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02x02 - #2

Posted: 05/01/23 12:57
by bunniefuu



What's that sound?


(MUFFLED): This one?

- Yeah, that one.

(MOUTH FULL): It's my cheesy poof.

- FRED: Your what?
- My cheesy poof.

- (IMITATING): Cheesy poof?
- My cheesy poof.

- I like suckin' on 'em.
- FRED: She sure do.

- Joel, come on, it's your turn.

- It's been his turn.
- I'm still deciding what to do.

- Joel, come on.
- Oh, my God.

Do you ever think about
what people do in your house?

Well, you know Joel made
a list of rules, so...

- So?
- TIFFANI: Exactly.

No one pays attention
to rules in a rental.

- Wait, seriously?

Yeah, seriously.

I don't think anybody would, like...

- do anything...
- What? Like...

- f*ck in your bed?
- They're definitely banging in your bed.

- And your couch.
- And on your kitchen counter

where you make those peanut
butter and jelly sandwiches.

- Ew, gross! No!

- Did you invite somebody else?


Is this where the party's at?

- Hi!

It's so exciting to
finally meet the g*ng.

- Can I get some hugs? Well, first...
- Me first.

- I gotta hug Fred.
- Hey, babe.

What is happening?


- Okay.

- Hi!
- Hi. Oh, my God!

- This is crazy, isn't it?
- Mm-hmm. Yes.


Just had a long drive.

I'm gonna go freshen up
and then you can deal me in.

FRED: Babe, you want me
to come up there with ya

- and help you get settled?
- No, no, no, babe.

- You stay here.
- You sure?

- I'll just be a few minutes.
- Okay.

- Joel. Still your turn.

- Um, "babe"?
- Babe?

- Who was that?
- Who was that?

Susan, my fiancée.

- Excuse me?
- What?

(WHEEZES) Your what?

What, I never mentioned her?

Uh, I don't believe so!

Y-you guys never listen
to me anyway, that's why.

(SIGHS) Oh, my God.

This is so mysterious!
I mean, congratulations,

but are you gonna fill us in?

Yeah, after you take your turn.

- Oh... Okay.
- W...

We're just gonna play cards
like that didn't happen?

- Don't worry about it.
- Oh, my God, full house.

- Oh, f*ck off!



Come on. Who doesn't love
a beautiful mathematician?

- Oh, Fred.
- (LAUGHS) What?

This woman right here?
She's like a mustang.

- I never thought I'd catch her.

The timing just never worked out.

I was dating someone, then
Fred wasn't available...

I thought all these
trips you were taking

- were to visit your mom.
- FRED: Well, you know, sort of,

but I needed a little help
with my, uh, arithmetic.


- So, when did you guys meet?
- SUSAN: Oh, when was grad school, hon?

- Um, what?
- SAM: Wait.

You... you went to grad school together?

FRED: Yeah, we were
friends at grad school,

and then, uh, a little bit more.

But then, she got engaged to some guy,

and then, she got
engaged to another guy.

Oh, that was a mistake.

- He was a pig.
- Copy that.

- FRED: But then, I, you know,

I slid in there, and let
her cry on my shoulder.

- Yeah, you did!
- FRED: Tiffani!

- SUSAN: Is that how it happened?

It's always been Fred for me.

He didn't want me to hide, so
I had to come out to my dad.

I said to him, "I'm dating
someone who is important to me.

He's trans, and I want you to know."

- That's really beautiful.
- So sweet.

Come on, I'm turning !

I'm not gonna play the field anymore.

Plus, I have this situation right here.

- Susie, you know,

she helps me tie my shoes
every single morning.

- That's love.

- Okay, how about some sh*ts, people?
- Yes!

TIFFANI: Yes, please.

ALL: sh*ts, sh*ts, sh*ts,
sh*ts, sh*ts, sh*ts!

- JOEL: Holy shit.
- SAM: Holy shit is right.

I cannot believe that Fred
was keeping that from us.

I know.

And that he's getting married.

I know!


I thought she was pretty great.

Uh, she was cool.

Just a little boring, but...

- What?

I don't know, I just...

think it seems a
little fast, that's all.

They've been together for years...

Yeah, but dating other
people, blah, blah, blah.

And now, he's just gettin'
married? What the f*ck?

I think it's wonderful.

They're so cute together.
They seem really happy.

You're happy for them, right?

Of course, I'm happy for them.

I just don't want her
playing poker with us

- every f*ckin' week.
- Sam!


