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4x05 - The Categories of Life

Posted: 08/12/11 19:23
by bunniefuu
Ellis: I think someone's got to say it.

We are surrounded by people who should have died.

And by persisting they are draining the resources of healthy living citizens.

Esther: They're calling them Overflow Camps.

But what the hell are they up to?

Whatever it is, I bet it ain't good.

And I can understand your pain, all of you.

I understand it because I have suffered the same as you.

Is Oswald Danes now becoming the one true representative of this miracle age?

They're building these sort of camps to help people.

Overflow Camps?

Aye, that's it. And I got your dad inside the South wales site.

Just-- just get him back!

( Siren wailing )

Gwen, it's too late.

Excuse me.

I'm on the medical panels. Where is everybody?

Oh, you didn't get the email? Sorry, those are done.

Those are done? How, how are they done?

The report was sent to Congress today.

The H.H.S. Secretary took it directly to the President.

Now that categories have been finalized it clears the way for a lot of legislation.

Categories? What categories?

The categories of life.

What does that mean?

Instead of dead or alive there are now three categories.


It's being rolled out across America and Europe.

The categories become official at midnight.

( Phone ringing )

( Chuckles )

Dr. Juarez, I was right. I knew you'd call me back.

Oh, I'm doing a lot more than that. I'm joining the cause.

Whatever you're doing to fight this miracle, count me in.

They just took control of life and death.

( Theme music playing )

( Beeping )

♪ Torchwood: Miracle Day 4x05 ♪
The Categories of Life
Original Air Date on August 5, 2011

And today the United Nations has officially sanctioned the new category system with immediate effect, calling this a radical new start for the health of humanity.

( Speaking Spanish )

The President said today that categorization is compulsory.

( Speaking Japanese )

( Speaking Spanish )

( Speaking Japanese )

Under the emergency miracle law anyone designated as Category 1 or Category 2 must be taken to the new Overflow Camps.

The scheme is already underway in the United Kingdom with the Prime Minister declaring this a new age of care and compassion.

Thank you.

Yvonne Pallister.

Yes indeed, madam.

I'm your driver clearly.

Might I ask, is there any luggage to pick up?

No, the only thing you'll be picking up is me.

That'll be a pleasure.

I don't think I like the tone of your voice.

And what are you gonna do about it?

Many things.


Come on, let's get out of here. Who's with Anwen?

No one. I left her with petrol and a cigarette lighter.

( Gasps )

Your mom's there, isn't she?

Oh great.

See, now in America you can legally divorce your own mother.

Oh, that's it, I get it.

They do things better in America, don't they?

Not everything, Mr. Sloane.

Gwen: Well, hello there.

Look at you.

Look at you. Have you been good?

Have you missed your mom?

Oh, look at how you've grown so much.

Now have I got a kiss?

She's a very good girl. Sleeps the whole night.

Doesn't fuss at bedtime like some babies I could mention.

Look what you're wearing, huh?

So much pink.

( Rhys laughs )

So cute.

What's all this?

Your latest mission.

For God's sake, Mary, I told you let her get in.

Let her sit down and spend some time with her own daughter.

She doesn't need to start work straightaway. Isn't that right, Gwen?

This is all off the A48?

Two miles outside Cowbridge.

It's taking in patients from the whole of South wales.

It looks like old army barracks.

Closed down in 1996. Reopened two days ago.

Designated an official Overflow Camp.

That's where they've taken your father.

And that's where you're going to get him out.

If you're here about an existing claim, step to the right, please.

But my son is in here.

They took him and no one asked me. Can I see him please?

He's only 17.

I've written, I've phoned.

I've been standing over there for two hours and I was in the wrong place.

I've got money. 5,000 in cash.

No no no.

Can I remind you all any cars parked by the gates of the module will be towed, no excuses?

Bloody hellfire.

What's the size of this place?

God knows. They've got patients coming in from Bristol too.

Hospitals are closing across the southwest 'cause M.R.S.A. is going crazy.

