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01x16 - I Want to Keep My Baby

Posted: 05/02/23 07:15
by bunniefuu
Twenty-one degrees
outside and the time is...

6:07 In the morning.

And it's time for this message.

Wouldn't a delicious ice-cold beer
taste particularly good right now?

Sure it would. Sure it would.

Yeah, krp.

It's real nice of you to say so.
Can you hold on a minute? Thanks.

So, when the smart
set gets together,

You can be sure they're having
one weisenheitel beer after another.

Weisenheitel. Look
for the smiling face...

Of the archduke
ferdinand on every bottle.


Yeah, you still there? Uh-huh.

Well, it's real nice of
you to say so. Really. Okay.

Uh, gee, I'm
sorry. We're just...

We're not allowed to
accept gifts, you know.


A what?

Where? Uh...

Hey, it won't work,
really. See, first of all...

Hello? Hello!

Just what I always wanted.

♪ Baby if you've ever wondered ♪

♪ Wondered whatever
became of me ♪

♪ I'm living on the
air in cincinnati ♪

♪ Cincinnati, wkrp ♪

♪ Got kind of tired of
packing and unpacking ♪

♪ Town to town up
and down the dial ♪

♪ Maybe you and me
were never meant to be ♪

♪ Just maybe think
of me once in a while ♪

♪ I'm at wkrp ♪

♪ In cincinnati ♪♪

Hey, give me a break, will ya?

Listen, I got a lot of rock-and-roll
insomniacs depending on me now.

So just take it easy. Be quiet.


Okay, uh, it's 6:10 in
the queen city now.

And, uh, the lady who
called me this morning,

Uh, i-i sure would
appreciate it...

If you'd call me again
just as soon as you can.

I'd really love
to hear from you.


♪ I won't let you
run around on me ♪

♪ I'm here to tell you how ♪

Hey, you're kind of quiet now.

You had breakfast yet?

Uh, I got some
coffee and nachos...

If you're feeling...

Yeah, uh, how
'bout a breath mint?


Good morning.

Good morning. Look what
we have here, mr. Carlson.

It's a baby.

Thanks, les.

It's johnny's. He got
some girl in trouble.

Oh. We don't know that.

He's a deejay. You know
how those people live.

If that's johnny's baby,
what's it doing in my office?

Because this is the quietest room in
the station. Nothing ever goes on in here.

Good morning, mr. Carlson.

Good morning, travis.
There's a baby on my desk.

Ah, yes, sir. I know that.
Hey, how's she doing?

Oh, she's a real sweetheart.

Bailey just went out
for fresh supplies.

They were a couple of
clean diapers in the basket,

But as you can see, she went
through 'em pretty quickly.

Well, she seems to be quiet now.

Les, do you wanna help me with
the bottles? Of course, jennifer.

Excuse me. I'll help too.
I'm very good with children.

Oogie boogie pookie wookie.

Shh, shh, shh, shh.

That's a smart kid. Yeah.

Fresh diapers.

Travis. Andy, what's
going on here?

Well, some girl left
her baby for johnny.

How's she doing? Fine.

Fine. Listen, dad, uh...

What do you plan
to do about this?

I'm trying to get the mother to
call me back. What if she doesn't?

I don't know. You're the station
manager. I guess she's your baby.

What do you plan to do about her
college education? Wait a minute. Hold on.

Now, look. Shouldn't
we call someone?

Who do you call about this sort
of thing? The fire department?

I think it's called the
children and family services. Ah.

Well, go call 'em.
Okay. Hey, it's your baby.

No, it's not my baby. It's his
baby. I've already got a baby.

He's in m*llitary school, I
think. A lieutenant, a colonel.

He's a mean little devil.

Listen, I gotta go back to the
booth now. Can you pin her up?

I'll take care of
her. Thank you.

Uh, i...

Guess I'll just sit
right over here.


Jennifer, please,
may I go first?

Oh, sure. Thank you.

How do you do this?

Well, first you test it.


How does that feel? Good.


I'm doing it in the
morning. This is venus.

Whoo! ♪♪

Sitting in for the doctor.

It's time to get the funk
out of your face, cincinnati.

Lively up yourselves. Preach
to my children, brother marley.

Venus on the rise. Huh?

Oh, yeah, look. Just hang on.
Don't go nowhere, okay? Yes.

Thanks for sitting in for
me. It's her. She's on the phone.

Right. Take it in the hall.

Hi. Yeah.

You're sorry? You
leave a little baby...

With a total stranger and you...

What are you thinking about?

I am too a total stranger.

