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06x03 - The Last Day of the Rest of Your Life

Posted: 05/01/23 06:15
by bunniefuu

More coffee?

Didn't mean to interrupt
such a serious download.

Oh-oh, I-I-I'm sorry, I, uh...

I-it's just, uh...

It's-it's nothing.


Well, I'm just gonna go ahead
and switch you over to decaf.


Stasi's House of Hair.

Oh, hi, Mrs. Johnson.


- 1:00?
- Oh. 1:00?

Yeah. That's fine.

- Thank you so much.
- See you then. Bye-bye.



It's easy to walk
up to the door,

but hard to walk through.

These people are hurting, baby.

But they came.

It's a start.


That's not everyone.

No, but you should
get started without her.

She looks so frightened.

She feels like most
humans do, angel girl.

She's afraid that when
she takes stock of everything

on the last day of her
life, she won't measure up,

and it'll be too late

to do anything about it, then.

That day's coming...
for all of them.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪


So, did you catch that
Brewers game last night?

Wow, baseball, basketball...

Oh, gee, you're a
real Renaissance guy.


Welcome, everyone.

My name is Monica.

Um, there's coffee
in the kitchen.

It's a mocha-almond blend.

I'm quite pleased with it.

- So, help yourselves.
- Excuse me,

are you gonna do something
about this air-conditioning?

I'm gonna catch
my death in here.


Are you crazy? It's
about 80 degrees in here.

I say we leave the door
open, get a little air in.

Would you like a sweater?

Do I look like a
sweater person to you?

Why don't we all pull a chair
up into the middle of the room.

You okay?

Um... yeah, sure.

I'm fine.

Uh, so, uh, I guess
that you're here

for the support group meeting?

Yeah. Uh... I guess I am.

Well, I think they're
just getting started,

so, uh... so you haven't
missed anything yet.

I'm so glad that you
all came here today.

I don't know if
any of you have...

Hey, Harvard, we're starting.

Yeah, I can hear just
fine from where I am...


That's all right.

It's important that
you find a place

- where you feel comfortable.
- Does anybody know

a five-letter word that means

"let's get this show
on the road already"?

Oh, I do. "Begin."
B-E-G... Thanks, Bambi.

I was just being facetious.

My name's Stasi.

Ah. That's much better.

As I was saying, I don't know

if any of you have ever been
in a support group before.

To be honest with
you, I don't usually

- work this way.
- Are you saying

that you don't know
what you're doing?

I told Lorraine

this was gonna
be a waste of time.

The old bowling ball and chain?

I'm sure you all
have your own idea

of what you think
this group is for,

and I'm sure you all
have your own reasons

for being here.

But there's one reason
you all have in common.

You have all been
told that you're dying.

The goal in this room is
to support one another,

to give meaning to the life
that you're leaving behind,

and to explore what it
means to face death.

So I'm-I'm going to ask you

to follow only one rule.

If you want to speak,
please be honest.

And if you want to just listen,

that's fine, too.

But if you choose not to speak,

please consider that
what you don't say

might be what someone
else needs to hear.

You've been given an opportunity

that not everyone
gets, you know.

This man... he died
in a crash on Monday.

He didn't wake up
that morning knowing

that it was his
last day to live...

- and he wasn't prepared.
- Yeah, so what's the difference?

Either way, the party's over.

The difference
is that you came...

and that each one
of you does want

to take advantage
of this opportunity.

So... shall we get started?

I know how hard it is to
come in here as strangers

and... think that you'll ever
have anything in common.

But believe me,
after a few meetings,

you'll be like one
great big family.

So let's get to
know one another.

Who'll start?

Uh... gee, can I go first?

I'm Dolores Freeman.

I'm 67 years old,

and I'm not gonna make it to 68.

Hell, I might not even
make it to Tuesday.

Uh, emphysema.

I'm Stasi Reynolds. Hi.

I'm also head stylist

and owner of
Stasi's House of Hair.

And, um, am I supposed
to say what I'm dying from?

Well, that's up to you.

It's... hepa... hepto... hep...

it's... you know, it's just
got a long name, and I...

Um, my liver

and my kidneys
are shutting down.

That's it.

Thank you, Stasi.


Oh, yeah. Hi. I'm Larry Lumpkin.

I work on a wrecking crew.

We tear down old things
to make room for the new.

No job too big or too small.

