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06x07 - Voice of an Angel -

Posted: 05/01/23 06:19
by bunniefuu

♪ How can it be that
right here with me ♪

♪ There's an angel? ♪

♪ It's a miracle ♪

♪ Your love is like a river ♪

♪ Peaceful and deep ♪

♪ Your soul is like a secret ♪

♪ That I never could keep ♪

♪ When I look into your eyes ♪

♪ I know that it's true ♪

♪ God must have spent ♪

♪ A little more time on you... ♪

♪ God must have spent ♪

♪ A little more time on you... ♪


Don't give up your day job.

What's the point
of being an angel

if I can't sing like one?

Here we go.

Maybe with a wee
bit more practice.

Do you hear me complaining

because God didn't
make me a ballerina?

No, but that's because he
gave you a beautiful voice.

Well, he gave you
a beautiful gift, too.

And you're going
to need it. Come on.

♪ When you came
in this world... ♪

Oh, listen, Tess.

Do you remember when the
Father created the heavens?

When he set the music
of the spheres into motion?

Sweetest racket I ever heard.

All that music just
exploding in the universe,

going every which way.

All the voices to come.

All the voices
that would ever be.

That's when I heard the voice...

A special voice
breaking through.

One clear and simple voice
that touched my soul so deeply,

and I just knew that
that voice would be mine.

Excuse me?

Someday, I knew God
would give that voice to me.

Oh, really?

I think He wants to
talk to you about that.

He does?

Is He going to answer my prayer?

After all this time?

That's it.

That's the voice.

The voice I prayed for.

My voice.

Oh, He's going to
give it to me, isn't he?

How can I ever thank Him?

What are you looking at?

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

May I help you?

I am Miss Piper.

I am the choir mistress
for the Kensington Chorale.

Got eyes like
saucers, hasn't she?

That will do, Alice.

Well, I can't sing proper
with her staring like that.

And you can't sing properly
with that gum in your mouth.

Are you here for
the competition?

Are you a singer?


I wish...

Uh, the truth is that I
heard her singing, and I...

Alice Childers, that is
a musical instrument.

Like your voice, it
deserves respect.

And you can dispose
of that in the dustbin,

thank you very much.

Yes, Miss Piper.

Now, what can I do for you?

What's the matter with you?

She has my voice.

She chews bubblegum.

She's very rude.

Her name is Alice.

She's your assignment.

Oh, no.

No, no, no, no.

Where are you going?

I asked you a question.



You get your little
angel behind in there.

I don't want to.

You what?

Why did God do this, Tess?

You have a problem with the
way He runs things, Miss Wings?

He knows what He's doing.

And yes, He did give
this little girl a special gift.

I know... mine.

I prayed for that voice, Tess.

God is not a vending machine

where you stick in your
prayer and pull out your prize.

It's not a prize I want.

It's a chance to glorify
Him any way I can.

I know I have the
soul of a singer.

I feel the music deeply.

But something happens
when it comes out of my mouth.

I know how I sound.

It's humiliating.

Even God has to plug His ears.

No, He doesn't.

He's a loving God.

And he gives each of
us everything we need.


And he gave you
the gift of truth.

And when it comes to that,
baby, you got perfect pitch.

And that's what
you're going to need

to help that little girl.

Now, she may have
the voice of an angel,

but she still needs a
singing lesson from you.

Supervising Alice
is a full-time job.

She's very... spirited.

Well, I've had a
lot of experience

in the spirit department.

And Monica loves music.


Unfortunately, Alice doesn't.

If only she cared
about singing as much

as she cares about
this scruffy thing.

What about her parents?

I don't know
anything about them.

She's been living
in an orphanage

for the last seven years.


This is Monica.

She's volunteered
to give me a hand

while I get things ready
for our performance

- tomorrow night.
- Hello.

I'm going to be your chaperone.

Give me my bear.

Young lady, where
are your manners?

How do you do?

Who are you?

My name is Tess, Alice.

I'm in charge of the solo
competition here tonight.

If you'll excuse me,
I've got to get a move on.

First prize is $2,500, right?

Or a music scholarship.

I'll take the cash.

Alice, we've already
discussed this.

And I must say, your attitude
leaves a lot to be desired.

Looks like the two of
you deserve each other.

Please, Miss Piper, let
me enter the competition.

All you have to do
is sign my entry form.

The subject is closed.

You're here to sing with
the choir tomorrow evening,

and then it's straight
home to England.

Monica, see that she's
back for rehearsal at 6:00.

And that she
doesn't ruin her teeth.

