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09x326 - Magic of Hope

Posted: 04/30/23 18:17
by bunniefuu
Ahh... The pain is

beginning to fade.

As always, I sincerely thank you

for patching me up, Doctor.

It warms my heart to know that

there are humans among us

that have your level of

kindness and understanding.

Of course.

But I'm afraid that you give me

much more credit than I deserve.

I can stop the bleeding,

but not heal you.

The protection that you

dragons give us is invaluable.

Although some disagree.

And I think of you

as nothing less

than our divine

guardian, Acnologia.



I heard an unsettling rumor

during my recent travels.

There's talk of a new type of

magic on the western continent,

with the sole purpose

of k*lling dragons.

Our future will be filled

with needless fighting

and unimaginable slaughter.

I can feel it in my scales.

[DOCTOR] Humans taking

arms against dragons?

Who has such hubris?

It would be impossible.

Foolish, at the very least.

However, this dragon-k*lling

magic has the potential

for great harm.

If such terrifying sorcery

exists, I couldn't protect you.

I'm simply not strong

enough for that.

I barely have enough magic

power to tend to you now.

If only I were stronger.

What matters most is heart,

not strength.

Never lose sight of that fact.

Doctor, I intend to travel

west to see for myself

if there's any truth to

this "dragon-k*lling" magic.

If it's real, it poses a

thr*at to lands like ours

where dragons and humans

coexist peacefully.

We could be caught in a

long and bloody conflict.


Go with care, Acnologia.

I will be praying

for your safe return.

Humans committing v*olence

against the dragons.

This dragon slaying magic...

sounds like fantasy, but...

If it is true, it leaves me

with an overwhelming feeling--

one of dread.

[DOCTOR] I'm not strong

enough to fight it.

[DOCTOR] Acnologia did

return to our hidden land,

and he brought death

and destruction with him.

Let's do this!



You can hear me, right, Cobra?

Now that's a stupid question!

All physical abilities

will now be enhanced

with my Deus Eques!

Oh, yeah! This is awesome!

This power's incredible.

Never underestimate

what a shrimp can do!

[GAJEEL chuckles]

Iron Dragon Sword!


[BOTH yell]

Poison Dragon...!

Lightning Dragon...!

Fire Dragon...!

Come on, you guys!

Stay with me!

[COBRA] This guy's mind...

Total silence.

I can't hear it!

Get outta the way, Natsu!


That sucked.


We knew that this

wouldn't be easy.

Thought we'd get in

a few hits, at least.

He's barely even moved

since we started.

He's powerful.

But don't give up.



I said I'd show you why

I'm called Dragon King.

Is the lesson beginning

to sink in yet,

or will I have to

start k*lling you?

[MAKAROV] I'm not going

to sugarcoat this.

With all of the Dragon Slayers

stuck inside the time rift,

we are left with no clear path

to victory against Acnologia.

Seems like it.


We're in trouble.

What now?

We have no choice but to fight.

Maybe we can't k*ll it,

but do you think we could

immobilize it or somethin'?

That's a good idea!

You could freeze it in its

tracks with your ice magic.

Not an option. Magic

has no effect on him.

We've got all these

wizards gathered here

and you're telling us that

magic's not gonna work?

Is there a sword or some

other kind of w*apon

we could use against him?

If it were that easy

to k*ll a dragon,

somebody would've

done it already.

That only happens in

children's stories. Oh, yeah!

But we shouldn't rule

that out entirely.

[ERZA] No, a sword

would only be effective

imbued with Dragon Slayer magic.

If only Wendy was with us...

Damn it. We've got nothing.



Think of something? What is it?

Actually, there might be

one thing we can do.




Hey! Here he comes, guys!

He's just mindlessly destroying

everything he sees.

We gotta get outta

here, right now!

Lucy, if you've got

a plan, spill it!

Some of our people should go to

the port in Hargeon, right away.

They need to get a

big ship ready for us!


A ship?


What for?


I know!

Because of the Dragon

Slayers' weakness!

