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07x03 - The Invitation

Posted: 05/02/23 05:28
by bunniefuu
I'm home.

- Babe?
- Hey!

Out here.


Hi, honey.

I stopped by the salon
to walk home with you.

Oh, uh, Millie
canceled her perm.

How come you walked, though?

I thought the car was
gonna be ready today.

Oh, it's ready.

850 bucks.

So, it's just gonna sit there?

Can we pay them
back a little every week?

Mechanics like cash, honey.

Or credit cards.

You know, maybe
we ought to cancel

this party thing on Tuesday.

No way.

I already bought everything
for the lasagna and... no.

What do you think?

It's beautiful.

Or horrible.

Or whatever it's supposed to be.

Do you know what
jack-o'-lanterns are for?

To scare away the evil spirits.


You don't need a
pumpkin for that baby...

Just show them
the car repair bill.

It's not enough, is it?

No, it's not.

There's only one thing that'll
scare the Evil One away.

And it's definitely not
an orange vegetable

with a candle stuck in it.

He's here, isn't he?

Yes, he is.

Who's he after?


Satan is like a roaring lion

roaming through the
streets of the world,

searching for somebody,
anybody he can devour.

Like Annie and Rick.

Like everybody
in the world, baby.

And God sent me.

God sent you, he sent
me and he sent Andrew.

Andrew's got his
job, I've got my job.

And I want you to
stay right with Annie

until this whole thing is over.

All right.

And remember, baby,
whatever God can create,

Satan can counterfeit.

So he could be
anything or anybody.

The worst part is most
people don't see him coming

till it's almost too late.

Just like a lion.

Just... like... a lion.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

♪ When you can't
move the mountain ♪

♪ That's standing in your way ♪

♪ I came to tell you God can ♪

♪ I said God can ♪

♪ And when you can't
turn the darkness ♪

What is that?

Somebody's singing
hymns or something.

♪ God can, God can:

♪ Oh, God can, God can ♪

♪ And when you cannot
find the answers... ♪

She's got a nice voice.

I always wished I
could sing like that.

Yeah, well, I don't want
to listen to it all the time.

You listen to the jukebox
in the bar all the time.

What's the difference?

The difference is I can unplug

the jukebox if I want to.

What, what's the matter, babe?

No, nothing, nothing.

Oh, so-somebody must
know Halloween is coming

'cause you are kicking
like the devil in there,

aren't you, baby?


Looks like we're both
waiting on someone.

Who are you waiting on?


Annie Higuerra... me, too.

She's gonna have a baby.


Yeah, we're friends.

Hey, Dennis, right on time.

Annie Higuerra.

My name is
Monica... can we talk?

- I'm here about the job.
- Uh, sure.

I mean, you're welcome
to take a look around

and see what you think.

I mean, it's not like I got more
business than I can handle.


All I need is a hundred
dollars a week rent,

and you keep whatever
you make on manicures.

Oh, and we'll split Dennis' pay.

Dennis works here?

Yeah, you know,
sweeping up, odd jobs.

He doesn't have a mother and
his dad is off drunk somewhere

half the time, so...

I try to slip him lunch
every time I can.

Where's this stuff go?

We're decorating...
It's my favorite holiday.

Actually it isn't a holiday
at all because "holiday"

means "Holy Day,"
and there's nothing holy

about a bunch of idiots
dressed up like hobgoblins

running around in the dark.

I was thinking of
doing something special

for our party, you know?

Like, um, bobbing for apples

or having a séance or something.

I've never been to a séance.

It's scary enough having
to talk to living people.

Millie, you coming to my party?

Not if I got to dress up.

Oh, come on.

That's half the fun.

Oh, Monica, you can come, too.

Um, it'll just be the six of us.

Well, I've never actually been
to a Halloween party before.

Well, then you have to come.

And-and remember, everybody
has to come as something.

Tell you what.

Why don't I come
as an ex-customer?

That's not very
creative, Millie.

Oh, for heaven's sakes,
Clara, your rollers are too tight.

