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03x11 - Undercover Affair

Posted: 04/30/23 10:38
by bunniefuu
(exciting theme music)

(dramatic electronic music)

(radio beeping)

- [Dispatcher]
4-Adam-30, 4-Adam-30,

join 4-Adam-16,
narcotics stakeout.

Kenner Drive and
South Beach Boulevard.

- 4-Adam-30, that's a roger.

by Midnight Star)

- What we are
witnessing, Junior,

is a continuous flow of dr*gs.

From Mickey Stack
to vulnerable kids.

- And we just saw money
change hands, Hooker.

- What flavor you buyin' today?

- White. Pure white.

Wait a minute, that ain't white.

That's Mexican brown.

- That's as white
as you're gonna get

for your money
today, sweetheart.


- That gives us probable
cause to jump Mickey Stack.

Let's do it, and we'll
round up the kids later.

- 4-Adam-30 to
4-Adam-16 on tac two.

- This is 16. Go 30.

- We're gonna take Stack now.

You guys cover the side
in case he tries to run.

- Snowcones!

Get your snowcones, right here.


- This'll only take
a second, angel.

- Well, how about that.

Look who's into
snowcones these days.

- Martin Colson,
a heavy supplier.

But he wouldn't be stupid enough

to do his dirty
business in public.

Let's hold off a minute.

See what goes down.

- Hello, Mr. C.

- Hello, Mickey.

- Good to see ya.

- I hear you're pushin'
some new flavors these days.

- I don't know what
you're talkin' about.

- Well, the word is you're
buyin' Mexican brown

from Jake Somag.

Word also is you're
lining up other pushers

to buy from Jake, huh?

- I wouldn't do that, man.


- You've done it.

That's what brought
me down here.

I'm gonna make
an example of you.

Come here.

- No, please.

- Come here.

- Colson's gonna waste him.

- That's probable
cause to jump Colson.

(engine starts)

(tires squealing)

- Cops!

- Get outta here!

(tires squealing)

(exciting music)

- He's yours, book him.

(siren wailing)

- [Rossi] We're
on Colson's tail,

but a black-and-white
just stuck their nose into it.

- Put your hands
up behind your head.

Come on then.

(tires squealing)

- Look out, Hooker!

(glass shattering)

We got company now.

That blue sedan is trailing us.

- Get outta the car.

Put your hands behind your neck.

- [Woman] Hey!

- On your knees.

- Now, ease off, Sergeant.
- I said move it!

- I can explain!
- Shut up!

- Both carrying.

- Check the ID, boys.

- You're telling me
you're law enforcement?

- Inside pocket.

- Feds.

- The hell's going down?

You guys got in the way
of a righteous drug bust.

- It's the other way
around, Sergeant.

You were stepping
on our investigation.

I'll be glad to fill you in
on the details sometime,

but right now we're in a hurry.

The hardware, please.

(radio beeping)

- [Dispatcher] 4-Adam-30
and all units in the vicinity

of Sixth and Carson,

body reported in the alley
behind Carson Liquors.

(engine starts)

(tires squealing)

- It's the girl that made
the buy from Stack.

Looks like she's OD'ed.

- Stuff must've been a lot
stronger than she was used to.

Took her out awful fast.

- She was maybe 15.

16 at the most.

- Detectives are on their
way to collect this evidence.

- The evidence, yeah.

Toys of the streets.

- Damn.

It really gets to you.

- Child m*rder.

(dramatic, melancholy music)

- I'll make it clear, Hooker

You're standing in line.

And Rossi here
is in front of you,

because he's going for Colson.

- Well, that's terrific,
then what can I do to help?

You want Colson's address?

- Very kind of you, Hooker,
but we have his address.

The point is, nabbing
Colson is not the answer.

We want his base
and distribution outfit.

We make that, and we can
shut off the whole pipeline.

- And when's that gonna happen?

Next month?

Next year?

How many more kids have to die

while you play
your scenario out?

- Federal authorities take a
different position than we do.

- Yeah, their heads in the
sand, their butts in the air.

- Now, look, we all
have our job to do.

And we'll stay out
of each other's way.

- I'll tell you what.

While you're playing out
your number with Colson,

I'll take down every
street pusher I find.

- One caution.

Just lay off Colson's pushers.

We don't wanna blow six
months of undercover work.

