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08x07 - Most Likely to Succeed

Posted: 05/03/23 08:47
by bunniefuu
That's odd.


White rock dove,
Laurelhurst Park, 7:30 am.

Your strength flows

from your self-confidence;
you can do anything.

My strength flows
from my self-confidence.

I can do anything.

- Yeah.
- Dennis.

- What's up?
- What are you doing?

- Oh, hi, I'm jogging.
- Jogging?

Yeah, three miles a day.

Western meadowlark?


No, nothing, nothing.

Yeah, so what's the story?


No, no, no.


So, what do you think?

Well, it could be a
western meadowlark,

but it would be
unusual for the area.

The bird is not your
assignment, Gloria.

He is.

What have you
observed about Dennis?

Oh. Well, he likes birds.

And he jogs three miles a day.

And what else?

He listens to
self-improvement tapes.

Yes, so what does that tell you?

That he wants to... improve.


Dennis Loggins has spent

a long time trying to
make changes in his life.

Well, good for him.

Not necessarily.

Hey, Mr. Watson.

You got anything for me today?

Oh, I might have a
thing or two. All right.

Ah, great.

- Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow.
- You have a good one.


Something's changed.
What happened?

He's just been invited to his
ten-year high school reunion.

Oh, that sounds like fun.

Seeing old friends,
reconnecting with your past.

If I had a past, I'd like
to reconnect with it.

He won't be going for fun.

He won't?


He's going for revenge.

You're the best that you can be.

You're unstoppable.

I am unstoppable!

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

Oh! Geez!

- Oh, dear! I'm so sorry.
- Uh, it's...

Forget it. I wasn't looking
where I was going either.

Hydrogen peroxide will
get that stain right out.

Oh, uh, darn the luck, I left
the peroxide in my other pants.

- That was a joke.
- Oh, yes, of course it was.

Uh, there are other methods
for removing coffee stains.

Any mild, non-alkaline,
non-bleaching detergent,

or e-even common
household vinegar will do.

Right. It's the...
Oxygenation process.

Her very first assignment

all by herself, solo... alone.

I'm sure she'll do fine, really.

Are you telling or asking?

I'm praying, actually.

And blotting. Blotting's
very good, too.

Very important.


Well, uh, I got to
get to work now.

Yeah, me, too.

Or at least I hope I do.

I have an interview
this morning.

- Oh, well, good luck.
- Thank you.

And I am so sorry
about your shirt.

- Uh, don't worry about it.
- Okay.

According to Kenny, there's
been a-a rusty blackbird showing up

pretty regularly over
at Carson's farm.

Kind of early, though, Dennis.

Like sunrise early.


Wrong room.

O-Or maybe you're
in the right room,

but you just joined
the wrong club.

What club is this?

Ornithological Society.

Uh, bird-watching.

Oh, I didn't know we
had a bird-watching club.

Oh, yeah, but as you can see,

we're very selective
with our membership.

We are?

You, however, have met
all the criteria for joining.

What criteria is that?

You're here.

Well, maybe I'll stop
by again sometime,

but right now I'm supposed to be

at a homecoming
committee meeting.

Oh, uh, Mr. Tanner's
biology classroom.

Thank you.

Dennis, right?


See you.


Melissa Dunnigan
knows your name.

Is there a problem, Mr. Loggins?

Oh, sorry.

I'm just trying to figure
out a way to access

these football stats faster

with this new
program I'm designing.

That is ambitious.

Yeah. It'll be my legacy

to whoever takes over the
play-by-play after I graduate.

Oh, I see.

I just know there's a better
way to do this, though.

Oh, you'll work it out, baby.

You'll work it out.

Hey, Dennis?

Can I ask you a question?

You know a lot
about birds, right?

Uh, yeah, sure.

What do you want to know?

Well, I have to do this project

on mating rituals in
the animal kingdom.

Any ideas?


Well, you can't
beat the display ritual

of the black-crowned
night heron.

Um, the males do this thing
called the song and dance.

It's kind of like this...

What are you doing, dork?

- Aah!
- Knock it off, Ricky.

What? I thought the kid was
having a seizure or something.

Very funny, Ricky.

No, what's funny is you
hitting on my girl, man.

She just had a science
question about birds.

Would you leave him alone?

I'm just messing with him.

What, you think I'm worried
about a little four-eyed geek

with secondhand clothes, huh?

