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05x25 - Hearts

Posted: 04/30/23 09:59
by bunniefuu

(horse whinnies)


(horse neighs)

Is she?

No. Not yet.

She's so young.

You never know when
it's gonna happen.

But most humans

live their lives
like it never will.

When the truth is,

suddenly the world can change

in the twinkling of an eye.

DAN: Angela!


- Angela!
- TESS: Oh.

There's a lot of different
ways this could go.

And a lot of lives at stake.

I'm ready.

Well, then you better go,

because Andrew and I still
have a lot of work to do here.



Oh, my God.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

What do we got?

Glasgow's Four. Pupils are

fixed and mid-range.

There is no motion.

It's my wife. Her
horse threw her.

- Blood pressure?
- 190/100.

Pulse is only 50.

What's her blood type?

Um, O positive.

Look, she just hit
her head on a rock.

I mean, she's
gonna be okay, right?

She needs a complete
neural assessment.

Let's get her to CT
stat. I'll check her there.

I'll be back as soon as I
know what we're dealing with.

Why don't you wait
in the waiting room.

I'll be back as soon
as I can. Tess...

I have a friend at Portland
General, Dr. Sandra Peña.

See if you can get
her on the line for me.

I got that.

MONICA: Do we have a donor?

Uh, could be. Woman
fell from a horse.

Severe head trauma, no other
apparent physical damage.

Then we have a
candidate for Ilena.

Uh, possible. Yep,
looks like a match.

But the family...
still has to sign off.


Casey. What are you doing here?

I thought you had
speech club today?

Uh, that's Wednesdays.

(beeping) Uh. Oh,
baby, I've got to go.

Why don't you go wait
for me at the office, okay?

It's very important.
I'll be right there.

Mom, wait.

Bye, Casey.

DAN: Is she awake?

No. Mr. McConnell,
let's sit down.

No, you tell me now.

So how's my
favorite patient doing?

According to this
book, not very well.

Oh, well, how about now?

Much better.

You're good. (chuckles)

MONICA: We got
the results of your

your latest tests and

we're considering
intubating you...

and putting you on a ventilator.

No. Once you intubate
me you, you have to...

do a transplant or else

I'll never come
off the ventilator.

We have to consider it, Ilena.

Is there a heart for me?

Well, we've got
some promising leads.


Um... I'll check on you

a little bit later. Hmm?

If, if we don't get
that heart fast,

we're in trouble.

And see if you can lift
Ilena's spirits back up.

Positive thinking might just

keep her around
a little bit longer.

So... Have you had
many visitors lately?


My foster parents kind
of gave up on me, I think.

They're nice, but it's
a long drive for them,

and, you know, they've
got other kids to take care of.

I think I have
a visitor for you.

I'll be right back, okay?


DAN: I'm right here, sweetheart.

You're gonna be okay.

I know you can hear me.

I don't want you to
worry about anything.

Sunshine's back in his stall.

He's okay, too.

You guys will be riding
together before you know it,

I promise.

Ilena, this is Casey,
Dr. Sandra's daughter.

Ilena's one of your
mother's patients.

Hi. I'm in love
with your mother.

(chuckles) What kind of
dr*gs do they have you on?

(Monica chuckles)

I'll let you two get acquainted,
and I'll check in on you later.

You like 'N Sync?

Uh, yeah, I like 'em way
better than the Backstreet Boys.

Especially Justin, right?

Oh, he's so fine.


Tell me you're not
reading medical books.

Yeah. Keeps me busy.

Plus it gives me stuff to
talk about with your mom.

My mom talks to you
about medical stuff?

Yeah, she's pretty amazing.

I think I'm gonna
be a doctor like her.

If... you know.

You're really lucky
to have her as a mom.

Wow, if you think that, your
mom must be a real case.

I don't know. I never knew her.

Oh, sorry.

It's okay.

So, you want to play
cards or something?


How about Hearts?


Bad, very bad.

Are you the specialist?

No, your wife has already
been seen by a neurosurgeon.

I believe he spoke to you.

I asked for another one.

Five different doctors have
already seen your wife today,

and they all agree.

Then I want more
specialists in here.

