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04x23 - The Chicago Connection

Posted: 05/02/23 06:16
by bunniefuu
("T.J. Hooker Theme"
by Mark Snow")

(electronic jazz music)

(fire crackles)

- I hate to keep
this guy waiting.

He's gonna throw
us a lot of business.

Mr. Steiger's gonna
give me a medal for this.

- Eh, you're doin'
it again, Louie.

You're counting
your chickens again.

- Ooh, let's warm 'em, eh?

Yeah, it sure is
good to see you guys.

You got the right idea.

- Yo man, I don't let
nobody stick it to me.

I don't care if you're runnin'
this whole neighborhood,

I don't care if you run
this whole side of town.

You're lookin' at a man
who knows the inside

and the flip side of
everything that's going down.

So when you tell me you want
five dollars to watch my car?

I said no later for
that, Jack, two dollars.

- Not a penny under four, dude.

- It's too chilly out here
for this shuckin' and jivin'.

I give you three dollars
and you got a deal.

Now what you gonna do?

- All right, man,
you got a deal.

- You give me a
high five, brother man.

And you know it, now take
this money and watch my car.

I don't want nobody
sittin' on my car

unless it's this
young lady over here.

What's up, mama?

What you gonna do?

Soon, I'll be by and come back

and we can be right chillin'.
(music drowns out chatter)

- I'm tellin' ya.

That's the guy the
want in California.

- You're right.

- [Officer] That's him.

Louie Felcher.

- Louie the Finder.

- Let's take him.

(engine revs)

- Hey, how ya doin'?

- How am I doin'?

How do you think I'm doing,

standing in some
alley freezin' my butt off.

You know I get better
service in Detroit.

- Yeah, but you can't
get better merchandise.

- Yeah right, let me
be the judge of that.

Come on fellas,
step into my office,

let's do this quick.

- Let's see the money.

- Let's see the money?

Now you gots to improve
on your sales technique.

You gonna hold me up next
time, I'm holdin' five keys?

- Five keys, when
do you want it?

- If this is as
good as you claim,

I'll take the rest Tuesday.

If not, you'll be to blame.

- That's awfully fast.

- I think Mr. Steiger might
wanna handle this personally.

- Then set it up, man!

Why you got me
dealin' with this small...

(tires screech)

- Police, hold it right there!

- [Officer] Against the wall.

Come on.

- Come on, over there.

Come on, out of the way!

- Damn.

Top right pocket, fool.

- Whoops.

(uptempo jazz music)

- [T.J.] So the captain
calls me in Friday

and goes, congratulations,
Hooker, you're a detective.

You got your gold shield back.

I didn't know whether
to laugh or cry.

And then he says,
you're gonna go places.

And I figure he's
talking about my career.

What he means is, I
gotta go to Chicago

and pick up one Louie
The Finder Felcher,

wanted in California for
fencing stolen property,

which is how I find
myself in Chicago

in one of the coldest
winters in 50 years.

The only thing
between me and frostbite

is an eight ounce
mail-order raincoat

I borrowed from lost and found.

Tough it out, Hooker.

It's three hours, and
you're outta here.

(sirens wail)

(typewriter clicks)

- Lunch, John.
- Ah, thank you.

Says he found this
television on the street

during his morning walk.

- And you didn't believe him?


- Now Murrow's out with the flu.

That's three from
our unit alone.

- [Nadine] Last night, I
thought it was my turn,

I woke up with chills...

- Excuse me, ladies,
could you please tell me

where to find Captain Pankowitz?

- Right over there,
but he's not in now.

- You the guy from California?

- It shows?

- Mm-hm, you said
excuse me, please,

and thank you,
all in the same day.

- Dead giveaway.

- Captain, I'd like to talk
to you about some time off.

- After I eat, Fryberg.

- Oh, Kevin
Pankowitz, this is...

- T.J. Hooker.

- Sergeant Hooker, right.

Aren't you cold
wearin' coat like that?

It's freezin' out there.

- Isn't exactly
Hawaii in here, either.

- Gotta go pick up my lunch.

