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06x05 - Til Death Do Us Part

Posted: 05/01/23 06:17
by bunniefuu

What do you suppose
God had in mind

when he created cows, Tess?

Well, I want to say hamburgers,

but I don't think
that's the right answer.

Hey, Gladys.

- Jimmy!
- Yeah?

I'm going into town.

Your mom gave me this
major list of things to do.

You want to come
along and help me out?

I better stay with Gladys.

Gladys isn't gonna drop
that calf for a few hours yet.

She'll be fine.

Well, can we stop at the arcade?

Uh-uh! I need you
here, remember?


Oh, well.

Hey, mister, how about
fried chicken tonight?

Is it Saturday already?

Ouch! I'm not that predictable.

Want to bet?

Sorry, pal. See ya later.

- Bye.
- See ya, Dad.

Okay, your dad ought to
be gone a couple hours,

but we got a lot to do
or his surprise party

isn't gonna be
much of a surprise.

- Start blowing.
- Okay.

- Don't run off.
- Okay.

Hey, Gladys, Dad said it's
gonna be a few more hours.

I got to go blow up
some balloons. See ya.

Yeah, she's right here.
It's the doctor's office.


- Thanks.
- Okay.

Hi, this is Molly Avery.

Mrs. Avery,

the doctor would like you
to come in for a biopsy.

The doctor wants Molly
to come in for a biopsy.

Oh, dear.

Cancer, huh?

You just can never tell
what the day will bring.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

Well, I guess I know
what I'm doing here now.

Oh, you do, huh?

I've been down this
road before, Tess.

Cancer, it's a hard
way to go home.

Well, there are a lot of
ways to go home, baby.

And this party may
not be the only surprise

that's happening here today.

Is that why you're here?


Hey, Andrew.

Yes, ma'am.

Look, I know it's not
in your job description...

Wrangler, fence mender,
party planner. I'm your guy.

Well, if we want to
make this thing a surprise

we better get a move on.

I gave Jordan enough to keep
him busy for a couple hours,

but that's not much time.

Donna and Tom
are bringing the cake,

I'm gonna fry a chicken.

- Hey, Molly.
- Mm-hmm?

About that phone call,

if you, if you want
to talk about it.

Poor Jordan, he thinks
that turning 40 is a tragedy.

Hey, listen to me,

women survive breast
cancer all the time.

Not in my family.

When I was Jimmy's
age, I lost my grandma.

The year before I married
Jordan, I watched my mama go.

Oh, God, this is
happening to me!

Hey, shh.

You just got some
scary news, that's all.

This doesn't mean anything
until you go in for that biopsy.

Don't worry about me, Andrew.

I've been waiting for that
phone call my whole life.

You're back so soon.

Are you kidding?

It took me three hours
to track down all that stuff.

What's wrong with regular
vinegar? All of a sudden,

you got to have balsamic?

Leave it in the truck

and come here and
give me a hand, will you?

Are you okay?

Look at all these sheets.

You've washed them
a thousand times.

They just get dirty
again. What's the point?

Well, they do come
in handy sometimes.


I thought you promised

you wouldn't make
a big deal out of this.

I did, but I just
couldn't resist.

Happy birthday, cowboy.

I'll be taking
requests all night.

How about a funeral march, huh?

The big 4-0. It's all over now.

- Thanks.
- Happy birthday.

Glad you were born.

Well, that makes one of us.

Oh, come on! All rightie!

All right, all right,
let’s move along.

Happy birthday, Jordan.

Give me a break, Tom.

How many more songs
with the words "old" in them?

You know, just
between me and you,

I didn't come
here for your party.

I came for Molly's chicken.

Where is Molly?


Has she told him yet?

No. I wish she would.

Might make all the difference.


Babe, it's okay.

This is nice. Really.

Come on.

Come on, come on, come on.


We're gonna go show
'em how it's done.



Donna looks happy.

You know, for a second there,

I was having a high
school prom flashback.

Yeah, you wish.

She's mine now. I'm
hanging on the best I can.

We're gonna give it another try.