We finally duked one of our
agents into Colson's outfit.

- I saw her. Paige Miller.

D'you hear what he said?

I'm to lay off Colson's pushers?

That's half the pushers in town.

- Hooker.

The meeting's over.

- Thank you, Captain.

Hooker, no hard feelings.

- Lotsa feelings, Rossi,

until Martin Colson's
outta business.

- Hooker!

Phone call for ya.

Said her name is Paige.

If she looks anything
like she sounds,

ask her if she has a friend.

- Gimme that.


- I love seeing your great
blue eyes again, Hooker.

- The Feds, Paige.

I always knew
you'd be discovered.

Way back when you
were wearing a blue suit.

- Yes, well, I had some
ideas about you too back then.

Not necessarily professional.

- I was tied up at the time.

- Yes.

But I understand
you're divorced,

and your wife and children
have moved to Oregon.

Not presently involved,

though you've had a
few brief relationships.

But none of them were
serious enough to last.

- You always were a
thorough investigator.

- What do you say?

You busy this afternoon?

- I'll see if I can
squeeze you in.

- 5 o'clock.

453 Strand.

And I really look
forward to seeing you.

- Who was that?

- Oh, that was my aunt.

You know, the
one I told you about.

She fell down and broke her hip.

I'm gonna have to go to
the hospital this afternoon.

- I thought we'd spend
the day at the track.

- Oh, darling, I'm sorry.

You go.

Make a bet on the
daily double for me.

(electronic dance music)

- Amy, you said
you were off the stuff.

And you promised never again.

- I tried, Kenny!


I just can't make it.

I can't get through today.

Can you please just
give me some money?

Come on!


- Hi, doll.

What can I do for you?

That should take care
of what you owe me.

Tell ya what,

you go get some
fresh green, come back,

we'll talk business.

- Oh.

- Hey, come on, man.

Can't you see she's strung out?

- Ah, listen, punk.

I take care of the
hopheads in my joint.

- Yeah, well, I never heard
her name around the precinct.

You never mentioned it.

- Paige was a good cop.

She was so good, in
fact, the Feds recruited her

to work undercover.

- Yeah, a lot of her wasn't

in that little purple
number she was wearing.

- Purple was always
her favorite color.

- Just how well do
you know Paige Miller?

- Hooker!

You got a minute?

- What's up?

- We been chasin' down
leads on street pushers.

- Remember Kenny Dunn?

- Yeah, I met him
at your apartment.

Isn't he one of your Police
Athletic League kids?

- That's him.

Called and told me his
girlfriend was hooked on heroin.

She buys her stuff
at the Royal Roost.

- Maybe we can stake
the place out and get...

- Hold on.

I told you about the guidelines

that the captain laid
on me earlier today.

We gotta make sure
that the Royal Roost

isn't one of Colson's pushers.

- Wow, the Feds have really
got us walkin' on eggs, huh?

- Yeah, where do they get off?

- We got orders.

We gotta live with 'em.

- So how do we find
out if the Royal Roost

connects to Colson?

- Well, almost first-hand.

I'm gonna see one of Rossi's
agents in about an hour.

- Going undercover, Hooker?

(sly music)

(peaceful music)

- I take it the agency
owns the building.

- Yes, it's one of
our safehouses.

- It's safe until Rossi finds
out you invited me here.


- Heard you two
didn't hit it off so well.

- Huh-uh.

Well, how's it going?

With Colson?

- Isn't there a saying about
mixing business with pleasure?

- When are you guys
gonna drop on Colson?

- Oh, the Colson
operation's really hush-hush.


- Just that I'm anxious
to get him closed down.

His dr*gs are littering
my streets with victims.

- Your are really
something else.

Is there any other business?

Because I would really
like to get it all outta the way.

- Yeah, I'd like to talk to
Rossi about the Royal Roost.

- Stay away from it, Hooker.

Colson supplies the Roost,

and we don't wanna
make him nervous

until we can put the skids
on the whole operation.

- When, Paige?


- I'll let you know.

(romantic music)

A moment so good.

Why doesn't it ever last?

(exciting electronic music)

- I don't get it, Hooker.

If Paige is right,

and Colson has legit
businesses going for him,

why does he have to
mess around with dr*gs?

- He's always been in dr*gs.

That's what gave him the
money and the leverage

to buy into the
conventional world.

