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05x05 - The Assassin

Posted: 05/03/23 06:49
by bunniefuu
(lively music)

(suspenseful music)

- It's the best I've ever done.

The range is exactly
what you requested.

- And the sil*ncer?

- Built in.

- All right, let me see
some amm*nit*on.

- Mercury-tipped.

Neat, clean, explodes
like a small grenade.

(expl*si*n rumbles)

Wasn't easy filling your order,

the time pressure I
was working under.

Normally, it would
take four weeks

to custom craft so
delicate a w*apon.

- I appreciate
your labor, Emile.

I really do.

(dramatic music)

(moves to jazzy music)

(radio beeps)

- [Dispatch] Four-Adam-16,

we have report of a
body being abandoned

in the harbor at the
peer, 16th and Waterfront.

Handle the call, code two.

- Four-Adam-16, roger.

(tires screeching)

(dramatic music)

I'll take the back.

(exciting music)

(tires screeching)

(siren blaring)

- You okay?

- Yeah, fine.

There's one that got away.

- Damn!

Call it in.

See if they know
who the witness was

who saw the body dumped.

- Four-Adam-16 to dispatch.

(somber music)

- [Hooker] I see they got
you guys pulling dawn patrol.

- Oh yeah, we
were gettin' spoiled

with that normal
14-hour routine.

We couldn't wait
to start chasing

the coroner's wagon at 5:00 a.m.

- What'd ya got?

- At first it looked
like the usual,

a guy who decided to take a dip

in the Pacific
with his clothes on.

- Off the Channel Bridge?

- Not from the way
the tide was last night.

Harbor master guesses he
went in north of the bridge.

- How's the body?

- Couldn't have been
in the water too long.

- ID?

- Nothing we could find.

But when was the last
time you saw a jumper

take the time to strip
himself of identification?

And we chased a guy last night

after a report of a
body being dumped.

- We couldn't find the
witness who made the report.

That's only the start
of what's interesting.

The captain of the patrol
boat was involved in

helping you last year when
you were working plain clothes

to break up that
g*n smuggling ring.

- Yeah, I recognize him.

- And he recognized the dead
man as the one who got away.

Emile Kaplan, interested?

- Always interested
in tying up loose ends.

- The question is why
would somebody k*ll Kaplan,

if that's what happened?

- If that's what
happened, who k*lled him?

- [Police Radio] Dump
truck down on 18th Street.

If we could have a car come.

(suspenseful music)

(bell rings)
- [Announcer] And they're off.

Still Kicking spreads out to
the lead from between horses

as the field races
by the stands.

There goes Dancing
Dean up on the outside

to grab the early lead now.

It's Dancing Dean curving
around the clubhouse turn.

Still Kicking is
close in second.

- Anything, Frank?
- Chocolate Charlie

got away in third.
- Negative.

- [Announcer] Followed
up by Violet's First,

the fourth horse, with
Egyptian Femme in fifth.

As the field makes their
way to the back stretch,

Still Kicking with
Jockey Tony Maker

up front by half a length.

Here's Chocolate Charlie
coming through on the inside.

Dancing Dean is right there,

followed up by Violet's
First and Egyptian Femme,

and they're stride for
stride around the far turn.

- You found the boat
satisfactory, I take it.

- It'll do.

Now, my fee is half in advance,

half upon completion.

- It's agreed.

The 200,000 was
sent to your account

in Mexico City this morning.

- [Announcer] Followed
up by Violet's First.

- You'll find a map inside
here with Tuesday's route.

- I can't be sure
from this angle,

but that might be the contact.

Get a lot of sh*ts, Frank.
- Yeah.

- [Announcer] Still
Kicking, they're heads apart

down the front
end by two lengths.

- The ETA of the plane at
International is 1030 hours.

It'll be heavy security,
both at the airport,

and in route to the
Trade Fair Center.

Now, if you're planning on...

- What I'm planning
doesn't concern you.

- What concerns me is the fact

that you may have only one shot,

and we're paying a hefty
price to make certain it's true.

- I'm the best, that's
why I'm expensive.

If you didn't want the best,

you wouldn't have gone
to the trouble to find me.

- We have no argument there.

- So I suggest that
you concentrate

on coming up with
the rest of my money

and I'll take care
of the execution.

- [Announcer] And
widening the lead now

as they race to the wire,

and Still Kicking is home on top

by a length and a half,
then it was Egyptian Femme

coming on for second,
Violet's First was third.

