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03x23 - The Great Vegetable Rebellion

Posted: 05/03/23 06:22
by bunniefuu
Well, until we can plot a new course we'll save a lot of fuel by going into that planet's orbit.

Okay with me if there are no trigger

-happy lookouts who don't like orbiting strangers.

We have a spectrum on plant life, and that's it.

There's no other life down there.

What could be safer than a slew of pleasant purple meadows? Maureen, we're going into the orbit of that planet we're approaching.

So stand by, dear.

[ Maureen On Speaker ]


[ Laughs ]

- Oh, Mom, it's beautiful!

- Well, thank you.

- How's it coming?

- See for yourself.

- Oh.

- I really think it was an awfully good idea of Will's to think of having a birthday cake for the Robot.

When I told him, he practically blew his power pack with embarrassment.

But he's okay now.

He can hardly wait.

Put this in the cooling unit, will you, dear? I'm gonna wash my hands.

Mmm, delicious.

I'll take some for later.

- [ Clears Throat ]

- Oh, William.

I was just arranging these lovely things.

William, what in the world is the matter with your eye? Well, I was getting the Robot's present down from my closet, and the door got in the way.

It's absolutely ridiculous to have all this excitement over him! Well, aren't you happy about the Robot's birthday party, Dr.


- No, I am not!

- Well, what's wrong?

- Nothing.


- What are you gonna give him for a present?

- It's a surprise.

- I see.

You know, what this table lacks is real plants and ferns and stuff like that.

I mean, Penny fixed these nice, but it's just plastic stuff.

I'll bet there are lots of real ones down on that planet we're orbiting.

But that's not gonna do us any good, is it? Well, I think I'll go wrap my gift.

Excuse me.

Oh, dear.

I must somehow reestablish friendly relations with that bubbleheaded booby in the event I need his help.

But how shall I go about it? Yes, I have it! Flowers.

Real flowers.

I shall give him red roses for his birthday.

Birthday, indeed.

He won't be able to resist them and he'll swear undying loyalty to me.

Smith, don't you ever listen to the intercom? We're plotting a new course.

Two or three hours in orbit.

That's all we have in mind.

We'll lock on the Cygnus Nebula for our escape path.

- Uh


- Hold that course, oh, one hour.

- All right.

Got it.

- Full power.

You're quite right, Major, not to visit that dreadful planet.

For all we know, it's probably infested with all manner of savage beasts poisonous serpents, predatory monsters.

On the contrary, there's nothing down there but vegetation.

Good! I mean, how nice.

We're still not visiting.

We'd exhaust too much fuel on liftoff.

Oh, yes, yes, of course.

I quite understand.

Well, everything's under control.

I vote we set the ship on a*t*matic and get below for that party.

All right.

I second the motion.

Escape procedures in 90 minutes.

It's quite simple.

I shall go down to that planet gather an armful of exotic flora and surprise the Robot with a magnificent gift of aromatic blooms.

He will of course be so grateful, he'll be my sl*ve forever.

That ninny.

[ Birds Chirping ]

Lovely! How lovely! A veritable jungle paradise.

[ Buzzing ]

What was that? Probably nothing.

At any rate, this seems a little large.

I'll see what else I can find.

Mother Nature.

How glorious! Ah, yes.

This will do nicely.

[ Buzzing, Groans ]

- What was that? Not to worry.

- [ Footsteps ]

Probably just a creaking bough.

Yes, I think I shall have this one.

[ Buzzing, Groans ]

Good heavens, what a noisy pair of shears.

Good day to you, stranger.

Good day.



- Who said that? [ Screams ]

Was it


- Was it you who spoke? I witnessed your crime.

What crime? I committed no crime.

You m*rder*d them.

You shouldn't have done that.

You m*rder*d them.

You shouldn't have done that.

Now you will pay for it.

A life for a life.

[ Screaming ]

Please don't harm me! I haven't done anything to you! Stay away! But I don't understand.

All I did was pluck a few blossoms for the birthday of a dear friend.

A dear, dear friend.

If only he were here with me now.

Like all you denizens of the animal kingdom you have no feelings for anyone but yourselves.

k*ller! That's what you are.