And what are these?

What? What you got there?


Tay... tay-rot cards?

Tarot cards.

Where did you find these?

They were right here in the box.

I wonder where those came from.

You remember that
hippie girl that used

to come in here all the time?

Smelled just like a muskrat?

I bet you they belong to her.

She was always going on about
fortune telling and herbal tea.

She had very nice
bells on her dress.

Can you really tell the
future with those things?


I see it on TV all the time.

You know those fortune
tellers that you call up?

They use tarot cards
and they tell you

all kinds of
incredible things like...

I saw this one where the
psychic lady could tell that the girl

on the phone had two
different boyfriends,

just from reading the cards.

Oh, Annie.

Millie, you give me 24
hours to learn how to do this,

and if I can prove that
tarot cards are for real,

then you have to
come to my party.

And why do I care if
you do or you don't?

If I don't, then your
next perm's for free.

Oh, well, couldn't hurt.

Yeah, I know car
repairs are expensive.

Well, at least let
me call I guy I know

who could shave a couple
a hundred off that 850.

No, really.

But thanks.

Eh, your loss, my friend.

Back to work.

Cal here.

Hey, Mikey.

You decide?



Well, I can give you
five-to-one on that.

Hey. You Rick?

Yeah. Andrew?


Let me show you what
I was talking about.


There's a heck of a
leak going on down here,

and we can't figure out
where it's coming from.

All right.

Oh, yeah.

Well, it shouldn't be a
problem, but it looks like

you could use a whole newline.

Might take a couple days.

Okay. It's pretty slow in
here during the day, so...

You know, just, uh...

that guy over there on
the phone, making book,

he might not appreciate me
banging around under the bar.

Okay, listen, I'm not
gonna play dumb with you,

but, I mean, what am I gonna do?

Kick out the only
guy in here that tips?

He'll be gone soon enough.

These guys, they use your
phone for a couple of weeks,

and... then move on.

Oh, yeah, they, uh...
they roam around.

You got it.

♪ Oh, God can ♪

♪ And when you need someone ♪

♪ To wipe away your tears... ♪

♪ God can ♪

- ♪Oh, yes, God can... ♪
- ♪ God can... ♪

Oh, man...

I forgot to record
the rent check.

We've got less than I thought.

Oh, you're not
gonna believe this.

You just said that...
Look what card came up.

The six... six of pentacles,
six of pentacles...

"Prosperity, financial balance."

♪ Please remember this ♪

- ♪ My friend... ♪
- We got money coming.

Honey, I love
you, but you crazy.

I'm going to bed.

Oh... Did we get any mail today?

Yeah, it's over there.

♪ Oh, yes, God can... ♪

Everything is threes.

Pentacles and threes.

Three must be your lucky number.

I don't believe it.


It's from your mom's lawyer.

It's more money
from her estate, babe.

What?! I thought we got it all.

Oh, my gosh... $4,500?

It happened, Rick.

It happened just like the
cards said... oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God.


A " When you are
at your weakest A"

♪ He'll fill you with
his strength... ♪

Any sign of him?

No, but he left
his calling card.

Tarot cards, actually.


Why waste any time
trying to destroy someone

when you can get them
to do it to themselves?

It's very smart.

It's very dangerous.

Do you have any idea who it is?

The Enemy can fake anything.


I've got my suspicions but, uh,

we're just going to have to wait

for him to make a
mistake and show himself.

And when that happens,

we're going to have to be ready.

I Yes, God can... I


Four thousand...?

Five hundred dollars.

Oh, my! Oh, my goodness.


It's chipped.

One day, and it's
chipped already.

I'm sorry, Millie.

If you sit down,
I'll fix it for you.

Well, thank you. Clara.

What are you doing here?

And what are you “oh,
my goodness-ing“ about?

Last night, the cards predicted

prosperity for me and Rick.

Look what came in the mail.

That is an "oh, my goodness."

You shouldn't be waving
that around, Annie.

You never know who
might be watching.