Add to that the increase in geriatrics and maternity, the N.H.S. is gonna go bust by the end of the week.

How many camps nationwide?

35 so far.

I mean fair do's, it might be chaos, but at least it works.

Andy, don't be so thick.

It's nice to have you back.

Well, think about it.

No N.H.S., who's paying for all this?

Phicorp. You've got health care being run by private business.

And believe me, that's just the start of your problems.

Now listen, one at a time.

He's Category 2.

I'm first, my mother's Category 1.

I need to take my father home.

You need to get in the queue.

You need to back off.

His name is Geraint Wyn Cooper.

No one's going out today.

Right, forget you. Who's in charge? Who's in charge?

Admin is over there. Complaint forms are on the desk in yellow.


But we've been waiting over there.

( Crowd clamoring )

Excuse me. Excuse me, Lieutenant.

This won't take long. I need to move a patient. It's urgent.

Then you really need to speak to one of the care workers over there.

They can tell you how to process your claim.

It's not a claim.

I haven't bumped my car. We're talking about my father.

Sorry, if I could just-- the thing is, the removal of this woman's father is being done under police authority, sir.

Thank you, but we are not under the control of the Welsh Police, Sergeant.

Look, his name is Geraint Wyn Cooper.

He's had a heart attack but he's recovering.

So he sounds like a Category 2, which means he'll be perfectly safe in here.

If you'd care to read the definitions...

Oh, I like that. Yeah, I'll show you definitions.

Just have a look at this. Bloody Phicorp logo.

Now listen to me. This country is not under martial law.

My father is a taxpayer and a law-abiding citizen.

He is entitled to go home and I am not moving until I take him. Have you got that?

Yes, that's perfectly clear.

And I hope it's also clear why I'm now having you arrested.

Whoa whoa whoa. Hey, sorry, boys.

Come on now, Gwen. I think we're leaving.

Not going anywhere.

Given time, we will have this facility open and happy and running like clockwork with access for all.

But right now we have cholera and dysentery and swine flu.

And every single patient needs immediate definition under the three categories. So it's a lockdown.

No one is allowed in and no one is allowed out.

When the situation changes we'll let you know.

Thank you.

Excuse me, please. Excuse me.

Bloody categories.

All the things I fought with Torchwood and what stops me?

Red tape.

We'll find another way, Gwen.

Yes, and I'll tell you what it is. We're gonna break in here.

We're gonna find my father and we're gonna get him out tonight.

Do you think I'm useless?


I think you're new to all this.

Yeah, but I'm C.I.A.

So is Rex.

But he's just pretending.

And that's the big secret, Esther.

Times like these the game goes to the person who speaks with the loudest voice.

But pretty much everyone just wishes their mother was here.

I lost my mom back in 2003.

What about you?

I don't know.

Long ago and so far away.


Where are you from?

( Phone ringing )




The loudest voice.

That's him. Got to go.

World to save, useless Esther.

Vera, this is Jack Harkness.

We keep meeting. It's like Destiny.

Yeah, he likes to call himself Captain Jack, but I'm not buying that.

And Esther you've already met when I got injured.

Dr. Juarez, hello again.

You can call me Vera.

I was lucky to get a flight.

Everyone's coming to L.A. for this event tonight. The miracle rally.

The plane was full and the A.C. was bust.

I could use a shower.

We're a bit short of room.

That's okay.

But I suppose you two...

I mean, you're gonna share. Or is that none of my business?

I mean, you're both-- didn't you?

I'll sleep on the floor.

Yeah, thanks for nothing.

Sorry, my mistake. Or are you not buying that too?

Let me make one thing clear.

I didn't travel across the country for you. I came here to work.

My patients are being held behind a barbed-wire fence which means I need to get this miracle resolved.

And that's all I need from you. Understood?

This is my room.

I know.

And Torchwood is go.

This is everything we've gathered so far.

And we've got chases updating every 20 seconds, tapping into major newsfeeds, WikiLeaks, backdoor routes into the C.I.A. and F.B.I.