One of those hideous, warm

-blooded K*llers!

- No! No, I'm not!

- Watch it!

- [ Plant Buzzing ]

- You almost crushed the life out of my Epigea!

- There, there.

- So sorry.

Forgive me.

It was unintentional.


That's what they all say.

No! Stay away, you hear? I ask you to please stay away.

[ Screams ]

What is this? Oh, thank heaven.

Another human being.

Well, not precisely.

I was space

-wrecked here several hundred years ago and Tybo was kind enough to save my life with a heart transplant.

- But you are human?

- No.

It was a lettuce heart.

Aperfect wedding of two worlds.

He's Tybo's best friend.

- Aren't you, Willoughby?

- Do I have any choice? I know what might happen to me if I were your enemy.

This is the enemy.

He would grind the faces of the vegetable kingdom.

Oh, that's not true.

I wouldn't dream of it.

But this is the opportunity we've been waiting for.

A chance for the vegetable kingdom to come into its own.

But I assure you, my dear sir.

I adore vegetables.

I always have.

They're so full of vitamins and minerals and all good things.

You'll be pleased to know that I eat them regularly, cooked or raw.

Did you hear that, Willoughby? He eats vegetables!

- He enjoys eating vegetables!

- No, no! I don't enjoy it.

A few moments ago when you m*rder*d those flowers you signed your death warrant, but I've changed my mind.

- I'm commuting your sentence.

- To what? Willoughby, check his potential for a new life


Well, he


- he looks all right but his bones are terribly brittle and the rest of him is a bit on the jellyfish side.

He may never mature.

Leave it to me, Willoughby.

I'll find a life

-form to suit him.

But I like my present life


I'm devoted to it.

I've had it for many years.

[ Screams ]

- I don't want another life

-form! [ Screaming ]

- [ Plant Buzzing ]

- [ Screaming Continues ]

- [ Tybo Laughs ]

- [ Horn Toots ]

- How about that?

- Oh.

- You should wear a hat all the time.

- Thanks a lot!

- It's marvelous.

There you are, darling.

- Don, will you have some of this?

- You bet I will.

Thank you.

- Dear, are you ready for some more?

- Yeah, a little bit.

Here, Robot.

It isn't much, but happy birthday anyway.

Thank you, Penny.

To the best of my capabilities as a robot I will try to be happy.

- [ All Cheering ]

- [ Tooting Horn ]

And here's mine.

It's nothing special but there are no stores up here.

Do not apologize, Will Robinson.

I appreciate the thought as much as the gift.

[ Applause ]

Honey, why don't you get the cake? All right.

The cake.

Right away.

- [ Chattering ]

- [ Tooting Horn ]

Hey, where's Dr.

Smith? Dr.

Smith may be angry.

We had a few words.

He can't stay angry at you on your birthday.

I'll go get him.

- All right.

Who's up?

- Oh, here.

May I have some more?

- All right.

You bet you can.

- I'll have some too.

- [ Will ]


- Yeah.

- He isn't in here.

- He's probably up top sulking and wants to be coaxed.



Smith is not sulking up top.

My sensors indicate that he took off in the pod and landed it on the planet which we are now orbiting for private purposes of his own.

Why didn't you tell us about this before? No one asked me.

And as you are all well aware I am not programmed to ask questions, only answer them.

All right.

Let's contact him.

Happy birthday to me.

Smith, this is the Jupiter.

Come in! Do you read me? [ Dr.

Smith On Speaker ]

I read you with abundant clarity, Professor.

All right.

I want you and that pod back here right away.

- We leave in 30 minutes.

- Adieu, adieu.

May your journey flourish.

May you reap the ripe fruits of accomplishment.

Now listen to me.

You can cut out all that


- all that flowery talk and get right back here unless you want to get left behind.

Oh, the folly of those who plant the seeds of threat in the soil of contentment.

Such seeds will die, unnourished by fear.

The eloquent beauty of nature is all that I need.


Are you still in that pod? Smith! Well, I can't activate the pod's return unless I'm sure he's in it.

Well, that was the pod radio that he was talking from, wasn't it? Well, I'm not sure.

