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04x22 - Make It Pop Pop

Posted: 05/03/23 16:17
by bunniefuu
- ♪

- Mom, grab that cobweb.

Dad, I see streaks.

Nana and Pop-Pop are coming to visit.

That means this place needs to be spotless.

- Does this help? - [water spritzing]

- No.

- Max, you know the drill.

The only thing Sergeant Thunder

hates more than villains is a dirty house.

- So, make sure Colosso hides like he always does

when Pop-Pop visits.

- But Colosso's part of the family.

- Yeah, the part we're ashamed of.

- How can you be ashamed of this?

- My dad was the toughest hero on the planet.

If it was up to him, he'd lock up Colosso forever

in a horrible, horrible place.

- Yeah, that's two horribles.

- All right, you heard 'em. Beat it, Colosso.

- Fine, but I left ya a little something

to clean up on the couch.

[evil laughter]

- I love when Pop-Pop comes to visit.

We catch up, we train,

we criticize you.

Oh, maybe he'll finally teach me his signature move--

"drop the thunder!"

- Do you even hear yourself?

"I'm Phoebe. I'm a thunder nerd."

- Yeah, yeah, you're just jealous

'cause I'm Pop-Pop's favorite.

[laughs] And you're Colosso's favorite.

- That's not true.

- COLOSSO: Max, I baked a friendship pie

for my favorite guy!

- Dude, we talked about this!

- Is Nana here with our gifts yet?

- Kids, spending time with your Nana

isn't all about gifts.

- She's right, Billy.

Sometimes she gives us cold, hard cash.

- Giving awesome presents is Nana's superpower.

- Chloe, you know Nana's superpower is kindness.

- That's right. Back when she was Thunder Woman,

she would disarm her foes

by turning them nice with a pinch of the cheek--

like this. - Ow!

Dad, you have super strength.


Nana and Pop-Pop approaching.

- Oh, they're here! They're here!

Places, people!

- Yeah, I'll stand where I want.

- [deep, threatening voice] Get over here!

- Hello!

I'm looking for my five adorable grandkids.

- Nana, it's us!

We're your five adorable grandkids.

- Sergeant Thunder, sir!

- Why so formal? Call me Sergeant Dad.

- ♪ I've got gifts

I hear that these wireless headphones are lit.

- Thanks, Nana.

- And I'll give my grandbabies their presents later,

so no big babies get jealous.

- [whining] Mom! You'd better have brought me something.

- Hey, Pop-Pop,

someone special's ready for a hug-hug.

- You're right. Get over here, Max.

- He's hugging Max. - I see that.

But don't worry.

He's still gonna teach me how to "drop the thunder."

- Max, I can't wait to show you

how to "drop the thunder!"

- He's gonna show Max-- - I see that, too.

- ♪

- Okay, Mom, have a great time

with the kids at Splatburger,

while Barb and I do our boring errands.

- Yeah, parent errands are the worst.

- HANK: [groans] - BARB: [laughs]

- Hank's flying you to Paris for lunch, isn't he?

- Yes, Mrs. Thunderman.

- Well, before you go, I want you to see

the kids' faces after I give them their amazing gifts.

- BARB: Oh.

- You guys are seeing this, too, right?

- Aren't those sweaters just super-duper?

- They look like barf.

- Which is a good thing.

Barf means cool.

- Oh. Well, I think you kids are pretty barf, too.


Hey, why don't you wear them to lunch at Splatburger?

- Aw, thanks.

But we don't want them to get ruined.

Let's put these in the attic for safekeeping.

- We don't have an attic.

- Just go!

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, kids.

Get back here with those...

interesting sweaters. [clears throat]

- We don't want to hurt Nana's feelings.

But if we wear these in public,

we'll have to change our names

and move to Even-More-Hiddenville.

- It's just one lunch,

and it would mean so much to her.

I mean, look...

- Yes, Myrtle, they loved the sweaters.

Tell all the girls.

- Aw, we can't disappoint Myrtle and the girls.

- [sighs] Fine. We'll wear the sweaters.

One lunch.

- Then I'll teleport them away like Daddy's bike shorts.

- Did you tell her to get rid of my bike shorts, Barb?

- Thunder Man and Electress, away!

- Oh, no, no, no.

It doesn't work when you say it.

Thunder Man and Electress, away!

- [loud thud] - [plaster splatting]

- So, then you turned good, and the Z-Force came calling.

Well, clean my latrine and salute my shorts!