So, Monica...

how do you feel about
this tarot business?

Well, it seems to me that
every minute of your time

that you spend
reading your future

is a minute from your present

that is stolen from you.

A philosopher manicurist.

Oh, this is strange.

The swords seem to be saying

that you're unaware of danger.

Oh, uh... a great power is

trying to hurt you.

Like, um... like a lion.

Maybe that's why
this card came up.

Lions have always scared me.

Now, see?

There you go.

An African lion is going
to escape from the zoo,

just so he can attack you

while you're getting
your hair tinted.

Don't laugh.

That check came out of the blue,

and so could a... a...

I-I think I'm going
to go home now.

Oh, Clara, for heaven's sakes.

Are you coming to my
party tomorrow night?

I don't know. I...

I just... I just hate
going out after dark.

Yeah, I'll pick it up
later! I can call you!

Excuse me. Oh... hmm!



Don't leave me, please!

I'll go with her.

I don't want to be alone!

Just what I wanted,

to spend my entire afternoon
in an emergency room.

I'm sorry. You'll have
to follow us in your car.

Look here.

Don't mess with me.

My nails are wet, okay?

Excuse me.

If it wasn't for you,
Clara'd be dead.

But if Clara hadn't been looking
over her shoulder for a lion,

she wouldn't have
walked in front of a truck.

I saw a lion.

I saw danger, and...
that's what happened.

Oh, sh**t, I almost
forgot about this.

Dennis, would you mind
running this over to Rick for me?

Yeah, sure.

Tell him I signed it already,

um, just... he just needs to
put the account number on it

and deposit it.

- No problem.
- Okay. Thanks.

Oh, Monica, you can
go home if you want.

No, I'll stay.

Is this your first one?


Boy or girl?

Oh, we don't know yet.

We did that sonogram thing,

but the baby's in the
wrong position to see...

Well, you know... It
doesn't matter anyway,

as long as it's healthy.

It's off to a great start.

Healthy baby, two great parents.

Annie's the best.

But I'm... I don't know.


I mean, look at
me, I'm a bartender.

I mean, I wanted to
start my own restaurant,

but the mill closed,

and no one in Pottstown
goes out anymore.

What kind of restaurant?

Well, Annie's got this
amazing lasagna recipe.

We're not exactly
Italian, but what can I say?

- Mm-hmm.
- It was a dream, anyway.

Well, you got the dream.

All you need now is a plan.

I've been working on one.

Then, last night, this big
check shows up out of nowhere.

I mean, just when we're
about to lose our insurance.

And now that's covered,
and we can pay the rent,

and get the car out of the shop.

And we can even start
a fund for the restaurant.

That's good.

I'm happy for you.

What's this about a check?

- You get some money?
- Yeah.

How much?

4,500 bucks.

Whoa! That's a lot of money.

Suppose you're just
going to blow it all

on monthly bills, right?

What do you mean?

It's just that if you let
me invest the dough,

I could double it,
maybe even triple it.

That's not the plan, Cal.

I can't take a chance like that.

I mean, we lose our
medical insurance

and we're finished.

Besides, I left the
check at home.

Hey, Rick... Hey, Dennis.

Listen, I'm sorry, I
can't have kids in here.

I'm not staying. Annie just
wanted me to bring this over.

She's already signed
it and everything.

But you're not going to
believe what happened.

Hang on, little man.

We're in the middle of a
conversation here, okay?

Look, Rick, you
got a kid on the way.

You want to cover the
insurance for a couple of months,

or a couple of years?

You know Annie's friend Clara?

Well, Annie looked
at her tarot cards

and said she was going
to get hurt by a lion.

And then this big
truck almost hits her...

She broke her arm... And
guess what it was called?

Lyon's Cargo.


Annie's cards said
it would happen,

and then it did.


Maybe you ought
to have the old lady

read those cards for you.

Yeah, she already
read the cards for us.

She said we're
on a lucky streak.

And bingo!

A check arrives.
I'd call that luck.

