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08x16 - The Princeless Bride

Posted: 05/03/23 08:52
by bunniefuu
Oh, look! It's so beautiful!

Stop that. There's no
bouncing in this assignment.

She's just excited.

She's never been
to a wedding before.

But I've done a lot of research
on the... on the wedding ritual.

Oh, you have, huh?

Yes. I read 47 books
on the subject yesterday.

Ask me anything.

Etiquette, customs

and traditions, popular
musical selections,

the great debate

over floor-length versus
tea-length before 6:00.

Do you know who that is?

Okay, got it, got
it, got it, got it.

- Got it.
- No.

That's the bride.

She's read a lot of
books on weddings, too.

Not one of 'em is
gonna help her now.

Welcome to the Peery
Hotel, Miss Williams.

Thank you. I faxed an itinerary.

Yes, I have a copy right here.

And have copies been
given to your staff?

- Yes.
- Oh, and are the packets ready

for when the guests arrive?

- Yes, and...
- Well, here's some more, just in case.

I'll be upstairs in my room.

Could you let Carla
know that I'm here?

Oh, uh, Carla isn't on the
property at the moment.

Um, but I could have the manager
take care of anything you need.

Fine. I'll be upstairs.

Liz has been planning
every detail of her wedding

since she was a little girl.

And now it's finally happening.


You see, Gloria,
most single women,

whether they admit it or not,

have been carrying
around a blueprint

of the perfect wedding
filed in their hearts for years,

but when they grow
up, and it finally arrives,

the blueprint usually
has to change, and...

sometimes quite radically.

- Why?
- Because of the one thing

they never quite factored in.

The groom.

Hi, honey.


So... what?


Didn't you get them?

Oh, you mean these?

These... absolutely
gorgeous flowers

with the note, "I love you
beyond words, forever, me"?

That was you?

When I get there, I'm
gonna kiss you to death.

So, you're on your
way to the airport?

Yup, right on schedule.

How'd it go today?

Good. I sold six systems.

I could have lined up two
more if I'd had another hour.

Oh, well, you don't.
Check your itinerary.

Yeah, I know.

I take the 1:15 flight,

arrive at 0.0. around 2:10.

And then what?

I sit around for five hours
while you have the final fitting

and oversee the
flower arrangements

and the place settings
for the rehearsal dinner?

Yeah, that's right.

You get to rest until
the rehearsal at 7:30.

So, in other words,
stay out of the way.

Honey, just relax.

Save your strength for
the important things, hmm?

How are you coming on your list?

Uh, the tux is in the trunk,
the ring is in my pocket,

my hair is cut, and I had my
shoes shined by a former Marine.

Then all you got
to do is show up.

Hope I can handle it.

You can handle anything.

I love you.

I love you, too.
I'll see you soon.

Hey, Andrew,

can you take me back to
the convention center, please?

Well, what about your flight?

Yeah, there's another
one that leaves at 3:40.

That will get me in before
5:00. There's plenty of time.

- You're sure?
- Yeah.

I might as well take
care of some business

while I have the time.

I'll make it worth your
while if you wait for me.

All right.

She's sewing a horseshoe
onto her dress for luck.

Oh, dear.

I read that people get very
superstitious about weddings.

They do all sorts of things to
make sure everything goes right.


Superstitions don't
ruin weddings, Gloria.

People do.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

Hi, honey. You downstairs?

No, I'm still in
Philadelphia, but...

What? It's 2:30.

You're supposed
to be here by now.

Yeah, well, I changed
to a later flight.

Oh. Why?

I went back and
made another sale.

Don't worry. I'll still be
there before anyone else.

Well, okay.

You're biting your lower
lip right now, aren't you?


That's one of my
favorite things about you.

Hey, you think you can fit me
in between say, 7:15 and 7:25,

and I can see you
do that in person?

Very funny.

What time is your flight?


Okay. Hey, did you
remember to pack your shoes?

Yup. They're
right with my... tux.

Um... I got to go. I love you.

Oh, my.

Flight 2 is now
arriving at Gate 78.

Flight 2 is now
arriving at Gate 78.

Did you forget this?

You saved my life.

Thanks. Get you a drink?

Sure, yeah.