Come on. You don't want
to hang out with this loser.

Why do you have to be so mean?

I'm just protecting
your rep, baby.

Come on, we got a homecoming
meeting in ten minutes.

Thanks, Dennis.

I'll see you.

Hey, watch this.

G-G-G-Geek, g-g-geek.

It's the mating ritual

of the pencil-headed geek bird.

That'll be enough
out of you, Mr. Jessup.


We 'd like to thank

the Copper Hills
Grizzlies Marching Band

for the halftime entertainment,

and it looks like
the cheerleaders

are ready to take us
into the second half,

so let's hear some
Jaguar spirit out there.

Jaguars! Jaguars!

Jaguars lead the
Grizzlies 21 to nine,

thanks to Emory Taylor's
82-yard punt return

and quarterback Ricky
Jessup's two touchdown passes.

Oh, by the way, tonight
Ricky set a new league record

for completed passes
in a single season.

Way to go, guys.

Hey, Loggins.

What are you doing up here?

Coach wanted me to come tell you

that Dante's gonna
be wearing 27.

He, uh, ripped his jersey.

You came all the way up
here just to tell me that?

Yeah, actually, I volunteered.

I kind of wanted to talk to you
about something else, too. Um...

You know, today
in the library...

I just kind of... H got
out of hand, you know?


I didn't mean anything by it.

Well, that's okay.

Hey, congratulations
on the new record.

Oh, yeah. Thanks, thanks.

You know, it's kind of tough
to celebrate right now, though.

What do you mean?

Well, things aren't so great
between me and Melissa.

Oh, really?

Well, th-that's too bad.

Yeah, and, you know, I
know how much you like her

and she kind of likes you, too,

so I guess I just
got a little bit crazy.

And, hey, if you
repeat this to anybody,

I will kick your butt from
here to Mount Hood.

What do you want?

I need your help, man.

Look, I love Melissa

and I just don't know
what to say to her.

Well, so... what do
you need me for?

You're, like, smart and good
with words and stuff, you know?

I just figured maybe you'd
give me a little bit of something

to get me going,
to get her back.

Please, man, I mean...

just tell me what
I got to say to her.

Stand up and shout!

Hey, hey, hey!

Stand up and
shout! Hey, hey, hey!

Well, just... just
say what you feel.

You are the light of my world.

When you look at me...

your eyes see
right into my soul.

One glance from you and I'm
transported to unspeakable joy.

Melissa Dunnigan... I love you.

I love you.

Oh, Loggins, you just
make it so easy, man.

Stand up and shout!

Hey, hey, hey!

Stand up and shout!

Hey, hey, hey!

Mr. Loggins, your
dinner with Bill Gates

has been moved to 7:30,
and your 10:15 has arrived.

- Show them in.
- Right away, sir.

Who's the loser now, Ricky?


What are you doing here?

I'm the one you're waiting for.

I guess it's too late to
make a good first impression,

but you can hardly
see that stain.

Yeah, blotting was the key.

So, uh, why don't you tell
me about yourself, Gloria?

Oh, okay. I type
134 words a minute

on a standard typewriter,

200 on a computer.

I'm proficient

in all word processing and
finance software programs.

I've used your
Loggins search engine,

which I find to
be very practical,

uh, though not as
efficient as it could be.

You don't like my search engine?

Oh, no, I find it very
useful, but it occurred to me

that you could increase
its efficiency considerably

by narrowing the
parameters of the subroutines

to require more
specific correlations

with the subject matter.

All right, Gloria,
I'll give you a tryout.

I'm starting a,
uh, special project,

and I need somebody
to do the footwork.

Oh, I-I'm not a
very good dancer.

What? What'd I say?

You're gonna fit
right in around here.

Now, I want you to find out

who's setting up this reunion
and arrange a meeting.

Oh, and I want you to
find a football player for me.

- A football player?
- Yeah.

Pro quarterback
named Ricky Jessup.

Started out in Seattle
a few years ago.

Find out who he's
playing for these days.


I got the job!

I knew you could do it, Gloria.

And, look, I got
my first assignment.

Well, you better get busy.


I've contacted your
event coordinator

for the class
reunion, and you have

an appointment with
her tomorrow morning.


Her name is Monica,

and here's all the information

that I have on
Ricky Jessup so far.

But I do have a question.

