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06x03 - Legacy for the Saint

Posted: 05/03/23 07:54
by bunniefuu
SIMON TEMPLAR: Life, like poker,

depends on the hand you're dealt.

How you play it, of course, is all a
matter of bluff.

Your £...

and raise £.

Your £,

and up £.

No, it's late,

and I'm clean.

Well, it's...late anyway.

Your deal.

Past my bedtime.

Past my bank balance.
Count me out.

Gentlemen, it's been a pleasure.

Any time you want to be taken,
Tony, just call me.

Three eights.

Place your bets, please.

All the eights.

No more bets.

That's illegal.

There we are.
Cheque or cash, sir?, I think.

What's wrong with my cheque?

Nothing, but I need some change
to tip the doorman.

Nice to see you, Ed.

Quitting while you're ahead?
Ah, the best time.

At least let me buy you a drink.
Let me buy you one. I can afford it.

What the difference?
They're on the house.

And watered.
Oh, Charlie?

Tell someone to bring my car
round, willyou? Rightaway.

And come and join us.

Well, how does it feel, Ed?

You mean being retired?

From a... From a life of undetected
and unpunished crime.

The only man alive I'd let get away
with a crack like that is...

Simon Templar.

Charlie, you haven't met my old
friend Simon Templar.

Certainly heard of you.

How do you do? Charlie Lewis.
Best lawyer in London.

What are you having?
Usual, please.

And it's um...
Oh, yeah.

Well, I've got to say goodbye.

You're going somewhere?
Going to visit my little girl.

It's her half term.
You have a daughter?

Cutest thing you ever saw.
Image of her mother. Rest her soul.

Well...come in again.

Of course.
Charlie, take care of things for me.

I will. Ah, Charlie.
What would I do without him?

Go to jail, maybe.

You're so right. Listen, any time
the cops pick you up, call Charlie.

He'll get you sprung before they've
served your first cup of tea.

I must remember that.

See you.

Good old Ed.
I think so.

Have you been with him long?

Yes. We started this place together.

Oh, Jimmy...

No, thanks. I must be off too.

Oh. Well, I'll see you out.


Strange. I never knew
Ed had a daughter before.

Few people do.
Why all the secrecy?

She knows nothing of his past.

That must have taken
quite a bit of doing.

It's been worth it. For him.

He's crazy about her.

Funny. I never pictured Ed as being

He wants her to be proud of him.

Well, goodbye, Mr Templar.

Nice meeting you.

Wasn't there...

I mean, didn't you find anything?


It's pretty unpleasant.

He was blown to bits.

For the first time in his life,
Ed was really enjoying himself.

Would the Pride of Scotland Yard
care for something to drink?

No, thank you. And don't call me
the Pride of Scotland Yard.

Anything you say, Claud.

Mr Lewis,
when you brought the car around

from the garage to the front door,

did you notice anything unusual
about it?

Like a b*mb on the seat?

No. Nothing unusual in any way.

I know you and the deceased
were very good friends,

and I dislike speaking ill
of the dead...

That's all right, Inspector.
I know what you're getting at.

Ed was, for many years, a...

prominent figure in London's

The point is, plenty of people
had a vested interest in Ed's death.

Were any of them here tonight?

This is a membership club. All
members and guests were signed in.

Thank you, Mr Lewis.
I'll see the book.

Oh, Claud, will you be needing me
any more tonight?


Mr Lewis, was Ed, by any chance,
considering a comeback?

Why do you ask?

Just a rumour I heard.

I've no idea.

Anyway, doesn't matter now, does it?

No. Well, I'm terribly sorry.

Penny! Who?
Ed's daughter.

He was going to see her.
Oh, I'd forgotten all about her.

Who's going to tell her?

Mr Templar...

Oh, no, not me, thank you.

Oh, please, Mr Templar.

I can't bear the thought
of a telegram.

It's so...

so cold, so abrupt.

And you were a friend of Ed's.

All right. Where is the school?

About miles from Zurich.


The Mr Templar,
the famous Simon Templar?

Guilty as charged, Miss Fouldes.

Fouldes, spelt small F.

Small F, O-U-L-D-E-S.

And what can I do for you,
Mr Templar?

Something fraudulent and foul,
I do hope.

I have some bad news
concerning Penelope Brown.

May I see her?

Boogie, be an angel and get
Penelope Brown in here, will you?

At the double, chop-chop.

What sort of bad news, Mr Templar?

Her father died yesterday.

A car accident.

That poor darling child.
How absolutely putrid for her.

Well, we shall just have to chin up
and rally on, shan't we?


What sort of child is she?

Nimble. Purely a sprite.

Does this mean she'll be leaving?

That I'm not sure.
I do hope not.

The hockey team will practically
cease to exist.

You will be gentle?
She's such a highly strung child.

