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06x12 - With God as My Witness

Posted: 05/01/23 06:24
by bunniefuu
Yeah, it looks like we need

a little more cement in here.

I'd say, uh, just the 2x45.

Keep it coming, come on down.

Slow, slow.

Okay, r-right
down there, hold it.

Hank, why don't you hustle
over there and check it?

Jim, I need you
to come over here,

please, come to the office, Jim.

Here, please, come
to the office, Jim.

Hank, stay on
that, I'll be back.

Do we have to yell through
the whole assignment?

What, what'd you say?

I said, do we have to yell
through the whole assignment?

No, that's the problem.

It'll all be over
any minute now.

Oh, come on, Carl, this
isn't just about me being right!

You know it!

Maybe I do, maybe I
don't, but sometimes you got

to look the other way if
you want to keep your job.

Remember that, maybe
you'll keep the next one.

Hey, fine, I heard Heller's

breaking ground
on a new project.

Yeah, in about six months.

This was the last startup site
of the season, and you know it.

Now, are you gonna get
out of here on your own,

or do I need to call
a couple of escorts?

Remember what I said, Carl.

It's going to matter
one of these days.

Did he just do
what I think he did?


What do you say we grab a beer?

Ha, couldn't afford it.

I'm buying.

Can't go home
unemployed and drunk.

How you gonna
break this to Shawn?

I don't know, I
hope I don't have to.

Hey, for what it's
worth, you're right.

They're taking too many
chances around here.

It's worth a lot.

No, I, H appreciate
it, Ike, you know.

If you do hear of anything,
I-I-let me know, Ike.

- Yeah.
- Now, I'll do anything right now.


Does he mean it, Tess?

Would he really do anything?

That's why we're
here, angel girl.

Jim is about to become
a desperate man,

and desperate men
make desperate decisions.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪


He seems so lost.

Well, there's a reason for that.

Who are you?

I'm Monica.

That's good, but when you
ask humans who they are,

they won't tell you their names.

They tell you their jobs.

They think what they
do is who they are,

and when they lose that,

they don't even know
who they are anymore.

Mom, you won't believe this.

Uh, let me guess...
Your room's clean?

Oh, great, my mother
is all about sarcasm.

Oh, great, my daughter
is all about shoes.

What am I all about?

You're all about
the tickle monster!


Just the kind of "welcome
home" I was looking for.

Dad, you're just in time.

I know the exact dress I want
for the homecoming dance,

and these shoes
will go perfectly.

If I can't get them, I'll die.

Oh, well, nobody wants that.

Well, now that that's settled,

you can focus all your energy

on getting Mick Brown
to actually ask you.

- It's Mike, Mike, Mike Brown.
- Mick,

- Mick, Mick, Mick.
- Mick, oh, Mick, yeah, Mick,

- I know Mick.
- Mick, Mick.

Okay, dinner's ready.


Her whole name is Ms.
Antonia Maria Kaplan.

She's really nice and she
made me the paper monitor.

The paper monitor?

So that means you
like school now?

I like Ms. Kaplan.

Well, then, I like her, too.

How's your dad today?

I think he's doing better.

We had a nice visit.

There's this new retirement home

that's across the
street from school,

and they're starting
this new program

where you can visit the
old people on Fridays.


Wouldn't it be great if
Grandpa could live in that one?

You know, I worked
on that building.

Kind of out of our price
range, though, honey.

It's just money, Dad.

Kids are in bed and
your wife is ready to listen.

Remember that letter
I wrote to the foreman?

About the cement, yeah.

Get their attention?

Oh, yeah.

They fired me.

You're kidding.

They should be
thanking you for that.

You saw a problem
with the foundation

and you tried to fix it.

I'll get another job,
but in the meanwhile

things may get a
little tight around here.

That's okay, I'll quit school.

No, absolutely not.

I've always supported
this family, I always will.

You're gonna get your degree.

I'll get another job.

sh**t, I'll get a better job.

