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05x22 - The Ghost's Story" / "The Spoilers

Posted: 05/04/23 06:36
by bunniefuu


The plane! The plane!

-Bye-bye. -CHILDREN: Bye.


- Good morning, boss.
- Good morning, Tattoo.

Have you seen Julie?

Well, she's having a problem
with Mr. Austin's fantasy.

Ah, yes. As I recall,
Mr. Austin's fantasy

was to become invisible. Yes.


Boss... is it possible
to have half a fantasy?

What do you mean?

I suppose that is Mr. Austin.

Yes, it would appear Julie
is having a little problem.

Half a problem.

Half a pro... [CLICKS TONGUE]



Smiles, everyone! Smiles!


TATTOO: Boss, who is that lady?

ROARKE: She is
Miss Amanda Parsons

from Baltimore, Maryland.

Miss Parsons earns
her living as a secretary,

but it is her ambition
to become an expert

in the occult.

A pretty lady like that
wants to chase after ghosts?

Yes, Tattoo. It is
Miss Parsons' fantasy

to attempt to win a
, -dollar prize

by staying just two
hours in Blackmoor Manor.

But, boss... nobody
was able to do that

and live through it.

ROARKE: I wrote her
such a stern warning

that my conscience is clear.

-That man, boss. -Yes?

There is something about him.

What is it?

You are most perceptive, Tattoo.

That is Mr. Harry Bodine.

Mr. Bodine is what
was once called

a bounty hunter.

For the reward money, he
tracks down and captures

the most deadly and
most wanted criminals

and fugitives from justice.

Mr. Bodine's
fantasy is to capture

the only man who
has ever eluded him.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.



ROARKE: Come in, Miss Parsons.

Uh, may I introduce
Professor Valentine...

How do you do?

And Dr. Daniels.

Yes, I know the
gentlemen by reputation.

They're both distinguished
experts in the occult,

therefore I, uh,

imagine we're all here
for the same purpose?

Yes, that is quite true.

What's happening
here, Mr. Roarke?

It's very simple.

All three of you have
asked for the same fantasy.

Now... this is a picture
of Blackmoor Manor itself.

Excuse me, gentlemen.

-Mr. Roarke? -Yes, Miss Parsons.

This isn't easy for me, but...
But I'm pleading with you.

Dr. Daniels and
Professor Valentine

are already at the
top of their field,

but this may be the
only chance I ever have

to get my foot in the
door, to be somebody.

Won't you please send them away?

Uh, Miss Parsons, I sympathize
with your personal problem,

but I can't play favorites
among fantasizers.

I couldn't possibly
do what you ask.

I'm terribly sorry.

Uh, I imagine you all know
the history of Blackmoor Manor.

It was purchased
on the Welsh coast

by an eccentric millionaire
and then transported here

to Fantasy Island,

where it was
precisely reconstructed

stone by stone, literally.

-Then, uh... -The first night

he tried to stay
there, a ghost appear.

ROARKE: But apparently, it
was like some diabolic form

torn straight from
the bowels of hell.

When the owner was
released from the sanitarium,

he sent me a check
for , dollars

to be given to anyone
who could live through

at least two hours
in Blackmoor Manor.

Many have tried, as
you can well imagine...

but no one... has
gained the prize.

They have all been...


Well, thank you for the
warning, Mr. Roarke, but, uh,

I have no intention
of backing out.

The lady speaks for me, as well.

Very well, then.

There are three of you,

therefore Professor Valentine
and Dr. Daniels will go first,

then Miss Parsons will try.

I'll have transportation
ready to pick you up

and take you all to
Blackmoor Manor

in precisely one hour.
Will you excuse me?

ROARKE: You will
note on this map

that, um, the island to
which I am sending you

is the most remote
one of this archipelago.

I will provide you
with a small boat

and, uh, well, the
rest is up to you.

Are you trying to tell me

that Nick Tanner is on
that island, Mr. Roarke?

The boss is just saying

that you should do your
own dirty work yourself.