Good for you.

She still can't dance.

Oh, God, give me the strength
to do what I've got to do.

You look good.

Glad you could make it.

How could I miss this?

Didn't I promise to be
around for your 40th

a long time ago?

In a galaxy far, far away.

Yeah, a Ford Galaxy 500

that's still on cinder blocks
behind your daddy's barn.

I'm glad you're still around,

even though things
didn't work out

the way we thought they would.

A lot of water under the bridge.

Am I allowed to give
the birthday boy a hug?

Hey, you two, break it up.

I've got an ice cream
coming through here.

It's a great party, Molly.


- Yeah.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Dad, Mom, it's happening.

- Let's go, hurry up.
- All right.

- It's happening, Dad.
- Okay, hold your britches.

Come on.

We got a breach here.

All right, let's try it
again on three, all right?

- Okay.
- Okay.

Ready, one, two, three.

We did it.

We really did it.


He's beautiful.

I'm gonna name
him Hannibal, Dad.

Now, don't get ahead
of yourself, son, all right?

This calf's pretty weak.

He might not live long enough

to need a name.

He's got to live.

I'll make sure he does.

You don't know what it takes.

Jordan, I-I'll do
whatever I can.

No, I want my son to
learn to face the facts.

Some things are meant to live,

and some things
are meant to die.

That's right.

I'm sorry, Jordan.

I just knew that your 40th
was a real milestone for you,

and I wanted to do something
that you'd always remember.



Nothing will ever top it.

Happy birthday.


He gave it a good shot,

but he conked out
about ten minutes ago.


Yeah, wait a minute.


Thank you.

I'm going out to the
barn to check on the calf.

All right. Just gonna put this
load in the washing machine.


Jordan, I love...



Oh, no.



- Mom, what's happening?
- No!

- No, no, please.
- Dad?

Oh, my God! Oh, God, oh!

- Dad?
- No!


Oh, God.

Hi, you've reached the Avery's.

You've done it a thousand times.

So, you do what you got to
do when you hear the beep.

You've washed them
a thousand times.

They just get dirty again.

What's the point?

So, uh, we're on our way.

We'll be there in a
few minutes, honey.

Happy birthday, Jordan.

Glad you were born.

Well, that makes one of us.


You did the best you could do.


And I guess that
wasn't good enough.

I thought it was gonna be Molly.

All you've known for
the past three months

is that death was a
possibility in this family,

but the truth is death
is always a possibility,

and you never know what choice
a human being is gonna make

that's gonna take them
one step closer to it.

And Jordan decided
to take that step.


he must have been
thinking about this a long time

before it happened,
and I didn't see it.

Andrew, no one can
look into someone's heart

except the Father,
and God did that.

And that night, when it was
time to talk to Jordan's heart,

the Father sent you.


I'm afraid he did.


You take care of Molly.

I'd like to stay

for the memorial service
before I have to go.

Of course, baby.

He must have taken
it out during the party.

You know, I thought about
doing it myself the other day.

After the doctor called.


For one brief moment, I
just saw down the road.

This horrible future

where I was gonna die and...

I just wanted it all to be over.

You thought about it.

You didn't do it.

You stopped.


So why didn't he?

What did Jordan see
down his own road

that was so terrible?

I mean,

my husband comes home,
he eats his birthday cake,

dances with his wife,
washes the dishes,

and then goes out to the barn

and sh**t himself.

People don't just do that for
no reason, do they, Andrew?

I mean,

do you have any
idea why he did this?

They're here.


it's almost time for
the memorial service.

You got a new tie here.

Want me to help you with it?

How's Hannibal doing?

He's hanging in there.

Is he gonna die?

I don't know.

I want my son to
learn to face the facts.

Some things are meant to live,

and some things
are meant to die.

All right.

Let's see.

You know, my dad said that
some things are meant to live,

and some things
are meant to die.

That's right.

He wanted me to know that.

Everything lives,
and everything dies.

It's just a matter of when.

I'm not gonna let Hannibal die.

We're gonna do everything we can

to make sure that
doesn't happen.