- Yeah, I mean, actually, they called me first,

so, let's not clean that latrine just yet.


- But the important thing is

my grandson here is on his way

to becoming the greatest American hero--

just like I was.

- That's right.

I'm a chip off the old Pop-Pop.

- POP-POP: [laughing]


Praising Max like this has just worn me out.

I've gotta take a power nap.

- Uh, Pop-Pop, wait. Um...

I was hoping you were gonna show me

how to "drop the thunder."

- Keep talkin', Phoebs.

You'll put him right to sleep.

- POP-POP: [laughing]

Max, you're still the funny one.


- Oh... - Ah...

Well, well, well... [laughs]

- Don't you say it.

- I'm Pop-Pop's favorite! - PHOEBE: [gasps]

You said it!

- Face it, everyone prefers

formerly-bad- but-interesting Max

to always-good- and-boring Phoebe.

It's a better story.

- All right, here's a story.

Once upon a time...

Max stinks!

- Would you please stop yelling.

My Pop-Pop is trying to sleep.

- Come on, I would go right back

to being Pop-Pop's favorite if he knew

you were hiding Dr. Colosso in your lair.

- Dr. Colosso is here?

- Who said that? I didn't say that.

- Yeah, she didn't say that.

- This must be your dad's doing.

He was always soft on villains.

But Sergeant Thunder is not!

It's time to drop the thunder on Dr. Colosso.

- Huh, new story. Once upon a time...

you stink!

- ♪

♪ What you see

♪ Is not what you get

♪ Livin' our lives with a secret ♪

♪ We fit right in

♪ Bet you never guessed

♪ 'Cause we're livin' our lives ♪

♪ Just like all the rest

♪ A picture perfect family ♪

♪ Is what we try to be

♪ Look closer, you might see ♪

♪ The crazy things we do

♪ This isn't make believe ♪

♪ It's our reality

♪ Just your average family

♪ Trying to be normal and stay out of trouble ♪

♪ Livin' a double life ♪

- Before I take down a villain,

I always like to stretch out my super hammies.

- Okay, Pop-Pop, Colosso is here,

but Dad turned him into a bunny.

- Yeah, he lives in a filthy cage

in Max's filthy lair,

which is way worse than a prison.

- You two keep him down there,

while I fly home and get my Detention Zone transporter.

Also, I forgot my toothbrush.

Sergeant Thunder, away!

- [loud thud] - [plaster splatting]

- Oh, so that's where Dad gets it.

- Yeah, it would be fascinating--

if my best friend's life wasn't in danger!

- Maybe the Detention Zone isn't that bad.

You've spent most of your life in detention

and you turned out fine...ish.

- I wish Mom and Dad were here

so we could ask them about it.

- Drink it in.

- I wish only Mom were here.

- Hey, kids, where's Pop-Pop?

- Oh, uh, he just wore himself out

telling us old supe stories.

- Yeah, something about the Detention Zone?

- Detention Zone?

Oh, that place is bad-- I mean bad, real bad.


- It's where Pop-Pop used to send villains.

- Uh, could we get back to the bad,

I mean bad, real bad, ba-a-a-ad part?

- It's an alternate dimension where supervillains

are punished with soul-crushing torment.

Anyway, see ya later.

- I can't believe this.

Because you couldn't handle me being Pop-Pop's favorite,

Colosso's gonna be in a bad, bad, real bad, bad place!

- Wait, I have a brilliant idea.

What if we get Colosso out of the house

before Pop-Pop gets back?

- That's not brilliant, that's obvious.

- Do you wanna do it or not?

- Yeah, I'm just saying you oversold it.

- ♪

- Okay, Nana's parking the car.

Time to walk in there in these humiliating sweaters.

- Let's do it for Nana, baby!


- Let's not do it for Nana, baby.

- Chloe's right-- we've gotta get rid

of these sweaters before Nana gets back.

- But won't that hurt Nana's feelings?

- Her feelings won't be hurt

if she thinks they were stolen by a bully.

- This is why Nora's our leader.

- ♪

- See? What'd I tell you?

Nobody's laughing or pointing.

- Well, that guy is,

but he has a broken finger.

- Oh, here she comes. Look sad.

Or confused works.

- What happened to your sweaters?

- You'll never believe it.

A bully pulled them right off our backs.

- NANA: Oh?

- We tried to stop them, but we couldn't.

Is that right? Did we try to stop them?

- We sure did.

But that bully got away.

- Far, far away.

- Well, she didn't get that far.

She's right there.