I think we'll have to take the ship down.

[ Don ]

He's been a pain in the neck since the first day out


- complaining, lying, loafing, interfering.

And now this boarder, who we never wanted in the first place, has found himself a new home.

In the soil of contentment, no less.

You want him back?

- Are you through?

- Yeah, I've said my piece.

All right.

We're going down.

Normal landing procedures.

All right.

We'll go down and strap in.

Come on.

[ Sighs ]

The soil of contentment.

[ Instrument Beeping ]

According to this the pod should be about one mile in that direction.

Say, Will, we're gonna need some machetes.

- Yes, sir.

- I'm not sure I'm right for this mission,John.

I don't think I'll sound too sincere telling Smith how much we miss him and need him.

All right, then.

Maureen and Penny do the persuading, and you and I will be their bodyguards.

- Well, as long as you put it that way.

- Yeah, thanks, Son.

Uh,Judy, I'd like you, Will and the Robot to stay here at the ship.

- We'll call you right away if Dr.

Smith should show.

- Oh, he won't, Judy.

No, Nature Boy will have to be carried back here in a pine needle stretcher.

- [ Laughs ]

- Come on.

- Bye


- Bye.

[ Plants Groaning ]


[ Groaning Continues ]

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to be hearing things.

Like voices?

- You could call 'em that, I guess.

- Yes, I heard them too.

Every time I cut through a vine or a branch.

- Like this.

- [ Plant Yelps ]

There it is again.

- John, you don't suppose



- No, please.

Please! I know it's perfectly silly


- You were going to say that plants might feel pain when they're hurt, weren't you?

- Yes.

- Oh, I don't think it's so silly, Mom.

Plant life isn't so different from human life and maybe there's something in this atmosphere that lets us hear them when they're hurt.

That's a fine and sensitive theory, Penny but this jungle's between us and the pod.

We've gotta cut our way through.

Come on.

[ Plants Groaning ]

[ Humans Yelling ]

[ Laughing ]

[ Yelling Continues ]

- [ John ]

It's a net!

- [ All Yelling ]

[ Don ]

The plants' revenge, if that doesn't sound too wacky.

It isn't wacky at all.

It's true.

[ Laughs ]

Fine catch.

Four of them.

I hope you're healthier than that jellyfish type.

You think you can come in here, hack away at us and get off scot

-free? For your own good, I suggest you stop.

[ John ]

All right.

We've stopped.

- Good.

- Now get us out of here! lt'll hold you until I'm ready for you.

[ Laughing ]

[ Penny ]

Oh! Dad, this is Will.

Dad, come in.

Do you read me? [ Sighs ]

If they were at the pod, they would've heard me.

It's only a mile from here, and they've been gone an hour.

Well, if Dr.

Smith wasn't at the pod, and he probably wasn't I would guess that they've gone to look for him.


If that were true, Dad would've called me.

Will, what are you doing? Here.

You're gonna need one of these.

I'm not sure we should leave the ship.

Judy, they could be in the same kind of mess that Dr.

Smith is in.

Now, we're gonna go out there, and we're gonna find them.

- But I'll go by myself if you'd rather not.

- Oh, no.

I'll go with you.

All right.

I'll leave a message, and I'll meet you outside.

Judy and I became worried about you, and we went to look for you.

- Now, if you should return before we do



- Will! Judy, this isn't jungle warfare.

- The Robot doesn't need camouflage.

- But I


- Correction.

This is indeed jungle warfare but this is not camouflage.

- Well, then what is it?

- It just grew, Will Robinson.

I stopped to rest in the course of my sentry duties and before I could say "Will Robinson," these trailing plants crept up on me totally incapacitating me.

Perhaps that's why we haven't heard from Dad.

The same thing may have happened to them.

Well, we better get them off him.

[ Plants Groaning ]

Sorry for hurting you, Robot.

It is not I who am being hurt, Will Robinson.

- It is these plants.

- [ Groaning Continues ]

What you are hearing are their screams of pain.

- You mean they have feelings?

- Affirmative.

It is my considered opinion that this entire planet is the domain of a vegetable kingdom and that we are its enemies.