Money is no object,
do you understand me?

But, baby, they will
all say the same thing.

I know how much pain you're in,

but unfortunately,
at times like these,

there's plenty of
pain to go around.

"Donor coordinator"?

Yes, I help families
explore other options

when it's clear that the
patient will not recover.


There are no options.

Angela is going to live.

- ILENA: So, I'm gonna be
getting a new heart.-CASEY: When?

I don't know, but
pretty soon, I guess.

Your, Your mom
kind of hinted at it.

But... is that weird, though?

Like, thinking about having

someone else's
heart in your body?

No. I mean, the way I figure it,

if they want you to
have it in the first place,

they got to be
somebody nice, right?

Besides, it sure
beats the alternative.



And I want you to
stay away from her.


I have some very good reasons.

You just have to trust me.

Sandra, Ilena seemed to
really enjoy the company.

You, I'm not very
happy with with either.

Casey, I don't expect
you to understand me,

but I want you to try.

Just like I try to
understand you.

I'm doing what I need
to do to protect you.

From what, from Ilena?

But she's great.

I mean, I've only
known her an hour,

and I feel like we
could be friends forever.

Well, that's not gonna happen.


I just got another
call from Boise.

The donor family said no.

Ilena's out of time.
She's gonna die.

I just don't understand how
can people be so selfish.

It's too late for that
woman, her brain is dead,

but part of her can live on.

So why can't the
family see that?

Because they're in so much pain.

Don't bother explaining
feelings to my mother.

You know, Casey, I'm sure
I'm about the worst mother

any teenager could ever have.

But I've got feelings, too,

and I'd really appreciate
it if you respect them.

Now, what can I do for you?

You just told me my
friend's gonna die.

Don't treat me like
a consultation, okay?

I've got no time for
this, Casey, please!

PEÑA: Excuse me.

Where are you going?

To see Ilena.

She's about to be told the
worst news that she'll ever hear

and she needs a friend.

- Hi.
- Hello.

Are you a doctor?

No, no. I, uh...

I'm sort of a crisis counselor.

Well, there is no crisis here.

And I'm not gonna
let them cut up my wife

I don't care what you say.

That's-that's not why I'm here.

I'm here to sit

with your wife and
keep her company

while you go get some rest.

I know what your wife needs,

and I know what you need.

And I'm thinking it
might do all of you

a world of good if you
go back to the ranch,

feed the horses some
supper, and get some rest.

And you won't leave her side?

Not for a minute.

You're two very different women.

She's not a woman,
she's a teenager.

(chuckles) I don't think
you'll have much success

explaining the
difference to her.

She's at exactly the age

when she doesn't want to
know there is a difference.

Well, she's done
everything she can

to point out the
differences between us.

Well, that's
because she's hoping

that you'll prove her wrong.

ANDREW: Hello, Angela.

My name is Andrew.

Now, um, before we go,

I want you to tell
me what you want.

I'm tough, Monica.

I had to be.

I fought my way
out of the barrio

with a science scholarship.

But her father, he was
an Ivy League dreamer

who wrote bad poetry and
invented useless things.

Do you think she
takes after her father.

Definitely, she looks like him.

But emotionally,

she's got a little
bit of both of us,

his imagination and my ambition.

I just wish she'd stop trying
to do things she's not good at.

She'll never make a good doctor.

Well, I don't really think she's
trying to be a good doctor.

I think she's trying to
be a good daughter.

CASEY: My mom was pretty mad;
she didn't want me to come back.

Wow, I always wanted
to be a bad influence.



This really rocks.

Hey, you want to see something?


There's a picture in
that drawer right there.

That's how I used to look.

You still look like this.

No, I don't.

Yes, you do.

You have great hair.

Once, I cut off all my hair

and I shaved my
head bald because

this girl in my class
lost all of her hair

because she was
going through chemo,

and I didn't want
her to feel weird.

I don't know; I'm crazy.

I do impulsive things like that.

The most impulsive
thing I ever did was

check out a bunch of
medical books at the library

and keep them an extra day.

But that's what's gonna
make you a good doctor.

That's why my mom's
a really good doctor.