We can tear it down with
a crowbar or dynamite,

whatever you need.

What are you here for, Larry?

'Cause my wife made me.

She use the crowbar
or the dynamite?

She said I need
to talk stuff out.

She kept bugging me, so I came.

Bottom line is, I got asbestos
poisoning and it's k*lling me.

They won't let me work anymore.

Of course, that could
be 'cause I'm suing them.

Doc says I probably won't
see another Christmas,

and talking about it
ain't gonna change that.

I don't know what you're
doing with that thing, Harvard,

but I don't want you
writing anything about me.

Name's Corey, and
I take notes, okay?

See, I'm a thinker.

I'm very... visual.

So what you're saying is
that your memory's going, too?

What is it, medication?

I don't... I don't
want to say anymore.

I-If Corey doesn't feel
ready to speak, that's all right.

Don't forget the rules.

No one should feel
pressured to say anything here.

The fact that you're here
means you've already taken

the first big step.

So, what we're going to do next

is to make out a wish list

- of the things that you'd...
- Wait a minute.

I want to know why
this guy won't talk.

What-what-what is your problem?

- Hi.
- Come on in.

We're just at each
other's throats.

I don't have a problem, Harvard,

but you do.

Oh, thanks.

Hi, I'm Rachel. Sorry I'm late.

Well, I guess I'm not too sorry.

Everybody okay?

Is your computer ruined, Corey?

Yeah, well, it's supposed
to be waterproof,

I just never tested it before.

Well, I'm not waterproof.

My shop's just a couple blocks

from here, and I've
got a clothes dryer

if anybody wants just... Yeah.

Oh, that's a wonderful idea.

Why don't we resume at
Stacey's House of Hair?

Great. Follow me.

Excuse me, miss wings,

but I believe your group
is walking off without you.

Tess, isn't it wonderful?

No one was getting along,

and they weren't
paying attention.

And then, swoosh,
everyone got wet,

and everything changed.

Just one big swoosh, huh?

Imagine that.


It's not the first time a
flood changed everything.

So, what's your story, sister?

The rest of here are dying.

Well, I-I kind of hoped

I'd get to ease
into this a little bit.

But actually, I am, too.

I have, um,

a tumor on my brain
that's inoperable.

Good for you.

Admitting it, I mean.

Are you listening
to this, Sparky?

It's not so tough to come clean.

We were, uh, talking
about making a list

before we got a
wee bit sidetracked.

A kind of a to-do
list for your life.

Is there something
that you need to finish?

A misunderstanding
you need to clear up?

A-a person you need
to reconnect with?

I'd like to get

Mrs. Johnson back
to her original color.

I got to rotate my tires.

I'd hate to leave that
for somebody else.

Shelf paper in my
kitchen is a mess.

H was, um, thinking
of something more.

I owe a guy some money.

Paying a debt is good, but, uh,

I think we could go even deeper.

Pay some interest?

Clothes are dry.

We'll see you later.

Yeah, I, uh, got to go.

So long.

Did anyone tackle
any unfinished business

these last few days?

I did.

Because, well, I'm a doer.

That's who I am.

You know that guy
that I owed money to?

It was for dance lessons

I, uh, signed up for years ago.

So, I just went out

and paid the guy
his-his money yesterday.

Well, that's great for the guy,

but what about your
dancing lessons?

Well, who-who
would want to dance

with a cranky old
bag like me anyway?


I want to let you guys
know that as of Friday,

the community center
is back in business.

Sorry to bother you.

Andrew, wait.

You're just in time.

For what?

Dolores needs someone

to teach her how to dance.

Oh, well, um... I
would be honored.


See how easy that can be?

Well, let's go deeper.

Who's next?

Okay, but, um,
if I'm gonna talk,

I really need to do
somebody's hair.


It's not really a good day.


Nothing fancy, though.

Sit down, honey.

I know this probably isn't

the kind of depth you're
talking about, Monica,

but I'm always

gonna be sorry I missed
my high school prom.

Why didn't you go, Stacey?

Nobody asked.

I just kept hearing
this little voice saying,

"Don't worry, Stacey,

"your fairy godmother's
gonna come

"and whisk you off to the dance.

Then you're gonna
see for yourself."

But, you know,
there's no such thing

as fairy godmothers, so
this Cinderella stayed home.

