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Pink Moon (2022)

Posted: 05/03/23 19:11
by bunniefuu
Don't Say Goodbye to Dad

I'm coming

- hello - hi


- hey dad - hey honey

- do you have cutlery -I'll get it

- have you brought everything? -Um

Would you like white wine or red wine?

- where are the kids - dad doesn't want them to come

we can't find a babysitter

You leave the kids alone at home?

- Of course not. - You and Mom have done this before, right?

You guys go to the movies while we're asleep

yes sometimes

Luckily, my mother is free to help us take care of the children.

Dad, why can't the children come?

Dad, can you get us some water?

- dad? - it will be quieter

Dad, it's delicious

Are you sure the food portion is just right?

twenty one

this is unique

twenty two

Children have to divide like this every day

twenty three

- It wouldn't be too bad to divide this, would it? -is that so?

twenty four

Glad I got such a small piece of kamaboko

- do you want some - Is that red curry spicy?

-Only one item on the menu is pepper. -Don't be fooled

I had chicken cashew nuts with oyster sauce and it was super spicy

- super spicy? No. -Where did I go to eat?

"Top Thai style"? Or "Thai is delicious"?

can i have some of that

- come on - thank you love you

How is Alice's "Life Water" work going?

It went well

- is there any new development - doesn't count

I'm going to a seminar

-Where do you go? -South Africa

- you are going to south africa - yeah, poor

Are you going to South Africa? go alone?

Can everyone listen to this?

I invite you to come...

Because there's something I've been holding in my heart for a long time

- Have you met someone you like? -no

i love you all

but i have to tell you this

I hope you can respect my choice

Even if you listen to it, you may not like it

I decided that next year will be my last birthday

Are you no longer celebrating birthdays?

75 is a wonderful age but I don't plan on passing 76

i'm going to end my life

-Are you serious? -right

-Why? - because I'm fine now

I don't want to have to rely on you guys or doctors or whatever later on.

So I've been on meds for years

-how many years? - yes

Why didn't you tell us before?

I have to make sure

- so are you sure now - yeah sure

A new batch has arrived. The previous batch has expired.

- I don't want to live anymore. - Don't want to live?

Sometimes I don't want to do certain things

Kate and Noah never want to do things

we all have low tides

-but there's no reason to commit su1c1de over that. -su1c1de su1c1de...

- yes su1c1de! - I'm going to end my life, Alice.

- Dad, are you sick? -No


But if I don't tell you I will...

You can get used to it first

- Adapt first? -right

But Dad, it's illegal, isn't it?

The medicine I take is very humane and many people use it

I can't figure out which one is playing.

you're healthy with alice and me by your side

You don't need a wheelchair and babysitter every Tuesday

Children and grandchildren live in such a wonderful house again...

You, too, can be independent. Why?

I said I don't want to live anymore

What kind of logic is this? You're not a f*cking kid.

-Alice, please. -What, I just don't understand.

I don't understand and don't want to understand

i know it's hard to digest

But there's no such thing as a perfect time

either too late or too early

i'd rather leave early

That's why I want to stop in a few months

Next stop? Dad, are you taking the bus?

Maybe we should settle down


Next stop... Dad, are you serious?

Can I put this here?

can't you sleep

- Coco, it's time to go to bed. - Are you going to scare your mother to death?

Is this the only way to do it?

Yeah that's the only way to keep her quiet

Although not very good for the environment

It's too late for an abortion

- jane wants to k*ll herself - what?

- are you kidding me -No

true and false?

hold one

- green light. - how is he going to k*ll himself?

Apparently he's been taking su1c1de dr*gs for years.

-What? - you heard me right

- is this legal - it should be illegal dill...

I can't go around it, mentally handicapped


do you want me to talk to him

Do you think you can make him change his mind?

yeah listen if you want me to do it i will do it

I'll make him change his mind, by force if necessary.


- you dropped it - i don't have one there

you can use that

- did you tell the kids -No

It's not your problem. Don't think too much about it.

- i didn't think too much about it

This is Jane's problem. It has nothing to do with you or Ivan.

- do you think he would really do that -Um

Well, I think so too

- take that thing away. - what do you think of this?

Very shocking to both of you, of course.