We have the whole afternoon

ahead of us, Alice.

What would you like to do?

Certainly is a lovely bear.

You're just trying
to make chitchat.


I'm trying to make a friend.

I'm sorry.

My daddy gave him to me.

Before he died.


Dad used to sing this
song to me all the time.

♪ Give my regards to Broadway ♪

♪ Remember me
to Herald Square. ♪

That's why I named
him Herald Bear.

Maybe Herald would
like to see his square.

Come on.

This is Herald Square?

What did you expect?

I don't know.

Something... more.


No, thank you.

Monica... I'm
starting a scrapbook.

You know, my big
trip to the Big Apple.

Since we're friends
and all, I was wondering

if you could sign it for me.

My autograph?

I'd be happy to, Alice.


Ta very much.

Uh, you sure you
don't want bubblegum?

No, thanks.

But do you mind if I
ask you a question?

How does it feel when
you open your mouth

and that beautiful
music comes out?

Don't know.

Never thought much about it.

I'm not much of a singer myself,

but do you think you could
give me a couple of pointers?

Well, I really shouldn't
strain my voice

before the choir
performance tomorrow night.

All right, then.

Let's start with a song.

Something simple.

Well, I've always been
partial to "Danny Boy."

Go on, then. Give it a go.

♪ Oh, Danny Boy ♪

♪ The pipes, the
pipes are calling ♪

♪ From glen to glen ♪

♪ And... ♪

Alice, I'll be right back.

Not so fast, old chum.

Andrew, please explain
to me what's going on.

What are you doing here?

Can't you tell? I'm a mime!


And now I'm a talking mime.

There's something you're
not telling me, isn't there?

Andrew... Okay,
all right, all right.

Tess wanted me to
keep an eye on you.

But I'm not supposed
to say anything.

She sent you here to spy on me?

She's worried about you!

What's the problem?

The problem is that I sing

about as well as you mime.


There's something
I never told you

that happened a long time ago.

In Heaven.

After all these centuries,

it still hurts to
even think about it.

I had just finished
an errand of mercy,

and I was full of gratitude

for everything in
God's beautiful world,

and that's when I heard the
choir singing my favorite song,

"Panis Angelicus."

So I stopped in to listen...

and soon I was singing along,

throwing in a little
"alleluia" here,

and a little "hosanna"
there, and...

well, I must've
got carried away,

because suddenly I was
the only one singing...

very loudly, and everyone
was looking at me.

I'm the only angel who ever
got kicked out of the choir,

and I wasn't even in it.

I just wish I could
sing that song,

with a voice that
sounds the way I feel.

I know that voice, Andrew.

But He didn't give it to me.

He gave it to a little girl

who would rather pop bubble gum.

Uh, Miss Piper, Alice
didn't stop by here, did she?

Do you mean she's not with you?

You were supposed to have
here by 6:00. Where is she?

I don't know.

You lost her?

I stopped to say
hello to a friend,

and the next
thing I knew, she...

Ladies and gentlemen,
our first contestant

in the solo competition

is also our youngest.

All the way from
Kensington, England,

please welcome Alice Childers.

Who let this little
girl compete?

I didn't sign her application.

Well, somebody did.

Is this your signature?

That's my autograph.

I thought we were friends.

Alice has several gifts.

One for singing and one
for not telling the truth.

That's the song, Tess.

My song.

My voice.

No, angel, baby.

He gave you truth,

and that's what he
wants you to give to Alice.

She needs your help.

She doesn't need my help.

She doesn't want it.

I tried to be her friend.

Well, you've got to try harder.

She still needs
that singing lesson.

Not from me.

Yes, from you.


I'm sorry, Tess.

I really tried, but
I just can't do this.

It hurts too much.

Okay, one, two, three.

♪ Your love is like a river ♪

♪ Peaceful and deep ♪

♪ Your soul is like a secret ♪

♪ That I never could keep ♪

♪ When I look into your eyes ♪

♪ I know that it's true ♪

♪ God must have spent ♪

♪ A little more time on you ♪

♪ On you, on you, on you ♪

♪ You-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

Hey, hey, hey, check it out.

Thank you.

♪ Give my regards ♪

♪ To Broadway ♪

♪ Remember me to Herald Square ♪

♪ Tell all the g*ng ♪

♪ At 42nd Street ♪

♪ That I will soon be there... ♪

Hey, this is not a free concert.

Got any change?

I'm sorry.

So, what good are you?

I don't know.

I've been asking myself that.

I'm a bit lost.