You know, Stacey,
I-I'm sorry if, uh,

you didn't go to your prom

and it ruined your whole life,

but a-am I the only person
that sees how stupid this all is?

I mean, really, let's have

a reality check here, people,

or are you all so
caught up in-in this

pathetic fantasy
that you can't see

the big clock on the wall

that's ticking off the
seconds of your life?

You're out of line, Corey.

Yeah, what do you know
about it, college boy?

You don't know
anything about me.

I watched plenty

of Ivy League punks like you

looking down your
noses at the rest of us.

You're all alike.

You think you're
better than we are

'cause you went to college.

Why don't you shut up, you
Neanderthalian blockhead?

Hey, you want to take it
outside and say that, creep?

I do, actually.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, guys!
- Hey, not in my shop.

Stop it.

Let him go. It's about time

somebody let loose around here.

You know, let me put this

in terms that even you
can understand, Larry.

You know the
wrecking ball is swinging

towards you.

Well, not me.

For me, it's just
hanging over my head.

You all want to know
what-what's k*lling me?

Not knowing.

See, I have this, uh, tendency

to form blood clots,

so they put me on a
blood thinning medication

which means one little accident,
and I could bleed to death.

But, uh...

It's still more likely that
I'm gonna form a blood clot

in my lungs and die of that.

Maybe tomorrow,
maybe not for ten years.

Nobody knows.

So, you tell me.

What kind of a
way is that to live?

No one knows how long

they have on this earth, Corey.

Excuse me, Monica,
are you... are you dying?


How about you, Andrew?


What did Larry say that made you

so angry, Corey?

I didn't go to college.

I, uh, was all ready
for Harvard, but, uh,

Harvard wasn't ready for me.

Oh, well.

There's always later, right?


Maybe there will be a later.

And why would I
waste my time now?

So they can put my
degree on a tombstone?

I mean, what am I supposed
to do with more time, huh?

Fall in love?

Get married?

R-Raise a family?

How am I supposed
to do any of that now?

I'm not asking you to answer
all of the questions, Corey.

I'm asking you to
answer one question.

When you die,
whenever that might be,

tomorrow or next year,

what would you like
to have accomplished?

I-I-If I could just...
do something,

s-something that
really mattered.

And, um...

Th-There's this...
this girl that...

What difference does it make?

I mean...

The only thing I believe in is
that it's never gonna happen.

So, helping you find
more to believe in

is where we start.

You're next, Larry.

Um, I got this daughter, Amy.

She's a teenager, so you
know what that means.

I embarrass her
just because I exist.

Kid won't even
talk to me anymore.

I don't have any idea
what's on her mind,

and I don't know
how to find out.

Does she know you're dying?

She doesn't even know I'm alive.

Wouldn't mind hearing her call
me Daddy just one more time,

though, before I... Hey.

Better wind this up.

I'm running out of oxygen here.

You know, I haven't
heard anything here

that sounds impossible.

Come on, Andrew, it's
a little late for my prom.

No. We just throw our own prom.

If we all work together,

we can help everyone
accomplish their goals.

We know what everyone needs now.

What about you, Rachel?

Well, I'm sorry,

but some things are impossible.

Please, you guys,
just leave me alone.

No can do.

We're not getting
out of this car

until you talk to us.

We can sit here
all day, if you want.

12 years ago, when I
was young and single

and stupid, I got pregnant.

At first, I thought
I could handle it.

But when she was born...

I knew I couldn't
take care of her.

I... I just...

I wasn't ready to be a mother.

I'd made a big mistake.

So, I let her go.

She was adopted.

I told myself it was
the right thing to do.

But I didn't know then that...

every day I would think
about her and wonder.

I just want to see her.

I just want to know
that she's all right.

So there, okay, I've told you.

Now please just, just let me go.



Please, can we just talk
about this at the next meeting?

My husband is upstairs

and he doesn't
know about the baby.

Time is... it's kind
of a problem here.

You've taken the first step,

Rachel, don't stop now.

Hey, Rach, who's at the door?

Uh, just some
people from my group.

Look, you guys talk
a great game, really,

but so far that's all this is.

Don't ask me to shake up my life

until you guys are
ready to do it, too.

I knew I had this somewhere.

You sure you want to learn this?


Does this answer your
question, blondie, huh?

You look great.

I got the look.

Now show me the moves.

Are you open?


Oh, what I can do with this, oh.

Don't get carried away, baby.

