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06x04 - The Letter

Posted: 05/01/23 06:16
by bunniefuu

It's beautiful, isn't it, Tess?

Lush... growing so verdant.

That's the word.


Not verdant?

You think this is
a beautiful picture,

you need to
look a little closer.

Keep looking.

Claudia, Claudia,

will you tell Alejandro
Rosita to stop bugging me?

Okay, Kira, Rosita,
are you thirsty?

Yes, Mama.


Why are the children working?

Because the laws
are not always in force,

especially when you're
talking about migrant workers.

Such a hard life.

Wanderers always
following the crops.

Is this where our
work is to be done?

Not here.

They're moving on to
the next farm tomorrow

and so are we.

For them, it'll just
be another harvest.

But for us, it'll be...
a treasure hunt.


Well, each person
is like a field, baby,

and the Father plants the
seed of something beautiful

in each one of them.

But sometimes,
the beautiful thing

never lives to see the sky.

But this time, baby,

this time, we cannot
allow that to happen.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪


There you go.


Hello. I need mail
for Roberto Morante.

General delivery.

- Morante?
- Mm-hmm.

You from that migrant camp?

Yes. We just
arrived this afternoon.

That it?

Yeah. Thank you.

You're welcome.

The stove is still broken.

They promised
to fix it last year.

Always promises, but
nothing ever changes.

Rosita? Claudia?

- Hey.
- Did we get a letter from Grandma?

Ay, maybe, maybe, maybe... Yes.

Tino? Tino, where you going?

Come back here, huh?
Come read the letter.

I want to listen to some music.

Well, read the letter first.


Yes, yes. We are well as
long as we're together, huh?

Life is not so bad, mi hijo.

It's a pain in her hip.

Didn't I tell you to stop
playing with that ball?


Hi. I'm Monica.

I'm volunteering
over at the church.

- Hello. Roberto.
- Hi.

What time is Mass on Sunday?

- It's at 10:00 am.
- We'|| be there.

Thank you. “fine,
finish the hatter, huh?

The rest is just
this week's recipe.

It's too bad we don't
have a stove to cook it on.


I am the new
supervisor this year,

so if there's anything you guys
need, you let me know, okay?

I think there's a wee bit of a
problem with the stove, Andrew.

All right, stove.

I'll look into it.

Thank you.

See you.

More promises never kept.


Roberto Morante.
This is my wife, Elisa.

Things are a little
different around here now.

I have a feeling promises
are gonna be kept.


Turn the radio off;
people need to sleep, huh?

I'll turn it down.

Off! You're running
the battery down.

- In a minute.
- I said now!

Why do you make
me be this way, Tino?

And then God planted
a beautiful garden,

and He put a man
and a woman in it.

And in the middle of the
garden, God put two trees.

Did they grow
crops in the garden?

- Oh, they grew everything there.
- Fruit and vegetables?

Everything from
artichokes to zucchini.

So it was a choke garden?

I suppose you could
think of it that way.

And who picked the crops?

Well, Eve picked a very
important piece of fruit.

- A peach?
- An apple.

- We pick apples sometimes.
- Yeah.



I'm sorry.

It's all right.

That's what it's there
for. Keep playing.

I don't really know how.

Would you like to learn?

Tino, come on! Papa wants you!



Get plenty of water today, okay?

It's gonna be hot.

Thank you.



Hold on.

Here you go.


Hot as it is today, you
should put some loose leafs

over the cabbage and water.

Oh, that's very fine.

Are you playing that by ear?

I don't know.

My name is Tess.

Monica said you were
interested in the piano.


Music is a lot like mathematics.

Are you good at math?

This is a song written by a man
named Johann Sebastian Bach.

And he wrote it
like an equation,

two songs on top of each other.

He's been going
like this for hours.

You said he had a
gift, but I had no idea.

This boy's a genius.

Well, he's found his gift.

All we have to do is
help him hold on to it.

Is it true he's been
playing that piano all night?

Your son has a great talent.

He's just discovered it.


Tino, vamos muchachos.

Time to work.

He's welcome back any time.

Who are you?

This is my friend, Tess.

She's been helping
Tino play the piano.

Musical talent like Tino's
doesn't just happen every day.

It's a gift from God.

It's a miracle.

