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08x270 - Moonlit Lake

Posted: 04/30/23 16:28
by bunniefuu
How much longer do we have to

walk before we get to Magnolia?

[PRECHT] We should be there

in about three more days.


I guess we're gonna be campin'

out in the forest tonight.

Is this guy crazy?

I can't sleep outside!

[MAVIS] Come on, Zera.

It'll be an adventure!

We'll have fun!

Don't you get that this isn't

like the woods back home?

This is like one of

those haunted forests

from the stories

we used to read!


You see! This place is

crawling with creepy bugs!

And I'm sure there

are snakes, too!

[MAVIS] They're more afraid

of you than you are of them.


That's impossible!

We're sleeping under the stars!

Time to camp out!

I'm gonna find some wood to

build the best damn camp fire

you guys have ever seen!

[PRECHT] I'm going to hunt

down fresh meat for dinner.

And I'll go see if I can find

some mushrooms and herbs

to have with it!

I think I'm gonna stay

right here and keep watch.

Meat, side dish,

guard duty, what's left?

Oh, right, I'll go try

and catch some fish!

[ZERA screams]



Zera! What happened?

Is everything okay over here?

Yeah, I just took

a little spill.

These fish are a

lot harder to catch

than the ones we

have back home.

I'm glad it was just that.

You had me worried!

Sorry, I didn't mean to!


Perhaps it would

be a better idea

to look for nuts or

berries instead.

What is this place?

I have no idea. I've never

seen anything like this.

We should show the others

and see what they think.

[YURI] What the heck

happened to the trees?

It's as if a poisonous

wind swept through

and k*lled all the living

things in the area.

I'm beginning to get the feeling

that it would be too dangerous

to camp out in the forest

and maybe we should

get out of here.

No, the sun's already

starting to set.

I think it's worse to travel

an unknown path in the dark.


Where we're camped is

far enough from here

that we should be

out of harm's way.

That makes sense.

Being seasoned treasure hunters,

you clearly have a whole

lot more experience

with phenomena like

this than I do.

Right? Don't you think?

Well, if you think

so, then yeah.

Speaking of experience,

this seems oddly

similar to something

that went down on another gig.

Do you remember?

I do.

Feels a lot like our adventure

at the ruins in

Hell's Valley, right?

Did you say "Hell's Valley"?

[PRECHT] That was

definitely more dangerous

than taking a straight path

through a dark forest, though.

Yeah, the particulars are

startin' to come back to me now.

Yuri put us through

a special kind of hell

on that one, didn't he?

[YURI grunts]

Yuri caused trouble?

What? How? I wanna hear

all the juicy details!

[YURI growls]

Will you ever let me

live that one down?!

We got the treasure in the end,

isn't that the only

part that matters?

You'll never live it down!

It's a miracle we even lived to

see the light of another day!

Well, we're standing here

fighting now, aren't we?

You're exaggerating the story

to make me look bad!

With the mistakes you

make on a daily basis,

you do a fine job making

yourself look bad!

[MAVIS] So "Mister Perfect"

isn't perfect?

Oh, I really wanna know what

kind of mistakes he makes!

I'm gettin' really

tired of saying it.

You're reckless and impulsive

and you had better get

that crap under control.

If not, we're all heading

towards an early grave.

[YURI] What? It's not like

you're perfect or something!

You've almost gotten us k*lled

a few times, too, as I recall,

so don't lecture me

about my mistakes, bud!

I'm saying this stuff

for your own damn good!

So don't come crying

to me if you get hurt!

Why don't you just

mind your own business?!

Who do you think

you are anyway?!

[BOTH growl]



Wait, you're just gonna

walk away after that?

I'm sleeping by myself tonight.

I don't wanna be

anywhere near this jerk.

Well, good, with you gone

my odds of surviving the night

just got better!

Come on, you guys!

It's not worth it!

Those two are

acting like children.

[MAVIS] Precht, you're not gonna

do anything to stop them?

[PRECHT] What they do

is up to them, not me.

But splitting up is dangerous.

[PRECHT] Yes, but there's

not much I can do about it.

If something happens

to them, it happens.

Is he serious?

Why don't you and I

split up and go after them?

I'll track down Yuri;

you follow Warrod.

If that's what you want.


Yuri, where are you?


This part is dead, too?

What is going on here?



I guess they really do mean

to sleep on their own tonight.

[PRECHT sighs]


Here's the whole story.

We made the trek

through Hell's Valley

in search of a legendary

magical plant

by the name of the Wild Rainbow.

It only bloomed in

one part of a cave

deep in the mountains

around Hell's Valley.

It was known for its brilliant,

rainbow-colored petals.

Because of its rarity, the plant

was worth millions of Jewel.

That sounds like an

amazing treasure.


If we found it,

our reputation

would be unmatched

among treasure hunters.

Legends say that it was

protected by an ancient curse.

To reach the treasure,

we had to travel through

a barren wasteland

where poisonous

gases spewed forth

from deep within the ground.