Hey, bully! Those sweaters belong to my grandkids.

- You talkin' to me, lady?

- Is it me,

or does Wong look fantastic in that sweater?

- ♪

- All aboard Colosso Hare-Lines.

- Colosso, this is serious.

You need to get outta here right now.

- Yeah, we'll send word

when it's safe for you to come back home, okay?

- COLOSSO: Like you care!

You're the one who spilled the beans,

you bean-spiller!

- I didn't mean to.

- Oh, yeah, it just accidentally slipped out

right as Pop-Pop was giving me lots of attention.

- Well, yeah, it sounds bad when you put it like that.

- Colosso, you can take this photo album to remember me by.

- Oh, thanks, Max.

Better put this somewhere safe.

- There's no room in that plane for--

- COLOSSO: [chomping] - And he swallowed it.

- [two huge burps]

Flight attendants, prepare for takeoff.

- [propeller buzzing]

- [engine zooming]

- Okay, Colosso's safe now.

When Pop-Pop gets here, we'll just say--

Oh, my gosh, what's that in the sky?

- Why would we say that?

- POP-POP: [whooshing] - MAX & PHOEBE: Pop-Pop!

- [loud crack]

- POP-POP: [grunts]

I cancelled that rabbit's flight.

- COLOSSO: Brace for impact!

- [airplane engine whining] - COLOSSO: [screaming]

- [heavy thud]

- Well, welcome to Hiddenville,

where the local time is...


- Time to send you to the Detention Zone.

[span]Hasta la vista[/span], bunny!

- Pop-Pop, no!

I can't let you do this.

Colosso's my best friend.

- He is?

Well, that changes everything.

Hasta la vista, grandson!

- [electrical zapping]

- You got any villain friends? - Sir! No, sir!

- Pop-Pop, I can't believe

you sent Max to the Detention Zone.

- Calm down, Phoebe.

I'll let you banish the next villain.

Hey, how about I show you how to drop the thunder!

- Yes! Yes, that would be amazing.

No, Phoebe!


Pop-Pop, you need to bring Max back.

- Don't worry.

When Max has learned his lesson,

I will set him free with this key.

- Um, how many villains have you set free?

- Uh, let me do the math--


- Max may be gone forever?


I'm sorry, Pop-Pop. - For what?

- For this. [powers whooshing]

- Phoebe, don't-- - [blowing icy air]


Now to save Max and Colosso.

- [electrical zapping]

- [cushion "pops"]

- Oh, Mom's favorite pillow.

I cannot stop losing things she loves today.

- [electrical zapping] - [Phoebe "pops"]

- Oh, good, Mom's pillow--

in a room full of psycho villains.

- Yuck! This place just got worse.

- It looks like Sergeant Thunder's been busy today.

Name? - Uh, Phoebe, but I actually--

- Take a seat.

- Sorry, but can I just talk to--

- Seat, you!

Today's lesson...

[shouting] is the same as it is every day--

"How Not To Be A Supervillain!"

- Hey, what are you doing here?

- Busting you out,

after I use this to open that.

- Phoebe, put that away before the Dean--

- [tongue slurping]

- --takes it with her super-gross lizard tongue.

- For the last time,

I didn't take these sweaters

from your smelly grandchildren.

- They're not smelly.

- Yeah! I just showered last week.

- Nana, we should just find somewhere else to eat.

- My granddaughter is right.

There's no use wasting my time with the likes of you.

- Ha! Looks like today's special

is Chicken à la Thunderman.

[cackling laughter]

- So close.

- What did you just say?

- She called you a chicken dish, Nana.

- Let me put it in words you understand.

Buck! Buck! Buckaw! [cackling]

- That's it!

Time for you to learn a little kindness.

- [powers chiming]

- Welcome to Splatburger, sweeties.

- Did she just call us "sweeties?"

- All right, grandbabies,

Mrs. Wong has something to tell you.

- I don't remember stealing your sweaters,

but please accept my apology,

you cutie-patooties!

- What do you say?

- BILLY, CHLOE, NORA: [sadly] Thank you.

- And to make up for all this, your lunch is free!

- NANA: Yeah!

- In fact, free food for everyone!

- [tubes thudding, food splatting]

- Free food? I've gotta tell Dad!


- I like that Wong is nice now,

but isn't it bad that she's giving away so much food?

- Yeah, but it's worth it.

She's giving away her cash register.

- I didn't have a doggy bag,

so I put your food in here.

Remember, don't eat the money.

- [swats desk] No sleeping!