I take it you don't like
my line of work, Tattoo.

For the record, Tattoo,

Tanner was leader of a g*ng

in a half-a-million-dollar
bank robbery six months ago.

Two innocent bystanders
were k*lled in the getaway.

That's correct.

I almost caught Tanner
down in Georgia, but he's, uh...

He knows more tricks
than a swamp fox.

He got away from me.

You mean to say
that if you catch him,

the reward goes to you?

Yes, there is a reward, Tattoo,

but it will go to the families
of the people he k*lled.

This is now a matter
of... professional pride.

I see.

I'm ready, Mr. Roarke.

Very well, Mr. Bodine.

You will find your
Mr. Tanner is... on that island.

Tattoo will take you
to your boat now.

- TATTOO: A bounty hunter?
- It will be all right, Tattoo.

I promise you.


That's a gloomy pile
of rocks, Mr. Roarke.

Yes, it has been called that
by certain people, Mr. Ross.

You stand before
Blackmoor Manor.

This is your last chance
to change your mind.

Very well, then.

Tattoo and the
driver will stay here

in case any of you wisely
decide to return to the hotel.


-Do you have a key? -What for?

We keep doors locked
to keep people out.

Nobody in his right
mind wants to go in there.

I've got an idea.

Why don't we go
back to the hotel

and have a cool drink?

We can stay here all day.

You know nothing's
going to happen.


Oh! Monstrous! Horrible!

- You cannot go in there now.
- Oh, yes I can.

It's all mine now. I'll be okay.








Stay real still, Mister.

You may not be the man I
want, so don't make me k*ll you.

[SIGHS] Harry Bodine.

Somehow, I didn't expect you.

How'd you find me?

It was the bacon, Nick.

Smell carries a long way.

Across five thousand
miles of ocean?

About it.

Stand up, real slow.

Throw that Kn*fe down.



You're good, Nick,
I'll give you that.

- But not good enough.


It's a long way back
to civilization, friend.

I promise you that.

I'm not your friend,

but I'll cauterize that arm
for you so as you don't lose it.

You wouldn't hurt me
now, would you, Harry?

Oh, it might hurt a little bit.

But just think, Nick...

It will strengthen
your character.

AMANDA: "Lord Rupert
Black, Admiral of the Blue."

"Captain Fitzhugh Ross."

He looks familiar.











No, don't sh**t!

Please don't k*ll me!



All this fuss and trouble

just to track down
an innocent man.


Yeah, an innocent man.



Well... here's about a...

half-million reasons
you're not innocent, Nick.


Oh, that's the bank's
money, all right, Harry.

All I'm saying
is, I didn't take it.

Bad luck must be
riding on my shoulder.

I only landed on this
island this morning

because that rubber boat
I stole was leaking bad.

Yeah. I saw it.

Well, just let that be
a lesson to you, Nick.

Crime doesn't pay.

All right, on your feet.

I'll just sit here, I think.





-[BOTH GRUNT] -[g*nshots]


And when we get
back to the boat,

I'm going to hogtie
you. [PANTING]

- If we get there, Harry.


Bet you that half
a million we don't.

I'm not a betting man, Nicky.

Now you get over
there and you sit down...

while I pack this stuff,

and don't you even
blink an eyelash.


[SIGHS] Where are you?

Come out!



- TIMOTHY: Ouch!
- AMANDA: Oh, I'm sorry.

Please... please don't k*ll me.

k*ll you?

You're already a ghost.

Indeed he is, Miss Parsons.

Uh, will you please
get up, Captain?

No, no, no, we can
handle this discussion

much, much better if
you'll materialize, Captain.

Now, that's better.

Miss Parsons, may I present
Captain Timothy Black,

late of His Majesty King George
the Third's royal grenadiers.

Enchanted, Miss Parsons.

You're the ghost of
Blackmoor Manor?

Unfortunately, he is
condemned to endlessly wander

these desolate rooms,

uh, to atone for a
transgression of youth.

Would you mind just putting
that p*stol down, please?

Thank you.