[WARROD] I've never seen

such a desolate place.

[PRECHT] This used to be

the center of a civilization,

despite how barren it seems now.

Its citizens were

plant worshippers,

and believe it or not,

there used to be an

abundance of vegetation.

The state it's in

now is the result

of environmental destruction

and climate change.


Time spares no man or land.


Whatever. Who cares?

Let's just get inside

and grab that treasure.

[YURI sighs]

We can finally breathe again.

Stay on your toes, Yuri,

and pay attention.

Legend has it no one

who's entered these ruins

made it back out alive.


Don't be a scaredy-cat.

We're gonna make it out,

and when we do,

we'll be rich beyond

our wildest dreams.

I wish you'd slow down.

We need to be extra cautious

inside these caves.

I wanna chase down that thing

before it pulls up its roots

and runs away to make some other

treasure hunters millions.



Dammit, we're lost!

What did I tell you

about being cautious?

[PRECHT] Calm down, you two.

I brought a map with me.

How convenient! I knew

we could count on Precht!

Then why were you

freaking out just now?

[PRECHT] We definitely came

in from that direction.


The lantern's out of oil.

Not to worry, I've got

some extra fuel right here.

[YURI] Man, it's too dark

to see what I'm doing.

If only we knew

how to use magic.

I bet we could light up this

entire cave in no time at all!


Well, that was perfect timing!


Something weird is going on.


a*t*matic ignition lamps.

They must be

designed to activate

in response to intruders.

That seems like bad news.


What an astute observation.

We'd better make

a run for it, boys!

Which way, genius?

Oh, I don't know, maybe away

from the falling rocks!

Look! Over there!

[WARROD, YURI yelling]

Where do you think

this thing goes?

Why don't you ask the

guy with the map?

[ALL screaming]



What a perfect place to stop.


So now what?


We get out and walk, obviously.


Okay... Then what?

[YURI] I'm sure we'll

figure something out.

Do you ever think ahead

or do you always fly by

the seat of your pants?


Hey! Look at that!

I believe we found our

first treasure, boys!

Are you kidding? That thing has

booby trap written all over it!

Nah, there's no writing. And

look at the size of that jewel!



[YURI screams]

What did I tell you?!

Shut your mouth

and move your feet!

Keep going! We're almost there!

[ALL screaming]

[YURI] Ouch. We're all

still alive, aren't we?


By some miracle, yes.

Hey, look. What is this?

How is it so bright?



This moss is luminescent.

That must be what's

lighting up the place.

Doesn't seem like it

should be here naturally.

[PRECHT] Maybe in the days

of the civilization

this used to be a sacred site.



It's the Wild Rainbow!

[YURI lauging]

Something has been bothering me

about this entire expedition.

Oh, you mean besides Yuri?

[PRECHT] I've seen a lot of

traps in other places like this.

They're usually designed

to k*ll intruders.

The ones here are different.

They seem engineered

to lead anyone

who sets foot in

these caves here.

Doesn't that seem odd to you?

What do you think

that means for us?

The people here worship plants.

This part of the cave

is full of them,

and unusual ones at that.

I suppose what I'm

getting at is this:

What if the traps

we've encountered so far

are set up to lead

intruders to this spot

so that they can become

food for some monster

that lives down here?


Yuri, hold on! Stay

away from that flower!



What the--?!


[WARROD gasps]


[YURI yelping]

Yuri, no!

I knew it wasn't a flower.

It's bait to lure people into

this cave so it can eat them.

Now I understand why

the Wild Rainbow

has never been brought

outta this cave!

Hang on!

Try not to move around

for a second, Yuri!

Couldn't you have gotten me down

without shattering my tailbone?!

Gratitude would be

appropriate here!


So what are we gonna do

about this monster?

We simply have to

wait for an opening!

At the first opportunity,

grab the flower and

put it in the pod!

You make it sound so easy.

What are you doing now?!

I'm gonna distract this thing

to get you an opening!

You guys go for the flower!

I thought I was the Wild Card!

He's just taking a page

from your book, I guess.

Let's not let him

forget that he did!



Warrod, no!

Grab the flower while

you have the chance!

No way! Are you crazy?

Hang in there, and

we'll come save you!

I'm a treasure hunter.

I'm capable of saving myself!

We're this close.

Now get it or the

whole expedition

will have been for nothing!

Hurry! I can't keep his

mouth open much longer!

You better not get

eaten, you dummy!

The Wild Rainbow

would be worth nothing

if we didn't all make it

out of this cave alive!


Not good!


Precht, help!

Hold on just a little longer!


For real?


We're gonna die!


Now's our chance!

How did you pull that one off?


Well, the thing is a plant,

so I figured the best

course of action

would be to take out the roots.

I'm just lucky it worked.

At least somebody's thinkin'.

I wish you would have come up

with it a little bit sooner.


Did you get the Wild Rainbow?


Of course I did.

See for yourself.



Now what the heck is happening?

[PRECHT] All of that activity is

causing the ruins to cave in.

