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06x02 - The Compass

Posted: 05/01/23 06:14
by bunniefuu
A month after establishing

a beachhead on D-Day,
the Allies struggled

to gain a foothold in France.

But victory in June
led to stalemate in July

as the Nazis turned the
hedgerows of Normandy

into a maze of death.

Watch it!

Move out!


Danke schein, danke schein.

Nothing like a
friendly little wager

to make a good w*r fun, huh?

Hey, Sarge.

- You want in on this?
- You know what you are,


Bad apple, kind that
spoils the whole barrel.

Spoken like a true Boy Scout.

You better lay off
the Boy Scouts.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Ding ding, back to your corners.

Doctor, you're a
half a pack short.

So, I owe you. You
got a problem with that?

Yeah, I'd take
Rita as collateral.



Radio's on the fritz.

I can't get nothing but static.

Night-night, gorgeous.

Hey-hey, Dante, you said I
could hold it for a little while.

All is fair in love
and w*r, Homer.

Right, Eddie?

Hey, come on.


Knock it off.

How many men you
figure we lose today?

Does a dead Jerry

count for a bonus
pack, or was it just

your own buddies you
were betting against?

You want in on the bet, Sarge?

Better clean that up, Faraday,
along with your attitude.

What kind of attitude am I
supposed to have when it's

crawling with Krauts out
there? There's only five of us left.

Look, it wasn't hard to figure
out what we were up against

at Omaha Beach;
now we have no idea

where the next
b*llet's coming from.

So, I suggest you
all start figuring out

what you're fighting
for, 'cause we cannot see

what we're fighting
against anymore.


♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

Normandy was a soldier's battle,

not won by battalions
and heavy a*tillery,

but day by day, squad by squad,

yard by yard,

fought by ordinary men who
might have been your neighbor,

your grocer, your mailman.

Men who had never
expected to be soldiers,

who now found
themselves fighting

not only for their lives,

but for the very
future of the world.

Now, Saint-L6 may
not look like much,

but this little cow town
is the gateway to France.

If we bust through
this German line...

We can be home by Christmas.

That's the plan.

But... we got to
take Saint-L6 first.

Now, the way I figure it, we
made it across Omaha Beach,

so somebody's
looking out for us.


♪ Praise the Lord ♪

♪ We're on a mighty mission ♪

♪ All aboard, we're
not a-goin' fishin' ♪

♪ Praise the Lord and
pass the amm*nit*on ♪

♪ And we'll all stay free... ♪



Danny Gomez.

His name is Private Joe Faraday.

Come here, please.

The way he sees it,
anything he can take is his.

Even of a fellow soldier?

Isn't there a code of honor?

Oh, Joe's not gonna
let a little thing like honor

stand in his way?

Well, someone should
do something about him.

Oh, really?

Do we have any volunteers?

Oh, no, Tess... I'm in
Search and Rescue,

and I'm already so
busy with men who...

Who deserve it.

Well, Joe may not seem
like hero material to you, baby,

but he still has a chance
to surprise everybody...

including himself.





Those Krauts could have a
g*n that's behind every bush.

How's that radio going, Homer?

I'm working on it, Sarge.

Help. This is Charlie Company.

Can you read me? Over.

Dang radio.

Alpha, this is Charlie...

Okay, we're on our own.

We're moving out. Let's go.

Down! Down!

Is that the Luftwaffe?

No, they're ours.

Boy, I sure hope
they don't accidentally

drop no more bombs on us.

My ears are nearly deaf

from all them bombs
they dropped in London.

I said let's go.

It ain't all bad.

I mean, air raid's can
be kind of romantic.

- Romantic? You nuts?
- Ask Eddie.

♪ ...Loving you ♪

♪ Always ♪

♪ With a love ♪

♪ That's true ♪

♪ Always ♪

♪ When the things you plan ♪

♪ Need a helping hand ♪

♪ I will understand ♪

♪ Always ♪

♪ Always... ♪

♪ Days may not be fair ♪

♪ Not always... ♪

Hey, Stella, I've been waiting
for my-my victory dance.

Excuse us, pal.

Would you mind, Eddie?

- I'll just be a moment.
- All right.

Look what I got for you.

Joe, please.

Thanks for dinner
the other night,

but I'm just not interested.

I'm sorry.

I'm sure there's a nice
guy in you somewhere.

- Maybe it's the w*r, but...
- Oh.

I get it. Heh. I'm shipping out,

and you're afraid you're
never gonna see me again,

so you don't want
to get involved.