Do you think we're gonna get

that big dragon onto a boat?

That should make him

extremely sick, at least.

Yes, this is true for every

Dragon Slayer. Oh, yeah!

Well, if swords and

magic have no effect,

I guess it's our only option.


But it seems like all this plan

will do is make him go "bwah,"

then he'll be fine, right?

[LUCY] That'll give

us our only chance... use one of our

strongest spells!

[grunts] Magic won't

work on him, remember?

I heard that. But I think

there's one spell that could!

Levy and Fried, I'm gonna need

both of you to come with me!

We'll be searching through the

guild's library for the spell!

You three'll help us catch

up once we've found it.


[LUCY] Everyone else

split into two teams.

One going straight to Hargeon.

The other team's mission

is more dangerous.

You'll need to lead

Acnologia to the port.

Also, it's very important

that we have as many

Fairy Tail members gathering

in Hargeon as possible.

Well, if that's the case,

Sabertooth will take point

on luring the dragon.

What makes you think

this spell will work?

Why is it special?

[LUCY] It's magic created

by close personal bonds

that even Acnologia can't break.



It's her spell.

It saved us on Tenrou

Island way back then.

That's true.

Absolute Protection magic.

[LUCY] One of Fairy Tail's Three

Grand Spells: Fairy Sphere!

It is true he couldn't

overcome it,

but that spell is only meant

to be cast defensively.

Are you saying...?

You're really suggesting

that we try to trap Acnologia?


Inside of the Fairy Sphere?

That plan is insane, Lucy!

It's all we have.

[LUCY] This is our last sh*t.

It's all or nothing!


As we stand inside here,

my flesh form is on a path

of rampant destruction

outside the time rift,

bringing about the

end of the world.


The hour of reckoning

now is upon us.


reached its demise.


Why are you doing all of this?

It's simple.

To bring destruction.


[NATSU] Sounds like

a load of crap to me.


This world ain't that

weak, you hear me?

And it sure as hell

ain't yours to destroy!


Gray and Juvia are

here! And, uh...

My name's Mest.

Wouldn't it have been better

to take all of us at once?

Wouldn't be better for me.

He can only teleport a

couple of people this far

at the same time!

Since we are a couple,

it makes perfect sense!


Oh, man, she's cute!

What's going on? I had heard

the fighting was over.

Not yet. Acnologia's

on his way here.


[JUVIA] Lyon, we need your

help to get a big ship ready.


Hargeon here we come!


What's keeping the Mest Express?


Give him a break, man!

Good luck, friends.

We're counting on you.

So that's him.

The Arcane Dragon

himself. Oh, no!

I'm not quite sure how

we're going to lead him

all the way to Hargeon.

His magic power is crazy.

[RUFUS] I can't recall

a beast this strong.

But we're strong, too.

You better believe we are!

I think so, too!


Darn it, I can't find it!


No luck here, either!

Hey, Master, are you positive

this book even exists?

The First Master told

me about it, so I am.

It's gotta be in

here somewhere;

we're just not looking

hard enough!

You're right!

We have to find it.

The Fairy Sphere is the

only hope we've got left.



Nothing we've done

has had any effect.

He consumes everything.

All magic types.

And he's not filling

up. Oh, yeah!

If he doesn't have

a magic preference,

how do we get him to follow us?

I really can't even tell

what he's aiming for!

He's attacking randomly.

Almost like he has

no mind of his own.

He just fried the

Fairy Tail guild hall!

Oh, no!

[LUCY yelps]

[BOTH gasps]

Don't be afraid!

We should be safer

here underground!


This is bad.

We must put a stop

to his att*cks

before he completely

destroys Magnolia!

I got this, my lady!

Hey! Acnologia!

I'm right here! Come and get me!

Uh! Can't you hear me?

What the--? Magic att*cks

and taunts don't work?

If Acnologia's not even in

control of his own thoughts,

why did he come to Magnolia?

I was pondering the same thing.

What could be driving

his actions now?

It's pure instinct.

He was drawn to this town

because he sensed the magic

power of the wizards here.

