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06x10 - The Christmas Gift

Posted: 05/01/23 06:22
by bunniefuu
- Get the radio?
- All right.

Got some nice wheels here.

Hey... I got
something to tell you.

I don't want to
hear your sad story.

I grew up on this block.

I know your kind and
I'm through with your kind.

So keep on walking
down the block.

All right then.

You've been moving on since.

t*nk's secured.

Oh, no, I got dressing on me.

Oh, Mama won't
care, and I don't care.

Dressing or undressing,
you still look good to me.

This is our last
Thanksgiving here.

- Promise me...
- Yeah.

Hey, there you are!

Hi, Mom.

Hi, Robby.

Good to see you.

Move on now.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Oh, don't mind Gabe.

He's just our own private
neighborhood watch.

Somebody ought
to be watching him.

- Oh, you lost weight.
- Ooh, I wish.

Aren't you feeding
him right, Brianna?

Well, we'll fix that.
Come on, Robby.

Happy Thanksgiving, LaBelle.

She says "happy," but
she doesn't mean happy.

This is such a special
holiday season.

Soon it will be Christmas,
the season of joy.

The season when angels
lift their trumpets high.

Yes. We've been heralds

since that first
cold, starry night.

When shepherds
were stirred awake

by angels singing in the sky.

Christmas in East St. Louis.

We're a long way
from the realms of glory.

Well, now, maybe
not as far as you think.

Remember, God didn't
come to the rich man's home.

He came to the manger.

There you go.


First carol of the season.

Now it's official!

Let the holidays begin.

The traditions come and
go, but you coming down here

on Thanksgiving
and playing that song?

It does my heart good.

We love coming down.

Not him again.

Get off this porch!

The music drew
me. Pure as a bell.

Well, nobody invited you
up here for a free concert.

Well, I will, and right now.

You come on in here, Gabe,
and have some dinner with us.

Oh, God...

Can you help me
with his platter, Robby?

She doesn't seem too happy
to be home for the holidays.

Well, for one thing,
it's not her home.

And for another thing,
she's worked her whole life

trying to get out of
this neighborhood.

And she doesn't like to
come back for anything...

including the best
cooking in East St. Louis.

The holidays are odd.

They can bring out
the best in a family...

or the worst all
at the same time.

The sad thing is this is the
best it's gonna be for a while.

The worst is on the way.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

Honey, the car's fine, relax.

Why is that car
so important to her.

Well, it's not the car so much,
baby, as what it represents.

People hang on to a
lot of things not for what

the thing is but for the
way it makes them feel.

You know, funny thing
about my ending up here

for Thanksgiving and all.

Course, I still got something
I've been meaning to say to you.

Put that down, please.

Uh-oh, here it comes.

Sweet potato pie?

Yeah, it's not my
best, but it'll do.

Sweet potato pie and
sock-it-to-me cake.

Oh, man, this is
some serious eating.

Hey, you have a
honey tone with that.

Doesn't he though? His
teacher always used to say

that he had one of the best...
What was it, that French word?


Yeah. That you had one of
the best one of those things

that he'd ever heard.

And his daddy saved and saved
and bought him this trumpet.

Now, Walter loved
to hear him play it.

Hearing his son play like that,

I bet he was hitting a hundred.

Oh, Lord have
mercy. Yes, indeed.

You know, Robby once played

with the St. Louis
Symphony Orchestra

- Mom...
- Yes, he did, too.

I mean, you really
could have gone far.

He has gone far.

Well, it looks like
we're ready to eat.

You know, I figured if these
two will give me a grandbaby,

he'll play that trumpet, too.

Next Thanksgiving,

maybe you'd have
dinner with us, LaBelle.

We'd do it up right.

Sock-it-to-me cake
and everything.

Now, why should I
leave the neighborhood?

You mean the hood?

The neighborhood.

I mean, I know my neighbors.

That's right. We know
each other down here.

And to take LaBelle
out of East St. Louis

would be like taking the
bubble out of Bubble Up.