Just kidding.

Don't worry.

I'll always tie your shoes for ya.

You gonna be all sweet to
me when I'm being a c**t?

- Kinda ruins my thing.

- Tender moment alert.
- Ah!

- Fart sound, fart sound. Get me outta here.

♪ ♪





It's five after.

If you're early, you're on time.
If you're on time, you're late.

Oh, my God, just do a cross-stitch.

- Why don't you just go in?
- 'Cause I'm not going in.

Well, I'm not going in either!

- I went in last time. It's your turn!
- Sam!

Please, I'm just... I'm too tender

to handle all of this
right now! I can't!

Can't you just... I mean...

We're going in together.
Gimme the laundry.

Fine, but if she says
anything, I'm leaving.

- SAM: So am I.
- Well, I'm leaving first.


- Hello. Mary Jo Miller.

Oh. Um, Sam?

No, that's her.

Uh, she put you on
the "no visitors" list.

Oh, just me?

- Yeah. Sorry.
- TRICIA: No. No, no, no.

Can you override that in the system?

- Uh...
- TRICIA: Is there like a

manager that we can talk to?

- Because...
- Karen, cool it.

See? You are her favorite.

If you try just a little bit harder,

I know she'll put you
on that "no fly" list.

I am making her take you off of it.

You're back in tomorrow.

Oh, my God, sometimes life just comes in

and tells you it loves
you back. (GIGGLES) Thanks.

♪ ♪

- Hey, how's it going? Good.
- Good.



What do you think these
are, gerbils or prairie dogs?

- I've never seen this set before.
- They're squirrels.

- Or muskrats.
- Muskrats! Oh yeah.

Okay, sir.

Here is your French toast,

and, uh, rest of the order
is gonna be out shortly.

Alright, but who sent this?

Y-you did, s...

It's just a joke.


- Did you have your coffee yet today?
- No.

You should have some more. (LAUGHS)

- God, I've missed you.
- Can I get a piece of that?

Of course, it's for
the table! Thank you.


So, kids, lay it on me.

What'd you think of Susan?

(SIGHS) I love her. I love her.

- I love you two together.
- Thank you.

- It's so nice.
- SAM: Yeah, totally.

I can't wait for the wedding.
When is the big day, by the way?

Alright, alright, settle
down. Before we get to that,

I want you both to be a part of it.

Now, Joel, I'd like you to officiate,

and Sammy, you gotta sing.

- Like, at the ceremony?
- Yes.

Are you sure?

Of course, I'm sure, you ding-dongs!

Who else am I gonna ask?

I-I don't wanna f*ck up your big day.

You can't f*ck it up.

- Alright, shit, I'm in.
- FRED: Okay, good.

Um, what were you thinking?
I don't know, could do, like,

- "Rock You Like a Hurricane."
- FRED: (LAUGHS) That is a good song,

but Susan has something in mind,

- so I'll send it to you when I get home.
- Okay.

I could also just be, like, a greeter,

or the person who
guards the gifts, or...

(LAUGHS) The person
that guards the gifts?

- Well, you know, from theft.
- FRED: Joel, come on.

You're family.

I want you standing
up there with me, okay?

- Your buddy needs you.
- Okay.

Now, kids.

I need to have the big pieces.

I gotta keep my figure for the big day.


I wonder if this is
good for my diabetes.


JOEL: Fred!

SAM: With all due respect,

what exactly are we looking for today?

It's Fred, so I was thinking
something really sweet,

- but also edible.
- Okay.

The real question is,
what am I gonna say?

(SIGHS) I don't know what to say

in front of a big audience at a wedding.

Yeah, you do, Joel. Just...

get up there, and speak from your heart.

Oh, speaking of your
heart, Clone-A-p*ssy.


I'm gonna make one of those for you

and put it right on your nightstand.

- (EFFEMINATE): No, thank you.

(NORMAL): Look at this
one. Looks like it could

take care of two things at once.

- Sign me up.
- Yes.

Oh, this is more us.

Sex gummies and...

kissable body powder?

- Uh-oh. Here comes a little tickler.

Tickle, tickle.

If you start it, you better
be ready to finish it.

- Okay, I'm puttin' it back.
- Okay.


You know, I have, um, I have the song.

Oh. Well, what is it?

Hm, it's...

Listening to it, it's kinda...

I don't know, see what you think.

- Oh, I love this song.
- I mean, Joel, I can't sing this.

I can't sing this style of music.