- Did Paige say what he owned?

- Yeah.

Clover Linen Supply.

Regal Restaurant and Bar Supply.

The Premium Ice Company.


- Sounds like they all
tie into the restaurant

and liquor business.

- They do.

And I'll lay money
at least one of them

is a cover for his drug racket.

- Amy!

(intense electronic music)

Amy, don't!

(radio beeping)

- [Dispatcher] 4-Adam-30
and all units in the vicinity,

a 2-11 purse snatch just
occurred on Mason Street

west of 6th Avenue.

See the man, code two.

- 4-Adam-30, roger.

(tires screeching)

That's Kenny Dunn.

The kid Stacy was talkin' about.

- Call an ambulance.

What happened, Kenny?

- My girlfriend, Amy.

She needed a fix.

She couldn't help herself.

- Step back, will you, please?

- [Kenny] She grabbed
the lady's purse.

- That's not all.

This woman is seriously hurt.

- It wouldn't happen if
you cops did your job!

I told Stacy Sheridan where
she was gettin' the dr*gs.

Why don't you guys arrest him

before Amy kills
herself or someone else?

- Our hands have been tied.

But that's gonna change.

No matter what it takes.

(melancholy saxophone music)

- He's at it again.

- Look, Hooker, I don't
care what you think.

You're not paid to think.

You're a blue-suit street cop.

Now, stick to your beat!

- Listen, Rossi...
- We have a problem here?

- I can't seem to
get through to Rossi

that I can't lay off of
Colson's pushers any longer.

The people on the street
are paying too high a price.

- My operation could
be compromised.

- Now, you don't have to agree

with the way Rossi's
running the show, Hooker,

but it is his show.

- Look, Captain.

A woman had her purse
snatched this afternoon

by a young addict.

There was a struggle,
she was injured,

she's in the hospital.

How high does the
body count have to go

while you play your
cloak-and-dagger games?

- Sheridan, h**ker's
your problem.

I'd appreciate it if
you'd deal with him!

- Well, the ball's
in your court.

- No, Hooker.

It's in the Feds' court.

That means you're not to
arrest anyone at any place

that's pushing Colson's dr*gs.

- Yes, sir.

- What's going on, Hooker?

- Direct orders.

We can't make any drug
busts at the Royal Roost.

- I thought we were
supposed to enforce the law,

not stand here and
watch it be broken.

- There's more than one way
to skin a bad cat like Colson.

- What's your angle?

- Starting tomorrow, we're
gonna see that no more dr*gs

are sold at the Royal Roost,

and we don't have to
arrest anyone to do it.

(peaceful music)

- [Hooker] You're
very resourceful, Paige.

- I learned some of
that from you, Hooker.

- Rossi's gonna
learn some of it, too.

- Hmm, not sure I
like the sound of that.

- I'm sorry.

It's very hush-hush.

- You're right.

Let's not talk shop tonight.

I feel good just
being here with you.

- Ocean's kicking up tonight.

- What's bothering you, Hooker?

- Martin Colson and you.

- I told you, I'm
just his girl Friday.

- You live under the same roof.

- So do a lot of
people he employs.

- Are they as beautiful as you?

- It's business, Hooker.

Strictly business.

- I gotta believe that, Paige.

- I have a job to do,

and I do it the
best way that I can,

just the same as you.

- That's a problem, Paige.

For both of us.

- I don't want it to be.

(romantic music)

(exciting electronic music)

- 4-Adam-16 to 4-Adam-30.

- Go, 16.

- [Stacy] We'll cover if you
wanna go to the Royal Roost.

- 4-Adam-30, roger.

(melancholy trumpet music)

- Listen, you gotta let me
take you to see my friend,

Stacy Sheridan.

She wants to help you.

Put you on a drug program.

- (sobs) Tomorrow, okay?

I promise.

I'm just too strung out now.

I gotta get some
stuff right away!

- Amy, you know it's
only a matter of time

until the cops find you.

Why don't you give yourself
a break and turn yourself in?

- Oh, cops!

- Now's your chance.

Go to them!

- No, I can't!

I need a fix right away!


- Looks like we're scaring
away most of the customers.

- Without making
a single arrest.

- Yeah, but it's still not
gonna make Rossi very happy.

(phone ringing)

- Yeah.

- This is Rich Foster
at the Royal Roost.