LaBelle, it's just that I worry
about you here all alone.

That's just the point!
She's not alone!

She has real friends.

Home folks.

I know the reality
of these home folk.

My daddy owned a
pawnshop on the corner,

and I used to see the home
folk go in and out of there.

Nobody holds on to
anything down here.

It just comes and goes.

I want something solid,
something that's mine

that I can hold onto.

And when we have a baby,

I want him to be proud
of me and our home.

Don't you think Robby
was proud of his home?

I think it's time we say grace.

Dear God!

Is that our car alarm?

Not our alarm.

As I was about to say.

Thank you, Lord...

This is the other neighborhood.

There's grass and
Chrysanthemums here.

And LaBelle has
sweet peas and roses.

She tends them herself.

And the car is safe here.

I'll buy that.

You know, I just don't
think that it's wrong

to want to move up in the world.

No, it's not wrong
to want to move up...

as long as you don't forget

what you learned
in the first grade;

that the best things
in life are not things.


Yeah, just waiting
for that grandbaby.


Hey, you better get ready.

You've got that appointment
with the Hoffmans.

Oh, man, whatever made me think

I could sell all of
these water filters?

Well, do it. Just
keep on keeping on.

Sugar, you so good on the phone.

Then they see my
face at the door...

Your sweet face.

How could anyone
not love this face?

You know we've got to
get some money in the bank

before there's a
grandbaby in this house.

Mercury, you can't stand

to see me hug
someone else, can ya?

You get out there
and sell the Hoffmans,

and Mercury and I will dig
up some leads. Right, Merc?

You know, if the Hoffmans buy,

I'm gonna stop and
get... Don't say it.

- Your mother a cell phone?
- Don't say it.

I didn't say anything.

Must have been
LaBelle's turn to cook.

Gabe, you're turning my head.

And what's wrong
with my cooking?

Cayenne... you love
that pepper, don't you?

Tess is very generous.

Well somebody should be grateful

and somebody
should say thank you.

I'm thankful to God.

And I'm grateful every day
LaBelle makes her potato soup.

Don't push it, buster.

Look who's walking in the door!

Hi, Mom.

Oh, hello, Robby.

Now don't say it,
okay? Don't say it.

Oh, no, Robby.

I got it for you,
and that's that.

You walk here every day.

And every day I worry about you.

Now this way, if
anything happens,

I'm right at the
other end of the line.

And it's so easy, you see?

Now I'm gonna call Brianna.
She's right outside in the car.

You just punch in the
numbers... and you hit "send."

Bree, I wanted to show Mama...

That was the landlord.

He's got somebody ready
to move in on the 15th.

He's not gonna wait this month.

Oh, no.

What is it, Robby?

It's nothing, Mama.

Let's check this thing out.

This thing we can't afford.

I told you I don't need this.

Why don't you take it?

She said she doesn't need it.

Take it, Mama.

Have you ever seen
such a itty-bitty little thing?


You must be Brianna.

I'm Tess.

Uh, this is Monica.

Have you ever seen
such a tiny thing?

And that expensive?

Will you stop now?

Yeah, I'll stop.

Excuse me.

Looks like we all stopped.

I'm Arletta.

- This is my daughter Denise.
- Hi.

You're Alvin's girl, aren't you?

I was. He's dead.

I know.

I own your dad's pawn shop now.

You're welcome to stop by,
any time you feel homesick.

Thanks, but I
don't get homesick.

Come on, baby, take this.

No, Mama, it's yours.

Oh, baby...

You're gonna scratch the floor.

Right. Don't want to
blow that damage deposit.

Okay, ready... go!

Don't go there.

We're gonna get the rent money.

Nobody's gonna take
this place away from us.

Maybe we're trying to
make this happen too fast.

I mean, would it
really be so bad...

No... No.

I know what you're thinking.

We are not gonna
move in with your mama.

You want to be successful,
you've gotta look successful.