I'd call that good timing.


Rick, you need this money.

Annie's really good
at those cards, though.


She said that, um,

the number three was
gonna be lucky for me.

Now you're talking.

Oh, this is unbelievable.

You want a sure thing?

How about a horse
called "Three By Three"

in the third at
Belmont tomorrow?

He's going off at... ten to one.

That's 45 grand, my friend.

Oh, my... Kismet.

What's a kismet?

It means fate.

Listen, Dennis,

you can't tell Annie
about this, okay?

I want to surprise her.

Cross my heart and hope to die.


Here's $4,500 on Three By Three

to win in the third.

Good move, kid.

You're gonna thank me for this.

♪ And when you can't
turn the darkness ♪

♪ Into the light of day ♪

What's wrong?

♪ We got good news
for you, God can... ♪

Are you sure my
lucky number's three?

Yeah, it's three.


- Just asking.
- ♪ And when you cannot find ♪

♪ the answers to all of
your doubts and fears... ♪


- ♪ Listen... ♪
- I can't take this anymore.


I don't know who you are,

but I want you to
stop singing right now.

Oh, you do, huh?


I mean, y-you're
driving me nuts.

And my wife, she's
expecting a baby,

and you're keeping her awake.

Oh... Well, in that case,

please forgive me.


- Good night.
- Good night.


- I've done all I can do.
- You're leaving?

I can't stay where
I'm not wanted.

I sang as much as I could,

and I... I hope it's enough.

God bless you, baby.

And please, remember...

don't leave Annie alone.

Happy Halloween.

Nice costume.

Annie, do you mind
if I lock the door?

Uh, Clara, Clara...
She's driving me crazy.

She won't be alone.

I mean, she won't even go
outside unless I come get her.

You can't live your life in fear

just because the cards
told you to be afraid.

Well, they didn't
tell her to be afraid.

They told her to be careful.

Yeah, but they-they
created the fear.

And the fear
created the accident.

You understand
that, don't you, Millie?

Well, it was coincidental.

Does this mean you're
coming to my party, then?

Well, I'm gonna give
you one more shot.

You can read my cards.

Didn't you learn
anything yesterday?

How could she learn anything
when she already knows it all?

Uh, Clara... go
sit in the corner,

or I'm gonna let the boogeyman
have his way with you.


Okay... you have
to shuffle the deck,

and think of the question
you want answered.

All right.

First card.

This is your present situation.

The Emperor.

And it's upside down.

There's something
standing in your way,

preventing you from
getting where you want to go.


The five of swords.

An old enemy returns
to settle a score.

What does that mean?

Well, it could mean anything.

Um, it could be a
person, a thing...

This next card
will narrow it down.

Oh... What?

Well, it's... the death card.

But... remember, I'm
still kind of new at this.

Okay, I can't guarantee
what it means.

An old enemy returns with death.

That's what it means.

They're just pieces
of cardboard.

Don't assume that
they mean anything.

That's what makes
them dangerous.

You know, yesterday, I would
have thought you were crazy.

But I'm a practical woman,

and I believe in facts.

And the fact is, the
money showed up,

the lion showed up,

and my old pal's
gonna show up, too.

Come on, Clara.

See you tonight?

I'll let you know. Come on.

Ow, oh... Are you
all right, Annie?


And I think somebody in there

is getting a little
impatient for the party.

ANNOUNCER: And they're off

for the third race, here
in the rain at Belmont.

Three by Three, the long
shot, takes the early lead,


Followed closely, by the
way, by Simple Simon.

Come on, Three by
Three, man, you got to win.

-Then it's Murphy's Law,
-Let's go, Three by Three.

-Fabulously... Simple Simon
-Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Making a run as they
round the second turn.

- Oh, come on, yes.
- It's Simple Simon and Three by Three

- You can do this, Three by Three.
- Pulling away.

- Come on. Keep going.
- Simple Simon, Three by Three.

-Keep going, move, move,
-And here comes Murphy's Law

-Go, go, go, go,
-on the outside.