Are you kidding? You're gonna k*ll it.

- You're gonna k*ll it!
- Maybe...

Maybe Susan has, like,
a sweet little niece

that can sing all these
sweet little notes,

and then I'll get up at the reception

when everybody's shit-faced
and do my thing then.


- You're not crying.

- Are you f*cking crying? Come on, Joel.

It's just so beautiful.

You singing that song with
Fred up there at the altar,

Susan in her beautiful dress.

- It's gonna be great.
- Mm...

Need help with anything?

Yeah, I need so much help.

I'd like something that
can split me in half.

♪ ♪


Well... Hey there!

Oh, hi!


- What are you doing out here in Junction City?
- Oh.

Uh, you know, I...

I love that drive.

The scenery, and, um...

S-so, how are you? What
is going on with you?

- It's so good to see you! Yes!
- Oh, great seeing you.

Gosh, I miss Tender Moments.

You girls had such a great thing.

Mm, yes. Thank you.

But, Tricia is doing so well out there!

- Selling those houses.
- Mm.

Actually, I'm Tricia.

- Ah, well the other one. Um...
- Yes.

- Charity! Oh s...
- Yes.

Selling those houses.

Boy, isn't she?

- Just selling. Selling it, right?

- Ooh, yeah!
- Yeah! Yep.

- I-I mean, you're doing great.
- Yeah! Yes.

- I am. I am, uh...
- Yeah.

I'm doing really, really
great. Like, great.

- (GASPS) Great.
- Um, yes. So,

really, um...

Ah, I love these!
These are my favorites.

- My downfall.
- Oh yeah!

- Well, I will let you get back to this,

and I will get back to this. It's...

- really so good to see you.
- Great seeing you.

- Mm-hmm, bye!
- Bye.




Selling the f*ck outta those houses.


♪ ♪


SAM: Ring size... . .

So, I think the last
thing I need to know

is what stone you'd like.

- What do you recommend?
- You know what,

we have this camo that's pretty cool.

- Great.
- Alright, let's do it!

And that is all I need,

so I'll just give you
a call when it's ready.

- Sounds good.
- Thank you.

Congrats, Drew.

- Nice sale!

Thank you. (LAUGHS)

Hey, Ray, I was wondering

if Stephanie likes her voice teacher?

Oh yeah, she's terrific!

I keep telling everyone

Stephanie decided to go to K-State

'cause she didn't wanna
leave dear old Dad.

The truth is, she just loves Darlene.

Promised to still go to
a couple games with me,

- so I'm not complaining.
- Wait, a-are you talking about Darlene Edwards?

- Yep.
- Wow.

- She's still around.
- Oh, yeah.

Fall recital's next week.

- Sounds pretty wild.
- Hey.

Don't knock it till you come.

You never know, you never know.

Stephanie'd love it. She'd love it.

TRICIA: Look at this bitch. Look at her.

Look at this f*cking bitch!

Oh, my God. (SIGHS)


Okay. Alright.

Why don't you put this on
your page, you f*cking bitch?

Lying c**t.

(SING-SONG): Just keep telling
yourself you're happy. You're not.

- Hi, whore.

♪ ♪



(QUIETLY): Do you think
we're freaking anyone out?


Well, everyone here is very clearly

- a blood relative of one of the singers.
- (LAUGHS) No.

We're fans of the arts. We're
supporting our community.

Basically, this is like a classy
night out at the Met, you know?

Or the middle school.


- Potato, potato.

- Buckle up.
- Why?


- Looks exactly the same.

- I like her sparkles.
- Yeah.

Good evening! I'm Darlene Edwards,

and welcome to our fall recital.

The students have worked so hard,

and I very much hope you'll appreciate

the fruits of their dedication.




- Is that what hope and promise look like?

- I think it actually is.
- I think so. (LAUGHS)


Hi, I am Stephanie Elliot, and
I am singing "Widmung."

- Oh, this is Ray's kid.


- She looks nervous.
- Yeah.


(GASPS) Schumann.



Oh, this part fucks me up.

JOEL: How do you know all of this?

Satisfies my depressive side.

- I guess it's better than dr*gs.
- Mm...


Maybe Fred should hire her for
the wedding. She's really good.

- Sam!
- What?

I'm just kidding. Kind of.


- Oh no.

- This is unexpected.

JOEL: What grade do you think he's in?

My name is Brad Schraeder.
I will be singing.

"Danza, danza, fanciulla gentile."








- I mean, you gotta give it to him.