Well that's just great!

So we got out alive

with the treasure,

and we're still working

together to this day.

Oh, wow.

I guess going through something

like that builds unity.

You know, Precht, I learned

something from that story.

And that's: We can count on you!


That wasn't my intention.

I was simply relaying the

facts as they occurred.

And you're so modest, too!



You've already got a

nice campfire going!

Perfect timing! Take a look!

We caught this big ol' beast

in a lake we found nearby!

You two weren't even

speaking earlier

and now you're going

fishing together?



Oh. That's right,

we don't like each other.

[WARROD] I was so focused

on catching our dinner,

I forgot I was mad.

Yeah, whatever,

I'm too hungry to care.

Let's grill this tasty monster!

Precht, would you do the honors?

I guess when you're friends,

you let go of the things

that don't matter.

Right, Zera?

[WARROD, YURI chuckle]

You know, being

a treasure hunter

certainly seems like a

challenging way of life!


It is,

but the rewards always make

the hardships worthwhile.

The Tenrou Orb is

an S-class treasure.

Once we get it, we can sell it.

And then we'll never

have to work again

for the rest of our lives!

[MAVIS] Judging by the way

you talk about treasure,

I get the feeling you guys are

only going to be our friends

until we find that orb.

This girl's a smart one, huh?

I guess it makes sense.

But we'll see what

actually happens

after we find what

we're looking for.

I'll say this.

You've led a very sheltered

life on that island,

and you shouldn't trust people

that you've only known

for a little while.

You could easily

end up getting hurt.

But you guys wouldn't do that.

Because your eyes tell

me you're trustworthy.


Did you see which way she went?

I hope she's not embarrassed

that she wasn't able

to catch any fish.

She can be so

sensitive sometimes.

I'll be back in a bit.

I'm gonna try to find her.

[YURI sighs]


That girl is incredibly strange.

I really enjoy having

her around, though.

I've been thinking,

maybe we should let her have

the Tenrou Orb back after all.

[PRECHT] To be honest,

I've lost interest in it.


Did you forget the entire point

of being a treasure hunter

is taking things that

other people want?

I won't give in to some kid.

When we find the Tenrou Orb,

we're taking it for ourselves.

That little girl isn't

getting anything.

You're despicable.

[MAVIS] Oh, there you are, Zera.

I was worried about you!

Oh, I'm sorry.

Is something bothering you?

Are you upset that you weren't

able to catch any fish?



I'm just a little worn out.

Well, we did live by ourselves

on an island for seven years.


It's been a long time

since I've had to be

around people this much.

It's only three others, though.

You saved me.

I know I would've d*ed that

night if you hadn't been there.






Zera, you're alive!

[ZERA] I made a vow to myself

and to you seven years ago.

I swore that from then on,

I would always protect you.

But out here, in the world

away from the island,

I feel like there's so much

I don't understand.

So much I've never seen.

I feel useless.

In the end, all I ask is

that you stay by my side.

That's what best

friends are for, right?

No, that's not enough anymore!

I can't stand feeling

this way, Mavis!

The only way I'm gonna

be of any help

is if you teach me to use magic!

I wanna learn the kind of magic

spells that can b*at Blue Skull,

and even those treasure

hunters if we need to!

Teach me the strongest

spells you know!

I am always gonna

protect you! I swear it!

Okay! I'll teach you

all the magic I can!

This is so exciting!

So let's not waste any time.

We can start my

training tonight!

[ZERA screams]

I've got to stop doing that!



Get in the water!

This journey's

been so stressful;

we deserve to relax

for a minute or two.

Wait, you mean right now?

Yeah, it feels incredible!

It brings back so many memories

of when we were little girls!

I'm not gonna let you

have all the fun!

[ZERA laughs]


[BOTH laughing]


Look, Mavis, a fairy!

Do you see it?

What? No, where is it?

I was talking about the one

we keep in our hearts.

I do.

[WARROD] There it is.

The city of Magnolia!


We finally made it!

So this is the home of the guild

who k*lled all of our people

and stole the Tenrou Orb.

[PRECHT] Our first task

is to locate Blue Skull.

Oh, wow!

I really can't wait to visit

the Kardia Cathedral!

Is that the enormous old church

you were telling me about?

[PRECHT] Kardia Cathedral

is one of Fiore's

three largest churches.

The legends say that long ago,

the angel known

as St. Mikardia--

Hey, look! See that?

What the heck?


What is that?

[YURI] It's gotta be

Kardia cathedral, but--

Why's there a

blue-skulled dragon?

[MAVIS] My friends and I finally

arrive in the city of Magnolia,

only to find that a giant,

blue-skulled dragon

keeps watch over

the Kardia Cathedral,

the symbol of the city.

We wander the streets,

looking for answers

about the Blue Skull guild and

the location of the Tenrou Orb.

What we find instead is

a hapless, dying city

and a people devoid of

joy or hope of any kind.

Next Time: "Blue Skull."

An evil magic power

rules over the city.