Mr. Roarke, what's...
what's happening here?

Well, uh...

Will you care to
explain, Captain?


No, I've lived with
the curse of memory

every day for the
last years, I...

Very well, then. Uh,
Captain Black was the son

of the distinguished
Admiral Lord Rupert Black,

one of the great heroes
of the British Empire.


Go ahead, say it.

I was as much a
coward as he was a hero.

Oh, no, no, Captain,

you're much too
hard on yourself. No.

His problem stems
from an unfortunate affair

of honor over the
affections of a young lady.

He was challenged to a duel
by Captain Fitzhugh Ross,

a noted cr*ck sh*t
and expert duelist.

They met in the woods
with his hero father watching.

When he stared
down the deadly barrel

of his opponent's p*stol...

Captain Black's
nerve failed him.

No, don't sh**t.
Please don't k*ll me!

ROARKE: He fled
the field of honor

with his father shouting
a curse after him

for bringing disgrace
on the family name.


Tragically, on his way back to
this very room years ago,

the captain was thrown
from his horse and k*lled.

I don't like it, Harry.

It's too quiet.

No bird sounds. Nothing.

I think we got company.

What kind of company, Nick?

It might be the guys I
took the money from,

Jack Slater and his pals.

-Take cover! -[g*nsh*t]


[g*nshots CONTINUE]

This way.


Maybe we're in luck.
Somebody might help us.

Anybody here?


Anybody home?

JULIET: Hold it.

Real still now.

Both of you.

That's right. Give me your g*ns.

The other one.


Wait till the news
services hear about this.

Now inside, both of you.


condemned to haunt this place

until I can do an act of courage

that would redeem
me in my father's eyes.

I... I... I couldn't help
running from Fitzhugh Ross.

He had the neighboring estate,

and he terrified
me from the time

that I was a little boy. He
took my girls, my ponies.

He b*at me up. He
broke my nose three times.

I... I never learned
to face up to him.

Well, Miss Parsons,

it would seem, uh,
that your fantasy is over.

And completely successful.

You have won the prize
by staying the required time

in Blackmoor Manor.

AMANDA: Yes, I...

I suppose I've gotten
everything I wanted,


but I do feel sort
of sorry for him.

-AMANDA: Mr. Roarke. -Yes?

AMANDA: There's
that jogger again.

He looks just like that
painting of Captain Ross.

It's him. It's Captain
Fitzhugh Ross.

- He's after me again.
- Oh, no. No, Captain, no.

Oh, his name is Ross, but
he's only one of our guests.

Although, I do understand
that, uh, his ancestors

came from Wales,

and... and not far
from the original site

of Blackmoor Manor,
as a matter of fact. Yes.

Miss Parsons, are you ready

for me to drive you
to your bungalow?

Mr. Roarke, isn't, uh,
that man being here

rather a large coincidence?

Are you suggesting that
I arranged a way for you

to possibly solve Captain
Black's eternal problem?

That's exactly
what I'm suggesting.


Well, I... I see your reasoning,

uh, but of course you
are wrong to suspect me.

Even if it would make
the best possible ending

for that book you
mentioned writing,

the stuff of which
bestsellers are made. Yes.

However, it wasn't
part of your fantasy

to help the ghost. Was it?

I am gonna to help you, Timothy.

-To do what? -To...

Well, I don't know.
Redeem yourself

with some act of courage
against that man outside.

Captain Ross? Are you crazy?

Aren't you satisfied

with what he did
to me the last time?

Timothy, don't you see?

If you're already dead, how
can he hurt you anymore?


Well, how can you be sure?

AMANDA: Trust me.

JULIET: You seem to be who
you say you are, Mr. Bodine.

I'm Juliet Milburn.

I own and run this
plantation such as it is.

Is there really a
half-million dollars in there?

You and me could
go a long way on that...

You hand me that shotgun

and your husband
didn't object too much.

My husband's dead.

And I wouldn't go
around the table with you.


I can help stop that bleeding.

Would you hold still?


You said you'd cauterized
it back there in the jungle.