We are at w*r with the plant world.


Smith didn't sound like he was at w*r with the plant world.


Smith is a two


He could've gone over to the enemy.

Well, the important thing right now is to get to the pod.

- [ Plant Groans ]

- Sorry, plant.

All right.

Let's go.

And we better not stop to rest, any of us.

- [ Plants Groaning ]

- Sorry.

Pardon me.

- [ Dr.

Smith ]

The eloquent beauty of nature is all



- Hold it!

- What is it, Will?

- Can't you hear that voice? It's coming from over there.

Go ahead, Robot.

[ Dr.

Smith Continues, Indistinct ]

"Beneath some patriarchal tree, I lay upon the ground.

"His ancient arms uplifted "he and all the broad leaves over me "clapped their little hands in glee with one continuous sound.

" Is that really you, Dr.

Smith? Well, of course it's me.

I see you've come to join me to delight with me in the green garments of this forest.

Why did you come down here, Dr.


- You knew we were only going to orbit this planet.

- The reason escapes me.

But I know now that I have found my true destiny.

I shall live here in this green

-haired forest and become one with it through all eternity.


Smith, you're talking like some kind of a nature kook.

Do you know that everyone is out looking for you? We even had to land the Jupiter on account of you.

Now, we're going back to the space pod, and I hope you can remember where you left it.

I do not remember the past.

All that is valueless to me now.

Look, Robot.

I want you to take Dr.

Smith back to the Jupiter.

Judy and I'll go on and look for Mom and Dad.

Do I have your permission to exert force, Will Robinson? Well, a little if necessary, but be gentle with him.

He looks kind of sick.

Come on,Judy.

Sick, indeed.

I am almost in full bloom.

All right, Dr.


Let's move it! Unhand me, you insensitive clump.

A brutish product of the mineral world.

That's what you are.

Personally, I would prefer to leave you right where you are, Dr.

Smith but I have my orders.

Get going! [ Yelps ]

What happened to me? Where am I? I am glad you are finally off your nature kick, Dr.


Nature kick, indeed.

I abhor nature! It always makes me sneeze.

[ Sneezes ]

And if you stand there much longer, Dr.

Smith worse things may happen


- you will take root.

- Look!

- [ Screams ]

What is this? What is this? Save me! Save me from this dreadful jungle! I will.

However, that does not mean my low opinion of you has changed.

I am merely obeying Will Robinson's orders.

Follow me, Dr.


Hurry! Lead on.

Lead on.

If they keep up their hollering, I'm gonna start feeling sorry for them.

Maybe that's what they want us to do


- give up and leave.

Well, we're not going to.

[ Both Screaming ]

- [ Plant Buzzing ]

- Well, well, well, well.

What's going on here? What's the trouble? Oh, I guess you can see what kind of trouble we're in.

Yes, yes.

Tybo and his vegetable kingdom are up to their old tricks again.

- Tybo?

- All this is his,you know.

He and his kind hate the animal world.

You're telling me.

Do you think you can get us loose from these vines? Uh, yes, but don't tell Tybo.

Because if he knew, he'd probably turn me into something awful like a red banana.

Now, all you have to do is to talk to these plants.

People don't talk to their plants enough, and they're very lonely.

Now, please, let them go.

These are my friends.

- Wow.

- You see?

- It's simple.

- [ Judy ]

Thank you.

Have you seen any other people around here? I mean, like me or like my brother Will here? Oh, brother and sister, are you? How charming.

Oh, by the way, I'm Willoughby.

- Oh, I'm Judy, and this is my brother, Will.

- How do you do?

- Nice to meet you.

- Do you know where the others are? [ Tybo ]

Willoughby! Here, Willoughby!

- Here, boy!

- My master's voice.

I'd better go.

And I advise you to go too.

- Because if you don't, he'll turn you into



- Here, Willoughby! Oh, excuse me.

Let's follow him.

Maybe he can lead us to Mom and Dad.

Oh, it's hot in here! With good reason.

It's some kind of hothouse.

- Penny!

- Oh, Penny.

Penny, what is it, dear? What's the matter? I don't know.