I mean, she thinks things
through again and again.

And that's why I'm not
gonna be a good doctor.

Well, you shouldn't
be a doctor anyway.

You should be...

a writer or an
artist or a dancer.

Yeah, I can do
that stuff, but...

it's not as important
as saving people's lives.

I mean, I figured
if I be a doctor,

then my mom would
actually take interest in me.

Look, you got to give
your mom a break.

You're like this wild creature

she doesn't know
what to do with.

She's probably
the one who thinks

that she's not interesting
enough for you.

How can we be almost the
same age, and you're so smart?

I'm not smart.

I-It's just that when
you're gonna die,

you don't worry about
telling people the truth.

You're not gonna die.

Okay, you're not.

Trust me, 'kay?

TESS: How's it going, Angel Boy?

She says yes.

It's in her purse
in the kitchen.

In her purse in the
kitchen, I got that.

Mr. McConnell?

What are you doing here?

I came to talk to you.

See him?

Oh, he's a beauty.

His name's Sunshine.

He was a present, last week

for Angela's birthday.

Fastest horse out here.

Angela loves to go fast.

(horse snorts)

She's a good rider.

She knows what she's doing.

And like anybody
else that's ever ridden,

she's been thrown a few times.

I just... It was an accident.

There was nothing
she could've done.

You think that makes
me feel any better?

Well, I imagine not,

but may I ask you a question?

Did you and your wife ever
talk about what you would do

if something like this happened?


Nothing like this was
ever supposed to happen.

Did you know that, uh,

Angela signed a donor's card?

No, she didn't.

Yes, she did, baby.

It's in her purse
on the kitchen table.

You're guessing.

You couldn't possibly know that.

Well, what's wrong with
checking it out to be sure?

'Cause the answer
would still be the same.

But what about
your wife's wishes?

I hope you'll reconsider,
Mr. McConnell.

And I hope you don't
think about it too long.

(horse whinnies)

(car door closes)

(car starts)

(wind chimes tinkle)

(indistinct P.A. announcement)



Boise, Idaho."

ANNOUNCER: Bus number 7154

now leaving for Boise, Idaho.

Please have your
tickets available.


now arriving from
Portland, Oregon.

Bus number 7154

now arriving from
Portland, Oregon.

Your assignment
was to watch Casey,

not watch her get on a bus.

She's here to save Ilena.

Well, good intentions are
not the same as a good plan.

Now, you get back on the bus.

I'll take care of
her from here on.

She's very sensitive, Tess.

Impetuous, a
little bit reckless,

but she has a kind heart.

Oh, I don't know
anybody like that.

ANDREW: Angela,
you're about to get a visitor.

(life support beeping)



Are you Mr. McConnell?

No, no.

Is that Mrs. McConnell?


Her name is Angela.

She's beautiful.

Yeah, she is.

(indistinct P.A. announcement)

(thunder booms)

Have you been all night?

Yes, I, uh, I just could leave

until I could find
the words to tell her.

I still haven't found them.

I... got to go with
Casey to get her

off to school.

Casey's not at home.

What do you... Where is she?

She went to Boise.


ILENA: Casey totally rocks.


Good morning, Mr. McConnell.

Ma'am, you are
wasting your time.

Well, there is
very little time left.

There's been a very
unusual development

that I'm here to supervise.

But if you would
give this young lady

a few minutes of your
time, I promise you,

I won't disturb you again.

Her name is Casey,

and she's been on
a bus all night long.

Where are you from?


Yeah, we've been to Portland.

Angela bought this
little... wind chime thing.

Hung it on our back porch.

Thing drives me
crazy, but... she loves it.

Anyway, Portland's a nice town.

Thanks. (laughs)



What's this?

That's my friend.

Her name is Ilena, and she's 16.

I don't understand.

I thought if you would see
her, then you would realize

that there's a real person

who needs her heart,
not just some statistic,

- and then...
- Yeah, well, let me tell you something.

There's a real
person up there, too.

A real person who is
living and breathing,

that I love more
than my own life.

We're talking about my wife.

My best friend.

How old are you?

- 15.
- 15.

