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06x01 - Curse of the Moreaus" / "My Man Friday

Posted: 05/04/23 06:36
by bunniefuu


The plane! The plane!


- Good morning, boss.
- Good morning, Tattoo.

- ROARKE: Smiles, everyone.



Wow, boss, who is the dish?

Dish. The lady is
Ms. Linda Whitney.

She works for Fresh
Magic Cosmetics.

TATTOO: Is she a model?

- ROARKE: She's a secretary.
- TATTOO: What's her fantasy?

Ms. Whitney's
tired of the injustices

her occupation often
forces her to endure.

Her fantasy is to
become the boss.

I know the feeling.

Then perhaps you too
have something to learn.

TATTOO: That guy
don't look too happy.

ROARKE: He has
reason not to be, Tattoo.

Now, that's Mr. Jesse Moreau.
The lady is his wife, Kathy.

TATTOO: She looks happy enough.

Yes, Mrs. Moreau
thinks they're on vacation.

Her husband loves
her too much to tell her

the real reason they're here.

Hmm, sounds scary.

ROARKE: It's more
than scary, my friend.

Mr. Moreau is a
victim of a recurring

and terrifying dream.

His fantasy is to be rid
of his nightmare forever.

What does he dream?

That he murders... his wife.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.


ROARKE: This Fresh
Magic Cosmetics ad

is excellent, Ms.
Whitney, excellent.

Thank you. My boss got a raise

and a promotion for that ad.

TATTOO: But you told
me that you did the ad.

That's just it, I did.

Mr. Roarke, I've
been a secretary

with Fresh Magic
Cosmetics for years now.

I know that company
inside and out.

I've got great
ideas, great ones!

But do I get the credit? No.

Do I get a promotion? No.
Do I get overexcited? You bet.

I admire your
enthusiasm, Ms. Whitney.

And I believe we
can do something

to relieve your frustration.

Do you think you
could prove your ability

- in, say... two days?
- Absolutely.

admire your confidence.

Uh, how does Vice
President in charge

of advertising and
publicity sound to you, huh?

Too good to be true. How?

The president of
the conglomerate

that owns Fresh Magic Cosmetics

is an old and
dear friend of mine.

I told him about your
fantasy. And he's agreed

to let you demonstrate
what you can do.

You mean, I don't
have to type anymore

or take dictation or smile?

Of course not, you're
an executive now.

That's right.

I'm going to be great.

I will be decisive but fair.

I will be tough but
gentle. I will be cre...

I only have two
days to prove myself?

Two days.

To make you feel more at home,

we've moved your
office to Fantasy Island.

Good luck, Ms. Whitney.



Linda, I just heard
about your promotion.


- Oh, thanks, Terry.
- Mr. Turner needs you

to go over these layouts,
you have a meeting at four.


ROXANNE: Well, well,
well... [CHUCKLES]

You finally made it
out of the typing pool.

Hi, Roxanne.

Why you and not me?
That's what I'd like to know.

Well, I have been at
Fresh Magic a long time.

True. I keep forgetting our
age difference. [CHUCKLES]

-Well, congrats! Hey!

- I just hope you can handle it.
- A desk would help.

Follow me.

It's all yours.

get too hysterical,

that lettering
washes off with water.


in a couple of days, it
will be carved in stone.



- Oh, Mr. Roarke, please come in.
- Thank you, Mrs. Moreau.

I was expecting your
husband to stop by my office.

- Is he here?
- Well, believe it or not,

he's taking a nap.

He hasn't been
sleeping very well

the past couple of weeks.

Yes, he did mention
that difficulty to me

when he made
arrangements for your visit.

-Oh, did he? -Yes.

Well... Well, you know he...

He won't even
discuss it with me.

- KATHY: Jesse!

Kathy, no!


Oh, Jesse, oh, Jesse,
darling, you're awake now.

- It's okay.

Perhaps it's time
you told your wife

the truth, Mr. Moreau.

JESSE: I don't have a
lot of bad dreams, Kathy.

I just have one.

I keep dreaming
over and over again

that I'm...

That I'm trying to k*ll you.

Oh, darling, well, that's...
That's just a silly dream.