I'm sorry to bother you, Mr. C.

- Wait a minute, how'd
you get this number?

- Well, your guy,
Boone, he gave it to me.

Said if I ever
needed a rush order.

- All right, what is it?

- Blue suits.

Sitting out in
front of the club.

They been here all day.

Forget about selling
any junk or anything.

Nobody's even
coming in for a beer.

- Yeah, well, you
musta been careless

and let the word get
out you were dealing.

- [Rich] No, I play
it real close, Mr. C.


- Well somebody doesn't.

- Something wrong?

- Yeah, the cops.

They're doing a
high-visibility number.

Keep people away from the Roost.

And I sent a delivery
in there this morning.

- Oh, Martin, what are
you worrying about?

They can sit on the
Roost all they want,

and that won't lead them to you,

or tell them how you
make your deliveries.

- Yeah, or where
I keep my stash.

That's something
nobody gets to find out.

- Not even me?

- Not even you, Paige.

(romantic music)

(exciting electronic music)

(radio beeping)

- [Dispatcher]
4-Adam-30, 4-Adam-30.

Captain Sheridan
wants to see you, Hooker.

- 4-Adam-30, that's a roger.

(dramatic music)

- Hooker.

I wanna talk to you.


You like running your own
police department, Hooker?

- You talking about
the Royal Roost?

- Your orders were to stay
away from Colson's operation.

- My orders were
not to arrest anybody.

- You knew the intent of
the order, and you ignored it.

- I had no choice.

- Neither do I.

Washington called.

They want me to
guarantee that there'll be

no more interference
on the Colson case.

I can't do that with
you on the street.

I want your badge and your g*n.

- Suspending me is one thing.

How long are they gonna
suspend justice on the streets?

- Things are
coming together now.

There's been a new development.

Rossi just learned there's
to be a summit meeting

at Colson's this afternoon.

- I'm impressed.

- You know who'll be there?

Steven Gordon, Sacramento.

Miles Randolph, San Diego.

Charlie Pappis, Napa Valley.

Lou Baldwin from...
- Charlie Pappis?

Paige busted him when
she was wearing blues.

He walked.

The charge didn't stick.

He knows Paige is a cop.

If Charlie Pappis
sees her, she's dead!

- Did the captain
come down on you

for our move at the Royal Roost?

- Not just the captain.

I've been suspended.

- Suspension?

Talk about overkill.

- All you did was keep
Colson's dr*gs bottled up.

- How long they hang you up for?

- Open end, but that's
not the big problem.

Paige's cover's
about to be blown.

Charlie Pappis, a
hood she once busted,

is on his way to see Colson.

I've gotta do everything I can

to prevent Pappis
from seeing her.

- Hold on, Hooker.

You're already in deep enough.

One of us can get to Paige.

- I can't do that.

One suspension in
the family's enough.

- Come on, Hooker, let us in.

- That's right, dammit.

We wanna help!

- I can get into Colson's pad.

The real trick is gonna
be getting Paige out.

(dramatic music)

- 4-Adam-16.

- This is 16, go 30.

- I'm in position.

Pappis is in the building.

h**ker's coming in now.

- We've got him covered
from across the street.

- Shall we?

- Thank you.

- 16, h**ker's in.

Standing by for backup.

- Roger.

- Jake Somag tried to take
over some of my pushers,

but I'm on top of it.

And I hear you got
similar problems, Mike.

Some young buck upstate
tryin' to flood your county

with cheap Mexican brown.

- Charlie Pappis, I
been lookin' for you!

- Who the hell are you?

- You're comin' with me, Pappis.

(g*n fires) (b*llet richochets)

(g*n fires)

- sh*ts fired, be
ready to move in.

- Get him!

- You take that side.

I'll cover the back way.

(dramatic music)

(g*ns firing)

- 16, h**ker's out.

There's no sign of Paige.

(g*ns firing)

(tires squealing)

- Well, Pappis,

looks like someone's
got a contract out on you.

- Yeah.

But what bothers
me even more is,

how did he know I was here?

This was supposed
to be a secret meeting.

- Wait a minute.
Hold on, Pappis.

I run a tight ship.

- I think it just sprung a leak.

Let me know when
things cool down.

- [Colson] Wait a minute,
wait a minute, Charlie.

- There are two
cops at the front door.