Ladies and gentlemen,
please hold all...

- He's gone. Frank?

- No sign of him.

- Oh, that's just terrific.

Check the exits, now, now!

- [Announcer] Time of the race.

- Hey, you got something?

- Confirmation that our midnight
swimmer was Emile Kaplan.

He had a record for
three separate convictions

of selling shipments
of stolen g*ns.

Served time on two of them.

- And the autopsy says he was
dead before he hit the water?

- No doubt about it.

There was no water in his
lungs, no evidence of drowning.

- The cause of death?

- A break in the
cervical column.

The bruises indicate
the neck was snapped

by someone who
knew his business.

- Sounds like a
chiropractor I used to go to

might be on the loose again.

- This Kaplan had a tool
and die shop in South Beach,

also listed as his home address.

Maybe he's back
in the g*n business.

- So somebody broke
his neck over a g*n deal?

- Well, everybody
wants a g*n these days.

Crooks, straights,
schoolkids, it's big business.

- Tell me about it,
my nextdoor neighbor

just bought a
Saturday night special.

She tells me that
curling up with it at night

makes her feel safer.

(phone rings)

- Hooker.

Yes, sir.

Right away.

- Sir?

- That was downtown, Chief
wants to see me right away.

- Oh, you're using
his parking spot again?

- Couldn't be that.

They'd have me towed away,

just like they
did the last time.

Here, you take the
Kaplan tool and die.

Sniff around, see
what you can find out.

I'll catch up with you.

- Come in, Hooker.
- Chief.

- T.J. Hooker,

Tom Merrick, CIA,

Stanley Vernon,
State Department.

I'm gonna let these
gentlemen fill you in, Hooker.

Mr. Vernon?

- I take it you're aware
of the government's

recent trade exchange
agreement with the Soviet Union.

- Yes, I think I heard
something about it on the news.

Isn't there a Russian
delegation coming in

to attend the
International Trade Fair?

- And then they'll
continue on to Washington.

The delegation arrives
Tuesday morning,

and we're establishing
heavy security.

- Chairman of that
delegation is Dimitry Gorkov,

we're expecting an
attempt on his life.

- Assassination?

- Not so much of the man,

as much as a strike
against what he stands for.

The beginnings
of a trade liaison

between the United
States and Russia.

- How do you know there's
gonna be an attempt?

- We can't be certain but
we've picked up bits and pieces

over the last several months
from our intelligence network

about a certain
group of conspirators.

Now, the attempt
could take place here,

during the trade
visit, or in Washington.

- Suspects?

- We think we know
the trigger man.

The guy on the left
there, his name is...

- Paul DeNiro.

Former Army
Intelligence officer.

Trained executioner.

And he was phased
out of active duty eight,

maybe nine years ago,
for mental instability.

- Well, there's nothing
unstable about him now.

He's totally
rational, he's deadly,

and he's an expert marksman.

- Your service records indicate
you served with him, Hooker.

- In Nam, one mission.

We didn't see eye to eye.

Who's the man on the right?

- Major General Robert
Selkirk, US Army retired.

- We took these photos
earlier at Woodlawn Track.

Unfortunately, we lost DeNiro.

- DeNiro used
to live in this city.

His ex-wife lives
somewhere on the north side.

- She's a school teacher,
she's outta town now,

but DeNiro still
might contact her.

- You know him, Hooker.

And you know more
about how and where

a man might lose
himself in the streets

in this city than anybody else.

- We've got less
than 72 hours before

the Russian delegation
lands at the International.

(shop tools whirring)

- He worked a lot at nights
alone, private projects.

- What kind of projects?

- Custom work, I guess.

I mean, we do mostly
commercial work

on consignment for
larger companies,

but Kaplan was a strange
sorta cat in a lot of ways.

I mean, he had his own
thing going most of the time,

but he didn't talk about it.

- Did he keep files on his work?

- Yeah, there's a
cabinet out in back.

He kept his stuff
in the old ledgers.

- What about g*ns?

- What about 'em?

- Was Kaplan into g*ns?

- Kaplan?

Nah, probably never saw a
g*n for real in his whole life.

I still can't believe anybody

would try to k*ll him, you know?

Must've been some
kind of mistake.

- Did you know Emile
Kaplan did prison terms

for selling stolen weapons?

- Ah, you gotta be kidding, man.