Unfortunately, it's more
than that, Mrs. Moreau.

Your husband's grandfather
and great-grandfather

also had such dreams...

and each resulted in tragedy.

- You don't mean that they...
- At exactly

one minute past midnight
on their th birthdays,

each of your
husband's ancestors...

m*rder*d their wives.

Oh, my God.

Try to understand, Kathy,
that tomorrow is my birthday.

Oh, darling...

W... Well, it's
still just a dream.

I mean, it's a coincidence.

But, Jesse, your
mother is still alive.

My father was k*lled in
an automobile accident

when he was ,
don't you remember?


Jesse, you love
me, and I love you.

Why, that's stronger
than any family curse

or whatever you think this is.

I used to think that
way, but my nightmare

is so real that I... I can't
take that chance, Kathy.

It was the wives
that were m*rder*d.

- If I divorce Kathy today...

she'd be safe.

Now, you can help
us out, Mr. Roarke.

You know as well as I do,

there is much, much
more to marriage

than mere words on a
paper or the subterfuge

of a convenient
divorce, Mr. Moreau.

Then what can we do?

Your problem originated
in a country house

just outside Marseille,
where your ancestors lived.

I'm afraid, Mr. Moreau, to
reach the end you desire,

it will be necessary to
start at the beginning.

You mean you want us to
go to that house in France?

No, no. Here on Fantasy Island,

the house will exist
exactly, exactly...

as it was in the past.

But only for the
duration of your fantasy.

When you are ready...

all you have to do is
go through that door

and follow the
pathway to find it.

Is this the only
way, Mr. Roarke?

I assure you it is.

I must also warn
you the only w*apon

you'll take with you is
your love for each other.

Guard it well,
Mr. and Mrs. Moreau.



Yes, I am looking
at them right now.

They are much
improved, and I love it.

- LINDA: You bet.

- Could you hold on a sec?

Thank you.

Hello? Yes, Mr. Norton.

- May I call you back?

-Thank you. -[PHONE BUZZING]

- Hold on. David, thank you...

very much.


Roxanne, I have got to
have a secretary, please.

Could you tell personnel
to speed it up a little bit?

Thank you.

How did Rosalind Russell do it?

Linda, sweetheart, I
heard about your promotion.

I want you to know
I'm absolutely tickled.

I know I've lost
the best secretary

a guy could ever have, but, hey!

This way, we can visit in
the executive washroom,

huh, huh? [LAUGHS]

Hey, your sink or mine, huh?
How much are they paying you?

That's none of your
business, Mr. Turner.

- I mean, Ed.
- Oh, that little, huh?

I've got a lot of work to do.

ED: Oh, temper, temper.

You have no reason
to be mad at me.

I mean, when I heard
about your promotion,

-I was just plain... -Tickled.

- Right. And do you know why?
- You lost your mind?


No, I think you're gonna
prove a theory of mine right.

-Yes? -Well, basically,

it's that a woman
just can't cut it

-as an executive. -Oh, really?

Yeah. Well, I mean,

you ladies are good
for one or two things.

Like thinking up ideas

that our boss
takes the credit for.

Yeah, like falling
on your cute little...

Busy, Ed, I'm very busy.

It's all right. I
was just leaving.

It's all right. [CHUCKLES]

I just wanted to let you
know that I know all about this.

This whole setup
is just temporary.

You've got only two
days to prove yourself.

-So? -ED: So I'm holding

your job open for you.

- You're going to need it.
- You know something, Ed...


-Ms. Whitney. -Yes?

I'm Jack Friday,
your new secretary.

secretary, huh, sweetheart?


Tick-tock, tick-tock.

Time is running out! [LAUGHING]


LINDA: George, can we
take the camera off the tripod

and get a few on your
knees down in there

as close as possible? Thank you.

Okay, remember,
crazy, wild, hot.

Keep moving, never stop,
keep in constant motion.

[SIGHS] Come on.

- Mr. Friday?
- Just plain "Jack" will do.

Jack, uh, I don't know if
we can move this out right.

What's the matter,
am I too tall?

Too hairy. [CHUCKLES]

I'm not prejudiced.
I'm looking forward

-to working for you. -You are?