Okay, okay, just calm
down. Hold it. Hold it.

Hold it a minute, will
you? Okay, now, just listen.

Come down here and get your baby
before the welfare people do, okay?


I'll-i'll... I'll do it.

You just, uh, you know,
get yourself together.

Yeah, just think about
things, you know. Yeah. Yeah.

And then you call me.

No, no, really. It'll all
work out perfectly.

Believe me. You'll see. Okay.

And you call me
back. Hello? Hello!

Hello! ♪♪

She hung up on me again, man.
She must be some kind of a nut.

I don't think so.

I think she's just a young kid. She's
broke. Her old man ran out on her.

She doesn't know
anybody in cincinnati.

She says she listens to
my show every morning.

And I'm the only person
in town that she knows.

And that's why she
leaves me her baby.

- Well, is she gonna
come back for the baby?
- I don't know.

Top of the hour. Time for news.
Local, state, national and international.

The whole ball of wax. Right.

I really like your baby, johnny.

Thanks a lot, les.


Listen, venus, you wanna
see my baby? Sure, man.

All right. She's gonna tear
your heart out. I believe it.

Come on. I'll show you.



Now here's les nessman
and the news. Me-me-me-me!

Today in washing... ♪♪ Oh.

Hello, gentlemen.
What can we do for you?

Well, we wanna see my baby.

I thought it was my
baby. No, it's my baby.

Are you ready for
this, kid? Easy go.

Okay. Watch it, butterfingers.

I got her. Oh. Hi, there.
Huh? Look at that.

Pretty, huh? Boy. She gets a tan,
she's gonna be a heartbreaker.

Excuse me.

The people from the
children's services are here.

- Already?
- Uh-huh.

They don't waste
any time, do they?

Just a minute, jennifer.

Uh, tell 'em to leave. Say what?

Yeah, just get 'em outta here. I don't
care how you do it. Just make up something.

Wait a minute now, johnny.

- I'm sorry.
- What's the matter?

I wanna keep my baby! Oh...

I'm sorry you had to see that.

Is taking her so long?

I don't know, lorraine.
Don't get testy with me, chic.

I'm... Oh, hello.

Are you from the family and
children services? Yes, we are.

Hi. I'm andy travis. I
called you about the baby.


Uh, where is the child?

- The child?
- You were going
to get the baby.

Oh. You mean "the baby."

You see, you said the child. There's
really quite a difference, you know.

Children are much
bigger than babies, for one.


Laundryman. Laundryman.
Yes, sir, I is coming through.

Have to get the laundry now.

I knows how you folks likes
yo' things fresh and white.


What was that all about?

That was "de" laundryman.


Johnny. Yes?

These people have
come for the baby.

Oh, I'm so sorry. The
baby left. Johnny!

What's going on here, please?

Uh, her mother came to get her.

It's all over now, folks.
You can go on home now.

What are you all trying to
pull? The baby's gone. I told ya.

Chic, find out
what's going on here.

What's going on here?

I'd like to know too.


Look, when a mother abandons her baby,
what are her chances of getting it back?

I would say not very good.
Well, each case is different.

Yeah, I know. Uh...

And you people do good
work. But there's no baby here.

Why don't you come back in nine months?
We'll see if we can come up with something.

We're going to get
to the bottom of this.

Uh, hi.

They're mine.

Listen, cosgrove, I
know the girl's blind,

But I still say she can
swim the english channel.

She'll never make it. That's what
they said when she ran for the senate.

You're right. I'm sorry.

By the way, her dog fluffy will
be swimming at her side. What a gal.

Yeah, this is boring. ♪♪

Let's do something else. We
can watch that tomorrow at 5:00.

Now where is that
rattle of yours?

Here we go. Okay. Okay.

You hold this, okay?


Yes? It's jennifer.

My luck is changing.

Jennifer. Hi, johnny.

Come on in. What a
surprise. Thank you.

How are you? Oh, I'm fine.

I had my date drive me
over. He's down in the car.

Why don't you invite
him on up? Oh, no.

Give him a chance
to cool off a little.

Besides, I don't think he's
allowed to climb stairs.

Listen. I wasn't really,
uh, expecting any guests.

I'll pick up a few things.

I just came over to see how
this little baby was doing.

She's doing fine. Oh.

Here. Let me get
that. Thank you.

Listen. Can I get you
anything? Some popcorn?

Chinese rice wine?
No, thank you.

Has she had a bath?
Oh, yeah, right away.

What did she have
for dinner? Baby food.

We had some of the
brown stuff and, uh,

About half a bottle
of the green stuff.