What about South Wales?

Yeah, I'm here. Can you see me?

Clear as daylight, Agent Cooper.

Have you seen the latest?

France and Germany have all started Overflow Camps.

The whole of Europe is joining in.

China's saying no to the camps and the Pan-African Summit said yes.

You're researching morphic fields.

Yeah, that's Jack's favorite subject.

It kept getting mentioned on the medical panels.

But it's only theory.

That's Jilly Kitzinger. Are you following her?

No, we're following Oswald Danes, but she never leaves his side.

He's connected to the top, even if he doesn't know it yet.

So this name, Torchwood.

You're like investigators?

More like freedom fighters.

That makes you sound like t*rrorists.

Look, Torchwood's gone, okay? It's just a name these days.

Just kind of works as a codeword to connect us, that's all.

So am I Torchwood now?

Welcome aboard.

Not sure if that's good or bad.

( Chuckles )

Okay, let's figure out how these categories work.


Uh, yeah.


Well, they've activated the categories over here. It's officialdom gone mad.

So listen, Category 1 is bad, yes?

Yeah, that's people with no brain function or anyone who would normally have died.

They're now officially Category 1.

Ordinary people are category 3.

Vera: Right.

That's people with no injuries, nothing. They're fine.

Then Category 2 is everyone in-between-- people who are alive and functioning with an illness or injury that's gonna persist but not k*ll.

Like me.

Yes, like you.

Wait a minute, when I got hurt I should have died.

I was Category 1. But now I'm healing so I'm Category 2.

So which one am I?

That's the point. People don't fit categories.

Worse than that, this process has given the United Nations a definition for life which is therefore a definition of death.

The government now has the power to decide whether you're dead or alive.

No one should have that much control.

Yeah, but I still don't see it though.

I mean, what does Phicorp get out of this? How do they profit?

You think they caused the miracle?

They had advance knowledge. But they just deal in pharmaceuticals.

It's got to be bigger than that.

So you're looking for someone behind Phicorp?


And whoever that is, maybe they need these Overflow Camps for a reason.

'Cause I have been looking into the NORAD satellites and the building specs. Um, sorry.

I've been overlaying documents.

Look, this is our nearest Overflow Camp in San Pedro.

These are the specs that we got from the Phicorp server.

Spot the difference?

Look at the building on the plans called the module.

But where is it on the photograph?

No module.

There's a module on the plans but not on the photos.

It doesn't exist.

No, hang on. I heard somebody refer to the module today.

Exactly, and that's what I've been wanting to show you.

The module's been masked.

That's what they do with military instillations.

Right, so I went into NORAD and I got the undoctored photographs.

The buildings exist. Half of these are old army camps just being converted.

And now anything labeled the module is hidden from view so the public can't see what's going on.

It's the same for all the sites I've checked.

The same thing in Wales too, Gwen.


So they've taken buildings and sealed them off out of sight.

What for?

Well, they're gathering all the Category 1s.

The only question is what are they using the bodies for?

Is it to investigate or to experiment?

Do you mean like dissections? They're dissecting people?

Vivisections. When they're alive it's vivisections.

My father's in there.

They could be cultivating-- making diseases to make more customers using Category 1 patients like petri dishes.

It could explain the rush to strip away their human rights.

So we need to get inside the camp to find out what those modules are.

Gwen: Yeah, already on it on this end.

Rhys has signed up as a driver and I used the I.D. software to get on the medical register.

So nurse Yvonne Pallister is going on the night shift.

( Laughs )

San Pedro needs clerical staff.

If I can get inside the office there's bound to be paperwork on the module.

I could get inside.


If I use my position on the medical panels, I could go to San Pedro as an inspector.

Vera, this isn't a game, okay?

Infiltration is specialized work and this time I'm pulling rank.

I'm the only one that can get to the heart of this Category 1 thing.

And you know why? Because I've got this.

( Siren blares )

It's this way. He's over here.

His name is Rex. He was injured after Miracle Day.