They're lookin' for Paige.

- What's the problem, officer?

- I have a warrant for the
arrest of a Paige Miller.

- I'm Paige Miller.

What's this all about?

- Out-of-state warrant
for jumping bail

on a narcotics
charge in Illinois.

- A narcotics charge?

You never told me that.

- Well.

Now you know.

Looks like I'm gonna be
taking a free trip to Chicago.

- Yeah, well, don't worry.

I'll have you back
here in an hour.

My lawyer will be
at the D.A.'s office

before you can
get fingerprinted.

- Let's go, miss.

(dramatic music)

- Hooker.

Thanks for the assist.

But you took a big
chance breaking in like that.

- It was the best I could do.

I knew the party was over

the minute Pappis
got a look at you.

- Well, that I could figure,
but why this phony arrest?

- It dirties you up a little,

which makes you
clean in Colson's eyes.

- In case someone starts
wondering about who passed the word

about Pappis and the
others being in town.

- Well, I like it, but
I have a problem.

Colson's gonna have
his lawyer spring me.

- Yeah, I figured that,

so my partner's at the
D.A.'s office right now

setting up the paperwork

to make it look like
a bona fide arrest.

- Can we have a word?

- See you later, Hooker.

- How many times have
you told your recruits

not to get too
personally involved?

- About as many
times as I've told 'em

not to go too far when
they're working undercover.

This, uh...

This, uh, thing with Colson.

I get the feeling
you're in pretty deep.

- I can't get what I'm after

without getting close to Colson.

Doesn't mean I'm happy about it.

- Come on, I'll drop
you off at the precinct

so you can go through the moves

to make this false
arrest look valid.

- Whether you like it or not,

when Colson's ready to tumble,

you get the first call.

- Paige Miller's one gutsy lady.

Playing the game as
close as she's playing it.

Especially with a
dangerous guy like Colson.

- Talk about playing it close.

Hooker just took
a hell of a chance.

- Must care about her a lot.

- Just hope he
doesn't care too much.

(radio beeping)

- [Dispatcher]
4-Adam-16, 4-Adam-16.

Meet the rescue ambulance
with the victim of an OD

at Cowher Wash near the
intersection of Olive and Franklin.

- 4-Adam-16, roger.

(exciting electronic music)

- What have you got?

- [Paramedic] Female doper.

- It's Amy.

Amy Pierce.

- [Paramedic] She OD'ed,
but we got a faint pulse.

- She gonna make it?

- Man, I wouldn't bet on it.

- We'll run
interference for you.

(siren wailing)

(elevator dings)

- Heard about Amy. Is she okay?

- Not good. They're
tryin' to save her.

- Place to save her

is on the streets,
not in the hospital.

Amy didn't make it?

- They did all they could.

- No consolation.

Amy's family's a victim, too.

- What a waste.


(sighs) I can't stand
around here doing nothing.

- [Stacy] Hooker, I
wouldn't call what you did

this afternoon standing around.

- You already bought
yourself a suspension.

Keep it up, and you'll end
up with an early retirement.

- I'm gonna drop
in on Amy's pusher.

- You got company.

- Hey, the Royal
Roost's officially off-limits.

- And I'm officially off-duty.

(elevator dings)

(electronic dance music)

- Hey, hey, man!

What, you lose your
marbles or what?

- You k*lled Amy.

- Amy?

I-I don't know no Amy.

H-Honest, you're crazy, kid.

- Oh, come on, you
knew her, all right!

I was in here when she
pleaded to make a buy with you!

- Kenny!

Kenny, take it easy.

Put the knife down.

- He k*lled my girl,
I'm gonna k*ll him.

- Kenny.

I know how you feel,

but you're going
about it the wrong way.

Let us do it.

Put the knife down.

- Not until I'm sure he's
done selling the poison

that he stashes behind the bar.

- Drop it, Kenny!

- Show him the badge, Romano.

- Wait a second!

What, you got a warrant?

- Let's just say we're
investigating a citizen's complaint.

Unless you want me to
give him back his knife.

Oh, look at this.

Somebody put a bag of white
flour with the bloody Mary mix.

Can't contaminate the drinks.

- What are you doing?

Hey, don't do
that, it's 50 thou...

- 50,000 what?

50,000 bucks?

You mean this isn't white flour?