It looks like a b*llet
nicked an artery.

lucky I didn't bleed to death.

Well, if you don't shut up
and hold still, you still might.

Is it going to hurt?

- You men are all so stoic.

It's going to hurt,
but you'll live.

Would you help me hold him down?

-My pleasure. -[NICK SIGHS]


I'm sorry, I... I didn't
know you were here alone.

Three years ago, my husband
and I bought this land...

to raise taro and rice
and be independent.

A year later, he was
k*lled in an accident.

I grew up on the wrong
side of Chicago, Mr. Bodine.

I had to fight for
everything I wanted to get

and wanted to keep.

Including myself.

You keep looking out the window.

Are you expecting someone?

Four men. The rest of
his g*ng, Mrs. Milburn.

He double-crossed them,

now they're looking
for him and the money.

They'll trail us
here sooner or later.

Four of them and three of us.

Those are better odds than
I'm used to. [CHUCKLES]

Two of us, Mrs. Milburn.

I wouldn't trust Nicky
boy here with a squirt g*n.

The only thing in this
world you do trust is money.

Right, Harry?

Reward money.

Whether the man you track
down is innocent or guilty

is no concern of yours, right?

Are you saying that
you weren't involved

in this robbery?


That's right.

Oh, I ran with the g*ng once...
but I paid my dues in prison.

When I got out, I
broke with Slater.

He didn't like that, so
he set me up to take a fall.

When they knocked over
that bank, they all wore masks,

and... just left an old
wallet of mine on the floor.

HARRY: Mm-hmm.

Then they just looked you up
and handed over the money.

Wrong. I looked them
up and took the money.


I figured I had it coming,
seeing's how I got the credit.

Well, you don't believe
that fairy tale, do you?

I haven't made up my mind yet.


AMANDA: I don't understand
how anybody's father

could condemn his
own son like yours did.

You must have hated him.

No, no, I... I didn't hate
him, I didn't hate him at all.

It's just... As a matter of fact,
I really loved the old butcher.

He just did the things that
people did in those days

and... well, most
of the time he was...

actually awfully good to me.

Would you like to see him again?

Yes. Yes, I sure would.

Just once... I would love
to have him look at me

and say...

"Son... I'm proud of you."

That would really... That
would really be something.

And we're going to
make it happen. Come on.

W... Wait, Amanda.


-May I kiss you? -Kiss me?

Well, I haven't kissed a girl
since the French Revolution.




That was even better
than I remembered.


Or maybe it's just
you, but... I think...

Well, at another time... I
could fall in love with you.

Oh, that would
be wonderful, but...

but a girl and...

and a man , that's
a real generation gap.

-Anyway, I got a plan. -But...

And the first thing we gotta do

is get you some different
clothes. Come on.

NICK: I've been
wondering, Harry.

Why don't you just hand me
and the money over to Slater?

You'll get your day in court,
Nick, that I promise you.


You know, Harry,
sometimes I almost like you.

But those guys know
their way around.

They're a small army and
they want that money bad.

That's what I'm counting on.

Men who want money that badly

aren't looking for ways to
die before they can spend it.

Money. Sometimes I
think that's the only thing

all men ever talk
or dream about.


You'll have to excuse
his manners, Mrs. Milburn.

You look beautiful.

Why, thank you, Mr. Bodine.


I see no reason why
we shouldn't all go in

and have dinner. I've got stew

that's been on the
stove cooking for six...

Six hours. If you'll
excuse me, I'll just go in

and start setting the
table. [CHUCKLES]

That's a real
woman there, Harry.

A lonely woman.

And a lonely woman is
more prone to make mistakes

about her judgment in people.

What I told her
about the robbery...

it's the truth,
Harry... I swear it.


No. Those people.

Wait a minute. Are you
sure we're dressed all right?

I mean...

look at me, I mean,
I... I look so pale.

I feel just a little bit
naked without my wig on.

You look wonderful.
And of course you're pale,

you haven't been in the sun

- for years.
- Well, I know, but...