In the meantime,

I asked a vet to come
in to keep an eye on him.

Hello, Jimmy.

My name is Monica.



Call us any time, honey.

And when you're ready,
you come down to the bank.

We'll look over the
accounts and things, okay?

Yeah, okay.

Molly, I... I'm really sorry.

Tom, you spent a lot of
time with him at the party,

what did you talk about?

I mean, did he say anything?

We just talked about stuff.

The farm, me and Donna
getting back together,

last year's grain prices.

But not next year's.


I'm so sorry.

Excuse me.

I can't stand out here
anymore, Andrew.

I'll be in the house.

It's gonna be hard to
say good-bye, Tess.

The Father doesn't want
you to say good-bye yet.

What good could I
possibly do here now?

Well, let's just see
what good He can do.


How you doing?

I have turned his
desk upside down.

I can't find a note.

Shouldn't there be a note?

Don't think about why.
Just think about how to live.

And schedule that biopsy.

No, I can't. Not now.

Don't you get it, Andrew?

For some reason, somehow,

my husband just
lost his will to live.

And if I can't figure out why,
then how am I gonna find my own?

Who is that?

It's a friend of mine. Her
name is Monica. She's a vet.

You know, the calf's pretty
important to Jimmy now,

so I thought maybe she
could give us some help.

It's a good idea. Thanks.

You have to eat, Hannibal.

Don't you want to grow up?

You know, you've had
a very difficult few days.

Don't you want go outside
and play or take a walk?

Maybe change your clothes?

No, this is my job.

Hannibal's in good hands.

Do you mind if I
stay for a while, too?

Come on, Hannibal,
you have to eat.


Uh, Andrew's not
here. He went into town.

Yes, I know.

Actually, it was you
that I wanted to talk to.

Talk away.

You know, Hannibal's
not doing very well.

Well, Hannibal's a cow.

Yes, and Jimmy is a little
boy that just lost his father.

He doesn't seem to
be processing that.

Instead, he's focusing
all his energy on Hannibal.

Look, Monica, I understand
what you're trying to say,

but right now focusing
on something else,

well, I don't think
that's such a bad thing.

Andrew, are you back?

Yeah. Monica and I are
gonna put some dinner together.

Hey... you okay?

At least this is okay.


What is that?

I guess it's one
of your earrings.

No, it's not mine. It's Donna's

This is Donna's
earring in our bedroom.


Hey, you two, break it up.

Got ice cream
coming through here.


We just talked about stuff.

Me and Donna
getting back together.

That's right.

Donna and Tom
just got back together.

Well, I guess we know now

who broke them
up in the first place.

Molly, that's a really big leap.

No, he loved her
back in high school.

I always wondered if
it was ever really over.

Well, I guess it wasn't.

Until Jordan decided to end it.

Hey, Molly, it's
just an earring.

Oh, no, it's not just an
earring. It's an answer.

Molly, even if it that
is Donna's earring,

it doesn't mean...

I should have known. She
was his prom date. His first love.

Bank manager's office.

Yes, I'll hold.

Andrew, you should talk to her.

You were the one who was there.

How else will she know

what happened in
the barn that night?

How's that gonna help her now?

Her husband is dead,
she may have cancer,

and an angel of
God comes and says,

"I'm sorry, I blew it"?

- I don't believe that.
- I do.

Can you give her a message?

Tell her Molly called and I
want her over here right now.

I mean now!

Come on, Hannibal.

Sunshine's supposed
to be good for you.


Why'd do you do that for?

I thought you might
like to have a picture

of you and Hannibal.



I need your help upstairs!

You were with him
when I wasn't around.

You must have seen 'em together.

No, not the way you mean.

Men, you always stick together.

Molly, I know that you're
looking for answers here,

but what you need to be
doing is going in for that biopsy.

I want you to take all of his
stuff to the Salvation Army.

I want it all gone.

Hi. I got your message.

No, no, don't think about
putting one foot in this house!

What are you doing?

Does this look familiar to you?

- Is that my earring?
- Don't play that game.

