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06x09 - Then Sings My Soul

Posted: 05/01/23 06:21
by bunniefuu
Okay, here we go. This
is gonna be so much fun.

Hey, kids, welcome
to Taffy Town!

Okay, everybody, come
on. Follow me, all right?

Oh, okay. Children, sit
down quickly. Sit down.

Come this way. Come on.

Sit down right here, okay?


Come on. Come on.

Thomas! Don't touch.

All right, I want
everybody to pay attention

to the TV screen, okay?

Because somebody very special
has something to say to you.



Cheeseburger and French fries.

Uh, no, that's too much.

Chocolate cake
and vanilla ice cream.

No, no, that won't do.


Hello, this is a surprise

I didn't hear you come in.

I'm Uncle Dudley,

the man who makes
all the taffy in the world.

Hi, Uncle Dudley!

Maybe you could help me.

I'm looking for a new
delicious flavor for our taffy.

What do you think of
"old socks and vanilla"?


Hey, how about "motor
oil marshmallow"?


Oh, let's see.

Uh... Fizzle...
frazzle... razzleberry!


I got to put the... Whoa! Ooh!

Careful. Well, we got enough.

Now you have to help
me count to seven.

One... Two -He's charming.

Is Uncle Dudley my assignment?

Oh, no, angel girl,

Uncle Dudley's been
dead for five years.

Oh. He seems so young.

Well, he was then.

- This was made 35 years ago.
- Oh.

There you go.


So who knows what
happens to the taffy

once we mix it in the pot?

- I know! I know!
- I do!

Nobody knows at all?

Well, taffy is made in
a golden secret valley

behind Taffy Town

by the cheeriest, happiest
family in Candy Mountain.

Every teeny tiny
tidbit of taffy is made

by little itsy-bitsy
loving hands.

I better get back to work.

Thanks so much for stopping by.

But you know, I get the
feeling I'm forgetting something.

Something I wanted everybody
to take home with them.


Taffy. That's right, taffy.

Make sure our official
taffy giver awayer

gives it all away to you.

Will you do that
for me, Taffy Tom?

I certainly will, Uncle Dudley.

Okeydokey then.

Bye, everybody.
Good-bye and love

from the man who makes
all the taffy in the world. Bye.


Okay, everybody ready?


Here we go. Get some taffy.

Here you go. Here you go.

Hey, guys, see
that man over there?

This man is Uncle Dudley's son.

Mr. Beaumont, you want to
finish handing out the taffy?


Excuse me.

You know, I remember seeing

the same movie
when I was a little girl.

Oh, I bet he was
a wonderful father.

Well, the children eat him up.

Yeah, well, that
happens all the time.

This factory has been
going strong for 65 years,

and now it's in trouble.

Do you know why?

I think so.

It's run by the saddest
man in the world.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

If you ever put me on the spot

like that again, and
you're out of here.

Yes, sir.

I only allow these tours
because I've got no choice.

But I don't have to
be a part of them.

I know that, but if you would
just do it, the kids would...

No, listen, Andrew,
listen to me.

I am not that guy. I
wish I was, but I'm not.

My dad was that guy.

Some of us belong
behind the scenes.


Hello, I'm Monica.

I'm the efficiency
expert that you called for.

Very prompt. Good start.

Come with me, Monica,

and I'll show you
what we're up against.

That's all, Andrew. Come on.

We make the best
taffy in the country.

There's no, there's no
pulling, there's no stretching.

See, that makes it tough.

This stuff melts in your mouth.

Costs are up, production's down,

the profit margin is smaller.

I use the same
equipment, the same crew.

I'm using the same
ingredients that my father used,

but I'm not getting
the same results.

Okay, Bo, are you
gonna just stand there

or say something?

We've got company, Clarence.

I thought so.

Hello, I'm Monica.
I'm here to...

Monica's consulting
today. Come on. Let's go.



He may have lost his sight,

but his sense of
taste is amazing.

My father hired him years ago.

He's kind of a permanent
fixture around here.

All right, it gets
measured upstairs,

it comes down
through these chutes,

gets bagged, boxed and shipped.

With love from the man who
makes all the taffy in the world.

No, no, with an invoice.

This is a failing
business, Monica,

and I want to know why
and I want to know fast.

I want your assessment
by the end of the day.

Well, just for the record,
what's your assessment?