You eat yet?

- No, but I'll eat on the plane,
which leaves at 2 o'clock,

so if I could have
that prisoner.

- Oh, sure.

Fryberg, bring in Louie Felcher.

- Sergeant T.J. Hooker!

Detective Sidney P. Stover.

You have a good flight?

- Forget about it, Sidney.

- Yeah, okay.

- You really should
wear a warmer coat.

- Sidney, the man has
no choice in the matter.

- Choices, this man
has lots of choices.

I made some long-distance
phone calls on you.

My dime, my time.

The man is a legend.

Angel Lopez, extortion
with the farm workers,

that was Hooker!

The sunset strangler,
Hooker nailed that crazy, too.

He was hand-picked
to teach at the academy.

He is a professor of police.

I mean my man is high
powered, and you know it.

- Yeah, well, if you'll give
me my prisoner and a shovel,

I'll dig my way out.

Unless you wanna tell
me what's on your mind?

- Louie Felcher can't
leave Chicago yet.

- Here he is, Captain.

- Good afternoon.

You my ride?

I love valet.

- Hooker, listen to me.

Louie was helpin' us
finger this guy Rudy Steiger.

- Big dealer,
wants to get bigger.

Operates a chain of
drug supermarkets.

- You the connection?

- This is my contribution
to the community.

- We got him for
fencin' stolen furs.

- Well, why don't you get
California to rescind the order?

- We tried, won't go for it.

- You obviously had a
plan when you came in here,

what is it?

- We lose Louie for a few days.

- I'm game.

- That's it?

That's your plan?

- Chicago is big town, and
we got a whole lot of jails.

- And you're gonna
wind up in one of them,

pulling a stunt like that.

Those days are over.

- Captain, if I could have
that transportation now.

- Sidney, take him to the plane.

And if they miss that
flight, it's your badge.

- Badge?

I don't need this badge.

I got a license in real estate.

- Is that the only coat you got?

- Okay, how 'bout this?

You just came down with a
bad case of Hong Kong flu,

which is very believable,

I mean, look at
the way you dress!

- [T.J] Where's your car?

- This is it.

- This is it?

- '59 El Dorado, mint condition.

Original leather interior.

Power seats, power tops,
and a retractable antenna.

- How come this
window won't go up?

- It's broke!

What you do?

(engine hums)

(ominous electronic music)

- California, when the
hell did this happen?

Well they just picked him up.

What about the little black
guy with the big bucks?


- Hey, uh, Mr. Steiger.

It's a nice haul.

- You can't get rich
off of kids, Freddie.

You need bulk sales,
heavyweight buyers.

- What about Louie the Finder?

- He's just been
extradited to California.

- Yeah?

Heard it was 78
in L.A. yesterday.

- Idiot.

(engine hums)

- Yo man, give me
two bags of brown.

- [Man] You're 50 bucks short.

- Come on, man,
we're good for it.

- We'll bring it tomorrow, man.

- [Man] Then come back tomorrow.

- Jimmy, I need it now.

- I'll take care of you, man.

Just be cool, I'll handle it.

(traffic hums)

- Okay, how about this.

You stop at a light,
car gets locked in park.

I can make that
happen, you know.

- I can't feel my
ear, I think it's frozen.

- Okay, I got it.

Louie tries to
escape, gets wounded,

so we gotta take
him to the hospital.

That's it, that's it!

- What are you, crazy?

- No, man, I'm
just gonna sh**t off

a tiny piece of your thigh!

I mean, it won't show.

- Hooker, he wants to sh**t me.

- I really can't feel my ear.

I love your weather here,

rain one minute,
sunshine the next.

- [Sidney] Yo, hang
on three more blocks,

and you might see snow.

(cars honk)

- [Man] Get out of here!

- [Man] Get it back in there.

(people chatter frantically)

(g*n fires)

(people scream and chatter)

(uptempo electronic
music) (tires screech)

- [Dispatcher] Unit 2113,
and all units on city wide,

you have a robbery in
progress at Mulson's Liquors

with sh*ts fired.