Jonathan, number seven's ready.

Come in and pick
up the paperwork.

Hey, have you seen her, man?

Uh, who?

Monica... the new dispatcher.

It's like I died and
gone to heaven, baby.

Hey, sweetheart.

What's up? You got a gig for me?

I'll go wherever you want me
to go... your place, my place.

How about back to work?


Hello, you must
be Jim. I'm Monica.

Uh, hi, uh, nice to meet you.

Yeah, Jimbo used to be

one of these big shot he-men

driving those big cranes
up there in the skyscrapers.

Now he's got half the horsepower

and half the dough, huh, Jimbo?

There's nothing more honorable

than doing a day's
work for a day's pay.

Well, right now I'd trade
honor for the big bucks.

I hope not.

What do you got?

Ah, a couple airport runs.

Uh, some rich kid's got

a birthday party at the zoo.

Something tells me
13-year-olds aren't big tippers.

There's a lot of
money to be had here

if you get the
right kind of gig.

The unofficial ones if
you know what I mean.

Like what?

All you do is sit in front.

You drive wherever
they want you to drive,

look the other
way here and there,

and the gratitude comes
back in big $50 bills.

Is it legal?

I never asked.

What's that?

Oh, some stuff I
picked up from the bank.

Uh... I thought maybe we
could get a loan on the house.

Oh, no.

Either that or I'm gonna have to
quit school and go back to work.

I'll work it out.

There's no shame in
letting your wife help out.

It's not as if anyone's keeping
score, for heaven's sake.

- The water won't go out of the bathtub.
- I'll pour

some more of that
stuff in the drain, honey.

We've been doing
that for a week.

We're going to have
to call a plumber.

We can't afford a plumber.

Don't worry,
honey, Daddy'“ fix it.


Hey, uh, yeah, just a minute.

- Mick?
- It's Mike, it's Mike, it's him.

Mike, it's Mike.

It's Mike, it's Mike.

It's Mike, it's Mike,
it's Mike, it's Mike.

It's Mike, it's Mike.

- Hello.
- Katie, it's Mike.


Oh, hi, Mike.

Hi, Mike.

- I was wondering if, uh...
- Uh-huh.

Um, c-can I tell you
after first period?

Yeah, sure, great.

- Okay.
- Okay, I'll see you later.

Okay, bye.


He asked me to the
homecoming dance.

Why didn't you tell him yes?

Well, I-I wasn't,
I wasn't sure if...

I, I mean, I...
You tell him yes.

You're gonna have that dress

and you're gonna be
the prettiest girl there.

Thank you, Daddy,
thank you, I love you.

Thank you.

Mom, you're not
going to believe this.


- Marco.
- Jim.

Yeah, it's Jim.

So, uh, what's up?

Jim, I don't have you

on the schedule tonight.

Yeah, well, I'm taking
one of Marco's runs.

We worked it out.

I'll see you.

What's your name?

Jim S-Sullivan.

Did Marco explain
how we do this?

Uh, yeah, p-pretty much.

Uh, not really.

It's simple. We drive
around the block

a couple of times, make sure
that we don't have any company,

and then I'll tell you
what our first stop is.

Yes, sir, Mr. Deane.

- Car three.
- Jim?

You left without
filing a destination.

Well, a client's
request, Monica.

He points, I drive.

Marco does it all the time.

Car three out.

Three down, one to go.

That's great.

Okay, one more stop
and then we call it a day.

Just turn left right up here.


Jim, how much longer?

Uh, this is the last stop.

What's your 20?

I'm in the warehouse district.

I'll be back to base
in a half an hour.

Hey, guys.


Uh, had to work late, uh,
but I'll be home real soon.

I'll be home soon, guys.

I-I love you.

Let's go! Let's go. Drive!

Drive, drive, drive, drive.

Don't answer that.

The Lord is my
shepherd, I shall not want.

He maketh me...

- The Lord is my shepherd...
- Come on.