Yeah. I mean, women
who have attained

your level of success have
worked hard to get there.

They tend to have
their priorities straight

and are generally
more compassionate

and understanding than
their male counterparts.


They also have better legs.

When did you decide
to become a secretary?

Uh, about three months ago

when my unemployment
benefits ran out.

- And what was your prior job?
- Aeronautics engineer.

I worked for a company
that designed jetliners.

Guess whose company went under

when the recession
hit the big airlines?

-Yours. -Yeah.

But guess who spent
his last bucks

going to secretarial
school so he wouldn't starve

waiting for it to all be over.

-You. -JACK: That's right.

And I got straight As
all the way through.

I type words a minute,
and I take shorthand at .

Make a note.

- Hire that man, Friday.
- Thanks, boss.

Well, well, well!

- The odd couple.
- You mean you and you, Ed?

Oh, how sad.

Only a few hours, and already

you're starting to crack
under the pressure.

- Are you kidding?
- I'll handle this.

- Are you kidding?
- I've never been more serious.

Linda, you're playing
in the big leagues now.

You've got to be ready

to field anything
they throw at you.

- I'm ready.
- You've got to be willing

to do anything to
get the job done.

-I'm willing. -ED: Oh, yeah?

You're willing to
do anything to get

Vito Orsati's endorsement.

Vito Orsati, the...
The clothes designer.

- Vito Orsati, the letch.
- ED: An important letch.

We need his endorsement
for our new line of fragrances.


Ed, the whole celebrity
endorsement campaign

was my idea. Remember?

Tell that to Vito at lunch.

-Lunch? -Right. [CHUCKLES]

Oh, by the way,

Vito likes women
to be nice to him.

You're ready to be nice, Linda?


Her, now.

Lunch with Vito.


JESSE: Oh, great, the kitchen.

How appetizing.


Oh, God.

Oh, so much for the grand tour.

Seventeen rooms
full of rats and dust.


I never promised you
a honeymoon, darling.


KATHY: How strange, a red rose.


Mm, a thorn.

Direct-pressure first
aid, that's what's in order.


Shouldn't you be applying
that pressure to my thumb?

I was working my way on down.


-[KATHY GASPS] -Who are you?

Well, I be Hogarth,
Master Jesse.

How do you know my name?

Well, I be part of your past

as well as part
of your future, sir.

The hell you are. Now,
what are you doing here?

Why, I be cutting off the
head of the little chickens, sir.



I preparin' to feed you guests.

Oh, it gonna be a grand
party tonight, don't you know?

Your birthday party, sir.


Who are you? The...
The caretaker? Who?

Ah, missy, yes.

I take great care, great care.

Get out of here with that thing.

As you wish, sir. I go
back to my little chicken.

Oh, if you need
me, Master Jesse...

I'll be close by.

Close by.

That you can be
assured, Master Jesse.


KATHY: Come on.



-LINDA: Mr. Orsati. -Si.

I'm Linda Whitney.

I am honored. No, no,
no, no, no, I am blessed.


Please sit down.

Would you like some sake?

Allow me.

-Mr. Orsati. -Si.

This is the ad that
we would like to use

to introduce your endorsement
of our new cologne.

"The Orsati Odor...

from the Fresh Magic Fragrance."

- I like it.
- We like it, too, Mr. Orsati.

Ah, you insult me.

- Call me Vito.
- Vito, are we in business?


We are in a
beautiful restaurant.

It's a beautiful day.

You are a beautiful woman.

I am a beautiful man, no?

-[LAUGHS] -Yes.

Who wants to talk
about business?

I thought that's
why we were here.

I don't think so.

See, uh, you chose
this particular restaurant

for a reason, no?

No... Yes, yes, I have
a house charge here.


No, no, no, no, I mean,
the setting, you know?

It is so romantic...
so seductive, so...

So why don't you
look at the contract?


How can I look at the contract
when I'm looking at you?

- I could move to another table.

Admit it, Linda...

you want me as
much as I want you.

-Yes, Vito, I do want you. -Ah.

I really do.

I want you to represent
Fresh Magic Fragrances.

Forget this Fresh
Magic, please. I...