I can hardly keep my eyes open.

Just lie here, dear.

Keep your head back there.

Well, whatever it is that carrot may have in store for us we're getting out of here now.

Get your machete, Don.

[ Laughing ]

We vegetables can be violent too if we have to.

Now, why don't you both relax like the little one there? You'll find it so much easier to accept your future life

-forms if you don't fight it.

- What are you talking about?

- Think of yourselves as towering oaks, maybe lifting your branches to the sky shedding little acorns to grow more and more oaks like yourselves.

You both have the build for it, you know.

You're crazy! Now let us out of here! I'm afraid that's impossible.


- Yes, sir.

- Keep an eye on them, Willoughby.

I'm going to see how our brittle

-boned jellyfish is doing.

[ Laughing ]


Look what's standing guard over us.

Oh, I'm no guard.

On the contrary, I do feel sorry for you but I'm afraid of what Tybo might do to me if I helped you.

Well, then just tell us one thing.

Is there a way out ofhere? [ Chuckles ]

Oh, I'm afraid not.

There's only Tybo's hydrostatic system underneath you, but I'm afraid he'd be quite offended if you tried to get out that way.

Well, offended or not, that's just what we intend to do.

Come on.

Let's start digging.

Sounds like metal.

- Let's go.

Right here.

- John, look! It's begun.

Oh,John, don't.

It might not be the right thing to do.

Yes, it's Penny who might feel the pain.

It's the temperature.

Something to do with the humidity.

Don, let's check those coils.

If they can heat this place, they must be able to cool it too.

But how? I don't know.

Let me see.


Let's try this one.

If we can bring the temperature down 30 degrees, we've got a chance.


Snow! But we've gotta work fast.

That hydrostatic system he mentioned


- It may not be a way out of here but if it controls Tybo's water supply for the entire area

- and we take it over



- But how do we get through that metal? We've gotta try.

That's how.

Come on! It's a trapdoor.


Give me a hand.

All right.

Bang on the coils if you see Tybo coming.

All right.

If I had known we were gonna end up in a place like this I would've taken a course in hydraulics before I left school.

Do you think that could be the shutoff valve? There's only one way to find out.

[ Steam Hissing ]

[ Indistinct Shouting ]

[ Steam Stops ]

- You all right?

- Yeah, I guess so.

Well, now I've learned the difference between a pressure valve and a shutoff valve.

Let's go that way.

[ Plants Groaning ]

It's got a fresh break in it, so he must've come this way.

[ Gasps, Screams ]

- Are you hurt?

- No.

Are you? No.

How are we gonna get out? Well, let's try to climb out.

[ Grunting ]

Oh, it's too slippery.

It's no use.

Will! [ Plant Growling ]

Stop! Stop! Not another step.

I simply cannot go another step.

You must keep going, Dr.


You know what will happen if you stop.

Besides, I have my orders.



-fie to your orders! They are of no interest to me.

My delicate back simply cannot stand this strain.

Let it happen.

Let him do what he likes with me.

Let him change me into an orchid, a papaya tree, a fragrant bougainvillea! It's all the same to me now.

You have excellent horticultural taste, Dr.

Smith, but I still have my orders.

Go away, ninny! Go away.

What I cannot compute is why you came here in the first place.

It's all your fault! Oh, why did I do it? How could I know that coming down here to pluck a posy for your birthday would end in such disaster?

- A posy, for me?

- Yes, for you.

I did not know you cared that much, buddy.

Now you know, buddy.

Come on, buddy.

I will pick you up and carry you bodily as I would carry a motherless child.

Go away! Don't touch me, you ungrateful underling! Go and get me some help.

And tell them I shall require a stretcher.

If that is a direct order, that is the way it will have to be.

But I cannot leave without giving you one helpful hint.

- What is that?

- Keep moving, Dr.


Keep moving.

Thank you, booby, but I do not require your advice.

Very well, Dr.


But do not say I did not warn you.

Begone! The advice of a tin

-plated traitor, indeed! [ Plants Buzzing ]

What was it he said? Keep moving? Yes, keep moving.

I must keep moving.

I will.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

[ Screams ]

Keep moving.