The screws are getting
tighter and tighter, Bree.

We are not going back.

I don't care if we have
to live in this house

with only a
mattress on the floor.

That's all I had at
my daddy's place.

I don't need a lot, baby.

But I'd rather
have one new thing

than a hundred pawn
shop hand-me-downs again.

I don't know what else to do.

We'll find a way.

Maybe we'll... we'll
sell all those water filters

to some rich,
thirsty millionaire.

Miracles happen, you know.


Hey, Mama.

Checking out that
new cell phone?

Oh, no.

The window in the
back, by the kitchen door?


Okay, I'll be over
soon as I can.

Someone busted into
Mama's back window.

Trying to break in, I suppose.

I'm gonna board it up
so there's no real trouble.

Robert, can't-can't it wait?

I'll be right back.

- It shouldn't take me long.
- Here, you want your jacket?

No, I'll be fine.

Lock the car.


You call when you're leaving.

Okay, honey.

Oh, huh, I'm not good
enough to play with, huh?

It's gotta be Robert?

Okay, be that way.

- Brianna Springbelt?
- Yes.

I'm with the Webster
Groves police department.

Was your husband
driving an Infiniti SUV?


I have some bad news for you.

Your husband's
vehicle was carjacked.

Oh, my God.

He should've never have
gone into East St. Louis.

Oh, no, no, ma'am.

It just happened about a...
about a mile from here, but...

during the course of the crime,

your husband was
shot and... and k*lled.

I'm sorry.

There's an early
morning service.


My baby's gone home.

To a home not made
by worldly hands,

until that last trumpet
sounds that awakens you all.


He's at rest now.

Ah-ah-ah, no.

Dylan, no.

You've had enough.

He likes that
sock-it-to-me cake, huh?

That was Robert's favorite, too.


Listen, we have a piano
lesson we have to get to.

I'm sorry.

Of course. Thanks for coming.

Well, take a piece
of cake with you,

'cause I don't think anybody
else here is very hungry.

What do you say?

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

And nice to meet you, Miss...

Oh, Meredith.


And I am just
right on the corner,

so, if you need anything,
please don't hesitate.

- Thanks.
- Okay.

At least you have each other.

I remember taking

Robby for-for trumpet lessons,

an hour bus ride
over the bridge.

Oh, but honey, it was worth it.

It was worth it.

Didn't y'all have
any friends out here?

With the business and
all, we were... so busy.

I have found that,
in times of sorrow,

friends can turn up when
you least expect them.

May I come in?

Oh, of course.

Uh... any news?

We're working
very hard, but, uh...

No, there's no leads yet.

Well, maybe you could
use the help of the officer

that tailed our car.

A black woman can't even
drive to her own son's funeral

without being
followed by policemen.

And I am very, very
sorry that happened,

but I'm just... just here
to offer my condolences.

I-I-I appreciate that.

Um, hm, but you just
have to understand that

when you lose your baby...

We do understand, and we're
praying for you and Brianna.

It's your midnight hour...

and we're here for you.

All of us.


Hey, Mercury...
so... whew... boy.

It's no use.

He's gone.

He's-he's gone, Mercury.



I'm awfully sorry, LaBelle.

Oh, thank you, Gabe.

That's a fine wreath.

Yes, ma'am.


Hello? Hello?

Mrs. Westfall?

Yes. How may I help you?

I'm calling from
Springbelt Water Filters.

Oh, yes, I remember. Robert...

Yes, yes, yes.

You spoke to my
husband last month.

Really nice, but I
talked to your husband...



Don't cut the phone off now.


Give you a dollar for it.

Uh... no, five.

Give you three.

Okay. Okay.

I tried calling, but the
phone isn't working.

It's 'cause the phone
company turned the phone off.

Car stolen, computer

Landlord says he's gonna call
the marshal on me by the 15th.

Gotta raise some money somehow.

This... house; this
crummy little house...

Oh... It was our castle.

We were gonna buy it someday.