What's that?

Well, I'm just a little curious.

Didn't you make
your first million dollars

designing a program that

tracked statistics
on football players?

Yeah. So?

So, then, why don't you
already know everything

about Ricky Jessup?

Well, I never really
cared about football.

Oh, look at that.
Her name's Melissa.

- So?
- Melissa's your computer password.

I never gave you my
computer password.

Well, it's right there.

Isn't that code for
Melissa? You applied

a basic replacement pattern
substituting letters for numbers

and values for
letters above "K"?

Uh, yeah.

Melissa must be
very special to you.

Why do you say that?

Well, something happens

to your face every time
I say that name Melissa.


I don't know much about
love, but something tells me...

Melissa was just
about the only person

in high school who
was nice to me.


I, I got to lock
this equipment up.

I think what you
said was really sweet.

I'm an idiot.

No, you're not.

It's always nice to know
that somebody likes you.

You're so smart and
you're so talented, Dennis.

You're gonna be totally
successful someday.

You just can't let Ricky

or anybody else
stand in your way.



Good night.

Where is she now?

I don't know.

I haven't seen
her in a long time.



This is so great!

How-how have you been?

Good. Very good.

Just graduated from U of 0
and got my bachelor's in poli-sci.

Of course, I don't know
what I'm gonna do with it.

Well, run for governor.
I'll vote for you.

Well, maybe I will.

What are you up to?

Last I heard, you were
heading the dean's list at MIT.

Uh, working towards my master's
in computer information systems.

Oh, naturally.

I don't know what I'm
gonna do with it either,

but it's interesting.

Boy, you... you
really look great.

Thanks. You, too.

So, uh, you ever hear
anything from Ricky?

Hey, hey, I'd recognize
that dorky voice anywhere.

Look at you, man. You
look exactly the same.

- Hey.
- Did you tell him the good news?


You probably heard I
got drafted by Seattle.

Signed a monster
contract last week, man.

I mean... it's right... it's
all going on, man, it's huge.

Oh, well, congratulations,

but I, I really don't
follow football anymore.

Yeah, you mean you don't follow
the cheerleaders anymore, huh?

Ricky, don't start.

Oh, come on, the kid used

to trip over his tongue
every time you walked by.

Didn't you, Loggins?

Did you tell him the
other good news?

We're getting married
on September 30.


Well, that's, that's great.

Really, I, uh, I hope,
I hope you're happy.

Thank you.

Hey, mister, are
you Ricky Jessup?

Yep, that's me.

Never met a first-round
draft pick before.

Can I have your autograph?

Of course you can, kid.

Loggins, give me that pen.

Here you go.

All right, now go long, man.

Come on, baby. Let's go.

Anyway, I-I-I got to go, so...

have a nice life.

We'll see you, Dennis.

There's always reunions, right?

Yeah, I-I guess.


So they got married?

Yeah, and Ricky got
traded a couple of times,

then I lost track of him.

Why didn't you just look him up?

I already knew what
I needed to know,

but now there's this reunion,

and a lot of things have
changed since high school.

So, what'd you find
out about Ricky?

Oh, well, I searched all
the sports sites I could find

and I downloaded all of
his stats and interviews.

It's all here chronologically,
beginning with when he started

with Seattle, then he
moved to Pittsburgh,

where he broke his
shoulder, and then...

Whoa, whoa, whoa, Gloria,
just tell me where he is now.

Oh. He's playing for the
Los Angeles Condors.

In fact, there's a
nice article in here

about how they expect him to
turn the team around this year.

Hmm, the Condors.

Well, that's all I
needed to know.


Well, here's the deal, Monica.

I think we need to change
some things about the reunion,

do a little upgrading.

Oh, well, I was given a very
specific budget to work with.

Right. Well, the budget
just got a lot less specific.

Now, here's what I want:

instead of the Elks
Lodge in Gershwin,

I want you to rent the
Chadwick Country Club,

and not just the dining
room; I want the whole club.

If it's already booked,

let me know and
I'll get it unbooked.

Oh, and tell the chef none
of that chicken and potatoes.

We want steak,
lobster, and champagne.

But the invitations have
already been sent out.

Well, you have a list of
everyone that's coming, right?


Okay, well, then
give me the list

and I'll have my
assistant, Gloria,

send out a memo
with the changes.

Look, Monica, you only have

a ten-year class
reunion once, right?