Come in.

Who are those men?

Business rivals.

So many flowers.

It is traditional.

I'll take you home, Penny.

You come too, Mr Templar.
It's for the reading of Ed's will.

Yes, I...wouldn't miss it for the

Look at them. Between them,
about years' hard labour.

Finding your way around?
Yes, thanks.

You should be teaching her.
You know more.

What does that mean?
What does he know?

Plenty, I should imagine.

You're very enigmatic.

Well...come to that, so are you.

Can't make me out, can you?

Why? Because you're not breaking up
over your father's death?

Thought you'd expect me
to weep buckets.

I gave up expecting things of people
a long time ago.

I saw my father two evenings a year.

Without fail.

I can't cry over someone
I hardly knew.

Nobody's asking you to cry.

What is this? A seance?

Ed left very strict instructions
about the reading of his will.

Oh, he knew he was going to die?

We all know that, don't we?

Yes, some sooner than others.

The boys from the chamber of horrors

They were invited.

They're mentioned in Ed's will.

What as? Animal life?

Charlie, who are they?

I'll introduce you.

this is Ed's daughter Penny.

Mr Simon Templar.

This is Tony.
We've met.




And Dickie.

For further details, see Who's Who.
Or the Police Gazette.

What are you doing here?
He's with me.

My advisor.

We're all ready,
if you'll come this way.

Your names are on your chairs,
gentlemen. Please take your seats.

What's this all about, Charlie boy?

I wish you'd stop scratching.

I wish I'd stop itching.
It's an allergy I got.

Have you tried soap and water?
A bright boy, there.

Gentlemen, please sit down.
What is this anyway?

What are we doing here?
For the reading of Ed's will.

Meaning we're beneficiaries?
You might say that, yes.

You're kidding. Ed hated our guts.

Mind that smoke, will you?

Filthy habit.

Gentlemen, your attention, please.

I, Edward Brown,
being of sound mind,

do hereby direct that all
my just debts be paid,

and the sum of £, be invested
for my dear daughter Penny

so that she may live
the rest of her life in comfort.

And to my dear friend
and legal advisor Charlie Lewis

I leave £, in cash as a token
of my deep affection for him.

And as for you four scum,

you're wondering why you're here,
aren't you?

You four teamed up to
double-cross me,

freeze me out, and I let you.

Have you ever wondered why?

Because I couldn't be bothered
fighting filth,

and that's just what you are,
the lot of you.


Dickie the thick-head.

Ask Tony sometime who it was
who knocked off your brother.


And Tony, you cheapskate.
TONY: He's putting us on.

You swindled Mark out of ten grand
on that Pearce deal.

Rubbish. He's lying.

And itchy Mark,
the gum-chewing lout.

It was your boys who jumped Pietro's
outfit after that tobacco haul.

I knew it! I said at the time!
Don't get hysterical, Pietro.

Remember you set Dickie up as
the fall guy on that heroin caper.

Liar! It was Jargo!

Somebody set me up.I knew there
was something lousy about it.

You're out of your mind.
The truth is -Shut up.

Shut up.

That's better.

OK, now it's crunch time.

Now, I know you're gonna be
tickled to death

when I tell you that
before I went legit

I managed to stash away £ million

in a bank in Zurich.

£ million.

And because you all think
you're so smart

I'm going to leave it to one of you.

But which one?

Whichever one of you can match it
in days gets it.


I don't think he liked you.

Off his rocker.

It's all a great joke.

It isn't.

Has he really £ million?
But it's illegal, surely?

You can contest it. There's not a
court in the world that'll uphold -

Contest the film,
but not the written will.

Right, where is it?

It's here.

Legally, it's absolutely iron-clad.
I drew it up myself.

You should have talked him
out of it.

Nobody ever talked your father
out of anything.

It's all here. Written out.

And here's the deposit receipt
from the Zurich bank.

He's actually got it. £ million.

One of us is supposed to match it.
He must be kidding. It's crazy.

If we match it we get it, but how
do we find that sort of money?

Suppose we pool our finances?

How much are you good for, Mark?
£,. Maybe £,.


It's sad, but at the moment all my
funds are tied up with an operation.

You're broke. Dickie?

£, would be the limit. Sorry.

We can't let Ed's £ million
go begging.

What's that?

When I am finished.

Don't push us, Templar,
I'm telling you.

All right,
it's nothing very important.

Just plans for a bullion heist.

Apparently there's £ million-worth of gold
being shipped from Southampton to London.

One week from today.

It has routes, road junctions,
times, escorts.

All the details.

Give me that.

He was planning a job.

And I thought he was going legit.
We all thought so.

Obviously he hadn't, eh, Charlie?

I know nothing about it.
I only handled his legal problems.

Yeah, like keeping him out of jail.