If I lose this...

I lose everything
Robert and I fought for.

I lose Robert all over again.

Don't you understand?

This home, Brianna, is made
of wood and wire and bricks...

Things you can touch;
things that time will wear away.

But you and Robert
shared something

that nothing can destroy.

You had love.

And wherever you are,

that love will always
find a home in your heart.

No, that's not enough.

Don't you get it?

Nobody's gonna ever
build a statue to Robert,

but this house, this
crummy little house

in Webster Groves...

is the only memorial
he'll ever have,

so if I have to sell
everything I've got...

Every dish, every spoon,

every stick of furniture
in the house... I'll do it.

And sleep on the floor...

as long as it's the floor in
the home I had with Robert.

Let me help you.

How'd the sale, go, baby?

Well, it's one, oh, two, three...
Three hundred something.

But the rent's 950.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

Well, didn't you save any money?

Didn't you have any insurance?

We're starting a new business.

We borrowed
against the insurance,

we borrowed against everything.

The ironic thing is,

I think, in a year, we
would've been in the black.

Now the marshal's
coming on Friday.

Brianna, this is so beautiful.

Baby, you're not
selling that, are you?

No, no, no.

Um, just the box.

Um... three dollars?

Well, I'd like that trumpet
to go back to Robby's home.

This is Robert's home.

I mean the home he grew up in;

the home he played
the trumpet in.

This stays with me.

I'm his wife.

Well, now, how
about this, Brianna?

Why don't you come on
down and move in with me,

and then we'll both
have the trumpet.

No, thank you.

Got some money now.

It's not enough,
but it'll be all right.

I'll just get a place to stay.

It's just a crummy
place in Webster Groves.

You got a dog in here?

There's no dogs allowed.

What about them in there?

They're k*lling
each other in there.

They're fighting every
week, but there's no dogs.

Now, get him out here right now.

- It's almost morning.
- That mutt

could rip up the
place by the morning.

Get him out now.

Need a lift?

What are you doing here?

The question is what
are you doing here?

There is somewhere
else you can go, Brianna.





Well, Lord have mercy.

Hello, LaBelle.

Well, c-come in.

Come on in out this chill.

This is just temporary,
just temporary.

Well, whatever you say, Brianna.

Come on in.

I set Mercury up
in the backyard.

The yard?

Mm-hmm, he'll be
comfortable out there.

Mercury's got to stay outside?

Well, I'm sorry,
but... No, I-I-I'm sorry.

It's my allergies.

Mere M“ be okay.

You like Jeopardy?

I never watch it.

Well, I never miss it.

I always wait till Christmas
Eve for the stockings.

I mean, that's just

my particular tradition.

Well, tomorrow's Christmas Eve.

I know, but it's not
Christmas Eve tonight.

But that's one way
to do it, I guess.

Robert always said,
"My mama's got her ways,

and a mule is a mule."

He said that?

I don't know, he
was always joking.

Robby, joking?

You know, you know how he gets.

Oh, go and put the
stockings back, Brianna.

No, LaBelle.

You got to have room
for your ways now, too.

No, I can't think that
way. This is your house.

This is your house now, too.

Now, I know you've gotten
used to expensive things...

No, that's not it.

Where's that cell phone?

Under these
decorations somewhere.

Now, I know what
you're thinking.

You're thinking, "I got some
place better I want to be."

- LaBelle...
- I tell you this, Brianna,

the Lord said, "Be
joyful where you are."

- Are you happy here, LaBelle?
- What do you mean?

Because you were the
one who called Robert

in the middle of the night
and had him come down.

What are you saying?

If you hadn't been scared
here, he might still be alive!

- Don't you dare.
- Where's that

- damn cell phone?!
- He might still be alive

if he hadn't been driving
that fancy car you had to have.

- What?
- That was your idea
of success.

You had to have a
fancy car. It had to be new

and expensive and worth stealing

and worth k*lling for.

Oh, God LaBelle, Be quiet!