We don't seem to like the
yellow stuff very much.

Busy night. Excuse me.

Come on in. Hiya, johnny.

Hi! Just thought
we'd drop right on by.

Here. Let me pick up a few things.
I wasn't expecting any guests.

Here, I'll get this stuff. Don't worry.
Listen. What can I get everybody?

I got some popcorn. I could
put some yellow stuff on it.

- Has the baby been fed?
- Yes, ma'am.

- Bathed?
- Yeah.

Did she brush her teeth?

Bailey, she's
just a little baby.

I couldn't find any teeth.

I was just checking.

Ooh. And I know why
you all dropped by.

That'll be dr. Spock.
Would you mind? Sure.

Trust me. The baby
is in safe hands, okay?

Come on in, les.

I had to bring this all the way
across town on my motor scooter.

By the way, johnny.
There's a long, black

Car outside with a
small man in the backseat.

He keeps b*ating on
the window with his cane.

Oh. I think I better go.

Thanks a lot for dropping by.

And, uh, believe me. I know the
mother is gonna call me tomorrow.

But if she doesn't, I'll call the
family services people myself, okay?

What's wrong?

I don't know. She
was, uh, just asleep.

You okay?

Come on in, herb.


That one's going out
especially for peggy,

Who should call the doctor
right away about the basket case.

And you know, it has
been three days and nights.

So time is running out.
You have the number.

Please call right away.

And while we're waiting for
that call, we'll be listening to this.



And now, the long version.


♪ I want him back
select my baby ♪

Hiya, johnny.


Uh, look, man. I think we're
gonna have to give this up.

One more day.

I'm as concerned about
this baby as you are.

But it's beginning to mess up your work.
This is not the right thing for the baby.

Boy, she doesn't look
unhappy to me. Take a look.

What, are you gonna bring the
baby to the station every day?

- Yeah, if I have to.
- While you sit there
begging for a phone call?

- If I have to.
- I can't let you do that, man.

I wanna see you stop me.

Look, when you get off
the air, we'll talk, okay?

I... I'm sorry.

Hello? Peggy! How are ya?

I have an appointment on
mount adams... Oh, good morning.

I have an important
meeting in my office.

If you locate those important
papers, just bring 'em right on in.

Hold all my phone
calls. Yes, sir.

I'll be right in
here, all by myself.

Does he usually have
meetings with himself?

Yes, all the time.

Oh, hello. How do
you do, mr. Travis?

I guess you brought a court
order with you this time.

- No. Mr. Fever called us.
- Johnny called you?

- Yes, he did.
- I'll just go get him, andy.

Yeah, sure. Wait.
Johnny fever called you?

- That's right... Johnny fever.
- Uh, there is no baby here.

You are wasting
your time. Uh, bailey...

There's no point in even
looking. There just is no baby.

Bailey, it's okay.
Johnny called them.


I'm johnny fever. Hello.

Mr. Fever, could
we talk privately?

Sure, man. We'll give
you a moment alone.

Well, I'll just take
the phone off the hook.

Jennifer, why don't you
take the calls in my office?

Don't worry. I
do it all the time.

It's very nice what
you're doing on the air.

Oh, yeah?

Mr. Fever, if we hear
from the baby's mother,

We'll try to be as
fair as we possibly can.

Well, I don't think you're
gonna hear from her.

She decided to leave town.

The baby's more than
she can handle right now.

Let me tell you something.

We have an adoption waiting
list that goes on for pages.

There are so many, loving,
competent couples out there...

That would give anything to
have that baby for their own.

Yeah. Probably are.

This isn't a sad occasion,
mr. Fever. It's a joyous one.


Well, I guess you
probably wanna see my baby.

We'd love to!

And she seems to like
the green stuff best.


Hey, john. John, look. I
did it. Your baby likes me.

That's real nutty, herb. Yeah.

We'll take the baby
now. I beg your pardon?

Just give her the baby,
herb. Oh, no. Oh, no.

No way. Herb!


All right, cincinnati, you can relax
because your prayers are answered.

This is dr. Johnny fever.

And this next cut is going
out especially for peggy.

She's out on the road now, so I
don't suppose she can hear my voice.

But peggy left me a little gift.

And I never thanked her for it.

And I should have 'cause
it made me awfully happy.

And I passed it on to
two other people...

And it made them even happier.

So, uh, we all thank you, peggy.

And we worry about you.

But don't you worry 'cause
everything is okay back here in cincinnati.

♪ I just can't wait ♪

♪ To see the smile
on your face ♪

♪ And the way that
you light up a room ♪♪