And I want this to
be... very special.

Now, here. This...
should get you started.

Look, Jeffrey, $386 million is
chump change and you know it.

Just do it. We're
running out of time.

I'm doing my best, but...

You have that graph I need?

Yes. I reconfigured the search
database to include travel

for wives at away games
and assigned ticket usage

for family members, and
then I converted that into this.

Huh. Melissa
slowly stopped going

to Ricky's games over
the last couple of seasons.

Now she doesn't go at all.

And you know what that means.

Not really.

If she's not going to
his games anymore,

that means their
marriage is falling apart.

Look, I know, I... thank you.

I know, Marty,
it's just, I'm here

at my ten-year
high school reunion.

- Right now?
- Yeah, right now.

Look, it'd just be like making
everything come full circle

if we can get him to
make it official tonight.

All right, I'll see
what I can do.

All right, great,
so you'll give me

a call a little later?

- You betcha.
- All right, cool, thanks, man.

Look, Jeffrey, I
need this done now,

so throw in another
million, whatever it takes.

They don't want to sell, so
they're asking for the moon,

so surprise them and
give them what they want.

The club is only
worth $390 mil tops.

Well, it's worth it to me,

so do it, and call
me when it's done.

All right.

Remember, this isn't a date.

Oh, of course not.

I'm simply accompanying you
so people won't get the impression

that you're alone,
even though you are.

I won't be after tonight.

Not if everything
goes according to plan.

Hello, Ricky.

Remember me?

I'm Tess.

I was only here for
part of a semester,

but I remember you.

Hey, Ricky.

- You made it.
- Hey, yeah.

How you doing, Kev?
Good to see you, man.

Good, man... uh, a bunch
of the guys are inside.

We've been waiting for you.

Cool, well, give me a minute.

- I'll be right in.
- All right.


Is your wife coming?

Um, yeah, I'm not sure actually.

She, um, she's thinking

about it, so... so, thank you.

Tell me something good.

All right, here's the deal.


Gloria, you look beautiful.

Thank you... you don't think
it's too low-cut, though, do you?

Uh, baby, maybe you
got it on backwards.

Or not, or not.

So how's it going with Dennis?

You know, I'm not
sure, and did you know

Andrew was right outside?


Yes, and he didn't
look very happy.

Oh, dear.

What's Dennis planning?

I think he wants to harm Ricky.

You don't think he would
want to k*ll him, do you?


What time are
they, uh, scheduled

to announce the king
and queen of the reunion?


- Okay, make the call at 9:29.
- You got it.


You've done a great
job... Everything's perfect.

Just perfect.

Dennis Loggins.

Kenny, Kenny Adler.

I knew it was you, although I
never would have recognized you

if I hadn't seen your
picture in Forbes magazine

a few months ago...
Very impressive.

You're not Fortune 500...
you're, you're like Fortune Five.


Gloria, go.

Oh, yes, okay.

There he is.

Y-You know, I heard
there was a replica

of the Portland skyline
made entirely of cheese

over at the hors d'oeuvre table.

Oh, yes, look, over here.

Well, feel free to check it out.

But don't you want to see it?

It's cheese shaped
like buildings.

You may never have an
opportunity like that again.

Tonight's all about
opportunity, Gloria.

Mine's standing
right over there.

So I'm literally supposed to
get that call, like, any minute.

Well, you should've been
the starter a long time ago.

Yeah, well, you
know what they say.

Those that can, do.

Those that can't, coach.

Look at him... puffing
himself up like he's

still the cock of the walk.

Well, is he puffing

or preening? Because, you know,
those are two separate things.

It doesn't matter.

The more he stands
there self-aggrandizing,

the more I'm
going to enjoy this.

But, uh, where's Melissa?

Well, maybe because
Ricky's here, she's not here.

Oh, of course.

Yeah, why would
they come together

if they're having trouble
with their marriage?

Ah, it just won't be the same.

It won't?

It would be so much
more humiliating

if she were here to see it.

What would?

I just bought Ricky's team,

and at 9:29 tonight,

not only is he going to find out

that he's not
starting on Sunday,

he's also going to find out

he doesn't even have a job.

Where are you going?

To talk to him.



What's wrong with you?


It's just, uh...
Please don't do this.

Hello, Ricky.


You don't even know
who I am, do you?