Two male suspects
last seen heading south

on Superior from
Brockhurst in a red sedan.

- [T.J.] What are you doing?

- That's only six
blocks from here.

- What are you, the
only cop in Chicago?

Let somebody else do it.

- I don't feel too good, Jimmy.

- Oh man, what did we do?

Hold on, man.

(sirens wail)

(tires screech)

- That's it.

- You're right, thanks.

(tires screech)

(engines rev)

(uptempo electronic music)

(tires screech)

- Out of the car!

Move, move!

- He's dead!

(sirens wail)

- They're just kids.

- It's a toy g*n, Hooker.

- What's the matter with you?

What are you doing, robbing
a liquor store with a toy g*n?

- Ray needed a fix.

- A fix?

He needs a fix?

He's fixed now, isn't he?

For good!

(somber jazz music)

- It's what we're up against.

Come on, man, you
got a plane to catch.

- Let's just say that there are
extenuating circumstances.

They need Louie for three days,

I think we should go out there.

I know the reality
of a court order,

but the only operative reality
here is we missed the plane,

and I have a bad case of
the Hong Kong flu, captain.

I wasn't properly dressed.

- Let me have
St. Joe's by three.

- And I work New Year's.
- St. John's by four,

and Notre Dame by five.

I feel religious.

Put a nickel on each, and
I'll talk to you next week.

- h**ker's got three
days to get over the flu.

Can you set it up?

- I'll try, but what am
I gonna tell Steiger

if he asks me about the bust?

- Tell him that you made bail,

and your lawyer is
fighting extradition.

- Come on, I'll
check you outta here.

- I can't get warm around here.

- Hey Sidney, I
picked up a rumor.

- Ain't no rumor, baby.

I am in fact Chicago's
greatest lover,

you just don't know
what you be missing.

- I think I do.

The rumor is that Steiger

has opened up another
one of his supermarkets.

Maybe your friend
here can find out where.

- We keep his ears
open, ain't that right?

- Sure I will.

- Thanks, I appreciate it.

- And I expect you to
show your appreciation

in a warm in sincere
manner, baby.

- Oh.


- She crazy about me, man.

- I can see that.

- Hey, it's on me.

- Oh, thank you, uh...
- Roz.

Roz Melino.

- T.J. Hooker.

- [Roz] I know, so I hear
you joined the department.

- Well, I came
along for the ride.

- Louie's on his way.

All we gotta do
is wait for his call.

- Look, I don't usually
go out with cops,

but I figure you're stuck here,

and you probably
don't know anybody,

and I got these two
tickets to Carmen.

- [T.J.] Hey, I love Carmen.

- Oh, great.

- But we got this
case we're workin' on.

- Whoa, we as in you and me we?

- Maybe some other time.

- Sure, some other time.

- Go with the lady, man.

I'll keep you informed
on what's happenin'.

This is my case, singular.

- It's maybe your case, but
Louie Felcher's my prisoner,

which I have graciously
and generously loaned to you,

which means, for next three
days, we're like Siamese twins,

you itch, I scratch, let's go.

- Go where?

- Shopping.

I wanna buy some
clothing with some wool in it.

Down feathers,
lining, something.

- Man, here come in
here like John Wayne.

He better watch it, blow
dry California beach boy

better learn his
plan on my turf.

If he gives me anymore
lip, I'm gonna whip his.

(ominous electronic music)

- You just got sprung,
how'd you set it up so fast?

- I'm talented.

That's why they call
me Louie the Finder.

- All right, tell
'em we got a deal.

I'll let you know
when and where.

- Great, I'll wait
to hear from you.

(elevator dings)

- Come here.

Come here, I wanna
show you something.

I love this spot.

A lot of technology
went into this.

- Yeah, that's great.

- Sure is a long way down.

You're gonna be a
good boy, right Louie?



- Yeah, yeah sure, sure.

- (chuckles) What's next?

- We need supplies
on 31st and Maxwell.

- I told you that
was a good spot.

We just opened it, and
it's already breakin' records.

- Right, you're always right.

- Okay, now I'm
ready for Chicago.