He's got it all here. The timing
for six key points along the route.

£ million.
Tony, this'd work.

Especially with me running it.

That's a laugh, huh?

That time you tried to pull
the airport job.

Three of your men in jail for life.
You think you could do any better?

Any time.
Pah, you think so?

Shut up.
Tony, you'd better watch your mouth.

You are very stupid.
Look who's talking.

You'd better watch yours.
What does that mean?

Tell me, big shot!

Ed was right. You are slobs.

You couldn't co-operate
if your lives depended on it.

Look at you! Two minutes, and
you're like a pack of hungry wolves.

Ed's legacy isn't that £ million
in Switzerland.

It's an invitation to m*rder.


All four of them?

What are they doing?

I don't know, Inspector.

But the four of them,
with Templar and the girl,

have been holed up
in that house all day.

Keep watching it, Ashford.

I want to know the moment
anyone leaves that house.

They're up to something.

Si. Once we know
the boat's on time...

It's a simple matter of computation.

What's computation mean?

The art of arithmetical calculation.

Oh, that's fine.

The escort's the problem.

Well, we'll drive the route
a dozen times

so we know every turn,
every intersection.

They mean it.
Yes, every word.

Oh, Simon, what have I got into? You
haven't got into anything. You're out.

This is the key to my car,
and the key to my place in London.

Stay there until you hear from me.

You're going to help them!
You're staying.

Until I find out who k*lled your
father. Come on. Off you go.

But I've no clothes.
Well, buy some.

You'll be halfway to London
before they miss you.

I miss her already. A pretty girl
alone in London - it's not safe.

The point is clear?

It's clear, but you're wrong.

No exit. Nobody's going anywhere
until this job's finished.

That includes the girl,
and you too, Templar.

I don't like this. I don't think
we should -Shut up, Dickie.

Take her upstairs.

Go on, lock her in a room. Hurry on.


I don't like you in on this,

but since you are,
you're in it all the way.


Right up to when
the police grab you.

They won't.

And you try pulling the plug, and
it's Penny who'll go down the drain.

At :pm, another car arrived

with four unidentified men,
and six more pieces of luggage.

That makes a dozen pieces of luggage
altogether, sir.

I see.

What do you make of it?

Beats me, sir.
The four biggest villains in London,

plus four unidentified men,
plus Templar.

It adds up to the fact
they're mounting a job.

Quite possibly, sir.
Something big.

Very big.

Ashford? Two men on that house
around the clock.

If anybody so much as looks
out the window, I want to know.

Keep me informed of
every single move.


Couldn't you sleep?

Not a wink.

I'll take those.

Are you planning on going it alone?

I don't take orders, I give them.

Tony's years out of date.

What this job needs is efficiency.

Meaning you?
Meaning me.

I'm walking out.
I don't think you'll get far.

Tony has the grounds full of men.

Two guys in grounds this size.

I think big.

And I got a constitutional objection
to splitting anything four ways.

So long, Templar.
Maybe I'll see you around.

I doubt it.

Doubt it? I know it.

Remember what I said.

About anyone who steps out of line.

Well, I meant it.

So, % of your organisation
has gone,

and there's only a week to go
before the job.

Ed was right.

Not one of you has the brains
to mastermind this little caper.

And you have?
In the dark, Tony. In the dark.

OK. You have yourself a job.

The new managing director is
Simon Templar.

It would work, yes?

Yes, if everybody does
what they're told.

Hey! Oh, come on, come on, come on!

We're five minutes late.
Are we going somewhere?

Yes, the last survey of the route.
Already five times we do this.

Come on, come on.
If you haven't eaten everything,

take the girl up some breakfast.

Suspect's car proceeding south
along the A towards the A.

This is where we divert.


It'll work.

Of course. I'm planning it.

You think you're smart, Templar,
don't you?

Don't you?

The junction of the A is here.
Yes, sir.

And then they stopped?
That's right, sir.

How long did they stop?
No more than three minutes.

And then back to the house?
Yes, sir.

Come in.

I don't understand it.

Sir, I think I've got something.
Well, are you going to share it?

Yes, sir. A shipment
of gold bullion tomorrow.

Southampton to London.

That's it.

Looks like it, sir.
It has to be.

That's all, Williams.

Take all the men off the house.

I don't want them made suspicious.

Give them enough rope
to hang themselves.

The four biggest villains in London
and Simon Templar

is the chance of a lifetime.

Yes, sir.

I'll take charge of this personally.


Yes, sir.
That's all.

The chance of a lifetime.

Commissioner's office.

Chief Inspector Teal.

I want to speak to her.

Open it.

Oh, Simon.

We'll excuse you, Dickie.

I don't think I should.
Get out!

What's happening?
We're going ahead.

But Simon, you can't!