We thought he'd be fine but he collapsed.

It's okay, Rex. We've got you. So what happened?

It's the stairs, you know?

I've got this pain in my chest that's k*lling me.

Where are you taking him?

We're gonna have to take him to the overflow facility in San Pedro.

Is that okay?

Can I come with him?

I'm sorry, sir. There's no visitors.

Here, dial this number and ask for an update.

You look after him. I love him.

That crazy old boyfriend of mine.

He's on his way.

Right, I'm gonna follow.

I phoned Washington and pulled a few strings.

I've got observer status.

No no no, wait a minute. That's why we sent Rex.

I am not a member of Torchwood so you can't give me instructions.

And I need to see that place for myself.

I was on the panels, Jack. I helped set these things up.

Any trouble, I can help get her out.

Okay, I'm going with you.

I don't know, I could be your assistant.

We told you, not a chance.

That assassin said that you're too connected.

And besides, you're too fragile, mortal man.

All I get is a kiss?

You look after yourself.

You're unique. You're category Jack.

So don't you go getting into trouble.

( Sighs )

( Computer beeping )

Yes, there are some heavy hitters lined up for today's miracle rally to raise money for the Overflow Camps.

At 4:00 pm the vice President will introduce the President who will speak live from the Oval Office via satellite.

Then a parade of big name guests will take the stage.

Jessica MacCauley got here early from Redlands.

Tell us who you're here to see.

Oswald Danes the execution guy.

He's just been so amazing since all this happened.

But doesn't it worry you, his criminal record? The things he did?

But you can't have a Miracle Day without miracles.

And that's Oswald. He really is a miracle.

( Siren blaring )

I think we have someone. I think we have someone here.

( Crowd cheering )

All right, we've got you on fourth in the running order, that's 90 minutes before the President.

They wanted clear blue water between you and him, which is understandable.

Now here is a first draft of what they want you to say.

Now the key word is "Revelation."

You say revelation and the Phicorp logo comes up.

And I mean massive. Actually, I've put revelation in all caps.

Why has this been written? Why was this written out for me?

I'd rather use my own words.

Oh really?

Oswald, that's sweet. Take it.

( Crowd chanting )
Oswald! Oswald!

Security: Get up here. Hold them back.

And we're walking, Eugene. Confirm Oswald Danes arriving at gate 6.

Oswald! Oswald!

Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you. It's very good of you to come.

Yes, it's great to be here with all of you today.

Good of all you to come.

You bastard!

You bastard, Danes! You k*lled her!

( Bottle shatters )
Go. Trouble. Go go. Go go go go.

( Bottle shatters )
Security: Everybody back up.

Everybody back up now! Get back right now!

( Clamoring )

Yeah, it's gate 6.

I didn't get the I.D. but there was a TV camera and they filmed the whole thing.

Now get that footage. I want that footage destroyed. Do you hear me?

No, don't tell me to keep it down.

Don't you ever tell me that. You just do it!

20,000 people all here for me?

( Laughing )

( Siren blares )

( Horns honking )

And remember, you don't know me.

Be careful out there.

( Helicopter whirring ) ( Whistles blowing )

Soldier: You're gonna have to show your I.D.

Hold on. Right here, please.

Let's go, keep moving. Pull them through.

Open please.

Thank you. Go ahead.

( Helicopter flying overhead )


All right, ma'am. Hold on.

Go ahead. Next.

( People shouting )

( Siren chirps )

Okay, what have we got? Positive on respirations.

Positive on pulse.

Shit, I could have told you that.

Sorry, procedure.

That makes you Category 2, sir.

And what's that for?

Category 2, rhymes with blue.

Negative. Negative.

Category 1. Okay, go ahead and write up the chart and I'll peg her.

Wait a minute. What kind of system is that?

This woman is really sick. She needs more than just a peg.

This is standard emergency procedure and I have 50 patients to process an hour.

You got a better system, you can write me a letter, okay?

What happened to Rosanna?

I don't know. They called me in from central office.