Good afternoon, Miss Williams.

My name is Tess,

and I'm the temporary
general manager of this hotel.


And this is Monica.

She's the temporary food
and beverage director.

And this is Gloria.

She's the temporary
special events coordinator.


Oh, please, come in.

So, what happened to Jerry

and Carla, and... oh,
what was his name?

Kevin. They were all
unexpectedly promoted

to our new facility in Florida.

We're the transition team.


The biggest weekend in my
life, and I get the transition team?

Oh, you're in great
hands, Miss Williams,

and if you need anything
from me, just call the front desk.

Actually, uh, Tess,
there is one thing.

When I came in,
downstairs, there was a man

sitting on the sidewalk
with a grocery cart.

Jerry said that he'd take
care of things like that for me

before the guests arrive.

It's being taken
care of. Don't worry.

Well, your flowers arrived.

I believe that you
specified white roses

and lily of the valley,

but why don't we compare
our list to your master list?

The bride keeps the master list,

while the groom
gets the index card.

Aha. "Tux, haircut,
shoeshine, rings, show up."

So little to do, so much time.

And yet, you almost blew it.

Attention, passengers.

Yeah. Go figure.

Please do not leave
your bags unattended.

Number 77?

Yes, I gave the
band the play list,

they've rehearsed
everything, and they're ready.


Oh, yeah, we had

some late RSVPs,
so we're gonna need

to get another table
for the reception.

You didn't get one
from Aunt Meg, did you?

Margaret Wittington Carlisle?

Uh-uh, no Carlisle.

Okay. 79.

So, I guess the only thing
left to do is to show up on time.

Yeah, my fifth and final duty.

It's an awesome responsibility.


- Attention passengers.
- What?

- Sarcasm.
- Please do not leave your bags

- unattended.
- So?

So, maybe it's none of my
business, but it seems to me

if you're feeling left
out of the wedding,

how are you gonna
feel in the marriage?

Yeah, but it's apples
and oranges, Andrew.

Girls fantasize about weddings.

Guys just fantasize about girls.

Yeah, but, uh, I mean,

you never really ever thought
about your wedding at all?

Ah, I don't know.

Yeah, maybe, a
little, but not like Liz.

It's a girl thing, you know?

They were dressing up

in high heels and putting lace
tablecloths over their heads

while we were
outside building forts.

This master list of hers
is almost 30 years old.

Who am I to argue with that?

Besides, all the suggestions I
had were apparently all wrong.

All baggage from
flight 338 will... Hmm.

Now arrive at carousel B.

It's her dream. I just
want to make her happy.

- Will now arrive at carousel B.
- It's a good start.

Well, I better get to my gate.

Thanks for everything.


Oh, hey, excuse me?

Uh, yeah, do you have
any of those little, um...

little umbrellas they
put in fruit drinks?

Yeah, let me take a look.

Liz loves those things.

She likes to twirl 'em,

open and close
'em till they break.

What can I say?

Hey, it must be true love.


Hey, I hope that you have
a long and happy marriage.

Take care.

Thanks. Thanks a lot.


WOMAN: Attention phase.

Due to extreme
weather conditions,

all air travel to and from

International Airport...

Oh, no.

Has been suspended. Please check

the monitors for
further updates.

I know. I don't know how
we're gonna do both this

and this, but, uh...


I'll take care of it.


There you are.

- It's getting cold outside, huh?
- Yeah.

Well, there's some
warm coffee in the back,

and, Stuart, there's something
I want you to do for me.


It's something like that
that can ruin a wedding.


Whew. Lizzy darling.

Or someone like that.

It took two trains and
a bus, but I am here.

Aunt Meg.

- Oh. Mwah, mwah.
- Mwah, mwah.

You know, my
invitation never arrived.


Can you believe
it? But don't worry,

I'm sure all the other
ones got delivered.

Hello. Margaret
Wittington Carlisle.

Call me Aunt Meg.

We're all family, after all.

Hello, Aunt Meg.

Monica and Gloria.

Well, aren't those nice
names for hotel workers?

We should get you
checked in, Aunt Meg.

Oh, lovely.

You'd better get here soon.

Aunt Meg just showed up.

Well, there's a problem.