[CHUCKLES] Oh, that's all right.
That's how we dress these days.

Yeah, but in my time, a
couple never wore that little

even on their wedding night.

I mean, that's what
I heard anyway, I...

- You know, I...
- Look, there he is now.

Oh, Captain Ross?

AMANDA: No. Now,
look, just walk up to him

and challenge him to a fight.

- No, I...
- Let him know you can really

-stand up to him. -No, I can't.

Maybe that will be enough
to remove the curse.


All right, well, if you say so.


You are a blackheart
and a scoundrel!

Are you talking to me?

Go on.


You're also a pony thief...

and, worst of all,
you're a creature

totally devoid of honor!

Do you know what
he's talking about?

I mean, none of you is
married to him or anything?

-No. -What?

Defend yourself!


-[GASPS] Oh! -Oh! Oh, oh!

You better cool off,
fella, before you get hurt.

-Oh, Timothy. -[ROSS LAUGHING]

Timothy. Oh, Timothy,
are you all right?

[PANTING] I... I think
he broke my nose again.


He was always laughing at
me when we were boys, too.

Amanda... we've
done it your way...

at least now I have the
courage to do it my way.

The old way.

At least now, I know
what I have to do.

To die with honor.


That smells like
real Chicago cooking.

Well, thank you.

How do you know
about Chicago cooking?

Well, not that it matters,

but I grew up on the
wrong side of that town, too.

But that would be good
cooking in any town.

-Get down! -[g*nshots]

That's what I was
afraid of. It's them.

For now, you reload the weapons.
There's a*mo in my backpack.

What about me, Harry?

Take the shotgun, cover my back.

SLATER: Tanner, let's talk.

I'm listening, Slater.

All we want is the money.

Bring it out and
you can walk away.

Do you still think I was
involved in that robbery?

I'll do it on one
condition, Slater.

Write out on a piece of paper

the truth about
that bank robbery.

What do you want me to say?

The truth.

Was I in on that job in any way?

No, you weren't!

NICK: Then write it down.

Spell it out, how you set me up.

Okay, I'll do it like you say.
I'll yell when I'm finished.

I just want you to know

that I'd already
made up my mind.

I believe you.

I know.

How about you, Harry?

I gave you the
shotgun, didn't I?

If he goes out there,
he'll be k*lled, won't he?

Just as soon as
they have the money.

We've got to think
of a new game plan

or none of us will
leave here alive.

Please, Timothy, give
me a chance to think

of something else. People
just don't duel anymore.

I'm sorry, Amanda, pistols
are the only language

Captain Fitzhugh
Ross understands.

But he's not Captain
Fitzhugh Ross.

He's just some
distant descendant.

He doesn't even know
what this is all about.

Ha! Fooled you too, has he?

Oh, it's you again.

And what are we
dressed for today?

Let's not waste time
with words, Captain. Here.

Choose your w*apon.

Uh, what's going on
here? This is a real g*n.

Oh, Timothy, please!

What is this loony
trying to do, lady?

I'm afraid he's going
to k*ll you if he can.

Correct. Now we'll
fight by the usual rules.

Ten paces, turn and then fire.

One... two...

-Timothy. -...three, four,

five, six, seven, eight,

nine... ten.

He's... He's really
going to do it.

Defend yourself, Sir.

No, don't sh**t!
Please don't k*ll me!


- I should have known.

I should have
known I was a coward

until the very end.

I might have lifted the curse

if I had just had the
courage to sh**t him!



We got a choice, Nick.

Tell them to stick
it and stay in here

and take our chances,
or we'll go out together,


Either way, it's
no good for her.

I know.


Wait a minute. I just
remembered something.

I think it's the edge that
we are going to need.

Good Lord, she put
the dynamite caps in

- with the sticks.
- Lucky for us, Nick.

I've got an idea. It's
not a very good one,

but if we time it
right, it could work.

Hold this.




That ought to give
you seconds.

To do what?

Give Slater...

and his boys...

[GRUNTS] ...a little surprise...

whenever you take
this money out to them.