I don't know.

- Hello.
- Hi.

My name is Monica.

I'm doing some work
for Mr. Beaumont.

Oh, well, that's
great. I'm Susie.

What can I do you for?

Well, I'm trying to find out

why production is
down in the plant.

Well, let's see.

Everybody that's working
here has worked here forever.

My daddy and my mom and
my two sisters all worked here.

My folks retired a
couple years ago.

Any my daddy worked
this very machine.

Of course, things
were a bit newer then.

Has Mr. Beaumont, Jr. not been
keeping up the maintenance?

Oh, no, don't get me wrong.

Bo is a good man. He's
a, he's a wonderful man.

It's just, it's tough to
be the son of somebody

that everybody loved so much.

And does nobody love Bo?

Well... somebody does.

And does he love somebody back?

Hey, this is Taffy Town.

Everybody loves everybody.

I better get back to work.

Hello, I'm Monica.

You must be Isaac.

Do you mind if I ask
you a few questions?


Um, how long have
you been working here?


Do you think that
there have been

too many changes
around here or not enough?

Um, everything's
changed. Everything.

I see that you're married.

Mm, no.

Isaac's wife and daughter
were k*lled three years ago

in a car accident, and
he keeps to himself a lot.

He must be in a lot of pain.

But you're gonna
help him, aren't you?

What makes you think that?

I don't know,

but here's been something
missing here for a long time.

Oh, sure, the people are the
same and the candy's the same,

but the feeling,
that's not the same.

When you walked in here today,

I felt a little of that old
feeling walk in here with you.

It was something...

I don't want to seem
stupid, but it was cosmic.

That doesn't sound
stupid to me, Clarence.

Sometimes I think if I
see another piece of taffy,

I'll scream.

But what you gonna do?

I've been working
here since I was 15.

And if I quit, then
they're in trouble

'cause I'm essential.

This is my machine,

and without this machine,
that taffy's going nowhere.

I see.

You looking for efficiency?

Well, I am Miss Efficiency.

You are?

Well, Mrs. Efficiency.

Ah. So you're married.

I've got a husband that's
been laid off for seven months.

That must be very
difficult for you.


You're not gonna
hear me complain, but...

life is hard, you know?

The only way to
survive is to be efficient.

That's it.

This "happy in
the workplace" idea

died with old Dudley.

Efficiency's all that's left.

That's the secret
you're looking for.

Shouldn't you be
writing this down?

Sorry to interrupt.

Do you think I
could borrow a pen?

Oh. Not very efficient
of you to not bring a pen.

Tomorrow must be
a very special day.

And why do you say that?

I see that you have tomorrow's
date circled in your calendar.

Would you close the
door on your way out?

Hello, Clarence.

Oh, hi, Monica.

How's it going?

Well, I'm not sure.

But I don't think efficiency
is the problem around here.

Well, neither do I,
and neither does Bo.

What do you mean?


I hear a lot of things
around this place I'm...

I'm not supposed to hear.

- Such as?
- Such as...

according to Dudley's will,

his son can't sell the
factory for five years.

He... he hoped that Bo would

come to love this place by then.

But it's been five years,

and he hasn't done that.

No, he hasn't, but...

maybe it's because he
just doesn't know how.

He has it all, you know.

Good business, loyal employees,

and a woman who'd
love him forever.

He just never learned
to love any of it back.

Now I guess our time is up.

He's going to do it, Monica.

He's going to sell this place
right out from under all of us.

And he's going
to do it tomorrow.

I know why tomorrow
is special to you.

No, I don't think you do.

You're selling this
place, aren't you?

Well, what do you
suggest, Monica?

I mean, you've-you've
walked around,

you've talked to
some of the people...

What do you suggest that I do?

There are good people here, Bo.

People that need this
place and each other.

You're one of them.


No, I am not one of them.

Okay? I've never
been one of them,

and I don't ever want
to be one of them.

Now, look...

your job here is
not to analyze me.

Your job is to identify
problems with the factory

and come up with solutions.

Have you done that?

Yes, I have.

And the biggest problem
is right here in this office.

Your father created
a family here,

and whether you like it or not,

you have now become
the head of that family.

But your lack of appreciation

for anything or anyone,

has spread like a disease
throughout this factory.

You don't appreciate
what you have in your life,

so it's easy for the others

to ignore the wonderful
things in theirs.