Oh, God, you missed your flight?

Not exactly.

The flight's canceled
because of a storm.

What storm?
There's no storm here.

Has anybody heard
anything about a storm?

Oh, darling, haven't
you looked outside lately?

There's a dilly of a
blizzard headed this way.


Oh, Jonas. No.

It's here.

Oh, it's gonna be a
mess out there tonight.

D.C. Flight 12-21,
please proceed

to Gate 45 East. JONAS: Liz,

- I'm gonna work it out.
- How?

You said there
are no rental cars.

- Is at a complete standstill.
- Oh, God.

As you can see, the weather
has gotten progressively worse.

They just shut down
the airport here, too.

They're diverting planes.

Nobody's getting in tonight.



Remember that blizzard during
the New Hampshire primaries?

That didn't stop us, did it?

That's 'cause we were together.

Well, we don't have to be
together to be a team, baby.

Trust me.

I will be there in six,
maybe seven hours.

You're still gonna miss
the rehearsal dinner,

along with everybody else.

I cannot believe
this is happening.

I know. Me either.

But it's gonna be
okay. I promise.

Okay. You call me?

Hey. I love you.

I love you, too.

God, help me.

I have 24 Cornish hens
sitting in a warming oven.

I don't know what to tell you.

There'll be two people at
the rehearsal dinner, Martin.


that's just fine. I work
and work and work.

- This is what I get for...
- Me, Aunt Meg

and 24 chickens.

- Hello?
- Liz.

Mom, where are you?

Well, the National Weather
Service is predicting

that the storm won't let up
until sometime tomorrow night.

Hmm, well, there's a lot
of things we need to do

before then.

I know you do, Mom.
Everybody does.

I love you.

Where is your mother?

She and Daddy were
diverted to Poughkeepsie.

Everybody thinks we
should've had the wedding

in New York in the summertime,

but Jonas and I
met in this room.

Well, I didn't know that.

Oh, yeah. Yeah, we
were both volunteers

working for an advance
party on a political campaign.

We shook hands,
said hello right here.

I couldn't get over
how in three hours

he knew the name of
every person in the room,

but he still couldn't figure out
how to read a train schedule.

So then I knew we'd
make the perfect team.

Our candidate didn't win.

But we did.

I thought I was
gonna die out there.

That's never gonna happen, baby.

Sit down.

They record my thoughts on
VHS and sell 'em at Blockbuster.

Why are we doing this?

Okay, now you just
basically stand there

while the minister speaks
for about a half hour...

Uh, that's assuming he
can get out of his driveway...

And then he'll
say something like,

"If anyone has reason
why these two people

"should not be married,

- let him speak now or forever..."
- Oh, oh.

Uh, do you really
want to do that one?

Yeah, it's traditional.


Well, it comes from the days

when women were
actually considered chattel.

And anyone who answered
that question was more likely

making a financial claim
on his property than objecting

to the union. It's
the same reason

why the bride always stands

to the left of the groom.

The groom stole the bride

from neighboring peasants

so he had to keep his right
arm free to hold his sword

in case he had to k*ll
any of her relatives.


Not that any of
that's happening here.

Why don't we just
skip to the music?

Well, except the soloist

would have to be singing
from the concourse

at LaGuardia Airport,

unless, uh, somebody
else knows how to sing.

Well, then.

Oh, how we danced ♪

♪ On the night ♪

♪ We were wed ♪

♪ We vowed ♪

♪ Our true love ♪

♪ Though a word wasn't said... ♪

The Farmers' Almanac

said it was supposed to
be beautiful all weekend.

You never could've
predicted this.

Yeah, but I could've avoided it.

I didn't have to take that
extra meeting, but I did.

♪ Dear, as I held you
so close in my arms ♪

♪ Angels were singing ♪

♪ A hymn to your charms ♪

♪ Always remember
him in my heart ♪

♪ My darling ♪

♪ I love you so. ♪

Thank you, Aunt
Meg, for... that.

My pleasure.

Where are you?

I'm in a taxi, but we're
not out of Philadelphia yet.

There's roads closed
all over the place.

Maybe we should push
this thing to Sunday.


Excuse me, but you only had
five things to do for this "thing."