- We'd like to take a
look at those ledgers,

and any other files Kaplan
might've had around.

- Help yourself.

(suspenseful music)

(church bell chiming)

- And in the latest extension
of the United States'

new trade detente
with the Soviet Union,

a Russian delegation
will be in attendance

at the inaugural
of the city trade fair.

Led by the head of their trade
commission, Dimitry Gorkov,

the delegation will
spend two days here

on a tour sponsored
by the State Department.

- First Red China, now Russia.

The next thing you
know, they'll invite Castro

here for a testimonial dinner.

- When will you need
the rest of the funds?

- On completion of the contract.

- All right, I'll transfer
the rest of the money

to the conduit account
and make arrangements

for cabling his account.

But I don't like this
business with Kaplan.

Was it necessary
to eliminate him?

- He was the only link
between DeNiro and us.

- Was DeNiro aware of that?

- As far as he knew,

it was just the first
step in the contract.

- How does he plan
to penetrate the target?

- He hasn't committed to that.

DeNiro's mind works
in a very set manner,

identical to his counterpart
at the end of the 11th century,

when the order of the
assassins was formed in Persia.

Human life had no value,
so they sold their services

and mental discipline
to the highest bidder.

Once DeNiro's mind is committed,

he becomes a skilled
precision machine

bent upon one thing only,

the absolute
destruction of his target.

- Thanks, Bernie.

Hey, just don't forget
your friends, okay?

Right, later.

I'm sh**ting blanks, Hooker.

Talked to every
snitch, every contact

who might have a line
on a new face in town,

and there isn't a rumble.

- You're trying to
track a ghost, Jim.

DeNiro's whole life seems to
have ended 4 1/2 years ago.

Europe to Canada,
and no record of his

ever having come back
to the United States.

- But just happened to catch

the feature race
at Woodlawn Track.

- He's got phony
papers all right.

Probably using an alias,
maybe even a different look.

- But you clearly recognized
him as the guy you served with.

- That's a face
I'll never forget.

- Doesn't sound like he
brings back fond memories.

- Not much about Vietnam does,

and DeNiro in particular
leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Our mission was
sanctioned by the CIA

just before the fall of Saigon.

DeNiro was out of control
and some people got k*lled

that shouldn't have been k*lled.

(phone rings)

- Just got confirmation
from Canada on the passport.

They got a guy up there,
used to do big business

forging papers for
draft dodgers years ago.

Well, he just got picked
up in Toronto on a drug bust.

Now, he admits he was
detailed a passport, papers,

a California driver's license
in the name of Jared Morgan,

now get this, for Paul DeNiro.

- They certain about
the make on DeNiro?

- Yeah, he was
using another alias,

but our people up there
have the pictures I sent them.

Now, DeNiro or Morgan just
flew into Chicago six days ago,

and I'm checking the
airline to see if there's a trail.

- Our stakeout on
DeNiro's wife's house.

She's back in town.

- Let's go.

(jazzy music)

She's around back in the garden.

Mrs. DeNiro.

- Yes, what'd ya want?

- We're the police, we'd
like to ask a few questions.

This is Officer Corrigan,
Mr. Merrick from the CIA,

and I'm Sergeant Hooker.

- I'm remember you, Hooker.

- I didn't think you would.

The only time we
met was years ago.

- San Francisco after the w*r.

And Paul wasn't
happy to see you.

You said you have
some questions?

- Yes, about your husband.

- Ex-husband.

- When was the last
time you saw him?

- Four, nearly five years ago.

- Was that here in the city?

- Yes.

As far as I know, he's
been abroad since then.

- Have you had any contact
at all with him recently?

Letter or postcard?

- What's this all about?

You said you're
with the police now?


We believe your husband's
somewhere in the city.

We'd like to talk to him.

- What's the CIA
got to do with it?

- It's just standard procedure.

We're cooperating
with the police

and the FBI in a
certain matter is all.

- Standard procedure.

I've had a lot of years
of that procedure.

The secrecy, the lies.

Don't come into my home
now asking my cooperation,

and feed me one of your
phony government lines.

Why are you looking for Paul?

- Can't tell you
that, but it's urgent.

- Look, Hooker, from the
moment he went with the agency

to the day they phased him
out because of what they term

mental instability, our
lives exist in a nightmare.

12 years of living hell
in which he changed

from an idealist who loved
the flag and his country,

to a deranged mental case,

who could take a human
life without blinking an eye.