What you have here
is a spiritual problem.

No amount of money
in the world will fix it.

Thank you.

Because you have just given me

the answer that
I've been looking for.

You've had no intention of
saving this place, have you?

Hey, I've done everything I can.

I even brought in
an efficiency expert.

You had that date
marked in the calendar

before I was hired.

Doesn't matter.

You confirmed
my decision for me.

How would your
father feel about this?

Oh, well, I'm sure he'd
be disappointed in me,

just like everyone
else around here.

But do you know what I
learned a long time ago?

You can't please everyone.

Not even yourself.

All right.

Let's just get right down to it.

It's no secret that...

things haven't been going

as well around
here as they used to.

And I'm not here
to point any fingers.

No, that's what you
brought her here for, isn't it?


No, this isn't
Monica's fault, Norma.

Well, it sure isn't mine.

Are you going to
fire somebody, Bo?

Is that it?

Look. Bottom line...

this place isn't
working right anymore.

And I didn't know
what to do about it.

So I called in
Monica, to check it out.

She found some problems.

Some big problems.

Some problems that I cannot fix.

So... after... very
careful consideration,

I've decided to sell the place.

Oh, no.

This place will be
dismantled, and...

the property will be
a storage warehouse.

Where will you go?

Probably move back East.

Hey, I am sorry.

You know? There's
nothing more for me to do.

If there were, I
would've done it.

Well, actually, maybe there is.

I have a plan.

Oh, really? You have a plan?

What kind of plan?

A really good one.

Will you give me to
the end of the day?

You said you'd do anything.

Come on, Bo.

Isn't there something
here worth saving?

All right.

You want till the
end of the day?

You've got it. End of the day.

So what's the plan?

I don't know.

Father... help me, please.

I need a plan.

I need to find out
what's missing here.


Remember when I told you

that there was
something missing here?

Yes, I've been
trying to find it.

I think I just have.

Can you feel it?


This was the way it
always used to feel, here.

It's... it's wonderful,
it's powerful.

There's something
alive in the air.


I know what it is.

It's what happens when you pray.


How's the plan going?

Really well.

I think you'll be pleased.

Hello, baby.

Where you want me to set up?

This is Tess.

She's a friend of mine,
and she's part of the plan.

Set it up right
over there, baby.


What's going on here?

I think you'll like it.

Why don't you sit
down and listen?

Tess, you know I don't
actually play the piano.

You do now.

Just give it a try.

Go on, give it a try.

That's just fine.

Uh... can we move
this along a little bit?

I mean, I've got, uh, quite a
bit of packing left here to do.

"I, Dudley Beaumont Sr.,
being of sound mind and body..."

Hey, that's my father's will.

Where did you get that?

It's a matter of public record.

Sit down, Junior.

"I, Dudley Beaumont Sr.,

"being of sound mind and body,

do hereby make this, my
last will and testament."

Testament. Remember that
word, it'll be important later.

Skip on down to the other part.


"To my son Bo...

"It is my dream that you will
come to love this company

"as much as I do,
"and that you will run it

"not just as a place
to generate income,

"but as a place where
people of different backgrounds

"and colors and flavors

can work together in a
spirit of fun and friendship."

Well, he never did have
realistic expectations.

Hit it.

Your father had something
better than expectations.

He had faith.

I know what the
secret ingredient

of this taffy company was.

It was the prayers
that your father said

for the people in this
factory every day of his life.

And when the praying stopped,

so did the joy.


So the praying's
going to start all over,

and this time, we're
doing it with music.

Well, you're wasting your time.

And you're wasting my time.

Because there's no way
that I'm changing my mind.

It is not your mind
I'm trying to change.

Come on, baby, leave
that piano right there.

We got some more
equipment to bring in.

What do you think
you're going to do, huh?

What, do you... you think you're
going to save this factory by...

having a sing-a-long?

Oh, hold on to your taffy.

Right over here, fellas.

What's going on, Isaac?

Don't ask me.

Everyone, this is Tess.

She's a friend of mine.

Sound check. Sound check?

Excuse me. Who are these people?

Highly trained professionals.

I don't know what you're
doing, but we got work to do.

Yes, we do.

Hello? Hello.

May I have your
attention, please?

All of you are very
good at making taffy.

But old Dudley...

he was good at making
something sweeter,

because he knew
that God inhabits

the praise of His people.