Don't go nuts on me,
my friend. Hang in there.

Everything's going to be okay.

Just concentrate.

Right here. Turn here and...

Yea, though I walk
through the valley of...

Shut up!

- Still waters, he restoreth...
- All right,

pull in over here.

Pull over.

What are you doing?

Put your hands down.

I'm sorry, I didn't
know. What's going on?

What's going on is
you're supposed to relax.

Come on, you've got to
get yourself to calm down

so we can get home soon.

My kids like it when I
get home for bedtime.

You got kids, Jim?

Uh, kids. Uh, yeah.

Yeah, two-two daughters.

That's nice. I got two sons.

Maybe we can fix
'em up sometime.

Nothing happened.

We weren't there.

I'm not a k*ller, but...

sometimes I do
what I have to do.

I mean, it's like self-defense.

You know?

What else can you do when people
won't honor their commitments?

And this is what I...

usually give your friend Marco

for his... discretion.

But under the circumstances,

I think you deserve a bit more.

Now you go home and you
kiss those girls good night,

just like any other night.

And when your wife asks
you how your day was,

you say, "Fine, dear."
Let me hear you say that.

Fine, dear.

That's good.

And when the police
come to question you,

and they will, then
you say nothing.

You're doing the right thing.

Now you go on
and get out of here.

Go on. Go on.

Welcome back.

Took a little longer
than expected.

You seen Marco around?

He left for a date.

He said you'd understand.

How did it go tonight?

Oh, uh, yeah, fine, fine.

You know, we drove around.
I never even talked to the guy.

I got to go. I'll see
you tomorrow morning.

Are you all right, Jim?

Yeah. I'm just tired.

That ought to buy one

great homecoming
dress, don't you think?

I can't believe this.

Thank you, Daddy.
Thank you, thank you,

- thank you.
- I tell you I'd fix it.

All right, time for bed.
And put that away.

Okay, I'm going.

Thank you, Daddy.

I knew you'd think of something.


Okay, what's up?

What's up?

Uh, big tip tonight.

There are a lot of other things
we could've spent that money on.


But nothing better.

Come on, girls, let's move it!

Hey, guys.


Uh, had to work
late, but I'll...

I'll be home real soon.

I'll be home soon, guys.

I-I love you.

Message deleted.

Jim, this is Scott Willie.

We're federal marshals.

We need to talk to you.

The Justice Department has
been investigating Stuart Deane

for a while now.

Well, what has this
got to do with me?

A man was m*rder*d last
night and you were there.

Says who?

You told me your location
when I called you last night.

Do I need a lawyer?

That depends on how
you want to play this.

Stuart Deane is a
k*ller and a drug dealer.

You going to protect
a guy like that?

I'm not protecting him.

We know that you
didn't do anything, Jim.

But you were in the wrong
place at the wrong time,

and that means
that you're involved.

Oh, come on, th-that's not...

th-that's not right.

No, it's not, but
you can't ignore it...

It won't just go away.

Look, I've got a wife and
children to think about here.

I know,

and we want to arrange
for their safety and yours.

Who said we're in danger?

No one has to put
it in those words.

Bottom line is, if you were
there, you got a problem.

I didn't say I was there.

Look, we're not the
enemy here, Jim.

Stuart Deane is.

Now we walk out of
that door without a deal,

you face the
consequences on your own.

I'm sorry.

I can't.

Hey, while you were

spilling your guts, uh, my
name didn't come up, did it?

I didn't spill my guts.

Good, because these
people don't like it

when you talk about them.

I've got to go.

We've got to have
a little talk, Jim.

What kind of mileage you
get on this thing, like three?

We're associates of Mr. Deane.

I don't know where he is.

The Feds picked him up
this morning, in Newark.

We hear they got you, too.

I don't know anything.

I didn't say anything.

Well, Mr. Deane will be
very happy to hear that.

Oh, hey, by the way,
Mr. Deane sends his regards

to your wife and the girls.