- Max, we've gotta get that key back

and get outta here.

- You know what I always say--

honesty is the best policy.

- SUPERVILLAINS: [mockingly] Honesty is the best policy!

- MAX: [laughs]

They know you're a nerd.

- Follow me.

Hi, Dean, uh, there's been a huge mistake.

We're actually superheroes and don't belong here.

- Really? Show of hands.

How many of you are actually superheroes

and don't belong here?

- What she means is we're Sergeant Thunder's grandkids.

- PHOEBE: Yeah. - Show of hands.

How many of you are Sergeant Thunder's grandkids?

Now, since you two are determined

to be a disruption,

you can help me feed the class pet.

- What are the chances it's a hamster?

- [pet roaring] - [cage rattling]

- It could still be a hamster.

- [pet roaring] - [cage rattling]

- If Mrs. Wong keeps this up,

she'll lose her restaurant by the end of the day.

- Congratulations, Jamie!

You now own Splatburger.

- This is bad.

We've gotta do what we should have done in the first place.

- Sorry, I had to go next door.

Mrs. Wong gave away all of her toilets.

- Nana, we have something to tell you.

Mrs. Wong didn't steal our sweaters.

We threw them out

because we were embarrassed to wear them.

- NANA: Oh. - It's true.

And barf doesn't mean cool.

It just means barf.

- Why did I listen to Myrtle?

I mean, her superpower

is convincing people they make nice sweaters.

- We're so sorry if we hurt your feelings, Nana.

- Do you forgive us? - Oh, of course I do.

I could never stay mad at my grandbabies,

no matter what they smell like.

- She's talking about you.

- Oh, I wish I didn't have to make Mrs. Wong mean again.

Maybe I'll let her be nice for five more minutes.

- You look cold.

Do you want the shirt off my back?

- NORA & BILLY: Do it now, Nana!

- [powers chiming]

- Hi, Mrs. Wong.

- We'll take cheeseburgers.

- How about kicks in the butt?

Get out!

Out! Out! Get out!

- [pet roaring] - [cage rattling]

- Won't that thing bite us when we feed it?

- I wouldn't worry about that.

- [pet roaring] - [flames crackling]

- Would you worry about that?

- Absolutely. [laughs]

In fact, I'm not going to watch or I'll get sick.

- Sick! Ooh, that's it.

I can save you.


- Colosso's throwing up is gonna make me throw up.

- No, Phoebe, he's pukin' us outta here.

- COLOSSO: [vomits]


the proof is under the pudding.

- Oh, she's gonna touch that thing?

- It's all right.

I'm shedding my skin later, anyway.

Well, you are the Sergeant's grandchildren.

My apologies.

When you get back, please tell your grandfather

that Lizzie was nice to you.


- Oh, now it's Lizzie, is it?

- [door lock clicks]

- Wait, what about Dr. Colosso?

- Oh, no, he's an actual supervillain.

He has to stay.

- I'll come back for you, Colosso.

Where'd he go?

- He must have snuck past me.

- You mean like this? [whooshing]

- Oh, my Mom's favorite pillow.

[powers whooshing]



Sorry, I had to go back for Mom's favorite pillow.

- That's Dad's butt pillow.

- Okay, time to unfreeze the Ice Pop...Pop.

[blowing fiery air]

- --freeze me! [sighs]

You froze me, didn't you?

- It was the only way to get Max back

from the Detention Zone.

- By the way, Lizzie says "Hi."

- Pop-Pop, all this just happened because...

I was jealous that Max is your new favorite.

- Did you go to the Ding-Dong Zone?

I couldn't possibly have a favorite grandkid!

- But you were giving Max so much attention.

- So he wouldn't go back to being

a huge pain in the thunder butt.

And I'm still not happy

he's friends with that evil rabbit.

- Pop-Pop, Dr. Colosso's the reason

we both got out of the Detention Zone.

He sacrificed his freedom to save us.

- Yeah. Then he ran to save himself.

But it was a great start.

- POP-POP: Hmmm...

well, maybe living here with a family of superheroes

is rubbing off on him.

- That's what they were trying to tell you

before you crashed my plane, ya old fart!

- Who wants to see me drop the thunder on Colosso?

- Why not? - Sure.

- Hey, uh, what are you guys whispering about?

- POP-POP [grunt of effort]

[thunder crashing]

- [dizzily] Oh, you didn't knock me down, old man.

- Wait for it.

- [dizzy groans]

[small thud]

- ♪

- ♪