Do you know that Angela
and I have been together

longer than you've been alive?

And let me tell you something.
That woman is a saint.

She teaches adults
how to read at the library.

She-she volunteers
at the local shelter.

She makes a difference.

And just what makes you think

that your friend here deserves
to live and my wife doesn't?

But your wife isn't
alive anymore.

I mean, she's gone,

and there are machines
breathing for her.

And I'm sorry, I really am,

but I don't see how
two people have to die.

Now, why... why can't your wife
make a difference one last time?

TESS: Casey, baby.

Ilena is going to die.

Yeah, well, that
happens, doesn't it?

(Casey sighs)

Ilena said... for a person...

to give another human
being their heart...

That would mean they'd
have to be pretty nice.

And I saw your wife up there.

And she looks really nice.

(Casey sighs)

(crying): I know Ilena will take
really good care of her heart.

I know, and she'll do
it for the rest of her life.

I mean, I would
do it if I could, but...

I can't.

You have no idea what
you're asking me to do.

You're a high school teenager,

and you come to me
asking for my wife's heart

like you were
soliciting donations

to buy the band new uniforms.

How dare you.

You get the hell away from me.

Go on, get!

Not one word.

You promised me.

She actually showed me a
picture of her little girlfriend.

Can you believe that?

(rhythmic beeping)

I can't.

I mean, I ju... I just can't.

Well... yes, Dan, you can.

You just won't.

But I'll tell you
something. Angela would.

And how would you know that?

She told me.

I am an angel, Dan.

A real angel... sent by God

to bring Angela home.

Oh. No.

It's true.

Dan... terrible things
happen every day,

and wonderful

and beautiful and miraculous
things happen every day, too.

I want to tell you something.

God did not cause Angela
to fall from that horse,

but he did make
provision for her to move

from one life into another.

And to leave behind the
chance at life for someone else.

I can't just let her go.

I love her.

God knows how
much pain you're in.

Try and imagine
how much pain he's in.

Dan, you married Angela.

God created her.

This is what she wants?

You know how to find that out.

And then it's your decision.

But please, please
don't take too long.

I blew it, didn't I?

No, baby, and neither
did Mr. McConnell.

His grief is so complete,

he just doesn't have the
strength to do the right thing.

But I want you to
do the right thing

and find the strength
to forgive him.

I can't. Ilena's gonna die.

Well, baby, don't let
the best in you die, too.

Now you get on that bus.

And if your mother
gives you any trouble,

you give her my
number, you hear me?

Come here.

- It's gonna be all right.
- Thank you.

Go ahead, let me have it.

How could you go off

and do something
like this without a word?

You wouldn't have let me go.

And that's absolutely right.

There are procedures,

regulations to protect
people's privacy,

Donors' identities
never, ever revealed.

Do you understand that?

How could you do this?

I was trying to help a friend.

Maybe if you actually had
friends, you would understand.

Don't you dare
speak to me that way!

You know what? Just
pull over. I'm gonna walk.

You're not going anywhere.

- (horn blares)
- Look out! No!

(Casey screams)

- (Peña gasps) -
Oh, honey... Monica...

how's Casey?

She's not doing well.

There was significant
head trauma

from hitting the side window.

We were fighting.

It was... stupid and...

all my fault.

It was an accident, Sandra.

Yes, my accident, my stupidity.

I know this is a really
difficult time for you now,

but there's something that
you need to think about.

If we cannot help Casey,
what do you want to do?

What? No.

No, absolutely not.

Sandra, think of Ilena.


You must think I'm the biggest
hypocrite in the world, but...

I will not transplant
my daughter's heart.

I just can't.

She's my baby.

Uh-oh. This is not good.

There's something
I need to tell you.

There's no heart?

Dr. Sandra would have
come and told you herself.

There was a heart that might
have been available yesterday,

but the family has decided
not to give permission.

I-I thought that
Casey talked to them.

There's something else.

Ilena, Casey was in an accident.

What? Is she okay?

We don't know yet.

Well... I want to see her.

You can't.

She's unconscious.

There's some
swelling on the brain.

Now, it might go down,
and she'll be just fine,

but if it doesn't, we would
have to make some decisions.