Central Park's that way.

Statue of Liberty's that way.

Subway's down there.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

♪ Whisper of how
I'm yearning... ♪

So, what's the matter with you?

Yearning is such
a terrible thing.

To always want
what you can't have.

So, what do you want?

I want to sing.

Go ahead.

Nobody's stopping you.


I want to sing like an angel.

Looks like you
found the right place.

"Manny's Karaoke Heaven"?

♪ And now you're back ♪

♪ From outer space ♪

♪ I just walked in
to find you here ♪

♪ With that sad
look upon your face ♪

♪ I should have
changed that stupid lock ♪

♪ I should have made
you leave your key ♪

♪ If I had known
for just one second ♪

♪ You'd be back
to bother me... ♪

Hey, sunshine,

you just gonna sit there
dripping all over my bar?

I'm sorry.

I'm a wee bit wet.

"A wee bit wet"?

Give me a break.

This ain't Manny's
four-leaf clover.

Strictly karaoke and cocktails.

Now, what'“ it be?

Do you have any coffee?

Maybe something special.

That always helps
me to feel better.

Coffee I got.

Can anybody just
get up there and sing?

Can and they do.

Sharp, flat, tone-deaf,
we get them all.

I'm not very good.

As a matter of fact,

I'm the worst singer
you ever heard.

Well, you got a
lot of competition.

There you go, one
specialty de la maison.

Thank you.

My goodness.

That's much better than
a double mocha latte.

What is it?

What do you think?

Irish coffee.

Oh, my.

That's very good coffee.

I'll have another one.

Where have you been?

And what is that on your face?

You told me to keep an eye
on Monica, so I'm incognito.

Well, you can
come out of cognito

- right now.
- Ow, ow, ow.

Oh, no, not with spit.

Where is Monica?

I don't know. I thought
she was with you.

Well, she was,
but then she left.

I can't be every place, can I?

Tess, hey, come on.

Don't get so upset.

I'm sure Monica's okay.

Well, I'm not.

She quit her assignment.

She what?

You heard me.

She gave up, threw in
the towel just like that.

Now my baby's out
there all by herself.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Listen to me, you dry those
tears and you stay here.

I'll find Monica.

You better, because
if that little angel

doesn't wake up and
start smelling the coffee,

only God knows
what's gonna happen.

So, Manny, how long have
you been doing this for a living?

Too long.

You should do what I did.

Just walk out.

I'm an angel.


What's the going rate
for angels these days?

Well, the pay is...
There is no pay.

But the benefits are terrific.

Of course,

you have to live up
to the reputation of...

"sings like an
angel" and all that.

I think God must
have broken the mold

when they gave me
my pathetic voice.

At least I hope he did.

I'll have another one.

I think you've had enough.

Ah, you don't believe me.

They never do,
you know, until I say,

"I'm an angel sent by God,"

and then I start glowing.

Oh, yes, from the
power of His love.

I do. Really.

I get all lit up.

Trust me, you're
plenty lit already.

I don't like the way
she's looking at me.


I think it's time for a
little "Kickacookie."

"Annie Oakley."



We got us an angel, Sarge.

Must have hocked her
halo at the pawnshop.

Monica, hey.

Oh, you're that mime.

It's Andrew.

Are you drunk?

Well, impossible, I don't drink.

I-I had a few cups of really...

good coffee, Irish coffee.

Monica, don't you know

what they put in Irish coffee?

They put whiskey
in Irish coffee.



Tess told me what happened.

Monica, you're not a quitter.

What's going on?

I don't want to talk about this.

Is this about that little girl?

Is this about Alice?

What, little Miss
Alice Perfect Pitch?

You know, God
gave it all to her.

What about me?

What about good,
old Monica, huh?

You know better than that.

And if Alice is your assignment
then she needs your help.

It's not that I don't
want to help her.

I can't.

It hurts too much
to hear her sing.

It reminds me
what a failure I am.

You're not a failure
in God's eyes.

It's not his eyes
I'm worried about,

it's his ears.

Now leave me alone.


- What's going on here?
- Leave me alone.

Whoa, pal.

Uh, don't bother the customers.

Now take a hike.

Uh, y-you don't, you
don't understand, okay?

I'm her friend. I'm
trying to help her.

We, we work together.

I suppose you're an angel, too.

That's right.

You're an angel with, uh,

a little star on your cheek?

I'm also a mime.

Oh... real renaissance
type, are you?