But try to see it from Jane's point of view

Of course it won't be easy

It's okay for some people to decide their own time.

To be honest, I quite admire your father's courage.

It's time. It's a pity we didn't finish. We have to go.

He mentioned that he didn't want to go through the pain

He would rather have no pain at all

Sounds reasonable, right?

I've never heard of it

Alice, did you hear him say

i shouldn't have come

- are you leaving - kate noah bye


What was that storm called? Dennis?

hit the netherlands hard

But the situation in the UK is even more serious

character that sounds like a situation comedy

If we don't act, we will all sink eventually.

Let's talk about that Plan D

How was your weekend, Alice?

very weird

My dad said he didn't want to live

he wants to end his life

that's all

- oh my god - sorry

It smells so good. Is this your specialty lasagna?


- thanks for the pickup. - what are you doing

- you can't ride a lasagna on a bicycle . - yeah


Honey, have you got my bag?


I'll take this bag for you

- and a case

- I think these are dolls. - What are these?

Can make a small river, like this side

let's watch a movie

The more time you spend, the less time you spend watching movies

Come on, don't... Noah, you too

- How is Laura? -completely fine

- she's sleeping - like a doll

- super cute - really

- Dad, do you want some? -Okay, thank you

looks great

- are you all right? - so far

- looks delicious. - does elizabeth want it?

It's not tasty when it's cold. You need to microwave it again.

put it back in the microwave

Can you?

Have you checked that website?

hmm but that's too complicated

i want to keep it simple

I want the ending to be as simple as possible

so you can save trouble

That's why I want to say choose a suitable day

around my birthday

It could be on or after November 28th

but i don't want to wait too long

How do you feel about your day?

- ok. - ok?

The day is most convenient for us

Alice what do you think?

I think it's f*cking inconvenient that day

-mom? -what happened, Babe?

- doesn't work - press play

- I tried - "play key"

- I pressed ten times. - Don't press ten times. Just one.

That's my work computer, and it's all in there.

I'll take a look

I've discussed it with Ivan a few times

I also think it's a good idea to write the script beforehand

I saw a script on the Internet that many people use

I think it's a good idea to write the script first.

Sorry it works now

there are too many things to take care of

Like dues, house, furniture...

- by cremation or burial? -right

What kind of coffin and urn to use

Which song to play, speeches and obituaries are all considered

I've also talked to some people about the house

it's wise to sell now

You don't have to pay so much inheritance tax

Are we really going to start doing this all of a sudden?

Suddenly it all makes sense?

Dad, do you want us there when you k*ll yourself?

Alice, can we talk about this later?

i want to know the answer now

Alice, I don't have an answer yet. Is this ok?

I thought you both had a plan.

that's not the point

I don't want to cause you trouble after death

- but you still celebrate your birthday, right? -Yes

- Then everyone will know? -of course not

- it's just a birthday party - it's a farewell

Dad, give me the plate and I'll pack some for you

As you all know our company is honored to represent

The upcoming "International Water Congress"

Alice will be the keynote speaker

yes hi

I want to share with you some

The Case of "Water and Life"

More than half of all refugees are climate refugees

With these templates we can ensure that water is delivered

The driest corner of the world so...

I share an example

In Turkana, one of the driest places in Kenya

The average life expectancy of a person can be increased by ten years

People there usually don't live past 50

can you imagine 50 years old

In the Netherlands we didn't move out of our parents' house until we were 50

So through this mechanism

to ensure the quality of life of future generations

Unless we would rather die than want this mechanic

Back to these templates

Here we talk about velocity and flow and some


It starts with a lot of guitar...the melody is simple

wait, hum again


wait let's listen

- didn't detect - this melody is in my head all day

- who sang it - i only remember the melody

- the song is very old - wait and sing it again

- guitar first - you gotta sing it

Then there's the piano, and then we start all over again.

wait thank you


- are you familiar with music -um, yes

I hum some melody, can you listen to it for me?

-What? - there's a song i can't remember


First it's the guitar and then...

repeat again

a bit difficult

i think of two songs

"How to Stay in a Dream" by Tim Harding

The melody is also a bit like Rodriguez's "Why"

that song is now famous because of the documentary

but i'm not sure


- does it have something to do with your dad - can you send it to me

- what you said at lunch... - can you send it to me?

uh of course

Can you decide this today?