It's a waste of time.

Give me a miracle
I can use, huh?

I'm an old man before my time.

Yes, you are a stubborn old man.

When are you gonna
see a doctor about this?

When I'm a rich man.

Okay, okay, you win
this one, my little star.

All right, everybody.

You already are a rich man.

I know.

I know.

I got it.

The Academia de
Musica in Madrid.

No, no, I still think
it should be Julliard

or the Boston Conservatory.

The Royal Academy
of Music in London

has a very good reputation.

Hello, earth to angels.

Wouldn't it be nice if we
could help this little boy

without tearing
his family apart?

There's a very
nice music academy

a few miles down the road.

Fairmont Music Academy.


It's lovely.

Did you write it?

Uh, no.

No, I was, um,

I was listening to the
birds singing this morning.

I was trying to
remember it. Silly.

That's not silly.

It's beautiful.

I watched you playing.

You play not just
with your hands,

but the music, it
comes from your heart.

It's like I finally
understand, Monica.

I don't just have to listen
to the music anymore.

I can make it myself.

If you're really
serious about this,

there's a music school
not too far from here

that's holding
auditions in a few weeks

for its spring semester.

It could never happen.

Oh, yes, they offer
a full scholarship

to a student who qualifies.

I-It wouldn't matter.

My father would never let me go.

Your father's a good man.

Why don't you give him a chance?

Well, um,

I'll just hold on to this
for a while anyway.


Mi hijo.

Um, can we talk about something?

Haven't we always?



I want to stay here.


Uh, M-Monica, the
Sunday school teacher,

she told me about this
music school nearby,

and if I apply,

she thinks they might let
me come to the audition,

and if they accept me,
there's a full scholarship,

and I could study the piano.


What, are you joking?

No. Why do you say that?

Because since when did you start

becoming a piano player?

Two days ago.

Ah, and so now
you're a musician, huh?

Tess says that I have a gift

and that music is
food for the soul.

Yes, but it's not
food for the stomach,

and when you're hungry,

the soul takes second place.

I knew you wouldn't understand.

Tino, you think I don't want to
do good things for my family?

For you?

Huh? Of course I do.

My dream is that someday
we can settle down in one place.

No more following
the sun to the next job.

Until then, what matters is
that this familia stays together.

Okay? It's the only
protection that we have

when life has gone against us.

Mi hijo, I know
you're disappointed.

But you'll get over this.

This will pass.

We go to Washington,
we pick the late apples.

You'll forget about
this foolishness.

You'll see.

I'm ready to fill
out that application.

So, what year are you in school?

Um, well,

I-I went to eighth
grade in Florida

and part of ninth
grade in New Mexico.

So, I don't know
where they put me now.

Well, um,

why don't we just
say high school

and leave it at that?


Mama, go inside.

Take a rest. Sun's too hot.

No, mi hijo, I'm fine.

It's the cabbage we
must worry about.

Where's Papa?

I haven't seen him in a while.

Oh, he took his
lunch break early.

He went to town.

I think he's
checking on the mail.


Uh, that means another
one of Grandma's recipes.

Mr. Morante, your
back is a disability

waiting to happen.

I'm only a general practitioner,

but it looks like you've
got a ruptured disk.

So, you give me a pill.

I-I'm afraid a
pill can't fix this.

You have a serious injury.

You need to be off your feet
for a good three to six months.

Six months?

That's not possible.

Mr. Morante, listen to me now.

I know that this is a hardship,

and I can't make
the choice for you.

But without proper rest,

You could cr*pple
yourself for life.

What would your family do then?


Um, Morante please.

Um, Momma... All right.



Uh, could you help me please?

My English, it's...

And-and you're Tino Morante?


Well, congratulations.

You must be quite a musician.

I don't understand.

Uh, "Mr. Morante, we're very
intrigued by your application

"and extraordinary

"from your music teacher, Tess.

"We would like you
to audition for us

- this Saturday, the 7th of Aug..."
- That's enough.

Thank you.

Thank you so much
for the new stove.

Ay, Roberto.

I don't believe this.

My mother sends us her recipes.

Now I finally get to use them.

- Thank you, Andrew.
- I thought you were

like your boss, full
of empty promises,

but-but I was wrong.

Thank you, sir.