I am a business
woman, Mr. Orsati.


You scratch my back...

I scratch yours.

You mean literally?

Why not?

You will get your
endorsement and...

I would get lucky.

It's quite fair. Now, you
tell me I'm wrong. Huh?

You're wrong.

I couldn't do it. I
just couldn't do it.

- Sacrifice your integrity?
- Sacrifice my body.

What am I? A piece of meat?

JACK: Well, of course not.

But, unfortunately,
there are a lot of

insecure men out there
who try to assert themselves

by manipulating women...

something which
you refuse to permit.

Linda, Linda, Linda,
tough break, kid.

Oh! You really
blew it with Orsati.

And it only took
you one day to fail.

It would only take me one
minute to put your lights out.

- You're fired.
- You can't fire him, Ed,

he's my secretary.

ED: You're not going
to have any secretary

if you don't pull yourself
out of this slump.

I'm not worried about it.


Well, it's your hobby to pace.

Now, listen, I am meeting

with Johana Holand
this afternoon.

I know.

Well, I think an endorsement
from a major motion picture star

more than makes
up for Vito Orsati.

Oh, it will, it will. There's
only one catch, though.

What makes you
think you'll get it?

Why shouldn't I?

But you're a woman.

That's for , Linda.












Forgive me for startling
you, Mrs. Moreau.

case, Mr. Roarke, it's a pleasure.

- Where is your husband?
- He's sleeping, I just left him.

Mr. Roarke...

I heard... I heard music...

and strange voices,

-and men laughing. -Yes.

I've discovered something
which you both should know.

The curse that plagues
your husband's family

began long ago
with a man named...

- Jacques-Pierre Moreau.
- Who was he?

A very wealthy,
very cruel aristocrat

who derived great
pleasure from v*olence.

Legend has it he k*lled his wife

in celebration of
his th birthday.

How horrible.

The evil he generated permeates

the floors and
walls of this house...

as did the blood of
his m*rder*d wife.

You must tell your
husband what he faces.


Oh, yes, I will.


Did you hear that, Mr. Roarke?

Mr. Roarke?









MAN: Shh.





Here we are, Ms. Whitney.
Where do you want me to park?

Right there will be fine.

Ernest, I'd like you to
meet Johana Holand.

So would I.

I am Johana Holand.

Oh, right.

I... I've seen all your films!

And they're so
wonderfully, uh, uh...

-dirty. -[DOG WHIMPERS]

Ernest, why don't
you let Ms. Holand

smell the perfume
you've created?

We'd like to call it
Essence of Johana.

Wow, that's vivid.

-[EXHALES] So is that. -[GROWLS]

Honey doesn't like it.

- Honey doesn't have to wear it.
- How do you like it, Ms. Holand?

Well, Ms. Whitney, I
think it's very nice, but...


I'm sorry to interrupt, but
your son's on the phone.

He needs to know right
away if it's okay to sleep over

at Jeff's tonight. I
love sleep-over dates.

Johana Holand, Jack Friday.

- I'm a big fan.
- Oh, you certainly are.

Heavy dynamics happening here.

Uh, Jack, you may tell
my son that that's fine.

-Thank you. -Oh, right.

Very nice to meet you.

- Well, what do you think?
- I like him.

-I mean about the perfume. -Oh.

Well, well, to tell you
the truth, Ms. Whitney,

perfume bores me to tears.

I'm more interested
in, uh... other things.

Does that mean
we're not going to get

- your endorsement?
- Oh, I didn't say that.

I might be persuaded.

-What can I do? -Nothing.

But your Mr. Friday

might be able to
accomplish a great deal.

My apartment,
eight o'clock tonight.

Oh, and tell him not to dress.


KATHY: When those men saw me

it was almost... It was almost
as if they were expecting me.

I know they can't exist.
But I know they do!

Oh, please, please,
Jesse, believe me!

Kathy, I do, I do, but...

We don't stand a
chance against them!

Oh, please, please,
Jesse, let's get out of here!

Kathy, listen to me,
we've got to whip this thing.

Mr. Roarke said that
our love was our w*apon.

Against what? Mr. Roarke
also said that this...

This house is...
Is filled with an evil

so strong it's
lasted for centuries!