Well, let me tell
you something, doll,

- I'm gonna survive.
- Yes, you will, Joe.

I'm sure you'll do
whatever it takes.

So what's the problem?

I'm not good enough
for you, is that it?

I'm not good enough? Hm?

Joe, you're hurting me.

Stella... Stella, please.

Good-bye, Joe.


Come on, Eddie.

Get down.

Hey, Joe, let me hold Rita

just for a minute?

Sorry, Homer. Since
Eddie stole my girl,

Rita's all I got
left. Right, Eddie?

Come on, Joe, give him
the picture. He's scared.

Don't light that!

I knew it! It's the
machine gunners!

- How far? How far?
- 300 meters.

Hey, hey, Sarge.

I'm not... I'm not
sure if I'm ready.

Come on, Homer, you can do this.

Are you kidding?
It's a su1c1de mission!

Thanks for
volunteering, Faraday.

Dante, Homer, cover
us, then bring up the flank.

- Let's move!
- Go, go, go!

Down! Down!

Get down!


One... two, three!

Let's go!

Move, move, move!

Dante, Rourke!

Looks clear, Sarge.

Hold your fire.

- Sprechen sie Englisch?
- My name is Monica.

Who's your friend?

Don't move!
- Don't move, or I'll blow you sky-high!

Can't you see he's dying?

What's he saying?


He means "mama."

You speak German?

I understand many languages.

What kind of accent is that?

Bet you she's a spy.

I'm here on a mission of peace.

Get her out of there.

Name the four presidents
on Mt. Rushmore.

Who's Mickey Mouse's girlfriend?

- Mickey who?
- All right, hold it right there.

I don't know who you are
or what you're doing here,

but until I figure it out
you're coming with us...

prisoner of w*r.

What are you doing?

Spoils of w*r, fréulein.

Make him stop that.


He's a n*zi, Sarge.

He's just a kid.

He got brainwashed by Hitler.

He probably didn't want to go
to w*r any more than you did.

I feel sorry for him...

and you. Maybe if you had

a wife and kids,
someone to come home to,

maybe you'd see
things a little differently.

Have something to fight for.

Something to make it worth...

- Eddie, behind you.
- Sarge!

He hit the sarge.

- Check the sarge.
- Sarge!

Please, help him.

He's dead.

For a squad lost on the
frontlines without its leader,

the threat of death
was everywhere.

In the summer of 1944

over 100,000 American
soldiers were K.I.A.,

k*lled in action.

Sergeant Francis Q. Walker.

I wonder what
the "Q" stands for?


If you don't know the
name of Mickey Mouse's

girlfriend, then how
come you know that, huh?

It's hard to explain
how I know what I know.

Get her.

Where are we, fréulein?

All I can tell you
is that you're lost.

She's right, Faraday.
Sarge's compass is busted.

So what? So is the radio.

What are you
keeping it for then?

You never know, it
might be worth something.

Come on, we gotta
get out of here.

What are you crazy? Those
hedgerows are full of nothing

but Krauts.

We're done for. Up the creek.

Mission accomplished...
huh, fréulein?

My mission is to save lives.

We caught you
helping the Germans.

Don't try and make it
look like you're on our side.

I know what side I'm on,
Private Faraday, do you?

You can't get rid
of me that easily.

I say we give her the
same treatment Sarge got.

Would you knock it off.
We got bigger fish to fry.

Hey... we can't just
leave the sarge here.

We got to get him back home
so he can have a decent burial.

Homer, that's not our
department. Now, you got to

leave that to The GRS.

Charlie one, this
Charlie four, over.

Charlie one, sitrep.

Alpha follows.

Alpha, do you copy?

Homer... Homer,
you snap out of it.

This radio is on the
fritz, you remember?


Oh, God.

What are we gonna
do without the sarge?

What's his family gonna do?

Ask the fréulein.

He's got a wife and kids.

Does that mean anything to you?

Of course it does.

Instead of the letter his
wife prays for everyday

she's gonna receive a telegram.

And she'll gather her
children around her,

and the only thing that will
see her through is her faith.

And in the living room,

next to the flag in the window,

she'll place a gold
star symbolizing

the sacrifice of
another brave man,

and that's why I'm here.

Because too many gold
stars have been placed

in too many windows.

Crocodile tears, lady.

She's a spy...

and a woman. How
can you guys trust her?

Any of you condemned
men want one last smoke?

You know, Faraday,

attitude like yours, and
we'll never see Paris.


Me and a mademoiselle...

drinking champagne,
eating french fries.