How can we thank you?

I love home cookin'.

You know, Elisa
is the best, huh?

Come on Sunday; I always make

a big dinner on...
Sunday's not good?

No, not this Sunday.

I'm sorry.

The boss said that this heat's
gonna get the crops if we don't.

So, we're gonna have to
work through the weekend.

You mean miss church?

Well, I-I tried to buy us
some time on Sunday,

but. you know, with this
heat, every hour counts.

I'm sorry.


Forgive me. It's not your fault.

You've done so much for us.

I understand this is
only a job for you, too.

But I can see how much you care.

Elisa, something wrong?

It's my husband.

Roberto doesn't tell me,

but I know his back
is no longer strong.

You see how hard he works.

He can still pick, but...

Maybe something
a little less strenuous

wouldn't be a bad idea.

Okay, I'll see what I can do.

Will you come
for dinner tonight?


These are jalapenos,

some of the hottest
chilies in the world.

The first lesson my grandmother
taught me was to taste.

Well, I'm good at that.


Mmm, it's delicious.



Can anybody contribute
or is this a private party?

- Hi.
- Thank you.

What are you doing?

Chili peppers.

I've just discovered
them. They're wonderful.

Keep it up, you're going to
discover spontaneous combustion.


If I were you, I
would concentrate

a little less on the jalapeño

and a little more
on the hallelujah.

Don't mess with
the Father's plan.

Move it.

You okay, Tino?

The auditions are in two days.

Shouldn't I have heard by now?

Well, sometimes the
only thing you can do

is pray that
things will work out

in the right way
at the right time.

Aren't those kind of hot?

Ah, no, they're lovely.

Taste a wee bit like candy.

Why don't you try one, Andrew?


Oh, man.



Will you play guitar for us?

I don't play guitar,
Monica, I play piano.

From what I've
seen, you can play

anything you put your mind to.


Why do they fill his head
with such nonsense, huh?

Roberto, it's a party.

“Dos Arbolitos.“

Give it the best you got, baby.

It would be my pleasure.


What is that look for, huh?

First time your mama and
I danced, we fell in love.

Without dancing, mi hijo,
there would be no you.

And without music,
there'd be no dancing.

Hi, um, anything for Morante?


Uh, nothing new today,

just those two letters
a couple days ago.


Yeah, I gave 'em
to the older guy...

Uh, the musician.

I say, good for him.

Hope he does
okay at that audition.

Nobody should have
to work in those fields

their whole life, you know.



Where have you been?
Tino, the sun is getting hotter

- and you're wasting time.
- Where's my letter, Papé?

You lied to me, Papa,

after all you've said
about love and familia.

I told you the truth, okay?

Seasons change,
pero familia never.

This is what is the
truth in our family, Tino.

Your place is here with us.

No, Papa, the “skis may be good
enough for you, but not for me.

I'm going to my audition.

You cannot walk
out on your familia.


You leave now,
you don't come back.

And then what? You have nothing!

Go, then.

I've carried this family
on my back all my life.

I can do without you.



Agua, agua.

Mi corazén.

It's time to go to work.

I'm fine, vamos.

Roberto, the doctor said...

Is he the head of this family?

No, Papé, you are.

You stay here today, Papa.

I'll do enough work
for the both of us.

I promise.


Come on, Mama, let's go.

It's Sunday; we
should be in church.

In all my life I have
never missed Communion.

There is none so blind
as he who will not see.

No hablo ingles.

Oh, yes, you do.

You hablo just fine
when you want to.

Why do you keep bothering
me and my son, huh?

I don't have a lot
of time to dillydally,

so I'm gonna get
right to the point.

I'm an angel sent by God.

Ay, dios mio.

Almighty, what have I done?

Please have mercy on me, please.

Open your eyes, Roberto,

and I mean that in every way.

You haven't done anything
that any other father

might not have
done in your situation.

You tried to be
strong for everybody.

God understands that.

But have you noticed that,

as strong as God is
and as powerful as He is,

when he speaks
it's with a whisper?

The children
always listen better

when you whisper, you know.

Like Tino.

Yes, like Tino
and like yourself.

You are God's
child, too, Roberto.

But you think
you're all alone here,

just you and your little family

with nobody to
trust but each other,

and you can't imagine Tino
going off to play the piano

because that would be one
less person for you to count on.