- Oh, honey...
- Oh, please, Jesse,

- please, let's get out of here!
- Okay, okay!

JESSE: Ah, it's locked.

Hey, there's... There's a
back door in the kitchen.


-Damn it. -Damn it!

Let's try that window.

Stand back.


- Jesse, why won't it break?
- Let's go! Come on.

Oh, Linda, sweetheart,
what are you doing here?


Actually, Ed, I'm working.
What are you doing?

- Gloating?
- Well, do you blame me?

I hear Johana Holand
came and went without you

getting her endorsement.

- That can mean only one thing.
- What does that mean, Ed?

Better start
practicing your typing.

You're gonna be calling
me Mr. Turner again

any minute now.

- Don't hold your breath.

Ed, I'm gonna get
that endorsement

no matter what I have to do.

- You buzzed.
- Yes, Jack, have a seat.

Uh, Jack, I would like to
discuss something with you.

Actually, I'd like to
ask you something.

Would it be possible... Well,
would you be comfortable

with the idea of, um...

- Is this a proposal?
- More like a proposition.

- [GASPS] Oh.
- Jack, ideally a relationship

between a boss and a
secretary is like family, like...

- Mother and son.
- Or brother and sister.

Do you get what I'm driving at?

- Well, they should be close.
- Close, yes, and loyal.

-Devoted. -Devoted.

Exactly, they would do
anything for each other.

Right, absolutely anything.

Which is why I want you to do
anything with Johana Holand.

-What? -You are the only one

she will give her
endorsement to, tonight.

Don't dress.

You'd ask this of your
son, your own son?

- Brother.
- Jack, listen, I am desperate.

If I don't get this
endorsement, I will lose my job,

which consequently means

that you will lose
yours as well.


-Okay. -Oh, Jack,

I will do anything to
make this up to you.

A three-week vacation, a raise.

Whatever you
want, you've got it.


Just answer me one question.

What am I? A piece of meat?

[SCOFFS] Not a pretty picture.

This house will
never let us out.

JESSE: There's about
an hour of daylight left.

I swear, Kathy, I'll find a way.

I'm coming with you!

No, no, you lock the
door as soon as I leave.

Don't let anyone in, anyone.

Oh, I love you, Kathy.




Oh, it's going to be
a fine party tonight,

Master Jesse.

And if you and the
missus decide to dine in,

going to be wonderful indeed.

-Yes, sir. -Stop it!

Pick it up, Master Jesse.

That's right.

Jacques-Pierre's missus,
she wants revenge.

She going to have it, too.

That's right, now...

nice, clean chops,

up and down.

Up and down. That's it, Jesse.

missus, she see your wife,

and she says she's
got to wait 'til midnight.

- Wait for midnight, Jesse.

- Midnight, Jesse. That's it.

We all wait for midnight, Jesse.

- That's it, up and down!

Up and down, Jesse!

-Up and down! -[GRUNTS]

Harder, Jesse, harder Jesse.

That's it, up and down.


Up and down,
Jesse, up and down...

Going down?

I think I'm all already
about as low as I can get.

You're not enjoying your
fantasy, Ms. Whitney?

Oh... Oh, yes, it's...
It's, uh... wonderful.

It's great.

Her words and her
face don't match.

Just what seems
to be your problem?

I'm turning into an Ed Turner.

Oh, no.

What's an Ed Turner?

He used to be my
boss, and a lousy one.

I promised myself that
if I ever got the chance,

I'd be different.

Now I find that I'm
treating my secretary

the way Ed Turner
used to try to treat me.

Well, you know, Ms. Whitney,
perhaps you're only doing

what you have to
do to be a success.

You mean being venal
and rotten and corrupt?

Oh, there are those who
believe those qualities

are a business
person's best w*apon.

Uh, you've heard of
"looking out for number one,"

haven't you?

Yes, I have. And
I think it stinks.

I don't think any amount
of success is worth

sacrificing your integrity.

- I'm getting off, Tattoo.
- Where are you going?

To save my integrity,
and my secretary.

- Good work, boss.
- Thank you, Tattoo.


Who's the third glass for?

Uh, my dog loves the bubbly.