Um... no, no.

Let me refresh your memory.

G-G-G-Geek, g-g-g-geek.

It's the pencil-headed
geek bird.

Dennis, Dennis Loggins.

You got it.

Wow, man, you look great.

So, what have you been up to?

I heard you made a
ton of money and...

- Yeah.
- Good for you, good for you.


- This is Gloria.
- Hi, Gloria.

- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you, too.

Well, I got to
hand it to you, man.

It looks like they should've
voted you most likely

to succeed, not me.

This guy was
always the smart one.

What a nice thing to say.

Isn't that a nice thing to say?

Gloria, why don't you
go get us some cheese?

Well, I'm not really
a fan of cheese.

It was just the architecture
I was interested in.

Well, I'd like some cheese.

And I'd like you
to go get it for me.

She's a nice girl.

Dennis, I'm really
glad to see you here.

Well, I got to say, Ricky,

I'm feeling exceptionally good

about being here tonight, too.

But, uh, where's Melissa?

Oh, she's, um... you know what?

I-I don't think she's
gonna make it.

Oh, really... why?

Well, she's, uh...
No, I'm wrong.

Here she is.



What are you doing
out of bed, baby?

Well, I was talking to Andrew.

And I decided I
needed to be here.

And she took all

of her medication and,
uh, her Vitals are better,

so we decided to
catch up with you.

I'm so glad you did.

And you look beautiful.

That's Melissa?



Look at you... you look great.


Uh, so do...

- Melissa...
- I know.

You don't have to say anything.

I'd give you a hug, but...

Oh, that-that-that's
all right, I...

I-I'm so glad to see
you, I... I'm just...

Melissa. I can't believe it.

We heard you weren't
coming, but here you are.

- We're stealing her away.
- Okay.


So, you made it? You
won't believe who's here.

So, um... Where did
you get that cheese?

Oh, around the corner.

Show me.

Oh, right.

She is really something.

What does she have?

It's cancer.

It started in her
liver, but it spread.

Oh, man.

Yeah, she's been
pretty incredible, though.

She made it to all my games
right up until last season.

Life's funny, huh?


Yeah, I mean, I'm finally
gonna get my first start

on Sunday, and you know what?

She's more excited
about it than I am.

I just can't keep traveling
all over this country.

I need to be with her right now.

So don't tell anybody,
but I'm quitting football.


Yeah, if everything
pans out on Sunday,

my first game as a starting
quarterback in the NFL,

it's gonna be my last.

It's... it's enough.

Well, what about your contract?

I don't know.

I'll figure it out.

Dennis, man, I'm sorry I was

always such a jerk to you.

I was just young
and stupid, you know.

It's like one of those things...
When something happens to you

that you can't change,
you just start thinking about

all the things you could've
changed and didn't.

The way I treated you
in high school, it's, uh...

it's one of those things.

So I'm sorry.

You know, life just
takes its turns, huh?

I, uh... I got to get a drink.

I'll be right back.

Gloria, it's time.


Baby, you're
going to do just fine.

Oh, I-I don't know.

Maybe it's too soon.

Andrew, maybe you
could... No, Gloria.

This is your assignment.

You're the one he knows.

And you're the one
that he's gonna listen to.

Who's gonna listen to an angel
with her dress on backwards?


Go... you know
what you have to do.

And guess what.

Dennis knows what
he has to do, too.

He just needs a
little push, okay?

I wish you hadn't said "push."

Are you all right?


Well, that's okay.

Because you know what?

I'm an angel.

Oh, that was a little
abrupt, wasn't it?

Really not in the mood
for jokes right now, Gloria.

Oh, good, because
I don't know any.

But I-I do think I can help.

The pool light is doing
some weird things.

It's not the pool light.

It's God.

I really am an angel.

You serious?

Oh, my God.

Now, granted, I'm not
as experienced as some.

Well, most. Well, all
the angels, actually.

But God chose me to talk to you.

So there's got to be a reason.

Maybe he doesn't think

I'm worth wasting an
experienced angel on.

Oh, no, I don't
think it's that at all.

I think it's because you
and I think a lot alike.

What, I-I think like an angel?


No, I think like a computer.

Or sort of like a
computer; I analyze things.

And so do you.

You think A plus B
always has to equal C.

You think if you
make a lot of money

and you're successful,
then you'll be happy.

