time ago.

You threw it away, but
it didn't get thrown out.


Irene found it.

She read it, she believed in it.

She filed it under H, for "Hit."

The Home of The Brave.

Irene believed in you.

God believes in you.

Now you must make the
board believe in you, too.

The ground is solid on
the other side, Terrence.

Good afternoon.

By now, you should all
be aware of the tragedy

that occurred yesterday
which parallels a storyline

from the Explosions,
Etc. Program.

Today, I'm here to tell you all

what NNT is
going to do about it.

We're going to cancel the show.

That's ridiculous.

It's the top-rated
show on the network.

Do you let your
children watch it?


Would anybody let their
children watch this show?

Then why is it okay for us

to let other people's
children watch it?

Starting now, this network
is going to be the place

where families can plop
themselves down on their sofas

after dinner and
watch all night long

without ever thinking
about changing the channel.

Maybe you think
I've lost my mind.

Maybe I have.

But if we do the
right thing first,

the ratings will follow.

I believe that.

I do.

I have here a script

which is going to
replace Explosions, Etc.

I am going to read it to you.

And if you don't like it,

you can find somebody
else to run your network.

"Fade in.

"Exterior: Watering
hole, Pittsfield, Arkansas.

"It's a beautiful,
"lazy summer day.

"The kind that
never seems to end,

"but still somehow, never
seems quite long enough.

Angle on a skinny,
12-year-old boy..."

It's a good script, you know?

I read it myself.

I don't know, I kind of liked
your idea for that angel show.

Nah, it would never work.