Of course, why
didn't I think of that?


here's to Essence of Johana

and a highly successful
business relationship.

Ah... [CHUCKLES] No, no, no, no.


-All right. -Here's to us...

and a highly
superficial evening.


Hi, boss.

Talk about your bad timing.

- You mean I'm too late?
- No, you're too early.

Good, then there's
still time to save you.

-From what? -From you.

[SCOFFS] Somehow I
never thought of myself

- as a fate worse than death.
- [CHUCKLES] Neither did I.

Well, you see, the
point is that Jack here

is not a piece of meat.

And I don't have
the right to offer him

in exchange for an endorsement.

Uh, besides,

that's not the kind
of businesswoman

I want to be.

Anyway, this perfume
is a very good product

all by its little self.

And so is this contract,

with or without Jack
as a fringe benefit.

That's all I have to say.

Take it or leave it.

[SCOFFS] I'm not used to
people giving me ultimatums.

And I am tired of
people playing games.

Jack, I will never ask you
to work overtime again.

I promise.

Well, actually, it's,
uh, it's quite all right.

As a matter of fact, I'll
probably never ask you

to do anything again.

I have the feeling
I'm out of a job.

Hey, hey, easy on
the heart strings.

I may be cheap,
but I'm also sensitive.

You've got your endorsement.

You're kidding?

There it is.

I like your style.

And I also like the
fact that you would

risk your job to save
this young man's honor.

Yeah, thanks a lot.

- It's my pleasure.
- I'm glad somebody got some.

Hmm, hmm.





Jesse, wh... What are you doing?


He told me...

He told me to
wait until midnight.


Jesse, the... The
doors are made of wood.

You can use the hatchet
to chop our way out.


-What's that? -It's nothing!

Please, please, hurry!

We've only got five
minutes to go, Jesse!


-Listen. -Don't! No, please,

please, Jesse, don't stop!

- It must be near midnight.
- No, no, no.

Please, please,
please, darling...

- We've got to join the party!
- No, no, no, Jesse!

No, no!



Not in there, Jesse! No!




Oh, Jesse!




how kind of you to join us
for your birthday celebration.

For you, my dear,

- blood red, you see.
- Our favorite color.

Happy birthday, Jesse.


k*ll her!

Yes, k*ll her!

ALL: Yes, yes, yes, yes...

Oh, no, Jesse!

- Jesse, I love you.
- ALL: Yes, yes, yes...


No power on Earth
is as strong as love.

Jesse, love.

Love is life, Jesse!
And I love you!

I love you!


Jesse, we've won!

[WHIMPERS] Oh, Jesse.

Jesse... happy birthday!

- Madam Vice President.
- Oh, you heard?

That your fantasy
is now a reality?

Oh, yes, congratulations,
Ms. Whitney.

Thank you. It's one of
those working vacations

that really paid
off, Mr. Roarke.

But I couldn't have
done it without you.

And your secretary.

- Wasn't he helpful?
- My man Friday?

I couldn't have done
it without him either.

But you know what they say?

An employer is only as
good as her employees.

- Thank you once again.
- You're very welcome,

-Ms. Whitney. -Tattoo.


-Boss? -Yes.

Is that true that the
top guy is only good

as the people who work for him?

Oh, absolutely, absolutely.

Oh, wow. In that case, you
must be great, right, boss?

Maybe we'll come back for my

next birthday
celebration, Mr. Roarke.

- Without nightmares.
- Oh, definitely, Tattoo.

I believe I can assure
you, there will be

- no more nightmares.
- I'm still not certain

just how that so-called curse
got started in the first place.

ROARKE: Legend
has it that your ancestor,

Jacques-Pierre Moreau,

not only k*lled his
wife in the revelry

of his th birthday party,
he also made the mistake

of not knowing she was a witch.

And so before she died,

she put a curse on
the whole family?


But now, through the power
of your love for each other...

you have removed
that curse forever.

- Good-bye.
- Good-bye, Mrs. Moreau.

-Bye-bye. -Mr. Moreau.

-Bye-bye. -JESSE: Bye-bye.

Boss, I like it this way better.

Amen, Tattoo, amen.