- Vietnam changed a lot of us.

- It wasn't just Vietnam.

There were dirty
jobs before and after.

Too many dirty jobs,
till his mind snapped.

- Here's a number that
you can reach me at,

should you make contact.

- The divorce was
a bitter one, Hooker.

There's no reason
for him to contact me.

- Well, thank you
for your cooperation.

- He said when he saw you
that time in San Francisco that

he thought you
were two of a kind

when you first thrown
together in Nam,

and that he liked you,

but that he wound up
disappointed in you.

- Paul had a lot going for him.

We could have been friends
another time, another place,

but not the way it was,
not when I can still see

the faces of the men
who were with us,

who didn't come
back because of him.

(somber music)

- Well, from what we
just heard it sounds like

you knew DeNiro a lot
better than you said, huh?

- We had a lot in common,
we enlisted together.

His wife said Paul
DeNiro was different.

She's right, we all were.

She said he was deranged.

He's not, but he's
deeply disillusioned,

and he's out there with a
g*n, and I can assure you,

to stop him, we're
gonna have to k*ll him.

(dramatic music)

- Hello.

- Hi.

- I'd like to rent a safe
deposit box, please.

- Of course.

This way, please.

- [Stacy] Hooker, about
those ledgers we brought in

on the Emile Kaplan k*lling.

- Yes.

- He was into g*n
dealing all right.

Stolen g*ns and
custom crafted items.

He had his own tailor shop.

Those private projects
he worked on at night

were g*ns made to order
for the discriminate buyer.

- What about names,
who'd he work with?

- The ledger was
full of possibles

that I'm running down now.

There were two names
that jumped out at me.

- [Hooker] Jared Morgan.

- I figured it's gotta
be the Morgan-DeNiro

connection we're looking for.

It looks like a custom purchase

to be delivered on the sixth.

- That's the day
Kaplan was k*lled.

- It's the last
entry in the ledger.

- Could be DeNiro bought
himself a new piece from Kaplan

right before Kaplan went to
the big g*n shop in the sky.

- R. Selkirk, did
he buy a piece?

- No, that came off the
crosscheck of the ledger names

with Kaplan's old tool receipts.

Robert Red Selkirk,
major general retired.

He's got a place in Santa Costa.

(suspenseful music)

- Yes, can you tell me what
your visiting hours are, please?

(slow jazz music)

- I've got the real
beauties locked up

downstairs in the playroom.

Everything from Wild Bill
Hickok's Colt Peacemaker,

to a Russian
a*t*matic r*fle that I

liberated from a
North Korean general.

- Is that how you got
the nickname Red?

- You've been reading
my press clippings.

I did an Audie Murphy
against the commies

on a little hill in Korea,

picked up a chest
full of ribbons for it.

- Was it worth it, General?

- [Robert] Worth what?

- Taking the hill.

I understand you
suffered some of the

heaviest casualties of the w*r.

- It's worth it anytime
you stop the enemy.

Hill, village, border.

If you don't stop the
enemy one place,

you're gonna have
to stop him another.

But you didn't
come here to listen

to me spout military philosophy.

- On the contrary.

Your military philosophy
is very enlightening.

I'm Sergeant Hooker,
this is Officer Corrigan.

- My man tells me
your ID's authentic.

I believe he also told you
that I'm entertaining guests.

- I'll make it short and sweet.

- Good.

- Does the name Paul
DeNiro mean anything to you?

- DeNiro.

No, should it?

- We have photographs of
you with Paul DeNiro, General.

Taken yesterday
at Woodlawn Track.

- Well, I don't know what
kind of crime that would be

if I was there, but I was
nowhere near Woodlawn,

and I don't know a Paul DeNiro.

- You're sure about that?

- I was attending
a board meeting.

I'll be glad to provide
verification if necessary.

- What about Jared
Morgan, is that name familiar?

- I know a Kimberly Morgan.

She was a stripper who
performed at our service clubs.

But no Jared
Morgan that I recall.

- It's the alias
Paul DeNiro uses.

- Is that so?

Well, who is Paul DeNiro?

- Professional assassin.

- Really?

Well, gentlemen, I
wish I could contribute

something that
would help, but...

- Did you ever purchase any
g*ns from an Emile Kaplan?

- It's obvious that
I've got a lot of g*ns,

collected over a lifetime.

But the name Kaplan,
what can I tell you?

My memory's as good as the
next, but I'm not a computer.