“Go, go! go! go"- -It's
a three-horse race.

- Go, go, come on...
- It's Three by Three,

- come on... let's go, man.
- Simple Simon, Murphy's Law,

-Come on. Going
into the final stretch.

-No, no, -Three
by Three is fading.

- Come on, move up, move up.
- Simple Simon

and Murphy's Law,
and at the finish line,

it's Simple Simon with the
win, Murphy's Law to place,

and Three by Three to show.

Once again, ladies
and gentlemen,

that's Simple
Simon with the win,

Murphy's Law to place,
and Three by Three to show.

Tough break, kid.

I'm sorry, Rick.


He came in third.

Three is my lucky number.

Where's your costume, Dennis?

-At home.

Well, you'll have
to go get it soon.

What are you gonna be?

It's a surprise.

Oh, it's a mystery then.

Hello, Annie's All That Salon.

- Hey, it's Rick.
- Oh, hello, Rick.

- Is Annie there?
- No, she's in the ladies' room.

I have to work tonight; I
won't be coming to the party.

Oh... wouldn't you
like to tell her yourself?

No, would you just
tell her for me, please?

Okay, yeah, we'll miss you.

- Bye.
- Bye.

Annie, Rick just called.

Oh, good. Did you remind
him to stop by the apartment

and pick up the lasagna?

He can't come to
the party, Annie.

He has to work late.

I couldn't tell her.

And I can't face her.

Not yet.

Oh, man.


She is gonna k*ll me.

Well, she doesn't have to know.

She's gonna know, Cal.

Well, no, not necessarily.

I'll call some friends I know.

You do them a couple
of favors someday,

and they put 4,500 in
your pocket tonight, cash.

If you know what I mean.

Yeah, Cal, he knows
what you mean,

- and he's not interested.
- Hey,

why don't you shut up and
let the man speak for himself?

Rick, he's bad news.

Walk away.

You know, I was so sure.

I mean, those cards were
right about everything else.

Those cards got
you to lie to your wife.

You managed, in
a couple of hours,

to gamble thousands
of dollars away.

And now you're thinking

about going in debt
to a loan shark?

Or worse?

Rick, this is how
people ruin their lives.

Just like this.

Believe me, there's nothing
right about those cards.

Just forget about them.

Forget about Cal.

Whatever you've lost today,

you've still got Annie.

You've got a baby on the way.

Don't risk losing all that.

Look, Cal, -I get it.

I'm out of here.

There's other phones, you know.

Other losers.

I can't tell you how
glad I am to see him go.

Okay, Clara, you can let go now.

Hi, Millie.

Hi, Clara.

Were you girls on
your way to the party?

Well, actually,
something's come up,

and I'm not gonna be able to go.

I was hoping you would
take Clara the rest of the way.

Well, I have to work tonight.

Oh, well...

Clara, honey, maybe you
could just run really fast.


I need a scotch.

But what about poor Annie?

She-She's been planning
this party for weeks.

Well, she's still got the
kid and that Monica woman.

Monica does
manicures at the salon.

She's cute, but slow.

You married?

No, ma'am.

Millie, you know,

I don't think I've
ever seen you drink.

Well, when an old enemy
returns to settle a score,

you just got to be ready.

I just can't imagine you
having an enemy in the world.

And that's what makes
you so very Clara.

Barkeep, one for the road.

Just keep them coming.

This world is just
dangerous, Andrew.

When you've been
living as long as I have,

you'll understand.

I just hope that when the
cards tell you something,

you won't ignore it.

If I'd paid more attention,

this probably wouldn't
have happened.

It's... like a sign.

I don't belong out
there anymore.

Okay, let's say it is a sign.

Then the question is:

Who sent it?

She's right, you know.

We don't pay enough
attention to the signs

until it's too late.

Well, I've been
trying to change that.

You're a good kid, Rick.

Listen, if something
were to happen to me...

You and Annie,

you'd look out for
Clara, wouldn't you?


Of course we would.