Then perhaps the stronger the

magic, the more he'll follow?


[BOTH yell]








[ALL scream]


Nice goin'!

Not too shabby, I'd say.

Laxus is incredible!

Yeah. That's what

I'm talkin' about!

He get him, or what?

The smoke is clearing.


[LAXUS groaning]

You bastard.

Your magic has no effect on me.



So this is the largest ship

that's out here, huh?

It would seem that the Alvarez

Army left it behind.

It's big.

My question is, how are we going

to get Acnologia onboard?

I'll just have to knock

him out of the sky myself.


Thank goodness!

I'm glad you made

it here safely.

Sounds like another

crazy idea to me.

Even if we can't do any

real damage with magic,

I bet we can still push

him around a little bit.

I think I can do it.

No... I'll do it no matter what!

[JUVIA] But this plan does

rely on some other factors.

Minerva and her team

have to figure out

how to lead Acnologia

all the way here.

Plus, Lucy and the others

have to make it in time.

Is everyone okay?

It's a miracle, but yes.

[HAPPY] I'm okay, but who

turned out the lights?

You're not badly

injured, are you?

I'm fine.

Uh. Hold on, anyone see Lucy?

[ALL gasp]

You guys, I found the book!

This'll tell us how

to use Fairy Sphere!

[COBRA yelling]


Oh, crap. That one got me.

Hang in there.


Don't worry.

I can't let myself kick

the bucket quite yet.

Not just for my sake.

It's because... I've got

friends of my own, too!

And I know they're fighting

their hearts out down there!

I'll do whatever the hell

I gotta to keep 'em safe!


Acnologia, follow me!

[HOTEYE] Macbeth! Radiate all

of the magic power you can!

Oh, yeah!

[MIDNIGHT] We can definitely

lure him this way.


Oh, yeah!

All right, Sorano!

We should be at the next

point coming up soon!

Full speed ahead, Sawyer!

[STING growls]

We gotta take this joker down,

or else we won't be able

to show our faces again.

This is the only way

we can get back home.

We have to win this fight.


Hey, ugly! Try to keep up!

[RUFUS] The fact that you're

drawn to magic power

is b*rned into my memory.

We'll act as bait from here.

Okay, Lector, don't stop

till we reach Hargeon!


You got it!


I'll try hard, too!

[LAXUS] We won't let you

k*ll the old geezer.

Or anyone else, you got that?

So we're just gonna have

to go ahead and crush you

before you get the

chance to crush us!

You may be some kinda legend,

but your story ends today!

Fly as fast as you can!


Aye, Sir!

Levy! Can you read it?

I think I can translate!

You've got this, Levy!


We believe in you!

Are you ready for

the final battle?

Because I'm all fired up!



We haven't even begun to fight.

But this will be your end.




Here he comes!


This is our sh*t.

We need to buy some more time

before Lucy and the

rest of them get here.

You guys get ready for the

Fairy Sphere, you hear me?

What do you mean by that?

How do we get ready for it?

[CANA] Everyone, we all

need to hold hands.

[ERZA] Excellent work, ladies!

I knew we could count on you!

He'll follow whoever puts out

the strongest magic power.

If you do that, you can lead

him directly to the ship.


As for us...

I'm sorry, but I think

we're running way too low.

For sure.

Oh, yeah, I think so, too.

We can take over from here.


It looks like he's about

to make a big move!

Everybody, get down!


Not the ships.

He destroyed every last one.

Oh, no.

Are you kiddin' me?


Instinct... He took out his

weakness on pure instinct.


In the blink of an eye,

the Black Dragon obliterates

the ships in Hargeon's port.

Even so, we won't give up!

We're going to put all

our hopes on a spell

that saved our lives

before: Fairy Sphere.

However, inside the time rift,

Acnologia becomes an

even greater challenge

for the Dragon Slayers bravely

fighting for our future!

But how will that battle unfold?

Next Time: "Hearts Connected."

The only way we'll see tomorrow

is if we hold on to

each other today!