- Well, our computer
has a long file on you,

and on Emile Kaplan.

Berlin, just after the
second world w*r,

the two of you had
graduated from college,

you served in the OSS together.

- I've served with
a lot of people,

in a lot of places,

in a lot of wars, and, Sergeant,

you're coming very close
to spoiling my dinner party,

if this is gonna
take much longer.

- Emile Kaplan's body is
lying in the morgue right now.

That's k*lling number one.

I have reason to believe Paul
DeNiro's planning another one.

I know your record
and your politics,

and I don't wanna see
you make the mistake

of planning any w*r
games in my city.

- Is that about it, Sergeant?

- Not quite.

If you can find Paul
DeNiro, stop him,

because if you don't,
I'll nail him and you,

and anybody else
on your political team.

Now that's it.

- My man will show you
out, sorry I couldn't help.

- Those pictures of him
with DeNiro aren't a lie,

so what he just
fed us has to be.

- He's into it all right,

right up to his purple
heart and silver star.

(dramatic music)

- Mrs. DeNiro?
- Yes.

- I'm glad you came.

I wasn't sure whether
you'd be visiting today.

- Is something wrong with Kevin?

- It's not Kevin,
it's your husband.

- Husband?

- He says he's been
out of the country

and he hasn't seen
Kevin since he left,

so we didn't see any
harm in letting him visit

as long as he understood that
Kevin couldn't communicate.

They've just been sitting
like that, the both of them,

like statues, for over an hour.

- Oh, Paul.

He doesn't speak yet, Paul.

And he has trouble
responding to strangers.

- I'm not a stranger,
I'm his father.

- Paul.

He's got brain damage, Paul.

The tests are
inconclusive, but the doctors

feel there's still
some hope for him.

(somber music)

- Mrs. DeNiro?

Your husband left this.

- What you were
saying about DeNiro,

that he got a lot
of people k*lled,

what was that all about?

- I was a scout,
one of the best.

So when the CIA
wanted some information

about a particular
troop buildup,

they sent DeNiro and
me in to check it out.

- Enemy territory?

- Seemed like it was
all enemy territory.

But when the thing went
down, I found myself separated,

in a village about 30
miles north of Saigon.

There were four
of ours, wounded,

Americans, waiting
for a ride out.

The next thing I knew, the
choppers that we thought

were coming in to
evacuate the wounded,

were sh**ting up the jungle.

- An airstrike?

- Called in by DeNiro.

He said he saw
the Cong moving in.

It was never proved, but I
heard rumors afterwards.

The real reason was
he and the village chief

had a drug deal that fell apart,

and he was breaking
up the partnership.

- A lot of casualties.

- Three villagers left alive.

And one other
American beside myself.

The rest of the village
was blown away.

(radio beeps)

- [Dispatch] Four-X-Ray-30,

you have a message
from a Mrs. DeNiro, urgent.

- This is Four-X-Ray-30,
let's have it.

- He didn't say anything about

where he was going or staying.

He just left that.

He must have brought
it to give to Kevin.

He never even
took it out of the bag.

See, our little boy had
brain damage at birth,

and Paul never could
accept it, still can't.

- You said something
about a prescription.

- Oh, yeah.

This prescription slip
was in the bag too.

You see, Paul has an
allergy, and I thought

if he left the prescription
at a drugstore,

maybe he hasn't
picked it up yet.

- I'll have Stacy meet us.

- Thank you for
your cooperation.

Your little boy, is he
gonna be all right?

- Yeah.

Would it be all right
if I kept the boat?

- Of course.
- Thanks.

(somber music)

(moves to suspenseful music)

- DeNiro's already been here,

picked up his
prescription and left.

The druggist said
he had a cab wait.

- Did you get the company?

- Stafford Cabs.

- Get to the dispatcher.

Get a trace on where
that cab was heading.

(soft piano music)

- Hi.

- Hi.

- You look very alone.

- Just came in
for a quiet drink.

- Which means you'd
rather be by yourself, right?

- Yeah, I think so.

- I know exactly what you mean.

Sometimes I get
so wound up inside,

I just wanna be alone
and get my head straight.

Then again, there's
other times when

I think I wanna be alone,

but what I really need
is to be with someone.

- You're hustling me, how much?

- You're quick.

Hundred bucks,
more if there's extras.

- Pass.

- Come on now, we
can work something out.