But nothing's gonna
happen to you.

Things happen all the time.

Excuse me.

That old enemy,
I know who it is.

It's cancer.

I beat it once, but
it's coming back,

and I just can't go
through that again.

The chemo, the
radiation, the fear...

I... I won't do it.

I won't.

I just want this to
be over with fast.

Oh, Millie...
you've been lied to.

I'm gonna tell you the truth.

You're not gonna die of cancer,

and you're not
gonna die tonight.

And how do you know this?

I'm an angel.

And God sent me here to tell you

that he wants you to live.

Where's Millie and Clara?

I don't know.

They're late; Rick can't come.

Oh, well, at least you're here.

Now, Monica, if you'll
take those back to recycling,

I think we'll be ready.


I'll just be a minute.

Don't start without me.

Hey, we can't start

till you put on your costume.


I'm kind of hungry, though.

Oh, no, the
lasagna's still at home.


Dennis, tell Monica
I'll be right back.

I went to go get it.


And, uh, go put on your costume?




She isn't here, is she?

I don't know what happened.

I went into the back room
for just a moment, and...

The Devil only needs
a moment, baby.

Now, don't waste a
lot of time feeling bad.

He deceives everybody.

Just go and find her.

And remember, baby,

you're not just
fighting for Annie alone.

There's more at stake.

There's the future
of a little boy.

Go on.



Hey, yourself.

We haven't been
properly introduced.

I'm Tess.

I'm, um You're Rick, I know.

And her name is Clara.

- Hey, Tess.
- Hey, baby.

What is that g*n?!

He's coming, isn't he?

Your enemy's coming, and
now you're gonna sh**t him.

Millie's enemy is
not coming back.

But there is another enemy
that we need to discuss.

Sit down, baby.

This is gonna
take a little time.

And Andrew, will you
get rid of that thing?

What the...?

Now what you've
just seen is not magic

and it's not strength;

it's simply a demonstration
of something that people

don't think about too much,

and that's the fact that
there's more going on

in the world than you realize.

What you see
is not all there is.

There is God.

There are angels.

There is good and evil.

And there is a battle going on

that you all don't even
know you're fighting.

And that's why I'm here,
and that's why Andrew's here.

We're angels.

Is this some kind of joke?

Oh, no, no, it's true.

I know this is hard
for you to believe,

but we want you
to listen to us, okay?

Really listen.

Angels are messengers from God.

And our message usually is:
"God exists and God loves you."

He does, you know.

He really does.

But tonight, there's
more to the message.

Satan exists, and he hates you.

He hates anything
that God loves.

Oh, dear!

Oh, my goodness! Well, well...

Stop babbling.

Let the angel talk.

There's a lot of trouble
going on around here:

Gambling, paranoia,
even thoughts of su1c1de.

And it's all because you
put your faith in these.

Now these cards aren't
smart and they're not psychic.

They're just little pieces of
paper with pictures on 'em.

But when you put them down
and start asking them questions,

you're giving Satan
an invitation to come in

and give you an answer.

Now some of the
answers are lies,

and some of them
are almost true.

But they're always the answer
that he wants you to hear.

And the problem is you've
been listening to him.

And he's got you exactly
where he wants you.

You're emotionally paralyzed.

You're sitting in a
bar on Halloween night

as opposed to where
you're supposed to be.

Annie's party.

That's right.

Why does the Devil
care if we go to a party?

I mean, why would he
even bother with us at all?

Because he wants
you out of the way.

He's a magician.

He's got you busy
looking over here

at tarot cards, lucky
numbers and a boogeyman,

so you won't notice
what he's doing over here.

He wants you to miss that party

because he wants
Annie all by herself.

Yeah, but she's not by herself.

I mean, Dennis is
there, and Monica, right?


Den... Dennis... Hey, Annie.

Call 911... Call 911!

Don't you want to
see my costume?

Annie, I'm here.

Oh, yeah, here
comes the light show.

I love it when you guys do that.

Oh, Monica, there's
something wrong.