- He really left it all on the floor.
- Yes, he did.

- And so did I. I think I just wet my pants.

♪ ♪



Hi, uh, Mrs. Edwards?

- I don't know if you remember me...
- Sam Miller?


Oh, I haven't seen you
since you were... ?

- Yeah, well, I-I still basically am.

That was, um, that was great.

- Oh, thank you. They're a good crop.
- Yeah.


I don't know if, um, if
you're taking new students,

but, um, I was wondering
if we might be able

to pick up where we left off?

We stopped before we really got started.

I-I know. (LAUGHS)

But, I have this thing, and, um...

I think you really
might be able to help me.

(SIGHS) I'd love that.

Uh, you wanna stop by Tuesday?

PM before my school kids?

- Yep.
- We can find you a spot.

That works. (LAUGHS)

- Oh, this is going to be fun.
- Thank you.

I'mma let you get back to
all your fans. Very popular.

- (LAUGHS) Oh, Sam.
- (LAUGHS) Yeah?

Bring a cassette tape.

I remember. (LAUGHS)

(GASPS) Nicky...


It's a family recipe.

Ham wrapped around a
pickle and cream cheese.

We call it St. Louis sushi.

(LAUGHS) Oh. Wow, okay.

It all makes sense in your mouth.

- Oh, does it?
- Yeah.

Tell me what you think. It's addictive!

- Oh, is it? (LAUGHS)
- Yeah. (LAUGHS)

(SIGHS) Well, I did it.

Might be a terrible idea,
but I'm starting on Tuesday.

- I got you a plate.
- (SNIFFS) Oh, thank you.

Um, what the f*ck is this?


It's called St. Louis sushi,

- and it's courtesy of...
- Oh.



- Oh, well then, we have to. Cheers.



Kinda good, but kinda gross?

- My exact thoughts!

SAM: If you're choking
on it, it's working.





you're feeling down ♪

♪ Nothing feels alright ♪

♪ Go outside, face the light ♪

♪ Make your troubles right ♪



♪ I know why you're scared, hey, girl ♪

♪ It's alright ♪

♪ It's a big, big world out there ♪

♪ Now, you cannot hide ♪

♪ Get your act together ♪

♪ It doesn't break my world ♪

♪ It's alright, we'll stick together ♪

♪ In a few, in a few ♪

♪ Now, you found the
light that's calling ♪

♪ Now, the world is waiting for you ♪

♪ And the world is warm and splendid ♪

♪ Just as it would be ♪


- SAM: Hey.

Hey, how you doing?

okay. How you doing?

- Yeah, pretty good.
- JOEL: Good!

- Today was fun, right?
- JOEL: Oh, it was really fun.

Hey, I-I just need to hold on for

- one quick second, please.
- JOEL: Okay...

- Oh shit!



Oof! Oof! Oh!


- (BEEP)

Yeah, hey, I'm here.
Sorry, had a call. (PANTING)

Hey, are you... That
was fun though, right?

Are... Joel, a-are you feeling okay?

You know, I was gonna ask you...

- Can you hold on just a second? Oh God!

- Oh! Oh no!

- Oh! Oh, ow.


Hey, I'm back. (SNIFFS)

(GASPS) Joel, um...

Something seems to be
happening here. It's bad.

Oh God, I'm so glad
because something really bad

is happening to me, too.

- Oh, Joel!

- (BEEP)

JOEL: Oh, I gotta go! I gotta...

- Hold on, hold on, hold on!
- (BEEP)


Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!


- (BEEP)
- Okay, I'm back. I'm back.

Joel, if we don't... if we
don't make it till tomorrow,

- please... Oh no!

- Oh, my God, mute! I'm sorry! (LAUGHING)

JOEL: Oh jeez! Ooh, I
heard that! I heard that!

- SAM: Oh, my God, I swear to God,

if you ever tell anybody

what just happened to my assh*le,

- I will come over there!

I do not have the words to explain

what just happened to your assh*le.

I'm sorry, I'm not sorry.

- JOEL: It was the St. Louis sushi!
- I know!

- It was that f*cking guy!

- Oh no! Oh no, Joel.

I dropped my phone!

- I can't reach my phone!

- This is a new level of intimacy.

I know. (SIGHS) Oh, I gotta wipe.

Oh, Joel.

- (LAUGHS) Oh no.
- JOEL: W-what?

Well, I have some real bad news for me.

It appears I left the toilet
paper in the back of my truck.




♪ ♪