I just want a
shampoo and a curl.

Oh, okay, just have
a seat right here,

and, um, I'll be with
you in a few minutes.


Here's a magazine.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

Are things any better
with your little girl, Larry?

Nah... I-I guess I'm
just not cool anymore.

Doesn't seem so long ago that
Amy used to sit up on my knee

and ask me to sing her a song.

She couldn't have
been five or six.

I'd sing "House at Pooh Corner."

She'd laugh and sway back
and forth and try to sing along.

We'd talk about all the
things we had to do...

Counting the bees in the hive

and getting the jar off
that stupid bear's nose.

Sitting there, making plans,

listening to her little giggle.

That's when I was
Daddy, but Pooh and me...

Somewhere along
the line we got traded.

It's just that awkward
teenage phase, Larry.

Yeah, I know.

I just don't know if I'm
gonna live through it.


Don't get me started on kids.

One day they're cute,
“My-bitty “me babies.

You turn around,
they're cranky teenagers,

and before you know it,
you're dancing at their wedding.

I'd give anything to dance
at my daughter's wedding.

But I, I don't
have long to live.

And you're sitting in
here getting a haircut?

- Well...
- Get off of your butt

and go talk to your daughter.

She's right, Larry.



October 22.


Bullhead City.



Did you check out that trivia
Web site I told you about?

I, I did.

Yeah, it was great.

Why don't you ask
Karla to the prom?

Are you crazy?

Do you know how
stupid that sounds?


You like her, don't you?

Yes, I-I do, but...
Eh, what's the point?

Do you know how
stupid that sounds?



Little formal for
the office but nice.

It's for Stasi,
queen of our prom.

Hmm, lucky Stasi.

When's this group going
to do something for you?


It's not like everybody's
getting a prom.

No, that would be excessive.


Everybody has their own
thing they've got to do.

And what's yours?

I'm doing it.

Just... loving you
for as long as I can.

Oh, thanks.


Wait, wait, wait a minute,
wait a minute, wait a minute.

Look at this.

That's great.

Why don't you print it out?

- I'll go get it.
- Here you go.

Okay, thanks.

I'll, uh, be gone for a while.

So, how's it going
with the new girlfriend?

Oh, oh, oh, Monica?

Oh, oh, no, no, no, she-she's
not my, uh, m-my girlfriend.


I mean, because you
come in here every day

and you type on that computer

and I feel like I
should know you better

but I don't.

Uh, do, do you want to?


So we 're doing it.

Dolores is dancing, Larry
is talking to his daughter,

I'm going to the prom.


look at you smiling like the
cat who swallowed the canary.

You must have found
something important to do.

Yeah, I did.

We found her, Rachel.

W-W-We, we found the right place

to, to call to find her.

It's all right there,

everything you have to
know to find your little girl.

It was kind of amazing actually.

I-I mean, I just... I kept
hitting all these dead ends,

and, and then Monica dropped
her coffee cup on the keyboard

and then all of a sudden
something came up.

Did you talk to Seth?

What do I say to him
after all these years?

You tell him the truth.

He'll be surprised,
but he'll understand.

Excuse me, you think
he'll be surprised?

Imagine how surprised
your daughter is going to be.

"Hi, I'm your mom.

"Just wanted to drop in

and meet you
before I drop dead."

Oh, my God.

You're right.

Oh, God, how stupid could I be?

How selfish can I be?

I didn't say that.


I already left her behind once.

I can't do that to her again.

Monica, uh, what
are you doing here?

I'm here to help you.

Well, good,

then, maybe you can
finish this stupid tiara

because I can't
seem to do it anymore.

It's not gonna be a long
time for me, you know.

I can sense it.

That's not a sense, Rachel.

That's God.

I'm sorry, it's... everything's
looking a little funny.

Nothing personal.

Sometimes the tumor does that.

It's not the tumor.

I'm an angel.

And this light is
just a small reflection

of His love for you.

So it's time, huh?

It's not time to die, but
it is time to get ready.

I'm not afraid to die, you know.

It's not about where I'm going.

It's what I'm leaving behind.

Your husband.


And your daughter.

I never knew her...
but a day doesn't go by

where she hasn't
been a part of my life.

Can you tell me?

Is she all right?

Well, I have never seen her.

But God wants you
to know that she's safe,

that she's smart and funny,

that she has a wonderful mother

and a cozy little house...

and good friends.