If I'm going to get you out,
and find out who k*lled your father,

I have to. Now, come on.
Be patient, and trust me.

We're ready for you, Mr Templar.


Six is plenty.

It's a cue.
They'd pass in Scotland Yard.

All right, gentlemen.

A few last-minute instructions.

Com to C for Cocoa .
Report position.


C for Cocoa to Com.
A proceeding west.

Eight miles to Chichester bypass.

Roger and out.

Do you think something will happen,
sir? I know something will happen.

But not the way Templar planned it.

Sorry, officer, it's only temporary.

Repeat C for Cocoa to Com.

Come in, please. Over.

Com to C for Cocoa .
Sorry for the delayed reply.

Report of accident five miles
southwest Chichester bypass.

Six-car pile-up.

Suspected drunken driver skidded
across the road in white sports car.

Suspect being held in custody
by the name of Templar.


C for Cocoa to Com.
It's an ambush.

Get all available mobiles to the
area, and plan a diversion fast.


We've got him cold.

Com to C for Cocoa .

Come in, please.

C for Cocoa to Com.
Send message. Over.

Com to C for Cocoa .
Arrange diversion.

Turn left off A
before Chichester bypass.

Secondary road signposted
to Singleton.

Over and out.



C for Cocoa to Com.
We're being ambushed.

We're being att*cked.

Repeat, we're being att*cked
and ambushed.

Do you hear me? We're being...

C for Cocoa to Com.
We're being ambushed.

Repeat, we're being att*cked
and ambushed.

Do you hear me?
We're being att*cked.

They can't get in, sir.

We're b*mb-proof, everything-proof.

C for Claud.

I'm terribly sorry.

It's Templar.

Claud, dear old friend,
listen to me.

We're going to put you to
sleepy-byes now.

When you wake up,
I want you to hightail it

as fast as you can to
Ed's Gambling Club.

There, with a little Saintly

you'll find your gold,
and the villains.

Over,'re out.

Like a dream. Perfect.

Teal and the driver?

We dumped them in
the middle of nowhere.

Tied them to a tree.
No v*olence?

No, and I think it was a mistake.

Shut up, Pietro. Templar's right.

Well, gentlemen,
we have one million pounds.

Now we're going for
two million pounds.

Inspector? Inspector Teal? Sir?


Where are we?

I wish I knew, sir.

Well, don't just stand there,
you idiot!

It's beautiful. It's perfect.

Like a dream it went.

Is the plane ready?
Standing by.

Suppose the airport people -
Oh, Pietro, please.

It's a charter job,
and we're cleared for Edinburgh.

And we fly to France.
Charlie and myself.

And Bob's your uncle.

Thanks, Charlie.

I'll take some up to Dickie.
He won't drink it.

I brought him beer.
Well, boys, here's to success,

and our second million.

Madam, you won't believe this,
but I happen to be

Chief Inspector Claud Eustace Teal
of Scotland Yard.

They want her downstairs.

It worked.

Perfectly. We have minutes
to get to the airport.

Just goes to show.

You can fool all the people
all of the time.

Speed limit?

Get there in time, or I'll have you
back on the beat again.

Search the house.
Round up anybody you find.

Over here.

It's Templar I want.


You come with me.
Yes, sir.

Sorry, but you've just gone off
the gold standard.

The ride's over, but it was
a nice trip while it lasted.

We should have k*lled him days ago.
We'll do it now instead.

Hi, Ed.
I wondered when you'd show up.

Now, listen, Templar.
No, you listen.

You can go ahead and sh**t,
but before I die,

I'm going to take Penny with me.

Look, I'll cut you in.

We'll split it four ways.
No dice, Ed.

But it was a pretty good idea,

having your four worst enemies
pull a job for you,

and then you vanish into

Now, look, Simon, we can do a deal.
Afraid not, Ed.

Oh, as a matter of interest,
who was the body in the car?

Oh, some mug who crossed me up.

So, you k*lled him,
and then blew him to bits.

You're not nice people, Ed.

But I'll tell you what
I'm going to do for you.

Unless you drop your g*n on the
floor, I'm going to count to five,

and then squeeze the trigger.






That's what I like.


Oh, sorry, Penny.

We had it all going for us.

Then he shoved his nose in.
That's life.

Stay where you are, everybody.

And the law.

You're under arrest.

Mr Templar too, sir?

No, not for the moment.

You do wake up in a nasty temper,
don't you, Claud?

Who's your tailor?

You too, miss.
No, not Penny.

She's been my faithful ally
all along.

Did you get our friends
at the house, Claud?

There's your gold.

They'll probably make you
commissioner for this.

Yes, they probably will.

Don't forget my ten per cent.

Simon, if...

if my father...

if Ed hadn't given in,
would you...

I mean, would you have
pulled the trigger?