- You're ready for Siberia!

- I feel like a mammal again.

- Come on, we
gotta go meet Louie.

- Let's go.

- Hold it, what am
I, your chauffeur?

- All right, I'll drive.

- Chill out, gray meat.

This vehicle only
understands me.

I'll drive.

- [T.J.] You drive.

- And you know it.

(ominous electronic music)


- You got a new coat, huh?

You should've let me know.

I could've gotten
it for you cheaper.

- Talk to me, Louie.

- How about meeting the man?

- Steiger?


- Soon, he'll let me know.

You better get the cash ready.

- It's about five keys worth.

- Right, also I got
a bonus for you.

The new supermarket.

- Yeah?

- It's at 31st and Maxwell.

- That's great, Louie.

You all right?

- Better than all right.

I don't appreciate
a guy dealing dr*gs,

especially one that's
dealing dr*gs to kids.

Steiger is scum.

I'll be in touch.

- He's got scruples.

- That's why I trust him.

Now I'll show you
how Steiger operates.

Steiger sends runners
to the different schools

to tell the kids when and
where the stores are open.

- Look at that kid.

I bet he's not a day over 12.

- What are you gonna do?

For every one we close
down, four more pop up.

- So we just sit here
and watch 'em sh**t up?

I can't do that, Sidney.

- It's why I gotta get Steiger.

Cut their head off.

- And what about that kid now?

- You're right.

I'm gonna take 'em.

- Wait a second.

How 'bout your cover?

They work for Steiger.

They'll see you.

- They'll see.

But they won't see the real me.

- Definitely an
improvement, Sidney.

- This is not Sidney, man.

This be Renaldo, and
he be from Jamaica.

- What are you doing?

- I'm changing my voice.

This way, they
definitely not know

who the hell they
be talkin' to, man.

Hey, where you goin', man?

- Give you some back up.

- Renaldo like the lone ranger.

Renaldo don't need the back up,

especially from the beach
boy who got no jurisdiction.

I'll soon be back.

- I don't need any
jurisdiction to take a walk.

- The day, she
soon be warmin' up.

I mean, it's not like Jamaica,

where I soon be goin' back.

Back to Montego Bay,
where I be fishin' all day.

Oh, here we are.

Excuse me, I got
a plane to catch.

- Ah, end of the line, Jack!

- Back off, brother, before I
send you to junkie heaven.

Give me a bag
of your best stuff.

- [Junkie] Aw, it's the fuzz.

- Come here, brother.

- Hey, what'd I do, man?

- I'm bustin' you for bein'
too damn stupid, brother!

I'll soon be back.

(uptempo electronic music)

- Sidney!

(g*n fires)

- Oh, man.

- You all right?

- Yeah, I'm okay, man.

Go after him, get him.

(g*n fires)

(fabric tears)

- Damn, it's brand new.

(g*n fires)

(midtempo jazz music)

- You lose your way, mister?

- I don't think so.

(bottle cap pops)

Better enjoy now, they
don't serve beer in the joint.

- Say man, you
better get out of here

while you still can.

- Not without you.

There's two ways of doing this.

- Now why don't you just
quit hassling me, man?

Jo-Jo, get this honkey
cop out of here, would you?

- You just chose the wrong way.

- Look, what did he do?

- Nothin'.

Nothin', just another honkey
cop hasslin' a black man.

- He deals dr*gs.

Now let's go.

- Hold it, now you come in
here wavin' a g*n around,

how 'bout showing some ID.

- That says California.

- Also says cop.

I'm on special assignment,
and this man's coming with me.

Let's go.

- That badge ain't
no good around here.

- No, but this one is.

All right, everybody
back up, get out the way.

Comin' through, back up.

That goes for you too, big foot.

Step aside, get,
get out of here, man.

He's with me.

He just get my light work.

Let's go maggot.

Hey Hooker, your coat's leakin'.

- So's your head.

- [Sidney] Hey, I
said back up, man!

(traffic hums)

- Quiet down, we will do
this in alphabetical order.

- Sure, alphabetical order.