I found this right where
you left it, in my bedroom.

How could you do this?!

How could you have an
affair with my husband?!

Jordan and me? Are you crazy?

-No, I'm just stupid!

- Molly!
- Andrew, you stay out of this!

I should have
seen this years ago.

Jordan always loved you, but
he was too much of a coward

to leave me and Jimmy!

He found out that you and
Tom were getting back together,

and he couldn't go
on living without you!

Oh, my God, you think this
is why Jordan k*lled himself.

No, Molly, you're wrong.
That did not happen.

Yeah, the evidence
tells a different story!

The evidence doesn't
tell any story at all.

But believe me, Molly,

I have tried to
find a reason, too.

That's why I brought you copies

of everything I
have at the bank.

You know what? There,
there are no answers here.

There weren't any financial
problems, no unpaid bills,

no secret accounts.

The fact is Jordan
even paid the mortgage

a few months in advance.
He obviously thought this out.

He knew exactly
what he was doing.

Why should I believe
a word that you say?!

I have been in your
bedroom a million times...

with you, for goodness sake!
I lost that earring months ago!

Look, I am sorry
that Jordan did this

and I am sorry
that you are in pain

and I'm sorry that you
don't nave an answer,

but you are not gonna do this
to me just so you can have one.

You be careful,
honey. You're losing it.

Jimmy, if you're not hungry,

you can go upstairs
and get ready for bed.

No, I'm not gonna go to bed.

I'm gonna stay out in
the barn with Hannibal.

We may lose the calf.

Well, I'm very sorry,

but I still want you
to stay in the house.

You don't even care!

You never come out
to the barn to visit him.

Well, I'm not gonna leave him
alone in there when he needs me.

Maybe if Dad wasn't alone
out there he wouldn't have died!

You're running
out of time, Andrew.



You know, I think it
would mean a lot to Jimmy

if you went in and
said good night.

I... Ch.

I haven't actually
been in there since...


But you know,
your son's in there

and he's alone.

I'm going out to the
barn to check on him...

What is it?

You were there, weren't you?

You were in the
barn before he...

You talked to him and then
you came back, didn't you?

Didn't you?!

Why didn't you tell me that
you were with Jordan in the barn

before he shot himself?

Because it's not
gonna change anything.

It's not gonna take
away your pain.

I want to know what he said.

No... you don't.

Believe me, you don't.

Get out. Get out!

Get out of my house
and don't come back

until you're ready
to tell me the truth!


Monica... please...
please don't.

I can't bear it.

So you're worrying about
how you're going to feel?

Molly needs to hear the truth,

and, yes, it's going to be hard.

Angels have free will, too.

You don't have to do this.

But I know that you will.

Because you're a servant of God

before you're a servant
of your own heart.

That's how you were made,

and that's the difference
between humans and angels.

Oh, my God, what
is happening to me?

Maybe Donna's right.

Maybe I'm losing it.

No... you're not losing it.

I saw you out there.

I know.

I don't understand any of this.

There's a lot about this I
don't understand either.

And I'm sorry...

that's it's taken me so long
to come to you with the truth.

Sometimes, though,

even an angel can
lose his way for a while.

An angel.


Oh, my God.

And you... were there.


I'm gonna tell you what
happened that night...

Everything that I know.

After I put Jimmy to bed,

I was... told... that I
needed to go out to the barn,

and I didn't know what I w...
Would find when I got there.


Is everything all right?

Look at that calf...

struggling to survive...

trying to beat the odds.


What's the point?

Everyone struggles to
survive, at one point or another.

And most do, as long as
they don't give up hope.

I assume that you didn't
bring that g*n out here

to put Hannibal down.

Don't assume you know
anything about me, Andrew.

You hadn't been around
here long enough to judge me.

It's not my place or
my job to judge you.

What is this?

I'm an angel.

Aren't you supposed to
appear after I pull the trigger?

God sends angels
whenever they're needed,

and He sent me here now

because He doesn't
want you to pull the trigger.

Yeah, well... if only
it were that simple.

It is that simple, Jordan.