And he wanted God
to inhabit this place.

And so he praised Him every day.

And he thanked Him for
each and every one of you.

And he invited Him in.

But... when old Dudley died,

the praise died with him.

Now, it seems

that the good spirit
of this place is gone.

But God has not left.

The praise left.

Sense Him.

Feel Him.

♪ Surely ♪

♪ The presence of the Lord ♪

♪ Is in this place ♪

♪ I can feel ♪

♪ His mighty power ♪

♪ And His grace ♪

♪ I can hear ♪

♪ The brush of angels' wings ♪

♪ I see glory ♪

♪ On each face ♪

♪ Surely ♪

♪ The presence ♪

♪ Of the Lord ♪

♪ Is in this place ♪

Can't you feel it?

Who's gonna help me sing?

I Will!

I can feel Him!

Then tell Him, Clarence.

♪ In the midst of His children ♪

♪ The Lord said He would be ♪

♪ It doesn't take very many ♪

♪ It takes just two or three ♪

♪ And I feel that
same sweet spirit ♪

♪ That I've felt
ofttimes before ♪

♪ Surely I can say ♪

♪ That I've been
with the Lord... ♪

♪ Surely the presence ♪

♪ Of the Lord is in this place ♪

♪ I can feel His mighty power ♪

♪ And His grace ♪

♪ And I can hear the
brush of angels' wings ♪

♪ I see glory on each face ♪

♪ Surely ♪

♪ The presence of the Lord ♪

♪ Is in this place ♪

♪ Oh, surely ♪

♪ I said, surely ♪

♪ Oh, surely ♪

♪ I said, surely ♪

♪ Surely ♪

♪ The presence of the Lord ♪

♪ Is in this place. ♪

He's here.

In this room!

Don't you feel it?

That means He's here
for all of you people.

So, who's gonna stop worrying

about your troubles,

and start thanking
God for your blessings?

Your friend, she sure
knows how to speak her mind.

Just like you, Norma.


I've got something to say.

Well, go ahead and say it, baby.

♪ Mm... ♪

♪ How can I say thanks ♪

♪ For all the things ♪

♪ You've done for me? ♪

♪ Things so undeserved ♪

♪ Yet You gave ♪

♪ To prove Your love for me ♪

♪ The voices ♪

♪ Of a million angels ♪

♪ Could not express ♪

♪ My gratitude ♪

♪ All that I am ♪

♪ And ever hope to be ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh... ♪

♪ I owe it all ♪

♪ I owe it all to Thee... ♪

Help me sing it, somebody.

♪ Oh... ♪

♪ To God ♪

♪ Be the glory ♪

♪ To God ♪

♪ Be the glory ♪

♪ ...glory... ♪

♪ To God ♪

♪ Be the glory ♪

What is going on in there?

♪ Done... ♪

-♪ With His blood I
-♪ With His blood ♪

♪ He hath saved me ♪

♪ Saved me ♪

-♪ With His power I
-♪ With His power ♪

-♪ He hath raised
me I -♪ Raised me ♪

: To God...: -3 To God S

- ♪ Be the glory ♪
- ♪ Be the glory ♪

♪ For the things ♪

-♪ The marvelous things
I -♪ Marvelous things ♪

♪ The glorious things ♪

♪ Glorious things ♪

-♪ The wonderful things
I -♪ Wonderful things ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ For the things ♪

♪ He has done ♪

♪ Hey. ♪

Yes, yes!

Oh, yes.

It's my turn.

I know there's someone
up there who loves me.

Yes, He does.

Even if someone
down here does not.

♪ I have decided ♪

♪ I'm gonna live
like a believer ♪

♪ Turn my back on the deceiver ♪

♪ I'm gonna live
what I believe ♪

♪ I have decided ♪

♪ Being good is just a fable ♪

♪ I just can't
'cause I'm not able ♪

♪ I'm gonna leave
it to the Lord ♪

- How's it going?
- ♪ There's a wealth... ♪

Bo still hasn't come
out of his office.

- You'd better hurry.
- ♪ I said that I believed ♪

♪ But deep inside
I never changed ♪

♪ I guess I'd been deceived ♪

♪ But a voice inside
kept telling me ♪

♪ That I'd change by and by ♪

♪ But the Spirit
made it clear to me ♪

♪ That kind of life's a lie ♪

♪ I have decided... ♪

Would you care to join us?