- oh ok thanks - thank you

You've entered Laura's voicemail

God, Luo, who the hell wrote this song?

And did you see my room?

We have space. It's a Dinon.

Wait a minute. See you later.


Elizabeth doesn't want to join?

no she thinks... take

She thinks that's what we should do together

she has a point

- is she at home with the kids -right

- hi dad - hi

Of course, it is more lively and interesting when children come together

But they also have their own ideas

- so does elizabeth . - yes

It's really weird but I'm getting used to it

-And you? -No

Dad, I figured I could...

Put stickers on what we want

I bought some stickers I use green you use red

If both stickers are on the item

decide on a coin toss

-is it on sale now? -No

You haven't confirmed the date yet, can you hurry up?

- what now? - Yes, so we can settle the case first.


Let me see

- on the day of the party? - tentatively

- ok i can - can you

- yes - all right, finalize the date

Does that make you feel better, Dad?

I started posting from downstairs

yes i'm here again

I'm going downstairs to put on the iron table lamp

no not sofa

- would you like something to drink -No

yes i know

I also posted it from downstairs

- do i need to go out for a while -Need not

it might be better to go out

- where did dad go -I have no idea

Mom's clothes are still there, you know?

have no idea

- i think i'd like to be there. - where?

Dad's Last Moment Scene

No way, dad said it all

Just sneak in

We can't just let him go alone, can we?

- Have you finished posting upstairs? -Um

- so fast - of course

I'm not like someone who wants to negotiate everything

(Tim Harding - "How to Stay in a Dream")

what can i say she is leaving

leave everything in front of us

what can i do i still love you

It turned out that everything was just a dream

How can I continue to stop in the dream?

How can... can I go back to the way it was in the past?

Hey are you going on a trip?

is to move in with you


great huh?

- would you like some coffee - no i'm almost done


- do you want to buy that -What?

that cup

-Uh, I... -No need?

go away

i'm talking to you

you're jumping on someone else's couch

What's wrong?

Do you let her jump on the sofa like this at home?

-What's wrong? - that sofa is mine

- so why is it here - some misunderstanding

my brother should have called me

So you can talk to my daughter like that?

- yes - mind yourself

Wow, it's fierce, take care of your stinky child

What did you say? Liv let's go

this woman is not normal

Sometimes it's crazy


- remember to check out - uh this is mine

Check it out, it's 3.5 euros

No, it's really mine. My dad gave it to me when I was four.

- class - what's going on?

Here's my stroller so I'm gonna take it

- you can't get things around - get things around?

This, those cups and that sofa belong to my house

- i'm taking it back now - sorry

I know it's annoying but I gotta take it back

pardon me for being inflexible

- how much again -3.5 euros

- can i swipe my card - this will add another 0.5 euros

Shall we just leave him like this?

Dad, you can become an actor

stop pretending, get up


How are you moving?

uh... that's interesting

- Where's Ivan? - it went well

I still need to practice mixing medicine and yogurt

It must be added immediately, otherwise there will be an error

- should i buy more yogurt -Yes

Waking up in the morning to find you dead

What should we do first?

i just said

I just want to double check

The most important thing is to make sure that Dad is dead.

still can't move him

Then call the doctors and tell them to call the police.

the order is important

If you can't touch Dad, how can you be sure he's dead?

why didn't we wear gloves sooner

Now the lobby is full of fingerprints


You're absolutely right, then we'll wear gloves.

We just put the gloves on on the sidewalk outside

Then put some gloves in a bag and put it in the garden

as a reminder

There's going to be fingerprints all over the house, the party's just over after all

Yell at

A lot of people on the Internet say they want to do this

It's common to make a video claiming to be voluntary su1c1de

Emphasize not being forced by anyone

with no one else present

Of course that's in my will too, right there on the table.

Hmm good idea what do you think?

- i want some wine - me too

Need help practicing video, or do it yourself?

i want some wine too

- hi - hi good afternoon

We're very interested in the house so take a look

- is this for sale - yes

- come in and have a look - wow i'd love to if i could

- of course - that's great

We are from Amsterdam, a family of five

That's great. It must be a lot of fun.