My name's Esther.


Sorry, I don't know my way around the system yet.

They told me to copy the stats for the module.

Nothing to do with me. Ask Maloney.

Welcome welcome. My casa is your casa.

My name is Colin Maloney and I'm in charge here.

Vera juarez.

Welcome to Medical Lot 338, Vera.

Sorry about the heat. Suppose you take it better than me, huh?

It's fine.

Let's get started.


Uh, is the doctor on his way?

I'm Doctor Vera Juarez.

Oh oh. I'm--

I thought you were--
( Laughs )

Anywho, I'm not disappointed.

I must have done something very good that they sent me such a beautiful woman.

I'd like to start with the module.

I'm sorry, module's closed, obviously.

You're from Washington. You should know that.

I know my inspection orders mention it specifically.

Wow, a little dynamo, aren't you? Ja wohl.

Anyway, patients first, I think. Don't you?

That's always my motto.

Rachel, pull my cart around for me, would you, honey?

I had a little cart customized.

I think you'll find it easier on your feet.

Look at you. You're thin as a twig.

Bet you'd snap easily.

I'm getting there, yeah.

It's Rhys Williams and Nurse Pallister.

Just like the old days.

No it's not.

It's worse. It only ever gets worse.

Mr. Williams, Miss Pallister. You can head on in.

Good luck.

Okay, see you later.

You okay?

Yeah. Sure took you long enough.

It's busy out there.


You friend Vera is keeping the boss distracted.

What? I told her to stay out of this.

Yeah well, guess what, Rex? Not everyone listens to you.

All right, now quickly, this makes you dead.

All right.

I hate this.

Don't go getting sentimental on me. Did you bring the camera?

All right, great.

Now you need to categorize me. Get me that red peg.

Go ahead, it's right there. Red peg.

Put it right there. All right, here.

Here, keep that in case you need to change categories.

Category 1, there's no coming back.

Don't say that. You're gonna be fine.

Just find out what's inside the module.

See you outside.

All right.
Excuse me. Hello. Hi.

Excuse me.

This man's in the wrong place.

His chart says that he's Category 1.

I double-checked with the office.

He's not supposed to be here so we need to get him moved.

Take him to the module, okay?

Okay, found you this.


And here's a new copy of the speech.

They've added some stuff in about a lifetime of penitence, et cetera.

I understood that I was supposed to have a dressing room.

Did they run out?

Oh no. No.

There's plenty of dressing rooms. Actually I just checked.

You'd be surprised-- genuinely chic.

I'd imagined this place to be all concrete.

Where's mine?

Tiny little problem.

Certain other people in certain other dressing rooms, they don't want you anywhere near them.

And we're talking serious names here.

It's a very definite ixnay on the oswaldway.

But that's your job.

You represent me. You get me a room.

Now don't get angry. Careful with the bloodlust. It's showing.

Excuse me--

( Phone rings )

Steve, no. No, I told him no.

And you know what? If that little bastard tries to charge me one more time, so help me God, I'm gonna get Ioannidis on him.

Won't be but a minute.

No no, stay here. That's an order.

Take him to the module.

( Horn plays "Dixie" )

I want you to meet Ralph.

He's my personal escort while I'm on the lot.

Great guy. Great guy.

Ralph: Good to meet you, Doctor.

You too, Ralph.

This is my first tour, but I think we might get some important people wanting to visit, you know?


We've got a line on Hilary I'm feeling really good about.

Hillary Clinton?


Hilary Duff.

All right, this way.

Pearls before swine.

...To help their system and to fund research into the miracle itself.

Oh, we're missing it, that miracle rally.

I hear rumors of Phil Collins.

This patient is being monitored every hour.

That's very good.

Yes, our priority is efficiency.

If a patient is in decline, we monitor them very closely so that we can move them to Category 1 promptly without wasting any more resources.

Your priority is not efficiency. Your priority is care.

Everybody gets sufficient care, Miss Juarez.

Did I say any different?