I didn't make it snow, Liz.

No, but you had to squeeze in
one more meeting, didn't you?

Well, look, if you want
to toss blame around,

here's a question: why didn't
we have the wedding in New York,

where we live?

You know why.

Yeah, I do. Because
it's not what you wanted.

Even if we had the
wedding in New York,

you still would've snuck
in one more meeting,

because you always
resented my dream.

You wanted to
mess this up for me.

For you?

My God, how could I
have been so stupid?

You don't even
want to be married.

You just want to have a wedding.

Does it even
matter who it's with?

Or do you just want
someone to-to...

to bounce an "I do" off of?

Well, find someone else
'cause maybe ♪ don't.

Wait, Jonas, no. Uh... Jonas?

Oh, boy.


He told me to find
another groom.

Well, there you go.
It's always something.

You're both upset.

You need to talk to him.

He didn't mean it, did he?

He'll be here. He just...

He didn't mean it.

Did you mean all that,
that you just said to her?

Yeah, I did.

You know, I didn't
see it before, but...

she's basically very selfish.

Love is blind, Andrew,
but this time I see it all.

Love isn't blind, Jonas.

Real love sees everything
and loves anyway.

Then I guess it's not real love.

I want you to take
me back to New York.

Turn around, Andrew.
I want to go home.

Ah, Jonas, come on.

No, this storm is a sign.

It's not a sign; it's a storm.

I mean it.

I don't care what it
costs. Will you do it?

Taking people where
they got to go is... my job.


I'm gonna get some sleep.

Wake me if, uh...

If... if what? If she calls?


If you get tired.

I'm sorry, Jonas. I love you.

Please call me.

Mmm. Thank you.

It keeps going to voice mail.

Your cousin Jane just called.

All of your relatives
from Chicago

are still sitting on the tarmac.

She's not sure when
they're gonna get out.

Jane's my maid of honor.

I'm so sorry, Liz.

We were gonna sit up
all night in our pajamas

with the other girls,
painting our toenails

and watching old
movies and laughing.

It's half the fun
of getting married,

you know?

Sharing it with the
people you love.

You think this is bad?

Well, I was once at a
wedding on a tuna boat,

and, well, this was
during El Nifio, okay?

And everybody was seasick.

People were pushing and shoving

just to try and get
near the side of the boat

- so that they...
- Please, Aunt Meg.


I'm just saying,

I mean, there's always something

goes wrong at a wedding.

It's better to get
it over with now.

Tomorrow the storm will
pass, people will get on

their planes, your
guests will arrive,

and you and Jonas
will be married.

I mean, assuming
that he still wants to.

He will be here, Liz.

He will.

I hope so.

I love him so much.

Excuse me.

- Hi.
- Welcome to the Peery Hotel.

Around the corner,
through the doors,

down to the boiler room.

Why, you lazy ol' nincompoop.

See if I ever leave
you in charge again.

The cold front moving
down from Canada

across the Eastern Seaboard...

Did someone say slumber party?

I don't know,

there's something
about rocky road.

I've always been able
to eat the entire pint,

but I don't ever think
I've eaten that much.

Oh, my God.

When I was a
kid, oh, I could eat.

Is this really necessary?

Tess, it's for a good cause.

Not to mention, you really do
need to hydrate those pores.

I beg your pardon?

So, 90-90 on.

Oh, no, it's boring.

I'd-I'd really much rather

hear your life stories.

Oh, well, uh...

Why don't you go first?

Oh, okay. Um... I grew up poor.

Really poor.

We even lived in our
car for a few weeks once,

and then when we
did find a place to live,

we had to leave the
heat off in the winter.

I wore hand-me-downs.

I never had anything
that was my own.

Kids at school
never let me forget it.

My dad worked a lot of odd jobs.

For a while he worked
as a dishwasher

in this hotel in Manhattan,

and I used to love to go there

because they catered
a lot of weddings.

And I'd peek through
the kitchen door

and I'd watch the guests
with-with their champagne

and... and their fancy drinks

with the little
umbrellas in them, and...

and I'd watch the bride
floating across the floor

in this beautiful dress.

Carrying flowers.

Everybody loving her.