I don't need no mademoiselle...

'cause I got Stella.

You want to see her?

What's that, perfume?

I, I don't wear any.

You sure smell good.

When I get to Paris I'm gonna

buy some of that Chanel perfume.

For my mom.

Would you like me to
change this for you, Private?

Yes, ma'am.

You know,

you got red hair just
like Rita Hayworth.

I wish I could
hold her just once.

Faraday, would you
give him the picture?

Get a load of this one...

from the old battle axe.

Oh, please put that
back. It's his mother.

For God's sake, Faraday.

Charlie one, this is
Charlie Four, over.

Charlie one, we
got a sitrep out here.

- We're, we're dying.
- Homer,

what in the hell are you doing?

I'm calling HQ, Eddie.
The radio, it worked.

You, you can't get them

on that radio,
that's a Kraut radio.

Homer, you just
called the Krauts.

You speak German.
What did he say?

What did he say?

Translation, fréulein.

Good evening, and
thank you, friends.

Now we know where you are.

We are coming for you.

Wait for us. We are coming.

Oh, God.

We're gonna die.

We're gonna die.

- We need the sarge.
- Shut up, Homer!

Shut up.

We got to make a
run for it. Split up.

How far you think we're gonna
get on a couple rounds of a*mo?

He's right. He's right.

At least we got protection here.

Are you crazy? This
place is a death trap.

Wait, now, wait a
minute. We got to,

we got to think this through.

I'm out of here. You
suckers are on your own.


Now the only way we're
gonna get through this

is if we stick together
and cover each other

the best we can...
'cause that's what

sarge would've said, isn't it?

Isn't it?

Hell... what's so bad
about dying anyway?

I don't believe that.

Everyone has
something to live for.

Something or someone.

Your sergeant didn't
have a chance to,

to say good-bye to his family.

To leave a message,
something for them to hold onto.

He didn't have time
for that, but you do.

She's right.

She's right.

If I'm gonna die...

I want Stella to know that
I was thinking about her

on my last breath.

I got to write to Mom.

She's never seen the ocean.

I'm gonna tell her
how beautiful it is.

What about you, Homer?

Do you have someone
you want to contact?


I don't have any parents,

or, or girlfriend.

Nothing I write's gonna
make much of a difference.

What about Mrs. Walker?

Doesn't she have a right to
know how her husband died?

Like a hero.


What's the point?

Who's gonna deliver them?

I don't know, maybe
one of us will make it.

Yeah, yeah.

I say, I say that
we make a pact.

Yeah, anybody left
standing make sure

they all get sent.

What about you, Private?

Don't you have a
message to send?

♪ ...Just an hour ♪

♪ Not for just a day ♪

♪ And not ♪

♪ For just a year... ♪

Don't do it, Joe.

Walk away.

Just walk away.

Is that for me?


Excuse me, Stella.

Joe, please, leave me alone.

Stella... You heard the lady.

- She'd like to be left alone.
- Get out of my way.

Excuse me. Please,
sir, can you help me?

I've lost my mommy, and
the Germans are coming.

Joe. Joe.

Get down.

The Germans are coming.

Shh, Shh, Shh.

Dear God in heaven, a t*nk.

Monica, a t*nk.

We're dead, we're dead.

Homer, Homer.

Help me with this thing.

Say your prayers, sister,

and hope they k*ll you fast.

I see 20, 25.


The Lord is my light
and my salvation.

Whom shall I fear?

- Homer, on my left!
- Joe!

Keep firing, boys.

Keep firing.

The Lord is the
stronghold of my life.

- Faraday, cover us.
- Of whom shall I be afraid?

Take that, you krauts.

- Keep firing.
- When evil men advance against me...

Joe, it's coming fast.

And when my enemies
and my foes attack me,

they will stumble and fall.

Keep firing.

Keep firing.

Watch the left side.

Though an army besiege me...

my heart will not fear.

Make it count.

Homer, tap me when it's clear.

- Clear.
- Fire.

We got 'em!

Yeah, we got it.

Keep firing, boys, keep firing.

- Dante's hit!
- Though w*r

break out against
me... Dante's hit!


Even then will I be confident.

Fire, fire, keep firing.


For, in the day of trouble,

He will keep me
safe in His dwelling.

Keep firing, Faraday.

Keep firing.

And He will hide me in the
shelter of His tabernacle...

and set me high upon a rock.

Wait, shh, shh.

They think we're all dead.

We are all dead, lady.

Some of us just
don't know it yet.

We ought to, we ought to
make a run for it while we can.