God loves you and
He wants you to live.

I don't know what you're
going through, right now, Jordan,

and I don't know why you think
k*lling yourself is the answer,

but I do know this:

God is extending
His hand to you,

to help you find the courage
and the strength to carry on,

to survive this moment, and
then you move on to the next one.


What's so great about
the next moment?

Or the next one?

Or the next 40 years of moments?

I celebrated my 40th
birthday today, Andrew,

and what do I
have to show for it?

Truth is, if I never existed,

wouldn't make the
slightest bit of difference.

You were born for a reason.

Now, that reason may not
be very clear to you today,

it may not be very
clear to you tomorrow...

but your Creator, the
God Who put you here,

He knows why.

You're a farmer, Jordan.

You know how long
it takes, sometimes,

to harvest the seeds
you plant in this life.

And look at what
you've grown so far.

You have a wonderful son.

You have this successful ranch.

You've got lifelong friends
who really care about you.

And you have truly loving wife

who needs you right now.

What are you talking about?

She didn't want to worry you.

Her doctor wants her
to go in for a biopsy.

Why didn't she tell me?

She just found out today.

And she didn't want
to ruin your birthday.


You've given me
a lot to think about.

Don't thank me.

Thank the One Who sent me.


Is there a Heaven?

Yes, there is.

I thought I got through to him.

And I was wrong.

Molly, I understand
your need for answers,

because I been trying
to find them myself.

What else... could I have done?

What could I have
said differently?

No, you're lying.

Everything you say is a lie.

If Jordan knew I was in trouble,
he never would've done this.

He loved me.


he did, and he loved his
son, and he k*lled himself,

and I don't know why,

and that has
been torturing me...

until I remembered
something today.

God knows why Jordan
made the choice that he made.

In the moments

between the time
that I left Jordan...

and he died... God was there.

And whatever they
shared during that time,

that's between the
two of them now.

And I'm just supposed
to go on, hmm?

You know something, Molly?

I've been an angel
for a long, long time.

And you know what
amazes me about people?

It's not that a few
of you can't go on,

it's that almost every
one of you does,

despite this tough
business of living.

You get up every morning,

and you start over again.

Because there's this
little voice inside of you

that says, "Hope."

And most of you
still listen to it.

And the ones who don't,
we have to release...

and return to the
hands of the Father,

where hope lives forever.


Is something wrong
with Hannibal?

No, Hannibal's okay.

I want to talk to you
about your daddy.

No, listen to me.

Your daddy was a wonderful man.

But... something happened to him

that we may never understand.

Was it because of me?

No, absolutely not.

It had nothing to do with you.

You know, the truth is...

Everybody loses hope sometimes.

But most of the time,

we just lose it for a moment.

But for some reason...

your daddy lost it
for two moments...

and then three and... four.

And pretty soon, he
was just so lost in the dark

that he couldn't find
his way back to us.

Do you understand
what I'm saying?

We've been through
some hard times...

and we may have
some hard times coming.

Let me tell you something...

We are not gonna lose hope,

we are gonna hold on,

and we are gonna ask God

to give us the strength to get
through whatever comes, okay?


Oh, gosh...

I sure do love you.

I love you, too, Mom.

You sure you have to go, Monica?

Yes, but you and Hannibal
are gonna be fine now.

Hey, Jimmy!

Hurry up!


But you'll come visit, right?


Okay, here you go.

See ya!


- Bye, Andrew.
- Bye-bye.

Take care of yourself.

Biopsy's pretty
simple, they said.

And... we'll do whatever
it takes after that.

See you, Andrew.

See you, buddy.

Do angels ever, um...

I mean, will I ever
see you again?

I don't know.

What if I fry you
up some chicken?

Well, then, you know,

I might just have to
come by some Saturday.

Go away! Go away! I
have nothing for you.

Nothing. Nothing.

They're just friendly
creatures, Tess.

Well, the flies
certainly like 'em.

Oh, come on, Tess; go
make yourself a new friend.

I don't need a new friend,

but I might need some
new shoes after this.