Keep moving, I will.

[ Plant Growling ]

- Help! Someone help!

- This way.

[ Growling Continues ]

[ Judy Screaming ]

Help! Help! Help! Help! Somebody help me! Help! [ Robot ]

Grab the line.

You go first.

I'll cover for you.

[ Growling Continues ]

Steady now.


Come on, Will.

That's right.


Boy, that was a close one.

Are you okay? Yes.

We'd have been mulch in a few minutes if you hadn't come along, Robot.

I am glad I was able to be of service to you and Miss Judy, Will Robinson.

However, the same cannot be said about Dr.


What do you mean? Didn't you take him back to the ship? Negative.

It cut me to the quick to have to abandon him but he ordered me to leave him and when a buddy gives a robot an order, what is a robot to do but obey? Well, I'm countermanding that order.

We can't just leave him out here to become a


- a


- An orchid, a papaya, a bougainvillea is what he would prefer to become.

Well, just forget it.

I order you to take him back to the ship Well,just forget it.

I order you to take him back to the ship if you have to drag him by his feet.

Especially by his feet.

His feet are his Achilles' heels.

- All right.

Let's go.

- Be careful for some more of those mulch pits.

There could be thousands of them on this planet.

[ Plants Groaning ]

Everything looks the same down here.

How are we ever gonna work it out? Hey, there's a lid here! Give me a hand.

Main shutoff switch.

That could be it.

- What do you think?

- I don't know.

It may shut off the water and k*ll the plants but on the other hand it may turn off the oxygen, destroy us all.

- [ Loud Tapping ]

- Maureen.

Tybo's coming! Come on! Hurry up! He's coming!

- All right.


- Now cover it.

- [ Tybo Laughing ]

- Here he is! [ Laughing Continues ]

The things you animals will do to avoid living a better life.

And the little one was going to be so pretty in her new life.

I had a trailing arbutus in mind for her.

Best I'll be able to do now is something in a much lower class


- goldenrod or mustard or something.

What we've done, Tybo, is try to preserve what we are not what you'd have us be.

Can't leave you alone for a minute.

The moment my back is turned, there you go trying to k*ll yourselves.

Why can't you be meek and mild like Willoughby? Willoughby


- Where is he? Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty.

Probably ran off to warn me.

All right.

This may cause you a momentary discomfort.

Protect yourselves.

[ Laughing ]

[ Steam Hissing ]

Moisture, moisture.

I must have my moisture.

[ Bell Dinging ]

I'm not sure which I prefer


- coming to a slow boil or solidifying into an ice cube.

Well, I'm hoping for neither, if we found the right shutoff valve.

Come on! Give me a hand.

[ Grunting ]

Maureen, while we're gone, take care of Penny.

[ Will ]

Dad! Will, stay back! We're imprisoned by a force field.

- Imprisoned? By whom?

- We'll explain it later.

Now, I want you to go back to the ship and stay there till dawn.

If you haven't heard from us by then, take the ship and get out of here.

Look, Dad.

The Robot's not far from here.

He could crash through this easily.

Now that's an idea.

All right.

Get him.

- It's worth a try.

- Come on! Give me a hand.

- All right, darling.

Watch out for Tybo.

- I will.

Well, here goes.

- Well, it stopped circulating.

- Yeah.

If they don't have a backup system or a reservoir to take its place.

I got here as fast as I could, Will Robinson but it was already out of my hands.

Oh, boy, Dr.


I was afraid something like this was gonna happen to you.

You should've kept moving around.

It's kismet, my boy.

What will be, will be.

Of course, I should've preferred to see myself as something more graceful, perhaps


- a lovely calla lily or a fragrant rose.

How some ever, all things considered, I am quite content.

I don't see anything to be happy about in being an oversized celery stalk, Dr.


Be careful,Judy.

Slanderous att*cks on the vegetable kingdom do not sit lightly on us vegetables, oh, no.

Will you kindly tell this creature to stop nibbling at me? It jars me to my very roots.

Willoughby, you're gonna have to stop nibbling on Dr.


- He says itjars him.