Oh, Eddie, you've been hit.

I'm fine, I'm fine.

Run, run.

Looks like no one's home.

Come on.

Anybody home?

Eddie's in trouble.

You're the nurse.

Oh, I'm thirsty.

- I'm thirsty.
- Ah.

- I'm thirsty.
- '39 Bordeaux.

I remember '39.

Now, that, that was a good year,

maybe not for wine, but
it definitely was for me.


All right, come this way.

Everybody be calm.

Right this way.

Everybody keep moving,
making room for everybody else.

Right this way.

Mister, mister.

Be calm.

Why don't you beat it, kid?

Did you lose somebody, too?

This way, Stella.


I went back for Henry
when the siren started,

but now I can't find my mummy.

My name is Rupert.

What's yours?

Can't you shut that thing up?

He sings because he's scared.

You hear that bird?

It's beautiful.

Somebody ought to
put it out of its misery.

They'll be heading
south pretty soon.

Wonder if... the w*r will
be over when they get back.

Wonder if we'll still be around.

Uh, I don't think
that I Will be.

Poor Nick and Homer.

At least, least
they wrote, right?

Um, no, wait, we
forgot their letters.

We, we forgot their letters.

We got to go back.

Forget the letters; it
doesn't matter now.

It's all that matters, Joe,
it's why we wrote 'em.

I'm not going back out
there and risking my life

for some dead guys' letters.

They're not just dead guys,
Joe, they're your friends.


I'm not going back.

Joe, we made a pact.

You got to go back
because I can't.

You, you take
mine with you, too.

My let... my letter I wrote...
I wrote a letter to Stella.

I had it, I had it With me.

I must, I must have dropped it.

You... you got to go
back, you got to go back.

Forget it.

Oh, Joe, please,
you got to go back.

She deserves to know, she
deserves to know, she's my wife.

Your wife?

We got married... night
before we shipped out.

Nobody knew.

Oh, it was beautiful.


Well, I wasn't going to tell
you this, Eddie, but, uh...

I married Stella, too,
couple months before you.

She was marrying any G.I.
who could send back a paycheck.

Didn't mean nothing.

She was just another
Allotment Annie.

That's why she didn't
want me around no more...

Once she found
out I was on to her.

So now you know,

buddy, I'm sorry, but
she didn't love you.

So forget about the girl,
forget about the letters.

She didn't deserve you.

How dare you?

Try that again, lady,
and I'll sh**t you myself.

I'm not afraid of you, Joe,
but I won't allow Eddie to die

with that lie
breaking his heart.

I'm doing him a favor.

Why should he die thinking
that she'll never get that letter?

Better he thinks she
doesn't deserve it.

Then he can relax.

You're not doing this
to make him feel better.

You're doing this because he
married someone that you wanted.

Don't push me.

What kind of a man are you?

I have seen you
stealing the watches

and the rings from dying men.

I will not allow you
to steal their spirit.

Eddie, don't you worry
about those letters.

They'll be delivered, every
one of them, I promise,

and Stella will
get her letter, too.

She Will.

What Joe told you is a lie.

Stella loves you.

She's never loved
anyone but you.

She never married
anyone but you.

Stella is a good woman.

She is a fine woman

and she'll get your letter and
all the love that goes with it,

and it'll warm her
in those lonely nights

for the rest of her life.

She'll keep it in her purse.

She'll keep it within reach.

Be next to her bed,
slipped inside her Bible.

And her memories of you,
Eddie, they will never die.

Thank you.

It's the bird.

I can hear it, too.

Listen, listen to that,
Monica, listen to that.

Oh, it's beautiful.

They're singing to me.

They're singing to me.

They sound... sound like angels.

You-You're an angel.

You get on my
case for lying to him

and then you make a
promise to him like that?

Who's the liar now, huh?

I didn't lie, Joe.

Those letters will be delivered.

Yeah, and who's
going to deliver 'em?

I am.

Well, somebody's got to
go out there and get 'em first,

and I'll tell you what...
It ain't gonna be me.

Yes, Joe, it will be you.


I'm so sorry, I've never
struck anyone before.

I didn't even know I was
capable of such a terrible thing.

Wait till you k*ll a few people.

Will you forgive me?

I deserved it.

- No.
- Yeah.

My old man used to
smack me around a lot.

It's the only thing that got
my attention, you know.

This world was never
intended to be a place

where people hurt
each other, Joe.

Well, it didn't turn
out that way, did it?


People make choices
I don't understand.

I do.

They're afraid, Monica.