She sounds pretty wonderful.

Yeah, she does.

Rachel, God knows that you've...

felt a lot of pain
these last years,

and He knows how much room
it has taken up in your heart,

but He needs that room
now for other things...

For joy... and for memories...

and for deep love that
you and your husband

still have time to share.

But only you

can make room for that miracle.

I love him, you know.

I know.

Then trust him...
and trust God...

and find some peace.


Whatcha thinking, gorgeous?


♪ I never can say... ♪

How's she doing?

It's gonna be close.

♪ No, ♪

♪ I never can ♪

♪ Say good-bye ♪

I've got a question, Rodney.

Is this a prom or a
museum for bad hair?




Thanks, baby.

Oh, hello.

Monica, this is my
daughter Bridget.

She has a daughter, babysitter
canceled at the last minute,

so here we are.

Hello, Bridget.

That's such a lovely name.

You have a pretty accent.

Thank you.

This is my friend, Tess.



Isn't that funny!

My babysitter canceled because

someone named Tess
made her a better offer.

Oh, that is! Isn't that funny!

Uh, who wants some cookies?

Yes, please. Yes.

♪ Missing you inside ♪

♪ Days when we were once ♪

♪ Together ♪

♪ Seems we'll never... ♪


Monica, this is, uh,
my husband, Seth.

So nice to meet you.

I've heard lots of
wonderful things about you.

I've heard some interesting
things about you, too, Monica.

Thanks for helping
Rachel through this.

I didn't do it alone.

♪ I keep holding... ♪

♪ On... ♪

Okay, we'll be taking
more requests later,

but first... we
cannot have a prom

without a prom queen, so
it's time that we crowned ours.

Stasi Reynolds, come on up here.


Ooh, ooh, girl, you
need to sit down.

Come on.

- Thank you. Rachel, you okay?

It's been a long day.

Hi. I'm Karla,
and this is Bridget.


Hi. I love your necklace.

Oh, thanks.

Isn't it gorgeous?

Bridget made it for me.

I'm not very good...

but it's an activity
that I enjoy.

Did you make your necklace, too?


It's really pretty.

Well, you're very pretty.


Looks just like her mom.

Everybody says that.

But it's impossible...
I'm adopted.

Yeah, I... never
met the right guy,

and I love kids,

and that's how my
beautiful Bridget came to me.

So, how old are you, Bridget?


Well, I was born on
October 22, 1987,

at 11:34 pm. In Bullhead City.

Which is mountain time,
so that makes me exactly...

She's 11, with a
birthday coming up.

And don't think I haven't
been hearing about it for weeks.


12, huh?

That's a big birthday.

Yeah. I'm gonna have a party,

and all of my
friends are invited.

- You can come, too, if you want.
- Yeah.


I will try, Bridget,
I will really try.

I think I need to
get some water.


Listen, Bridget...

in case I can't make it...

happy birthday.

Thank you.

♪ Christopher Robin and I... ♪

Hey. Remember when you

used to sing this to me?

Yeah, I remember.

Well, you know what?

When I get married... I
want them to play this song.

It'll be for when I
dance with you, Dad.

♪ But I've wandered
much further... ♪

Listen, honey...

do you mind if we don't wait?

You want to dance in
front of all these people?

♪ So help me if you can ♪

♪ I've got to get... ♪


Yeah, I do.

I'll explain to you later, okay?


♪ Count all the bees ♪

♪ In the hive ♪

♪ Chase all the
clouds from the sky ♪

♪ Chase the clouds away ♪

♪ Back to the days ♪

♪ Of Christopher Robin ♪

♪ And Pooh ♪


♪ Winnie the Pooh
doesn't know what to do... ♪

I love you, Daddy.

I love you, too.

♪ He came to me
asking help and advice ♪

♪ And from here no one knows ♪

♪ Where he goes ♪

♪ So I sent him ♪

♪ To ask of the
Owl if he's there ♪

♪ How to loosen a
jar from the nose... ♪

I'm gonna get you
something to drink, Dolores.

♪ I've got to get ♪

♪ Back to the House ♪

♪ At Pooh Corner by one ♪

♪ You'd be surprised,
there's so much to be done ♪

♪ Count all the bees... ♪

Thanks, Rodney.

♪ Chase all the
clouds from the sky... ♪


Hey, have we got
time for one more?