You have a fine looking family.

And that little one,
she cracks me up.

Evil thrives when
good men do nothing.

It's time to tell your wife.

So we tease her all the
time and call him "Mick,"

and Katie goes crazy and
says, "It's Mike. It's Mike."

Do you remember when you
used to tease me like that?

When does she
start kindergarten?

Katie's 15 now, Dad.

I'll bring the girls to
see you on Saturday.

Hey, Charlie.

I thought we were gonna
go fishing on Saturday.

When did you start fishing?


It's all in the wrist.


Hey, Dad, remember this?

It's the last thing
I did every night

before I... turned off
your bedroom light.

Hey, what are you doing here?

Honey, uh, we got a problem.


Last night, I was
driving this guy around.

Uh, he got out.

A couple minutes later,

he, uh, he shot somebody.

Oh, my God.

He got back in the
car, and we drove off.

I'm the only witness.

He knows that.

Well, what about the police?

The police want me to testify.

This is a very
dangerous man, honey.

Why didn't you tell
me this last night?

I don't know.

I-I guess I... felt guilty.

Guilty? Why?

You're one of the good guys.

You never would've
driven this guy

if you'd known what kind
of person he was, right?

Oh, honey, I'm so sorry.

Don't worry.

We'll get through this.

First of all, let me
say that I am so sorry

for what has happened,

and I know things
are happening faster

than you can keep up with them.

But before you agree
to enter the program,

I think you should know
what you're agreeing to.

I'm supposed to agree
to testify against Deane.

That's the deal.

Then we put you
in protective custody

temporarily until the trial.

- When?
- Now.


But as soon as you've testified,

you and your girls

will be given
permanent relocation.


Well, the Witness
Protection Program

is all about security,

so you will know
what you need to know

when you need to know it.

You'll be able to
pack a few bags,

that's all.

Everything else, you'll
have to leave behind.


And everybody.

Shawn's father, he's
in a retirement home.

We're the only family he's got.

There must be some way

he can... we can see
him at least occasionally.

I understand
how difficult this is,

and we do have a
process for sending letters,

but there can be
no personal contact

with anyone in your current life

once you've entered the program.

Mom, Dad, are you
ready? Here it is.

Do you think he'll like it?


What-What's going on?


Mommy, we got our own bathroom.

And there's a swimming
pool downstairs.


- And guess what?
- What?

- We got cable.
- Ooh.

This place doesn't
feel very safe.

Federal marshals will be
posted outside 24 hours a day.

And remember,
it's only temporary.

I'm gonna brief the next shift.

Okay. Now there are some
things that you all need to work on

for your new life.

You're going to get
a new family name.


And new first names, too.

It's all right in this envelope.

There will be new school records

for the children,

new social security
cards for everyone.

Everything you
need to start over.

Including a new family history,

which you'll all need
to learn and remember,

in case anyone
asks you about it.

When can we go home?


do you remember when
you learned in school

that all the geese
that live on the lake

go someplace else,

some place nice and cozy
and warm for the winter?

Miss Antonia Maria
Cappleman taught me that.

She did?

Well, you and your family

are gonna be just like the geese

and have a new home, too.

Can Miss Cappleman come with us?

No, Lyssie.

Just us.


What's your name?

- The Shepherds.
- Shepherds.

- I'm Joan.
- I'm Antonia.

When's your birthday?

Next week.

I get two birthdays this year.

Mine's August 17th.

Where are you from?

Madison, Wisconsin.

Why did you move here?

Because we're gooses.

Close enough.

Housekeeping to the south Wing.

Housekeeping to the south wing.

How did you do that?

You're messing
with a pro, Andrew.

I might not remember breakfast,

but I sure as heck can see
what's right in front of me.

Grandpa, Grandpa!

Well, well, well,

who's this little munchkin?

My name's Antonia.

That-that doesn't sound right.

It's a long story, Dad.

And it doesn't have
a very happy ending.