Did-Didn't you know
that every time...

every time that phone rang,

I-I thought it was
my Robby on the line.

Even now, it-it
rings, and-and...

and-and my heart jumps.


Good morning, Brianna.

How are things going?

Oh, I'm sorry.

Two women who have
so much in common.

You crazy?

You both loved the same man.

It's funny, it's
like LaBelle knew

a completely different
man than my husband.

She loved the boy.

I loved the man.

But they're both the
same human being.

You're grieving for the husband.

LaBelle is grieving for the son.

Remember, she took you in
when you had nowhere else to go.

Couldn't you show
her a little kindness?

Isn't there some gift that
you would like to give her?

Where's the fire?

Morning, just got some
business I got to attend to.

Couldn't interest you
in a little chat, could I?


Just remember, young lady,

God don't like ugly.

Hello, Brianna.


I know, it's been a long
time since you were here.

That used to be me.

I used to dust off the counters.

Sit on a stool in the corner,

and watch the people
come and go, come and go.

Taught me a lesson I've
forgotten over the years.

I remember it now.

What's that?

Nothing lasts.

Nothing, sweetheart.

So, what have you brought
us on Christmas Eve?


Rough night, LaBelle?

Oh, they're all bad.

Where is Brianna?

I don't know.

We're on different islands

with a lot of water in between.

I'm right here, LaBelle.

I felt I...

I brought you
something for Christmas.

Oh, baby, you don't
have the money.

Well, I found some
at a pawn shop.

What did you have to pa...

Oh, no you didn't.

LaBelle, that trumpet
was just gonna sit around,

making both of us miserable.

You pawned Robby's
trumpet for this?

Robert wanted you
to have that phone,

and phones cost money.

I was trying to be a friend.

I was trying to
do the right thing.

You don't know the
right thing, never did.

It was always
about money for you,

about having fancy new things.

You wouldn't ever understand

what that trumpet means to me.

My son's lips
kissed that trumpet.

That was the only
thing I had left of my son.

Get out! Just...
get out of my sight!

I'll get it back.

I'll get that trumpet for
Christmas, and then that's it.

I'm gone, it's over...
I'm out of her life forever.

- Brianna...
- Stop!


I need to get that trumpet back.

Oh, no, I... I'm so sorry.

I don't know what to say.

What? I just left
it a few hours ago.

I went to run an errand,

and Denise made
a terrible mistake.

She sold it to someone
while I was gone.

I'm sorry.

Who is it? Who...
who did she sell it to?

I'm sorry. It's gone.

Sold it.

Sold it.

Merry Christmas.

It's cold out there.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Are you all right?


I have spent a lot of
Christmas Eves in this place

trying to bring some
lost and lonely souls

just a little
something to hope for.

But this is the
first Christmas Eve

that I have ever really
understood how they feel.


Having a broken
heart on Christmas Eve

is a terrible thing,

but that's what
Christmas Day is for,

because that's when hope arrives

in a loving little
package from God.

And when it comes,
you have to recognize

what a wonderful gift it is:

a new chance, new life.

What good is a new
life if you have to leave

everyone you love
behind in the old one?

Well, what good is your
faith if you leave that behind

just when you need it most?

God has great plans for you.

I know that, because he
never forgets any of his children.

Not you, not these
people and not Brianna.

And he doesn't want
you to forget her, either.

Of all of God's creations,

your son chose Brianna
to give his love and his life,

and if you let her
leave, you're letting

a lot of your son's
love leave, too.


Go away.

Stand up.

Please, get up off the ground.


Just going to end up
down here again anyway.

I know how you
must be feeling, but...


Are you homeless?

Are you a black woman
who grew up sleeping

on a bare mattress in
the back of a pawnshop?

Did you pray for a house
with warm heat in the winter,

fresh food from
a real refrigerator

and clothes not bought
from a thrift shop?

Did you work for 24 hours a day

for ten years to make
your dreams come true

only to see them
disappear in a single night?