Walker, Eddie, Homer...

sh**t, even Adolf
Hitler's afraid of something.

Some of us just
hide it... a lot better.

Some of us hide it so well,
we don't even know we're afraid

until... Until...?

I came in with the first
wave on D-day, you know?

I was standing in the boat,
waiting for the ramp to drop

and the b*ll*ts to start.

And I knew I probably wouldn't
even make it to the beach.

I was as scared as I'd
ever been in my whole life.

And there was nothing
I could do but run.

At least there was a
thousand other guys there

running with me.

And now... there's
no one left to run with.

It's just me.

And I don't even
know where to run.

That's the sarge's compass.

It's broken, remember?

And it wouldn't help anyway.

They're coming from the
north, south, east, west.

It's only a matter of time now.


But you've been
given that time, Joe.

I am an angel.

I-I don't... I
don't... An angel.

A messenger from God.

Yeah, he said you were an angel.


Why did you stick around for me?

Because you've lost
your compass, Joe,

the one that told
you right from wrong,

good from evil, love from hate,

caring from indifference.

Somehow that
compass inside of you

got broken a long time ago.

Someone taught a little boy

to lie and steal and cheat.

You learned to sneer at
honorable men and noble deeds,

because no one taught you

how to find those
things within yourself.

But you can find them,
Joe, with the right compass.

And you must find them,

because you must be
heading in the right direction

when you die... Then
death will have no victory.

Then I... I died.


I'm not sure when or how...

but I know that
you have the choice

about what kind of man
you will be when it happens.

And that's the w*r
that human beings

have fought with themselves
since the beginning of time,

and that's the w*r that
God wants to help you to win,

because He loves you so much.

No one's ever really
loved me, you know?

Yes, I... I do know.


so... He wants me to
go get those letters?

This w*r is finally not about
the b*ll*ts that you sh**t

or the blood that you spill...

it is the stand that
you make against evil

that God will bless and honor.

Ah, Joe, there are some
things worth dying for.

Walker knew it, and
Eddie, Homer, Nick,

they knew it, too.

There is no greater love
than to lay down your life

for a friend.

And you have friends, Joe.

People you don't know,

children that haven't
even been born yet...

will bless the memory
and the courage

of the men who made
a stand on this soil

when the world was nearly lost.

♪ There'll be ♪

♪ Bluebirds over ♪

♪ The white ♪

♪ Cliffs of Dover ♪

♪ Tomorrow ♪

♪ Just you ♪

♪ Wait and see ♪

♪ There'll be ♪

♪ Love and... ♪


Get down!

I know Stella.


The USO lady.

How come you know Stella?

She comes in the
pet shop all the time.

Mummy lets her hold the puppies.

Don't be afraid...
It's going to be okay.

We are going to win.

Don't move.

Who are you?


You're GRS?


I'm a friend of Monica's.

I, um...

think this is what
you're looking for.

Those three.

Those were my buddies.


I know.

Why are you burying the Krauts?

There's no such thing
as an American angel.

Easy as pie.

How does it feel?

Well, I never really done
anything that mattered before.

Feels good.

It feels good.

I feel good!

Grunts ♪♪




Don't forget the letters.

I won't.

Will you... help
me write one, too?

Of course.

Dear Rupert...

Dear Rupert,

you probably won't
remember me, kid,

but you and I stood together
in the underground once

during an air raid.

It looks like I'm gonna
die out here in France,

and the truth is, it
took me this long

to figure out what
I was dying for.

All my buddies had
somebody to fight for,

but I never had a
soul I cared about,

so it made fighting a lot
harder than it already is.

Anyway, I know it
sounds crazy, but...

I decided today
to fight for you.

I hope that we win this
w*r, so that you can grow up

and fall in love and get
married and have kids,

and that none of you
ever, ever have to fight

another w*r like this again.

I'm nobody special,
not even a very nice guy,

and I probably won't even
have a grave that you could find

to drop a few flowers on.

Just remember that you helped
a soldier to find his way home.

Thank you, Rupert.

Your friend, Joe.

May I help you?

I'm just looking.

I haven't been
here in quite a while.

Oh, hello, Henry... the Eighth.

Uh, Henry's not for
sale, I'm sorry to say.

Henry's lovely.

His cage is quite
beautiful, too.

I've had that cage
since I was a little boy.

It's not for sale, either.

But there's an
interesting story behind it.

You're too young to
remember this, young lady, but...

there was a time when
we almost lost it all...

if it hadn't been
for chaps like this.

His name was Joe.