Hey, Charles.

What's going on, Jim?

We have to go away, Dad.

For how long?

For good.

We came to say good-bye.


You can't do that.

We don't have a choice, Charlie.

I... I don't understand.

Jim was an innocent bystander.

He witnessed a crime,

and this is the only way
that we can be safe now.

Can't you do
something about this?

What am I gonna do
without my little girl?

Oh, what am I gonna
do without my daddy?

I'm sorry, but it's time.

We have to go.

Come on.

You look after him, huh?

Oh, I promise you,
he will never be alone.

I'll be here, no matter what.

Thank you.

I love you, Dad.

I love you, too.

You're doing everything
you can to protect your family.

Well, if I'd been protecting
them in the first place,

we wouldn't even
be in this mess.

Are you saying this
didn't have to happen?

I-I didn't know it was
gonna turn out like this.

I mean, I-I-I knew it wasn't

your normal pick-up
and drop-off either.

Something told me not

to do it, but I-I couldn't get
the idea of a few extra bucks

out of my head,

- so I-I gambled.
- And you lost.

There are no words as
dangerous as "just this once."

So that's where that
big tip came from.

You knew what you were doing,

but you did it anyway
and you lied about it.

Oh, my God.

Shawn, let-let-let me explain.

No, get away from me.

You have ruined us.

You have ruined this family,
and it didn't have to happen.

It didn't have to happen.

Oh, my God, get out of here!

- Get him out of here!
- Shawn...

Shawn, listen.

Shawn, honey.

- Please, you don't understand.
- I don't understand?

I don't understand?

What's to understand?

You lied to me.

You lied to your children.

Will you excuse us
for a moment please?


You jeopardized this
family for a lousy few bucks,

and then you lied about it,
and I will never forgive you.

Those few lousy bucks
bought Katie a dress,

food for this family
for another week.

It let you keep going to school.

Don't you dare lay this on me!

I was doing the best I could.

This was your best?

I had to do something.

Oh, yeah, you really did
something, didn't you?

If you want to make me feel
like dirt, you're doing a great job.

This isn't about you.

You want me to
feel sorry about you?

What about those
children downstairs

who are never gonna see
their grandfather again?

Alyssa lost her
favorite teacher.

Katie's first date
will never happen.

None of us will
ever see a friend,

or a familiar face,

or hear someone call
us by our real names

ever again.

And all because of some stupid,

macho thing.

That made you think that
you had to do something.

You had to fix
it all by yourself.

You betrayed me.

You betrayed your family.

Now you have no family left.

I need a little air.




We need to have a little chat.

I'm really not in the mood
for a lecture right now.

Well, let's call it a discussion

where I do all the talking.

Sit down.

Do you remember
your wedding vows?

Of course.

How about the one
where you promised

to love each other
for better or for worse?

There's a reason
those words are used

in the vows that you take
when you marry someone.

Because people are not perfect.

They are human.

They make mistakes...
big ones sometimes,

but that's when their worst

should bring out your better.

And your love finds
a way to forgive them.

That's easier said than done.

I know, but...

do you believe that one morning

Jim woke up and said,

"I think I'll make
a mistake today

that will endanger
my family," hmm?


No, of course he didn't.

Now, he didn't
do the smart thing.

And he didn't
do the right thing.

We all know that.

But for better or for worse,

he tried to do a loving thing.

And that should get
some kind of consideration.

Well, if for better or for worse

is not getting through to you,

how about till death do us part?

The last time I looked
the two of you were alive.

And may I add kicking?

You've got to a chance
to start your lives

all over.

Not bad for a US Marshal

who moonlights as
a limo dispatcher.

Got any other secrets
you want to tell?

Well, as a matter of fact I do.

But I've been, uh,

just waiting for the
right time to tell you.

Well, this is certainly
the right moment.

If it's good news, I
could sure as heck use it.

If it's bad news, it
can't be any worse

than the news I just got.