♪ Oh, Danny boy ♪

♪ The pipes, the pipes ♪

♪ Are calling ♪

♪ From glen to glen ♪

♪ And down ♪

♪ The mountainside ♪

♪ The summer's gone ♪

♪ And all the flowers ♪

- Boo!
- ♪ Are dying... ♪

You know, after everything
I have been through,

I have the right
to sing the blues.

I But come ♪

♪ Ye back ♪

♪ When summer's ♪

♪ In the meadow ♪

♪ And when ♪

♪ The valley's ♪

♪ Hushed and white ♪

♪ With snow ♪

♪ Tis I'll be there ♪

♪ In sunshine ♪

♪ Or in shadow ♪

Want to give me the mic?

♪ Oh, Danny boy ♪

Come on, we're
gonna go take a walk.

- ♪ Oh Danny boy ♪
- Give me my hat now.

♪ I love... ♪

Give the policeman his hat.

Come on. There we go.

♪ You so... ♪

Yeah, that's what they all say.

All right.

Head up.

Now get your hair
out of your face there.

Look this way.

That's good.

Now let me see that number.

I don't understand.
What are you...

I would k*ll for a cigarette.

Let's go, people,
watch the gates.

You know, they said I
could make a phone call.


Do you mind?

I can smell your
breath a mile away.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I had a couple of coffees.

And a little flavoring.

What happened to your eye?

My dad hit me.

He likes flavoring, too.

Only he skips the coffee part.

I'm so sorry.

You're not gonna hurl, are you?

I hope not.

Nothing like this has
happened to me before.

WV, look, um, this
is your first offense.

So I'd like to
help you if I could.

If you'll let me.

You want to help? Arrest my dad.

He's the one who
should be in here, not me.

I'm just a kid.

Yeah, well, there are
rules about kids who steal.

It was just a lousy CD.

If you'll agree to pay for it...

I could probably get
those charges dropped,

and you could go to a
shelter where you'll be safe.

Yeah, right.

I wish I could help you.

I used to be able
to do that for people.

I'm gonna run away.

That'll feel lots better.

Running away won't
solve your problem, Ivy.

What do you know about it?

I know a lot about running away.

That's how I ended
up here myself.

You don't seem like a bad sort.

Why did you steal?

“Cause after he hit me
he smashed a“ my CBS,

and I need my music, all right?

It's the only thing that
makes me feel peaceful.

I love music, too,

but you can't just take
what doesn't belong to you.

You can't just take...

what doesn't belong to you.

What are you babbling about?

A lesson my Father

has been trying to teach me.

Does he smack you around, too?


He just loves me
no matter what I do.

I wish I had a father like that.

Ah, but you do, Ivy.

We all have the same Father.

You're not gonna get
weird on me, are you?

You took something
that didn't belong to you.

I tried to do the same.

But tell me this,

once you had it, did it
make you feel any better?


It wasn't like it
was really mine.

And getting caught
made it even worse.

Yes, you got caught,

but you've also been
given another chance.

The sergeant has offered you

a safe place, a shelter.

In God's world...

little miracles
happen all the time.

You don't have to steal them.

Save your stinking breath.

I don't want to have
anything to do with God.

No, you don't want
to have anything to do

with a bad father,

but I'm telling you
about a good one.

He might not give
you what you want,

but he always gives
you what you need.

I've just found that out myself.

The hard way.

Father, I am so sorry.

Please forgive me.

I know.

Okay, Monica.

You are free to go.

We both have been given a chance

at another start.

What do you say, Ivy?

Shall we take it?

I suppose you have
something to say.

Something I'm not
sure I want to hear.

But what with me
being an angel and all...

go on.

I, um, brought you
some coffee, plain.

You give me that.

She gets nothing

until we settle
our business here.

And you go outside and wait

'cause this isn't
going to be pretty.

Do you know what you've done?

You've broken a commandment.

Now what part of
"Thou shall not covet"

don't you understand?

When you break a commandment
it's like pulling a thread.

And before you know it,
everything's falling apart

at the seams.

And you don't
only hurt yourself.

You hurt all the
people who love you.

I know.

I'm sorry for what I did,

and I'm sorry for what I
put you through, Tess.

You think I was worried?

I wasn't worried.

I knew you'd come around.

Do you forgive me?

Yes, I do.

But you need to
ask somebody else

for the forgiveness
you need now.

I did.

And what did he say?

He said that I
am forgiven, but...

that I need to do some
work on my attitude.

You gonna let Him
help you this time?

Yes, ma'am.


You've got to get busy.

Alice still needs
that singing lesson.

But what can I teach
her about singing

when she's already
won the contest?