- I'm sorry, but I have Tybo's permission to nibble on the rosette of all umbellifer just so long as I don't swallow the seeds.

But Dr.

Smith isn't a real umbellif


- He's not a real celery stalk.

He's an animal,just like us.

Now you're appealing to my kinship with my fellow creatures again.


-You know how timid I am.

Besides, I'm hungry.

Now, lay off, Willoughby.


Smith doesn't have that much hair as it is.

He's gonna look horrible when we change him back if you keep plucking at him.

Change me back? It's out of the question.

May I say that never, never have I been as happy as I am now.

You know, there is something rather sturdy and vigorous about celery


- the good earth, the shining sun the pleasant companionship of one's fellow vegetables.

Of course, I could do with a bit more rain, perhaps.


Smith, you're acting like a real stalk of celery.

Of course I am.

I look like celery.

I draw moisture from the soil like celery.

I feel the pulsing crunch of life like celery.

Ergo, I am a real stalk of celery.

I think, perhaps, I should apologize for my appearance.

A good soaking rain would freshen me up so.

Judy, you'd better stay here with Dr.


I'll take the Robot and go find Mom and Dad.

Come on, Robot.

We've got a big job ahead of us.

# Do you ken Dr.

Smith with his coat so gay # # Do you ken Dr.

Smith at the break of day # # Do you ken Dr.

Smith when he's far, far away # # With his beans and his peas in the morning ## I am so happy.


I seem to be losing pressure.

Maybe I should go and talk to him first.

You stay here.

If he gives me any trouble, you know what to do.

Affirmative, Will Robinson.

However, I suggest that you exercise the utmost caution.

Tybo's transmutation powers can be extremely dangerous especially to young members of the animal kingdom as well as putty

-like members like Dr.


I'll watch it.

- Sir?

- Ah, there you are, young seedling.

You've come to make some sort of sentimental appeal.

Am I correct? You could call it that if you like, I guess.

[ Laughs ]

I know exactly how you animals think


- all heart and sympathy for each other.

What's wrong with that? I mean, I know you're a real vegetable whiz and it must be great to be able to change one kind of a life

-form into another.

Well, I'm glad one of you animals appreciates us.

Go on.

But it's all wrong.

Why change Dr.

Smith into a stalk of celery? And what do you think you're gonna do with my parents and Penny and Don? Why can't you just be satisfied to be what you are and let us be what we are? I mean, I'll admit that we eat certain vegetables sometimes but there are plenty of other plants that we just grow to look at and admire because they're so beautiful.

How would you like it if someone were gonna monkey around and turn you into a water bug? You've gotta change Dr.

Smith back! You've got to let us all go! Impossible.

Give up all my grand plans for you? Oh, incidentally, I have a very fine plant in mind for you.

A magnificent young sapling.

Eh, a willow, perhaps, or a silver birch.

- John



- Run, Will! Run!

- Stop!

- [ Coughing ]

It won't help you.

No matter where you fall, you'll take root.

Robot, attack! Attack! I


- I am out of power, Will Robinson.

All this running back and forth has exhausted my





- [ Groans ]

- Robot! Robot, help us! All right, Tybo.

I guess you win.

There was never any doubt of it.

John, what are we gonna do? Cover for me.

I'm going down to the hydrostatic station again.

Willoughby, how does Tybo do it? How does he change people into plants? How? [ Chuckles ]

He's a bright one, he is.

A transplant here, a transfusion here.

He's a regular plant surgeon.

You know, sometimes he lets me act as his nurse.

I carry his instruments in this pouch here.

- What kind of instruments?

- Well, here, here.

Have a look.

Oh, be careful of that one.

That is a sharp one.

What does he do with this? Uh, sh*ts.

Lethal sh*ts.

Sometimes he has to put a sick plant out of its misery.

You know how it is.

Isn't there something he does sometimes that well, changes things back to what they were? Oh, yes, he often does that when a new plant life doesn't work out.

[ Judy ]

Perhaps there's something like that we could do for Dr.


- Do?

- Get him back to what he was.

[ Chuckles ]

But he's such a healthy

-looking stalk of celery.

Oh, he'd rather be what he was, Willoughby, not what he is.