I've been hearin'
that all my life.

- Sit down, Mr. Ziwicki.

Park it here, Axelrod.

- Rest your rump, chump.

Hey Nadine, you wanna
help me with this paperwork?

- You catch 'em, you clean 'em.

- What's wrong with you?

- The least you could
have done, Sidney,

is to call a person for back up.

- Renaldo don't
need the back up.

Here you are, I suspect
you could use this.

- Thanks.

Of all the times to
bust a bookie joint.

Now way I'll see Carmen tonight,

and tickets cost me
50 bucks a piece.

- Carmen, I'll take
'em off your hands.

- How are you gonna use 'em?

- I think what he's saying is

you process him, he
makes bail, and he's out.

- You, move over there.

Ziwicki, sit.

There's something
wrong with this system.

- Hooker, where's Stover?

It's Louie the
Finder on the phone.

- I'll take it.

- Didn't you ever
hear the expression

all work and no play?

I'm turning into
a very dull boy.

- Louie, Hooker.

This evening?

10 o'clock?

We'll be there.

- There you go
with that we again.

Forcing yourself
on Sidney P. Stover

is not the way to
my heart, Hooker.

- Well, look at it
this way, Sidney,

if all goes well tonight, I'm
out of your face tomorrow.

- Damn right it'll go well.

This is a Sidney
P. Stover operation.

- Uh-huh.

And the secret of a
successful operation

is attention to detail.

So you want
plain-clothes back up,

so you want cameras
with infrared film,

so you want traffic monitored
within four square blocks.

I leave anything out?

- So I also want $100,000.

- Why did I ask?

(ominous electronic music)

- Yo Louie, what's up?

(dramatic electronic music)

Oh my.

He's wired!

(suspenseful electronic music)

(explosions boom)

(fire crackles)

- Nah, forget the ambulance.

Just send the coroner.

- Tough break fellas.

I guess Steiger found out
who he was workin' with.

- I guess so.

- Where's the money?

- It's in there.

- In there, you left
$100,000 in there?

Why didn't you
bring it out with you?

- I don't know, I guess I
panic during explosions.

- How am I gonna explain
$100,000 to the police commission?

- Who cares?

A good man is dead, and all
you are about is the damn money?

- Take it easy, Sidney.

- Say it was for Louie.

He earned it.

(traffic hums)

- Too bad you have to leave.

It's going up to 35 today.

- Yeah?

Spring is around
the corner. (chuckles)

If you ever...

- If you're ever
back in Chicago.

- You take care, Roz.

- [Woman] Well, I'm sorry
to see you go, Hooker.

- Don't be a stranger.

- I won't.

- See ya 'round, Hollywood.

- Oh Sidney, your
fondest wish come true,

I'm going home.

- You need a ride?

No more car chases, I promise.

- Once more into the Batmobile.

Sure. (Sidney chuckles)

What about Steiger?

- I'll still try to get him,
but it's gonna be tough.

- You can't risk a meeting.

- Yeah, because people
know what I look like.

- They don't know
what I look like.

- Too risky, Hooker, those
guys you busted know you.

They'll finger you in a minute.

- [Sidney] Not if
they don't get out.

- They'll make
bail in three hours.

- Not necessarily.

Did you see the daily sheet?

I think they look just
like those two guys

that robbed that bank.

What do you think, Hooker?

I mean, look at them eyes.

- Look at those eyes.

- Look at their nose!
- The nose!

- Look at that big fat face!

- Come on, Kevin.

You put 'em in a line up,
promise them witnesses.

We got ourselves
a couple of days.

- I don't know about this.

- Captain.

We can take
Steiger off the streets.

Why are we talkin'
about it, let's just do it.

- Okay, okay.

Work up a list of what
you'll need for a cover,

I'll see what I can do.

- I know there's
definitely one thing

we're definitely gonna need.

- Yeah, what's that?

- Another $100,000.

I'm Harry Grant from L.A.

- Yes, Mr. Grant, we've
been expecting you.

- Are you kidding,
Harry, it's freezing here.

- Excuse me, Mr. Grant.