Category 1 is the same as dead.

You're not just downgrading someone's status.

If you move them from Cat 2 to Cat 1 you're letting them die.

Well, there are new triage regulations, Doctor.

Treat the ones who can recover.

Yes, and I started those for emergency situations only.

Well, this is an emergency. Everything here is an emergency.

We can't give everybody private rooms.

Would you like a private room, George?

Yeah? See, they'd all love private rooms.

But it's impossible.

Now you should see the kitchens. They are gleaming.


( Gasps )

Oh my God, Dad.

I thought that was you.

How are you? How do you feel?

All the better for seeing you.

Oh, Dad.

What are you wearing? Pajamas?

No, Dad.

You look good though.

It's good to see you.

We couldn't come to visit. They wouldn't let us in.

So that's why I've come to get you, all right?

Get me?


Oh, Rhys is here.

Hiya, Geraint, all right?

I've got the lorry. Ready to go.

Let's go, Dad.

What have you got, shoes or just slippers?

Where are we going?

It's not safe here, Dad, okay?

I'm gonna take you home.

What do you mean it's not safe?

You know all those things I used to investigate with Torchwood?

This is one of them. Haven't the time to explain now.

But listen, you've got to come with me, Dad, okay?

Yeah, right you are then.

Okay, that's it. That's it, as fast as we can.

Good girl.

That's it.

All right?

Almost there, Dad.

Easiest to have him in the cab.

What do you think, Geraint? Can you climb up?

We'll give you a hand.

I can do that, don't worry.

Rhys, go around and pull him up.


Are they coming? Is it safe?

Dad, don't panic now. Try to stay calm.

I've got you. Hurry up.

People are starting to notice.

It's okay.


( Groaning )

He doesn't look good.


Dad? Dad?


( Groaning )


Dad! We need some help, please.

I need some help. Anyone, please, I need some help.

You're a nurse.

Code 1-- assistance needed, please.

Code 1! I need assistance now!

Come on!

He's my patient. He's already had a heart attack.

Look, he's my dad, okay? He's my father.

Now I need you to look after him, please. Is it bad?

I got you. Dad.

( Metal door shuts )

All right, this must be the module.

I'm inside.

As you can see, they--

they treat the patients like-- like objects.

This wall is cold.

I was thinking it might be brick, but...

Ceramic maybe.

These people are still alive.

I'm starting to think I'm in a refrigeration unit.

A lot of these patients are injured so I can't tell if they've been experimented on or not.

And just for the record, this man is warm, which feels strange in this cold place.

I'm gonna go outside and see what I can find in this area.

God knows what Phicorp is doing.

But why the hell would they have all these bodies in one place?

I'm sorry, where are you going?

I want to see inside.

It's just storage.

Every time I want to see anything you turn me away.

I'm here to inspect so let me do my job.

( Coughing )

Storage? This is storage?

It's a temporary measure.

Oh my God.

We don't have the staff. We don't have the money.

We don't have the room.

Vera: But who are they?

These are the ones without insurance.

Where are the nurses? Have they even been fed?

Excuse me. I'm sorry, but how long have you been here?

Yesterday. They said we had to wait.

These people, they're just-- they're pending.

We've got a couple glitches in the system, that's all.

I'd point out that 10 days ago I had a job in public housing.

I think I've adapted very well.

Please, help me.

Holy shit.

He's wearing red.

He's got a red peg.

But he can't be, he conscious.

So we made a mistake. Hundreds of patients, one mistake.

That's an excellent hit rate.

But you made him Category 1.

He's not 1. He's nowhere near 1.

Do you realize what happens when you make somebody 1?

I think we should step outside. We're disturbing the patients.

What else are you hiding?

Is this laundry? Are they bed sheets?

Oh my God, this place is stinking.

I think you've forgotten America's in crisis.

Times like this, somebody's got to take charge.

And in this instance it just happens to be me.

You think you're doing a good job?

I'm under budget.

You're supposed to spend the money.