- Hey, sugar, I
didn't get your name.

Look, I changed my mind, okay?

Where's your car?

- The black one.

- Black one?

Oh, good.

Come on.

(ominous music)

- Name's Gail.

- Jared.

Jared Morgan.

(exciting music)

(tires screeching)

(horn honks)

- [Jim] Hey, that's DeNiro.

- Did you get a license number?

- Yeah, a partial, One
Henry Boy Ida Seven.

- Put out an APB, get a
partial on the computer.

- I should've said something
before I approached the car,

but with the girl,
I wasn't sure.

I wanted to get a better look.

- Now he knows we're onto him.

That means one of two things,
either he drops the contract,

or he gets twice
as tough to catch.

(dramatic music)

- You must have a death wish.

- Well, the guy coming
up to the car was with Vice.

- You know him?

- No, I just know the type.

Hey, I'm married
and you're hookin'.

I can't afford to get
involved in a bust.

You get the picture?

- Sure.

I can't afford a bust.

- Well, you can now.

- State Department
security will be

responsible for the airport.

The motorcade will pick up
the Russian group at the plane,

and take them nonstop
to the Trade Center.

- The route's been given
a tight security check.

It will be double-checked
and heavily patrolled

during the motorcade also.

- What about helicopters?

- We'll have three up.

I've asked the chief to clear
some men for a rooftop duty.

- Still nothing on the car.

- We'll stay with this.

All street personnel
with talkies

will be in open communication

with the rooftop
observation posts.

Sheridan, Corrigan
and I will be roving.

(ominous music)

- Jared?


- Dimitry Gorkov, head of
the Soviet Trade Commission,

was first to disembark
the Russian plane.

This is the route the
visiting delegation will take.

From International
airport, they will pass here

on their way to the
downtown trade center.

They'll be accompanied by
State Department officials.

- [Jim] The officers were
making their usual rounds

when they spotted
this little number.

One Henry Boy Ida
Seven Three Two.

- The manager of this
apartment says it belongs to

a tenant named Gail
Milton, apartment 210.

(ominous music)

Looks like she picked the
wrong guy to get friendly with.

- We're gonna need
the car in the crime lab.

(moves to suspenseful music)

- Bleach, freshly used.

Not by the lady, if you
take a look at her roots.

- Looks like the man's
got himself a new hairdo.

- And we're not looking
for a beard anymore.

He used a razor.

- This is a receipt for
a safety deposit box,

with a bank address
on the motorcade route,

in the name of Jared Morgan.

(exciting music)

(tires screech)

(tires screech)

Sergeant Hooker.

- Yes, sir, what
can I do for you?

- I'd like to ask you
about a customer of yours.

- He checked in but
he didn't check out.

- Was the safety
deposit box returned?

- No, that's when he
would've had to check out.

- Can you give us a
description of Morgan?

- Yes, he had
close-cropped blonde hair,

and dark-rimmed spectacles.

He walked with a limp
and he used a cane.

- That's not Jared Morgan.

The Jared Morgan that
checked out that box

was dark, had a beard,
no glasses, no limp.

- But it's the same signature.

- Which compartment did he use?

- This one right here.

- Costume rentals.

- Wait a minute, did
either one of you see

a nun in here in the
last few minutes?

- Not anyone who checked
out while I was here.

- Yes, it struck
me as being odd,

because they're not
supposed to have

any personal property, are they?

I mean, not like this.

- The one that was
leaving when we came in.

(ominous music)

(moves to exciting music)


(church bell chiming loudly)


(g*nf*re ricocheting)

Hold it!


He wouldn't stop.

He's dead.

- You didn't k*ll him.

He died a long time ago.

- I guess you know
booking me is going to be

an exercise in
futility, Sergeant.

My attorney will have
me out for dinner.

- Well, let's just say
I need the practice,

and when I get through with you,

the Feds will be all
over you like a bad suit.

- Well, then I hope you
have something more

to build your case on than
a few eight-by-10 glossies.

- Don't worry about it.

We'll think of something
to make it work.

- Conspiracy to commit m*rder?

- For openers, and
you won't be lonely.

We're rounding up your
friends to be booked with ya.

- This won't change
a thing, you know.

Military action, assassination,
they're both the same.

- Is that right?

- You have to stop the
enemy one place or the other.

- Yeah, hills, village, border.

- Exactly.

- You may be right
in this case, General.

We did stop you, didn't we?

(lively music)