The only man you ever
trusted and respected

with all your heart and soul...

is he buried in a cheap
grave across town?

Is he?

Is your life over, too, Monica?

Is it?

Your husband's body
is lying in a grave,

but your husband is not.

Robert is in the
arms of the Father.

He's not gone. He's not lost.

What's happening?

Don't be afraid.

It's Christmas Eve

and a very good time
to be visited by an angel.

You're an angel?


A messenger with good news.

God loves you, Brianna.

He does.

He always has.

He loved you when you
dreamed little girl dreams

in the back of a pawnshop.

He loved you as you tried

to fight your way
out of your poverty.

And he loves you even
now as you sit in an alley

prepared to give
up on life itself.

He wants you to know
that you're not alone.

God is with you.

And Robert is with
God, so you see,

you're not so very far
from your husband at all.

I miss him so much.

I can't remember how he
sounded or how he smiled

or how it felt to hold his hand.

Can't remember.

Why not ask LaBelle?

She remembers
things that you don't,

and I'm sure you remember
things about Robert

that she would love
to be reminded of.

LaBelle hates me.

Oh, no, she doesn't.

She is grieving, like you are.

But she needs you,
and you need her.

For your husband left
something precious behind

that belongs to both of you.

Not blame to argue over,
not a trumpet to fight over,

but a memory to share.

A special memory of a good man

who loved his
wife and his mother

and tried to make
them both happy.

Share the memory.

Share him with LaBelle,

and you will hold on
to Robert's love forever.

Now, that's worth
standing up for,

don't you think?


Every day.

Now, you know the
only thing left to do

is to put these
chairs on the table.

Go right ahead.

But I'm not taking any hints

as long as there's still
sweet potato pie left to eat.


Hi, Brianna.

I tried to get the trumpet
back, but I-I couldn't.

Well, I knew that's what
you were trying to do.

But we don't need that trumpet

to remember what a...
wonderful boy he was.

Nobody could
play it like he could.

I don't know how he did it.

It was that French
word that his teacher

always told him he did so well.

He told me it was because
he listened to Miles Davis.

Maybe that was it.

You combine that with a
good embouchure, and...

That's Robby.


Miles and embouchure.

We're gonna make it, baby.


We will.

And in the Lord's own time.

Yes, indeed.

He's always right on time.

And now He says
it's finally time

for me to deliver my message.

Oh, what's he doing?


That's the horn.

That's Robert's trumpet.

You thought that
horn was gone forever,

but nothing is forever
gone from God.

I don't understand.
How could he afford that?

Most people pass Gabe and
see just another homeless man

without purpose,
without a future.

But the truth is...

the future is his purpose.

His home is heaven.

We call him Gabriel.

Dear Lord in heaven.

The realm of glory

is right here in East St. Louis.


Yes, Gabriel.

He delivered great tidings.

2,000 years ago,
he told a poor woman

that she would soon give birth

on a cold, starry night.

A night when
shepherds in the field

would be awakened by angels

singing in the sky.

A night of hope.

A time just like this.

We're in the
presence of an angel.

Baby, you're surrounded by

a multitude of angels.

And God has sent the
archangel Gabriel himself

to deliver this
annunciation unto you.

Angels have come to rejoice

with you... this day, Brianna.

Glory be to God.

The Lord is with you,

and has greatly blessed you.

Blessed me?

Yes. Behold,

you have conceived in your womb,

and you shall bring forth a son.

A son?

The child of your love.

The blessing of your marriage.

A precious gift from God.

A baby?

A baby.



Well, it's gonna be

a beautiful Christmas after all.

Gabe was wonderful, wasn't he?

He always is.

I remember when I
was in annunciations.

Sometimes I wish I
could do that again.

Well, baby, when you're an angel

you're always at annunciations.

What's stopping
you? It's Christmas.

Glory be to God in the highest.

Glory be to God in the highest,

and on earth, peace and goodwill

to everybody.