Well, I got news for you, baby.

You're counting on everybody

but the one who could
really help you now.

God loves you, Roberto,

and He knows how much
you love that little boy.

You can help your son...

and you can help yourself...

if you'll just let God in on it.

How can I help Tino now?

He... he missed the audition.

The... the s-school...

the... music school
is in the next town.

Can't you see?

I'm in so much
pain I can't walk.

God never promised
you it would be easy.

But He did promise...
it would be worth it.


Let's go.


Notice how Mozart
used the recurring theme

to establish a sense of loss.

May I help you?

Excuse me, sir...

are you the head of the school?

I am.

My name's Roberto Morante.

I've come here to talk
to you about my son.

He's a very good musician...

but he missed the
audition because of me.

Well, I'm very sorry,

there's nothing I
can do until next year.

The auditions are over.

Aw, come on, Professor!

Mozart was always late.

Come on, what do you say?


Slow down.

The sun is too hot.

I don't want to see you
on a bed next to your papa.

I'm only doing what
Papa's done his whole life...

and what I'll do with mine.

- Mi hijo, please?
- Mama, I'm fine!

Hey. It happens more
often than you think.

- Sorry.
- It's all right.

There's plenty more in the barn.

I'm sure that you'll find
just what you need in there.

Hello, Tino.

You going to ignore me?

Will you also ignore

the music inside yourself?

I missed the audition; it
doesn't matter anymore.

It matters to God.

I'm just a piece
of cabbage to God.

No, you're not.

You're right, I'm not.

I'm less than that.

I'm a joke.

I'm a fool that God teases
with a childish dream.

That's not true, Tino.

That's never true.

Will you hear the truth now?


Who are you?

I am an angel.

And God has sent me here

to help you discover the
gift that He's given you,

and to make sure
that it doesn't get lost

in between the angry words and
the pain and the hopelessness.

No, that's impossible.

Nothing is impossible for God.

What you did the other
day, playing that song,

that was impossible,

but God made it happen.

You can be an
instrument of God, Tino,

with your heart
and with your hands,

but first you must
accept His gift,

and you must accept His
love, which is also a gift.

And what would I
do with this gift, huh?

I'm a migrant worker.

A-A migrant worker doesn't...

play the piano in a big
concert hall somewhere

with his mama
sitting in the front row.

God doesn't make
you hungry for bread

and then give you a stone.

And He didn't give you
a desire to play music

only to let it be
taken away from you.

Don't you see?

God's gift to you can
be your gift back to Him.

For the music that he
puts inside your heart

becomes something
new when you express it,

something that He
has never heard.

Imagine, Tino, imagine
the joy that that gives Him.

God doesn't want to miss that.

I can't imagine that at all.

But God can.

Welcome, amigos!

Well, since we
can't go to church,

the church comes to us!

Let's bless this day
and thank the Lord!

- Cuerpo de Dios.
- Amen.

- Cuerpo de Dios.
- Amen.

It's a celebration.

We could use some music.

I can't play.

Look at my hands.

Look at these blisters.

Go ahead, Tino.



I know it won't be
easy, mi hijo, but...

I promise you
it will be worth it.

- Cuerpo de Dios.
- Amen.

- Cuerpo de Dios.
- Amen.

- Cuerpo de Dios.
- Amen.

- Cuerpo de Dios.
- Amen.

- Cuerpo de Dios.
- Amen.

You May to God, mi hijo?

Play with all your heart.

- Cuerpo de Dios.
- Amen.





Es mi hijo.


May I be the first to
congratulate the father

of our newest
scholarship student.



But he will be all alone.

Who will take care of him when
we move on to the next farm?


You know, what happened to that

great faith of yours, Elisa?

Roberto, I've been talking
to the boss about you,

and he's very impressed
with your ideas.

Well, it's-it's nothing.

It's just experience.

Experience is what
he's looking for.

My time here is up,

and my job is
yours if you want it.

Now, the hours aren't
gonna be any better,

but it'll probably be
easier on your back.

And Tino can still get
his mama's cooking.

The angel said
it would work out.

What angel?

An angel visited us, Elisa.


Four angels, actually.



By the way, baby,

your daughter is a dancer.