Everybody standing
up when she went past.

They treated her
like a princess.

And I decided I was going to be

treated like a
princess one day, too.

Even if it was
for just one night.

Why isn't he calling me?

Well, maybe you should
try calling him again.


Wake up.

We're here.

How long did I sleep?

Where are we, downtown?

What is...

What is this?

- We're in D.C.
- Yep.

I told you I wanted
to go to New York.

And I told you that I
was gonna take you

where you needed to be.

Yeah, I don't want
to be here, Andrew.

Who do you think you are?

I'm an angel.

What does that mean?

It means I'm an angel.

It means that God sent
you an angel tonight

to help you get

- to where you needed to be.
- Oh...

This is impossible.

Let me ask you a question, okay?

Why did you go back to
that convention center?

I thought I had time
to make another sale.

I don't know.

She made you mad, didn't she?

She's been making
you mad for months now,

the way she's been
planning this wedding.

I mean, she gives
you five things to do

and then she doesn't
even trust you to do them.

So you went back
there to show her

that you are still in control.

She's just so organized.

Yeah, and that's what
you love about her.

It's why... it's why
you're such a good team.

You know, you're the salesman.

You're the guy who
works on instinct,

and she's... she's
the detail person.

You count on her
to make those lists,

so why blame Liz for
doing what she does so well

on the most
important day of her life

when you know... you
know that you could not

do this any better yourself?

How do you know this?

I didn't tell you
any of this stuff.

I told you, I'm an angel.

You... you know,
you're a crackpot, and...

I'm getting out of here.

Hey, Jonas, don't do this.

You're gonna freeze out there.

Well, I'll take my chances.

Daisy Taxi Service.

Yeah, I need a taxi.

I'm at the corner
of Tenth and Exeter.

- Tenth and Exeter?
- Yeah.

- We'|| send someone out.
- Okay, thanks.



Jonas, thank God.


I'm so sorry, Jonas.


Liz, I can barely... I
can barely hear you.

No, listen, honey, we
have to talk about this.


I can't talk right now.

I got to go.

Don't do this, Jo.

We have to talk.

Yeah... Got his...

- Are you Andrew?
- Yeah.

I'm Stuart.

Tess sent me.

Give me a hand.

All right.


Good morning, Miss Williams.

This is your wake-up call.

Thank you.

Any sign of that blizzard

lightening up, Laura?

Unfortunately, Rick,
doesn't look like it.

The whole northeast here is
being pummeled with snow.

Got 'em.

Thank you.

Yeah, that's great,
but just remember

that the champagne
glasses go on a tray,

not directly on the
tablecloth. Okay. So...

I'm watching people
set up for my wedding,

and I really don't think
there's gonna be one.

Oh, but if he's just
right downstairs.

She's just not
ready for it yet, baby.

- Thank you.
- Monica,

the airports are closed,
Jonas has obviously left me...

I really don't see
the point in this.

Well, we should carry on
here until we do see the point.

Well, your mother called.

And they're not coming, right?

Nobody's coming, Aunt Meg.

Jonas isn't even
coming. It's over.

Well, this is a
disaster, I can't tell you,

and I've been to
some rotten weddings,

but you are losing

tens of thousands of dollars
here, right down the toilet.

Have you even
thought about that?

God, Aunt Meg, can
you please just shut up?

Why are you even here?


What are you doing here?

You don't belong here!

This is exactly

why I don't like
to go to weddings.

There's always so much tension.

Go away, Aunt
Meg. I swear to God,

I can't take it anymore.

It's not your Aunt Meg.

May I come in?


Something wrong
with the prime rib?

Not enough china
for the place settings?

Or did that Wino steal
all the champagne?

There's no problem
with the reception, Liz.

Oh, I'm sorry,
Monica. I'm sorry.

It's just...
everything's ruined.

It's over, and I
just wanted to...

You just wanted
to be a princess,

to feel loved and celebrated
for one perfect day.


Everybody wants that
on their wedding day.


but God doesn't want you
to feel celebrated and loved

for just one day of your life.

He wants you to
feel that every day,

because he loves you so much,

and you already
are a princess, Liz.

You're a child of the King.

You just didn't know it.

What's happening?

I am an angel.