And what the devil are
you going to be doing?

Count down, Nicky.


TIMOTHY: I guess
I've just ruined things

for good this time.

Oh, Timothy, listen to me.

It doesn't take courage
to sh**t someone down

in cold blood.

In your case, it took a
lot more courage not to.

Don't you see that?

right, Captain Black.

sh**ting him would have been
the most cowardly act possible.

In fact, Captain,
by not sh**ting him,

and by that act, possibly
condemning yourself

to endless years
more in this manor,

is undoubtedly
the greatest thing

you or any other
man could have done.

You really think so, Mr. Roarke?

Yes, I do.

But I wonder what
my father would say.

Why don't you...

ask him... Captain?


You've shown the
greatest courage of all,

my son. I'm proud of you. Proud!

So the curse is lifted.
I can leave now?

Yes, my son. The
curse is lifted forever.

Amanda... if only we'd
lived in the same time

I wouldn't want to go.

I'd stay here with
you even with a curse.

It would have been a blessing.

Do you understand?

- Yes, Timothy, I understand.
- Thank you.

And thank you, Mr. Roarke.
Thank you for everything.


Goodbye, Timothy.


I guess my fantasy
really is over now.

I wrote it down just
like you said, Tanner.

Bring out the money.

HARRY: When you hear me yell,

you get the hell back
through that front door fast.


Here it is. Tanner.
An innocent man.

Fair trade, right?

-HARRY: Ten. -A half a million

- in cold cash, Slater.
- HARRY: Nine.

-HARRY: Eight. -Come and get it.

Seven, six.

Better all be there.

- HARRY: Four, three.
- Count it for yourself.

One. Now, Nick!

-Nick, are you all right? -Yeah.



Well, looks like, uh,
they'll live to stand trial.

Uh, why don't you,
uh, pick up the money

while I go tie them up.
Thank you, I'd be most grateful.

What's going to happen
to Nick, Mr. Bodine?

Well, looks to me like
he's going to be busy

patching up this
front yard for a while...

But, uh, I'll put in a good word
for him when I get back home.

I don't know how you'll
manage to do much of anything

till that arm gets well.

Well, uh... I'll
think of something.



Do you, Juliet Milburn,

take this man to be your
lawfully wedded husband?

I do.

And do you, Nicholas
Tanner, take this woman

to be your lawfully wedded wife?

-I do. -ROARKE: Then,

by the power vested in me

as chief magistrate
of Fantasy Island,

I now pronounce
you man and wife.


Well, Mr. Bodine, your friend,
Mr. Tanner, got the bride,

but you are the best man.

And I always will
be, Mr. Roarke.

Well, just look at Nick,

he got a life
sentence, after all.

indeed. And I have a feeling

he's going to enjoy
every second of it.


-Thank you. -You're welcome.

Uh, Miss Parsons, we
have, uh, something for you.

- A check for , dollars.
- Oh, thank you.

For spending the necessary
time in Blackmoor Manor.

That's right. Oh, that
reminds me, Miss Parsons,

you will have a companion
on your flight home.

-Timothy! -Yes.

You see, his father
really did love him

and since his curse
deprived his son of his youth,

uh, the Admiral asked
me to make up for it

by letting Timothy
live out a normal life.

Hopefully... falling
in love and marrying.

Oh, he doesn't remember he
was ever a ghost. Oh, no, no.

Uh, Mr. Black...

will you?

Uh, Mr. Black, may I introduce
Miss Amanda Parsons?

How do you do?
It's nice to meet you.

Miss Parsons is an
expert in the occult.

Mm, really? That,
uh, sounds like

- a very interesting field.
- Mm, it is.

You meet some of the
most beautiful people in it.

Oh. [CHUCKLES] Thank
you very much, Mr. Roarke.

You're very welcome,
Miss Parsons.

-Thank you, Tattoo. -Goodbye.

Come on. [CHUCKLES]


That was nice, boss.

Yes. [SIGHS]

[MOUTHING] Thank you.