This is the hallway, the floor is made of glass mosaic

If you think it's too old-fashioned, you can replace it

- right dad? -What?

Can the glass mosaics in the corridor be replaced?


- want something to drink -No thanks

let's go to the kitchen

It is completely designed according to the latest fashion

modern kitchen

There's a great window here too and the fridge is new

With ice machine

The cabinet is specially designed by the architect of this house

It's really one of those 70's classics

Totally out of fashion thanks to the design of the house

Right Ivan?

- yes - this lady is interested in buying a house

Shouldn't the realtor handle it?

Why bother? Isn't she all here?

- uh... - let's go to the courtyard

The courtyard is very secluded and can fit all the bicycles

Our old swing is still there

unless my brother took it away

Still here, this is our terrace

Great for playing on the grass and great for barbecues

let's go to the living room

This needs to be lubricated

As you can see, the space is spacious and the lines are beautiful

Bright enough with a fireplace and double windows

- this is everyone's dream house - i think...

multifunctional training equipment

-Dad, is this going to stay too? -right

The house is for sale and you won't find a better one

I think I'll check back later...

No need to look around now

This man has lived here most of his life

If you have any questions, my dad, Jane, can answer you.

he will die here on november 28

right where we stand

Is it convenient to change hands now?

Or wait until you sell the house first?

But the real estate market is so crazy these days, don't stick to formality

- Want to give your realtor's phone number? -OK

What's wrong?

I'm sorry my sister...

how ah?

god stop

I knew it would be no good if you moved back

Yeah, so you'd rather just let Dad die like this?

No, we should follow the original agreement.

But now there's a new way, I'm moving

Do you feel like spending time with him

Will he change his mind?

not what you said

Hey Ivan what are you doing here?

- good question what are you doing here - what am i doing here

You tend not to let daddy get his wish

Why are you still here?

Take time to spend with dad

Dad, is that what you want too?

You know this is not what dad wants, right?

get along well

Let's go according to the original script so that everyone can feel at ease

maybe it's hard for you

but not everyone has to revolve around you


you are really nice

Allie... I got the wine

- where's your cup -I have no idea

- take it and i'll get it again - ok

Why don't we all drink like this anymore?

because we're f*cking old

- your dreams will come true - your dreams will come true

- your dreams will come true - your dreams will come true

Alice are you there?


I am going home

Stay here, Coco is asleep

yes but i have to work tomorrow

It's wednesday night and you said the plans don't change

it's closing here

Then let's renew the stall

no i'm tired i may be too old

- no - my class starts in a few hours



-Um? - you're not with that kid, are you?

No, what's wrong?

God, he's really not your type


- don't do anything stupid. - okay

- i'll call you again - ok

- have fun - bye

- he probably just needs sex. - what?

My dad wants to k*ll himself, but he probably just needs sex

What the hell? Why are you mentioning your dad now?

I don't know, I just thought of it

stop blowing

I have to go. I have class tomorrow.

Please, this is what every man yearns for

no really not

sorry it's really ok

What are you doing?

- can you let go -cannot

- let me go - don't

I gotta go

i don't think you want to go

let me go


Feel sorry

How are you?

Shall I get you some ice cubes?

-What do you need? - i got a call...

Well, I'm going to call the manager

- two cups of coffee - thank you

Alice here I come

I heard

i ordered coffee for you


May I please get up?


You know they purposely designed it to be

A place where guests don't want to stay?

The odd proportions between the tables and chairs are intentionally designed

super bright lights

I think they forgot...

It's not too bad if you lie down

- two buckets of your fried chicken - thank you


Dad, fried chicken bucket?

I think it would be nice for you to move back

- is this from 2009 -right

- hi - hi

-Do you need help? - help me get this

Is it too early to do this now?

I don't have time for the rest of this week

So I want to say prepare first

-with Laura? -Um

Laura is helping too

She doesn't sleep in her own bed lately

you started crying again

come see this

This is for the freezer. This is the yogurt that Dad asked for.

I checked the best before the 14th

Alice, we should get some treats for dad's birthday too.

Can you help me buy it?