And you think if
someone's hurt you...

then you have to get revenge.

But people aren't computers.

And relationships
aren't equations.

And if someone hurts you,
revenge isn't the solution.

You fell in love with someone
who wasn't meant to be yours.

That's not true.

Oh, Dennis... it is true.

If Melissa was
meant to be yours,

she would've been
in love with you, too.

And I know it
hurts to hear that,

but think of everything
that's happened

because you wouldn't believe it.

You took the wonderful,
positive dreams that you had

and used them to create
a cruel fantasy of revenge,

to force a happy ending

on a story that was
never meant to be.

Well, you have the power
to make it happen now.

Is it making you happy?

Ricky dreamed of
being a football star once.

And now all he can dream of

is to just have his
wife for one more year.

They've lost their world.

All their dreams have changed.

And yet, in it all...

Ricky has found his soul.

While you've come so
close to losing yours.

In ten years, who has truly
become a successful man?

Oh, my God.

I wasted so much time.

Oh, but God can
redeem time, Dennis.

God created time.

Just as He created you.

He loves you.

And He's given you all the
time that you need right now

to do the right thing.

Will you do it?

I think God knows
what He's doing.

Because He sure
sent me the right angel.



You know, I always did
have a little crush on you.



You were so smart and nice.

And strong.

No matter what anybody dished
out, you never even struck back.

I wish I was as...

good a person as
you seem to think.

You are.

I always knew there was
something special about him.

Would it be a terrible thing...

if I told you that I loved you?

That I've always loved you.

It's a wonderful thing, Dennis.

It's always nice to know that
somebody cares about you.

I seem to remember you
telling me that once before.

Thanks for being you.

Melissa, tomorrow I'm
gonna make some phone calls.

H can get a hold of the-the
best doctors in the business.

Spare no expense.

Thanks, Dennis.

I don't know what
difference it'll make now,

but you've made such
a difference already.

Hey, everybody, listen up!

Come on over!

Come on!

Come on in on the dance floor!

Everybody, come.

Come, come, come.

Gather around, gather around.

Listen, do you
know what time it is?

What time is it?


It's time to crown

the king and queen
of the reunion!

Ricky, uh, Tess
is calling for you.

Melissa and Ricky
Jessup come on up here!

I'll take a message.

You're a good guy, Rick.

Go be with your wife.

Yeah, this is Loggins.

Change of plans.

He starts on Sunday.

Yeah, okay, I'll let him know.


Ladies and gentlemen, with
thanks to your classmate,

Dennis Loggins, we have a
very special guest here tonight

who's going to perform for us.

He's come straight
from his sold-out concert

at the amphitheater
to play a song

about what's truly
important in life.

Something I'm sure that we've
all remembered here tonight.

Please welcome Toby Keith.

♪ Under an old
brass paperweight ♪

♪ Is my list of
things to do today ♪

♪ Go to the bank and
the hardware store ♪

♪ Put a new lock
on the cellar door ♪

♪ I cross 'em off
as I get 'em done ♪

♪ But when the sun is set ♪

♪ There's still more
than a few things left... ♪

Is it okay to ask
an angel to dance?


♪ Take a deep breath
of mountain air ♪

♪ Put on my glove,
play some catch ♪

♪ It's time that I
make time for that ♪

♪ Wade the shore, cast a line ♪

♪ Look up an old
lost friend of mine ♪

♪ Sit on the porch
and give my girl a kiss ♪

♪ Start living ♪

♪ That's the next
thing on my list ♪

♪ Wouldn't change
the course of fate ♪

♪ But cutting the
grass just had to wait ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got
more important things ♪

♪ Like pushing my kid
on a backyard swing ♪

♪ I won't break my
back for a million bucks ♪

♪ I can't take to my grave ♪

♪ So why put off for tomorrow ♪

♪ What I could get done today? ♪

♪ Like go for a walk,
say a little prayer ♪

♪ Take a deep breath
of mountain air ♪

♪ Put on my glove
and play some catch ♪

♪ It's time that I
make time for that ♪

♪ Stay up late, then oversleep ♪

♪ Show her what
she means to me ♪

♪ Catch up on all the
things I've always missed ♪

♪ Just start living ♪

♪ That's the next
thing on my list ♪

♪ Under an old
brass paperweight... ♪

Thank you, Father.

♪ Is my list of
things to do today. ♪