Oh for God's sake. That's why a system like this is never gonna work-- because it's always gonna be run by men like you.

So what are you gonna do? What are you gonna do, report me?

I'm gonna do more than that. I'm gonna have you prosecuted.

Oh, you're so full of it.

You're gonna be prosecuted for causing harm to those people in your care and you will be found guilty as charged.

I guarantee you're going to jail, you stupid little man.

I'm gonna see you inside a prison cell, you limp-d*ck little coward.

Ralph, come on. Come on, arrest me.

Oh don't be so rid--

This lady wants to arrest me. You gonna do that?

Maybe you should both cool off.

You should do it, Dr. Juarez. You're so clever.

Come on. Come on, arrest me.

Get your hands the hell off me!

( g*nsh*t )

( Screams )

Give me the g*n!

Oh my God!

Shut up. Both of you shut up!

You are going away forever! Do you hear me?

You shot me!

( g*nsh*t )

No way! Colin, that's enough now, okay?

Get someone.
( Whimpering )

Colin, think what you're gonna say, okay?

'Cause someone's gonna hear those g*nshots.

It was a door.

It was a door.

( Banging )

Hear that? Hear that, everybody?

It was a door! It was only the door!

It was the door. It was the door.

It was only the door.

( Whimpering )
Get some--

Get me a car.

Ralph, help me.

Ralph: Oh man, there's blood everywhere.

We can get her help.

Colin, she's talking.

Just lift her g*dd*mn feet.

You're an accomplice. Just do what I say.

( Panting )

On the floor?

She's fine. Sometimes the floor is fine.

Hey, what is this place?

Okay, take the car.

I'll walk back. You didn't see anything, okay?

Colin, you've just got to stop and think. This is m*rder.

No, it can't be. Don't you get that?

It's a brand-new world, Ralph.

A world with no more death.

Which means there is no more m*rder.

Now go. Go.

Leave me my jacket.

( Door shuts )

Ladies and gentlemen and children of the world, this is Los Angeles and this is the Miracle Rally.


( Cheering )

Ah. Okay.

You're on in five minutes. They've cut you down to 90 seconds.

But here's the new draft.

Oh, God damn it.

And the keyword is still revelation. You got that?


You've got to say revelation.


Man: Miss Kitzinger.

Can I help you?

Just wanted to say you're doing a very good job.

Thank you.

And you are?

This isn't about me.

You're the one being noticed.

By whom?

The right people.



We should talk.

We'll see.

( Cheering )

He was fine.

Then I sweep in like I'm gonna solve everything.

And then I cause this.

You didn't cause anything.

He had another heart attack because I made him get up, Rhys.

And your phone won't stop bloody buzzing.

It's the supervisor.

I'm supposed to be at work, remember?

Go, go to work.

Don't let them give you the sack. We might still need that lorry.

Go on, I'll call you when I know something. I promise.

Excuse me. Hi.

Don't want to bother you, but the man who had a heart attack, Geraint Cooper, he my dad.

Sorry, your father's being reclassified.

He's Category 1.


No no no, I read the definitions. Category 1 is like death.

Well, your father is unconscious. His heart is failing.

But that's not Category 1.

I'm sorry, the doctor decides, not me.

Where is this doctor? Because I need a word.

Okay? Because my father is not dead.

Well, you've got till tomorrow morning 'cause then we have to move him.

Those are the instructions, I'm afraid. All Category 1s go to the module.

And what happens there?

Sorry, it's not my area. Try asking admin.

Wheel him out. Store him with the rest of the Cat 1s.

I just got a call that Maloney's golf cart is sitting outside the west block. Is he still on that tour?

I guess not.

He called for a car.

He did?

So that woman, Dr. Juarez, is she still here?

All right, I've searched the perimeter.

This place is sealed off.

There are a total of three buildings in this module.

But the capacity is small. There's no way in hell that they'll be able to accommodate all the Category 1 patients coming in.

It's impossible.

( Crowd cheering )

( Man speaking on stage )

Mr. Jack Harkness.