Maybe if you come
up with another 50,000,

you'll get a delivery of
another bag of white flour.

Come on.

The hell's the matter with you?

- Do you know what he did?

- I know what he did.

He broke the law,
he's gonna pay for it.

You broke the law, too.

as*ault with a deadly w*apon.

- I guess I went a little crazy.

- I guess.

Now, go on straight home.

No, better, go
visit Amy's parents.

See if you can make
things easier on 'em.

Losing Amy pushed
him over the edge.

- It all goes back
to Colson's dr*gs.

There has to be a
way to stop Colson.

- There has to be.

There will be.

(dramatic electronic music)

Come on in.

- Mornin'.

Tried to call you last night.

Where were ya?

- I was out walkin'.

Had some thinkin' to do.

- About Colson?

- Who else?

- Come up with any angles?

- Well, not last night,

but this morning
when I was jogging,

I thought of
something that I saw

when I dumped the
smack at the Royal Roost.

- What was that?

- Some twisters on bags of ice.

I thought I saw one
like them beside the girl

who OD'ed in the alley.

But I gotta see her
personal effects to be sure.

And the property
room is off-limits to me.

- Not to me.

- That's my partner.

Sign out the evidence, get
back here as fast as you can.

- I'm on my way.

(dramatic music)

- Ah, I think this is the
only one of your businesses

I haven't seen yet.

- I had to keep this one
secret from you, angel.

Until my lawyer got a look at
your rap sheet the other day,

I wasn't sure you
could be trusted.

- Of course.

You distribute the dr*gs
to your network of pushers

by hiding it in with
shipments of ice.

It's brilliant.

- We not only
distribute from here,

we cut it and refine it.

I've got my own
laboratory in the basement.

- Mr. Colson.

The man from
Singapore, he's still here.

I paid him, but, uh,

he wants to talk to you
about the next delivery

before he leaves.

- That's my main source.

He's, uh, very nervous
around strangers.

As soon as I get rid of
him, I'll show you around.

- Sure, darling, take your time.

(suspenseful music)

- [Romano] That's it, Hooker.

What you wanted
from the property room.

(phone ringing)

- Hooker.

- I've got it.

Colson's lab, distribution
base, everything.

Get here. It's...

- Paige?


- What happened?

- Paige.

She got cut off.

She said she was at
Colson's supply base.

She, uh, didn't have a
chance to tell me where she is.

This is it.

Identical to the fasteners
I saw at the Royal Roost.

And the ice bags they were
on came from Colson's plant,

Premium Ice.

- And we saw the girl who OD'ed

make her buy from Mickey
Stack's snowcone stand.


- Colson's ice.

He has to be distributing dr*gs

with ice shipments
from the plant.

And Paige said she was
at his distribution base.

- You gonna call the
captain and Rossi?

- If I go through channels,
Paige could get buried,

and I don't mean in red tape.

(dramatic music)

- Well, angel.

That's pretty good.

You know, uh, you
really had me going.

I never dreamed you were a narc.

- Federal agent.

It's over, Martin.

- It is for you, babe.

Put her in the truck.

Get rid of her!

(tires screeching)

- Open up, police!

- You callin' for backup?

(engine starts)


(g*n fires)

- Our only chance is
to make it up to the roof.

- Go ahead.

I'll cover you.


(g*n firing)

- Pin him down.

I'm going after Colson.

(g*ns firing)

(dramatic electronic music)

- Freeze!

(g*n clatters)

(g*n fires)

- Give it up, Colson!

You haven't got a chance!

(g*n firing)

(g*n fires)

(waves crashing)

Washington's made it official.

Far as they're concerned,
the case is closed.

Colson's men rolled over,

and we nabbed his Singapore
connection at the airport.

- With the list of Colson's
customers you found,

you'll be able to make a
sweep on all of his pushers.

- Captain put
together a task force.

We hit the streets
this afternoon.

- Hooker.

About you and me.

About our timing... - Paige.

It isn't just our timing.

We found out how
much alike we are.

We both devote 24
hours a day to the job.

Doesn't leave much
room for relationships.

- You're leaving
something unsaid, Hooker.

The way you feel about
how close I got to Colson.

- You're leaving
something unsaid.

You'd do it again.

- I guess I would.

- Then maybe all we'll ever have

is the dream.

(melancholy music)

(exciting theme music)