An angel sent by God
with a message for you.

From the moment you met Jonas,

you knew that you wanted
him to be your partner

for the rest of your life.

It is God's gift that
you found each other,

but instead of thanking
God, you ignored Him.

Things are never
perfect in a marriage, Liz.

There'll always be snowstorms
or missed plane flights

or something else to change
your plans and dreams,

but that's when
you have a choice.

To turn on each other,
or turn to each other,

and together ask
God for His guidance.

But you didn't do that.

No, I didn't.

And now it's too late, isn't it?

I don't know if it's too
late for you to marry Jonas.

I honestly don't know.

But I do know that
it's never too late

to stand before
the throne of God

and seek His mercy

and ask Him to do
something powerful in your life.

You may not know it,

but you haven't been planning
for a wedding all these years.

You've been
planning for a miracle.

The miracle that occurs

when God takes two people

and makes them one.

But even if the miracle

of marriage doesn't
happen here tonight,

God still wants to perform
a miracle through you

if you will let Him.

I don't understand.

There are many ways
to demonstrate love, Liz.

A wedding is just one of them.

But you have everything
that you need here and now

to take your love
and let God multiply it,

because whenever two or more
are gathered together in His name,

He will be there,

and that is the
greatest miracle of all.

Two or more?

Many more.

Come on with me.

Oh, my.


will you tell Martin that
dinner will be at 7:00?

Yeah? This is silverware.




All right.

I can't go up there, Andrew.

Why not?

Because I've ruined everything.

I've wrecked her whole dream.

Thousands of
dollars she's saved up

all her life for this one night,

and she's up there with a
bunch of homeless people.

I've ruined her.

I should have been here.

Jonas... you are here.

Here we go.

Anyone care for
some sparkling cider?

Hey, careful you don't
spoil your appetite.

There's much more to come.

Some more cider for you?

Yes, please.

Thank you.

It's wonderful, Gloria.

It was all you.

- With ice?
- All right.

They sell 'em at Blockbuster.

I see. I see.

Stuart, thank you so much.

You did a very good job.

You've got a talent
for leadership.

You should develop that.

Prime rib? Wow.

Oh, it's been years.


Thank you.

I just wanted to say
how wonderful it is

that you're all here.

This evening was
shaping up to be a disaster,

but it turned into a blessing,

thanks to Monica and Gloria and

Tess and Stuart, and... well...

thanks to God.

I was supposed to be
getting married this evening,

but a few things fell through.

First of all, I could have
done without the weather.

But mostly...

I made a lot of mistakes.

My fiancé isn't here
tonight because...

Well, it's not because
of the storm. It's...

It's because I...

I kind of left him
out, and he saw that,

and he... It...

I'm sorry.

I really am having
a wonderful time.

I am.

I just... I think
you're all wonderful,

and I am so glad

that we're all here
together, safe, warm.



So, cheers.


That's right.

All these years, all that money.

Everything she dreamed about,

she ended up
just... giving away.

She's quite a beautiful woman.

She's more beautiful than ever.

Love can do that to a person.

She's made mistakes, too.

She knows that.

She, um... she met
an angel tonight, too.

So if you really are an
angel then tell me something.

What's that?

How do people stay married?

That's what God
wants to teach you both,

one day at a
time, if you let Him.


It's up in my room, Gloria.

I'll just run up and grab it.

Oh, sir, were you leaving?
There's plenty of food.

I was... I was gonna save
a plate for my fiancé just

in case he... got here.


Oh, Jonas.

What happened to you?

No, I'm-I'm all right. I'm okay.

Actually, I'm not.

Liz, I'm sorry.

I am so sorry.

No. I'm sorry.

And I love you.

I love you so much.

Listen, I don't have my tux.

- Yeah.
- Or the ring.

Or even my own
shoes, but I'm here.

And I want to marry you.

And if you say yes,

I'll give you all
these little umbrellas.

I don't care about the wedding.

I just want to be
with you... forever.

So, is there gonna be a wedding?

Not tonight, but soon, Gloria.

Well, there you are.

I'm glad you're here. There's
somebody I'd like you to meet.


Mm-hmm. Aunt Meg.

I think you're
going to love her.