Don't forget your wife's coat.

- My wife's coat is in
L.A., along with my wife,

get the picture?

- Okay, check your focus.

- Everything's ready.

- I could get used to this.

- Yo, Hooker.

Looks like you've been blessed
by the Italian clothes fairy.

- What am I, spongecake?

- You always look god, Roz.

Where'd you get
that ciz-oat, mama?

- Oh, hands off, Sidney.

Belongs to stolen property.

- We're all set.

- Anybody know where
I make contact yet?

- We just gotta tip

that Steiger's biggest
street store is open,

you got the money?

- Enough to get his attention.

(uptempo electronic music)

(T.J. knocks)

- [Man] What do you need?

- More than you've got.

Tell whoever calls the
sh*ts, I need a kilo a week.

Here's a down payment.

You'll pick up the other
half at The Ambassador.

Ask for Harry Grant.

From L.A.

- What's all this?

- Pasta primavera,
smoked Scottish salmon,

and lobster thermador.

- [T.J.] You guys have a
better per diem than we do.

- No, you're a big
time dealer from L.A.,

you have to keep up appearance.

- Big time dealer from L.A.

All they know about is
tacos and alfalfa sprouts.

- Would you care for
a touch of the bubbly?

- Here, Sidney.

Care for a touch of the bubbly?

- Diet Strawberry?


- I just realized something.

Sidney can see and
hear everything we do.

- Yeah.

He can't read my thoughts.

(phone rings)

- Hello?

Yep, send him up.

It's show time.

- Thanks, Eddie.

He just got out of the elevator.

(door knocks)

- Hiya, he's on the phone.

- Let's not nickel and
dime 'em to death.

Send the jet go pick him up, eh?

- Who are you?

- Freddie Lanier.

You sent for me.

- I sent for a lot of people.

Do it.

- This refresh your memory?

- Oh yeah.

Get the other half.

This is a down payment.

I want a kilo a week
for the next 10 weeks.

Delivery in L.A.

Tuesdays before noon.

- Why only 10 weeks?

- To prove you're not a flake.

In 10 weeks, I'll
triple the order.

Can you handle it?

- Maybe.

My boss'll let you know.

- Your boss?

Somebody hasn't been listening.

- Can you believe it?

They send a flunkie.

- Here, take a look.

That's a hundred thou.

Going to your nearest
competitor, now take a hike.

- No, wait a minute.

- I said take a hike.

- I just had to check you out.

The meet's set for tonight.

Here's the address.

10 o'clock.

- All right!

- The man deserves an Oscar!


- This transmitter has a
range of a mile and a half.

We'll have surveillance
units tracking you all the way.

- Try it out.

(tracker beeps)

- Working fine.

- Nice to see you
guys lookin' out for me.

- Oh, they're lookin'
out for the money.

After the last time, Pankowitz
didn't wanna take a chance.

- Well, thanks for the
vote of confidence.

- Let's go, we've got to get
in position before you leave.

- So what are you
doing after the bust?

- Well, I thought
I'd grab some pizza,

get out of these
clothes, take a hot bath.

- Have you thought of where?

(T.J. chuckles)

(suspenseful electronic music)

- You know, this
Sanders sounds familiar.

- It's the same place
Louie was k*lled.

- Oh.

(tires screech)

Hey, what's goin' on?

- Sorry, Mr. Grant.

There's been a change in plans.

Can you come with me, please?

- What are we
playin' games here?

- Just a precaution.

Nothing to be alarmed about.

- It's okay, driver.

(g*n fires) (tire hisses)

- The Steigers are cautious men.

- [Dipatcher] All
units stand by.

Unit 31, report for
possible hostage situation

involving an undercover.

Suspects are armed.

Last seen proceeding westbound
on Delaware from Superior

in a late model four
door red over red

Illinois license George
four, Henry six eight one.

- Anybody gettin' anything?

- [Pilot] This is air
four, nothing yet.

- If you're planning some
kind of number, forget it.

I've got friends, too.

- Can get out of this
car anytime you want.

- No, it's all right,

you guys look like
upstanding citizens.