Wait a minute.

She could die, and,
and you're thinking

of, of giving me her heart?

It's too early to say.

Well, well, I know already.

I-I don't want Casey's heart.

I want Casey.

Ilena, I don't know
what's going to happen,

but I believe that the
heart you have right now,

you have used very well.





Thought you could use this.

Thank you.

It was a long night.


Ilena is holding her own.

It's a miracle.

Yes, it is.

I could lose them
both today, Monica.

And it's all my fault.

I couldn't get a new
heart for Ilena and...

And I've destroyed my...

I've destroyed my daughter

because I couldn't
understand hers.


I'm just a terrible mother.

And I'm a, I'm
a terrible doctor.

(thunder rumbling)


I j... I just...

I don't have a clue
what to do next.

Would you consider taking
Casey and Ilena's lives

out of the doctors' hands
and putting them in God's?


Did you just say "put
them in God's hands"?



Is that the best you can do?


Is this better?

What's happening?

I am an angel, Sandra.

Sometimes God sends
me with a lot to say,

sometimes with a
little, but it's always true

and it's always exactly
what you need to hear.

An angel?


And the truth is...
God loves you.


God loves me?

Even now?


And he loves your daughter, too.

He made you
different for a reason.

Casey's strengths
are your weaknesses,

and her weaknesses
are your strengths.


I love her so much.

I... I just don't know
how to reach her.

The connection between
a mother and daughter

is one of the
great gifts of God.

It's also one of the
great mysteries of life.

In fact, sometimes your
daughter doesn't look like you,

she doesn't think like
you, but she loves like you.

She tried to save a
life, just like you did.

She wants so
much to be like you.

Fight for her.

Fight for both of you.

Not with what you know,
not just with medicine,

fight with what you don't know.

You don't know what will
happen next, but God does.

You don't know how to
reach her, but God can.

You don't know how to pray,
but God hears you, Sandra.

Trust him.

And tell him so.

Believe in Casey,
and tell her so, too.

(monitor beeping steadily)


Hi, baby.

Monica says you can hear me.


She's an angel.

Yeah, I know that
if you were awake,

you'd probably think that
I was crazy, but it's true.

And she made me
realize something.

You're trying to be
someone you're not

just to make me happy.

But, baby, I don't want
you to be just like me,

I want you to be just like you.

Please, baby.

Come back to me.

(sobbing softly)


Mom, I heard you.

I heard you talking to me.

I am so sorry, my baby.

I'm so sorry.


How's Ilena?


I've got to see her.

Mom, please.

(monitor beeping steadily)



How you doing?

Not so good.

It's all gonna be over soon.

I couldn't get you a heart.

I'm sorry.

Probably hate me now.

Are you kidding?

I only knew you for a few days,

but you made me feel
like I had a best friend.

And I never had one
before, you know?

Now somebody finally
cares whether I live or die.

You and your mom.

You guys are the best.

Now, Ilena, you
just got to hold on.

There's gonna be
another heart, I know.

No, there won't.

But you... you have a
really great heart, Casey.

So take care of it, okay?

Oh, please, Ilena,
just hold on, okay?

Just hold on.

Promise me.


(bells chiming)



Great news.

The family changed their minds.

They're gonna have the
heart here in three hours.

Sandra... Casey,
whatever you said...

It's too late.

There's something
she wanted you to know.

She knew she didn't have
much time left, so this afternoon,

she signed a donor card.

She knew she didn't have
much left in her body to give,

but she hoped that someone
would be able to use her eyes.

And she hoped that
whoever got them

saw as much love as
she saw from Casey

and as much caring
and commitment

as she saw from Dr. Sandra.

And she asked
only one other thing:

that you would remember her.

We will.

CASEY: "Somebody else
got Angela's heart that day,

"but I wanted to write
to you, Mr. McConnell,

"because I'm
sorry for what I did.

"Because now I know how it
feels to lose someone you love.

"It took a lot of courage to
make the decision you made.

"Whenever you feel
depressed and lonely,

"I hope you always remember
that your wife died a hero.

Yours truly, Casey."

(dove cooing)