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01x39 - [Friends or Foes?

Posted: 05/02/23 15:25
by bunniefuu
[NARRATOR] Last time

on Dragon Ball Z!

Crucial decisions

were being made...

I want to go with Bulma

and Krillin... Okay?

Sorry, Mom,

but I need to go to

try to help them bring

Piccolo and the others back

with the

Dragon Balls.

You should be making friends

and playing baseball

and building tree houses...

Not trying to save the world!

I'm going!


Aaah! How did I raise

such a stubborn child?!

There's no time for those

childish things, anymore.

My friends are gone, and

they're not coming back!

I've got to go help

find the Dragon Balls.

Mom, Piccolo died

trying to help me,

so I think I should do

everything I can to help him.

I can't sit around and do

nothing while Piccolo needs me.

[NARRATOR] Despite the

protests of his mother,

Gohan chose to embark on

the long journey to Namek,

with Bulma and Krillin, in the

search for the Dragon Balls...

And with that, the three

young adventurers blasted off

from Earth in

Kami's spaceship,

and set out into the

vast expanse of space.

If their mission succeeds,

it will mean the return of

Piccolo, Kami,

and all who were lost

in the battle

against the Saiyans.

But little do these

travelers realize,

in a flight across the

galaxy, anything can happen.

And despite a

smooth start,

there's plenty of

turbulence ahead... Today!


Another boring day.

What is this...

day seven or eight?

Why did I forget to

install the new sleep pods?

That's the one thing that could

have made this trip bearable.


[BULMA] You guys doing

image training again?

I guess that's a good way

to k*ll some time, huh?

Hey, are you two

even listening to me?

[GOHAN grunts softly]

[KRILLIN grunts softly]


yell frantically]

[GOHAN whimpers]



[GOHAN whimpers]

[GOHAN screams]


[GOHAN gasps]

Ah... Wow, Gohan...

You have some awesome moves.

We're gonna have to

train like this everyday

if we're gonna be

ready for Vegeta.

Yeah. We can't let

ourselves get lazy and slow

while we're

on this trip.

[BULMA] Boys...


I don't want to

interrupt your training,

but this place

is filthy...

Can't you two find a

minute to clean this mess?


[BULMA] I like to

run a tidy ship.

Sorry Bulma, but we don't eat

junk food and read magazines.

That's all

your mess.

We already cleaned

up after ourselves.

Yeah, but, I'm busy.

I have too many other important

issues to deal with right now.

Besides, you two

never do anything

to help out

around here.

But, Bulma, you said

you were bored!

Oh, you're hopeless!

And don't cry to me

if I forget about

making your dinner.

[can clatters]

[BULMA yawning] I have

so much to do today.

[KRILLIN] The only thing she's

busy doing is complaining.

[NURSE hums]

[GOKU grunts]

Huh? Oh, not again!

[GOKU grunts]

Four more

sets to go.

Mr. Goku,

stop that!

[GOKU] There's no need

to worry. I feel fine!

Can I lend you a

hand, there, Nurse?

[NURSE screams]

[ROSHI] Oh, well,

what I mean is...

I really admire the work

you ladies do here...

And you know, I just wanna

help in any way I can.

[grunts angrily]

Can I offer you a

piece of sponge cake?

[NURSE grunts angrily]

[GOKU grunts]


[DOCTOR clears throat]


Hello, doctor.

Goku, how many times

have I told you?

In order to get better

your body needs rest.

Exercising now could

do further damage.

No, I'm fine,

doctor. See?


Now you listen up... As

long as you're in my hospital,

you'll do what I say

without question...

Do you think you

can do that for me?

Yeah... You're

right, doctor.

Please, come give the nurse

a hand... If you would, sir.

Um, why

certainly. I, uh...

Don't you have orderlies

for this sorta thing...

Good grief...

[NURSE giggles]


[NURSE giggles]

It serves

you right.

[ROSHI] Heh, heh. ehh...

Do you know where I can find

the patient's wife right now?

Hm. Last time I saw her

she was on the roof

spending some

time alone.

I know you're out there

somewhere, Gohan...

And even though I wish

we could just have

a normal family life...

I'm very proud of you...

Just promise me you'll come

back soon, healthy and safe.


[BULMA] Hey.


I've been meaning to ask you

a question about that Saiyan.

Does anyone actually

know what happened to him?

Or did he just

vanish into thin air?

Um... What

do you mean?

[BULMA] I thought the Saiyans'

home planet was destroyed

some time ago,

wasn't it?

That's right...

Vegeta was badly wounded

when he finally

got away,

so he had to go

somewhere to recover.

But I certainly couldn't

tell you where it is...

Hmm... Wait a minute,

I remember something

Goku's brother

Raditz said...

He told us the Saiyans

were planet brokers,

and that they took over worlds

just so they could sell them

to the highest bidder...

Raditz said Vegeta

found a buyer for Earth,

so maybe he's

hiding with them.

Yeah, I guess that

could be what happened,

but the problem is we still

have no idea where he went...

I mean, he could already be

on Namek as far as we know!

[BULMA groans]

Well, wherever he

is, for our sakes,

let's hope it's

far, far away...

[VEGETA grunts]

[thinking] Almost there...

It won't be long now.



What is that?


What is what?

[GOHAN] It's not

Planet Namek, is it?

I can't be. It's much

too soon to be Namek.

But look... Something

is coming right at us!


Whatever it is,

it's moving fast.

We should be able

to see it by now...

You see anything?

[alarm sounds]

There they are!