For me, praying isn't going
to make any difference to God.

Praying doesn't change Him,

but it can change you.

Into what?

My father?

Into the best man you can be.

I don't know what that is.

You got five minutes.

♪ I'm gonna live
what I believe ♪

♪ I have decided ♪

♪ Being good is just a fable ♪

♪ I just can't
'cause I'm not able ♪

- ♪ Gonna leave it to the Lord ♪
- Hey, Bo?

I think you should take a look

at these steam pipes
down at the cut and wrap.

Every day it's something else.

Um, Bo, I don't think
that's the same thing.

There's a lot of pressure
building up in the pipes.

Yeah. Well, you know what?

After tomorrow, it's not gonna
make a bit of difference to me.

♪ I have decided ♪

♪ I'm gonna live
like a believer ♪

♪ Turn my back on the deceiver ♪

♪ I'm gonna live
what I believe ♪

♪ I have decided ♪

♪ Being good is...

Bo... ♪ I'm gonna
leave it to the Lord ♪

♪ I have decided... ♪

- ♪ Turn my back on the deceiver ♪
- ♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ I'm gonna live
what I believe ♪

- ♪ I have decided ♪
- ♪ Ooh-hoo ♪

♪ Being good is just a fable ♪

♪ I just can't
'cause I'm not able ♪

♪ I'm gonna leave
it to the Lord ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh... ♪

Oh, Susie, that was so good!

What are you doing here, Bo?

Are you here to
praise or propose?

Excuse me.

I got something to say.

Folks 'round here, they know
about the troubles I've had.

You know, losing
my family and all.

And, um...

you don't hear me
talk about it much,

but I do, every time...
every time that I pray.


And I learned that
from your daddy.

Learned all of that from him.

He was a good man.

♪ If your problems ♪

♪ Won't go away ♪

♪ And you're worried ♪

♪ Night and day ♪

- ♪ Hand it over ♪
- Say it, say it!

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Get on your knees and pray ♪

Oh, sing it, Isaac!

♪ If you're sick ♪

♪ Feelin' low... ♪

- Come on, Bo, join us.
- No, that's okay. Come on.

Come on.

♪ Hand it over ♪

♪ Yes ♪

♪ Get on your knees and pray ♪

I Get on your knees and pray ♪

♪ Hey, y'all, just
hand it over ♪

♪ Hand it over ♪

♪ Hand it over ♪

♪ Hand it over ♪

♪ Give it up, give it over ♪

I Give it over ♪

♪ Hand it over ♪

♪ Oh, get on your
knees and pray ♪

I Get on your
knees and pray... ♪

Susie loves you.

They all love you.

Why can't you accept that?

Time's up.



I'm here.

Are you all right?

Yeah, are you?

Oh, my God.

Look at this.

This whole place
must have blown apart.

It's not moving.

I don't hear anybody out there.

Oh, my God, all those people.

Is this the power of prayer?

Huh? One minute, they're
singing praises to God,

the next minute, this?

This is the next minute.

Thank you, Father.

What, are thanking God?

What are you, insane?

Why are you thanking God?

I'm thanking Him for being
with us in our time of need.

Oh, good, okay, well, you just
stand there, and you pretend.

You just stay in your
little make-believe world,

and you pretend that
there's not 20 people

buried alive out there.

And Susie's out there,
and I'm getting out of here.

You've been trying
to do that for years.


Help! Hello?

Can anybody here me?

He hears you.

He always hears you.

What is this?

This is an answer to your call.

I'm an angel.

I was thinking of
something more in the...

lines of the fire department.

They're on their way,

but God is already here.


Wh-What about the others?

I mean, what... Are they okay?

God is with them, too.

Which brings us back to you.

Tess, how did you...
I think you've got

the idea, and I don't have
a lot of time to dillydally.

When was the last time
you watched that movie

that your daddy made?

What, that stupid
Candy Mountain movie?

I guess the last time I saw
that thing all the way through

was when I was a kid.

You got no idea how hard it was

growing up in the shadow
of somebody like that.

It was, uh...

I mean, Uncle Dudley
loved all the kids,

and all the kids
loved Uncle Dudley.

But I didn't want Uncle Dudley.

I wanted my dad.

You know, and I didn't
want to have to share him

with everybody all the time.