It's too soon.

God... God, Monica, call 911.

Yeah, Monica, go-go call 911.

Annie, I can't.

I can't leave you, and
Dennis knows that.

I turned my back on him
once; I won't do it again.

I won't leave you
alone with the Devil.

The Devil?


You see, I'm an angel, Annie.

God sends me to
earth to tell His children

that He is real and
that He loves you.

But there's something
else I must tell you tonight...

Satan is real, too.

- Dennis?
- Yes.

I know he looks
like a little boy,

but that's because the
Devil is a liar and a deceiver.

Even I was deceived.

Now I see him for
what he really is...

A beast...

a monster who hates
everything that is good

and everything that can be good.

God loves you. He
loves you so much.

And He loves this little boy
that you're going to have.

A boy!

I'm having a boy.

Not if I can help it.

Listen to me, Annie.

Dennis thought that if he
brought you here alone,

there would be no one to
help you, but he was wrong.

There is someone.

Someone who loves you,
but you must call out to Him.

If you call on His name,
then the Enemy must leave.


Oh, darn! Passed right out, huh?

Hey, these things happen.

Almighty God, Father in Heaven,

help us now, please.

Help us.

Please, Father.

She's not answering
at the salon or at home.

I'm calling the police.

No, baby, the police don't
know how to fight a thing like this.

Well, then you better
tell me who does,

'cause I'm not just gonna sit
here while Annie's in danger.

Did I say anything
about sitting here?

And if you want to know who's
gonna fight the Devil, you are!

- Me?
- The three of you.

You're gonna have to put on
your armor and stand up to him

for yourselves, for Annie,
for the baby and for the world.

Uh, can we have the g*n back?

You don't need the g*n.

We're not dealing with
flesh and blood here.

The Devil didn't hit you
in the head with a rock.

He got to you through the
things that you fear the most.

And that's how we've
got to get to him.

And the only
thing he's scared of

is the presence
of the living God.

How do we get that?

You ask for it.

You pray.

I don't know how to do that.

Yes, you do.

Why do you think I moved
into the apartment next door?

That wasn't just
singing I was doing.

Tess, it's time.

We have to go.

Annie, Annie, you must wake up.

You must wake up.

Take your time.

Annie, Annie, don't give up.

Don't give up. You
have to have this baby.

Annie, what you have to
do is take care of yourself.

Go back to sleep.

There'll be other kids.

Trust me.

This one doesn't matter.

All babies matter to God, Annie.

And this one even
matters to him.

He knows that every child
is a precious gift from God,

born with a purpose
and the potential

to make a difference
in the world.

I think that's why Dennis
is especially worried

about this little boy.

He knows that he's
something special,

and that someday he may grow
up to do great things for God.

And that scares the
Devil very much, Annie.

Oh, I'm so scared... I
know you are, Annie.

But you don't have
to fight this by yourself.

God will fight this for
you, if you ask Him.

Just call out to Him.

The Enemy cannot stand
in the presence of God.

Help me...

Tell me what to do!
Tell me what to say!

I... What do I say?

What do I say?

Annie... Well, I'd
say that's about it

for her, wouldn't you?

♪ When you can't turn... ♪

♪ God can... ♪

We can't sing and have a
baby at the same time, can we?

OTHERS: ♪ Yes, God can ♪

♪ My God can do more for
you than you would ask or think ♪

♪ Because He holds
almighty power in His hand ♪

♪ And when you
can't see your way ♪

♪ Just remember
this, my friend ♪

♪ God can, God can... ♪

When one voice stops,
God will always raise up

other voices to
take up the song.

♪ ...He holds almighty
power in His hand ♪

Annie, Annie, are you okay?

I'm here, baby, I'm here.

- Did she have the baby?
- Did she fall down?

This isn't over.

But now they know
how to fight you.

Oh, Rick, the baby is coming.

I'm here, Annie.

Okay, uh, Clara,
call the doctor.

Rick, just hold her head, okay?

Don't let her
push till it's time.