As a matter of
fact, she did not win.

If you want to
help that little girl,

you're gonna have to hurry.

Kensington Chorale, you're on.

Alice Childers...
onstage right now.

Excuse me.

- I'm looking for a girl.
- Oh, let me guess,

she's got beautiful eyes.

A charming accent.

Not too tall.

Not too short.

You know what? I
think we just found her.

Her name is Alice.

I think she's serious.

She's only 13.

That's her, right there.

Have you seen her anywhere?

- No. -Not me.
- Sorry.

Oh. Well, thanks, anyway.

Excuse me.


Alice has taken off again.

I hate to see a little girl
all alone in a city like this.

No friends, no parents.

She must be so lonely.

I got to go.

You hang in there.
I'll keep an eye out.

You know... her
father's still alive.


He hasn't died yet.

♪ Give my regards to Broadway ♪

♪ Remember me to Herald Square ♪

Thank you.

♪ Whisper of how ♪

♪ I'm yearning ♪

♪ To mingle with the
old-time throng... ♪

♪ Give my regards ♪

♪ To old ♪

♪ Broadway ♪

♪ And say that HI ♪

♪ Be there e'er long! ♪

Sorry, but that's my song.

I'm going to have
to collect my royalty.

I only have about a dollar.

But you can have half.


My dad used to sing that song

to me all the time
when I was little.

What's your name?


I used to love a
girl named Alice.



It was a long time ago.

I never should've left her.

She was so beautiful.

A child, really.

Dark hair and green eyes.

I have dark hair and green eyes.

Was she British?

She sounded a lot like you.

I know this may seem
a bit fanciful, but...

my daddy gave me this.

Does it look at all familiar?

Alice loved teddy bears.

What I mean is...
what I'm hoping is...

did you give it to me?

Hello, pal!

I never thought
I'd see you again.

Are you my daddy?


Daddy... Daddy, I
missed you so much!

He's not your daddy, Alice.

Give her back the money.

And the bear.

You're not my daddy?

Sorry, kid.

He lied to me.

It's a bad habit,
don't you think?

Leave me alone.

Why did you lie about
being an orphan, Alice?

What do you care?

I care a great deal.

And so do you.

What happened to
your father, Alice?

He left me.

A long time ago.

I'm so sorry.

And now the only thing
I remember about him

is that song...

And I figured, since
he always sang

about being there on
Broadway in Herald Square,

that if I came to Broadway...

He would be here?

Well... maybe he is
somewhere around here, right?

And if he hears
me sing, he'll think...

he'll see I've got
something special,

and he'll want me
and love me again.

But you are something special...

more than you know...

and someone does
love you and want you.


What's happening to you?

I am an angel.

A real angel?

From Heaven?


Do you know who my father is?

No. But I do know

that he doesn't deserve you.

And I'm not here
to help you find him.

Why are you here?

Well, I'm...

supposed to give you a
sort of a singing lesson.


God sent me an
angel who can't sing

to give me a stupid
singing lesson?

There's nothing you can
teach me about singing.

I thought that, too,

and... I know that I
don't sing very well,

but I know a beautiful
voice when I hear one,

and when I heard your voice,

I wanted it to be mine more
than anything else in the world.

Then take it.

If you won't help
me find my father,

I don't care if I ever
sing another note.

But God cares, Alice.

And He gave you
that beautiful voice.

You've been using it to
sing to the wrong father.

God made your voice, Alice.

He fashioned it just for you,

out of light and air
and stars and sky,

and He wants to hear you sing.

I'm just a kid.

But you're His kid,

and He loves you so much.

Sing for your Father, right now.

Sing for the Father Who
will never abandon you.

I don't know how.

Ah, well...

that's the singing lesson
I'm supposed to give you.

It's the same lesson
I had to learn myself.

We both were given
special voices, Alice.

Yours sounds like music...

and mine sounds like truth.

And the truth is...

I will never have your voice,

and you will never
have your earthly father.

And until we both accept that,

our voices will have a
touch of sorrow in them,

where God wants
to fill them with joy.

Sing with me.

Sing "Panis Angelicus."

But let's not
make it just a song,

let's make it a prayer,

and that will make
all the difference.

0 Lord, most merciful...

He's listening, Alice.

lost and alone,

I come to Thee in prayer.

Call out to Him, talk to Him.

0 how You have loved me,

I that have been so lost.

Father, Father,
grant us Your peace.

Father, Father,

I give You the song of a child.




Now, that's what
an angel sounds like.


She has a beautiful voice.