Well, if that's all
you remember, baby,

you're missing the big picture,

and I think it's time you
watched that movie again.

I mean, really watched it.

Well, I can't get
down there right now,

and, uh,

even if I could, I don't
think I would do it.

Well, isn't it convenient
that I'm an angel,

and I can make it all happen?

So, that's how candy is
made on Candy Mountain.

But before we say good-bye,

there's something I
want to talk to you about.

Something that's very important.

Someday, you're
gonna be all grown up,

and taffy isn't gonna
matter very much.

There will be some difficult
choices you'll have to make,

and maybe even some hard times,

but if you can see

the moon rising
on a beautiful night,

if you can look in the mirror

and know that
you told the truth,

and if you find somebody
special to love...

remember, there's somebody
you need to thank for that.

That's the one who made

this whole beautiful
world for us.

If you count your blessings
every night, like I do,

it'll always be a
beautiful world.

And I hope that
when you grow up,

you'll do that.

Then come back to Taffy Town.

Let Uncle Dudley know

that you're happy, okay?


Well, I better get
back to, uh, work.

That was your
father's true testament.

His dream of blessings and
happiness for all children.

But don't you think

it's because he first
dreamed of it for you?


Yeah, some people, uh,

they're good at making
friends, you know?

Some people are good at
asking somebody out on a date

or getting kids to laugh.

I'm... you know, I'm not.

I... just don't have that in me.

Will you stop talking

about what you don't have,

and start thanking God
for what you do have?

That's what your father did.

There's no secret to that.

Yeah, but I'm not my father.

No, you're not.

You're Bo,

and God loves
you for who you are.

The unique person
that He made you to be,

and He has given
you special blessings

that are your very own.

♪ When you see the moon ♪

♪ Rising gently on your fields ♪

♪ And the wind blows softly ♪

♪ On your face ♪

♪ If the sunset lingers ♪

♪ While cathedral bells peal ♪

♪ And the moon has risen ♪

♪ To her place ♪

♪ You can thank the Father ♪

♪ For the things
that He has done ♪

♪ And thank Him ♪

♪ For the things
He's yet to do ♪

♪ And if you find ♪

♪ A love that's tender ♪

♪ If you find
someone who's true ♪

♪ That the Lord ♪

♪ He's been doubly
good to you... ♪

Yeah, you're right.

He has been good to me.

Well, there's no time

like the present to tell Him so.

Go ahead and try.

We're not going anywhere.

You don't know

what's on the other
side of that wall

any more than you know what's
on the other side of tomorrow,

but God is with you

right now, in this very moment,

and there's nothing
to be afraid of,

because He loves you much, Bo.

Thank Him.

Thank Him for
everything you have.

Thank Him for who you are.

Thank Him for who He is.

Praise God for everything,

even if you don't
understand it all.

That's what
Thanksgiving is all about.

I don't know... I
don't know any songs.

Well, I know one song.

One song that my
father used to sing.

Um... ♪ I see the stars ♪

♪ I hear the rolling thunder ♪

♪ Thy power throughout... ♪

♪ ...The universe displayed... ♪

♪ ...Then sings my soul... ♪

I hear something.

Hello? Is somebody in there?


Yes, we're here.

We're in here.

Okay, hold on.

Stay back.

Got it.



Are you hurt anywhere?

No, no, I'm fine.

I'm okay. What happened?

The steam pipes blew up

right by Susie's machine,

but, uh, she, um...
She wasn't there.

She was singing with
everybody else in the mixing room.

Thank God.

That's a good idea.

♪ Then sings my soul ♪

♪ My savior God ♪

♪ To thee ♪

♪ How great thou art... ♪

♪ ...How great ♪

♪ Great thou art ♪

♪ Then sings my soul ♪

♪ My savior God ♪

♪ To thee ♪

♪ How great thou art ♪

♪ It's amazing to me ♪

♪ How great thou art ♪

♪ Then sings my soul ♪

♪ Oh, my savior ♪

♪ My great savior ♪

♪ To thee ♪

♪ How great thou art ♪

♪ It's wonderful:

♪ It's wonderful
how great thou art ♪

♪ Then, then, then
sings my soul ♪

♪ Oh, my great savior, my Lord ♪

♪ My soul sings to thee ♪

♪ How great thou art ♪

♪ How great ♪

♪ Thou art... ♪