(tracker beeps)

- I got him, west on
Lake, past Albany.

Gettin' close.

I just passed Manny.

- Okay, well try a little heat.

But h**ker's got more problems.

That drug dealer
he busted in the bar,

name's J.T. Foley, and he
works for the big man, Steiger.

Their lawyer went to a judge,
got Foley sprung an hour ago.

- Damn, if they see
Hooker, he's dead.

(tires screech) (uptempo
electronic music)

- We got a deal.

- Bring down the
rest of the shipment.

- I'll be right there.

(horn honks) (tires screech)

- Guys, keep those
choppers away.

I don't want him
gettin' nervous in there.

- He's a cop!

(tires screech)

- Headed towards
the meat packin' plant.

Remember, no sirens.

- Get rid of him.

- If I'm dead, they
know it's you, Steiger.

- If they find you.

sh**t him and then
make him into salami.

We wouldn't want
him to go to waste.


- Be reasonable, you guys.

We're talking m*rder one.

Let me go, and I'll see
what I can do for you.

- Forget it.


(cart clatters) (g*ns fire)

(g*ns fire)

- This is the police,
lay down your weapons!

The place is surrounded!

(g*ns fire)

Damn, I thought I
sounded sincere!

Yo, Hooker!

You all right?

- No!

(suspenseful electronic music)

(g*ns fire)

(men groan)

(door thuds)

- Hooker!

- Good evening, Sidney.

- Yo man, what's up
with you and coats?

Where's Steiger?

- Steiger's with the money.

- Oh no, the money!

I can't believe it.

- Don't ask how I am.

(uptempo electronic music)

(g*n fires)

- That's as far as
you go, Steiger!

(g*n fires)

(tires screech)

(engine revs)

Come on, let's go!

- Where you goin'?
- To my car!

- What do you mean, your car?

Did you see the beast
they were driving?

- You know, you
got a point, there.

- [Dispatcher] This
is a flash simulcast.

Units in the vicinity
of Sacramento Square

Unit 3129 needs assistance.

(sirens wail)

(horns honk)

- You see that?

- Okay, I'm gonna
pass him, Sidney.

(tires screech) (metal clatters)

- This place is gonna look
like Babe Ruth in the morning.

(tires screech)

- Hang on, Sidney!

- [Sidney] We're all gonna die!

- You wanna read him the rights?

- Yeah, if I can
remember what they are.

Hooker, do you realize
what you just did was insane?

- What, you thought
you had the franchise?

(Sidney laughs)

- You have the
right to remain silent.

Anything you say or do
can be used against you.

(gentle electronic music)

- Listen, I appreciate it.

The flu was gone from here
like grass through a goose.

Oh, hang on a second.

- Kevin, this is it, goodbye.

- Well, Hooker,

there's been a slight
alteration in your schedule.

See, we have so
many people out sick,

so we'll need you
to stick around,

give us a hand
for a couple weeks.

- I'd like to help here, but my
captain would never approve.

- Yeah, he already has.

- Hello, Captain?

What's going on.

- Hi, sorry I'm late.

My alarm clock, you know.

- Uh, Captain, I'm very
anxious to get back to work.

In California.

Uh-huh, I'll give 'em
two weeks, a month?



I'm yours for a month.

This is insane.

Why didn't you get somebody
from another precinct?

Who's idea was this anyway?

- Well, it seems
people around here

have taken a liking to
you, and they ask for you.

- Who?

- Him.

- You?

- You'll never have
me now, Nadine.

(Nadine chuckles)

- Captain, we got
a hostage situation.

Hold up at the Illinois Trust.

- All right people, let's roll.

- Come on, grab your coat.

- You call this a coat?

(midtempo jazz music)

- We're gonna
have fun, you'll see.

One month with Sidney P.,

and you'll never
wanna leave Chicago.

- It's been three days with him

and I can't wait to go home!

- Take time, I'll grow on you.

- Yeah, like mold.

And I want this window fixed!

("T.J. Hooker Theme"
by Mark Snow")

(midtempo instrumental music)