- um - thank you

Alice and Grandpa are going shopping, isn't it great?

yeah baby grandpa's birthday is coming up

Isn't the hypermarket going to turn right?

no we're going straight

- alice is going to turn right here - no

we're going straight

How is this, Alice?

don't worry i bought a backpack

It's got everything in there. Toothbrush, passport.

and clean underwear

- i don't want to travel - i don't want certain things to happen

- Where's Ivan? - how is ivan

He'll be mad. I don't want that, Alice.

How long are we going to drive?

And where are we going?

-to the mountains. -the mountains? so crazy

No, we're going through Germany, Austria...

will be there


How many years did you buy it?

not a week is a year

so i buy a year

Are you going to get in the car?

take a look

take your backpack

- come - thank you

wait alice

we're almost there dad come on

have a look

Ten, nine, eight, seven... damn, six, five

four, three, two, one

Today is your birthday, ok ok ok

I'm pretty sure it's your birthday

we are very happy

So to sing this song for you:

I wish you a long life, I wish you a long life, yes

I wish you a long life, yes

congratulations dad

sorry it's not what you expected

i have a gift for you

Wow that freaked me out I can't believe you still have this

When I was sixteen, we were supposed to come

Yes, but your mother was seriously ill for the first time.

here we are

you wrote something in it

"Be Great Be Complete"

"Accept everything and be humble"

"Everything has to work hard"

try to do every little thing

Every lake is sparkling

because the moonlight shines on it

Thank you dear


Why are you doing that?

- are you peeking at me -Yes

It is better for blood circulation

Is it bad for you?

I don't know, I just like it

You just love it!

do whatever you want

Do whatever comes to mind, completely disregarding others


Don't you have something you really want to do?

- like going to la coupole for oysters - no

Going to a Bob Dylan concert?

his show is coming

don't want

-go to beach? -don't want

- sex - no

- What if it's with a beautiful woman? -don't want

- what about the escort? -don't want

- i pay for it - no

Still need to talk? Confess to a priest?

Are you crazy?

So what do you want?

nothing Alice I really don't need anything

Why don't you explain clearly?

Even if you explain it, you won't understand

- so it's because I don't have empathy? -no

- that's what you said. - I didn't say that.

i mean no matter what i say

You can't even think from my perspective

- how do you know unless you try it - i just know

- give it a try - no

Am I not worth your while?

Alice you are always full of energy

you won't understand how i feel

the worst is feeling lonely

born this way, die like this

now more proof

We can't see things from each other's point of view

It's not like that, just try it out

You just reject me thousands of miles away

I'm right here talking to you

but you didn't say anything

I said you were not listening

- you pushed me out on purpose - what are you talking about?

Would it be too serious to say "exclusion"?

That's how I feel

- of course you don't understand - I don't understand

go away, bored

you gotta let me go

Everything feels so alien to me

I do not want to live

i miss mom alice

I miss being with her

I can not stand it any more

Where is she now? Waiting for you in heaven?

I have no idea

- but i know she ' s not here - but i am

I'm here

- thank you very much. to your father. - to jane

hey noah

- who needs such a big house - must make a lot of money

or he can rent it out

- gerald do you have a lighter - um yes

Rent it out, if you rent it out...

- but it will be troublesome - it seems easier this way


- whoa - who?

Are you following me secretly? Don't run, I'm coming to get you

-Alice -Kate How are you? Got to go

go quickly

- i'm leaving. - ok

-Call me again, will you? - um, of course

- ok, bye, bye. - fight

- jane here we go - hold on give me a hug for laura

hey thanks for coming

- bye - thank you jane

You know how to go out and shout?

Are you going to sleep? Are you going to sleep?

come to mommy bye darling


come on honey

-Kate how are you? -coming

you get in the car first

wait and see

Kate are you coming?

Have you hugged Grandpa yet?

- come here - bye bye

- bye darling - bye

Goodbye, see you tonight, drive carefully


what is that?

It's an antiemetic. Need a booster dose.

I started taking it yesterday

- what is that -powder

I can not do it

- it's all right. - are you sure?

- do you want to stay -Yes

- Dad, did you ever think of that song afterward? -No

My life is over, it's complete

It's time for me to choose to k*ll myself

as you can see i'm alone no one pushes me

I left a farewell letter and a last will

Don't Say Goodbye to Dad