I could accuse you of having an obsession with me.

What happens afterward, Oswald, when the fever dies down and the world wakes up to the fact that a m*rder*r is standing center stage?

Somewhere out there those men are waiting for you in the dark.

I can smell them.

Their pits are soaked with sweat and bile.

But what if you became a hero instead?

Oh my, yeah.

Certainly that would be good.

You're about to go out onstage and talk to the world with a happy little Phicorp speech, yeah?

But you could use this moment, Oswald.

Here's your speech.

Say those words instead.

Phicorp knew about the miracle.

They've been ready for years.

That's the proof all written down
ready for everyone to hear it.

You want my help?

I want anyone's help.

I've never dealt with anything like this.

It's way beyond me.

But you, you could expose Phicorp live on air and help me change the world.

We'd be partners?


And what would I get out of it?

End the miracle...

Then you can die.

You're cursed with intelligence.

Clever enough to know who you are and wise enough to want it to end.

You help me and I promise I will help you to die.

Jilly: Oswald. Oswald, they've been looking for you.

You're on in 30 seconds.

Yeah sure. Certainly.

Do the right thing, Oswald.

I'm sorry, who are you?

You've got one chance. Take it.

One chance for what? What exactly did you just say to him?

Maybe you're about to find out.

Who are you?

Don't miss the speech.

One more thing, soldier.

( Clicks )

We're ready to bring him out now.

Wait a minute, Oswald.

What did that man say to you?


Oswald Danes!

( Cheering, booing )

That's the keyword. Stick to the script.

Say revelation.

( Cheering, booing )

Kind of hard to see.

What do I want?

That's the question.

All these years on this Earth, what do I really want?

Man: Children, you bastard!

( Crowd booing )


Because that's my curse.

I'm cursed with the knowledge of that deep down in my soul, sir.

And that's my tragedy.

It's who I am.

( Stammers )

Man: You're a loser!

( Crowd laughs )

All these-- all right.

All these fancy words, they're no help to me.

And these-- these-- these won't help me either.

The truth is I know what I am.

And I know what you are too.

Yes I do.

Each and every one of you.

Because I know for certain what has happened to the human race.

I know because this has happened before.

( Feedback whines )

50,000 years B.C.

What's called the great leap forward.

Human beings suddenly, we started to bury our dead.

We created art and money and love.

They loved.

They learned to love.

We made a leap from animal to human.

And now, right now, in our very own lifetimes, it has happened again.

The next great leap.

( Applause )

We have made it
from animal to human to what?

This is the question.

After Miracle Day what are we now?

I know.

This is something I know because I am the man who has lost heaven forever.

So I can feel the truth of it.

I'm telling you man has risen again.

( Cheering )

Now he has a new name.

And his name is...

( Whispers )



Crowd: Oswald! Oswald!

We are angels.

We have been elevated.

He have been purified.

We have been given life unending.

We are the first angels on Earth.

And I promise you this: There are even those who have been planning for this, the agents of angels in this brand-new world.

I'm telling you right now they stand amongst us.


For this is my...


( Cheering )

Yeah! Ha ha ha!

Oswald! Oswald!

( Moans )

( Alarm ringing )

( Machinery humming )

( Sobbing )

( Crying )
Oh my God.

Holy shit. Vera, what happened?

Can you stand?

( Whimpering )


Vera, come on. I can't open it.

( Crying )

( Dialing )

( Phone ringing )

( Dialing )


On my way back.

They had me running patients to the burn center.

Burn center?

Yeah, that's what the driver said the modules are for.

Burn victims. All done now though.

Be there soon, okay?

You've got to get out of there. It's an oven, baby.


Vera! Vera!


( Crowd chanting )
Oswald! Oswald!


( Chanting continues )


( Ringing )

( Chanting, cheering continues )

They've built ovens.

Rhys: What do you mean?

They built ovens all over the world.

That's what the modules are, they're ovens.

They're burning them.

The patients, they're burning them alive.

( Theme music playing )