Why what was that?

Just lost my family.

Oh, I don't believe that.

But it's true.

It's my own fault.

She's right.

I wanted to be a... hero.

All I was was stupid.

I wonder if you’re
like a lot of men?

You would rather get
lost than ask for directions.

She tell you that, too?

No, but I've noticed
this about human beings.

Men especially think that
there's something weak

about asking for help.

Well, there is.

I don't agree.

I think there's nothing stronger

than getting the right
advice before you need it.

It's like being at the
foot of a mountain

and you want to
get to the other side.

Do you go left? Do you go right?

How do you know?

But if there's someone
who's already at the top,

someone that you
can call up to and ask

which way should I go?

Why would you not do it?

Because the one
who's already there

can see all the roads at once.

And he can tell you

which road is steep,
which one is rocky.

Which one is safe.

That's not being a weak man.

That's just being a smart man.


I'll admit sometimes
you hit a mountain...

find out there's
nobody up there.

Oh, no there's somebody there.

I know. I've seen him.

I'm an angel.


Jim... Lord is my shepherd,

I shall not want.

Make me lie down
in green... pastures...

Don't be afraid,
Jim, it's the truth.

I am an angel.

A messenger from the Lord God.

And the Lord is your shepherd.

That's why he sent me here.

Because you've gotten
lost, and he wants to give you

the directions to get back home.

I don't deserve it.

But that's the best thing
about a good shepherd.

He doesn't ask if
you deserve his love.

He only asks that
you will accept it.

And if you will then
he'll be your shepherd


And you shall not
want for anything

that truly matters.

There will be peaceful places

where you can rest your spirit.

And He will restore
your broken soul.

And wherever you find yourself,

He will be there
pointing the way.

He will pour out so much
goodness and mercy

that it will overflow like a cup

held beneath a waterfall.

And if you ask Him,
James, you can dwell

on that very
mountaintop with the Lord


What about the valley?

I've seen the valley.

You can walk
through the valleys,

but there's no evil to fear.

For only the shadow
of death lingers there.

Death itself has no power.

That's why he has
prepared for you

a table in the presence
of your enemies.

Because there's
nothing to be afraid of.

And it's at such
a table as that,

that you can sit
and reason together.

I don't know if I can do that.

He will lead you on the paths

of righteousness, Jim.

Will you follow?

I'm not a righteous man.

God wants me to testify?

God always wants
the truth to be told.

But that's not the
important story in this paper.

That's the job I got fired from.

Somebody actually listened.


Lives were saved
because you spoke out.

One man was willing to stand up

and do the right thing.

You were that man, Jim.

You can be that man again.

Just call up to
the mountaintops,

and ask Him for directions.

Where you going?

I've got to do something.

I'll be back.

Jim... it doesn't
matter where we live,

or what our names are.

The only thing that matters

is that this family
stays together.

I love you, Shawn.

I love you, too.

Hello, Mr. Deane.

I know it's worth mine.

Your testimony is
the fed's entire case.

So here's how we'll play it.

You get amnesia, you live.

You testify, you die.

I don't want to die.

But I'm gonna
do the right thing.

I wish I'd done the
right thing before.

We wouldn't even be
sitting here right now.

I made a mistake and it's gonna
cost me and my family a lot.

It's gonna cost you everything.


I want my kids to know there's
something more important

in this life than...
just staying alive.

That's living or dying
for the right thing.

I can change my
name, my address.

Leave my whole life
behind for a new one.

God will always know who I am.

So will I.

Who are you, Mr. Deane?

What kind of legacy do you
want to leave your children?

Give me a break.

Check our Psalm 23.

Worked for me.

It's page 316.

- Okay, coast is clear.
- You'|| be on a plane

to your new home in an hour.

Move quickly and
go straight to the van.


What are you doing here?

Well... Tess
pulled some strings.




No, I'm Edgar Shepherd

from Madison, Wisconsin.


Grandpa... we're a family again.