They're gonna attack!

[BULMA] Ahh! Oh no!

[BULMA and KRILLIN scream]

C'mon, do something!

[BULMA] Okay, Okay,

I know! I'll do it!

Fire counterattack!



Woohoo! Yeah! Ha, ha!

Just hold on guys, cuz

we're not in the clear yet.


It looks like

a spaceship.

It looks almost

identical to ours.

Whatever it is,

it's getting closer...

And if it doesn't change its

course, it's gonna ram us.

Oh no!


Bank left!

Bank left!

It's headed straight for us!

We're gonna collide!

Aahh! This is it!

[GROUP screams]

[alarm sounds]

[alarm stops]

[BULMA yells]

That was weird.

One second we're about to

crash into our own ship,

and the next we're...

Well, we're who knows where!

It looks like we're

on another ship.

Yeah, a big one. Probably full

of big scary aliens, too.

Well, I hope

you're wrong.

[GOHAN yells]

[GOHAN] Hey, look at me!

I'm an alien!


That's not funny.

Hm. It'll do us no good

just sitting here,

so let's take a walk

and check the place out.


[KRILLIN grunts]

Let's do this.

[thinking] There's

something about this place

that gives

me the creeps.

But I don't know

what it is...

[BULMA] Oh great!

I forgot to put some

pants on before we left!

That's too bad...

It's freezing in here.

You think I

don't know that?

I'll deal with it.

As long as you

don't blame us

if you catch a

cold or something.

[GOHAN] Great, now

let's get moving.


we're going.

[BULMA sighs]

And Gohan!

Don't walk so close!

[KRILLIN] Is that

what I think it is?

[GOHAN] Uhh...


[GROUP whimpers and yells]


We need to be

more careful...

I'm sure that's not the last

booby trap around here.

Listen! You two need

to be more aware

of what's going

on around here!

I almost got my

head shot off!


Uh... Eh?

[BULMA] This hallway

never seems to end.

There should be a door

or a vent or something,

don't you think?

[loud thuds]

[BULMA] Oh no!

Open this door right now!

[KRILLIN] Bulma,

don't worry. Stand back.

[BULMA] Huh?

Ka me...

Ha me...

Eh? Uh...

[KRILLIN yells]

Ah! I can't get

out of the way!

[BULMA yells and gasps]

Ka me...

Ha me... Haa!

Thanks for the

ride, Gohan.

Sure is sweet of you

to carry a lady.


Whoever owns

this spaceship

sure doesn't want us to

stay too much longer.

[GOHAN] What if this is a...

a Saiyan spaceship?

What do you mean?

[KRILLIN] Yeah, this

could be the place

that Vegeta

went to recover.

Enough talk

about that guy...

Let's change the subject.

I'm getting goose bumps.

But wait... If this

is Vegeta's ship,

maybe he's in there

somewhere waiting for us...

I wish Goku had let me finish

him when I had the chance.

[VEGETA grunts]


I must recuperate!

I can't allow Kakarot to

gain any more time on me!

Wait a minute...

This doesn't make any sense.

The hallway is starting

to curve in on itself

and we still haven't

found a door.

[BULMA] Ugh! There

has to be a door.

Maybe it's hidden

in the walls.

[KRILLIN] Found it.

[KRILLIN grunts]


Krillin. Another hallway

just opened up down here.


I knew it!

Great... It must be nice

to be right all the time.

All right,

let's keep moving.


Be careful, Krillin.

Yeah, I know.

[GROUP screams]

[BULMA screams]



Wow... I thought

I was dead.

Man, I'm

really hungry.

I'm right there

with you, Krillin.

[KRILLIN sniffs]

You smell that?

[GOHAN sniffs]


Smells good!


Whoa, let's dig in!

[KRILLIN and GOHAN laugh]

Wait! It may be

another trick!

This looks

really good.

Control yourselves.

Don't eat it yet.

[GOHAN] Why?


[embarrassed laughter]

Now that was a close call

there, wasn't it, boys?



It was a trap!

[BULMA] Help me!

Get me outta here!

[KRILLIN] You're way too slow,

Bulma. You gotta be more aware.

[BULMA] I don't need

any lessons right now!

[KRILLIN] Hang on,

I'll get you out.

Alright now, Bulma,

just get under that table.

[BULMA screams]


[BULMA screams]

Krillin! Gohan!

Get me out of this rope!

It's starting to hurt!


Don't move.

Don't hurt her!

[GOHAN] Bulma! Whatever

you do, don't panic!

Leave her alone!

[BULMA yells and whimpers]

Stay there! I don't

want to get shot!

[KRILLIN grunts]



what's going on?

Why aren't there

any adults here?

Easy, everyone.

There's no need to sh**t.

We're not here to hurt

anyone, just passing through.

[BULMA] Krillin!

Don't just stand there!

Make these stupid kids

get their g*ns off of me!

I don't know...


Do it! Quick!

My arms feel like

they're gonna break!

All right.


[BOY B whimpers]

[KRILLIN grunts]

[BULMA] Krillin,

don't fight them!


If you attack, they're

just gonna sh**t me!

Then what should I do? Uh...

Uh... Got any ideas?

I guess we should just

give ourselves up.

[NARRATOR] It seems the

deeper our heroes travel

into this

mysterious spaceship,

the more troubling

questions arise!

Who are these

young soldiers,

and what do they have in store

for Bulma, Krillin, and Gohan?

Is there any

hope for escape?

The answers are

sure to come...

In the next action-packed

episode of Dragon Ball Z!