[ Dr.

Smith ]

No, I would not.

Let us not interfere with Tybo's magnificent handiwork.

A celery is as a celery does.

Oh, he doesn't know what he's saying.

Please, Willoughby, help me change him back to his former self.

- Oh, Tybo won't like that.

- Neither will I.

Oh, please, Willoughby.

Please help me.

After all, you are one of us.

Well, I suppose his celery oils could be dried up.

Oh, dear.

I shall wither away.

Oh, dear.

I shall wither away.

Well, only the vegetable part would wither.

We might be able to preserve the animal part.


One drop of this will do it.

Supposing we can't preserve the animal part? Well, Tybo will probably make a study of his remains to find out what went wrong.

Then I guess it's up to Dr.

Smith to make the choice.

I already have.

I stay as I am.

And don't you dare try any of your murderous animal experiments on me! Oh, you look fine now, Dr.



- colorful and crunchy and all that


- but what'll you do when the bad weather comes


- gales, storms, floods? Why,you could be washed away or there could be a long drought and you'djust dry up.

You'd just go to seed and blow away.

Oh, dear.

Perhaps I'd better have a drop of that stuff after all.

Just one drop on the top of the head.

That does it best.

Now, this won't hurt very much.

Just turn your head.

All right, Dr.


- Careful.

- Here I go.

- There.

- Oh, dear.

Will, you must keep moving.

You'll take root if you don't.

[ Chuckles ]

It won't do him any good.

He'll have to stop eventually.

You've got to keep going, Will! You've got to keep going! [ Plants Groaning ]

I seem to be losing steam.

Are you playing one of your mechanical tricks on me? I


- I have not the strength.

But I wish I had.

[ Groans ]

Look at the dials.

I think John's done it.

We've got to stall him until John gets back.

Tybo? You must be getting awfully tired of playing this game with us.

Tired? I've barely started.

You'll make a powerful

-looking teakwood tree.

- Uh, where's the other animal?

- Tell me something, Tybo.

Why do you want to turn me into a teakwood tree? It would be one of my better achievements.

You're forgetting something, aren't you? You see, you're forgetting human resistance.

And you can't stop that unless you k*ll us.

If you k*ll us, then you can't change us.

You mean you'd rather die than be a tree? Like they say, you've seen one tree, you've seen 'em all.

I thought I could do this with a minimum of trouble but I see now a crash transmutation is necessary.

Must have more steam.

[ Wheezing ]

Moisture! Water! I must have water! Penny.

[ Coughing ]

[ Wheezing ]

Water! Water! [ Coughing ]

It's working!

- Moisture! I need moisture!

- Is he all right?

- Moisture! I need moisture!

- Couldn't be better.

[ Coughing ]


It worked! Get Penny! Come on, darling.

Can you make it? Come on.

Let's go.

The force field is broken.

Take the children back to the ship.

Prepare for liftoff!

- Right.

- Come on.

We'll get Will.

Water! Water! Water! Moisture! Moisture! I need moisture! Moisture! Wonderful! Wonderful! We better stay with him, or we'll miss the transformation.

Moisture! Moisture! I need moisture! There he is! Moisture! Moisture! [ Screams ]

It's me again!

- How wonderful!

- Never fear, Smith is here.

Let's get back to the greenhouse.

[ Groaning ]


- Water.

- Here.

You gave me water.

Why? It's a human instinct not to let anything or anyone die of thirst.


- Dad, are you all right?

- Yes, I'm all right.

Help your mother get back to the ship.

She's got the children.

Poor Tybo.

He didn't know how to live and let live.

I'll have to nurse him back to health, I suppose.

I was thinking that perhaps you'd like to come with us.

Oh, no, no, no.

Thank you for the offer, but I'll have to take care ofTybo.

- All right.

- It must have been a dreadful agony for him to realize that you died of dehydration.

Died, my foot! I happen to be alive! For Tybo you are dead.

[ Groaning ]

- Buddy boy.

- What do you want? I need a little help until my power systems regenerate themselves.

You would not turn me down, would you, old buddy? Don't "old buddy" me, you old booby! Come along!